Saturday, December 12, 2015

4th period EXTRA CREDIT due 12/18

Due by 3:30 pm on 12/18
Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences).
Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.
Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)
Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Dimear M. Gordon Jackson 12/14/15

    entire website address)
    Article Title:Obama: ISIS strategy 'moving forward with a great sense of urgency'
    Article Date: Mon December 14, 2015
    Who: President Barack Obama
    Where: Washington
    When: Mon December 14, 2015
    What happened: "The U.S.-led military coalition is hitting ISIS "harder than ever," President Barack Obama said at the Pentagon on Monday, sharpening his rhetoric on the war as he comes under criticism for his strategy after a pair of ISIS-linked attacks.Listing Islamic State leaders taken out by U.S. airstrikes -- including the executioner known as "Jihadi John" -- Obama sought to convey forward momentum in the battle, even as Americans' fears of an attack inside the United States grow."
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because there bout to take out the people who did them horrible things to Paris and bout to have war .
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel that it's very necessary and we need to act on it
    Opinion (I think..) I need ever think war is the answer but they always attacking us so I think we need to show them where not playing anymore.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this because I like to be posted about what's going on with the ISIS


  2. Source:

    Article Title: Ben Carson campaign at war with itself

    Article Date: Fri December 11, 2015

    Who: Cnn Ben Carson,Nia-Malika Henderson,


    when:December 11, 2015

    What happened: Carson campaign is causing more problems for him then he ever could expect. In result he may need to change his slogan to something more promising than the original. Carson’s long time friend and official campaign leadership. His long time friend William has put him in a uncomfortable situation that has embarrassed Carson. One of Carson’s fundraiser left causing many problems. It also embarrassed New York Time story it raised questions. Is Carson ability to grasp the foreign policy.

    Why this event is relevant: This story is relevant because he is running to be the next President of the United States. we can have someone that can even keep all is people together. That will show that sooner

    or later he won’t be able to keep all our allies together leaving us in a tight spot, that will take a very long time to fix.

    Reaction: Ben Carson has to work harder to fix his mistakes because all this will only drop him farther behind until he gives up and drop out and that isn’t something he would want to show to black community and others.
    Opinion: Ben Carson needs to think a little harder on if he really understands what he is doing and what we are truly looking for. Because we can have someone that loses people and causes people start questioning his true motives.

  3. Source:
    Article Title: USS Jackson: Choice of name for Navy ship sparks criticism
    Article Date: Thursday, December 10, 2015
    Who: the united states Navy and the NAACP
    Where: This article centers around the state of mississippi.
    When: This happened on Thursday, December 10, 2015.
    What happened: In this article the united states navy had commissioned a new battleship to its fleet. Everything was well until the the the name of the ship was given which had been in honor of former president Andrew Jackson. This had sparked a lot of controversy. This had been because the reputation of the the president in which he had owned slaves. This is a controversy because the thought of something that stands and fights against the freedom should not have the name of someone who owned slaves. This is a clear contradiction of american dream and ideals and the thought of freeing others rather freeing someone brought from their homeland and treating them as less and people.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My reaction is that they should change the name of the ship immediately.
    Opinion (I think..) I really don't know what to think about this.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this because it was a story going around that I found that it was very interesting.

  4. Source:
    Article Title: USS Jackson: Choice of name for Navy ship sparks criticism
    Article Date: Thursday, December 10, 2015
    Who: the united states Navy and the NAACP
    Where: This article centers around the state of mississippi.
    When: This happened on Thursday, December 10, 2015.
    What happened: In this article the united states navy had commissioned a new battleship to its fleet. Everything was well until the the the name of the ship was given which had been in honor of former president Andrew Jackson. This had sparked a lot of controversy. This had been because the reputation of the the president in which he had owned slaves. This is a controversy because the thought of something that stands and fights against the freedom should not have the name of someone who owned slaves. This is a clear contradiction of american dream and ideals and the thought of freeing others rather freeing someone brought from their homeland and treating them as less and people.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My reaction is that they should change the name of the ship immediately.
    Opinion (I think..) I really don't know what to think about this.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this because it was a story going around that I found that it was very interesting.

  5. Source:
    Article Title:
    Seeking action on guns, White House turns to governors

    Article Date: December 15, 2015
    Who: President Barack Obama and United States Governors
    Where: Washington DC, White House
    When: Yesterday
    What happened: Obama is addressing the acts of ISIS and has looked to government leaders and political leaders for help and opinions on guns and gun laws.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because as of today the United States may have the most homicides and suicides due to fire arms.
    Reaction: I was actually shocked. I was shocked because I would never think that the president would turn to someone lower than him (governors) for their opinion and help on gun acts. But when I think about it, this makes sense because each state has their own different law pertaining to guns.
    Opinion: I don't really have a opinion only because I see both sides and I'm neutral. I would love to have guns off the streets but there are some people who actually defend theirselves and use it under the law like they are supposed to. But then again if you leave the guns available for people to have there are going to be violent, mental ill people that can get a hold of them and cause violence.
    Connection: This article has a lot to do with what's going on, not just in the world but in Philadelphia and in cities alone. I have recently lost a friend due to gun violence and I would love guns to be removed but the reality is that it may not help either.

  6. Source:

    Article Title:Massachusetts teen found guilty of murdering math teacher

    Article Date:Tuesday,December 15,2015

    Who:High School student Philip Chism


    When:October 22,2013

    What happened:Philip Chism killed his teacher in the year of 2013. He performed this act in the bathroom of Danvers High School. He killed his teacher with a box cutter on October 22, 2013. He then dragged the body into the woods near the school. He later appeared in court where officials discovered he has been suffering from psychiatric disorders since a young age. They say at the time of the killing he was responding to the voices and hallucinations in his head, they said he was not his self when he followed his teacher, Ms.Ritzer into the bathroom.Later accusations show from surveillance footage that his killing was planned. He has recently been found guilty of first degree murder.
    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because it shows the things going on in other states that officials in other states have to deal with.

    Reaction : This event makes me sad that a student can allow himself to get so angry at someone who can have so much information to share with him and ultimately wants to help him.

    Opinion : I think he possibly had a mental issue and was responding to things triggered by his mental issues at the time of the killing or maybe he did it to look cool but he landed himself in deep trouble.

    Connection : I chose this article because I am a high school student and to see that someone actually killed his teacher, interested me because I wanted to read more about what led up to this.


  7. Source: (website)

    Article Title:ISIS video claims beheading of Russian spy, threatens Russian people

    Article Date: December 3 2015

    Who: ISIS

    Where: This happen in Russia

    When: Wednesday 11/3/15

    What happened: A Russian spy got caught on Wednesday for spying on ISIS and is about to kill him. ISIS threatens Russia government saying that nobody in Russia will be safe in there holmes. Then they say we will kill every son there and destroy you holmes as well. This isn't a good thing at all. This is a very serious and dangerous for the Russian citizens.

    Why this event is relevant- This is relevant because ISIS is so powerful they are going everywhere and killing for no reason. It dont matter what race you are they are building and trying to take over the whole world

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel bad for the russians they are so powerful and is willing to kill everybody that's standing in there way. And I feel so bad for the Russians somebody need to take them down at last.

    Opinion (I think.. I think all the nations need to get together and beat ISIS . This group is so power it's not even funny . We need to show then they are not that big bad and tough. We need to defeat them at last and when we do be glad about it.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I can make a connection with this because ISIS bomb Parrish plane a few weeks ago. And they are building by the minute everyday. That's why i'm glad that the US do have a strong army. In case they try to do anything that can harm the US. But I thank god for a US army that can protect the citizens of the United States of America


    1. Source:
      Article Title: PA Needs to Step Up Anti-Smoking Efforts
      Article Date: December 15, 2015
      Who: Government and Teens (high schoolers)
      Where: HarrisBurg, Pa
      When: December 2015
      What happened: The government is basically trying to figure out a wag to decrease the percent of tobacco smoking teen. So to try to make that happen the state sent $13 million on tobacco prevention programs.
      Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because because these kids that are smoking and 9/10 they are not legal. so their Brains are not developed and this could cause serious problems down the line.
      Reaction: I feel like this is a good idea because it can really prevent a lot of kids from preventing cancer in the long run. If if there's any way to help stop this then I they they should proceed with this method.
      Opinion: I think will be very beneficial to keep supporting this prevention program. This System could really prevent a lot of early addiction to Tobacco which is a great idea.
      Connection: I chose this article because I have a family member that smokes tobacco. I feel like if they had programs out like this when she was young then maybe she wouldn't smoke tobacco now .

  8. Source:
    Article Title:All schools shut down in Augusta County, Virginia, over Islam homework
    Article Date:Fri December 18, 2015
    Who:Teacher,Students,Parents,and principle
    Where: Virginia
    When: Fri December 18, 2015
    What happened: On December 18 2015 students brought home a Islamic homework sheet to do and some student felt uncomfortable doing it because that was not the religion they praise for. So, some student went to their mother to show them this homework and the parents did not like it. That when they took it back up to the school to talk about this because this is not right to give any student that do not study that religion. That say "There is no god but Allah, and Mohammed is the messenger of Allah." so, know Virginia shut down their schools over this problem of a sheet of paper.
    Why this event is relevant: Why this relevant because know student missing out of their education over some homework a teacher suppose to be smart enough to not give out.
    Reaction I feel that teacher is stupid and he should be fired because he started a whole problem over trying to give Islamic homework. Also, I feel sad for them students at other schools trying to get a education have to shut down over one school that gave a Islamic homework out to the students.
    Opinion My opinion is that get rid of that teacher and make your school a strong school again and leave that problem in the pass.
    Connection I choose this article because you can see that little minor things can become to a bigger problem. That like in real life situations when you doing things that is minor and it become bigger then you thought.

  9. Source:(
    Article Title: “Donald Trump: Obama climate change remarks one of 'dumbest things' uttered in history.”
    Article Date:, Mon November 30, 2015.
    Who:Donald Trump & Obama.
    Where: N/A.
    When: Mon November 30, 2015.
    What happened: Donald Trump says the comment obama made about recents climates changes were the dumbest thing he ever heard.
    Why this event is relevant: Because lately i heard the climate changes are bad and that it shouldn't be this hot in december and we could change t.
    Reaction : I feel as though what trump said was wrong and he should apologies.
    Opinion I think what donald said about removing muslims from the u.s was the dumbest thing said this year: i choose this article because i'm very interested in what's being said around the world.

  10. Source:

    Article Title: Virginia School District Closed Over Arabic Assignment

    Article Date: 12/18/15

    Who: Virginia School District

    Where: Augusta County, Virginia

    When: 12/11/15

    What Happened: On December 11, a geography teacher named Cheryl LaPorte who teaches at Riverheads High School gave her students a particular assignment that upset parents. The assignment was to write an Islamic statement of faith. The statement translates to, "There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah". Because of this, the Virginia school district was closed. Parents are outraged at the teacher who assigned the homework.

    Why Relevant: I feel like this article is relevant because students were only learning about a religion, nothing else to it.

    Reaction: When I read this article, I was kind of annoyed. I was annoyed because I know for a fact that if it were another religion they were studying, there wouldn't be a problem. I was also shocked at the fact that the ENTIRE school district was shut down.

    Opinion: I feel like the teacher shouldn't be punished for teaching the students about a religion they know nothing about!

    Connection: I'm interested in this article because people look at Islam as this horrible thing but it's really not!

    -Maryam Abdulmatin

  11. Source: (entire website address):

    Article Title: Fired Sanders aide: I wasn't peeking at Clinton data files
    Article Date: Friday December 18, 2015
    Who: This article involves Bernie Sanders, the DNC and one of his aide workers Josh Uretsky.
    Where:This article has no specific location.
    When: This happened Wednesday morning well into Thursday night.
    What happened: There was a security breach in the Democratic National Committee (DNC) database on Wednesday morning. Sander’s aide Josh claimed that he was just investigating the scope of the Sanders’ campaign exposure. The DNC said that they were spying on Hillary Clinton’s campaign through the breach. Now Sanders’ campaign has been suspended.
    Why this event is relevant: This talks about the presidential election.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)Many people are skeptical about Sanders’ actual intentions with the information.
    Opinion (I think..) I don't think Sander had any real intentions to harm Clinton's campaign in any way. I believe it was an mistake that was misread. I also believe the DNC should take the campaign off of suspension.
    Connection (why you chose this article) : I chose this to keep up on the election.

  12. Source:

    Article Title: Obama Promises to Defeat ISIS

    Article Date: December 18, 2015

    Who: Obama is the main person involved with this article.

    Where: This event took place in Washington D.C.

    When: Obama's speech about this matter occurred on December 2015.

    What happened: President Barrack Obama had a press conference in December to discuss ISIS. The motive of the conference was to come up with a strategy to defeat ISIS.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because recently their has been plenty of issues going on in regards to ISIS.

    Reaction: I think this is a good decision because ISIS needs to be controlled and stopped. That organization is murderous and deadly and it puts the lives of several people in danger.

    Opinion: I THINK Obama NEEDS TO DEFEAT isis QUICKLY.

