Due March 4, 2016 by 3:30 pm:
Topic: Criminal Justice System- choose from articles on the next pages
In complete sentences and in your own words, answer the following questions on my blog: Who is the article about? Where did the event happen? When did the event happen? What is the article about? What is your opinion of this article?
New format:
You must write this in a paragraph with a minimum of 8 sentences. You should focus the bulk of your paragraph summarizing what the article is about in your own words.
Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.
Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)
Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 9 Feb 2014. http://chippewa.com/news/local/u-s-supreme-court-could-determine-marriage-rights-in-wisconsin/article_c160db9d-e37e-54a7-a128-5ee809d8b073.html (9 Feb 2014)
Current event articles to choose from:
Criminal Justice Reforms
Incarceration Nations
How Much Should a University Have to Reveal About a Sexual-Assault Case?
NYS Court of Appeals say police lies went too far
Connecticut becomes latest state to consider changing rules on witness identification evidence
Daniella Henry: Vermont is ready for wrongful conviction reforms
Study Puts Exonerations at Record Level in U.S.
CCA Denies DNA Testing in Swearingen Case
Justice Department about to free 6,000 prisoners