Saturday, December 6, 2014

5th period, Week of 12/8-12/12

Due by 3:30 pm on Friday, 12/12/14


Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of 10 complete sentences. Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress (Senate or House of Representatives), Supreme Court cases, or passage of a law. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.

Source:  (full website address)
Article Title:
Article date:               
Who was involved? (Identify the people, groups, or organizations)
Where did this event happen? (Be specific)
When did this event happen? (Date, month, time frame, and/or year)
What happened? IN YOUR OWN WORDS (Include sequence of events in complete sentences)
Why is this event relevant? (Why did the author write the article now?)
Reflection (how did this event impact society or this branch of government?)
Reaction (describe feelings or attitude toward article, event, or people involved):
Opinion (I think…):

Connection (explain why you chose this article):


  1. Source:

    Title: Profiling ban doesn't apply at borders

    Article Date: Monday December 8, 2014
    By. Evan Perez
    Who: US are banning profiling.
    When: This event happened on Monday December 8 , 2014.

    Where : The incident was reported to take place in the United States.

    What happened : After the recent racial profiling cases the new federal law enforcement guidelines are set to change the old profiling laws which did race and ethnicity and now expand that to sexaul orientation, gender and lastly religion. The US Justice seconds that option of expanding the standards of profiling laws. In 2009 Attorney General Eric Holder fought to change the profiling laws such as the FBI and Homeland Security who thought it would be more work and wanted more for their agencies. The bright side to these new laws is that it will pertain to both local and state federal agencies. Holder and like many others believe that profiling is wrong and the bad thing about it is that it is derailing people of their trust of the public. However the ban is not in effect on borders because of the National Security issues. With this ban it brung many critics . Many believe that because there is still profiling in airports and borders it target a specific type of groups. Also many believe that it will lead to more hate crimes and discrimination.Laura W. Murphy, legislative office and follower of this claim believe that this will target Muslims.

    Why it's Relevant: This is relevant because it is shows progress in the US. It shows how some people thought it was about time that change came because of the attacks on the African American community. It also shows how some legislatures disagree with this decision and how lawmakers are taking that into effect.

    Reaction: When I read this article it made me sick that people are living inside country hurting their own citizens. Its sad because I know we say America symbolizes freedom but still African Americans will never be fully equal as Whites. I believe that if it was a black cop and a white boy the black officer would be lock up real fast. Also why does it seem like we are the only race that still fight for their freedom? Well because America still have racist people still living in it. You know what's funny America always trying to prevent terrorist but we have terrorist here living in our own soil. Im a little looking forward of what this law would bring as the ban takes in effect.

    Opinion: I think that America is one big hypocrite forget all the documents we will never be treated fairly because of the racist people and the injustices on Blacks. America needs to wake up and see what it is like to be an African American. How we now have to wake up and fear for our lives. What would you do if you seen somebody get wrongfully killed and the justice system just skims through it. Deep down I believe this is not going to do anything.

    Connection: I chose this topic because this is the main issues that's on the news and is constantly happening to African Americans and other minorities.

  2. Source:
    Article Title: House Republicans sue Obama administration over Obamacare
    Article Date: November 21
    Who: House of Republicans and Obama administration
    What happened: House of Republicans Obama administration for Obamacare because it's “unilateral actions” on trying to help immigration which is not in the legislative branch where he have the right to do so, the speaker for the house of republican said they are suing Obama administration right after he spoke against one of Obama's executive moves he have made, they are selling Obama administration because they feel did Obama is trying to make his own laws that is not up towards the Constitution, they are standing up to the Constitution in which they believe in that they have the right in the say, this legal action will be taking place at the district Columbia courthouse where all the executive and legislative branches take their lawsuits to settle their dispute, Dilworth other tool offers they were there to help take this case on but later decide to drop the lawsuit because it was feeling pressure by partnering people and how Democrats the government creates a how this has nothing to do with the Constitution,Obama is not allow to do this because he is a part of the legislative branch and only the executive branch is allow to make throws type of changes Obama is trying to do with immigration.
    Reactions : shocking because I always thought Obama had that right to do so
    Opinion: it's not that serious where they need to sue Obama and his administration
    Connection: this have to do what we are learning today in class

  3. Source: The source is
    Article Title: The article title is Senate report: CIA misled lawmakers, public on enhanced interrogation.
    Article date:The article date is Dec. 9.
    Who was involved? The senate and CIA are involved.
    Where did this event happen? This event happened in Washington D.C..
    When did this event happen? This event happened Dec 2nd.
    What happened? The Senate gave a torture report on the CIA. They are stating that the CIA misled them into thinking the CIA tactics were not harsh. This was obviously a misconception. The CIA are harsh but how else would they catch corrupt and vicious criminals.
    Why is this event relevant? This event is relevant because it deals with separation of powers. The Senate is making sure the CIA doesn't become too powerful in thinking they can break rules.
    Reflection This is just like what we learn in class everyday. This is an example of our government doing its job the right way.
    Reaction My Reaction was the CIA has been doing this for years why is it such a big deal.
    Opinion I think the CIA should use torture tactics because they captured people using these tactics.

    Connection:I connected with this article because I watch a lot of action movies and in one movie I watched called "Olympus Has Fallen" The CIA used torture tactics and with most people they worked but some were trained to with stand these tactics.

    1. Naim, follow this story. I'm sure there is more to come from this. The problem the Senate has is that the CIA has acted beyond reasonable interrogation tactics. Under the US Constitution, people are protected from cruel and unusual punishment. (8th amendment) Is the CIA now above the Constitution?

  4. Source: (full website address) www.NY

    Article Title: Budget Deal Could Mean Millions More In Party Fund raising

    Article date: December 9,2014

    Who was involved? (Identify the people, groups, or organizations) the Senate and Fred Wertheiner

    Where did this event happen? (Be specific) Washington D.C

    When did this event happen? (Date, month, time frame, and/or year) December 9,2014 at 4:52 pm

    What happened? IN YOUR OWN WORDS (Include sequence of events in complete sentences) Both parties in the Senate are agreeing to add a provision in the spending bill to raise more money for the Presidential Convention. The money will come from rich donors. The Democrats and Republicans will raise up 20 million dollars. They will ask the donor to give 90,000 dollars each. They are doing this because congress voted to stop public Financing for the conventions. The president of Democracy 21, Fred Wertheimer stated that if this deal goes through it may cause corruption in the national parties.

    Why is this event relevant? (Why did the author write the article now?) he wrote the article now because of the potential corruption that may occur in the president campaign.

    Reflection (how did this event impact society or this branch of government?) it may affect it a negative way. Campaigns may receive corrupted money to help there party get elected.

    Reaction (describe feelings or attitude toward article, event, or people involved): Corruption is a big part of politics .

    Opinion (I think…): that politicians should not take money from rich people in order to invest in presidential conventions.

    Connection (explain why you chose this article): the more money that political people invest the more power they gain to help their candidate to get elected.

  5. Source:
    Article Title: Obama preparing executive order on police militarization
    Who: The people involved are President Obama and local police enforcements
    Where: This will happen all across the nation
    When: This happened on Monday, December 1, 2014
    What happened: President Barack Obama is preparing an executive order which will limit the supplies of militarized weapons and vehicles in local police enforcements. This comes from the summer protests in Ferguson, Missouri over the shooting death of an unarmed black teen by a police officer. To limit the protesters, police in Ferguson used tear gas, military grade guns and even tanks. President Obama set an order to limit the amount of military grade weapons and vehicles being given to police by the Pentagon, Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of Justice. The president wants to instead create a squad for policing crimes but at the same time making a bond with the local law. These funds would also go towards providing officers with their own cameras attached to their bodies so incidents like Mike Brown won’t show up again.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it talks about the Executive branch actions, new rules for policing, the issue in Ferguson and the leader of the task force is Philly’s police commissioner.
    Reaction: I feel happy that this is going on because the police look as though they’re from the army when really they’re just there to protect and move along protesters.
    Opinion: I think that Congress will actually side with Obama on this one because it’s important for policing in cities and neighborhoods across the country.
    Connection: I chose this article because I seen it on your Twitter page.

    1. Great post, Dajour. I knew that Philly's police commissioner was asked for advice on this, but I didn't know that he was the leader of the task force. There were several other police commissioners from large cities asked to weigh in on this. (NYC, Detroit, Cleveland, etc)

  6. Source:

    Article Title: Former CIA insider explains why Senate report is "deeply flawed"

    Who:The CIA and the Senate

    Where: There isn’t a real location

    When:This article was posted on December 9, 2014

    What happened: Yesterday a torture report on the CIA was released to the public by the Senate. The report says that the CIA used many gruesome techniques when interrogating terrorists. These reports were that the CIA used aggressive means of torture such as waterboarding to retrieve information. It is also reported that most of the interrogations didn’t help the US and that terrorists were still being tortured after they gave up information. This stirred up mixed reactions, mainly bad. A former CIA member says the Senate report is flawed however. He argues that the interrogations were quite beneficial and saved the lives of many Americans. He also says that these interrogations led to the detainment of terrorist high in power. He then went on to say that the Senate weren’t mindful about the time and also how this report will affect CIA members and their safety.

    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because its about the Senate, which is the Legislative Branch.

    Reaction: I feel disturbed by these reports because I’m shocked the US would do horrible things like this even though they are terrorist.

    Opinion: I think that the former CIA member was right however. I think that these torturing acts did help the US but I still disagree with how they retrieved information.

    Connection:I chose this article because its all over the news about the torture report and this was on your twitter.

    1. Remember this event, we will be talking about this later as we discuss the Bill of Rights next. I'm sure this is not the end of the media coverage for this topic.

  7. Source:

    Article Title: The title of this article is "Supreme Court justice recites Eminem lyrics."

    Article Date: This article was published on December 5th, 2014.

    Who: The Supreme Court and a man named Anthony Elonis are both involved.

    Where: This event takes place in Washington.

    When: This event happened last Friday.

    What Happened: On Friday, the Supreme Court released audio of Chief Justice John Roberts reciting Eminem lyrics. He was using the lyrics as evidence for a case that is trying to figure out whether or not violent posts on social media could be prosecuted. The case is titled "Elonis vs. United States" and is about a man from PA who posted threats on Facebook about his wife. The man, Anthony Elonis, was sentenced to four years in prison after these posts in 2010. But, the man has said that he's a rapper and the posts were not meant to be taken seriously. The case has been appealed a few times. Now, the Supreme Court is acting on this case.

    Why This Event Is Relevant: This event is relevant because it involves the Supreme Court which means that it has to do with one of the three branches of government.

    Reaction: I think that it is entirely right to use Eminem as an example for threatening language in the media because of his music. Just recently, he rapped about how he wants to rape Iggy Azalea so I believe that if they want to use anyone as an example, Eminem is the right person.

    Opinion: I think that if this man was arrested, there should be so many more arrests going on in the country because of threats and violence in social media. I see so many things online that can be "violent" or "threatening" that go unnoticed daily.

    Connection: I can connect this to civics because we are learning about the three branches of government, and the supreme court is part of the government.

    1. Great post! You continue to maintain high academic standards in your writing.

    2. Source: (full website address)
      Article Title: the trillion dollar bill.
      Article date: 12/10/14
      Who was involved? (Identify the people, groups, or organizations) the congress and the president.
      Where did this event happen? (Be specific) this happened in the white house.
      When did this event happen? (Date, month, time frame, and/or year) this happened quite some time ago.
      What happened? IN YOUR OWN WORDS (Include sequence of events in complete sentences) John Boehner set the Republicans are filling the bill with you victories. The Chilean bill Hansa purposes of funding and money spending, continues automatic budget cuts, funds Homeland Security only through February, so they are trying to tease of the biggest fight next year old Barack Obama immigration policy.Brooks does not want the immigration bill.Elizabeth Warren said that she does not want that to happen also, he said it will affect the American currency, but they also like the school lunch, fishing taco, angry budget cuts for the IRS, and to raise campaigns to finance limits.after all this Democrats seem to be trying to leverage what they can before the government shutdown. Republicans say this is a good business, because it's satisfy the needs of both Republicans and Democrats common but the republicans all those particular about the immigration bill that the president is trying to issue. They will not stop until they get votes on their side.
      Why is this event relevant? (Why did the author write the article now?) I think this article is really relevant because, the immigration bill is the talk of the day now.
      Reflection (how did this event impact society or this branch of government?)the republic really like this but the democracts obviously don't this happen because all they care about is the money.
      Reaction (describe feelings or attitude toward article, event, or people involved): like stated before the democrats are not really happy about it.
      Opinion (I think…): I think this article is great, and that the democrats should let this happen because I really don't think anything can go wrong.

    3. Source: (full website address)
      Article Title: Legislative Branch Funding Takes Shape
      Article date: December 2, 2014
      Who was involved? (Identify the people, groups, or organizations) The house, the Senate and Congress
      Where did this event happen? (Be specific) Washington dc
      When did this event happen? (Date, month, time frame, and/or year) December 2nd, 2014
      What happened? IN YOUR OWN WORDS (Include sequence of events in complete sentences) Senate and the house are adressing concerns of congress. Agencies are going to get funded. This is not going to make big changes to the bill. Since 2014 the spending levels have went up. This is the same bill. The project will not be finished until 2017. Last year approximately 60 million was put up on the genome project. This is a couple of years for this project. Canidates have to fill out paperwork. For the senate.
      Why is this event relevant? (Why did the author write the article now?)This article is relevant because it is the government getting funded and they need that just because of all of its problems and it has to do with the legislative branch of government.
      Reflection (how did this event impact society or this branch of government?) This event positively affected the legislative branch because legislative branch agencies are getting funded big money.
      Reaction (describe feelings or attitude toward article, event, or people involved): My reaction to this is just wow. I am surprised a funding like this is just taking place. I figured it would have happened a while ago.
      Opinion (I think…): I think this a good thing to happen considering alot of economic issues.

      Connection (explain why you chose this article): I choose this article because it has something to do with the legislative branch of government.

  8. Source-Use this one

    Article Title - Obama preparing order on police militarization.
    Article Date- this article was published on December the first two thousand fourteen ,nine minutes after two. Eastern Time.
    Who was involved- president Obama was involved, the federal government ,police department ,citizens in Ferguson Missouri.
    When did this happen- this article happened august 2014.
    What happened? What happened in this article is the people in Ferguson Missouri felt that they were being treated like war victims because of the police behavior toward their reactions towards their peaceful protesting.
    Why is this relevant?. This article is important because the citizens in Ferguson's community feel unsafe and unjust. Also this is important because citizens felt that the.police department was just sparking tanks filled with tear glass and leaving them I the middle of the street. this article connects to the executive branch because obama is apart of that branch which helps enforce rules.
    Reaction- I.honestly didn't have a reaction I was just reading and reading, the only I found that was some what extra is that the President is making the police officer carry all that armed equipment, I find that unnecessary what so ever, just let the citizens march and.protest peacefully.
    Opinion-my opinion towards this article is that some police officers need better training ,better handle the equipment... They should only use it when its an emergency/necessary to be used.
    Connection-.I.connected this article to the news and every day life how they're constantly talking about unarmed innocent males losing their lives.for example a 12 year old boy was gunned down by police officers because he had a toy gun at the park,it was other ways to.go.about handling that situation they could have used a Taser or anything, instead of.taking regardless of if they knew the gun was fake or not.

  9. Source: (entire website address):
    Article Title: the title of this article is
    Obama makes Dec. 26 a holiday
    Article Date: this article was published December 5th 2014
    Who: this article involves Obama and his federal employees.
    Where: this has taken place in the White House as a decision
    When: this had been announced on Friday
    What happened: what this article is about is how hard working the federal employees are and giving thanks to them for putting up with all the different times of pay delays. President Obama thought giving them December 26th the day after Christmas off would be a nice gesture to thank them for their employment. Gorge W. Bish did something similar in 2002 by giving them a half day. They say no one persuaded him to do so, he just thought it be a nice thing to do. They urge Obama to issuer an executive order.
    Why this event is relevant: this is relevant because it is something in honor of his hard workers and letting them know that he appreciated them around.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I feel as though this is something nice and rare for a president to do because of all the work that he has to deal with.
    Opinion (I think..): I think that this should be a permanent thing with the presidents. That they so with their employees every year
    Connection (why you chose this article): I can't really connect to this article put I hope one day I am rewarded such for my hard work and know that someone notices it.

  10. Source: (full website address)

    Article Title: Ex-CIA Directors: Interrogations Saved Lives

    Article date: this article was posted on December 11, 2014

    Who was involved? This article includes the CIA and many former CIA directors

    Where did this event happen? This event took place in the offices of former CIA directors

    When did this event happen? This event happened within the week of December 7-11th, 2014

    What happened? The senate released the CIA’s torture report and the media has chastised the CIA for its cruel and unusual punishment, but in the eyes of many former CIA directors these interrogations were necessary to save the lives of many U.S citizens. They argued that because of their tactics they were able to gain valuable information about senior terrorist group leaders and remove them from being a threat .

    Why is this event relevant? this is relevant because it shows that the CIA its using cruel and unusual punishment which is a violation of the 8th amendment, and former directors of the CIA are trying to sugar coat the CIA’s actions .

    Reflection: It gives the CIA which falls under the executive branch a bad name and could be reprimanded for its actions because no one is above the law.

    Reaction (describe feelings or attitude toward article, event, or people involved): I feel as if the CIA was just doing its job to protect its nation

    Opinion (I think…):I think they were being precautious by breaking the rules and torturing people for valuable information.

    Connection (explain why you chose this article):I chose this article because I wanted to know what excuses the former directors would use to make up for violating the 8th amendment.

  11. Source:
    Article Title: Obama backs D.C. vote to legalize marijuana
    Who: This involves President Barack Obama and the people of D.C.
    Where: This took place in Washington D.C.
    When: December 11, 2014
    What happened: Since the legalization of marijuana has been put on the ballot, many politicians are fighting to either keep it illegal or legal. President Obama approves of the plan of legalizing marijuana even though many of his Republican counterparts don’t. District voters passed a bill that would legalize a small portion of weed but they’re making it clear they don’t want it legalized completely. President Obama thinks Congress shouldn’t mess with the everyday wants of citizens and to allow them to settle their issues or topics. He also believes they shouldn’t try to become apart of the local plans. However, President Obama is expected to sign a $1.1 trillion funding budget that will help stop the legalization of marijuana in D.C.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because it has the Executive branch defending a decision and the thoughts of the Legislative branch by the Executive.
    Reaction: I feel indifferent about this. This doesn’t affect my community and this isn’t anything too epic so I feel indifferent.
    Opinion: I think its good Obama is speaking out about Congress and what he thinks they must do. I also think that because of Obama’s past of using marijuana, it shouldn’t be too much of a shock to Americans.
    Connection: I chose this article because I wanted to know more about D.C. marijuana policy since it was put up for debate after the Republican win in Congress.


  12. Source:$11-trillion-bill-aimed-at-averting-shutdown/432707/
    Article Title: The title of my article is, “Lawmakers Agree on $1.1 trillion spending bill".
    Article Date: My article was published on December 11, 2014.
    Who: The people involved in this article were President Barrack Obama, Republican citizens, as well as Democratic citizens of the United States.
    Where: This event took place in Washington D.C.
    When: My event happened on Tuesday, December 9, 2014.
    What happened: As time runs out for the two sides: Republicans and Democrats, they must make a decision, marking the limitation of America's spending budget. They must quickly decide on a number to beat the deadline of an otherwise government shutdown. The republicans believed that the opposing side was being too low with the budget suggested, as democrats believes that the Republicans are being too high. With the constant guidance of President Obama, the two are finally able to agree on a number that Congress and all three of the government branches are satisfied with. That number is $1.1 trillion. Due to the population of America, both teams, and the executive branch believes that this a reasonable number that will help the country with our expenses. Already known for a history of bad debt of the country, the three branches of government and the republican and democratic parties have agreed on what they believe would be beneficial to the nation.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it shows the importance of the three branches of government, and how we are being helped as a country. As two opposing parties, the republicans and democrats are able to work together to find common ground in order to do what is best for our country.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I feel that this is a good start to building an even stronger nation, and the collaboration between the two parties will benefit us dramatically.
    Opinion (I think..): I think the limit of $1.1 trillion is a good amount for the country. We have a huge population, and with that, we should be able to maintain a certain peace in the nation.
    Connection (why you chose this article): A connection I made is that the two parties came together to figure out how to help the national community, just like Freire does every year. Friere has "Take Back the City" where all grades(parties) come together and discuss how to make our community better.

    1. I love your connection! Although I'd say our teenagers are more peaceful than the lawmakers in Washington.

  13. Source: (full website address)

    Article Title: Biden to code-writing girls: ‘You’re as smart as any boy’

    Article date: This article was published December 08, 2014.

    Who was involved? (Identify the people, groups, or organizations) Vice president Biden and a group of young women were involved.

    Where did this event happen? (Be specific) This event took place in the White House at the technology event.

    When did this event happen? (Date, month, time frame, and/or year) This event was very recent this week on Monday.

    What happened? IN YOUR OWN WORDS (Include sequence of events in complete sentences) President Obama and the vice president Biden were having a conversation with the students at an event promoting computer programming. This event was held at the White House early that Monday morning. Basically Biden went to one of the tables where it was a all girl group and mentioned a gender issue. This issue was that most often a lot of people have believed that men were smarter than women. But Biden just wanted to make it clear that women were just as smart as men and could do anything that they were able to do.

    Why is this event relevant? (Why did the author write the article now?) This event is relevant because this has been a stereotype for years. Men thought that they were better than women and that they were more superior than them.

    Reflection (how did this event impact society or this branch of government?) I just think that ever stereotype is dumb if you ask me, just for the simple fact that it's never a hundred percent accurate.

    Reaction (describe feelings or attitude toward article, event, or people involved): I was happy that the president and vice president addressed this issue and shared some encouraging words.

    Opinion (I think…): I think that women are just as good as men.

    Connection (explain why you chose this article): This connects to me because I am a female.


  14. Requirements:

    Source: (full website address) This article was found at

    Article Title: The title of this article is “House narrowly approves spending bill, legislation heads to Senate”

    Article date: This article was published on December 12, 2014.

    Who was involved? (Identify the people, groups, or organizations) The White House, House GOP leaders and Senate were involved during this event.

    Where did this event happen? (Be specific) This event took place in the House.

    When did this event happen? (Date, month, time frame, and/or year) this event took place December 11, 2014.

    What happened? IN YOUR OWN WORDS (Include sequence of events in complete sentences) A spending bill was approved on Thursday night,That sent the measure to the Senate as lawmakers tried for a partial government shutdown..Government funding was going to end at midnight on Thursday but before that happened the bill was approved of $1.1 million but it was said that the debate could last until next Monday. President Obama and the Vice President spoke to many people on the phoones to sway the Democratic lawmakers.The White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough also met with the Democratic caucus. In the end, 67 Republicans were against this action but 57 Democrats voted ffor it to happen.

    Why is this event relevant? (Why did the author write the article now?) This is relevant

    because the funding be taken out of the government will possibly soon affecting American citizens.

    Reflection (how did this event impact society or this branch of government? This branch of the government will not be receiving funding anymore.

    Reaction (describe feelings or attitude toward article, event, or people involved): My reaction towards this event is currently confused because I’m not sure how this will affect me.

    Opinion (I think…): I think that the legislative branch should continue to receive funding.

    Connection (explain why you chose this article): I chose this article because it seemed very interesting and connected to the lessons that we have been learning about in class.

  15. Source: (full website address)
    Article Title: The title of my article is “Congress poised to end where it started”.
    Article date: My article was published on Friday December 12, 2014.
    Who was involved? (Identify the people, groups, or organizations): Included in my article are the Republican Party, Democratic Party, Congress, Joe Biden and President Barrack Obama.
    Where did this event happen? (Be specific) My article took place in Washington D.C.
    When did this event happen? (Date, month, time frame, and/or year) This event happened in early December of this year.
    What happened? IN YOUR OWN WORDS (Include sequence of events in complete sentences): My article addresses the legislative branch of government while dealing with Congress, as it also deals with the executive aspect of the government. President Barrack Obama sends endless pleas to liberals to accept his funding limit for the country. Because the liberals are blowing off the President’s orders, the country is close to a government shutdown. This pushes Congress back years because the fate of the government can collapse in their hands. Unless the Democratic and Republican parties can agree, the government would freeze. The vice president and president tries to aid the parties into coming to a final decision.
    Why is this event relevant? (Why did the author write the article now?) This event is relevant because unless the parties, congress, and the president come to a full agreement, our government would freeze.
    Reflection (how did this event impact society or this branch of government?) The legislative and executive branches are being impacted because they are the people who can save our country.
    Reaction (describe feelings or attitude toward article, event, or people involved): I feel that the government will suffer unless Congress creates a plan to help the country.
    Opinion (I think…): I think the President and Congress should hurry up and make a decision. The longer the wait, the worse the outcome.
    Connection (explain why you chose this article): A connection I made is that the two parties and President Obama has to cooperate just like teachers have to cooperate together to ensure a better community.


  16. Source: (full website address)

    Article Title: The title of this Judicial article is " Supreme Court considers Facebook threats case" .

    Article date: This article was published on December 01, 2014.

    Who was involved? (Identify the people, groups, or organizations) The supreme court, Facebook cooperation, Anthony Elonis and the Justice Department.

    Where did this event happen? (Be specific) This event happened on social media, but more specific Facebook. The case is taking place at the Supreme Court.

    When did this event happen? (Date, month, time frame, and/or year): The court took notice last Monday of November 2014. The court case is still pending.

    What happened? IN YOUR OWN WORDS (Include sequence of events in complete sentences)

    The Supreme court are trying to find a way to limit what people say on social media and how to stop indirect and direct threats . A guy named Anthony posted inappropriate song lyrics on his facebook page. The song lyrics was a rap he used to vent online. The lyrics talked about killing someone. I said that you can love one way but murder in a thousands ways. Anthony ex-wife felt threatened because of this quotes lyrics he posted. Anthony Lawyer fights that they were song lyrics not his words and he used them to express his feelings. His ex-wife knew the lyrics for meant for her because the song said he was going to lay her body in her blood. They are very graphic lyrics but his lawyer claims he did not mean to threaten anyone but the courts aren't believing that. So they want to prevent people from sending indirect and direct threats period, to insure no one will ever feel threatened on social again. Anthony wife testified that the lyrics made her very scared and she was scared for her life. This case has become noticed throughout the United states. The supreme court is doing its best to handle this situation.

    Why is this event relevant? (Why did the author write the article now?)

    This article is relevant because sending threats is not cool. No one deserves to feel like another person is plotting on their life. But then again we do have freedom of speech. So this article shows how situations like this are taken serious.

    Reflection (how did this event impact society or this branch of government?) ‘

    This event impact society because threats are being thrown at people left and right everyday and thats not cool. This event impact this branch government because it shows are serious they take action when it comes to stuff like this. The supreme court are doing a great job.

    Reaction (describe feelings or attitude toward article, event, or people involved):

    My reaction towards reading about what event was shocking. It was shocking because the rap lyrics were very graphic and i couldn't understand why someone would want to post that or why they felt the need to express themselves using it but we dont freedom of speech. But if him and his ex-wife do have hatred towards each other that deep then yeah she’s going to feel as though her life is being plotted on.

    Opinion (I think…): I think this situation is very petty. We all know he posted those lyrics for his ex-wife . So just needs to admit it because he’s too grown to be acting like that. And his ex-wife has every right to feel threatened.

    Connection (explain why you chose this article):
    I chose this article because i had to find an article that involves any 1 on the 3 branches of government. Plus it involved social media, i am aprt of social media so i thought it was interesting to read about what's going online. Im glad i read about this because i dont like feel threatened so i hope the supreme court to handle this.


  17. Source: (full website address)

    Article Title: The title of this Judicial article is " Supreme Court considers Facebook threats case" .

    Article date: This article was published on December 01, 2014.

    Who was involved? (Identify the people, groups, or organizations) The supreme court, Facebook cooperation, Anthony Elonis and the Justice Department.

    Where did this event happen? (Be specific) This event happened on social media, but more specific Facebook. The case is taking place at the Supreme Court.

    When did this event happen? (Date, month, time frame, and/or year): The court took notice last Monday of November 2014. The court case is still pending.

    What happened? IN YOUR OWN WORDS (Include sequence of events in complete sentences)

    The Supreme court are trying to find a way to limit what people say on social media and how to stop indirect and direct threats . A guy named Anthony posted inappropriate song lyrics on his facebook page. The song lyrics was a rap he used to vent online. The lyrics talked about killing someone. I said that you can love one way but murder in a thousands ways. Anthony ex-wife felt threatened because of this quotes lyrics he posted. Anthony Lawyer fights that they were song lyrics not his words and he used them to express his feelings. His ex-wife knew the lyrics for meant for her because the song said he was going to lay her body in her blood. They are very graphic lyrics but his lawyer claims he did not mean to threaten anyone but the courts aren't believing that. So they want to prevent people from sending indirect and direct threats period, to insure no one will ever feel threatened on social again. Anthony wife testified that the lyrics made her very scared and she was scared for her life. This case has become noticed throughout the United states. The supreme court is doing its best to handle this situation.

    Why is this event relevant? (Why did the author write the article now?)

    This article is relevant because sending threats is not cool. No one deserves to feel like another person is plotting on their life. But then again we do have freedom of speech. So this article shows how situations like this are taken serious.

    Reflection (how did this event impact society or this branch of government?) ‘

    This event impact society because threats are being thrown at people left and right everyday and thats not cool. This event impact this branch government because it shows are serious they take action when it comes to stuff like this. The supreme court are doing a great job.

    Reaction (describe feelings or attitude toward article, event, or people involved):

    My reaction towards reading about what event was shocking. It was shocking because the rap lyrics were very graphic and i couldn't understand why someone would want to post that or why they felt the need to express themselves using it but we dont freedom of speech. But if him and his ex-wife do have hatred towards each other that deep then yeah she’s going to feel as though her life is being plotted on.

    Opinion (I think…): I think this situation is very petty. We all know he posted those lyrics for his ex-wife . So just needs to admit it because he’s too grown to be acting like that. And his ex-wife has every right to feel threatened.

    Connection (explain why you chose this article):
    I chose this article because i had to find an article that involves any 1 on the 3 branches of government. Plus it involved social media, i am aprt of social media so i thought it was interesting to read about what's going online. Im glad i read about this because i dont like feel threatened so i hope the supreme court to handle this.

  18. Source:

    Article Title: McCain: Ashton Carter won't be heard at W.H.

    Who: The people involved are John McCain and Ashton Carter.

    Where: This takes place in the Executive branch.

    When: John McCain said this on December 2, 2014.

    What happened: There is a race for the Defense Secretary position and Ashton Carter is the number one contender. Senator John McCain thinks Carter is right for the position but he thinks he won’t have much say. Sometime soon President Obama will nominate someone to take up the job as Defense Secretary who will most likely be Carter. John McCain thinks that Carter will have an easy time getting into the position but a hard time leading to fight ISIS. He believes its not his fault but the White House. The White House handles all of their decisions by a handful of people. McCain says that they don’t know anything about military and will result in a hard time for Carter. Other politicians had attacked Obama for not doing anything against ISIS and has criticized him for not being aggressive. The failed administration system is constantly making a mistake of letting only a few people make decisions which is why it is flawed. Despite these concerns Carter is expected to have an easy win into the position.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because its about the Executive branch which was a criteria for this week blog post and ISIS, an American foe.

    Reaction: I feel happy that someone is bringing up the issues of the country instead of suppressing the issues.

    Opinion: I think that Senator John McCain is right about the bad administration. I think that the administration should change these people or at least put power into more people. I also think that John McCain would’ve made a good president on the 2008 elections but I am still proud of Obama.

    Connection: This article was chosen because it was on your Google Plus and I haven’t heard about this so I wanted to learn more and be different.

  19. Source:
    Article Title: The article is titled, House narrowly approves spending bill, legislation heads to Senate.
    Article date: It was published on December 12, 2014.
    Who was involved? Senators,Republican party , the White House , President Obama , Vice President Biden, Democratic Party, GOP leaders are all involved in this article.
    Where did this event happen? This event is happening in the White House.
    When did this event happen? This event happened recently starting on December 11,2014. The plan of funds for the the government will be through September 2015, while there will be funding for immigration services through the late February.
    What happened? On the night of Thursday, the House have agreed to pass a sweeping spending bill.
    The bill was passed with 219-206 votes. Lawmakers have made a makeshift to keep the government running through midnight on Saturday with the fundings. The Senate spent $1.1 trillion on one of the packages. President Obama and Vice President Biden worked with the Democratic lawmakers. There have been rifts in their meetings, because some of them opposed the bill especially a Democratic Leader named Nancy Pelosi. The GOP leaders tried to stay on both sides for the people different reasons of why they opposed to the package and work something out. 67 Republicans tried to abandon it, while 57 Democrats voted for it.
    The main reason why they opposed it, was because it was supporting Obama's immigration executive actions and lots of money was being spent. The bill needed more democratics to pass it.This was a recap on how they forced the financial industry to do things dealing with too much money and led to a the economic collapse in 2008. Both sides started to see how government shutdown prevailed and they did not want that.
    So they this current plan fund the government through September 2015, and fund the immigration services only through the late February, teeing up a battle over immigration for early 2015.The bill went through a hurdle, on 214-212 test votes. It almost failed and had serious problems. GOP leaders suspended the final vote and looked for support hours with the White House and the Democratic Party.
    The bill’s chance in the Senate is still not clear, so it's going to last several more days.
    Why is this event relevant? (Why did the author write the article now?) This event is important , because it is dealing with our government and is letting us know how bills are passed and the process they go through.
    Reflection (how did this event impact society or this branch of government?) The results are for the country and the people depending in what the branches vote on. The people may not like it but that is why we vote for those people to be in office so they could make better decisions for us.
    Reaction (describe feelings or attitude toward article, event, or people involved): I am surprised that bills that are passed take so long to be passed because even when it's a lot of democrats who vote for it to be passed.At the same time I am anxious about the results.
    Opinion (I think…): I think the bill should be passed because of the many people in the Democratic Party that want to pass it.
    Connection (explain why you chose this article): I chose this article because it related to our topic. it can also be very useful for me to know and understand what our branches go through and the specific powers they have.

  20. Source:
    Article Title: The article is titled, House narrowly approves spending bill, legislation heads to Senate.
    Article date: It was published on December 12, 2014.
    Who was involved? Senators,Republican party , the White House , President Obama , Vice President Biden, Democratic Party, GOP leaders are all involved in this article.
    Where did this event happen? This event is happening in the White House.
    When did this event happen? This event happened recently starting on December 11,2014. The plan of funds for the the government will be through September 2015, while there will be funding for immigration services through the late February.
    What happened? On the night of Thursday, the House have agreed to pass a sweeping spending bill.
    The bill was passed with 219-206 votes. Lawmakers have made a makeshift to keep the government running through midnight on Saturday with the fundings. The Senate spent $1.1 trillion on one of the packages. President Obama and Vice President Biden worked with the Democratic lawmakers. There have been rifts in their meetings, because some of them opposed the bill especially a Democratic Leader named Nancy Pelosi. The GOP leaders tried to stay on both sides for the people different reasons of why they opposed to the package and work something out. 67 Republicans tried to abandon it, while 57 Democrats voted for it.
    The main reason why they opposed it, was because it was supporting Obama's immigration executive actions and lots of money was being spent. The bill needed more democratics to pass it.This was a recap on how they forced the financial industry to do things dealing with too much money and led to a the economic collapse in 2008. Both sides started to see how government shutdown prevailed and they did not want that.
    So they this current plan fund the government through September 2015, and fund the immigration services only through the late February, teeing up a battle over immigration for early 2015.The bill went through a hurdle, on 214-212 test votes. It almost failed and had serious problems. GOP leaders suspended the final vote and looked for support hours with the White House and the Democratic Party.
    The bill’s chance in the Senate is still not clear, so it's going to last several more days.
    Why is this event relevant? (Why did the author write the article now?) This event is important , because it is dealing with our government and is letting us know how bills are passed and the process they go through.
    Reflection (how did this event impact society or this branch of government?) The results are for the country and the people depending in what the branches vote on. The people may not like it but that is why we vote for those people to be in office so they could make better decisions for us.
    Reaction (describe feelings or attitude toward article, event, or people involved): I am surprised that bills that are passed take so long to be passed because even when it's a lot of democrats who vote for it to be passed.At the same time I am anxious about the results.
    Opinion (I think…): I think the bill should be passed because of the many people in the Democratic Party that want to pass it.
    Connection (explain why you chose this article): I chose this article because it related to our topic. it can also be very useful for me to know and understand what our branches go through and the specific powers they have.

  21. Source: (full website address)
    Article Title:The title of this article is “Congress Poised to End Where it Started”
    Article date: This article was published on December 12,2014
    Who was involved? (Identify the people, groups, or organizations)The people that were involved in this article is President Barack Obama and the Congress.
    Where did this event happen? (Be specific)This is happening in Washington DC but this could affect the whole nation.
    When did this event happen? (Date, month, time frame, and/or year)This event happened around sometime early December.
    What happened? IN YOUR OWN WORDS (Include sequence of events in complete sentences)This article discusses how the government almost shut down because they didn't have any money.House of Represebatives and Senators voted that the government had 1.1 trillion dollars to last them throughout the year to avoid the government shutdown.
    Why is this event relevant? (Why did the author write the article now?)This event is relevant because if the they shut down the government this could delay a lot within the government and that eventually would have soon affected americans if everyone didnt decide to .The vote that the bill should go through just made it by two votes.If this vote didnt pass then a lot of things could have gone wrong within the government.They also coluld have demanded more taxes from Americans to pay for their mistakes.
    Reflection (how did this event impact society or this branch of government?)This impacted this branch of government because it shows that there not doing to good with managing money and making good decisons.
    Reaction (describe feelings or attitude toward article, event, or people involved):This shouldn't be happening more than once ,clearly from the last time this happened they did not use it and learn from because its happening again.
    Opinion (I think…):I think that for this thing to happen more than once it shows that the people in power can't deal and handle with things correctly because this is not a small thing that can be solved easily ,this is very big problem that takes a lot of work.

    Connection (explain why you chose this article):I choose this article because i heard this on the news and i heard my mom talking about it and I wanted to educate myself more on the topic

  22. Source::
    Article Title: Congress sends Obama bill to stop Nazi benefits
    Who: The Congress, President Obama and Nazis
    Where: This is happening in the United States of America
    When: This was posted on December 5, 2014
    What happened: Congress passed a bill making it harder for former Nazis to receive benefits. This bill is now waiting on Obama to sign it. A report shows that Nazis who get deported receives millions of dollars from social security. This will affect people who were involved with Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. The whole goal of deportation was to punish them for their acts but the social security actually paid for their retirement. Democrats and Republicans in the House voted to end the financing of war criminals.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because the legislative and executive branch are involved.
    Reaction: I have mixed emotions about this.
    Opinion: I think that this is kind of pointless. These former (or active) Nazis are about to die so there’s no real point of doing this. I think the Congress should instead punish young, active Nazis so they can stop the spread of Nazism.
    Connection: I chose this because I was researching things about Hitler and this was in the news feed.

  23. Source:
    Article Title: President's executive order could shut down some SA charitable work
    Article date: July 28, 2014
    Who was involved? Catholic charities and the executive branch
    Where did this event happen? (San antonio)
    When did this event happen? (July of 2014)
    What happened? IN YOUR OWN WORDS (In july of this year president obama had signed a bill that outlawed discrimination on homosexual and transgender employees who are federal contractors. this upsets some non-profit organizations who are also federal contractors and feel as though their are not protected by similar laws for faith based organizations. )
    Why is this event relevant? (I believe that the author write this article to show the unequal protection of jobs. )
    Reflection (I think this impacts society in a negative way because I think all jobs sound have the same protection under law no matter a person's sexual orientation. )
    Reaction (I think some people feel upset. )
    Opinion (I think…): I think this is a little unfair because I feel as though this system of picking and choosing who is protected is a little troubling.

    Connection (explain why you chose this article): I chose this article because it seemed interesting to read about organizations and how they collaborate with the government.
