Sunday, October 25, 2015

1st period, Week of 10/26-10/30

Due by 3:30 pm on10/30

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs

(10 sentences)

Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.



Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source: (
    Article Title:School Budget Problems
    Article Date:10/19/15
    Who:Philadelphia School District
    What happened:The school district doesn’t have enough money to keep schools running.
    Why this event is relevant:Because kids need to go to school to better themselves.
    Reaction: I’m not shocked because the school district is always broke.
    Opinion: My opinion is that the school district should be better. We should not have to borrow money to learn.It's not far that our education is in jeopardy because of this.Like schools shouldn’t be without money because it’s a public good. Meaning that taxpayers give money towards our schooling.
    Connection: When I went to public school it was hard to learn and you could tell that we didn't have the resources.

  2. Source:

    Article Title:Joe Biden Says Family Held Sway in Decision Not to Run

    Article Date:Oct 25,2015

    Who:Joe Bidden


    When:Last Week

    What happened:Vice President Joe Bidden said he will not run for president. He said he will not be running because of his family.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because a lot of people thought he would be running. Also because a lot of people thought he would win if he was to run for president.

    Reaction: I'm neutral on this decision because i'm not old enough to vote. Also because i'm not really into politics.

    Opinion : I think he should have run because he was vice president to Barack Obama and a lot of people liked him. Also believe he should have run because he has some type of experience from being around the president and helping with decisions.

    Connection: I chose this article because its going to affect the presidential race. Also because now someone new will have to step up to be the new favorite.


  3. Source: (entire website address)http://on

    Article Biden: No truth to stories of Beau's dying wish

    Article Date:October 26, 2015



    When:May 30, 2105

    What happened:Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Beau, tragically died of brain cancer at age 46 . Biden couldn’t run anymore because he lost his son and it was affecting his life. So he decided to stop even though his son wanted him to pull through and do it. Many was disappointed he didn't run because they felt as though he would be a great president. Biden don't believe Hillary and Donald Trump will not make a good president. He feels as though whoever wins the election should focus on a cure for cancer.

    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because people who are running go through things to and it's hard to decide if you want to still run when you dealing with hard times.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I agree with Biden decision he lost someone close and it's hard to move on.

    Opinion (I think..) I also think he should have at least tried to still run because deep down that's what his son wanted.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this because it was very interesting.

  4. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title:USA TODAY GOP Power Rankings: Carson is the new king

    Article Date:10/27/15

    Who:Ben Carson



    What happened:Ben Carson pull himself at the top of the rankings in the election

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because he is running for our future president.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I was actually shocked. I didn't think that people was going to fall for his lies. I dislike the fact that he is in the lead.

    Opinion (I think..) I think that this is definitely temporary. Hopefully he will end up ranking at the end of the election. I don't feel as through he will make a fit president or is in the best interest of the people.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I can connect this to how I felt when president Obama was running for president and me and my family was watching the election hoping and praying that he win. Thinking about the possibility of anyone else but Obama was nerve racking and this reminded of that feeling I felt years ago.

  5. Source:
    Article Title: Students protest Donald Trump rally in Iowa
    Article Date: October 27,2015
    Who: A group of students and community members
    Where: SIOUX City, Iowa
    When: Tuesday October 27,2015
    What happened:People are protesting because they disagree with Donald Trump. They think that he promotes bullying. They believe that " His anti-immigrant rhetoric is inciting violence toward Latinos across Iowa and across the country and puts Latino students in danger."
    Why this event is relevant:This relevant because people can get additional information on what Donald Trump believe in. Francisco Valdez, a West High School graduate. Valdez authored a petition. The petition stated, "Donald Trump is a bully and doesn't belong in Iowa schools.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I would feel like the people that's protesting. I feel some type of way by Trump comment.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that Donald Trump so why he shouldn't run this country. This comment on immigration rubs me the wrong way. I like how the community comes together and show their anger respectfully.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it’s important to know what the candidates believe.

  6. Source:
    Article Title: Federal report slams Ohio for major delays in helping homeowners in foreclosure
    Article Date: Wednesday October 28, 2015
    Who: Ohio Homeowners, President Obama, Washington, TARP
    Where: Ohio
    When: Almost a Year ago. On average 366 days.
    What Happened: After thousands of Ohio homeowners went into foreclosure, Ohio came through and delivered millions in bailout dollars that was sent from Washington. It was slow because Ohio homeowners had to wait long months to get help, and at most times over a year. The median wait time was six months for mortgage. On average it took 366 days to finally come to a decision. Homeowners who applied for loan-modification had to wait 233 days to 251 days depending on the aid they needed. TARP, originally passed by Congress and approved by President George W. Bush in 2008, was geared at first as a bailout fund for banks and auto manufactures, which the government feared they would go out of commission and take the economy with them. Obama extended TARP to help families hurt by house downturn and created a new program called Hardest Hit Fund in 2010.
    Why is this event Relevant: This event is relevant because now homeowners who lost their home can now finally be able to live in a better place without having to worry about being turned down by lack of funds and efficient working.
    Reaction: My reaction to this is thank goodness that these people in Ohio are going to able to live in a better place and not in some makeshift shelter that hardly has anything.
    Opinion: My opinion is sort of mixed because I do not know how to react to this. This took a year to happen, and I know the reason why it took so long. It is so confusing how to feel right now. If I was in the homeowners shoes, I would feel upset and being in the government shoes I would have to really think long and hard about how to handle this situation.
    Connection: I can sort of connect this to the homeless because they have gone a long time without a home and at the same time the government has done nothing to help them at all. These people have relied on us to get help and they know they need more than just us to get help. We need the government to step in and help these people have been without a home for almost their entire lives because they cannot survive for long.

  7. Source: Source:
    Article Title: From Marijuana to Gas: Tax Issues on the Ballot in 2015
    Article Date: August 18, 2015
    Who: Citizens in Ohio
    Where: Us, but mainly Ohio
    When: 2015
    What happened: This article is about the major issues that are happening, mainly legalizing marijuana, gas prices and how legislatures can make taxes higher. Ohio is deciding whether or not they want to legalize marijuana and whether it will be a good thing or not for their society. In 2012, they legalized weed but now they want to figure out if they want to continue this law. They suggest that they could raise a 5$ tax to get weed. They are competing against the legislature. In Washington though, citizens face problems with taxes and have to decided whether they want to increase gas taxes. Most citizens imposed this idea, declined it. Whether than gas, they think they should increase it to improve roads. These two states seem to be in a struggle, but voting will eventually draw this to a close.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because people are not getting what they want and a struggling to meet people's likes and needs. Feeling that if they legalize weed, it might cause chaos and won’t be good for people.
    Reaction: I was not surprised by this article because it is something that every state should have conflict deciding with. Many states today don’t have marijuana legalized and also think they should lower gas taxes because it is way to high for them to pay.
    Opinion: I think that Colorado should choose whatever they believe. Though I feel like they should legalize it but make restrictions and pass out papers meaning that, that person is allowed to have it and is not underage.
    Connection: I choose this article because this is a recurring issue in states in the US and that it is a very important topic to discuss and go over with citizens.

  8. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:House Passes Sweeping Two-Year Bipartisan Budget Deal
    Article Date: 10/28
    Who: House of Representatives/ government,John Boehner, Representative Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell
    Where: Washington D.C, national
    When: Yesterday
    What happened: On Wednesday The House of Representatives passed a two-year bipartisan budget with the congressional leadership and the White House. All the house democrats, and seventy- nine republicans passed the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015. This Act allows government’s debt limit to extended through 2017. Also set spending levels through September, and $80 billion in sequester relief. Which is a policy process that instantly reduces the federal budget across most departments and agencies. Sequestration, or "the sequester," is a procedure by which all spending cuts happen. If Congress does not agree on a smaller budget before a required date. The final vote was 266 to 167. House Speaker John Boehner backed the bill, and so did Rep.Paul Ryan. The man who will replace him. The bill now has to go through the senate, before the November 3rd deadline. Leader Mitch McConnell has promised to do so.The bipartisan agreement includes “long-term entitlement reforms to the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program” ,and prevents an increase in Medicare B premiums for seniors.These negotiations have been ongoing with the White House, since September 17th. Boehner wanted to make the deal with President Barack Obama. To help out Paul Ryan. Boehner says on Tuesday “I didn't want him to walk into a dirty barn full of you know what. So I have done my best to try and clean it up,".
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant, because if the United States is in a lot of debt. Taxes and the price, of items could be increased. If there is more money to pay back than the U.S can pay, the burden will be on American Citizens. Just, because items could increase from the current debt incurred. Does not mean pay, or minimum- wage will increase. That will solely be up to your employers. Also say if the government borrows money from other countries, we will have to pay them back which will be way worse. Than U.S citizens paying, the other countries could raise the interest on the loans if they wanted to. It will be there money and we would have no control to stop them.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My feelings towards this is skeptical. Where will the government find the money to pay, back the debt. There would most likely be an increase in something that most people use, but we don’t know what. I also don’t like how we all are kept in the dark. The media outlets only talk about the debt, but does anyone know for certain where it really came from? As most people know borrowing from friends, or in this case even counties is not a good idea.
    Opinion (I think..) I think the United States government is doing something illegal, or wrong. That would be detrimental to everyone if it ever got out. As we all know all the information we receive could just be rumors, or only half the story. The media is well known for blowing small details out of proportion.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this article, because the government’s debt could affect me later in life. I don’t want to pay thousands of dollars in taxes, because of their mistakes. If the government could not afford what they needed. They should have went without it, or move some money around. Like the usually do when they do not have enough money. I don’t want to have to carry the government mistakes for the rest of my life.

  9. Source:
    Article Title: Carson Compares Abortion to Slavery
    Article Date: October 25, 2015
    Who: Ben Carson
    Where: King Street Retail Walk in Alexandria, Virginia
    When: October 16, 2015
    What happened: Carson compared abortion to slavery. He thinks of it this way, slave owners were able to do whatever they wanted to slaves and abortion is letting a mother do whatever they want to their child by terminating the baby. He thinks that the Supreme Court should make abortions illegal. Even if the pregnancy results from rape or incest.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because if he becomes president, he may take away this option for ceratin mother's. Some women may not be in the circumstances to take care of a baby.
    Reaction: I don't think Carson should be comparing abortion to slavery. I don't feel as though they are the same.
    Opinion: I think women should be able to make their own decisions based on their wants and circumstances. No one, not even Ben Carson should be able to take options determining someone's future away from them.
    Connection: I chose this article because there has been a lot of reports going around about abortion since the debates have been going on and some women who may consider this option should know about it.

  10. Dashauna Lovett
    Article Title:Another ObamaCare challenge heads to Supreme Court
    Article Date:October 16,2015
    Who: Foes of President Obama
    When:October 2015
    What happened:People think Obamacare violates the provision of constitution and it raises taxes.The health care was not suppose to raise taxes it was only to help expand health care coverage.Family businesses won't give female contraceptive unless they insurance cover it.So if you don't have insurance you won't be covered by family business.
    Why this event is relevant:This is important because now insurance is something you need.People have insurance taxes taken out of their checks each check. Obamacare was intended to help the people it effects low income families.If you can't provide the citizens with insurance then were not actually receiving all public goods from the government. This is also important for females because they could easily get pregnant if health care services don't cover.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes):People shouldn't have taxes taken out because the government should pay for it.Obamacare help others so It shouldn't taken away from them.
    Opinion (I think..)My opinion on this is why shut Obama care down if it's a public Good. Also I think everyone should have insurance just in case something bad happened.
    Connection (why you chose this article)I could connect to this because many of my family members applied for Obamacare when it was free to sign up.

  11. Source:
    Article Title: U.S. jets intercept Russian planes near aircraft carrier
    Article Date: Oct 29, 2015
    Who: U.S and Russia
    Where: Pacific Ocean
    When: Today
    What happened: The Navy have been visited by Russian aircraft that are not something that is usual but is starting to happen more often. The U.S has actually taken photos of Russian air crafts that have flown past bases multiple times. Encounters like these were also common during the Cold War.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it is really hard to tell what Russia's intentions are anymore. Putin ,Russian president has actually been in Syria for some reason that seems unclear and is very suspicious.
    Reaction: I feel a little bit worried at this point because we never know when we are next to be bombed by Russia.
    Opinion: I think that this matter should be looked at more in depth but shouldn't take action until things are more clear for us to do something about it.
    Connection: I chose this article because politicians are now arguing about this wondering what we should do in order to not feel uncomfortable.

  12. Source:
    Article Title: Trump: I carry a gun on occasion
    Article Date: October 28,2015
    Who: Donald Trump
    Where: Washington D.C.
    When: Wednesday, October 15th
    What happened: During the debate, Trump makes a comment saying that he carries a gun on occasion. He also states that he would prefer his workers to carry guns as well.
    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because of the shooting in Oregon community college.
    Reaction: My first reaction was shocked becauseI wasn't expecting him to say that on tv. But then I had to realize that it is Donald who's talking. And he will say or do anything to get elected.
    Opinion: I think that Trump goes against everything I want for a president. The same thing that we're trying keep people from, he says that he would prefer his workers with guns.
    Connection: I chose this article because it furthermore gives me a reason not to want Trump as my president. I believe that if we put Donald Trump in office then he will lead America to what we have strived not to be.

  13. Lidia Abebe


    Article Date: Thursday, October 29, 2015

    Who: Chinese

    Where: China

    When: Thursday October 29th 2015

    China has ended its one child policy at a communist party leadership meeting. Finally after 36years leaders had a 4 day meeting where they talked about China's problem.

    This event is relative because many people who live in China always wanted to have more than one child.

    My reaction towards this surprising. I was also happy. When I first heard about China citizens not being able to have more than one Child made me upset but I was able to also see why they've would've done that. I doubt China was going to burst and have a slow economy because there are many ways to make it grow with the help of their government ideas.

    I agree with the fact that China could have and exploding population which could slow down economic growth. But China is pretty big..

    I could connect to this because I have family members who really wanted to have more than one child but was unable to due to government issues and money problems. It's a very sad and upsetting thing. For China's gov leader to finally realize that it'll be a miracle for other China citizens is a great thing.

  14. Source: (entire website address)-
    Article Title: The article title is FBI will investigate case of student in south Carolina who was dragged out of her classroom by a police officer.
    Article Date: Article was written on Tuesday October 27,2015,1:15 pm.
    Who: The events involved Ben fields(police officer), one black girl, and one white girl.
    Where: The events happened in Spring Valley High school in North Carolina.
    When: The events happened on October 27,2015.
    What happened: A video surfaced where a police officer can be seen flipping a black girl's desk and dragging her out of it. What you cannot see in the video is a white girl demanding the office(Ben Fields) to stop. Both girls were arrested. The video sparked outrage because it is believed the attack it was racially motivated. In the past Ben fields has been the subject to use of excessive force and racially profiling.
    Why this event is relevant:This is another event involving police officer abusing power. The actions can also be the cause of a race issue. Police brutality has become a pattern in the U.S therefore making this case relevant

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)- I feel that Ben Fields should have a limit to his power because of prior incidents. He should not have been the first response any situation concerning minorities.
    Opinion (I think..)- I think there is no denying this situation unfolded as it did because of the girls race. This police officer did not give the same reaction to the white girl that demanded him to stop. The two different reaction to the two different girls from two different ethnic backgrounds said so.
    Connection (why you chose this article)- This article is yet another relation to police brutality.

  15. Source:

    Article Title: Congress Acts to Avoid Commuter Rail Shutdown

    Article Date: October 29,2015

    Who: Michael Melaniphy

    Where: All around

    When: October 29, 2015

    What happened: People are trying to make sure their aren't any railroad crashes. They want to prevent and collisions from happening. They have now made sure that railroads will be ok from 2015 to 2018.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant now because so many catch the el to get where they have to go. This is the main source of transportation for people to go to places.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) How I feel towards this is that they should make sure that everything is right and their aren't any railroad crashes. Everyday I have to catch the el to go to school, this is my main source of transportation I don't have another way to get here. If the railroads were broke then I wouldn't be able to make it to school.

    Opinion (I think..) I think they should take they time with this and make sure that everything is done the right way. They have to make sure that their wouldn't be any chance of a railroad crash happening any time soon.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because because I can relate to this and not wanting railroads to shut down. Everyday I catch the el and if it was to shut down then so many things for me would be canceled.

  16. Source:
    Article Title: 2016 Republicans vs. the media
    Article Date: October 29, 2015
    Who: The Republicans
    Where: The Republican Debate
    When: Yesterday
    What happened:
    The Republicans and the media are going back and forth with each other. Marco Rubio said that the media was a super PAC for Hillary Clinton. Ben Carson said that "Debates are supposed to be to 'get to know the candidates,' what is behind them. What it has turned into is a gotcha." Carson said that he wanted changer but never specified what he wanted to change. CNBC’ senior Vice President, Brian Steel responded by saying "People who want to be President of the United States should be able to answer tough questions.”
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because one of these candidates will become our new president and we need to know what changes will occur when that happens.
    Reaction: I agree with Brian Steel because if you're running for president, you should be able to answer tough questions because as president, you will have to make difficult decisions.
    Opinion: I think that you should be prepared for any question while in a debate no matter how big or small it may be.
    Connection : I chose this article because I find it amusing when the candidates get offended by each other or the media because their reaction is calm but you know how they're feeling. They try to express themselves the best way they can with words because they don't want to go overboard on tv.

  17. Source:Article Title: Date:

    Who:Christ Christie


    When:Oct 30,2015

    What happened:Chris Christie might get disqualified from election.

    Why this event is relevant:
    Because this could shake up the whole presidential election.Also because he is suppose to a serious candidate.

    Reaction: I am neutral on this because I can’t vote yet. Also , because i’m not into politics.

    Opinion I think he shouldn't be disqualified because he might be able to become the next president. Also because I he could become successful.

    Connection : This connects to me because this could affect my life when I get older. Also , because he could affect my life for good in the long run.

  18. Source:

    Article Title:Obama on Oregon shooting: 'Somehow this has become routine'

    Article Date:Updated 10:04pm, Thursday, 10/1/15

    Who: President Obama, Oregon College Students

    Where:Washington D.C, Oregon

    When:October 1, 2015

    What happened: A young black boy was shot by a white man in the state of Oregon.

    Why this event is relevant: I believe this is relevant, because this is an example of the #BlackLivesMatter movement

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I feel as though this is outrageous and there needs to be more justice and a stoppage to things like this.

    Opinion (I think..): I think it’s sad that people can continue life after they end life of a black male/ female and then feel as though everything is alright.

    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article, because it’s being a black male in a dangerous city/ world.

    Title: Police Brutality
    Date: This event occurred on Octuber 27, 2015.
    Who: Thr people involved in this was the police officer and the female student. This event happened in a highschool classroom.
    When: This event happened the same day the article was put out.
    What happened: A girl student did not want to give up her cellphone. As result the teacher called the police officer and he brutily attacked her for her phone. The female did not fight back.
    Why this event is relevant: it is relevant because police has been attacking African Americans for so long now. This shows another unarmed African American attacked excessively. This adds to the long list of African Americans that dealt with police brutality.
    Opinion: I think this has gone on long enough and needs to be stopped as soon as possible.
    Connection: my connection is long list of African Americans attacked by police excessively.


  20. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Its been a good run boehner says as his 25 years in congress draw to a close
    Article Date:October 28,2015
    Who:John A, Boehner is ending his congressional
    Where:In Washington
    When:He entered the house of representatives in 1991 as rambunctious newcomer railing against the power structure.
    What happened:He caused a lot of ruckus and disagreement.
    Why this event is relevant:someone that works in Washington is retiring and his job was important.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes
    Opinion (I think..) He is old and i guess he needs to retire.
    Connection (why you chose this article)A lot of different people retire from jobs for a reason. But this one is a important job for Washington
