Monday, March 3, 2014

Period 5: March 6, 2014

Your article must be from the list of articles provided in class:

In complete sentences and in your own words, answer the following questions on my blog:

1. Who is the article about?

2. Where did the event happen?

3. When did the event happen?

4. What is the article about?

5. What is your opinion of this article?

6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? (if your answer is, “it doesn’t” or “I don’t know,” you need to find another article that you can use to make a connection to Civics.)

7. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.  
Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)
Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 9 Feb 2014. (9 Feb 2014)


  1. Alabama Voices: Death penalty should be abolished in Alabama

    1. The article is about the people of Alabama abolishing the death penalty in Alabama.
    2. This event happened in Alabama.
    3. This event was uploaded on February 17, 2014, but has been happening since the 1989.
    4. The article is about the Innocence Project reviewing case for wrongful conviction for the last 20 years.
    5. I agree that life without parole is necessary if not the death penalty.
    6. This relate to our class because the Innocence Project probably reviewed the same evidence that we reviewed during the Dwight Dexter case. Dwight was in the same circumstances as many other people who were put on death row.
    7. Sanders, Joel. “Alabama Voices: Death penalty should be abolished in Alabama.” Montgomery Advertiser. 9 Feb 2014. March 2014)

  2. 1. Who is the article about? this article is about Sabein Burgess, who was set free from prison after 19 years for a crime he did not commit

    2. Where did the event happen? This happened in Baltimore and some of the process happened in Baltimore city court.

    3. When did the event happen? This happened on February 14th, 2014

    4. What is the article about? Burgess was set free after 19 years in prison after being convicted for the murder of his girlfriend

    5. What is your opinion of this article? I think that it shouldn't have to take 19 years for the truth to come out when someone who was locked up for a substantial amount of time for a crime he did not commit

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? (if your answer is, “it doesn’t” or “I don’t know,” you need to find another article that you can use to make a connection to Civics.) its shows how our criminal justice system is not perfect and that there are major flaws in it.

  3. 1. Who is the article about?Sabein c. Burgess

    2. Where did the event happen?Baltimore

    3. When did the event happen?this took place in the month of October, 1994

    4. What is the article about?this article is about a guy who was convicted of killing his girlfriend and spent 19 years after being found not guilty, due to a man who came forward to confess to this killing with a notorious hit man.

    5. What is your opinion of this article?i think that this is sad because they put this man in jail for 19 years spending crazy time for a murder he did not commit now he has to suffer when he did nothing to make anybody else suffer

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? this article relate to what we learned about the right to be innocent until proving guilty.

    7. Ian Duncan."man cleared of murder after 19 years in prison". 21 feb 2014

  4. 1. Who is the article about?
    This article was about many different cases in which involved people being sentenced to death.
    2. Where did the event happen?
    This vent happened in Philadelphia, PA.
    3. When did the event happen?
    This even happened different times but all in the 1990's.
    4. What is the article about?
    This article is about different trials where people have been sentenced to death. But it shows how some got an appeal and their death case to get thrown away just days before their execution. And also how some got convicted of evidence that were really week. so this was basically about them reversing cases that involved the death panalty.
    5. What is your opinion of this article?

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics?
    This article relates to something i learned in civics because we just recently learned about a case that involved with the death penalty and we had to convince the judge that his rights were not upheld in which they were doing the same within the article that i just read.
    7. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article
    Associated Press." Philly Murder Case Reversals Bring Call For Review." CBS Philly. 13 October, 2013. (6 March 2014)

  5. This article is about a man named Sabein Burgess.This event happened in Baltimore.This event happened February 21, 2014.Sabein Burgess was cleared of a murder after spending 20 years behind bars. He was innocent of the killing they accused him of. While he was imprisoned, evidence was gathered over the years. Which ultimately led to his release. It breaks my heart to hear about an innocent man missing the most important years of his life. He missed out on many things you can’t redo, because of the court systems wrongful accusations.This article relates to civis because it touches on the 6th amendment. Sabein did not have a fair trial whatsoever. He was treated like a dog.

    Duncan, Ian.”Man cleared of murder after 19 years in prison”.The Baltimore Sun. March 6 2014. (6 March 2014)

  6. Who: This article involves Alabama trying to abolish the death penalty.
    Where: This happened in Alabama.
    When: This has been a big issue since 1989.
    What: This article is about Alabama trying to get rid of the death penalty, but the all republican government thinks otherwise. More than 300 prisoners have been on death row in Alabama and some of them are on trial for wrongful convictions. Others argue that the death penalty brings closure to the family of the murdered victim, and some argue that it is cruel punishment.
    Opinion: I think that the death penalty does not serve justice. I think that it the easy way out so that the murderer does not have to suffer in prison. I think that suffering in prison is a better punishment because dying would mean you did not suffer, your life was just ended quicker.
    Civics: This article relates to civics because cruel and unusal punishment is against is a violation of the 8th Amendment. It is deprives someone of life and liberty.
    Sanders, Joel. "Alabama Voices: Death penalty should be abolished in Alabama." Montgomery Adviser. 17 Feb 2014.
    (6 March 2014).

  7. 1. Who is the article about? This article is about 31 year old Adrian Thomas, sentenced to 25 years to life for the murder of his 4 month year old son, Matthew.

    2. Where did the event happen? This event took place in Albany, New York. The trial was also held here.

    3. When did the event happen? The murdering of baby Matthew took place in January. The Trial took place not to long after , sources have things said in trial on January 17.

    4. What is the article about? This Article is about how during the interrogation of Adrian the police lied to get information. The article shows that the case is being continued because Adrian was sentenced in 2009. The Police took Adrian that his son, who was already dead, would live if he confessed that it was not an accident. The doctors in the court still do not know what actually killed little Matthew. Whether it was the infection he had previously or the head injury he received when Adrian accidentally dropped him 4 to 6 inches above the crib down to the bottom. The court of appeals originally threw out the case but it was reopened.

    5. What is your opinion of this article? I feel that the situation is sad. How can someone be so careless with a baby. I know for a fact that its easy to have your hands full and drop things but not a baby. A parent should only protect and nurture their child. Adrian might have actually made a mistake and did not mean to drop the baby but, due to the infection that the baby already had, he should have been extra careful.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? This case involves the court of appeals and a criminal system procedure.

    7. Record staff, with wire reports. " NYS Court of Appeals say police lies went too far (Update)"

  8. Duncan, Ian. "Man cleared of murder after 19 years in prison" The Baltimore Sun. February 21, 2014. (6 March 20140

  9. 1. Who is the article about?
    This article is about a man named Sabein C. Burgess and the murder of Michelle Dyson.

    2. Where did the event happen?
    This event happened in the city of Baltimore.

    3. When did the event happen?
    This event happened on February 21,2014 but the murder scene happened in the year of 1994.

    4. What is the article about?
    This article is about Burgess being cleared from a murder of 19 years in prison. What happened was two men, one name Charles Dorsey was the real killers of Michelle Dyson. Burgess was proven guilty because when the police arrived he had the gun powder on his hand, however in the beginning of the last decade, the Baltimore police lab called in to question the gunshot residue evidence. Later on Dorsey reached out to Burgess mother saying that he is behind Michelle's murder. Also Michelle son came forward to say that he seen the two guys and he was laying in his bead when the gunshots went off. The evidence showed that Burgess was innocent and he was freed.

    5. What is your opinion of this article?
    I am shocked by reading this article and confused at the same time. Its crazy to me how the man waits over 10 years to confess to a crime he committed. But i am questioning on what made him shoot and kill the girl. I'm glad that hes release because i would probably furious sitting in prison for a crime i did not commit.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? (if your answer is, “it doesn’t” or “I don’t know,” you need to find another article that you can use to make a connection to Civics.)
    - This relates to what we learned in class because Burgess was wrongly accused. He was accused because his defense attorney did not properly gather the evidence he need to prove he was innocent. This goes back to sixth amendment about the proper adequate counsel.

    Duncan, Ian. "Man cleared of murder after 19 years in prison." baltimoresun. 21 Feb 2014. (6 March 2014)

  10. 1. Who is this article about?
    This article is about a man named Robert Jones who was convicted for killing which he said he did not do.

    2. Where did the event happen?
    This event happened in Far Rockaway Queens, New York.

    3. When did the event happen?
    This event happened on September 10th, 1994.

    4. What is the article about?
    This article is abut a man who was convicted of a crime he did not commit, because the police framed him. He was sentenced to serve 25 years to life.

    5. What is your opinion of this article?
    My opinion of this article is that I think it is sad when people get accused of a crime they did not commit.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? (if your answer is, “it doesn’t” or “I don’t know,” you need to find another article that you can use to make a connection to Civics.)
    This article relates to the court case of Dwight Dexter, because he was also convicted of a crime he did not commit. His rights were also violated.

    7. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.

    Maslin, Sarah. “Saying Police Fed 'Lies,'Witness to 94 Murder Recants.” Jan. 6, 2014. 6 March 2014
    -Dominique Frazier

  11. 1. Who is this article about? This article is about a man named Troy and his sentencing for murder.

    2. Where did the event happen? The event happened in Troy’s home. But the court case was held in the court of New York.

    3. When did the event happen? This event happened in the year 2009.

    4. What is this article about? This article provided information of a case that has to do with a man named Troy. Troy was convicted of murdering his 4-month old son. It was said that police lied to him and told him that if he did not admit to committing the murder then his son would die, when really his son had already passed. They made it seem as if everything was ok and that Troy would not get into any trouble which he doesn’t deserve to because he did not commit the crime. Troy said that months before when putting the baby into the crib he accidently dropped the baby and the baby hit his head pretty hard. Also there were reports that Troy’s other kids had no signs of abuse or being mistreated, so the police accusations were all wrong and unfair because of the way the lied.

    5. What is your opinion of this article? My opinion of this article is that it wrong for the police to lie to someone and on continue the lie so much to take it to court. That just goes to show how heartless one can be be and how unjust the laws are because after reading that article I am convince that Troy is innocent. But then again there is two sides to one story,

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? This article relates to what I have learned in civics because as in class we viewed and read about a lot of cases that were unconstitutional and unfair. How we continually see innocent individuals be convicted of something they did not do because of one person’s lie. This case in my opinion goes against the sixth amendment because Troy did not have a fair trial.

    7. Record Staff. “NYS Court of Appeals say police lies went too far(Update).” Crime News. 21 Feb 2014. ( 6 March 2014)

  12. Source:
    Article Title: "Man cleared of murder after 19 years in prison"
    Article Date: February 21, 2014

    The American justice system is arguably the most credible justice system in the world, but it is certainly not perfect. In 1994, Sabien Burgess was convicted of the murder of his girlfriend, Michelle Dorsy. It took law enforcement officials 19 years before they found faults in their original conviction. At the time of his arrest, Sabien was found with a chemical substance on his hands that, when tested, came back as positive for gun powder. However, the justice system released Sabien in 2014 on the grounds that the chemical substance could've been from him actually holding his dead girlfriend in his hands, as opposed to him holding the gun itself. Sabien was wrongly convicted of the murder of Dorsy and now has to fit back into the mold of society despite his innocence.

    Law enforcement officials are not always the most reliable source. Sometimes, officials do not delve into the case enough and simply arrest the "obvious" person to arrest, such as whomever was closest to the victim, without even considering anyone else.

    This case can be connected to the case of Dwight Dexter, in the sense that because Dexter was the last person to see Floyd Babb alive, he was automatically convicted, though anyone could've killed Babb. Law enforcement officials didn't dig deep enough into the case for Dexter to be proven innocent. The American justice system is great is some aspects, but when it comes to who's innocent and who's guilty, there is some much-needed room for improvement.

    Duncan, Ian." Man cleared of murder after 19 years in prison." Baltimore Sun. 6 March 2014. (6 March 2014)

  13. 1. This Article is about how a man named Sabein C. Burgess was convicted of a crime, but after all the trials he was let free. After spending 19 years in prison without punishment.
    2. This happened in Baltimore City Circuit Court
    3. It started on Oct. 1994
    4. Burgess was convicted of first degree murder, after allegedly killing his girlfriend in the basement of their house. Evidence was found that Burgess had gunpowder on his hands and residue from the gun. Neighbors heard shots so police were call. when pull into handcuffs he was read his rights. Then trials were set ,but there was a snowstorm. So it was delayed. After delaying trials and new evidence coming up like confessions. It was 19 years when he received his trial. So the judge decided to let him go.
    5. I think that his rights was violated. There should be no reason for someone to wait 19 years before being trial. Then to find out that he was innocent the whole time. The evidence should have been pull on the table unless there was an adequate counsel somewhere.
    6. In Civics we learned that you have the right to a speedy trial, but he didn't get a trial at all until 19 years later. Which is another right violated.
    7. Duncan, Ian. “Man Cleared From Munder After 19 years In Prison.” The Baltimore Sun. 6 March 2014

  14. 1. This article is about two guys named Eugene Gilyard and Lance Felder.
    2. This event happened in Philadelphia, PA.
    3. This event happened in 1995.
    4. This article is about two males who shot down a restaurant owner in 1995 as he was leaving work. They was sentenced to death sentence but never got it.
    5. This article is something to think about. The crime rate in Philly is going up and I need to be more careful of my surroundings.
    6. This article relates to civics because we just learned about a case where a guy was sentenced to the death sentenced.
    7. Philadephia. "Philly Murder Case Reversals Bring Call For Review." CBS Philly. 6 March 2014.

  15. Topic: Man cleared of murder after 19 years in prison
    Who:This is about Sabein C.Burgess, Judge Charles J.Peters, Latasha McFadden, Gerald Goldstein,and Charles Dorsey
    Where: This happened in Baltimore
    When:This happen October 5,1994
    What:This article is about a man named Sabein Burgess being accused of killing his girlfriend Michelle Dyson and he did 2 years in jail before someone that was closed to Mr.Burgess named Charles Dorsey confess that he was the one that killed Michelle Dyson.
    Opinion:My opinion is disgusted because I don't think he would have killed his girlfriend and he was very heartbroken about it and then to find out that someone that he was closed to killed his girlfriend that is really sad.
    Relate: This relate to civics because the police officer just thought he was guilty and they didn't check the evidence right because they just took their time and they just assume that Mr.Burgess was guilty this is just like the Dwight Dexter case because his attorney didn't look at the evidence and they just thought he was guilty.
    MLA Format: Duncan,Ian. "Man cleared of murder after 19 years in prison". The Baltimore Sun. February 21,2014. (March 6,2014).

  16. 1) This article is about Philadelphia Judges and prosecutors. This article also mentions a group named 'Innocence Project Lawyers', the article mentions murders and the names of the people involved in the crime.
    2) This event happened in Philadelphia. The article mentions Chicago and New York.
    3) The events talked about in the article happened in the 90's.
    4) This article is about city judges reviewing old cases that had very serious convictions like the death sentence or death penalty. The article explains how the Innocence Project lawyers encourage other legal system workers to go back in earlier cases that gave people life in prison or death sentence to see if it was really worth it.
    5) I think this article informed me about how many people are wrongfully convicted of a crime or how the lawyers are suppose to help you but instead they do things to make you case worst and give you a tougher sentence.
    6) This article relates to Civics because we had recently learned about a case where a lawyer kept evidence and did not do anything to help his client.
    "Philadelphia Murder Cases Reversals Bring Call For Review."CBS.6 Mar 2014. (6 Mar 2014)

  17. 1. Who is the article about?

    This article is about a man who was falsely charged for the murder of his girlfriend.

    2. Where did the event happen?

    This event occurred in Baltimore.

    3. When did the event happen?

    The murder happened Oct 5, 1994.

    4. What is the article about?

    This article is about the story behind Sabein C. Burgess's girlfriend's death. She was murdered in the basement of their home. Sabein was charged with the murder of his girlfriend because the officer said he beleived he was fit for a murdered. He said Sabein was young, black and involved with drugs. Sabein said he was the easiest way to close the case. Charles Dorsey, a childhood friend of Sabein later spoke up saying he was behind the killing. Detectives didn't believe him because he was already in jail with nothing to lose. Charles later said Howard Rice wanted to rob the Sabein's house. When they didn't find what they were looking for, they shot and kilted the girlfriend and fled home. The girlfriend's son said he was awoke at the time of the murder. But, when the cops got there they saw Sabein holding her and assume he did the crime.

    5. What is your opinion of this article?

    I think the police were racist.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics?

    This relates to the Dexter's case because he was convicted with false evidence.

    Duncan, In. " Man cleared of murder after 19 years in prison" The Baltimore Sun. Feb 21 2014. (March 6 2014)

  18. 1. Who is the article about? This article is a man named Sebein C. Burgess getting out of jail after being considered guilty of his girlfriend's murder.

    2. Where did the event happen? This even happened in the Baltimore city state court.

    3. When did the event happen? Sebeien's arrest happened in 1995 but Sebein released nineteen years after on Feburary 21, 2014
    4. What is the article about? This article is a man named Sebein , he was fasley of accused of committing the murder of his girlfriend. Then later released after finding that he did commit the crime. A man and his son came forth to admit that it was not Sebein that committed the crime. However, the district Sebein is attorney still believe that Sebein is still guilty because there was residue on Sebein hands after being seen at scene of his girlfriend's death.

    5. What is your opinion of this article? My opinion is that the court should farther investigate on things before they declare someone is guilty.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? This relate to
    the trial Dwight Dexter, Dwight was falsely accused of a crime he did not committ. He was found guilty Just like Sebein was found guilty. Both the cases were brought to the supreme court.
    7. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.
    Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address
    Ducan,Ian. "Man Cleared of Murder after 19 Years."

  19. 1.
    this court is about Adrian Thomas murdering his son

    this happened at Rensselaer County

    this happened at 09/29/08

    The court was preasing murder charges on Andria Thomas for killing his 4-month son and telling him lies that his son is alive and his wife would be arrested if he would confess

    It's just all sided court that both sides are wrong, since he should go to jail and that the court had to lie so they should feel judgment as well

    6. it relates to the Dwight Dextor case that the both lied and gave false information for a confession

    McMahon Mike "NYS Court of Appeals say police lies went too far" 09/29/08
    McMahon Mike (: 02/21/14)

  20. 1.Who is the article about?
    This article is about a man who after spending almost two decades in prison is finally exonerated and set free. This man is Sabein C. Burgess, he was convicted of killing his girlfriend, Michelle Dyson.

    2. Where did the event happen?
    This event occurred in Burgess and Dyson's Harwood, Md. Home. This case later moved to a Baltimore City Circuit Court.

    3. When did the event happen?
    This event happened on October 5, 1994 but Burgess tried to overturn his conviction in 2012.

    4. What is the article about?
    This acticle is about how a man was wrongly convicted of killing his girlfriend. Burgess spent 19 years in prison when the victims son came forth and testified that Burgess was not the murder, this combined with shaky evidence in the original case, and a confession from the actual murder led to Burgess's freedom.

    5. What is your opinion of this article?
    This is a tragic story of how an innocent man felt the wrath of the judicial system. All Sabein Burgess did was tell his account of what happpened that and was sent to prison for it. In this abut cases like this article Burgess brings up how he thought he was only on trial because he thought that he was a convincing closing agruement, a young black man. This case happened in 1994 but cases like this happen every day.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics?
    This case rminds me of the Dwight Dexter case, where a young black man was wrongly convicted of a murder he did not commit and was sent to prison. In both case the evidence was slim to none and each defendant was found guilty.

  21. 1. Who is the article about ?

    A man name Adrian Thomas & the NYS Court of Appeals , and also the New York police.

    2.Where did this event happen ?

    This event happened in Albany, New York

    3.When did the event happen ?

    This event happened in the month of September in 2009 .

    4.What is this article about ?

    This article is about a man name Adrian Thomas who was convicted of murdering his 4 month old son. In the interrogation room the police was saying that if he didnt tell them the truth that his son would die and his wife would be arrested. But while they were in the room the police didnt tell him that his son had already died from head trauma. The New York Supreme Court said that the New York police took the lie too far.

    5. What is your opinion of the article ?

    I was mad while i was reading this article because the police knew that the his son had already died of head trauma and they didnt tell the man right then and their but instead they was using his son's death against him and i didnt like that at all.

    6 This article relates to civics because it has to due with the supreme court on new york and we are working on cases similar to this case.

    "NYS Court of Appeals say police lies went too far " . 02/21/14, (6 Mar 2014)

  22. Who is this article about : The article is about a man named Adrianne Thomas
    Where did this event happen : This event happened in New York

    When did the event happen : This took place on February 21, 2014

    What is the article about : This article is basically about this man who is on trial for second degree murder of his some on five months. Thomas's case was going fairly normal until some disturbing things was said to him. He was some what bribed or even threatened about his family.

    My Opinion : I feel as though no one should make a joke about anyone's issues at the time . His some was already dead. I wonder if he found this funny. Either way it was wrong

    How does this relate : I'm not really sure how this relates to civics. But it's a good thing that his lawyer spoke up about this issue. Now the judge has other issues to deal with.
    "NYS Court of Appeals say police lies went too far". February 21,2014

  23. 1. Who is the article about?

    This event is about Lawrence Wharrie, David Kelley, Thomas Maloney and the Fields.

    2. Where did the event happen?

    This event had no specific place where at but it could be in the court room.

    3. When did the event happen?

    This happened in the year of 1998

    4. What is the article about?

    The article is about the Seventh Circuit Rules and how the rights of a person named Fields and this is an example of misconduct by the government’s lawyer. The reason why there were bribes going on with money breaking laws.

    5. What is your opinion of this article?

    That this just happens like a daily thing and nobody is trying to make a difference on what happens continuously with no change.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics?

    How somebody rights are being broken and the way the people in the court room break the laws they are suppose to be abiding to.

    Turley, Jonathan. "Seventh Circuit Rules Prosecutor Can Be Sued For Abusive Investigation and Misconduct". 29 January 2014 (6 Mar 2014)

  24. Source: The Wall Street Journal
    Title: Putin sets out Peace Terms
    Article Date: September 4, 2014
    By. Paul Sonne & Gregory L. White
    Who: Russian President Putin was involve in trying to make peace with Ukrainian President Poroshenko.
    What happened: President Putin made a cease peace deal with Ukraine to backed off Russian Supremacist. President Putin said that Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko are very close into a deal. In this compromise it would end the 5 months rebel offense but the Ukrainian troops would have to push back too. They would also implement a joint peaceful compromise to end the Ukrainian-Russian crisis. It’s been a whole 5 decades since the whole Russian government decide to take little by little of Ukraine. In 1954 city that Russia took control of was Crimea. What they did was annex the Peninsula by sending in troops. Russia now is very much bigger than Ukraine and have better opportunities and advances than Ukraine. Some may call it bullying because Ukraine is smaller. Russia is purposely taking all of Ukrainian borders to cripple them. Some people believe that Obama and the US should get involve and help the Ukrainian citizens. While others say US should stay out of the problem.

    Why it is relevant: This article is relevant because it shows Russia trying to get supperalism over Ukraine and become more of a super nation that it is. It can also hurt are alliances because Ukraine is a huge ally to US.

    Reaction: My reaction to this article is sad because Russia is trying to take control over a nation that has less advanced than the super nation that Russia.

    Opinion: It makes me sick that a big vast nation that Russia is would actually try to control the small nation that Ukraine is. I believe that Russia should be helping gain Ukraine trust instead of trying to cripple them.

    Connection: I chose this article because we are trying to stop bullying but we fail to realize that they're doing it to countries. Dont you know countries have people in them and that you're scaring them.
