Sunday, September 21, 2014

1st period, 9/22-9/26

1st period, week of 9/22-9/26

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences). Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.

Source: (entire website address) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title: Challenging the privacy of statements made during jury deliberation

    Article Date: september 15,2014

    Who: A motorcycle rider, and a Truck Driver

    Where: South Dakota

    When: summer of 2006

    What happened: in 2006 a truck crashed into a motorcycle. The results of this the motorcycle rider lost part of his leg, the rider sued, but the south dakota jury sided with the truck driver. Days later one of the jurors approached the rider's lawyer saying, he was reviewing his thoughts. A forwoman name, Regina Whipple sided with the truck driver comparing judgement to her family's experience, ms.whipple revealed that her daughter has been accused in a fatal car accident. ms.whipple said, ''If her daughter was put in the position of being sued it would of destroyed her life.''siding with the truck driver to prevent this from happening to him. The injured rider sought a new trial based on sworn statements but lower courts refused to consider it. Relying on supreme court precedents and a rule of evidence that set strict limits on inquiries into what jurors said during deliberation.

    Why this event is relevant: this event is relevant because it shows that not everyone can win a battle relating from injuries, in court because someone should not have to face consequences from something that was an accident it may of ruined the bike rider life but his injurie was an accident and if the motorcycle rider would of won the case both of them would of suffer consequences but this consequence of being sued would have been like revenge from something that was a accident.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)my feeling towards this are normal because of all this was not ment to happen. And it was all just a accident

    Opinion (I think..) I think the truck driver shouldn't be sued because it wasn't like he ment to crash into the motorcycle rider it was a accident, he should be face with different consequences but not being sued.

    Connection (why you chose this article)I chose this article because it was an interesting case to read about, on how a truck driver won the case from crashing into a motorcycle rider and causing him to lose part of his leg. From trying to sue him, because in this case the state of south dakota, was on the truck driver side and usually people would feel bad and take the side of the victim that face injuries in the accident but it was different this time the jury felt as if the truck driver was innocent from something that was more deeper than being sued.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Source:

    Article Title:thinking clearly about ISIS

    Article Date:september 16,2014



    When: in syria and iraq how isis is effecting the US

    What happened:Obama has spoken up about ISIS and how they are a danger to us when the civil war broke out people lacked in there positions to help. The problem is we americans do not know much about history for years our country has suffered due to the lack of rational thinking when obama took away the last sinifigant forces iraq began to fall apart again therfore obama has to make a stance to stop ISIS not only are they a threat there harming people and starting to take over iraq and obama needs to move fast before ISIS takes over everything
    Why this event is relevant: THIS is relevant because this is happening today and if us americans do not make a stand to stop we will soon be in danger by ISIS just like peeople are in syria obama and the army need to be smart about how they attack ISIS because one wrong move can hurt us all

    Reaction: im upset because i feel as thought obama should have been did something if they were a threat now they were a threat before we as in our allies need to come togather and help each other and bring down ISIS NOW!

    Opinion:we need to stop talking and make a move on ISIS so they know that we are not playing they need to surrender or prepare for war thats my opinion

    Connection: ive choosen this article because after seeing obamas speech about how we need to make a stand and how we talked about it in class it really made me what to do more research on why ISIS is such a threat

    1. This was a great article choice. This article should have given you te greater historical context you were lookin for.

  5. Source: Wall Street Journal
    Article Title: Democrats Urge First Lady to Hit the Trial
    Article Date: Monday, September 22, 2014
    Who: Michelle Obama and Democrats.
    Where: The United States
    When: September
    What happened: At this point, since the president is facing some emergency problems in other countries, has no chance to be obligated to travel from city to city speaking to candidates. The democrats thinks Mrs. Obama could be appearing more at the States candidate campaigns. Michelle Obama has more ratings than Mr. Obama, so it would be successful for the democratic drive of becoming a representative of the United States. The First Lady talks about some issues that is going on as a First Lady perspective, other than elections.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because democrats needs a figure to help them win the the term. So they can do to assist the citizens needs.
    Reaction- I'm delighted to know that the First Lady is not only helping her husband of his responsibilities , but also doing a favor for the democratic for more votes. Mrs. Obama is a great influence for many situations and this one was a great idea.
    Opinion (I think..)- I think this article was very suitable for me to understand the point of it and why the democrats chose Mrs. Obama.
    Connection- I chose this article because it was very interesting to know that Mrs. Obama will be involved in a political campaign.

    1. This is definitely an interesting shift in the role of the First Lady. Michelle Obama has a greater presence than many First Ladies before her.

  6. Source:
    Article Title: House signs off on Philly schools tax measure
    Article Date: September 22, 2014
    Who: house of reps , senate , republicans
    Where: Harrisburg , PA
    When: doesn't say
    What happened: in this article its speaks about how the bill has been passed that they will raise the tax on cigarettes by 2 dollars . The majority rules won 114-84 . The city approved to give 83 million to the states biggest school district . They composed a 1.60 cigarette tax.
    Why is this event relevant: this article is relevant because the increase in the cigarettes gives the government more money to fund schools .
    Reactions: my reactions to this is good because it would really most of the public schools in the world.
    Opinion: I think they should raise to taxes because it will give them more money .
    Connection : my connection to this is when the gas prices raise so that it gives them more money to provide the gas .

  7. Source
    Article Title: Female Human Activist killed by ISIS
    Article Date : This took place on Thursday September 25.
    Who: ISIS and the Militants were involve in this horrible event.
    Where: The event took place in Iraq ,the city of Moscul.
    When : September
    What happened : in this article a young woman right activist was shot and killed do to her post on Facebook. She was recently in a undercover placement with her husband and three kids . The United Nations help with the investigation. This is because she wants to Band Islam from the city.
    Reaction: I feel that what she wanted was not to band Islam from people if that is what they really believe in. I feel that she was wrong to try and disconnect people from the religion.
    Why is this event relavent: This is very important to the United states because we were going to go in and stop ISIS from trying to take over. Now the united states have to deal with the reasoning of them killing the young women.
    Opinion : In my opinion everyone will not get there way because they are going about it wrong. I feel that people just want to hurt every the other person. Now everyone is not going to get along even though it is not going so well in Iraq.
    Connection: I chose this article because I feel that the United States really wants to make ISIS go away. This article reminds me of how on twitter they argue over post about Islam and Christianity and what is the truth behind it.

  8. news.could./politics/2014/09/25/obama-urges-world-to-do-more-to tackle-ebola
    Article Title: Obama Urges World To Do More To Tackle Ebola
    Article Datee: September 25,2014

    This article involves President Obama and the United Nations. This happened at a U.N. meeting about ebola virus. President Obama discusses why ebola needs to be controlled and taken more seriously at U.N. meeting. It is one of the largest outbreaks of the virus. More then half the people who contracted this virus has died from it. President Obama has sent 3,000 troops to help set up sanitation and treatment clinics. Also President Obama has given 1 billion dollars left over wad money to help the epidemic of fighting the virus.
    This is relevant because U.S. health officials estimate numbers of infected could reach 1.4 million by mid January of next year. I think this is very scary and hope other nations become more serious like President Obama said. I think we should isolate countries and close borders because a majority of African people don't believe in medicine practice or their government. I can connect to this because if the estimate for next year is meet than the virus will the become a global threat affecting all countries all over the world.

  9. Source:

    Article Title:Ebola crisis calls for 'strong' action, Obama tells United Nations

    Article Date: September 25 2014

    Who: Obama, UN

    Where: West Africa

    When: Virus started In December 2013

    What happened: A deadly virus named Ebola is spreading and killing people in Africa. Ebola is a virus that be spread from blood to blood contact or body fluids. Some of the symptoms include Fever, headache, and even death. Obama travel to the UN to talk about the Ebola virus spread and urges them to take action about it before it gets worst.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because if people don't take action the virus can eventually spread to America. This deadly virus is killing thousand in Africa's and can kill more.

    Reaction: I'm a little hurt that thousands of Africans are dying to this virus. They already don't have the resources their so its going to be harder to treat them.

    Opinion: I think people should try to find a antivirus to this ASAP. Because I don't want this virus to spread to America and my family or love ones to catch it.

    Connection: This reminds me of the movie contagion. The reason it is similar to this movie is because it is a virus that can out of no where and stated killing thousands of people.

  10. Bahsil Franklin


    Article Title: ISIS's worst nightmare: Female fighter pilot

    Article Date: September 26, 2014 7:22 AM

    Who: Maj. Mariam Al Mansouri

    Where: United Arab Emirates

    When: Not mentioned in article

    What happened: A middle eastern woman has become an airstrike pilot to fight against Isis. She wants to fight against her country because what they are doing there is wrong. The UAE and others have joined the USA so they can take out ISIS.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because she is the first ever female pilot to be enrolled in the United Arab Emirates. Not only that but she is going against her own people that are doing wrong.

    Reaction: I was surprised at first when they had said 'first female'. But this makes me feel good because she doing it for all the right reasons.

    Opinion: I think more woman should join the UAE because it would make a statement against ISIS and hopefully put some sense in their heads that women can do amazing things.
    Connection: The connection I can make to this is when Deborah Sampson was the first woman to join the US military. She was in service for 3 years and fought in the Revolutionary War. But she had snuck in the military disguising her self as a man named Robert Shurtlief.

  11. Source:
    Article Title: U.S. Air Strikes in Syria "Destroy IS Tanks"
    Article Date: September 26, 2014
    Who: U.S. Military
    Where: Syria
    When: Did not mention
    What happened: U.S. led airstrikes have destroyed four tanks and damaged another during the fourth straight night of bombardments in Syria. Because the U.S. led with their airstrikes, the UK is said to vote on possible airstrikes in Iraq, to help potentially take out ISIS.
    Why this event is relevant: ISIS is said to be located in Syria and in Mosul, a city in Iraq. The U.S. and the UK have and are planning to send more airstrikes to potentially wipe them out or "sniff" them out.
    Reaction: This to me is a "small step in a very long process". But with every move the U.S. and its Allies make, there is no guarantee. Just because you bomb a certain area and what not does not mean ISIS will be found. There is definite uncertainty but I love the effort.
    Opinion: Like I said I love the effort and resiliency of the U.S. and its Allies to find and eliminate ISIS. Clearly they weren't bluffing. However, there is too much uncertainty when it comes to the airstrikes and everything. There is no guarantee ISIS is here or there.
    Connection: I chose this article because it made me trust the U.S. and its military on what it's doing and planning to do. As of now I am pleased with the effort of the U.S. government, military, and its Allies on their plans. Hopefully all what they're doing will not be in vain.

  12. Source:
    Article Title: The name of this article is Britain Set to approve Airstrikes Against ISIS in Iraq.
    Article Date: This article is from September 25, 2014.
    Who: This article is about the british prime minister and ISIS militiants.
    Where: This article takes place in Syria.
    When: This aricle states that they are waiting approval until today to approve or disapprove whether or not they can airstrike them.
    What happened: An american airstrike blew up and oil factory in Syria. So Syria started bombing back. Refugees want to help american airstrikes but want do it on the ground. Troop have destroyed ISIS members cars and taken back hilltops from ISIS all with the help of american airstrikes members.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because is shows the America is fed up and want to end thiis war with ISIS by wiping them completely out.
    Reaction: My reaction to this is that I think that they should try to come to peace without fighting. They should send the soldiers home because this fight has been drawn out for too long.
    Opinion: I think that America has already won the fight because they have fought without any mercy. They have shown what they are capable of at there best and worst.
    Connection: I chose this article because it stood out to me. It has shown there dedication to trying to provide and protect our country.

  13. Source:
    Article Title: ISIS' worst nightmare: Female fighter pilot
    Article Date: Friday September 26, 2014
    Who: A woman named Mariam Al Mansouri is the subject of this article.
    Where: This article takes place in the UAE.
    When: This event took place about a week ago.
    What happened: Mariam Al Mansouri became the first woman fighter pilot in her UAE's history. She was leading an air strike againist ISIS that happened about a week ago.
    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because it shows that even during times of war women can still show that their just as brave as men.
    Reaction : It's nice to see that woman are still making history and that they are helping pave the way for other women to achieve more than what they would have been able to do without their help.
    Opinion : I think it's ashamed that women still have to prove that they are as good as men. Even with all the things women have accomplished over the last few generations.
    Connection : In Ms. Julie's class we were talking about people who did things in their own way even if society didn't agree with what they were doing. Major Al Mansouri has opened up a window of opportunity for women in her country.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Source: http;//
    Article Title; Girl escaped ISIS: 'My friends were raped'
    Article Date: September 23,2014
    Who: Isis and a girl named Aria
    Where: Northwest Iraq
    When: Sometime this week
    What Happened: a girl named Aria and some of her friends and other girls were kidnapped by ISIS. The girls were taken 120 kilometers from their homes to a house were ISIS is staying. While there Aria was forced to watch many of her friends get raped by members of ISIS. The girls were threatened to change to religions and to marry members of the ISIS. The girls were allowed one call to their families to let them know that they had been converted it was during that time did one of Aria's friends call their uncle who knew people that would help them. The next time that the militant men left the house and Aria and her friend escaped. Aria and her friend are very traumatized.
    Why this event is relevant; This event is important because ISIS has went from killing reporters to raping young girls what will it take to finally get rid of ISIS.
    Reaction: It saddens me to know that somewhere in a different country a girl my age is being forced to do things that are hurting her without being able to say anything.
    Opinion: I think a strategy needs be created asap because no one should be forced to suffer.
    Connection; I choose this article because has become a major thing in national news and nothing is really being done to stop ISIS

  16. Source:
    Article Title: The title of this article is, "'Im Gay. Get over it.'Pennsylvania senator casually comes out."
    Article Date: The date of this article is, Wednesday September 24, 2014.
    Who: The senator of Pittsburgh, Jim Ferlo.
    Where: In Harrisburg Pennsylvania.
    What happened: Lawmakers of Pennsylvania were making their pitches on how to create a big change in the states hate crime against people who are lesbian, gay, and bisexual. Then Senator Ferlo made the announcement about him being gay. His exact words were,"Hundreds of people know I'm gay... Get over it. I love it. It's a great life.
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction: My reaction to this announcement is that I am very proud that the Senator came out and said what he says,"Hundreds of people know," about him. He didn't care about what the people would think about him because he knows that it's his life and his choice, and he loves it.
    Opinion: In my opinion, I think it was very brave of the Senator to do what he did. He basically did it in front of the most important people of Pennsylvania. He did it in front of all his peers and coworkers and never did he stop and think about what he was doing. He knew that it was the right thing to do.
    Connection: I chose this article because, with all of these athletes coming out and admitting they're gay (i.e. Jason Collins and Michael Sam) it's good to see that it's not only atheletes, it shows that anyone can be holding back who they really are. I feel like all of those guys are going to make it easier for other people who aren't quite sure if they should tell people who they really are.

  17. Source: (
    Article Title: DOD planning to let illegal immigrants enlist
    Article Date: September 26, 2014
    Who: Illegal immigrants, and The department of defence
    Where: The united states military
    When: September 2014
    What happened: In the article the united states the DOD is planning to let illegal immigrant enlist in u.s military divisions. It is said the Defence department is planning to cut recently or active military personnel in the wake of the decision, It is given that over 100,000 ranked soldier will lows the jobs to cut and save military fund and in an effort it shrank military forces. also in the article it states that immigrants that have been accepted it to the program will receive benefits that will help with education and help the person receive their citizenship for our country.
    Why this event is relevant: this is relevant because people from other countries are trying to join our military, but people from the u.s are being removed from the military and people who are working in the military are losing their jobs.
    Reaction (The feeling that I have towards this this article would be the feeling of confusion, I feel this way because not only is the U.S is yet again turning its back to its U.s soldiers but now the are letting people from other countries come and take the job that were taken from soldiers but now they are giving them to people not from the the country its basically outsourcing in the country.)
    Opinion (I think this is wrong and if the U.S is making a mistake.)
    Connection (I chose this article because The Title pulled me in and while reading I felt that the U.S has made another dumb move.)

  18. Source:
    Article Title: ISIS' worst nightmare: Female fighter pilot
    Article Date:September 26, 2014
    Who: An girl fighter pilot named Mariam Al Mansouri
    Where: In the United Arab Emirates
    When: This happened this week during the fight against ISIS
    What happened: Mariam Al Mansouri led as the air pilot strike mission against the group ISIS. She said she has always wanted to be a pilot flyer. At the time when she finished highschool female pilots were not allowed. She had to wait ten years to become a pilot.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I feel as though this is big step for women over there and that she is making bigger and better steps to get women's voices heard like Malala Youstafi.
    Opinion (I think..): I think that fighting in an airplane airplane is dangerous But I salute her for standing up and encouraging people to join the fight against ISIS.
    Connection (why you chose this article): I choose this because She as a role model for young woman that we can achieve things under any circumstances.

  19. Source:
    Article Title: British Parliament approves airstrikes in Iraq; no endorsement of Syria strikes
    Article Date: September 26, 2014
    Who: The British Parliament, ISIS, The United States
    Where: The United Kingdom
    When: September 26, 2014
    What happened: British legislators voted today, Friday, to aid the US and it’s allies with airstrikes against ISIS in Iraq. However they did not say anything about strikes in Syria where ISIS is mainly headquartered.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because ISIS is still an obvious threat to nation’s national security and any help from any country is great.
    Reaction: I feel happy because almost every country the US asked for help with seems scared and assistance from the UK is great.
    Opinion: I think that certain countries that are timid to fight ISIS on ground or air might be holding a secret from the public. I think that if all of the countries work together and send troops on land ISIS would be eradicated and no longer a threat. A lot of countries seem scared to do this though which makes me believe ISIS has something to do with the governments of these countries and must pose a threat to it if these countries chooses to attack.
    Connection: I chose this article because I think the world should work together to fight ISIS and with the UK helping, I think we’re a step closer to this.

  20. Source: (website)

    Article Title:Obama hits road to deal with pair of global crises.

    Article Date:September 15, 2014.

    Who:West Africa and Islamic terrorists.

    Where: ISIS, and West Africa.

    When: September 15,2014.

    What happened: People in West Africa think Obama should give them more money for Ebola outbreak.Also,Obama is trying to take down ISIS.They believe Ebola and ISIS could get worst if they don’t control it right away.

    Why this event is relevant:ISIS and Ebola are unrelated both have prompted Americans to become worried about their safety. Ebola is becoming deadly and it could spread to the U.S. ISIS is planning to attack the U.S.

    Reaction: Worried because I don’t know if ISIS is going to attack and if Ebola will spread in the U.S.

    Opinion:I think Obama should help the people in West Africa, also he should send troops over to fight against ISIS.
    Connection: I chose this article because I’m concerned about what's happening in West Africa and ISIS and how it would affect us.

  21. Source: (website) -months/
    Article Title: The title is 1000s of Ebola vaccine doses in coming months.
    Article Date: This was published September 26,2014.
    Who: This affects everyone who has been infected with this dangerous Ebola virus that is spreading.
    Where: This virus is taking over all of West Africa.
    When: This event is currently taking place in West Africa.
    What happened: People all over the world are making and testing out different vaccines so that this vaccine does not continue to spread. If we do not do this they said that it could have infected possibly 1.4 million people by the middle of January. The first vaccines will only be given out to health workers and people in contact with others who have the virus. The vaccine number are supposed to have doubled and tripled by next year hopefully.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because it currently going on and there have been thousands of fatalities . Also this could soon affect us in the U.S. if it is not stopped.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) This concerns me because I don’t think people over here are helping as much as they could be.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that more should be done and more people should be aware.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it stuck out to me as a little bit of good news.

  22. Source:
    Article Title: Ex-al-Qaida spokesman gets life prison term in NY
    Article Date: 9/24/14
    Who: Osama Bin Laden's stepson, Sulaiman Abu Ghaith
    Where: New York
    When: September 24th 2014
    What happened: In New York, there was a prosecution of an al-Qaida member, Sulaiman Abu Ghaith, who happens to be Osamas step son. He got sentenced to a life sentence for being involved with one of the biggest terrorist attacks in history, 9/11. Ghaith claimed that he had nothing to do with the attack, he was only a religious educator for Muslims to go against the ones who oppress them. After his ruling, he defiantly spoke to the judge telling him that the Muslim youth would come back and do his unfinished work and revolt against the US.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it involved the safety of our country. They're taking a big terrorist out, so that's no longer a threat. He could've been up to something, planning another attack or even going to join ISIS.
    Reaction: My reaction to this is surprised because I thought that the US already took down all the members of al-Qaida. I had no idea that one of the biggest enemies to America step son was just wandering around freely on our land. It took them 13 years to prosecute him.
    Opinion (I think..) that America needs to do better with it's justice system. Something like this should've been handled and now they need to focus on taking down ISIS.
    Connection: I chose this article because as soon as I seen it I wanted to know what it was about. Things dealing with terrorism interest me just because I find it crazy how some people find their wrong doings to be worthy of praise.

  23. Source: (entire website address):
    Article Title: Opinion: Airstrikes will not beat ISIS

    Article Date:Fri September 26, 2014

    Who: UK and Isis

    Where: New York

    When: Fri September 26, 2014

    What happened: UK is the last state on the western side to make a decision in whether to fight against Isis will be a good idea. Prime Minister David Cameron doesn't think this will be a good idea he says that theirs no reason to jump into something without having a clear idea of what's going or having an understanding of what's going to be the outcome. The UK also doesn't feel to comfortable after the mistake they made in 2003 in the invasion of Iraq. They think involving in this with cause a severe backfire. Isis have people in both Syria and Iraq and have completed eradicated the border between the two countries under their control. Isis knew no military will be setting foot on the ground of them two states so they were smart in defending themselves. Isis believe the more people die the more stronger they become. The UK believe limited military action will keep ISIS alive and open the door to retaliation. They don't want to make the same mistakes.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because we have a group who is not sure if they want help save people from dying. They feel as though helping will backfire on them due to the fact that they had problems before with them. And if they do help they want to do things in a very very peaceful matter.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): while reading this, I was a lil upset but their reasoning behind it does make sense. They don't want things to backfire on them when it has nothing to do with them due to the fact that they have had problems before.

    Opinion (I think..) I think the UK should do whats best for them and take as much time as they need but also think that though you're not involved now you never know what Isis have in plan just be prepared.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this article because i didn't think countries were second guessing on wiping Isis

  24. Source:

    Article Title: " ISIS supporters urged to attack Times Square with pipe bombs"

    Date: September 16, 2014 4:45pm

    Who: ISIS followers

    Where: Tourist spots and other places

    When: The last Tuesday before this was posted, September 9, 2014. But it was first seen about three weeks before it was brought to everyone's attention. It was first posted on the ISIS website the same day they posted the video of David Haines being beheaded.

    What happened: On the ISIS website followers were encouraged to create homemade bombs and attack places where most people go. The message wasn't mainly targeted towards New York, but that's where most tourists go to see the attractions. So they placed it upon Times Square, to prove that they are capable of causing chaos. However, the NYPD is very well prepared for what they will soon have to face.

    Why is this relevant: This is relevant because this is a international problem that is happening across nations. Also, they said tourists attractions will be bombed, so that means any where in the United States can be bombed. So this is an alert for everyone.

    Reaction: While reading this I felt as though they are being to extra. i felt that way because there is no need to try to prove a point by just doing random attacks. Also, I felt that this is a stupid idea. Making a homemade bomb could backfire and hurt and or kill the person making it.

    Opinion: I think that that if people listen to what they're saying they are not true to their country. Why live in a country that you dislike to the point whereas you want to bomb places in it. It's pointless and a waste of a lot of people hard earn taxes and time.

    Connection: I chose this article because it is something that interests me deeply. I feel like it's something that everyone needs to be aware of. This is something more serious than it seems.

  25. The blog for this week is closed.
