Sunday, October 11, 2015

2nd period, Week 10/12-10/16

Due by 3:30 pm on10/16

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs
(10 sentences)
Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source:

    Article Title:One solution to America's gun problem

    This article was published on October 5, 2015 and this is a national topic. This article involves president Barack Obama and gun retailers. This article covers the whole United States concluding that the U.S is averaging a little over one mass shooting every day. President Barack Obama reflects on the shooting that happened in Oregon on October 1, 2015. President Obama points out that these tragedies have become routine and hopes and prayers are not enough, the time for actions is finally coming. Others believe it is unconstitutional to restrict the sales of guns. Multiple investment funds have subtracted money out the gun manufacturing industry. Recent research has found that the share prices of arms manufacturers decline after a mass shooting. Different movements will most likely cause companies to think more carefully about their policies and procedures. Businesses unveil policies of asking customers to leave their weapons behind when visiting. This event is relevant because gun violence is increasing in the United States and it is time to come up with a solution to decrease the amount of gun violence that occurs every day. Whether Obama restricts the amount of guns sold or retailers become more strict when selling guns, something needs to happen to create change. I am fed up with the amount of killings that happen each day using guns. There has to be a better way to solve conflict than killing people. I think gun retailers should decrease the amount of guns they sell to everyday citizens. I chose this article because I lost someone very close to me because of gun violence so this topic caught my eye.

  2. Source:

    Article Title:The title of this article is "Trump: Clinton shouldn't be allowed to run".

    Article Date:The date that this article was published on was October 10,2015.

    Who:The people involved in this article are Trump and Clinton.

    Where:This article took place in Washington, D.C.

    When:This event took place on Saturday October 10,2015.

    What happened:What happened in this event was Trump believes that Clinton should not be allowed to run for president. He says this because of the incident that happened with her using her personal email for business.

    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because it's about that time to vote again.

    Reaction: My reaction to this was this may change some people opinion about Clinton and if they were voting for her.

    Opinion:I think this is was eye opening. I say that because I believe that Trump is only doing that so that he can make himself look good.

    Connection: I chose to do this article because it was eye opening and its an important article to me.

  3. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: Man dies after being shot outside AT&T Stadium
    Article Date: Oct 11 ,2015
    Who: Richard Sells<victim Marvin Rodriguez < accused killer
    Where:outside AT&T Stadium
    When:Oct. 11 game between the Dallas Cowboys and the New England Patriots.
    What happened:Richard Sells, 43, was pronounced dead Wednesday night after being shot outside AT&T Stadium following an Oct. 11 game between the Dallas Cowboys and the New England Patriots.
    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because its goes on to many times in are generation today . The shooting & all the deaths the crime rates are only increasing in are country .
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel bad for the victim . Losing his life in front of a football stadium. He maybe loved the game & died right in front of a football stadium .
    Opinion (I think..) I think the suspect should get death penalty . Due to his heavy records of doing harsh crime . This isn't the first time he's been arrested .
    Connection (why you chose this article)

  4. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:In Debate, Hillary Clinton Sent a Message to Doubters
    Article Date: October 14, 2015
    Who: Hillary Clinton, Joseph R. Biden Jr
    Where:HENDERSON, Nev
    When: October 15,1995
    What happened:Hillary Clinton and Joseph Biden talked about how the debate was okay and everything that is wrong with the U.S
    Why this event is relevant:Because it is an important topic to talk about to the people of America
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I thunk some of the things that Hillary Clinton was saying was kinda weird because of the fact that she brought of stuff from last year
    Opinion (I think..) I think that she needs to speak on police killing innocent people
    Connection (why you chose this article) Because this is about the fact that many things need to change because of the different situations people went through

    1. does not meet length requirement of 10 complete sentences

  5. Source:

    Article Title: Joe Biden Teases Reporters Interested In His Plans.

    Article Date: October 15, 2015.

    Who: Julie Hirschield Davis.

    Where: Washington.

    When: This event happened today.

    What happened: on Thursday when he bantered with reporters outside his residence who were peppering him with questions on whether he'll run. Joe Biden pulled a Marshawn Lynch(Professional NFL running back for the Seattle Seahawks) and kept everything at a short answer. Or he'll Just answer their question with another question. Basically avoiding the question... Will he run for president or not (?)

    Why this event is relevant: This event relevant because President Obama term is about to be up and it's time for a new president. We all know Joe Biden wanted to be president at one point and we want to see if he is still interested.

    Reaction: I laughed and thought of Marshawn Lynch because that sound like something he would do and say.

    Opinion: I respect the fact that he is trying to keep a low profile and keep everything cordial.

    Connection: I choose this article because I find it interesting and Slightway curious of his actions.

  6. Source:

    Article Title: U.S. military is on its way to getting its Iron Man

    Article Date:Tue October 6, 2015

    Who: U.S. Military, U.S. Special Operations Command and Gen. Joseph Votel

    Where: Washington

    When: Over the past 2 years

    What happened: An American commando died at war in Afghanistan. The U.S. special operations command decided to build something to protect the soldiers at their most vulnerable time. The military decided to build a military suit made of liquid amor.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this could save so many lives when the country is at war.

    Reaction: I was so astonished. I can't believe the government is going to be building an Iron Man suit.

    Opinion: In my opinion this liquid armor suit is a horrible idea. Even though, it can save hundreds of thousand of lives it still has a huge con. The suit can cause the government to go power crazy. If the country creates this suit they'll be basically be indestructible. This kind of suit will make it hard for our enemies and they won't be able to kill our soldiers. Which could lead to other countries fearing us.


  7. Source:

    Article Title:‘I’m not the one’: How McCarthy became a bystander on his big day

    Article Date: October 8 at 10:00 PM

    Who: John A. Bohner, Kevin McCarthy, Capitol Hill, Hillary Clinton, Sean Hannity, Jason Chaffetz, Tim Huelskamp, Walter B. Jones, Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Daniel Webster, Dana Rohrabacher, Bill Huizenga, Peter T. King, and Paul Ryan

    Where: House Republicans

    When: 11:30 Thurs.

    What happened: Kevin McCarthy is losing the race and is deciding to drop out.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because one of the competitors of the governor race is deciding to drop out which means the race is narrowing down.

    Reaction: It's quite a shock to hear someone like McCarthy is dropping out.

    Opinion: I kind of agree with McCarthy's decision because he was in a pretty tough spot for him to get out of.

    Connection: I can connect to this story because when I feel my lose is inevitable I will just decide to give up.

    1. does not meet length requirement of 10 sentences

  8. Source:

    Article Title: Abortion Rights Group Protests Donald Trump Event

    Article Date: Friday 8/28/15

    Who: MJ Lee

    Where: Norwood Massachusetts

    When: N/A

    What happened: Donald a Trump was hosting an event in Massachusetts at a car dealership, when a group of protesters showed up to speak about their pro abortion opinions.

    Why this event is relevant: this is relevant because these young men and women spoke out to 1 of the most controversial men in the media right now, about what they believe in and how they disagree with him. This not only very brave but very respectable. Not a lot of people in today's society know how to speak out with being disrespectful or getting violent.

    Reaction: I was so astonished when I first read this article. To see a bunch of people come together and speak about a cause they believed and do it peacefully is amazing. I didn't know it was even possible anymore.

    Opinion: I feel like I agree with the protesters. I am definitely pro choice, I feel like everyone should have the choice in whether or not they want to have a baby.

    Connection: I chose this article because it really stood out too me. I really connected with these peaceful protesters and I feel like there should be more people like them.
