Sunday, October 18, 2015

1st period, 10/19-10/23

Due by 3:30 pm on10/23

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs

(10 sentences)

Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.



Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source:
    Article Title: Do Mayors Still Care About Income Inequality
    Article Date: October 2015
    Who: Mayors of the United States
    Where: United States
    When: 2013-Now
    What happened: Two years ago New York elected a big new group of mayors to they could bring back income equality. While President Obama tried to low minimal wage, mayors never talked about these problems and focused on other issues in the government. Other issues like gun violence and airtime are being looked into more. People say this is a issue due to geography. Most of the big cities are all over and the south, income inequality may not resonate as a issue there. Citizen argue that income inequality is still a problem even though it is not talked about as much like in 2013.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because some people in cities struggle with income, but the government doesn't realize that it is still a big issue in the US. They want equality.
    Reaction: I am not surprised that this issue has been turned aside because many people seem to be focusing on gun violence and lack of money in certain classes. Though I think mayors and the government should spread this issue as well.
    Opinion: I think the more people talk about this issue, the more it will become known. Citizens need to stand up. For example they could start nonviolent marches talking about income inequality. This issue can be just as important as others.
    Connection: I choose this article because I see that people aren't getting equality and that this is a very important topic. Also because we are doing a essay in Civics now that talks about the Enlightenment and one of its ideas is equality for all.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Dashauna Lovett
    Article:Justices mull appeal of Chicago suburbs assault weapons ban
    Article date:October 17,2015
    Who:The Supreme Court
    When:October 2015
    What happened:The supreme courts wants to stop gun violence and mass killings.People could only have a gun if it's to protect families.
    Why:This is important because gun violence is becoming a big part in society.This is also important because this could move to Philadelphia areas.
    Reaction:This is a good cause because it could help decrease gun violence across the world.
    Opinion:I think this should become viral in Philadelphia areas.I think having this law will give more safety to the citizens of the nation.
    Connection:I am starting to loose many friends due to gun violence.Sometimes I don't even feel safe in my society.


  4. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:US and Russia sign deal to avoid Syria air incidents
    Article Date: 10/20/15, Today
    Who: Syria, Russia, United States military/government, Peter Cook
    Where: Syria, Russia, United States, International
    When: September 30, 2015- current
    What happened: On September 30th Russia began airstrikes on Islamic States in Syria. Last week, Russian, and U.S planes were only a few miles from each other. As a result there was a deal signed that said both countries planes will stay away from each other. “Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook said the text of the deal would remain secret at Moscow's request, but that it laid out means for both sides to communicate and establish a hotline on the ground”. The deal does not make Russia tell where the intended target is located, or include flight over Turkish. Reports have been made that from Syrian activists that Russian planes have attacked, but Moscow denies this.45 people were reportedly killed in Russian airstrikes on Monday, in the north-west Latakia province.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant, because the United States, does not know where Russia will attack next. The deal only says U.S, and Russian planes can't be close. This doesn't mean Russian Planes can’t attack The United States. They can retaliate on the United for helping Syria, because there is no written law that says it would be illegal.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel like The deal should be more detailed, because you do not know what Russia will do next. The recent deal, only protects American planes from being too close to Russian. This contract is unpredictable when no one knows what Russia will do next.
    Opinion (I think..) I think there should be a new agreement that clearly states that Russia will not attack the United States. When you make alliances with a country, and there is someone attacking them. They may also attack your country, because you are helping the enemy. This makes me feel unsafe, because people don’t know if Russia will have an airstrike on the U.S tomorrow.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article, because you should know what your country is being involved with. The danger with the alliance, between Syria means. There enemies, like the Russia is will now become the United State’s enemies. Everyone should be concerned about this, because the U.S mostly helps out other countries. Who will come when we need help ?

  5. Source:
    Article Title: US government will reportedly require all drone purchases to be registered
    Article Date: October 16, 2015
    Who: US Government, Department of Transportation, The Obama Administration, NBC News, FAA, Tom Costello
    Where: N/A
    When: Friday October 16, 2015
    What Happened: The US Government wants to make a mandatory requirement that all drone purchases and those who have one, should have a registration that permits them to have a drone. The Department of Transportation is going to announce this plan on Monday. They will reportedly form a “task force” with leading drone manufacturers to create a registration process that will ease the potential of headache owners. Some questions remain: will this policy be retroactive and include previous purchases? What guidelines will the government use to officially classify drones? The Verge has tried to reach out to the White House and Department of Transportation. However, the FAA has said that they will not be ready until 2017.
    Why is this Event Relevant: This event is relevant because drones are being purchased around the world right now and a lot of people do not have the right admissions to have one. So many people have drones to get some great footage. Others have drones to spy on others.
    Reaction: There has not been any reaction to the new plan on drones yet, but soon there will be some people with some harsh reactions.
    Opinion: I don’t have no type of opinion to this because I am not a drone user, but at the same time, I know some people who have drones in their possession and they bought it with no worries. I want to have a drone just to get some amazing features from high above and post it on social media, but I don’t know how to even use one.
    Connection: i chose this article because I love what you can do with drones and the quality of the camera is amazing. Drones get you great footage from high above, some you can never get just hanging from a plane.:

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    What's going on with prison reform in America?
    October 21, 2015
    In a few weeks, an estimated 6,000 inmates are supposed to be released from prison in Virginia. They are being released based on changes in the sentence guidelines for nonviolent drug cases. In July, President Obama visited a prison facility where he met inmates and had conversations with them about life inside and how life would be outside of prison. He stated " Inmates made 'mistakes' like I did." In my opinion Obama is right about making mistakes because everyone does make mistakes but if you've made more then one mistake, you can always make another one, then another one. If the inmates are willing to go back to a regular lifestyle and get a job to provide for family instead of selling drugs will be a good vision on Obama and the inmates themselves. My reaction towards the decision is shocking. I say shocking because I never would of thought 6,000 inmates would be being released on the strength of Obama. The inmates are still in jail now but they have friends and family just like everyone else does and everyone deserves a second chance at life but if the inmates are set free and then they sell drugs again, they'll be in the same predicament. In jail. I chose this article because I've been hearing about it in the streets but I didn't think it was true until I did my research. Also because I have a family memeber in prison also serving time, just not in Virginia. I'm sure there are other people out there waiting for whoever to come home. The inmates' release dates are booked between October 30th - November 2nd.

  8. Source:
    Article Title:Inside Biden's decision not to run
    Article Date:October 22, 2015
    Who:Joe Biden and Barak Obama
    Where:White house
    When: Few weeks ago
    What happened: Joe biden and Obama told a reporter that everyone will see them again meaning they were going to run again. Joe biden suddenly announced that he was no running for president any more. Because of the lose of his son beau biden his run for the white house came to a close. Joe biden states that his family is in grief and thinks this is best for the moment. He says that it caught him off guard that he wouldn't run but because of his son's death one led to another.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it's something that is happening today and something important that goes into the 2016 presidential debate. Also, this goes more into detail about Joe Bidens feelings.
    Reaction: My reaction to this more so shock because i didn't know his son passed away and i also felt his emotions with him saying that him and his family is in grief because who wouldn't if they lost their son or daughter. I was surprised too at first who obama and biden said that they will appear again.
    Opinion: I think it is understandable that biden would not run because you couldn't really brush something like that off.
    Connection: I chose this article because i have been hearing and just seeing al ot about the presidential debate and how different things are just popping up on the internet but this was one of the articles that stood out to me the most. I found out something i didnt know before and things that were interesting to me.

  9. Source: (website)
    Article Title:Lincoln Chafee Drops out of Democratic Presidential Race
    Article Date: October 23 , 2015
    Who:Lincoln Chafee
    Where: Washington D.C
    When: Friday Morning
    What happened:Lincoln Chafee pulled out of the 2016 presidential race after failing to gain any traction in the Democratic primary field. Chafee is the second democrat to drop out of the race this week. This leaves three candidates in the Democratic field to run.
    Why this event is relevant:This relevant because Chafee was a republic. Many people question him when he ran in the Democratic field. Now the major question I have is Chafee done with running or is he going back to the republican field.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My reaction is I am confused because I feel like it have to more.
    Opinion (I think..) I don’t think Chafee should have dropped out. I supported some of his ideals for this nation. I think he should have stayed because the race could have changed for the better of him.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it’s important to know who running for president and find out who dropped out , and why.

  10. Source:

    Article Title:Florida Governor Proposes Private-Sector Training for STEM Teachers

    Article Date: October 22 2015

    Who: Rick Scott, teachers

    Where: Florida

    When: During the summer

    What happened: Teachers are getting paid to work during the summer and work on their craft and become better teachers. They come in the summer time and train so that they can be the best teacher possible

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because now a days some teachers don't care about how they teach and if they are a good teacher they just do as these please and just tell students to do the work. Now teachers wanna change that mindset and show students that they are willing to give their all so that students can have all of the knowledge that they need.

    Reaction: How I felt towards this is that I like the idea I think so much better can happen because of teachers doing this. This is a win for both teachers and students it's not like they just doing for free they getting paid. Lastly teachers get more experience and learn new things from being at school more often.

    Opinion (I think..) I think that this is great for teachers because at the end of day now they getting paid all year around. Even though they might not have that much off time their getting paid. Also now they can have all their class ideas set up and won't have to wait until the end of the summer to make their class preparations. Teachers can have all new things to talk about and have new information and not teach old things that students know and would make them less interested but new stuff that would actually have students engaged in what the teacher is talking about.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because I felt as though this would be something great that all teachers could do. This would help students so much durning the school year and make them feel so comfortable and excited to go to school. When students are comfortable then teachers are too and that sounds like a great classroom area to me.

  11. Source:
    Article Title:should the U.S. Allow gambling on elections?
    Article Date:October 11, 2015
    Jimmy Vaccaro, the bookmaker of the South Point Casino. The location of his casino is Las Vegas Nevada. He has promped that he would like to hold the bets on election day. Law makers in Nevada rejected the proposal last year. CNN has opened a point gambling game on their website. This is relevant because it is a new story tat relates to restrictions from the government on gambling. My reaction is not surprised at all and understanding on the government's behave for that wouldn't be necessarily wise.I think if they did start allowing betting on the elections, the vote tally thing could get rigged. I chose this article because I like to gamble and I'm interested in the government's reaction. Also, the viewpoints were very interesting to me.
