Saturday, October 18, 2014

3rd period, Week of 10/20-10/24

Due by 3:30 pm on 10/24

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences). Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. A great terrorist group other know as ISIS has caused multiple casualties in the civilians population. The group ISIS is attempting to claim western iraq by destroying anything in its way.

    ISIS has already taken over numerous miles of land. ISIS disregards of the law they continue to travel over border and causing harm to innocent people.

    Article Title: ISIS
    Article Date: updated
    Who:U.S, ISIS, Iraq, Turkey and Australia
    Where: Syria
    When:  Now
    What happened:ISIS has made move to take over iraq and Syria by destroying all in its way.
    Why this event is relevant: many people lives are at risk if no one puts in full effort to stop them.
    Reaction I feel like we are not putting in our best because we our forces might cause harm to others but if we dont step in lifes will be lost. Opinion (I think we should put in all efforts to destroy the problem now before another war happen.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chosed this article because it show that ISIS is growing stronger as we sleep and more dangerous as we stand and watch .

  2. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: Fort Lauderdale Latest City to Restrict Feeding Homeless
    Article Date: October 22nd 2014
    Who: Elizabeth Chuck
    Where: Fort Lauderdale, Florida
    When: October 22nd 2014
    What happened: A city law was passed in Fort Lauderdale that regulated groups from handing out food to the homeless within 500 feet of residential properties, homeless asking for money at busy intersections and made it illegal to sleep on public property.
    Why this event is relevant: this event is relevant because Fort Lauderdale is one of a lot of major cities that is doing the same thing. These cities are encouraging ministries to stop handing out the food and persuade the homeless to go to the city shelters. A community organizer named Michael Stoops say that the cities just want to send all the homeless out of the downtown areas to another part of the city. A national homeless expert named Robert Marbut believes that this is a good idea. He believes feeding homeless people on the street doesn't help them to recovery. He believes that churches should move there meal programs to place that help people with mental and substance abuse.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I agree with Mr.Stoop and Mr. Marbut.
    Opinion (I think..) I think the major cities are trying to hide there problem concerning homeless people. These cities want there downtown clean so the visitors can come to the city and spend lots of money In my opinion the mayor don't care about homeless people he don't want to help them out with there mental and drug problems. Mr. Marbut had a good idea by giving food out at the rehab centers and people that need help.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because some of the time when I see a homeless person I get very sad. It is very cold out there in the winter and I see a lot of them eating out of trash cans. I believe a lot of them have mental problems if they are willing to sleep out on the streets and don't go to the overcrowded city shelters.

    1. I think I see the logic behind this. It makes sense to create this kind of policy if your objective is to encourage more homeless to utilize the city's homeless shelter.

  3. Source:
    Article Title:The most sensible GOP alternative to ObamaCare comes from a Senate candidate who is almost sure to lose
    Article Date:October 23,2014
    Who:Ed Gillespie, Republican party
    Where:There is no location in this article, but i assume that it will take place in the USA based on their plan.
    When:Earlier Today
    What happened: Ed Gillespie feels as though ObamaCare is not the best type of health care for american citizens. Instead of supporting ObamaCare, he came up with his own form of Health care. The idea of his health care is that health-care exchanges go away, and people who don't receive health benefits from their job can receive tax credit from the government. Teens and younger adults could also receive some form of tax credit that would increase every 10 years. To Ed Gillespie, "the Affordable Care Act" did nothing but fixed a couple minor issues. He believes that Gillispiecare is a modest and affordable step in the right direction
    Why this event is relevant:This is relevant because i hear a lot on the news about Obamacare problems and this new idea could be the solution to Health care problems in the united states
    Reaction: i don't really have any feelings toward this because i don't know much about health care.
    Opinion: I think that this idea could work because it seems like its focused more on the needs of all the citizens and not just the employed ones.
    Connection: I chose this article because this is something new that i've never heard about untill now.

  4. Source:

    Article Title: The title of this article is, “Ex-counterterror chief: U.S. lost track of terrorists after Snowden”.

    Article Date: My event took place on Wednesday October 22, 2014.

    Who: This article involves President Barrack Obama, Former NSA Contractor Edward Snowden, U.S.A. Government, and less than others, ISIS.

    Where: This event occurred in the United States of America, however, traveled down to Syria, Russia, and Iraq.

    When: It happened in the beginning of October, and is still continuing.

    What happened: The United States government intercepted communication with terrorists that they considered were dangerous. However, insight was lost when former NSA Contractor, Edward Snowden decided it was unconstitutional to spy on them. He released the information publicly, causing terrorists to change their way of communication. They changed their emails, passwords, made up new codes, and fell of the grid. It became impossible for the U.S.A to find them. Shortly after, strong terrorist groups such as ISIS, started to form in places like Syria and Iraq. The United States government believes that this a direct result of the information of their secret communication being leaked.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it gives insight into the government’s secrets. It also gives a reasonable explanation of how ISIS and other terrorist groups formed.

    Reaction: This article makes me a little nervous because now that the United States lost connection on terrorists, they are free to do whatever they want, like harm and take over.

    Opinion: I believe that the United States government should have a tighter grip on their workers, and also their interests. I also believe that the U.S.A should fight harder to kill of ISIS members because they had a chance to prevent this.

    Connection : A connection I made was that terrorists are like everyday criminals. When figured out, they immediately try to cover their tracks.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This story is a little unnerving. However, employees need to have some sort of recourse when the government violates its own conception of liberty our very constitution intended to protect.

  5. Source: (entire website address): 
    Article Title: Wolf says he'll end food-stamp asset test if elected governor
    Article Date: October 24, 2014 3:01 AM 
    Who: Alfred Lubrano 
    Where: America 
    When: 2014
    What happened: If Tom Wolf is elected governor, he will end all test for General Assistance (GA). This ties federal food benefits to bank accounts and car ownership. They will stop supplying people with these needs if they fail the test, and it will continue to save America money. This will stop fraud, and waste. This will hurt a great amount of people who depend on assistance from the government, but the voting will still continue. 
    Why this event is relevant: this is relevant, because a lot of people depend and have very little income, so with out this, they will be struggling with nothing. They will not have anything to work with. This may cause riots and crime rates to brake out, because the people won't be happy with the new rules. 
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): Surprised, because this is really sad, but it may push the people to get up and stop depending on help from the Government. 
    Opinion (I think..): I think people should understand that yes the government and law is here to help us, but you have to help yourself in someway. The government cannot do everything for you, and if so things will be really hard to do. 
    Connection (why you chose this article): Test corrections and possibly cutting food stamps go hand and hand, because they are basically saying if you do good, than you won't need them. If you work hard enough on a test and study you won't need help afterwards correcting them. Lastly, food stamps and if you work hard enough you probably won't really need them. 

    1. I think you misunderstood the article. (btw- your article was more challenging to find since your web address provided was not accurate)
      Currently, there IS an asset test that Gov. Corbett instituted. Wolf is running with intent to END this asset test. So you're talking about potentially ending this if Wolf is elected, not beginning this new rule.
      Lastly, I love your connection to test corrections and food stamps; interesting tie to school.

  6. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: The title of this article is called "Supreme Court Allows Texas Abortion Clinics to Stay Open"
    Article Date: The date of this article was on October 14, 2014.
    Who: The Supreme Court was involved in this situation.
    Where: This event happened in Texas.
    When: This event happened on Tuesday, October 21st, 2014.
    What happened: The Supreme Court let more than a dozen of abortion clinics stay open in Texas. A law was created in Texas and it required to help women's health. The law had 2 requirements. The first requirement was that the abortion clinics in Texas had to meet the standards of a surgeon. The second requirement was to make sure that the doctors who were doing these abortions had privileges at a hospital near them. This law allowed the abortion clinics to stay open.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because they are giving mothers to make certain choices in their lives.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel bad and good about this situation.
    Opinion (I think..) I think abortion is wrong but there are many teen mothers in America.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because I wanted to take what actions were going to take place about this situation.

    1. This was a huge decision. You can rest assured that this issue is not over.

  7. Source: (entire website address)Source:
    Article Title: Gunmen Panics Ottawa, Killing Soldier in Spree at Capital
    Article Date: October 22, 2014
    Who: The Canadian Capital of Ottawa/ Royal Canadian
    Where: The National War Memorial near Parliament building
    When: Wednesday, October 22, 2014
    What happened: This article was mainly about how the Canadian capital was led into panic and stationed in lockdown because a gunmen who was armed with a shotgun entered the Parliament building as he fires the gun several times. He gunmen died after getting shot and killed by the Ottawa police. The Ottawa attack feared that shootings had been a major part due to a killing of a guard. After the police men heaved the lockdown it was restored because the situation was progressing.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this shooting happened in several locations within Ottawa.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My reaction to this situation is sad because this should have never happened that cause many people to be fearful.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that this was a terrifying situation that could have led more people to get killed.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it was found to be a terroristic threat that which was similar to when that intruder jumped over the White House fence.

  8. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: Terror connection not ruled out in hatchet attack, police say
    Article Date:October 24
    Who: nypd officer and 32 year old man
    Where: Jamaica section of queens
    When: October 24
    What happened: 32 year old Zale Thomas, attracted New York police officers. Thomas intentionally target for rookie police officers. The NYPD Believes that this was it an Islam attack. Although Thomas injured the police, he did not kill them. The two police officers are in critical but stable condition. Thomas served in the navy from 2001-2003. He writes things on his facebook page that leaves one to believe he wants guerrilla warfare.
    Why this event is relevant:this event is relevant because there has been a lot of terrorist attacks lately , and it's been affecting the world and the people inside of it. Plus the islam State has been a big thing lately.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel as though what he did was stupid for doing what he did. And not only did he put hisself in harms way but he put other life's in harms way.
    Opinion I think that this was dumb once again. And I hope that the attacks stop. I just think it'll stop soon.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this article because it's very important to state. Also because it's very big in today's world.

  9. Source:

    Article Title- Sources: Ottawa gunman had ties to jihadists
    Article date: October 23, 2014
    In the news, it has been recently reported that a man by the name of Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, is working alongside Syria to make terrorist attacks in the United States. Not enough evidence has been acquired to prove him guilty. Although, when asked, Zehaf-Bibeau denied working with anyone. A newspaper in Canada, The Globe and Mail, recently reported on social media, Zehaf-Bibeau having contact with Hasibullah Yusufzai. Yusufzai is wanted in Canada by the authorities.
    Zehaf-Bibeau and Yusufzai's social media connection was too settle to use for information, there was not enough evidence to prove that the two were working together. Further investigation will continue. This is relevant because I don't think anyone in America wants to go to war or feud with any opposing countries. I believe America as a whole CAN be a peaceful place. This all can connect back to 9/11, America was not expecting the bombing of the Twin Towers yet it happened. We were not looking to fight we were looking to make peace.

    1. This is very unsettling. I bet we will hear more about this as they investigate.

  10. Source:
    Article Title: Mother of ISIS hostage Kassig appeals for response from terror group
    Article Date: October 24,2014
    Who: Mother Paula Kassig.
    Where: The mother lives in Indianapolis but her son is being held hostage with ISIS.
    When: She has tried to reach out to them this past Thursday via Twitter but, her son has been held hostage since October 2013.
    What happened: Mother Paula Kassig ples to ISIS to have her son back. Because he has been held hostage since October of 2013. She tries to get their attention through tweets on Twitter. ISIS has released videos of them killing four other captives and at the end of the video Paula Kassing’s son was threatened.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it’s about ISIS and a mother trying to get her son back. Also, because they are playing with someones life.
    Reaction: This is crazy it’s been a whole year he has been held hostage. Also, the video must have been bad to watch and then seeing her son threatened at the end had to be a bad experience.
    Opinion: I think that his mother should be trying to do more to get her son back.
    Connection: I chose this article because I remember reading about ISIS in class but I didn’t know that they had been holding people hostage so I wanted to read more about it.

    1. They have been holding a bunch of people hostage! Typically, journalists have been off-limits as potential hostages, but with ISIS, there are no limits. We don't even know all of the people they have hostage. Supposedly, they have threatened to kill a hostage per month until the western military forces retreat. So sad.

  11. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:The nurse who beat Ebola is getting back to normal life
    Article Date:Fri October 24, 2014
    Who: A nurse named Nina Pham
    Where: Texas
    When: No date
    What happened: A nurse named Nina Pham was treating someone who contradicted Ebola from west Africa and was diagnosed with the disease three days later. She went through many treatments that lasted weeks and recently beat the disease.
    Why this event is relevant: There is many health concerns from people all throughout America who is worried about catching the Ebola disease.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I think that this gives people hope because most people think that if you catch the disease there is no chance of survival when in fact there may be a likely chance you beat the disease.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that many people can learn something from this article.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because that nurse who catches Ebola had faith and believed in her medical team and got positive results from being positive abut the situation.

  12. Source: (
    Article Title: White House Seeks Support from Allies, Congress for Potential Iran Deal
    Article Date: Oct. 23, 2014 7:41 p.m. ET by Jay Solomon, and Carol E. Lee
    Who: The people who are involved are those of the United States including our President, Barack Obama and the Obama Committee that deals with Foreign Affairs.
    Where: The problem lies in Pakistan because the Pakistanis are suspected of making nuclear weapons and not using their nuclear materials for energy as they have said.
    When: The agreement is said to be made in the month of November with a lot of negotiation taking place in the days between now and then.

    What happened: The President of the United States, Barack Obama along with others in the white house are trying to forge agreements with those in Iran to dismantle any materials that may have been gathered to form nuclear devices for mass destruction. In Iran many have said that nuclear weapons are not in production and that the nuclear component radium is used only for energy production. With this the U.S. committee of Foreign affairs have moved to the scene to make some sort of agreement of dismantling any and all weapons of nuclear warfare which seems to be in the thousands range. Progress has been made with a report of 4,000 nuclear weapons being dismantled, but it still leaves more to be done.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because everybody knows what is happening in Syria with the terrorist group ISIS. Iran is very close to Syria which holds many members of the ISIS group. Certain problems can unfold from one country holding too many possible weapons of mass destruction that could impact the lives of millions of people today.
    Reaction (I am in agreement with what Barack and the Whitehouse are trying to accomplish. I was a not at all surprised to find out that they had found nuclear weapons in Iran, because lets be serious, what nation would not hold on to a weapon of mass destruction to wart of other nations advancements of violence. Also I am sort of worried that if the right words are not spoken things may take a turn for the worst. )
    Opinion (I think it is wise to talk down Iran in trying to take out their nuclear weapons because there is really no need for it. The use of those weapons only proves to cause messes that cannot be fixed so easily.
    Connection ( I have only shot a gun once and that was at the shooting range, but with the production of these weapons anything can and will go wrong. It is a part of everyday life that never stops to ruin a chain of lives.

    1. Relations with Iran seem to be better today than the last several decades. I'm hopeful we will see real change in foreign relations.

  13. Source:

    Article Title: The Title Of This Article Is
    Michael Brown autopsy, officer's account indicate teen went for Ferguson cop’s gun, had marijuana in his system: report

    Article Date:This article is dated October 22 , 2014

    Who:This deals with Ferguson , Missouri Citizens . The Police Department & Mike Brown

    Where:This is in Ferguson, Missouri

    When: This article happened 10 weeks after Mike Brown's death which was August , 9 , 2014

    What happened: In this event the independent medical examiner said that Mike Brown had marijuana in his system at the time of the shooting . A few minutes before the shooting Mike Brown stole a box of cigars . Now they are trying to say that Mike Brown attacked the officer and that's why he was shot in the hand . The officer is trying to say that him and Mike Brown was fighting for a while and when the officer finally got a hold of the gun he let off two shots and when Mike Brown tried to come at him again he fired three more . Witnesses said that it never happened and Mike Brown surrendered. Everyday after the event citizens have been protesting outside of the police district . Everyday Police have made numerous amounts of arrest for assaulting the police . Nomatter what the citizens doesn't stop protesting they keep pushing . They are going to keep doing this until justice is served.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this is eye catching around the whole United States and a lot of people want justice and this is like another Trayvon Martin case . People have had enough and want justice .

    Reaction: my reactions to this is Im really not sure what to think . I don't know the whole story and every time I research on it , there's a different story everytime and it's really confusing me . I think the police shouldn't have shot him that many times .

    Opinion: I am proud to see a lot of black people coming together and protesting , instead of shooting at police or setting the police station on fire . I also think that this is making the world aware of the racial discrimination .

    Connection: I Selected this because besides ISIS , this is a big problem in our nation because decades later there is still racism around .

    1. I agree with your opinion. In such a heartbreaking story, I always hope something positive will transpire. It is important to speak up and question authority sometimes. It also sheds much needed light on racial divisions still present in this country. This autopsy does change the level of guilt possible for Officer Wilson. The shot to the hand does eliminate the proposed theory that Brown was retreating. Either way, this conversation must continue until justice is served.

  14. Source:
    Article Title:
    Article Date:
    Who: Black Water Members, U.S Government
    Where: Washington D.C, Iraq
    When: October 22, 2014
    What happened: Members from the private military caller Black Water, were found guilty for the incident that occurred in the year 2007, killing 17 innocent Iraqis. This included men, women and children. The members excuse was that they were ambushed a week before that mass killing. During their trial, not only did the members disrespectfully come late to their court date, one member loudly popped open a can of Coke in court, showing no respect to the Iraqis who testified against them. One Iraqi recalls the story, seeing a woman running, carrying her child's head and then seconds later being killed herself.
    Why this article is relevant: This article is relevant because it sparked massive outrage between the Iraqi citizens and the U.S Government. Also, creating a distrust between the two.
    Reaction: My initially reaction was very forgiving, until I read the rest of the article, where it shows the members blatantly being disrespectful.
    Opinion: In my opinion, I would feel embarrassed as the owner of the company,
    Connection: I can make a connection with this because later in life I want own my own private military, and I understand that there will be certain situations like this where I will feel embarrassed as the owner of that business.

    1. I knew you were going to choose this article!
      I also wonder what support these soldiers for hire programs are providing for their employees in dealing with the stress. Do they have any screening system for PTSD? How do they identify those who are exhibiting PTSD behaviors in the field? The answers to these questions could prevent such events from happening in the future.

  15. ource: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Middle East
    Egypt: Sinai 'car bomb' kills at least 26 soldiers
    Article Date: October 24th
    Who: Egyptian soldiers
    Where: Sinai middle east
    When: 1 hour ago Friday 24th October
    What happened: Egyptian soldiers have found a car bomb that had ended up killing almost 20 soldiers. With in the investigation they are looking up any more terrorist attacks against the army and how did it planned out so well to kill those soldiers. Few of the militants are very angry and upset and are trying to overrule the president since he didn't his job to help these soldiers and protect them.
    Why this event is relevant: this is relevant because these are soldiers in another country who risk their lives to protect and help others and end up dying by a bombing attack.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel that is was crazy to hear about because you wouldn't believe that something like this would ever happen to anyone.
    Opinion (I think..) I think they should do a much better job of having the soldiers well protected and there should be more then just 26 protruding around.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article since it was very interesting and told a lot on bombings in the middle east and what exactly that they are doing about this.

  16. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title:Three Denver girls who skipped school in alleged attempt to join ISIS under investigation

    Article Date:Wednesday 22, 2014

    Who: Three american teenage girls

    Where: Denver

    When: Friday

    What happened: Three colorado teenagers ages 15,15 and 17 skipped school to join isis. One of the girls told her dad that she was just running late for school while her other friends told their father that they were heading to the library. The father were worried and called the FBI, while investigating they discovered their daughters passport along with $20,000 dollars were gone. The girl was sent back by a german to go home , they were later questioned by the FBI. They are deciding whether to charge the girls or not, and are trying to find out what kind of connection they had with isis.

    Why this event is relevant : This article is relevant because the girls lied to their parents and went off to join a terrorist that posted threats on the U.S

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My feelings toward this is that I didn't like how they ran off lying like that and at such a young age would travel

    Opinion (I think..) The girls should be on punishment for a year because they put

    Connection (why you chose this article: I picked this article because it made me wonder why would the girls wanna join isis

  17. Source:
    Article Title:Ferguson on edge as doubts raised over Darren Wilson indictment
    Article Date: Fri October 24, 2014
    Who: This event involved the citzens of Ferguson and the Grand Jury.
    Where: This took place in Ferguson.
    When: Fri October 24, 2014
    What happened: This article is about the civil unrest in Ferguson Missouri. This is brought on by the latent vedict of the Darren Wilson case by the U.S. Grand Jury. For the past 10 weeks after the incident the people have been protesting aggressively through the streets in outrage. However it states that recently they have been using much more peaceful protesting methods. The police department say that it has been the first time they haven't had to arrest someone protesting.But if the verdict is not to the citizens liking there may be more then unrest in the streets.
    Why this event is relevant: this is relevant because it may cause mass riots in the states over the verdict. This could cause new polices to be implemented as a result.
    Reaction: I feel it is sad this is still an issue.
    Opinion: I have no opinion of this topic
    Connection: I chose this article because it is a problem spreading out of control. Also because it was difficult finding an article without the mention of Ebola.
