Sunday, October 13, 2013

Period 4: 10/13-10/18

Week Eight: 10/13/13-10/18/13
Current Event Content Requirements:

  1. You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. 
  2. It should be a minimum of 10 COMPLETE sentences. 
  3. Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.

Source: (entire website address) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source:

    Article Title: Syria crisis: Obama wins backing for military strike

    Article Date: 3 September 2013

    Who: President Barack Obama; US political figures

    Where: Syria

    When: September 3rd, 2013

    What happened: President Obama got his decision supported from American political figures to conduct a military strike on Syria. It's been a debate for a while on whether we should go over there or not based on there alliances but the political people came to a common ground that our alliances are stronger.

    Why this event is relevant: Over 100,000 people have been killed since the uprising against the Syrian President Assad started in March 2011. It's said that these deaths were commanded by President Assad's orders to the Syrian military, in order to control the rebellion.

    Reaction: I was a little annoyed because I think the US should mind there business. Syria is a small country and just sending our military over there isn't reasonable.

    Opinion: I don't think President Obama really wants to have war with Syria but if we don't he can predict what will happen to America economically which is understandable. I think if Obama did anything he should send our close alliances over there rather than America since we are kinda far and when things go wrong we send to some people over there. I say this because Syria is small so a full fledge attack is kind of pointless in my eyes.

    Connection: I chose this article because I don't like how America always in someone's else problems like we don't have our own. Also I feel we are wasting too many lives from our military since we sending them to fight irrelevant wars that don't need so many people.

  2. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Fed will let states pay to reopen national parks
    Article Date:10/11/13
    Who:Many state governors want the state parks open.
    Where: In Washington
    When: 10/11/13
    What happened:They are talking about that in Washington. They not going to pay states for lost time because Parks were not open.
    Why this event is relevant: The government is shut down. Many people are asking for things to be open and to get money.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I am shocked by this.
    Opinion (I think..) This is to crazy. Need to give states lost time to get money. It will help the sate grow and stuff. Plus they need to pay the workers who work for the parks. I need to say parks need to be looked in a another way.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I love gong to the park. I live near a park. Even though it a national park. I learned to how to ride my first bike in that park. I even taught my one of my brothers how to ride a bike to.

  3. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: Government Shutdown Causing Uncertainty in Kansas WIC Program
    Article Date: This article took place on October 15, 2013.
    Who: The people that were involved in this article was the government, mothers, infants and children receiving WIC.
    Where: This event took place in Topeka, Kansas.
    When: This all happened with the Government Shutdown on October 10, 2013.
    What happened: After the Government Shutdown, Topeka was going threw budget cuts and WIC cuts.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because more than 50,000 women are on WIC for extra help. With these benefits it is easier for them to receive assistance with food.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) This is not good for a lot of people in the United states. I do not think the government should be going through this kind of crisis.
    Opinion (I think..) My opinion towards all of this is something has to give. The United States need to figure out what is a way they can prevent this.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this article because I know a lot of people that are currently on WIC. I instantly started thinking of the people that really need the help and is not just taking advantage of this.

  4. Source:
    Article Title: Donor gives $205,000 to Philadelphia school library
    Article Date: October 15, 2013
    Who: Unknown Donor, Philadelphia School Library
    When: October 2013
    What Happened: An anonymous man donated $205,000 to Barnwell Library in Philadelphia that was being forced to get shut down. The library was shut down for nearly a numerous amount of days due to the budget cut in Philadelphia School district. This donation also funded both libraries at Central and Masterman High in Philadelphia. Students at Central High School are now celebrating the return of the library. The alumni of Central donated $4.5 million to renovate Barnwell Library just eight years ago. Now they are glad to see the library being put to good use. The question is now is who was the generous person who donated this high amount of money?
    Why Is This Relevant: This is relevant because the budget cut in Philadelphia really affected people in this city, and this donation was a life saver to some people in the city of Philadelphia.
    Reaction: I'm actually, shocked that someone donated money to the library. I really didn't expect a person to give such an high amount of money to a library. To me I think its odd, yet good though. Also why would they person want to be anonymous. I would at least want to be praised for the donation I just give to a public place.
    Opinion: To me, I think this money could had went towards the schools in Philadelphia. I know libraries are important, however they are not important as much as schools. Education is the key to success, and without schools there would not be education. So I think this money could had been some used to schools reopening, or at least supplies for schools in Philadelphia.
    Connection: I those this article because I know times are really hard now a days, and to see people give back is such a good thing. So it made me think of people who give back for such a good cause, and in this case, this would be a good cause.

  5. Source:
    Article Title:No mercy for Iranian execution survivor
    Article Date: Thu October 17, 2013
    Who:Alireza M.
    When: October 9 2013
    What happened:A man was to be executed by hanging for drug possession. He was hanged for 12 minutes and was declared dead. But he survived and was recovering in a hospital. His family was happy and celebrating but the judge was not so he is scheduled for another hanging at a later time.
    Why this event is relevant: A lot of the world banned executions in their country including the U.S
    Reaction They should let him go he was supposed death by hanging and the certificate of death was sighed.
    Opinion I am saddened because of his family
    Connection The Iranians base this execution on old theocratic government laws.

  6. Source:

    Article Title: Done deal: Obama signs debt bill into law

    Article Date: October 17, 2013

    Who:The Government, Lawmakers, Barack Obama

    Where: Washington D.C.

    When: 16 days ago/ today

    What happened: The government was officially shut down for 16 days max. All federal workers couldn't work, let alone receive any pay. The house of representatives couldn't have the government running until they came to an agreement. Here, in this article, they are stating how the government shutdown is finally over due to Barack Obama signing into law a bill to re-open the government and extend the debt ceiling. In result, all federal workers can now go back to work.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because two opposing sides came to an agreement.

    Reaction: I am actually glad they have gotten over this by coming to an agreement.

    Opinion: I think that was the best was to solve problems, especially when an issue goes that far.

    Connection: I actually chose this article again to see what was the ending result of this problem. This whole situation reminds me of two rival sides of the family and not for any reason could they get along.

  7. > Source:
    > Article Title: house panel on bebghazi eyes white house document, Panetta testimony
    > Article Date:October 17, 2013
    > Who: former defense secretary Leon Panetta
    > Where: Washington D.C
    > When: the attacks happen in 2012 but this happened recently.
    > What happened: a man named Carney was questioned Abbott the security meetings held in the period leading up to the attacks, and the development of the September 10 press release
    > Why this event is relevant: it involves politics, and we learned about this in class I'm glass its back in the news cause I'm getting background information on the situation
    > Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) this is good because we learn who was behind the accident and then they go into what's happening now.
    > Opinion (I think...) they should let the secretary man gave his job back.
    > Connection:really don't have a connection to this one I think this is unconnectable.

  8. Source:

    Article Title: Canada says US should pay more under Columbia treaty

    Article Date: October 17, 2013

    Who: Canada and The U.S

    Where: Portland, Ore

    When: October 17,2013

    What happened: The U.S has paid Canada 64 million to store their water for them and they get their hydropower from that. The U.S also gives Canada a portion of the energy that they get. Over the years , Canada has not needed much hydropower so therefore the U.S payed them less and less money over the years. The U.S feels like they have payed off all the years of Canada keeping their hydropower and feels like we should be paying less and less money to Canada because we really have no use for them.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because the U.S is concerned about it's well being and how it will affect the country. Canada is the resource we use so compromising with them might be the smartest choice.

    Reaction: My reaction to this is neutral. I know that the U.S needs to come to a decision if it will affect the well being of the people in our country and our country is general. They supply us with goods so its important to not get on their bad side if we want to continue with what we have.

    Opinion: I think that America is a smart enough country to try and figure out what to do with this situation because the U.S do need hydropower for a lot of things and Canada is the place to go for the U.S because of the shipment we got.

    Connection: My connection to this would be any treaty that helped decide the future of that country. Also treaties that had problems at first but were able to work it out.

    1. Very interesting story! I never heard about this.

  9. Source:Source:
    Article Title:Longing for pork: Could earmarks help Congress get things done?
    Article Date:Thu October 17, 2013
    Who: Those who are effected by the shut down, john Boehner
    Where: This article takes place in Washington D.C
    When: Thu October 17, 2013
    What happened:This article talks about the theory of using earmarks to solve Congressional dysfunction. Former congressional leader like Boehner say that the use of earmarks could help settle the dysfunction in congress. earmarks being compact legislative funds that get embedded into bigger bills directing the use of the money funded normally for small projects.Despite this some tax groups believe that this will not help with tea party operations.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this opportunity could help with the national cut backs and lye offs. Not to mention this could spell disaster for tea party members.
    Reaction: I at this time have no overall reaction to this event because i don't actually know what this will effect as for as the economy and if that great or minuet effect would bother me.
    Opinion: My opinion is that the U.S congress should pick one sure fire way to combat the shutdown and leave it at that.
    Connection: I chose this because it has some significance to this seemingly political shout down which interests me

  10. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title:McConnell pushes back on 'Kentucky kickback'
    Article Date:October 17th, 2013
    Who:Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell
    Where: kentucky
    When: throughout the week
    What happened: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell denied slipping into a deal he helped make to end the 16-day government shutdown and end a showdown over raising the nation's debt ceiling and had a admonishment for Republicans who wanted to end Obamacare. They had a spending bill that benefits Kentucky that added more than $2 billion for a system of locks under construction in Ohio and Mississippi rivers and between Illinois. Democrats and the White House supported him, saying the project needed to be funded or dormant.

    Why this event is relevant: this event is relevant because it effect mostly everybody. It effects mostly everybody because the government controls all of us. It also effects people who need obamacare because some people can't afford insurance so they depend on it so people shouldn't try to take it away.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I was a little happy because it takes stress away from people by giving back what they took.
    Opinion (I think..): I think that this is a good thing because everything can go back to the way it was and they can prevent this from happening again.
    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because I know a few people that depend on Obamacare and its not right if people take it away from them. I also think that it's not fair because some people really depend on Obamacare because they can't afford it.

  11. Include:
    Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Four things we learned from government shutdown
    Article Date:Fri October 18, 2013
    Who: the government
    Where: all over but mostly in washington, d.c
    When: october 16th 2013
    What happened:the government shut down has now ended. as people we have learned four things. such as, a walk in the park, the grand ole party isnt so grand, enconomic damage and seguel. which means that during this we can take a valuable lesson
    Why this event is relevant: this is relevant because this eaffected a lot of people with jobs. it was a struggle throughout this time
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) at first i was mad because i wanted to know why they would do this. just because ithe obama care. i wanted to know the reason why they would create a bigger problem in the world.
    Opinion (I think..) that is did not make sence to do this and they should be ashamed of themselves.
    Connection (why you chose this article) you can not always trust the government because they did a shut down like it was nothing

  12. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title:Government reopens after Congress passes budget deal, raises debt limit

    Article Date: October 17 2013

    Who: The United States Government

    Where: Washington DC

    When: October 17 2013

    What happened: The United States government shut down because they couldn't come to a conclusion. The republican party did not agree with the budget and wanted more money. Even as president obama presented new ideas they didnt accept. This caused the government to shut down for two weeks. It was a long deliberation but they came to a conclusion.

    Why this event is relevant: Its relevant because by the government being shut down it caused problems for everyone in the usa. We waited long and hard for them to come to a conclusion of the budget crisis.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel as though the government houls know what the problems are for the usa.
    Opinion (I think..)I think this should never happened again because this causes people to loose money
