Monday, April 4, 2016

5th period, Monday 4/4 Topic: Presidential Candidates

In complete sentences and in your own words, answer the following questions on my blog:


1. Complete current event relating to a presidential candidate. Suggestion: Choose a news source (,, and type in the search bar the name of a candidate you'd like to read about: Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Marco Rubio(dropped out), Hillary Clinton, or Bernie Sanders.
New format:
You must write this in a paragraph with a minimum of 8 sentences. You should focus the bulk of your paragraph summarizing what the article is about in your own words. Use these questions to help guide you:
Who is the article about? Where did the event happen? When did the event happen? What is the article about? What is your opinion of this article?

Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.  
Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)
Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 9 Feb 2014. (9 Feb 2014)


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  2. This article is about presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders. This event for the most part happened between different discussions and conversations with the press and Bernie’s advisors. This article is generally about Sander’s decisions during the presidential race. He regrets not campaigning more in 2015 because in the end, it might be his downfall. He and his advisors feel as though Hillary would not have beat him in some states if he had built a stronger political operation in those states. His advisors also criticize his strategy to expect to sweep the early-voting states, as he only won one of those states. I believe this is a great article because it puts us into the mind of Bernie and what he feels as though might be the outcome of the election based on his past decisions. Personally, I do agree with him and he should have set up a better political operation in more states to beat Hillary.

    Healy, Patrick, and Yamiche Alcindor. "Early Missteps Seen as a Drag on Bernie Sanders’s Campaign." The New York Times. The New York Times, 03 Apr. 2016. Web. 04 Apr. 2016. (4 April 2016)

  3. As of Tuesday march 28, 2016 senator Marco Rubio has suspended his campaign after a loss in his home state. The senator might also be out of a job soon. The senator himself stated “is not God’s plan that I be president in 2016 or maybe ever.” And now that he has dropped out of the presidential he will also not be running for his seat in the senate again. Being as young as senator Marco Rubio his career is still young even though it will be tough for him to run for president again it is not impossible but it won't be easy for him. Marco Rubio also pledged to support trump after losing but he might not do it after the things that trump did to him.

    Moyer, Justin Wm. "‘Not God’s Plan': Marco Rubio’s Brutal Fall." Washington Post. The Washington Post, n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2016.

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  5. This article is nationwide and it regards the presidential candidate Donald Trump. This articles is titled, "How Donald Trump can fall short of his Delegate target. This is pretty much the main idea of the article. Currently Trump is 550 delegates short of the 1,237 delegates necessary to win the Republican nomination. He is on the right path of reaching his goal though and is possibly on his way to take 60% of the remaining 900 pledged delegates. This article talks about the fight between him and Cruz. If trump can out play Cruz in the states where he is relatively weak then he most definitely will earn his delegates. My opinion on this article is that I hope Cruz out plays trump. No matter what I'm still siding with the Democrats.

    Citation: Cohn, Nate. "How Donald Trump Can Fall Short of His Delegate Target." The New York Times. The New York Times, 21 Mar. 2016. Web. 04 Apr. 2016.

  6. Trump's indecision about whether to proliferate or to be anti-proliferate of nuclear weapon is sparking a concern within the campaign. Trump strongly stated before that nuclear weapon should be banned and discontinued, for if war broke out; catastrophic damages would be done worldwide. In the CNN news town hall, Trump was pressed on and further questioned about his standing on nuclear weapons. To which he states that eventually, many more countries would come to possess nuclear firepower. It is only a matter of time before it happens. Being anti-proliferate of nuclear weapons before, he now goes on stating that smaller countries should have nuclear weapon so they can defend themselves. The U.S. is broke, so we should withdraw our assets on South Korea and Japan. He is not against them having nuclear weapons, and when questioned, he said the same with Saudi Arabia. It is hard to know whether Trump will be taken seriously from this point, but if he is taken seriously. His illogical stand point could rather backfire than progress.

    Marcus, Ruth. "Trump's Nuclear Incoherence Veers into the Danger Zone." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 3 Apr. 2016. 04 Apr. 2016.

  7. As everyone may know Presidential candidate Donald Trump in an interview claims that he will fix the national debt in 8 years. He states that the country is moving towards a "very massive recession" and that it's not a good time to invest in the stock market. Apparently, Trump knows the people at Wall Street better than anybody else will. Personally, I believe that moving the U.S out of debt in 8 years is nearly impossible. 16 trillion dollars is currently the nation's debt, I doubt that he will even remove 1 trillion in 4 years let alone 16 trillion. Trump also states in the madness of all of this that the United States has lost it's standing in the world and would make people "respect our country. I want them to respect our leader." Which would be hard to do considering all the wars America has been in, Trumps statements are not actions that can actually happen, or they can actually happen but it will take a ton of time and trust to be done. 16 trillion dollars in 8 years=impossible. Trump as a whole would make the U.S fail again.

    Maraniss, David, and Robert Samuels. "In a Revealing Interview, Trump Predicts a 'massive Recession' but Intends to Eliminate the National Debt in 8 Years." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 2 Apr. 2016. . 04 Apr. 2016.

  8. This article is mostly about how Ohio frontrunner Donald Trump again speaks his mind about other presidential candidates. This article occurred in the United States on Tuesday in a rally in Wisconsin. In this article Trump said an interesting thing which he said is John Kasich wasn't in the race he would automatically win. I found this interesting because trump although he is blatantly honest he is correct this time. john Kasich is also a top candidate and he is getting in the way of trump winning the election. This event happened in the year 2016 which is very recent. My opinion of this article is that if trump really wants to win he has to find out what will make him more popular than john Kasich. What could make this article better is if the media voiced Kasich's opinion on this here issue.

    "Donald Trump Urges John Kasich to Quit White House Race - BBC News." BBC News. N.p., 4 Apr. 2016. Web. 04 Apr. 2016. .

  9. Donald Trump stated, “Kasich shouldn’t be allowed to run” while visiting a diner in Milwaukee. Trump who is known for making many shocking statements during the presidential campaign has yet said another. Kasich who is stealing Trump’s vote will continue to run. Ted Cruz agrees with the statements made by Trump. This is not the best news for people who support Trump, but is great news for people who are against him. For somebody like me, I do not agree with Trump’s views so I am excited to hear something like this. Maybe Trump may not be the republican nominee after all. I rather Cruz than Trump, I feel as though Trump would make a horrible president. His ability to say what is on his mind can put our country into great danger. At this point with all the things happening around the world someone like him in office can start a war.

    Malloy, Allie. "Trump: Kasich Shouldn't Be Allowed to Run." CNN. Cable News Network, 4 Apr. 2016. Web. 04 Apr. 2016.

  10. This article was about Donald Trump running for president, Bob Woodward disagree with Trumps ideas and decisions. This event happened at an international Hotel in Washington. This in April 4th at 8:40am Bob Woodward having a disagreements to what happened in New Hampshire. Trump wanted to build his own business to help people get good jobs in America. Trump thinks that he would would become a good president because his success and his voting polls are at a very high level. The increase of his polls pushed him to complete against other candidates.This shows how Trumps is a very competitive person.

    Maraniss, David, and Robert Samuels. "Donald Trump Just Explained His Amazingly Depressing Vision of the Country. Oh Boy." Washington Post. The Washington Post, n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2016. .

  11. After a campaign ad for Donald Trump explaining how he will keep the "dangerous people" away from the U.S. borders, Ted Cruz was mentioned, explaining how he had voted for a bill that will admit Syrian refugees into the U.S. The real truth with the issue is, yes, in 2014, Ted Cruz did want to allow these refugees into the U.S. After the attacks on Paris, Cruz came up with more formal and strict rules letting these Syrian refugees in to country. Another thing Ted Cruz backed on that was mentioned in the ad campaign was how Ted Cruz suggested immigration system should have an easier effect on the immigrants looking for work. In 2014, Cruz believed that expanding the legal immigration bill would give benefit to the immigrants. Now, during his campaigning, Cruz says he did no such thing and does not support the legalization of immigrants. The ad's focus was hoe Cruz's past statements "wouldn't protect America's family". The ad's wording was on point because it used past tense, then present tense to describe how his actions wouldn't help anyone, meaning, Trump is the better president.

    Maraniss, David, and Robert Samuels. "Pro-Trump Group Misleads Viewers about Ted Cruz’s Stance on Refugees and Immigration." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 4 Apr. 2016. Web. .(04 Apr. 2016).

  12. This article is about Bernie Sanders and Hilary Clinton getting into a heated argument over the situation of gas and oil industry donors. This event took place in a rally in Purchase, New York. This event happened recently just last week. This article was about how Sanders and Clinton could not come to an agreement about how the oil and gas industry should be handled. Clinton believed that the purchase should be based around the select climate changes, because during the climate changes is the main changes that affects natural gas. Sanders believed that if you are only buying gas at certain times than, you will eventually run out off not only natural gas, but all gases. For a certain amount of time they could not see eye to eye on the situation. Clinton slowly moved away from the problem leaving Sanders to catch the heat of most of the problem. Clinton still continued to focus on her need for posing new challenges for the Northern States. My opinion on this article is that Clinton and Sanders are supposed to be fighting for the same thing, so why are they fighting now.

    Gabriel, Trip, and Coral Davenport. "‘Fractivists’ Increase Pressure on Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders in New York." The New York Times. The New York Times, 04 Apr. 2016. 04 Apr. 2016.

  13. Thia article by Dan Merica of CNN explains Hillary Clinton's hypocrisy when it comes to accepting money from employees of gas and oil companies. In the year 2008 when President Obama was running for president, Clinton attacked Obama when he was found receiving money from those apart of oil and gas companies. Now in the year 2016 in the United States, during Hillary's presidential campaign she was guilty of receiving money from gas and oil companies. When she was confronted she denied ever doing so. When people including her supporters had found that she was lying one can obviously see that you can begin to lose trust in Clinton. I believe that her decision to deny her previous actions was a poor choice. It just makes people have second thoughts about what she says. I want to know why she decided to back track on what she was against in the past. Maybe it was just a change in mind. This article makes it seem like what she did is a tragedy and that she should not be trusted.

    Merica1, Dan. "Clinton, under Fire for Oil and Gas Donations, Once Hit Obama for Same Reason." CNN. Cable News Network, 1 Apr. 2016. Web. 04 Apr. 2016.

  14. This article is about Hillary Clinton, taking place in Purchase, New York. April 4th, 2016, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders get into heated debates over oil and gas industry donors in their race for democratic president. Sanders already leaning to the right with Hillary slowly following suit. And climate change as well as oil and gas industries have always been a golden ticket in democratic bases. But the people are suspicious and skeptical of Hillary Clinton for past views she held against Obama, as well as in the time that he was a Senator. In my opinion, these are pretty important topics to be discussed in these races. And most should indeed be paid attention to heavily, like the oil and gas industries.

    Gabriel, Trip. "Fractivists Increase Pressure on Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders in NY." (April 4th, 2016)

  15. Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders recently made a statement about a Nuclear Plant that powers a Quarter of New York City's electricity and neighboring West Chester County.
    "I am very concerned that the Indian Power nuclear power reactor is more than ever before a catastrophe waiting to happen," Sanders said in a statement Monday. "In my view, we cannot sit idly by and hope that the unthinkable will never happen. We must take action to shut this plant down in a safe and responsible way. It makes no sense to me to continue to operate a decaying nuclear reactor within 25 miles of New York City where nearly 10 million people live."
    He believes that the city should shut down the power plant because it's a danger to society, and that New York is in danger if the Nuclear Plant continues to stay up. He wants to create more energy efficient ways to power the city and believe that Nuclear Energy harms us more than helps us.

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  17. Henderson-Nia."Donald Trump's history of controversy with women" "CNN" 3/27/16(

    This article is mainly about Donald Trump's recent issues with women in politics. These events happened over twitter and he has multiple rants over women who were public figures in politics. He had an altercation with Megyn. He called republic rival Carly Florina a dog face. I personally think he talks to much. It seems as if he is always on the news for the wrong reasons. I hope he does not become president. He will only make America worse.

  18. The article talks about Donald Trump. This event took place in the United States. It happened last week on Thursday. It mentions the interview with Donald Trump. It has Donald saying that the country is going downwards with debt. And also the country's status is going down with it. He than go on to say that if he becomes president, he could fix this problem within 8 years. He think he could do this by renegotiating trade deals and military deals. I am not going to stand here and say that he is not able to solve this problem. Maybe, he can and maybe he is just lying once again. But I do not think we will be able to see if he truly can do as he says because I do not think he will become president because honestly, he does not fit this role. He may be a successful business man, but I do not think he will become a successful president because a president is for all the people, not just a portion.

    1. Woodward, Bob and Robert Costa. “In a revealing interview, Trump predicts a ‘massive recession’ but intends to eliminate the national debt in 8 years.” 4 April 2016. April 2016).

  19. This article involved the Presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. In this article it is shown how Bernie Sanders and his campaign feel about the actions Hillary Clinton are taken as the Wisconsin Battle gets closer and closer. Bernie Sanders and campaign says that Hillary is trying to stay away from proposed debate dates and etc. in other words backing out. Hillary states how ready she is but they still haven't set a specific date.The proposed debate by Bernie Sanders was based on the serious issues affecting New York and the United States.They propose a date of April 10 and hopes the Clinton campaign accepts it.In my opinion, I feel like if Hillary Clinton says she's ready and prepared, she shouldn't have a problem taking the proposed dates. Hillary also shouldn't prolong time if shes ready.

    "Sanders Campaign Accuses Clinton of Ducking Debates as Wisconsin Battle Looms | Fox News." Fox News. FOX News Network, (04 Apr 2016)

  20. This article is about Bernie Sander's campaign and how false or fictional it is. It highlights how positive he may seem as he speaks to the people, but in reality all he is saying are a bunch of lies. As claimed, Sanders is just exaggerating a bunch of lies and sob stories to get people to support him. This article highlights claims from Sanders such as his Wall Street and corporate money problems and the article tries to expose Sanders for the "liar he is". It continues to go on and say it would have been better if Sanders told the truth rather than tell a fictional fantasy of many positives and few drawbacks. I myself do not like this article as I support Bernie Sanders. If they want to "expose" Sanders then we should also look at the other candidates and what they have lied about. Every candidate has at least sugar coated claims at least once, Sanders is no different. Regardless, Sanders is still a good presidential candidate.
    Works Cited:
    Editorial Board. "Bernie Sander's fiction-filled campaign". Washington Post (27 January 2015) (4 April 2015)

  21. After stating his comment last Sunday night Donald Trump Decides that south Korea Japan and other allies should pay more for the American protection as for their defense and don't forget the nuclear weapons. The Republican candidate mentioned that the minimum wage of fifteen dollars isn't going to make our business very happy. If you must raise the wage a little higher then other companies won't be a threat. Trump wants to change this nations tax code. As Trump explain the deals of the defend other countries, saying we can't spend billion and billions of dollars to defend these other countries. Trump denied all his mistakes when he was ask about the abortion question. Other words Trump answer two different statements. Trump campaign has been all through the polls and great success.

    Fox News. "Trump doubles down on allies paying more for US protection, vows to repeal ObamaCare." Fox NEWS 4 April 2016

  22. Bernie Sanders is rolling into Milwaukee. Milwaukee happens to be the next big place for the primary voting. But, there is a unexpected ( in my opinion unwanted) presidential candidate there as well. Its no other than Donald Trump himself. Bernie had a rally schedule in BMO Harris Bradley Center, the home of the Milwaukee Bucks. Sadly, it had to be moved because Trump was holding a rally right across the street. Now, you may ask, why move it? In recent months, Trump supports have been ruled as "passionate" when they attack others. Beings as though Trump cannot control his followers and does not condemn them for attacking others, I believe they moved it for the safety of Bernie and his followers. Trump's supports have a strong racial issues with other races. Mostly Mexican and African Americans. When heated debates spark in the parking lots among the different parties, I could possibly be some violence. I feel like Bernie's campaign group did the right thing to protect their followers and their leader.
    Gass, Nick. "Sanders Campaign Shifts Venue Away from Trump Event." POLITICO. POLITICO, 4 Apr. 2016. Web. 04 Apr. 2016.

  23. Donald Trump is a candidate who is running for president of United States, he is known for saying many inappropriate things. An article explained how Trump didn't support abortion, he expressed that women who have abortions should be punished. At the debate Trump have said how he really feels about abortion such as it being banned. Many tried to ask what would be the punishments if women abort their babies, Trump tried to beat around the bush not trying to get a specific answer. Studies have shown that when others tried to propose this idea it didn't work. I personally feel as though this shouldn't be a punishment. This subject is a very sensitive topic and should be left alone, I am pro for abortions because sometimes abortion is the answer. Some people may not want to give their children up for adoption be cause they don't want them to go through feeling not wanted so sometimes abortions is the answer. Kristof, Nicholas. "Trump and Abortion." N.p., 30 Mar. 2016. 04 Apr. 2016.

  24. This article is talking Donald Trump.This is a national issue that is destroying his reputation. This event happened last Sunday. This article is about how Donald Trump believe that the U.S allies need to pay more for American protection. Also, Donald Trump believe that raising minimum wage to $15 was not a smart thing to do because companies would not be that competitive as they are now. Then, Mr.Trump showed out his plans such as he is going to defend countries such as Japan, Germany and many others as an example of how the U.S is a"Policeman to the world". Therefore, Donald Trump also its time for the U.S to end paying most of the bills for our allies. My opinion on this whole issue is Donald Trump is not right in some cases especially when he is talking about getting our allies to pay us more. When they are our allies we get stuff from them too that is not right at all. Then there are some cases he is right especially when he is talking about the minimum wages that have been raised because the companies would not be in competition and then no one would be making more money.

    Smith,Morgan."Trump doubles down on allies paying more for US protection, vows to repeal ObamaCare.4,April 2016.."


  25. This article talks about the 2 of the many competitors in this current 2016 presidential race. They are Ted Cruz and Donald Trump. Ted Cruz describes that only him and Donald Trump should be the only nominees. Cruz had given this opinion just a couple of days ago from today 4/4/16. Going through multiple states and gathering votes to be the next president, I think that this opinion stated by Cruz should be counted out. I say this due to the fact that Trump would be absolutely horrible as a president and Cruz himself might do an ok job, but not the best. The other candidates still in this race are more fit for the job. The world would just not be the same and might have a negative view towards it with the actions committed by these candidates, especially Trump.

    Flegenheimer, Matt. Ted Cruz Insists Only he, Or Trump, Should Be Nominee. Ny Times. April 1, 2016.

  26. This article was about how current Presidential candidate Donald Trump advised at the time candidate John Kasich to drop out. Trump gave Kasich this advise in Kasich's hometown of Ohio. This event happened on Sunday,April3 2016.My opinion on this issue is that Donald Trump should not be moved to share his opinion on someone else's campaign. Especially when he is trying to be the leader of the New World and have prejudice ways.

    Parker,Ashley"Donald Trump calls John Kasich to drop out".,2016.,2016

  27. Ted cruz believes that only him and Donald Trump should be nominees. He wants John Kasich to drop out because he has little votes and that he is an “uber-Washington lobbyist”. He does not believe he is popular enough to win. He does not think Washington would all vote for someone like him. He said all this on Monday addressing the Republican party. I think he only wants John Kasich to drop out because he has a chance of catching up to Donald and him. Also him dropping out benefits them because his votes will be distributed to the both of them. I personally find it funny that he rather Kasich drop out than the cheeto dust hair colored, radical racist that is running against him. Maybe he wants to get on Donald’s good side or see’s Kasich as threat.

    Flegenheimer, Matt. “Ted Cruz Insists Only He, or Donald Trump, Should Be Nominee”.The New York Times. April,4,2016. (4/4/16)

  28. Ted Cruz and John Kasich will need a lot of power to stop trump. It'll take more than a little snapping up to stop trump from getting to 1,237 delegates. Reshaping the political map is required. Cruz and Kasich will have to start winning big to catch up. If trump continues on this steady pace, he'll get 1,237 in no time. Trump is leading with 741 delegates. Cruz has 461 and Kasich has 145. Trump only needs 55% of the rest of the 899 delegates. Cruz thinks he's the only one that can stop trump.

    Cohn, Nate. "How Donald Trump Can Fall Short of His Delegate Target." The New York Times. The New York Times, 21 Mar. 2016. Web. 04 Apr. 2016.

  29. Donald Trump wants John Kasich to drop out of the Presidential race. He see's that he does not have enough people supporting him in the election. He only won just one Presidential debate in his hometown, Ohio. John stated clearly that he will not back down from the election and he will continue to stay in the the race. He also said that he won't let Trump brain wash him just because he does not have enough candidates for the nomination. Trump is the one who needs to drop out. He is causing a lot of trouble and controversy in the U.S. Trump will make this country the worst country in the world do to the fact he has no political experience.

    Malloy, Allie. "Trump: Kasich Shouldn't Be Allowed to Run." CNN. Cable News Network, 4 Apr. 2016. Web. 04 Apr. 2016.

  30. Bernie Sanders, being one of the few democrats in the run for president is well liked but not leading in polls like Hilliary is. There has been some struggling with him. Maybe it's due to his old age. Perhaps he's not as prepared to be president as he thinks. Bernie ,like other candidates ,pick and choose what questions they want to answer and when. When put on the spot the act of ignorance won't work as well. Interviews want direct answers n they will get it. While being interviewed by New York Daily News he was asked "you further said that you expect to break them up within the first year of your administration. What authority do you have to do that? And how would that work? How would you break up JPMorgan Chase?" This question baffled him leaving him with little time to answer he couldn't directly answer. I don't dislike Bernie. He's doing what many others running are doing. Just maybe be a little quicker on his feet with certain topics.

    Cillizza, Chris. "The disaster that'll make Hillary smile".wednesday 06 April 2016. 07, April 2016.
