Sunday, October 20, 2013

P. 4 Week of 10/20-10/25

Week Nine: 10/20/13-10/25/13
Current Event Content Requirements:

  1. You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. 
  2. It should be a minimum of 10 COMPLETE sentences. 
  3. Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.

Source: (entire website address) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: NJ court: Same-sex wedding can start Monday despite appeal
    Article Date: 10/18/13
    Who: Many people who are working for the government are voicing their views on if they should go through letting gay couples go through with the marriages.
    Where:New Jersey
    When: 10/18/13
    What happened: Some people who work for the New Jersey court not sure about going with letting gay couples. Some supports of same sex couples in New jersey made think.
    Why this event is relevant: The reason why this event is relevant because is people are asking should everyone be allowed to get married no., no matter what.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I am happy at this current event. At least New Jersey looking at this marriage law with a new eye. I proud of that. People of the same-sex can get married. I do take in account they might have a little bit of trouble.
    Opinion (I think..) I think think New Jersey should not care who gets married as long as they are in love in every way possible.
    Connection (why you chose this article) The reason why I choose this article because I am big supporter of the equal rights. Like i posted before I had a best friend who was gay and said wanting to get married to his partner when he was old enough. Another reason I choose this article. I like to read up on this kind of stuff.

  2. Source:
    Article Title:Mom of dead Florida teen sends birthday message, promises to fight bullying
    Article Date: Mon October 21, 2013
    Who: Rebecca Sedwick
    Where:Crystal Lake Middle School
    When: October-19-13
    What happened:A girl commits suicide so mother fights bullying for her birthday.
    Why this event is relevant: Bullying of all kinds is every where and they do it because they know the victims wont do anything about it.
    Reaction "Yes IK I bullied REBECCA nd she killed her self but IDGAF," the message read. Judd said the online vernacular meant: "I don't give a (expletive)." Said the girl that bullied Rebecca and now I hate this girl.
    Opinion Even though cyber bullying is very hurtful, it can be easily prevented with a block option to not be able to see the comments a certain person can use.
    Connection (why you chose this article)

  3. Source:

    Article Title:4 fallen soldiers in benefit fiasco were on Special Ops mission, officials say

    Article Date: October 13, 2013

    Who: American Soldiers, Military families, Congress, U.S. Military officials

    Where:Air Force Base in Delaware

    When: Wednesday October 9, 2013

    What happened: Four soldiers were killed on a Special Operations mission to take down a bomb factory in Afghanistan. The bodies were then brought back to the U.S. to their Air Force Base. Because of the government shutdown, the soldiers' families were declined gratuity to help pay for their funerals. The Defense Department made an agreement with a foundation in Maryland that would take care of the charges of the funerals. The foundation in Maryland will then be able to get their money back from the Department when the government shutdown is over. Congress were continuously trying to find ways to fix the problem of not covering the cost.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because benefits like these shouldn't be put off.

    Reaction: I was shocked by this actually because it caught me a little by surprise.

    Opinion: I think this was an irrelevant idea, but then again, I do understand why it happened.

    Connection: I chose this article because it seemed interesting to me and pointed out how families are losing opportunities sometimes because of the city's faults.

  4. Source:
    Article Title: Ellen gives $10K to NH waitress for soldiers' tab
    Article Date: October 19, 2013
    Who: Sarah Hoidahl, a waitress in Concord, N.H, Ellen
    Where: CONCORD, N.H.
    When: OCTOBER 19, 2013
    What happened: A waitress from New Hampshire named Sarah Hoidahl, paid the $27.75 lunch tab of two National Guard soldiers affected by the federal government's shutdown. She was just being generous from out the kindness of her heart. Television star Ellen DeGeneres heard about the story so she decided to Hoidahl $27.75 in cash plus a $10,000 check to the waitress. Ellen also gave the woman a 50 inch television and fly her off to Hollywood.
    Why Is This Relevant: This is relevant because the two soldiers were affected by the government shut down. Their operations and agencies were not funding because of the H.O.R's plans to dismiss Obamacare. Basically this all has to do with American politics.
    Reaction: My reaction is that the lady must be a nice person who has a genuine spirit. Most people would not had paid for the two soldiers and would had to continued doing their hob.
    Opinion: I really think celebrities give money to people who do just the little nicest things, when they could be giving money to people in the world who really need it. If the lady was poor, then it would be a whole different situation but it was never mentioned that she was.
    Connection: I chose this article because it made me think of an comparison to Oprah and Ellen. Oprah is usually the one giving out gifts to people who do little nice things like Sarah Hoidahl. But also because it was nice to see somebody help somebody affected by the government shutdown.

  5. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: key suspects in benghazi attack include former courier, bodyguard for al queda, sources say
    Article Date:October 23,2013
    Who: Al queda. chairman Mike Rogers and counterterrorism expert Thomas joscelyn
    Where: North Africa, Pakistan
    When: on September 11, 2001
    What happened:the terrorist attacked the us and they are trying to get to the bottom of it, and why it happened, so they are going back into the case.
    Why this event is relevant: it relates back to the attack on the twin towers.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I'm a little upset because they still don't know who is behind that attack that happened 12Years ago
    Opinion (I think..) they should try just a little bit harder in what they are Trying to, in solving this mystery a lot of people are dead and they still don't know who did this.
    Connection (why you chose this article)I don't have a connection Is it bad that ion have a connection to what I chose.I hope this doesn't affect my grade.

  6. Source:
    Article Title: Child Sex assault Against Former Priest Dropped
    Article Date: October 23, 2013
    Who: Priest Robert Brannen and Sean McIlmail
    Where: Northeast Church: resurrection of our lord parish
    When: the years of 1998 and 2001, but the boy died October 23, 2013
    What happened: A priest at a church in northeast, Robert Brennen was sexually assaulting the alter boy, Sean McIlmail, from the time of 1998 at the age of 11, till 2001. Sean spoke out and told his parents so the priest was charged with assault. But on October 23, 2013 Sean had a random death from drug overdose. Later the district attorney, Seth Williams dropped the charges of the priest because they said since the victim isn't hear it's hard to find evidence and keep the trial going.
    Why this event is relevant: this is irrelevant because kids are being sexually assaulted by step parents, teachers, and strangers and this kid Sean spoke up and I think some people are too scared to do that, but they shouldn't be.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I think this article is up most disgusting, I think sexual assault is cruel but from a priest, I think that's such a contradiction because your suppose to do the best and you preach to everyone about being the best and your doing the nastiest thing in the world, and to a younger boy.
    Opinion (I think..) I think the priest should still be in jail, maybe Sean overdosed on drugs because of his childhood assaults, now they just have Robbert, the priest, living in Maryland with freedom a little. I think you never know what he could do out there.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it seemed the most interesting and shows that there are some sick adults out here.

  7. source:
    article title: Voters Will Decide on Minimum Wage Hike
    article date: 10/22/2013
    who: people that work for minimum wage
    where: all over the united states
    when: since the constitution
    what happened: you have people that works eight hours and are paid minimum wage. daily expenses are going up. and us Americans are barely making it. now they are trying to increase the rate for the wage. as they ask people they think that is a great idea and could help out many of people.
    why is this event is relevant: this relevant because as us children are going out onto the work place and have bills to pay you are barely making the bare minimum of living.
    opinion: I think that is should go up and even though its not a lot, its a start. also people should recognize that everything else is going up beside you average rate of working.
    connection: my connection, is to everyday life that I think is very significant. How do people think we are able to live.

  8. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: Obama to renew call for immigration reform
    Article Date: This article was published on October 23, 2013.
    Who: This article involves Barack Obama, Congress and the Senate.
    Where: The event occurs in Washington, DC.
    When: Presiden Obama will make the announcement Thursday morning, October 24, 2013 at 10:35am.
    What happened: This article was about the Immigration reform. The government plans on making the immigration reform much better than what it was.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant based on the fact that I live in the United States. People around the U.S should know what exactly is going on with the immigrants that are coming over here.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I think that this is great the public is able to find out what is going on with the immigration system. I believe that immigration can be a great way to meet to new people but also a bad situation.
    Opinion (I think..): I think the stricter the U.S become about this situation the less people will want to come over here. I also think this can be still dangerous for the fact that sometimes immigrants bring over diseases and that is definitely not healthy. This is also good for the youth immigrants because they will receive an earned pass to citizenship.
    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article to find out more about the immigration progress. This article made me think about how more children will be coming over to the United States. This also means that not too many families will be broken up because they are not able to get into the United States.

  9. Source:

    Article Title: New Front in the Fight With Infant Mortality

    Article Date: Oct. 22,2013

    Who: Pregnant Women, Infants, Health Clinics

    Where: America

    When: 2009-2010

    What happened: In this article, it is about the health care of pregnant women and keeping their babies alive from their health care. It goes into details about the mortality rates across the country and rates of Americans and immigrants that goes to health clinics. Also, it talks about how Obamacare may or may not be able to help lower the mortality rates of infants. The article also talks about the premature infant rates as well and which race is more or less likely to survive than others.

    Why this event is relevant: It involves the many lives of infants and the government. Also, Obamacare is involved

    Reaction: This is a very informative article and I am kind of glad that they're trying to do something about the mortality rates of infants.

    Opinion: In my opinion, if all the pregnant women that are either in America or coming to America should be able to care some type of health insurance for their baby (Obamacare).

    Connection: I chose this article because I thought this was a good subject and it also brings me back to the discussion in my 10th grade health class. In that class, we were talking about infants and the women that have choices to either keep the baby or abort it

  10. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title:President Obama slams GOP over shutdown as government employees return to work

    Article Date: October 18, 2013

    Who: President Obama & The United States Congress

    Where: Washington DC

    When: October 18, 2013

    What happened: Everything dealing with the government reopened and the federal employees went back to work. The president made a lecture on why the government was shut down so long and how it effected our economy. As the government reopened, the debt-ceiling raised and their popularity at all-time lows, Republicans were in disarray Thursday. However, even though the government reopened the question from everyone is for how long.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because even though the government's base is in Washington D.C everything they decide or not decide on effects the whole United States of America. It is also relevant because the government effected some school districts. Since I am in school it effects me too.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My feelings toward this is that I eel the government shouldn't have shut down in the first place. I also feel like one of the main reasons why the government shut down is that the republican party does not want to pass or agree with President Obama.

    Opinion (I think..) I think this is why we have so many financial problems in the United States now. I also think if this continues we will not get anything established if they cant agree.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because this is what I hear on the news a lot. I also chose this article because I didn't quite understand why the government shut down.

  11. Source:
    Article Title:First on CNN: Holder isn't going anywhere soon
    By Evan Pérez, CNN
    Article Dat Wed October 23, 2013e:
    Who: congress is involved
    Where: This event toke place on capital hill
    When: Wed October 23, 2013
    What happened: In this article it tells the conflict between Attorney General Eric and his tangle with president Obama political adviser. In this article it states how Holder was held in contempt of congress. This matter was brought on by the fast and furious gun sting. After four years of fighting holder is now getting GOP buy-in to initiatives. Holderss biggest enemy in Congress remains critical of the attorney general.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it shows the battles currently being waged in congrees
    Reaction: I have no reaction to this event because this event does not effect me at the time but only our acting congressmen
    Opinion: I have no opinion.
    Connection: no connection to this

  12. Source:

    Article Title: 2 seized in pirate attack off Nigeria

    Article Date: 10/24/13

    Who: Pirates, U.S Officials

    Where: Gulf of Guinea

    When: Wednesday , 10/23/13

    What happened: Two believed to be U.S officials were kidnapped on the Gulf of Guinea by pirates. The pirates took a chief and a captain from a U.S supply vessel. Details about the people that were kidnapped are unknown at this point

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this could happen again and knowing now what were dealing with is key. This could be prevented again. The people that were kidnapped could have been doing a very important thing and now people may suffer because of it. It's also important to know what's out there , like pirates.

    Reaction: My reaction to this is shocked because I can't believe that pirates exist and would actually kidnap someone. My reaction would be like majority of people that the idea seems far fetched even though pirates still exist today.

    Opinion: I think that this is a real problem and people should really look into this because it could be an ongoing problem. Also an investigation should be happening to hopefully recover the kidnapped people.

    Connection: I chose this article because it is very interesting an I have heard about a pirate kidnapping before and it was a very long time ago, therefore I thought that maybe some stupid people had gone out of their mind but this seems to be an ongoing problem.

  13. Source:

    Article Title:Will I Be Next?" US Drone Strikes in Pakistan

    Article Date: October 25, 2013

    Who:Nabeela, Mamana

    Where: Pakistan

    When: Oct. 2012

    What happened: Mamana was a lady that work at home. She was going to the food market with her granddaughter. Moments later Mamana was blasted into pieces by the USA drone.They was aiming. They had no evidence on her endangering others. A year had pass people starting thinking on her death. Now they want justice for her. People in Pakistan was wondering if they're going be next to be killed or not.
    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because this show how people can get killed just or nothing.
    Reaction I feel that it wasn't because she got killed for no type of reason and she was a indecent lady.
    Opinion I think they should of been recognize Mamana death instead of waiting to speak about it. Now they out people worrying about is they going to survive.
    Connection I choose this article because

    1. I choose this article because indecent people dies for no reason and some of them do not get justice .

  14. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title:Saudi Arabia warns women drivers, protesters

    Article Date: 10.24.13
    Who:Maj. Gen. Mansour Al-Turki, Manal Al-Sharif, and Tamador Alyami

    Where: Saudi Arabia
    When: sometime before oct . 26th
    What happened: Saudi Arabia's Interior Ministry warned women who was caught driving and anyone that did demonstrations because of a Saudi de facto ban on women driving. Saudi women that supports the October 26th Women's Driving Campaign , this campaign is to allow women to drive, said they got threatening calls on Thursday from men claiming to represent the Interior Ministry. They were warned to not drive before, on or after Saturday. Some of the activists doubted that the callers were from the Interior Ministry. Al-Turki denied that the calls were made, but he later clarifies his comments. Activist Manal Al-Sharif, now lives in the United Arab Emirates after being jailed for a week for posting a video of herself driving in 2011. She believes women can drive. No traffic law actually prohibits women from driving in Saudi Arabia, but religious orders there are interpreted to mean women should not be allowed to operate a vehicle. Many Saudi women have later recorded videos of them driving and put them on YouTube.

    Why this event is relevant: this is relevant because someone should not be able to drive based on their gender.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) when I first read this article I got a little angry because if they don't let women drive that mean she has to depend on a man to take her places which means she can't do things on her own.
    Opinion (I think..) I think this is not fair because somebody's sex shouldn't determine weather or not they are allowed to drive.
    Connection (why you chose this article) a connection to this article would be like a workplace. I used this as an example because most times at a workplace they have different jobs for men and women. They would usually have a man carrying heavier things. Meaning , they try to say women are weak/less stronger than men.
