Sunday, February 1, 2015

1st period, 2/2-2/6

Due by Friday 2/6 at 3:30pm
Current Event guidelines for 2015
Directions: Your weekly current event is no longer filling in a form. You will free write your summary, reaction, opinion, and connection to Civics in two paragraphs.

  1. Article title:
  2. Article date:
  3. Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum)
  4. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:  
Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)


Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 9 Feb 2014. (9 Feb 2014)


  1. Article title:Senate approves Keystone XL Pipeline Bill, Testing Obama
    Article date:January 29,2015

    This article was about the Senate passing a bill for the Keystone oil pipeline however President Obama is sure to veto in his first clash with the new republican majority congress this conflict was going on for five years between Obama and the republicans. The Republicans did not want this to happen but with president Obama vetoing this situation forces approval of the proposed oil pipeline from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. this will really upset the Republicans but the senate won the vote, the vote was 62 to 36 in favor of the oil pipeline but either way the bill was going to reach the presidents desk. This article also states that president Obama who retains authority is accepted to veto the bill because it would remove his executive authority to make the final decision.

    Im angry because the Republicans seem to always have an issue with something what is such the big deal about an oil pipe line. Oil is used for many things if anything republicans should be on board with the pipeline Im starting to feel that they just have an issue with Obama.

    My opinion is that the republicans are childish there was already a vote majority rules right so why make a big deal about something like that its oil everyone needs oil why are the republicans making a problem with something that will help people.

    I connect this to an article that I read before I cant remember the title but I remember it stating that the republicans were suing someone for something. It seems that if the Republicans dont get there way its a problem that is not professional what so ever that is not professional.

    "Senate approves Keystones XL Pipeline Bill, Testing Obama" The New York Times
    JANUARY 29, 2015
    (February 2,2015)

  2. Article Title: Obama, at prayer event, calls Dalai Lama ‘good friend’
    Article Date: February 5, 2015

    Recently the White House hosted a dinner event about religious freedom. Among the party-goers was the Dalai Lama, one of the world’s most profound Buddhist. President Obama gave him a very friendly and warm greeting despite China’s way of dismissing anyone or country who have anything to do with the Dalai Lama. This is because the Dalai Lama tried to become a new order to China which failed and he was exiled to India. This isn’t the first time Obama met with Dalai Lama either. Because of this Chinese and U.S. relations are expected to start declining due to the two relationship. Besides this, President Obama made a speech urging the importance of religion and how the world can be better with non-violent practices of religion.
    I feel like that this is a bad reason to end U.S. and China ties. I do understand that your ally shouldn’t be involved with your enemy but if most of the world sees this enemy as a good person then you shouldn’t be mad. This is pettiness and it shouldn’t exist between countries. This was also a positive meeting. It wasn’t as if Obama and the Dalai Lama were plotting against China. This meeting was about religious freedom which Obama particularly addressed his speech to ISIS, a common foe among most countries. I chose this article because I typed in Obama and this came up.
    Mason, Jeff. "Obama, at Prayer Event, Calls Dalai Lama 'good Friend'" Reuters. Thomson Reuters, 05 Feb. 2015. Web. 05 Feb. 2015.

  3. Article Title: Pope Francis to Address Congress Sept. 24, Boehner Says
    Article Date: Feb. 5, 2015
    The popular pope, Pope Francis, is expected to say something towards the Congress this coming summer. This summer the pope is visiting the US which includes the cities of Philadelphia, New York and Washington D.C. which he will give an address to Congress. What he is going to say is unknown and even other details are disclosed.
    I think that this is great for Congress. I say this because maybe the pope’s words can help change the Congress views. It is clear that Pope Francis is very influential and hopefully this will influence Congress. This may help the fight for gay rights, foreign ties, and other matters that Congress is undecided on. I also think that the pope visit will bring revenue to these select cities. Plenty of Catholics and other faiths will want to see the pope in person and this alone will make good money from things like transportation, bookings, etc. Then you have all of the souvenirs that people will buy and this is great especially for Philly which is struggling with keeping decent money for fundings. I do have fear for the pope because of radicals. I chose this article because I heard about it not too long ago on the news and it includes Philly.
    Cite: Hughes, Siobhan. Pope Francis to Address Congress Sept. 24, Boehner Says. 5 Feb 2015. 5 Feb 2015.

  4. Article title: 20 years later: Key moments from the O.J. Simpson trial
    Article date: January 25, 2015
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: This article was about recapping the moments of the O.J. Simpson case after 20 years later. During the 90’s O.J. Simpson was accused of murdering his wife, Nicole Brown, and her friend, Ronald Goldman. There was examples that could possibly make him the killer. For instance, Denise Brown, Nicole Brown ‘s sister,testified in court that O.J. Simpson and his ex-wife had abusive relationship. There was a time where she witnessed him putting his hands on her and throwing them her and her sister out. However, there was times where his attorney showed him as a kind loving family man. Which also could imply that he had nothing do with his ex-wife crime. Prosecutors had items that could have possibly be O.J. Simpson as their evidence. Unfortunately, it did not match. Finally after so many months, he plead not guilty. In my opinion there i do not think there was a purpose for reopening the cases unless they have new evidence that has his prints on there. This case reminds me of some of the cases that are televised on tv (Forensic case on TLC). This show brings back all the cases that were suspicious.
    Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:
    Chris Boyette. “20 years later: Key moments from the O.J.Simpson trial.” February 5, 2015. (February 5)

  5. Article title: The title of this article is " 2 wounded in school shooting in Maryland."
    Article date: The date of this article is February 5th, 2015.
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum) The summary of this article is basically, 2 students were shot and wounded at a basketball game in Maryland on the night of February 4th, 2015. The officers on the scene told the media that the shots were fired outside the basketball gym as the game was being played. The suspects involved in the shopting have yet to be identifued and apprehended. The school was closed today but it was school counselors at the school for people to talk to if they need that talk. My reaction to this article and story is that it makes me think of all the school shootings that have happened over the years. Eventhough this shooting wasnt as deadly and no one involved in this was seriously injured, it just goes to show that anything can happen when you least expect it.
    My opinion to this is that after reading stories like this it makes me understand the reasining to why Freire and schools across the country have saftey protocols and stuff like that. The connection I made from this article to my life is that just a couple of days ago at Freire we did a school wide lockdown for reasons just like this.
    Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:  Stapleton, AnneClaire. " 2 wounded in school shooting in Maryland." CNN. February 5, 2015.
    (February 5, 2015)

  6. Article title: The title of this article is " 2 wounded in school shooting in Maryland."
    Article date: The date of this article is February 5th, 2015.
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum) The summary of this article is basically, 2 students were shot and wounded at a basketball game in Maryland on the night of February 4th, 2015. The officers on the scene told the media that the shots were fired outside the basketball gym as the game was being played. The suspects involved in the shopting have yet to be identifued and apprehended. The school was closed today but it was school counselors at the school for people to talk to if they need that talk. My reaction to this article and story is that it makes me think of all the school shootings that have happened over the years. Eventhough this shooting wasnt as deadly and no one involved in this was seriously injured, it just goes to show that anything can happen when you least expect it.
    My opinion to this is that after reading stories like this it makes me understand the reasining to why Freire and schools across the country have saftey protocols and stuff like that. The connection I made from this article to my life is that just a couple of days ago at Freire we did a school wide lockdown for reasons just like this.
    Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:  Stapleton, AnneClaire. " 2 wounded in school shooting in Maryland." CNN. February 5, 2015.
    (February 5, 2015)


  7. Article title:Jordan 'bombs IS' after pilot death

    2. Article date: FEB 4 2015

    3. Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum). Jordan Recently found out that their pilot has been shot out of the sky by ISIS. Jordan's leader King Abdullah II Vowed to fight ISIS to the best of his ability's. Jordan is part of a US-led coalition bombing the militants. IS this week released a video showing the pilot being burned alive in a cage. Jordan seeks its revenge in on ISIS for this. I think that Jordan should eliminate ISIS because their causing to much harm to innocent people everywhere. I respect them for taking this action in attacking them. I think that US and Jordan should work together to eliminate them because they won't stop in till they have complete control. I can connect to this because everyone in their Life seeks revenge at some point. But in this situation action is needed.

    4. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:

    1. Missing complete MLA format:
      Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)

  8. Article Title: ‘Texas 7’ prison fugitive Donald Newbury executed in Texas
    Article Date: February 5, 2015

    This article is about a man named Donald Newbury who was killed by execution. He was killed because he escaped from prison with his gang and robbed a store on Christmas eve back in the 2000’s. During the robbery a cop by the name of Aubrey Hawkins stepped in and stopped the robbery. He was then killed by Donald Newbury one of the gang members. A month later he was caught and sentenced to the death penalty. They stuck the needle in his arm and eleven minutes later his heart was done beating and he was dead. My reaction to this is I thought the death penalty was illegal. They could have just sentenced him to life in prison. But for them to give him the needle and watch him die and is just as cruel as what he did to the police officer. What happened was unfair and unnecessary.

    I feel like this man did alot of bad things in his life and he wasn't even given a fair trial. Then again he did break out of jail so maybe he didn't deserve to just sit in jail. A better punishment for this would have been to make him and the rest of the “Texas 7” sit in jail until they were old and gray and could barely move. The Supreme court should have ordered them to an unlimited amount of community service for breaking out of jail and killing a cop. This case could have went alot of different ways to make him suffer. I can connect this to my own life. I know people who were in jail for minor things who have been in there for years. Another reason I can connect to this is because I have seen people who have done things just as bad at Donald Newbury and was let off. When Michael brown was shot the officer who killed him was let free. When the laws messes up there is rarely ever any convictions. When the citizens do something wrong they go to every possible way until they are punished.

    1. Missing MLA citation:
      Missing complete MLA format:
      Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)


  9. Article Title: White House to request permission to fight ISIS
    Article date: February 5,2015

    President Obama is asking Congress if they should send forces on ISIS.
    Obama sent airstrikes on ISIS before speaking to Congress. He didn't have to talk to Congress because their was a offshoot of al Qaeda. President is trying to see what he should to fight ISIS.

    I chose this article because it's crazy how ISIS is still fighting with the United States. I think Obama is doing the right thing by saying they should use airstrikes on ISIS because he doesn't know when this is going to stop. Another reason why I chose this article because I wanted to know what Obama plans were to fight against ISIS. Obama was right for doing the right thing by not getting Congress approval of sending over airstrikes.

    Alexandra,Jaffe and Walsh,Deirdre. "White House to request permission to fight ISIS." 5 Ferbuary 2015. (February 5,2015)

    1. Remember, the president has 60 days to send military forces to uphold international treaties. After 60 days, he must ask Congress for further approval. If Congress denies, he has another 30 days to withdraw troops.

  10. Article Title: Ukraine Crisis: Russia tests new weapons
    Article Date: February 5, 2015
    Russia last went to war in 2008. Viewed as a heavyweight, they hugely underperformed in the war and gave other countries and Russia itself a major concern. But now, 7 years later, Russia has been restocking and re-equipping their weapons in order to fill the holes that they once had(weak armed forces). They are trying to be viewed as a powerful Western power again. And they believe that they must show what they can do, in potentially attacking another country, Ukraine.
    Ukraine is in a tough spot here. They know Russia can invade at any time and wreak havoc, Ukraine's communication systems are somewhat outdated and they do not have the equipment or armed forces to deal with Russia's tanks. Not to mention they have a very questionable medical support. Ukraine for awhile now has requested the help of other countries to fulfill their deficiencies. All in all, I think it is crazy how Russia can test out any weapon they have on a weak, neighboring country.

    Giles,Keir. "Ukraine Crisis: Russia tests new weapons." 5 February 2015. (February 6 2015)

    Tile: Obama to immigration activists: Cover me
    On Friday October 3, 2014 President Obama makes an attempt to change things up.This article is about how Obama is trying to change the Immigration system. By this he makes it sure that change could not happen without their vote. When he has a Latino vote them this helps by having them take it to congress. After it is taken to congress then the next steps can be done. In the United States can not come together to make a decision. The votes were not put together yet. This is relevant because the needs of the people are not being met and people want to be able to visit their families. But the immigration is not allowing it. My reaction that they should vote to help themselves. I think that is should not be left by the people to decide to change because the vote might not be helpful to all who needs it. My connection is when I was in school and we had to vote and not everyone will not want the same thing. So it just worries that not everyone wants the same thing and nothing will be resolved.

    1. Missing MLA citation:
      Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)

  12. Article title: Vaccination debate spills over into 2016 White House race
    Article Date: February 3, 2015
    This article was not based off of a who, but a what. This problem was whether all children should be required to get their required vaccinations or have a choice. The debate about vaccination is a national problem in the United States because if the final decision was that people have a choice to be vaccinated, then germs and diseases would be more easily to catch.
    This event is important because it is a debate that has been going on for awhile now. Parents, bystanders, teachers, and even those involved in the government debate about whether or not if children should get all of their vaccinations. When I read this article I was angry because of the people who think that vaccinations should not be required. I felt as that was being selfish because by their one decision their child could be running around sick without knowing it and passing it on to every other child they come in contact with. I think that vaccinations for ALL children should be required because no one wants to be sick. Additionally, a child hold more germs than adults. The adults would get a disease of sickness from the children because children touch everything and end up putting their hands in their mouths, allowing germs to enter into their bodies. However, if children were forced to be vaccinated, then the world would be so much better. "Vaccination debate spills over into 2016 White House race." February 3, 2015. (February 6, 2015)

  13. Article Title: Harvard bans professors from having sex with undergrads
    Article Date: February 5, 2015

    Harvard has high expectations of their students and faculty so they banned student teacher relationships. The relationships are inappropriate. This happened after Harvard reviewed its policy on the discrimination of sexes in an education system. They feel sexual student teacher relationships show an an unequal distribution of a status. The old policy forbid students and professors from having an intimate relationship while others are around. The policy now bans professor from having any kind of intimate relationship with a student at all. I think this is important because I really was passionate about going to Harvard. I also think that a policy like this is a good one because it could make one teacher more biased to one student than another. I feel the policy also helps remove drama from the school by lowering the chances of a student trying to get a teacher fired because their relationship didn't work and they are upset with that professor. It was a good decision for Harvard to revise their policies because school should be about learning any way.My connection to this article is that I use to want to go to Harvard but even though I don't I see that Harvard cares about their students as well as their faculty.

    Press, Associated "Harvard bans professors from having sex with undergrads" Fox News 5 Feb 2015 ( 6 Feb 2015)

  14. Article title - Lawmakers Aim to protect farm animals in u.s research

    Article date - February 5,2015

    Animals that were being tested in companies business are now being protected by law. This was establish on thursday by lawmakers. the lawmakers then enforce a bill. The bill focuses to extend on federal act for animals. this act that became legal in 1966, known as, Animal Welfare Act. Prohibit any abuse or experimental research upon animals. this act was brought back up because in a recent article, there has been news that companies were mistreating farm animals these animals were not functioning correctly and some complications occurred. Animals were having more newborns than they usually have. studies shows that an organization that use a method to make the animals enlarge, cause animals to get sick and sometimes lead to death. when this article became notice a secretary of agriculture name Tom Vilsack has request protection for farm animals.

    my reactions to this are surprised because not all people would take this step to care about animals and request protection for them.

    i think this is a good idea because its caring for animals and is protecting them. Animals should not get mistreated and should be treated like a human would like to be treated. And i think it is cruel to harm animals.

    i chose this article because it was interesting to read about how there is now a law that animals can no longer be mistreated and tested for experiments.

    Moss,Michael.’’Lawmakers Aim to protect farm animals in u.s research.’’The New York Times. February 5,2015

  15. Requirements:
    Article title:
    Article date: February 6, 2015
    In Taiwan, Asia there had been a huge plane crash yesterday killing 35 while 8 are still missing. Flight GE235 was having problems as soon as it took off. It hit a bridge and crashed in the river. There were only 15 people that survived. When I heard this I was really stunned because there was a 2 month old baby on bored (It survived thankfully). I'm also surprised that they didn't inspect the plane before it took off. My opinion on this tragic accident is that they should have did a check on the plane. I feel as though they knew what was going on and they should have contacted authorities immediately. A connection I can make to this is when a plane crashed in the Hudson River a few years ago in New York City. It was all over the news and every one had heard about it. Incidents like these should be really taken into consideration even though this one occurred in Asia.
    Mullen, Jethro. "Agency: Problems with Both Engines before TransAsia Crash in Taiwan -" CNN. Cable News Network, 6 Feb. 2015. Web. 06 Feb. 2015.

  16. Article title: This title of this article is ISIS Claims U.S. Captive Died in Jordanian Airstrike.
    Article date: The date of this article is February 6, 2015.

    This article is about how the Islamic state seemed revenge on Jordan. Islam wanted revenge on Jordan because Jordan made several bombings in the northern part of Syria. The Islamic state captured a pilot from Jordan and lit them on fire. They also killed a woman from America who was held hostage. This woman was held hostage in a building when the building collapsed due to an Airstrike that didn't go right. Others say it was by the fire used to immolate the captured pilot. Nobody really knows. In addition to these attacks by the Islamic state they also behead three other hostages and posted it online.
    I feel like these groups take there attacks way too far by killing innocent people. I think they should only go for the people involved. The connection I can make is drug gang wars. When people are involved in gangs and drugs they tend to become in debt by owing other drug affiliated groups money. When thy don't get their money they come for their families even if their family members are innocent and have nothing to do with the drugs. I don't know anybody personally that was killed this way but I've heard about similar stories.

    CaIlimachi, Rukmini and Gladstone, Rick. ISIS Claims U.S. Captive Died in Jordanian Airstrike. Ny Times. February 6, 2015.

  17. Article title: Fiorina: 'Looking more likely' I'll run for president
    Article date: Fri February 6, 2015
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum) : A woman named Carly Fiorina a former CEO plans on running for president in the 2014 election. She has just decided this and alreadly has problems. Carly has to be let voters know who she is and she has to raise money to run in the race. Foiornia would most likely have to use majority of her on money to pay for her campaign. Carly Fiorina would be competing againist Hillary Clinton. I like the idea of women running to be president its showing that history still an be made today. Although I was hoping to hear that Michelle Obama would run for president to keep the Obamas' in office. This article is relevant to me because i will be voting in the 2016 Presidental election so, it nice to know whos running. I also wanted to know more about Fiorina because I never heard of her before. It very surprising that hat decided to run for office, although her fist attempt failed.
    Provide a proper MLA citation of the article: Jaffe, Alexandra. "Fiorina: 'Looking more likely' I'll run for president". CNN. Friday February 6, 2015. (2/6/15)

  18. Article Title: What will Putin do if U.S. arms Ukraine?
    Article Date: February 5, 2015

    The country of Ukraine needs more defense against the attacks on ISIS. As a response, President Barrack Obama feels the need to send extra arms and men to Ukraine to help defend them. However, this could cause even more friction between the United States of America and Russia. Already Russia fears the United States's intentions. This can only make it worse which will eventually cause a war between the two. To add on, Putin will react. The problem is that no one will know how Putin will take it. The people of the Congress think it will get worse. I honestly think that Putin will hurt the United States. They cannot be happy that America is helping Ukraine.

    I think that Russia will declare war on the the United States if we help Ukraine. However, we will eventually need Ukraine's aid in the future. A connection made is that The United States is in a dilemma. Either help Ukraine or save themselves. That is similar to Russia deciding to let the United States be or declare war on them. It is the same either way.

    Collinson, Stephen. What will Putin do if U.S. arms Ukraine? 2015.

    1. We are treading dangerously close to Cold War history with this issue. This is something we should be watching very closely.
