Sunday, April 19, 2015

3rd period, week of 4/20-4/24

Due by Friday 4/24 at 3:30pm
Current Event guidelines for 2015
Directions: Your weekly current event is no longer filling in a form. You will free write your summary, reaction, opinion, and connection to Civics in two paragraphs.

Requirements: must be about government
  1. Article title:
  2. Article date:
  3. Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum)
  4. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:  Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)


Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 9 Feb 2014. (9 Feb 2014)


  1. Article Title:Senate Confirms Loretta Lynch as Attorney General After Long Delay
    Article Date: APRIL 23,2015
    The Senate had just nominated Loretta Lynch as attorney general after a very long time decision. She is the first African American Woman to be nominated. She is now the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York. The vote was 56 to 443 and surprisingly including 10 Republican votes. The reason it took so long to finally nominate her is because she resided with the President regarding his executive actions on immigration. The Senate also negotiated deals of irrelevent bills and processes in order to make this happen. Her stand with immigration issues was an obstacle for getting her votes. But in the end, Lynch is a highly qualified and well-respected attorney. I was fascinated by the fact that she is the first African American woman to be nominated for state U.S. attorney, it’s remarkable. My opinion is that her stand with Obama’s immigration policy doesn’t really affect her future work as U.S. attorney at all. Loretta Lynch has accomplished something historical and in hard effort.

    Citation: Steinhauer,Jennifer. “ Senate Confirms Loretta Lynch as Attorney General After Long Delay”. NY Times. 23 Apr 2015. (23 Apr 2015)

  2. Senate GOP plays it safe on gay rights vote

    4/15/15 7:20 PM EDT

    Republicans want to stay away from the same-sex drama plaguing the Indiana governor. The republicans want nothing to do with mike pence on gay rights. Pence is obviously against gay rights. however, even senators who continue to protest gay marriage just didn’t want to go there, sticking with the voice vote rather than pushing to be on record opposing the measure. The only Republicans to vote for it then were Sens. I feel like gay people have the right to vote. It shouldn't matter on the sex you choose to be with. That's just unfair and justice.Mike fence is wrong, he could have just kept it to himself. Even some of the republicans sons are gay. So mike fence don't want them to vote? Everyone should be treated equal. This connects because we are talking about the voting and the rights people have. All legally married with the same-sex spouses should have equal access to the Social Security. Veterans’ benefits they have earned and receive equal treatment under the law pursuant to the Constitution.

    "Senate GOP Plays It Safe on Gay Rights Vote." POLITICO. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2015. .


  3. Article Title: 7M Settlement for Family of Temple Grad Beaten to Death in Old City
    Article date: April 15, 2015

    Summary: A Temple grad, was beating to death by three men: Kenneth Enriquiz-Santiago, Steven Ferguson, and Felix Carrillo. All three men who are under the age of 21 was drinking at two local bars in Old City, and late at night/ the morning on Jan 14 of 2012, pulled up on Kless the Temple graduate and started an argument with him. Minutes into the argument the three men went and attacked Kless, kicking him and punching him. The 23 year old died a short time after the fight and his family was sad, emotional. The three pled guilty to the Chargers and was sentenced to 10 years inside of prison. And for the bars that sold the three underage men drinks was sued and will have to pay $7M dollars to the family of the young student.
    My reaction to this article is that it's sad what happened to him, and that these men's should be held accountable and it's good that they have to spend ten years inside of prison. My opinion is that I believe it was the best decision fir the judge to sentence the three of them to jail, and it was smart of the judge to order the two bars to pay the family 7M for their wrong actions , for them breaking the law. I choose this article because it relates to a lot of bars in today's world , where they will let you in and serve you drinks if you just give them a little of extra money.
    Stamm. Dan. "7M Settlement for Family of Temple Grad Beaten to Death in Old City". NBC 10. 04/15/2015. ( (04/23/15)

    1. Great post. The bars have a legal obligation to cut someone off if they appear to be intoxicated. This would set an interesting precedent.

  4. House panel is told of slavery in Thai seafood industry

    April 22, 2014

    The former State Department ambassador Mark Lagon is trying to place sanctions on the country Thai seafood industry because of the unfair slave trade is that country. He head a nonprofit group called Freedom House. He wants the Obama Administration to stop the seafood trade from Thai to the united states. He said they are violating human rights. People in these countries are beaten and whipped and forced to work in slave conditions. This is a 7 billion dollar seafood industry in Thailand. The Senate and House passed laws to make sure Slave seafood doesn't come to the United States.

    I agree with this decision because everyone should have equal rights. As an American we shouldn't buy anything from any country that is practicing slavery. This is the same thing as when people in the South used to pick cotton in the slavery days.

    Mason, Margie, House panel is told of slavery in the seafood industry, (22 April 2015).


  5. U.S. Wages Are Historically Great, Or They’re Awful. It Depends on Your Preferred Inflation Measure
    April 23, 2015

    Recession recovery looks surprisingly well for some key individuals while some others are not particularly happy about the recent rises of low wage workers in america. The latest announcing workplace to tell people that their wages have risen is the all time loving fast food firm McDonalds itself. The economist and the labor department trade views on how the measuring for the recent rising of wages should have turned out depending on the certain factors that have been used. When tools were switched to measure the rising new wages they may have not looked to have changed, but since the recession has come to past and the wages have been documented and measured in different ways they show exactly how high the wages are. In showing how high the wages are they have come to the conclusion that it is an all time high.

    In my opinion I am glad the recession is finally over and that the economy is making a great come back. Hopefully the steady growth will continue in a positive direction, because many things are coming up that could tear it off the path that would be called helpful to many americans; especially, those who are low income families. This is relevant to the U.S because it is the process of stability coming back to us after we have gone through slight rough patches. We have new governors running for office, as well as the upcoming ballets for the new presidents campaigns soon. The doors are opening for new opportunities that could be seized by those that need it, so before everything goes south I believe there are some major plans to be made in order to see what families and some others want to see: come to past.
    Sparshott, Jeffery “U.S. Wages Are Historically Great, Or They’re Awful. It Depends on Your Preferred Inflation Measure”, Wall StreetJournal. ( April 23, 2015). Accessed ( April 23-24, 2015)

  6. Article Title: Official: Bell Gardens, California, mayor shot and killed by wife
    Article Date: Thursday October 2, 2014
    What happened: The mayor of bell garden was shot and killed by his wife. The accident happened in the middle of an argument between them and their 19- year old son. The father and son began fighting after the son intervened with the Los,Angeles county sheriff department, then the wife took a gun and shot her husband Crespo in the upper body several time. He died later at the hospital. There are no charges or some kind of punishment yet. They didn't find a motive to the couple's argument, the crime will be announced to the district attorney office and they will decide to press charges to the wife. The mayor was killed over something that wasnt that serious. My reaction toward this article blew my mind that someone would get killed over an argument . I think this article was interesting and weird that a wife would have the nerve to kill her husband after many years of being together.
    ( Alsup, Dave. “Official: Bell Gardens, California, mayor shot and killed by wife”.CNN.October 2,2014. ( April,23,2015)

  7. Article Title: Senate GOP plays it safe on same sex marriage.
    Article Date: 4/15/15
    Senate republicans try to steer clear of the promotion of gay rights for same sex marriages, based on getting them equal coverage and benefits. Votes that were casted on Wednesday have put an agreeance to the benefits to same sex marriage into action. This outcome resulting from the republicans not wanting to be bothered with similar problems that the indiana governor is in the process of dealing with. In an all unanimous voice social security and veterans benefits have been voted for approval by the house.
    This is relevant to U.S and the future of what the people of same sex marriage will have to do whether this vote gets through successfully. I don't really have a reaction towards this, but my thought is that it's about time everyone gets the equal rights they deserve. In my opinion, I think America is getting close to their ideal of equality, it just takes a lot of time. I cannot make a connection to this article, however this kind of issue will most likely continue for awhile.
    Bade, Rachael. "Senate GOP plays it safe on same sex marriage." Politico. 15 April 2015. (24 April 2015)

  8. Article Title: Obama Confronts 'cruel' Reailty Of His Drone War.
    Article Date: 4/25/15
    With recent events occurring during some of our counties hardest times some of the worst have been the capture and abuse of hostages. Obama had a brief meeting Tuesday april 21st to discuss and apologize for the death of an American and Italian hostage. Warren Weinstein and Giovanni Lo Porto both had to confront the horrifying Reailty with resulted in the Unitedstates killing two innocent captives. The death of both in Obamas words turned up as a "mistake" in the break of war. The killings have been stated to have political and policy implications. As well as having people question " Has the U.S. government been doing all in their power to make sure that civilians stay unharmed during war. Ending in confrontation of the CIA being guilty of another intelligence failure. This event has caused an uproar in casualties all over as well and a lack in trust of our own body of protection. I personaly feel although the power that our government has abling them to kill unidentified suspects is not right and and unconstitutional. Connections can be made all over in any prime example of innocent deaths aswell as false accusations made by our government

    Citation: Collinson,Stephen, "Obama confronts 'cruel' Reailty of his drone war", 4/24/15


  9. Article title: What's next in Freddie Gray investigation?

    2. Article date: April 30, 2015

    3. Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: With the recent news about the Freddie Gray people just want to known the truth about what really happened. People just don't known a men and cuffs breaks his neck and get seriously injured. Justice need to be served and the truth need to be told. People in Baltimore are honestly taking things over bored. Violence is not the answer it just make things worse.

    4. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:

  10. Article Title: " Ready to run"
    Article Date: N/A(could not find it)

    Former first lady, Hillary Clinton, has always been a prime competitor in politics. After lose the candidacy to President Obama in 2008 she has become Secretary of state. Before, this she has help support President Obama in his candidacy to run for president. She has recently decided to run in the 2015 in the election for president. She has plenty of experience to run for president and if she wins she will make history by being the first women in office.

    It would be a great to have a women in the office, it shows that women can be great leaders to. I want to be able to say that I voted for the first female president. I believe that Hilary Clinton is making a great decision to run for president. She has enough experience to run and I also believe she will get a lot of press. She might want to make slot of appearance to visit different cities and tell them her plan for presidency. This reminds me of when Barack Obama ran and defied the odd that black men were able to run and change the world.

    Zeleny,Jeff."Ready to run".CNN. 17 April 2015)
