Saturday, December 6, 2014

3rd period, Week of 12/8-12/12

Due by 3:30 pm on Friday, 12/12/14


Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of 10 complete sentences. Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress (Senate or House of Representatives), Supreme Court cases, or passage of a law. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.

Source:  (full website address)
Article Title:
Article date:               
Who was involved? (Identify the people, groups, or organizations)
Where did this event happen? (Be specific)
When did this event happen? (Date, month, time frame, and/or year)
What happened? IN YOUR OWN WORDS (Include sequence of events in complete sentences)
Why is this event relevant? (Why did the author write the article now?)
Reflection (how did this event impact society or this branch of government?)
Reaction (describe feelings or attitude toward article, event, or people involved):
Opinion (I think…):

Connection (explain why you chose this article):


  1. Source: (full website address)

    Article Title:
    Immigration: Congress must reassert its authority and preserve our Constitution

    Article date:
    December 2,2014

    Who was involved? (Identify the people, groups, or organizations)
    The President of the United States Barack Obama and the Congress

    Where did this event happen? (Be specific)
    This event happened in executive action immigration Fox News/ New York Times

    When did this event happen? (Date, month, time frame, and/or year)
    Tuesday, December 2 2014

    What happened? IN YOUR OWN WORDS (Include sequence of events in complete sentences)
    This article is about how the President has the authority to enact on changes being made in which can affect millions of people due to fixing the way immigration laws are being enforced. Ultimately, President Barack Obama executive action on immigration has not only change how laws are being passed by Congress but has executed the law and judiciary law in several ways. However, the function of the government has determined that one branch could make, enforce or interpret the law with the power of a King broken down into the three branches.

    Why is this event relevant? (Why did the author write the article now?)
    This event is relevant because it is one of the topics that is being discussed in our chapter and it is important to us within our government.

    Reflection (how did this event impact society or this branch of government?)
    This event impact this branch of government judiciary because President Barack Obama took an action that is in his hands to make sure America is covered.

    Reaction (describe feelings or attitude toward article, event, or people involved):
    My reaction to this event is that President Obama's immigration action has expanded due to the three branches of government judicial, legislatives and executive.

    Opinion (I think…):
    I think that President Barack is one who stands up for all people including oneself where he takes matters into his own hands by making change and doing what's best for our society/country.
    Connection (explain why you chose this article):
    I can connect to this event because it is being learned about now in our chapter.

    1. Excellent post! You did a great job connecting with what we are learning in class.

  2. Source: (
    Article Title: Supreme Court to Hear Cases on License Plates and Mentally Disabled Death Row Inmates

    Article date: By ADAM LIPTAKDEC. 5, 2014

    Who was involved? (The main participants of this article consist of those from the Supreme Court which stems from the Judicial Branch.)
    Where did this event happen? (The decisions were made in Washington, but the problem stemmed for Texas.)
    When did this event happen? (This event took place on December 12.)
    What happened? (In the state of Texas a family was refused for their use of a license plate that displayed the confederate’s battle flag on it. Since it had the possession of the flag and the people’s comments have been evaluated of those who have seen the flag the family that had put the flag on their car license plate have been the denied the right to do so by the States Motor vehicles board. The reason was because their family father was a part of the confederate army.)
    Why is this event relevant? (This article is relevant because it depicts a real life dilemma that many of the people have today that concerns the law and social standings and family ties that may be involved that also may be the cause many problems everybody faces today. I believe the author had written this article to show how these situations come to be and how they are dealt with on a daily basis.
    Reflection (This situation impacted this branch of government by causing some of the branches old rulings to surface to see whether or not the ruling was fair.)
    Reaction (describe feelings or attitude toward article, event, or people involved):
    Opinion (I think the court was a little fair in their ruling but that it may have been needed because it would have caused a ruckus among others who may have saw it or have been in a situation before and were ruled against, so if a similar ruling was not put in place there would be many wrongful thoughts going about the people.):

    Connection (I chose this article because I wanted to see what were some of the Supreme court’s ruling on certain issues that may arise and I have heard about license plate before and to see what they did and how just expands my knowledge on how they may work at times.):

  3. Source: (full website address)
    Article Title: Obama’s immigration taunt: Next president won’t dare reverse my executive action

    Article date: Tuesday, December 9, 2014

    Who was involved? (Identify the people, groups, or organizations) Barack Obama and the executive branch.

    Where did this event happen? (Be specific) Obama spoke out at a town-hall meeting that was in Nashville.

    When did this event happen? (Date, month, time frame, and/or year) This happened Tuesday, December 9th, 2014

    What happened? IN YOUR OWN WORDS (Include sequence of events in complete sentences) Obama spoke out in the meeting saying that his successor would not take the risk that comes along with his executive action on the immigration reform. He also stated that the administrator might undo the amnesty of what he granted 4 million immigrants with.

    Why is this event relevant? (Why did the author write the article now?) This is relevant because it relates to the three branches of government we talk about in class and their power.

    Reflection (how did this event impact society or this branch of government?) This event impact society because Obama is trying to build an effective system for the immigrants that lives up to our nations standards.

    Reaction (describe feelings or attitude toward article, event, or people involved): I feel as though that Barack Obama immigration reform has caught many people attention and he has more negative opinions on the act than positive.

    Opinion (I think…): I think that Barack Obama's Immigration reform is a smart idea and more people should continue to support it.

    Connection (explain why you chose this article): I chose this article because it relates to the branches of government.


  4. Source: (full website address)
    Article Title: 24 states now suing Obama over immigration
    Article date: 12/10/14
    Who was involved? (Identify the people, groups, or organizations) the twenty four states, ( Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, South Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, West Virginia and Wisconsin ) Obama,
    Where did this event happen? (Be specific) this didn't happen in a specific state, it
    When did this event happen? (Date, month, time frame, and/or year) it doesn't say when exactly the event happened, but it says that Obama did announce this action last month.
    What happened? the states are upset with Obama because of his choice to delay the deportation on 5 million illegal immigrants that's are currently in the United States. Obama did this because congress failed to pass the immigration reforms, and that wasn't right of them. It is legal for Obama to take action, on this problem many believe that Obama only acted because the congress failed to pass the reform. Obama responded to the question of the congress that didn't believe that he could have the power to do so and Obama told them, "yes pass the bill". The twenty four states signed into the legal challenge and will sue our president.
    Why is this event relevant? This is relevant because it is already too many people in some cities and it's not okay for people to come to our country illegally because it's not safe for them and it's not safe for the community. When somebody come here illegally it's unlikely that they would come clean and have all of their shots so it would hurt then and us in a lot of ways.
    Reflection: this event is affecting the United States because the whole city are not on the same pace, they are not a unit they are fighting against each other and that is not a useful thing, nor will this help our country.
    Reaction (describe feelings or attitude toward article, event, or people involved): I don't think it's smart to keep these people in here illegally, it might really hurt the county and the bond between the countries twenty four countries fighting with each other is not helpful at all .
    Opinion; I think that Obama shouldn't delay this any longer it's not fair to his people and it's not fair to to states I think he should send these people back asap because 5 million illegally people is a lot.

    Connection (explain why you chose this article): I choose this article because this is the only one that interest me the most and was the most entertaining.

  5. Source:
    Article Title: Brennan defends CIA interrogation program, challenges Senate report
    Article date: December 11, 2014
    Who was involved? The CIA, John Brennan, Al Qaeda members
    Where did this event happen? CIA headquarters in Langley, VA
    When did this event happen? December 11, 2014
    What happened? Recently the CIA has been performing brutal interrogation procedures on members of the terrorist group Al Qaeda. A lot of people have been questioning whether or not these techniques were to brutal. CIA Director John Brennan recently spoke out about the situation at a news conference earlier this week. He pleaded his case by stating that," CIA officers did what they were asked to do in the service of our nation, and that the harsh methods produced very useful, valuable intelligence". Brennan is also frustrated at the at the at that the report makes the CIA seem untrustworthy now. In this news report about about the harsh interrogation methods released by Dianne feinstein, Brennan argues that some of the information in the report was from their own findings and not from actual CIA officials. The white house also agreed to release the report despite the warnings that were sent to them.
    Why is this event relevant? This article is relevant because it could cause a lot of hate and rioting to be centered around the CIA now that people know about the methods they use.
    Reflection: the CIA is suppose to assist the president in making decisions relating to national security. When people find out about the CIA using harsh an brutal interrogation methods, it makes the president look bad because people will think he approves of this.
    Reaction: I think what the CIA is doing to these Al Qaeda members is fair because they came into our country an killed innocent people. They are getting what they deserve.
    Opinion: I think the CIA should continue to do what they are doing if it helps them to prevent another attack like 9/11

    Connection: I chose this article because i wanted to see why people are not approving of what the CIA is doing to these terrorist. They are just trying to protect the citizens of the United States

    1. Great post, Jhamir. Keep in mind, we have laws against cruel and unusual punishment. How can we be better than them, but yet violate our own laws?


  6. Source:

    Article Title: Obama preparing executive order on police militarization

    Who: President Obama and local police enforcements

    Where: Across the nation

    When: Monday, December 1, 2014

    What happened: President Barack Obama is preparing an order to limit the number of militarized weapons and vehicles in local police enforcements. This is an issue now because of the shooting of Mike Brown in Ferguson. The police in Ferguson used tear gas and military grade guns. President Obama wants to make changes so that we don’t have another Mike Brown case.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it shows that they are trying to change something around since we didn’t get any justice for Mike Brown. It also talks about the Executive branch actions and new rules for policing.

    Reaction: I’m happy because I believe that some police abuse their power and wear cameras should stop the illegal actions that police do.

    Opinion: I think that Congress will come to agree with Obama because it’s important for the countries.
    Connection: I chose this article because I seen it on your Twitter page and I was interested in what was going on.

  7. Source:

    Article Title: Obama makes Dec. 26 a holiday

    Who: President Obama and the executive staff

    Where: This doesn't have a real place

    When: This will take place on December 26, 2014

    What happened: On Friday, December 5, 2014, President Barack Obama made an executive order to make the day after Christmas a day off for executive employees. Not everyone may be excused from work if it involves national security. There isn't enough information if Obama did this due to an online petition urging him to give the day off. This order isn't exactly out of the blue though. On December 24, 2012, Obama gave a full day off and a half day off on the same day in 2009. George W. Bush also did the same by giving a day of on December 24, 2002 and several full days after and before Christmas.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it's about the chief executive, Obama, and his employees.

    Reaction: I feel like Obama should do the same for everyone and not just his branch.

    Opinion: I don't think Obama was too influenced by the petition because he did similar things in past years. I also think that the government shouldn't really get too many days off because we need these people to run and keep developing our country.

    Connection: I chose this article because I seen the link on your twitter account and this looked the most interesting out of the rest.

  8. Source: (full website address)

    Article Title: 'I ask members of Congress to look those Newtown families in the eye'

    Article date: Thu December 11, 2014

    Who was involved? (Identify the people, groups, or organizations) Tim murphy

    Where did this event happen? (Be specific) Northfield, Ohio

    When did this event happen? (Date, month, time frame, and/or year) 7:35 PM EST, Thu December 11, 2014

    What happened? IN YOUR OWN WORDS (Include sequence of events in complete sentences) The Republican congressman held multiple hearings looking into the state of the nation's mental health care system.A Democratic bill introduced this spring scuttled bipartisanship and undercut his hard work. House leaders has raised budgetary concerns, plus international crisis in Iraq and Syria had diverted attention over the passed summer.

    Why is this event relevant? (Why did the author write the article now?) This is relevant by dealing with health concerns and Tim murphy is getting help in order to back it up.

    Reflection (how did this event impact society or this branch of government?) It has impacted this branch of government by the Republican congressman held multiple hearings looking into the state of the nation's mental health care system.

    Reaction (describe feelings or attitude toward article, event, or people involved): This is an positive impact cause they are willing to make a change in order to have this mental health system approved.

    Opinion (I think…): I think that what this branch is doing is right because many people do need this with concerning with their health problems.

    Connection (explain why you chose this article) It had dealt with republican and also democratic party with the democratic bill.

    1. The post must be in your own words. This part was copy and pasted directly from the article:
      A Democratic bill introduced this spring scuttled bipartisanship and undercut his hard work. House leaders raised budgetary concerns. International crises in Iraq and Syria diverted attention over the summer.


  9. Source:

    Article Title: DOJ To Issue New Federal Rules on Profiling

    Who: The Department of Justice

    Where: Across the United States.

    When: This was posted on December 6, 2014

    What happened: The Department of Justices issued a law that will ban profiling. However these will not be implemented into airports or border crossings. The DOJ has expected this to happen for years. This law will stop profiling security checks based on gender, religion and ethnic origins. These laws will be placed into the DEA, FBI, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. Democrats don’t believe these laws aren’t doing much though. These laws don’t apply to airports which are influenced by these profilings of people such as Muslims. They also won’t cover policing which are influenced by racial profiling amongst minorities.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because its on the DOJ which is part of the Executive branch. It also affects the FBI and other government controlled agencies.

    Reaction: I feel like this is great because it stops profiling which is a fuel for discrimination, stereotypes and ultimately racism.

    Opinion: I don't think this is enough because it still allows profiling in police forces and airports. These are places where Muslims are always getting more attention than others since 9/11. Police forces often pay more attention to blacks which is why things like the event in Ferguson happened.
    Connection: I chose this article because this was on your Twitter. This also seemed more important than other things that was on your feed.

    1. Very thoughtful insight. Great job, Malaysia.

  10. Source:
    Article Title: Congress Looks to Short-Term Funding to Keep Government's Lights On
    Who: The Congress
    Where: This is happening in the United States, particularly in the governments.
    When: This article was written on December 9, 2014
    What happened: On Monday, Congress made a short-term funding budget that will keep all branches financed except the Department of Homeland Security until Fall next year. The budget is a $1.1 trillion spending limit. This bill is being pushed however for awhile so the Senate and House of Representative can have time to revise it and make improvements. Congress will likely vote this week so the plan can be delayed for up to two or three days. This will eventually make the bill be delayed until late December. This will allow the Senate to have some time to take up on the bill so they can stop a government shutdown which happened last year. Although the budget will fund all parts of the government, the Department of Homeland Security will be funded for a shorter time than the rest. This is quite strange because they are in the ones behind the immigration acts and policies that have recently been a topic for the United States. Even though mostly everyone favorites the budget there are some politicians that are not voting for the budget because it won’t fully stop the Executive branch idea of shielding Mexican immigrants from being deported. This budget plan is expected to be voted for by both parties in the House in order to stop a shutdown which neither parties want.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because its about Congress which is the Legislative branch.
    Reaction: I feel like this is important because we’re seeing that Democrats and Republicans can work together. This is also important to me because it can stop a government shutdown from happening.
    Opinion: I think that its petty that there are some politicians who wont agree to the bill because it doesnt stop the immigration acts. This budget will stop the government from falling again but the fact that they wont agree to it only because of Obama is crazy. However I do think this is a great plan.
    Connection: I chose this because I was wondering about the possibly shutdown and this tells me that that wont happen.

  11. Source:

    Article Title: Congress Will Get A $1.1 Trillion Omnibus Spending Bill This Week

    Article Date: 12/9/14

    Who: Congress Of The U.S

    Where: Washington, D.C

    When: October 2015

    What happened: Congress is making a bill worth $1.1 trillion to fund them until October 2015. However, this bill will not support ObamaCare in anyway. A lot of senators are against the bill because they say it would also fund Obama's executive action on immigration. In addition, the article states that it only takes one senator to disagree with the bill, for it to be rejected. However, this bill is still in a lot of progression and processing.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because this could potentually effect tax payers, because where are they going to get this money from?

    Reaction: Honestly, I have little intrest in this article to have a reaction. The concern I have is where is Congress going to get this $1.1 Trillion from.

    Opinion: The fact that none of this money will go towards ObamaCare seems a bit skeptical to me because what is this much money truely for. Why does Congress need this much money?

    Connection: I cannot make a connection with this yet because I don't pay taxes, nor do I vote. However, we are learning a lot about the process of bills being passed.

    1. This bill also strips away funding for Obama's proposed immigration policy by denying funding for the Department of Homeland Security.

  12. Source:

    Article Title: The article title is McCain makes passionate defense for torture report’s release

    Who: This is on John McCain

    Where: This doesn’t have a real place but it affects the USA

    When: This post was published on Wednesday, December 10, 2014

    What happened: Earlier in the week the Senate released a report about torture. This sparked outrage and demonized the USA. John McCain, a victim of torture, spoke out against these reports. The report was speculated to cause attacks on foreign United States foundations. With the rise of ISIS and other Islamic extremist groups, many Republicans were fearful of the release. They’re afraid that the report will backfire and chaos will erupt in the Muslim world in the Middle East. It also shows the USA as a bad place with twisted values and ideas. John McCain says that these reports shouldn’t harm the United States name. McCain noted these issues but had many comebacks. He believes that these reports will be taken advantage of by terrorists to be used as an excuse to attack America but terrorist will attack over anything so he isn’t that concerned. He wasn’t one-sided however because of his experiences. He believes that torture only gives wrong information that causes more harm than good. He also said that the USA shouldn’t use torture because not only does it not work too well but because it makes the country as a whole look bad. He closes off his statement that we shouldn’t lower ourselves to terrorist levels and we must maintain a good name as one of the world’s greatest country.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it pertain the Congress and John McCain attacking the Senate’s report.

    Reaction: I feel like what John McCain is saying is good but filtered. I feel as though he’s for torture but he’s too afraid to say it. I’m not that shocked about the report itself however because I knew America tortured terrorist brutally.

    Opinion: I think that John McCain is holding back. I think that if McCain told what he really felt then there would be good arguments against the report.

    Connection: I picked this because I wanted to know more about the report and more arguments for and against it before I picked a side to choose.

    1. Fantastic post, Tymir! Your writing continues to improve as you push to use higher level vocabulary. Proud of you!


  13. Source: (full website address)

    Article Title: Immigration anger fuels houses

    Article date: December 4, 2014

    Who was involved? (Identify the people, groups, or organizations) The government, houses of representative ( michael mccaul, john boehner), and

    Where did this event happen? (Be specific) Washington DC,

    When did this event happen? (Date, month, time frame, and/or year) December 4, 2014

    What happened? IN YOUR OWN WORDS (Include sequence of events in complete sentences

    In this article it talks about a possible shutdown in the government. The republican leaders are building support for their spending bill, they are trying to do this before the deadline of December 11 the same time as when the funding for the agencies runs out. In the executive overreach on immigration act Ted yoho said that the executive branch of government does not have the authority to stop deportations of certain categories and that of undocumented workers. The bill cannot do what the president has done and it simply a way for congress to assert congress role in passing new laws . Representative Michael McCaul argues that the president undermines the constitution and threatens their democracy, so the republican rate overtime the president action with allowing 5 million undocumented immigrants to live in the country illegally . So in response they decided not to take the immigration so far that it would risk the government to shut down. The representative John Boehner “say they have limited opinion to deal with it.” thats because the republicans sharpest weapons is the power of the perks with cutting funding and that the GOP does that it risk government shutdown. Along that the government runs of money on December 11, so the GOP plan was to find the most government threw next year and extend funding in for homeland security with overseas the immigrants for a month to buy time and that powerful conservation are not happy. It also mentioned that Obama said that on Thursday “the GOP bill would force young talented young people to leave the country.”

    Why is this event relevant? (Why did the author write the article now?) This relevant because the houses of representatives is going through with issue with a threat with shutting down the government and they don’t want nobody to think the government is going to shut down

    Reflection (how did this event impact society or this branch of government?) This impacted the society of the executive because the representative are going against obama with making laws they are not happy with

    Reaction (describe feelings or attitude toward article, event, or people involved): In a way the whole thing with Obama allowing illegal immigrants to live in the country is weird but i think that the government shouldn’t calm down so they don’t risk shut down dation.

    Opinion (I think…): I think that the sentence that said the idea of forcing young talented people to leave the country made think why would they want to force talented kid to leave their country and it made me think would that mean i would leave my family

    Connection (explain why you chose this article): I choose this article because it looked very interesting from the looks on the representatives faces and I wanted to know what happened between the government and was it really going to be shut down

  14. Source: Title:
    Article date: , Fri December 12, 2014
    Who was involved? This happened between he U.S. congress and senate
    Where did this event happen? This event happened in the U.S.
    When did this event happen?, Fri December 12, 2014
    What happened? This article is about the exertion that President elect Barack Obama set on Saturday and proceeding results. It was found that in a 219-206 vote congress decided to advance government spending. This idea had republic support and was encouraged by Obama. This matter will be taken up in the coming days by the senate.
    Why is this event relevant? It could cause change in government.
    Reaction: I have no reaction to this event
    Opinion: I have no opinion
    Connection I have no connection besides homework reasons.

    1. Your reaction, opinion, and connection are not sufficient enough to earn a grade for this work.

  15. Source:
    Where did this event happen? Australia and U.S.
    When did this event happen? 2014
    What happened? President Obama has began to take matters of immigration demands into his own hands by trying to pass an executive order on immigration. This act is to prevent any deportation of thousands of immigrants, many people object to his decision and this article explains how it would be a turn about and how some people in congress are arguing that this way, the President is violating the law. He can not make this order easily because it has to pass through congress first. He also plans to provide these immigrants with work permits and have them back with their families, that is of course his goal of this executive orders. But, American citizens argue that this will take away their rights and jobs, this was not mentioned in the article but it IS relevant as to why the Congress is against the President’s decision. He also states the his action is “legally unassailable”, so his order is not to be attacked or questioned.
    Why is this event relevant? This is relevant because of what we’re talking about in class, how some orders and laws have to be accepted by the congress before the president.
    Reflection This impacted the executive branch because, President Obama wants this order but he has to fight the Congress’ objections and talk about it.
    Reaction The President had a good stance of taking the matter into his own hands and is trying to fight for it despite the talk of the congress.
    Opinion I think Obama is trying to pass this order but by not looking very powerful.

    Connection (explain why you chose this article): I chose this article because I found related to what we've been talking about in class recently.

    1. How wonderful of President Obama to provide me with a very timely teachable event? Great post, Yassmeen.

  16. Source:
    Article Title: The article is titled, House narrowly approves spending bill, legislation heads to Senate.
    Article date: It was published on December 12, 2014.
    Who was involved? Senators,Republican party , the White House , President Obama , Vice President Biden, Democratic Party, GOP leaders are all involved in this article.
    Where did this event happen? This event is happening in the White House.
    When did this event happen? This event happened recently starting on December 11,2014. The plan of funds for the the government will be through September 2015, while there will be funding for immigration services through the late February.
    What happened? On the night of Thursday, the House have agreed to pass a sweeping spending bill.
    The bill was passed with 219-206 votes. Lawmakers have made a makeshift to keep the government running through midnight on Saturday with the fundings. The Senate spent $1.1 trillion on one of the packages. President Obama and Vice President Biden worked with the Democratic lawmakers. There have been rifts in their meetings, because some of them opposed the bill especially a Democratic Leader named Nancy Pelosi. The GOP leaders tried to stay on both sides for the people different reasons of why they opposed to the package and work something out. 67 Republicans tried to abandon it, while 57 Democrats voted for it.
    The main reason why they opposed it, was because it was supporting Obama's immigration executive actions and lots of money was being spent. The bill needed more democratics to pass it.This was a recap on how they forced the financial industry to do things dealing with too much money and led to a the economic collapse in 2008. Both sides started to see how government shutdown prevailed and they did not want that.
    So they this current plan fund the government through September 2015, and fund the immigration services only through the late February, teeing up a battle over immigration for early 2015.The bill went through a hurdle, on 214-212 test votes. It almost failed and had serious problems. GOP leaders suspended the final vote and looked for support hours with the White House and the Democratic Party.
    The bill’s chance in the Senate is still not clear, so it's going to last several more days.
    Why is this event relevant? (Why did the author write the article now?) This event is important , because it is dealing with our government and is letting us know how bills are passed and the process they go through.
    Reflection (how did this event impact society or this branch of government?) The results are for the country and the people depending in what the branches vote on. The people may not like it but that is why we vote for those people to be in office so they could make better decisions for us.
    Reaction (describe feelings or attitude toward article, event, or people involved): I am surprised that bills that are passed take so long to be passed because even when it's a lot of democrats who vote for it to be passed.At the same time I am anxious about the results.
    Opinion (I think…): I think the bill should be passed because of the many people in the Democratic Party that want to pass it.
    Connection (explain why you chose this article): I chose this article because it related to our topic. it can also be very useful for me to know and understand what our branches go through and the specific powers they have.

  17. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title: The title of my article is Congress Reaches Deal To Avoid Shutdown.

    Article Date: This article was written on December 12, 2014.

    Who: This Topic is about negotiators on the house and senate.

    Where: This article takes place in Washington.

    When: This article is tuesday december 12, 2014.

    What happened: This article is about The spending Panels of the house and senate agreed to pay 1.1 trillion government funding bill. The federal agency were suppose to run out of money soon. This Bill helps fund government and with out it this could cost many of jobs and hurt many families. Now that they have avoided the shutting down they now need a new plan on spending money. May people complain about the immigration insurance. They are trying to get the republicans to avoid the shut down . They are making plans on payments.

    Why this event is relevant: I believe this is relevant because this can hurt peoples lifes for the middle class .
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel that this is really confusing me.

    Opinion (I think..) I we should just try and see whats going on and what solutions can happen.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it's about the government.

    1. Bryanna, I understand this is confusing for most students, most citizens, even. Most bills are very law and when they are about funding the government, they are extremely complicated and confusing for everyone. The primary reason for the confusion is due to the large amount of requirements and changes included in the bill. The bill reflected hundreds of personal agendas of members of the House and Senate. They keep adding on compromises until the bill looks nothing like the original, uncomplicated bill. It's just the way it's is done and eliminates the transparency I wish was there so I could explain the pieces to you.
