Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Period 1 Civics 8/27-8/30

Current event for week 1: August 27-August 30
Current Event Content Requirements:
Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.
Source: (website)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be two paragraphs in length (minimum).

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. I read the state news article titled " Text a driver in Jew Jersey and you could see your day in court." This article was published today, August 29th, by Ben Brumfield and Chris Boyette. This event happened in New Jersey and it entailed that last year and 18 year old named Kyle Best was at the wheel and texting his girlfriend Shannon Colonna when he passed the white line and hit a couple as thy were riding a motorcycle. The "Kuberts" Mr. and Mrs. both lost a leg. And when the case was taken to court they pushed to not only sue Kyle, but also Shannon they argued that she should not have been texting him while he was driving.
    Sadly, they did not win the case against Shannon for it was not proven that she knew he was driving. This event is relevant because texting and driving is a biiiiiig issue in the states, especially with teens. When I read this article I felt very empathetic towards the Kuberts. They both lost their legs and their life has probably become harder for them. I think Kyle should have texted her saying he was driving or at least wait for a red light and after he stopped. I chose this article because I find texting while driving to be a very serious problem and I am 100% against it. Even talking on the phone. It'll have to wait for the red late or until I park.
    The link is below

  2. I read the CNN news article on politics titled, “U.S. officials: United States to act on Syria on it’s own timetabled”. This article was published by Elise Labott on August 28th. This event happened in the United States in Washington State at the White House in year 2013 on august 28th . This article was about President Barrack Obama insisting on telling the media that he had not yet made a decision on responding to Syria, but the American officials instead that the President will decide on his own time. Agreeing with the President, the British Parliament suggested that the President should extend his time on deciding to respond to the Syria Act. Also agreeing with the president and the British Parliament, one of the U.S. senior officials said, “We can’t wait, we need to act according to our interest”, which made this more things simple to suggest about, that had things moving quickly since the President had no decision yet. The British Parliament also consider a resolution that calls for no military action before the United Nations Security Councils decide to go for a weapon inspector, whom is still to be in Syria and who is inspected to be there for several other days. Now a second senior U.S official said, “Why do we need to wait for a UN report to tell us what we already know… Targets would not be in areas where inspectors are located”. The second U.S. official suggested that they shouldn’t have to wait for the UN report because they have more power and that they should let the inspector stay in Syria for the weapons. This article is relevant because it talks about how should the President handle with the decision to make about the Syria situation. I agree all the way with the President, British Parliament, and the first U.S. senior because it make sense, like the President should take his time about his decision because it’s a decision that decides as if they might want to go to war with us or if they want to be reasonable with us and agree with our decision. I chose this article because I to want to know what Barrack Obama is bound to do with this decision and I hope he makes the right choice.http://security.blogs.cnn.com/2013/08/28/u-s-officials-united-states-to-act-on-syria-on-its-own-timetable/?hpt=hp_bn3

  3. Source: (website) http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/09/03/after-unprecedented-financial-crisis-philadelphia-students-head-back-to-changed/
    Article Title:After unprecedented financial crisis, Philadelphia students head back to changed schools
    Article Date:September 3,20123
    Who:Associated Press
    When:June-Until now
    What happened:Philadelphia school district claims they don't have enough money for for schools.Now teachers are going back with smaller paychecks and students are going back with little to no money for schools, no principals, secretaries,and teachers.
    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because how are the kids going to learn now with barely no tools to learn with. Basically, it's like they want all of the future to go to prison and not succeed in life.That's just the way I see it because a bunch were closed at the end of the last school year. Yet a $400 million prison was build that money could have been used for the schools.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)I feel as though it's not fair how everything happened so fast , no one was able to vote on it or nothing. I went to public school most of my life so I know what it's like to be in the situation, I also have family members who are in the Philadelphia District School System.
    Opinion (I think..) I think it's unfair to everyone, who has to go through this process. Whoever graduates from Philadelphia public schools are just graduating to graduate and get a diploma, but the diploma is worth nothing in the long run because they didn't learn anything to receive it.
    Connection (why you chose this article)I chose this article because this is crazy how the city of Philadelphia has money for everything else but schools. I just don't think it's fair.

    1. Alexis,
      This is posted under the wrong week. Please re-post this assignment under the correct week, 9/1-9/6.
      Ms. Rachael

  4. Hillary Clinton feel as though the Bernie Sanders campaign is telling false stories about her and what she wants to do as a president. She got fed up when a activist for green-peace asked her about her view on the organization. One time in December at Iowa city town hall and another in February. The activist asked whether or not she is going to reject fossil fuel money. Hillary responded that she does have money for fossil fuel and that she is sick of Sanders campaign lying on her. Furthermore, she expresses how she is even more upset about how protesters approached her, with more of and attitude then understanding.In my opinion, I think that Sanders need to stop these false accusations because in the end his only mindset is to want better for America. Even if he don't see Hillary fit for this country is she at least take in account that shes better then Trump.

    Dicker, Rachel. "Hillary Clinton Gets Heated Over a 350 Action Activist's QuestionR." U.S.News. N.p., n.d. http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2016-04-01/hillary-clinton-i-am-so-sick-of-the-sanders-campaign-lying-about-me. 4 Apr. 2016.
