Sunday, February 1, 2015

5th period, 2/2-2/6

Due by Friday 2/6 at 3:30pm
Current Event guidelines for 2015
Directions: Your weekly current event is no longer filling in a form. You will free write your summary, reaction, opinion, and connection to Civics in two paragraphs.

  1. Article title:
  2. Article date:
  3. Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum)
  4. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:  
Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)


Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 9 Feb 2014. (9 Feb 2014)


  1. Article Title:”Taking Selfies likely caused fatal Colorado plane crash”

    Article Date:February 3,2015

    This article is about how a pilot's picture he have snapped while flying at night could have been the cause the plane crash and his death along with other people on that flight.The Pilots camera was found when being examined by detectives.Although the camera did heave the pilots pictures or “selfies” he took during the flight the planes crash was not recorded. Apparently when the pilot took the picture with his camera phone he took it with the flash on and that triggered him to do dysfunction and it put him in shock while flying the plane.As the plane was out of control he tried to take control but it was to late until the plane crashed in wheat filelds.The investigators found that thee was nothig wrong with the plane so his selfies could have been the main cause of this fatal plane crash.

    This case can be connected to how careless people are this pilot had many passengers hoping to get where they're traveling to their last concern maybe worrying about if the pilots taking a selfie. My reaction to this article is that its just a tragedy that he had loose hislife and others had to suffer because of his not thought out decisons.My opionion on this is that now I dont even think piolts should have phones I mean where the one place everyone knows they can’t use a phoe the piolt breaks the rules out of all people. And plus I feel like because they are in a private space they have more time to become careless because they aren’t being monitored so I think that they should be cameras in the front of the plane where the piolt is and all of the controls

    Fantz,Ashley.”Taking Selfies likely caused a fatal Colorado plane crash.”CNN.February 3,2015. February 3,2015

  2. .Article Title: McCain rips protesters during Kissinger hearing, calls them ‘low-life scum’

    Article Date: January 30, 2015

    During a hearing Sen. John McCain snapped when protesters loudly interrupted the session. When saying harsh words to the protesters he said that their display was horrible and the protesters were low life scums. After this occurred it was said by Kim Schneider that the police did not handle this situation properly. The protest occurred at the beginning of a Senate Armed Services Committee. While protesting the protesters shouted that Henry Kissinger should be arrested for war crimes. The protest only lasted two minutes due to police enforcement entered and ended the problem. McCain apologized to Kissinger about the interruption of his hearing. McCain felt like he had never seen anything more disgraceful. The protesters were almost arrested for causing a problem but Kissinger said otherwise. McCain felt honored that Kissinger disagreed with that thought.

    This article was interesting because as Kissinger was on trial protesters interrupted his hearing and he said that the protesters shouldn't get arrested.

    I think that Kissinger is a man that believes in fairness and its nice that even though he was going through a bad time the protesters didn't deserve to get arrested for saying how they felt.

    I chose this article because it relates with many problems that have been occurring the last couple of months.

    Fox News."McCain rips protesters during Kissinger hearing, calls them ‘low-life scum’" Fox News. 4 February 2015.

  3. Title:Rape and Sexual Slavery Inside an ISIS Prison
    Article Date: Thursday August 28, 2014

    Thousands of Iraqi citizens were forced out of their homes due to the terrorist group ISIS. In Yazidi, hundreds of women were captured by ISIS. They were sent to a furtive prison. In this prison they would torment and rape these young women.These women would have two fates. One was if you converted to Islam than you would be traded for about $25-150.Those who weren't were raped and would faced a slow death.

    However, ISIS underestimated the women of Yazidi because they kept their cell phones with them. Due to the secret cellular devices family members would here the rapes taking place. These women would later on become impregnated with the rapist spawn. Later on they would pry the kids from their mothers hands. Many believe that this should not come as a shock because of the ISIS brutal tactics earlier in the year. Others on the other hand believes that this is sick and that their tactics may have gone too far.

    This can be related to Nazism and how the extremist group molested jews in their concentration camps . I think this is erroneous because they are torturing females for their sadistic pleasures.When I first read this it made me sick to my stomach because they are picking on the weak. Who can't even defend themselves. This also is a form of slavery which is why I chose this article because it relates to civics.

    Sypher, Ford. “Rape and Sexual Slavery Inside an ISIS Prison.” The Daily Beast. 28 Aug 2014. Feb 2015)

  4. Article Title: Hideyuki Noguchi accused of raping women during fake sleep study, putting video of attacks online

    Article Date: February 5, 2015

    A 54 year old man named Hideyuki Noguchi raped 100 women in Japan that he told were participating in a sleep study. But these women were actually being drugged and raped, Noguchi also taped these women and sold their tapes to porn websites. This was how he made a profit off of his own sick activity. Noguchi assault began in 2012 and the only way he got caught was because one of the women saw her sex tape online. Noguchi made $100,000 off of all the porn videos he sold.
    I was so shocked when I read this article it just makes me wonder what the world has come to. The things people do for their own weird pleasure and money is ridiculous and it doesn't make sense. This man really violated these poor women and so many ways I couldn't even describe and without them even knowing.
    I really think that this sick man should be locked up for the rest of his life. He deserves every bit of punishment that he is going to get for this. Because what he did was wrong and justice should definitely be served for all the harm and pain these women went through.
    I can connect with this article because I am a female myself and things happen like this all the time. It just seems like every time I look up some bodies being raped or harmed. This is really sad and crazy on so many levels. Lacey-Bordeaux, Emma and Ripley,Will. "Hideyuki Noguchi accused of raping women during fake sleep study, putting video of attacks online". CNN. February 5, 2015.

  5. Article Title: Lethal Rejection: Will the Supreme Court’s Lethal Injection Review Kill the Death Penalty?

    Article Date: February 4th 2015

    Currently the Supreme Court has been reviewing the death penalty. This is because recently there has been errors in the sedative drug used in the method which allows the inmate to feel all of the pain. If the Court strikes down the drug, prisons will have to find a new method of executing their inmates. It is speculated that the prisons will still use lethal injections but prisons in Wyoming and Virginia have proposed the firing squad and electrocution chair.

    I think that in general the death penalty is wrong so maybe the prison systems can just toss it away in general. If necessary then they should pause any inmates on death row until they come up with a sufficient way to execute people. I think killing somebody make you worse and just as bad as the inmate so why would you do it? Prisons should just issue the life sentence for those extreme crimes that requires executions. Apprehended terrorist and those alike deserves the death sentence if they committed an act against humanity. I chose this article because I was watching a prison show and thought that something about prisons would make a good current event.

    Waldman, Annie. "Lethal Rejection: Will the Supreme Court’s Lethal Injection Review Kill the Death Penalty?" Top Stories RSS. ProPublica, 04 Feb. 2015. Web. 05 Feb. 2015.

  6. Title:this budget includes two trillion dollars in taxes.
    Date: February 2 2015.

    Obama made more than 20 new taxes increase in 2016and proposed it to the Republicans.but they didn't support. The tax increase total more than 2 trillion dollars over the next decade and Obama's plan to use that to help the middle class construction and education programs. The best way right now for the federal government to increase that are instead they have is to change the point of allowance tap earnest to take the tax deductions at a rate of 28 percent. The result of this is that the US might get 603.2 billion dollars in the next 10 years. This would increase the race of top honors from 24.2Plus 28%. This change will raise the country's money about two hundred and eight billion more.I didn't do the things that are planned for this huge amount of money the president also claims he uses 14 million of the money to service the military. Some ofhis proposals are about $500 to income families sub boost which will help them and a child care tax credit to up to $3,000 piar child.

    reading this article made me really happy, because this will help the middle class citizens which I happen to be part of. I personally think that this will help President Obama party of politics because it will boost the Citizen confidence in new leaving and what they would do if they happen to choose another president. I can't really connect to this article exits in the only way possible the proposal will also help the middle class citizens and so it will help me in the future and now.
    citation: foxnews .com

  7. Title:this budget includes two trillion dollars in taxes.
    Date: February 2 2015.

    Obama made more than 20 new taxes increase in 2016and proposed it to the Republicans.but they didn't support. The tax increase total more than 2 trillion dollars over the next decade and Obama's plan to use that to help the middle class construction and education programs. The best way right now for the federal government to increase that are instead they have is to change the point of allowance tap earnest to take the tax deductions at a rate of 28 percent. The result of this is that the US might get 603.2 billion dollars in the next 10 years. This would increase the race of top honors from 24.2Plus 28%. This change will raise the country's money about two hundred and eight billion more.I didn't do the things that are planned for this huge amount of money the president also claims he uses 14 million of the money to service the military. Some ofhis proposals are about $500 to income families sub boost which will help them and a child care tax credit to up to $3,000 piar child.

    reading this article made me really happy, because this will help the middle class citizens which I happen to be part of. I personally think that this will help President Obama party of politics because it will boost the Citizen confidence in new leaving and what they would do if they happen to choose another president. I can't really connect to this article exits in the only way possible the proposal will also help the middle class citizens and so it will help me in the future and now.
    citation: foxnews .com

  8. Article title: Teen rapist given 112-year sentence appeals to top court
    Article date: February 4, 2015
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: A man named Brandon Moore was sentenced to a 112 year prison sentence. He was 15 when he committed the armed robbery and repeated rape of a Youngstown University student. He was tried as an adult and convicted of the crimes brought upon him. His lawyer argued in front of the head court that the 112 year prison sentence should be overturned because it was unconstitutional. The supreme court decided in the past that teenagers cannot be sentenced with life without parole if they did not commit murder. The decision has yet to be decided.

    I was surprised that he would be sentenced to 112 years for one crime, since he was only 15. My reaction changed when I learned that he had multiple charges and I thought that he most likely deserved that amount of years depending on his record. In my opinion, if you are a teen that wants to commit crimes of an adult then you should be tried as an adult. Being a teen doesn’t give a leeway to a lighter sentence. The actions one take should be what they sentence someone for. I was watching a biography of a man that went on a spree of raping philadelphia and then killing them in south philadelphia back in the 80s. Im not sure what he was sentenced to but he should've been sentenced to death in my eyes.

    WELSH-HUGGIN, ANDREW.”Teen rapist given 112-year sentence appeals to top court.” Feb 4th, 2015.

    1. This sentence could be seen as cruel and unusual punishment for a 15 yr old, in which case it would be a violation of the 8th Amendment.

  9. Article Title:Jordan unleashes wrath on ISIS: 'This is just the beginning'
    Article Date: February 5, 2015

    The citizens of Jordan are tired of Isis taking lives. Isis recently has killed a Jordanian pilot by burning him to death. Isis set an air strike over the home of the pilot and he was unable to get out. Since then the Jordanians have destroyed Isis's defense systems including training center and places where ammunition is kept. The Jordanian prime minister says that it is only the beginning of the destruction that will happen to Isis. This is important because the Jordanians have a chance to defeat Isis and keep more innocent lives from being taken. I think that a war between Jordan and Isis will take place. In this war the United states would be an ally of Jordan because the United States is against Isis. I feel that the Jordanians would when because they are not going to stop until they no longer have to live in fear. I also think that they would win because they would have military support from the United States. My connection is that we talked about Isis in the beginning of the school year and they are still causing terror.

    Botelho,Greg and Karadsheh,Jomana "Jordan unleashes wrath on ISIS: 'This is just the beginning" Cnn 05 Feb. 2015 05 Feb. 2015

  10. Article tittle- white house to request permission to fight Isis.
    Article Date- February 5th 2015, updated at 4:15pm.
    Summary/Connection- This article was about how president Obama and white house speaker John Boehner was setting up a fierce ful political fight on capital hill against Isis. I connected this article to the 9/11 terrorist attack. I connected this article to the 9/ 11 attacks because the president did not request an aumf war authority after the attack happened to get Osama binladin now he does which doesn't make sense because in 2002 he already signed for an aumf war authorization.
    My reaction towards this article Obama has the authority to attack Isis because he is required by law to ask congress to fight back but he shouldn't because in 2001 under the aumf it allowed him to attack Osama for the twin towers so I'm not understanding why he's waiting on an response to attack Isis back when he already has the power to. My opinion on this article is that our nations is strong so the president and congress should work together to help send military troops over to fight Isis .
    Jaffe, Alexandra. White house to request permission to fight Isis. February 5th 2015. February 5th 2015.

  11. Source:
    Article Title: Alabama's Top Judge: State Doesn't Have to Allow Gay Marriage
    Article Date: 02.03.15
    Who: Roy Moore
    When: January 2015
    What happened: Roy Moore, Alabama's Judicial Official , tells people that they are not allowed to give same sex marriage license. In the month of January same sex marriage was ban in Alabama by the federal court. Roy Moore thinks that the appeal is determined but the state General attorney, which only could means is that the state judges had to give out the licenses. Back in 2001 Moore put up the 10 commandments in the conventional state supreme court . The circuit court of appeal turn down the hearing to make gay marriage ban.

    Moore states, that you don't have to have an illegal marriage license under the state of Alabama. He also states that it's a violation to give a marriage license under the oath of the constitution, that is against Alabama's law. Approximately 36 courts allows same sex marriage.The nation's high court is still in wait to settled the debate about Dane sex marriage.A civil rights group called " The Southern Poverty Law Center" put in for a judicial ethnic Complaint, towards Mr.Roy Moore because he was encouraging unlawfulness, they took this problem yo with the judicial inquiry commission.
    They also put in for another complaint on a bad comment Roy Moore have mad about the situation on a Radio Talk Show. Many people are urging for the commission to make a decision quick.
    Reaction: Mad because he's not allowing people to express themselves because of same-sex marriage.
    Opinion : Everyone should be able to marry who they want to in any state no matter what.
    Connection: I can make a connection to today because this is going on now that states are fighting to get RauL and same sex marriage, by the energy of summer 2015.

    LEITSINGER,MIRANDA. "Alabama's Top Judge: State Doesn't Have to Allow Gay Marriage" 5 2015. Feb 5.2015.


    1. Article title: SETPA Cracks Down On Dancers Using Trains To Bust A Move
      Article date: Feb. 6, 2015
      Summary: The police are cracking down on the dancers that are using SETPA as a way to bust a move. These problem has led to many arrest from dancing on the trains. There is little room on the train, where the men find a way to bust a move for money. During the time they want to bust a move is during rush hour where many people are riding the train. These people pick this time because this is the best time to dance for money because there is many people around. These men call themselves Project Positive. Some people are getting entertained and other are annoyed. Some people said when there outside or on an platform you can walk away but not when you are riding the train waiting for your stop. And normally when they're doing this there is no cops around to stop them. Others like it, because they say "Freedom On Speech", they think people should be able to do whatever they want. Damon Holley a man that's apart of the group says they don't mean no harm but he won't be dancing on trains no more. I think that these men are doing what they know best. And they are trying to find away to show what the know best.
      Brown, Natasha. "SETPA Cracks Down On Dancers Using Trains To Bust A Move." PHADELPHIA. (Feb. 5, 2015)

  12. Article title:The article title is Jordan F16s Strike ISIS Targets, Honor Dead Pilot's Family
    Article date:The article date is 2/6/15
    This article is about ISIS and the country Jordan. The terrorist group ISIS attacked Jordan and Jordan retaliated. Jordan officials were furious when ISIS attacked them for no reason. They sent 20 airstrikes to ISIS in retaliation. "This was one of the usual pre-planned, highly-coordinated airstrike operations," according to one senior official, "NBC News .
    In my opinion this was a crucial attack because this could spark something big. Also with people saying this is only the beginning it could start a world war. I can connect to this story because I saw the US reporter get beheaded on camera and i believe ISIS may have really deserved this. I also believe they deserve everything else coming to them.

    1. Missing MLA citation
      Does not meet the length requirement

  13. White House to request permission to fight ISIS

    February 5, 2015

    Everyday that passes, ISIS grows stronger and smarter. Our president, Barack Obama want to do something about it. President Obama wants to send a request to take a fight to ISIS stop them. However Congress won't give him permission. Since the president has to get permission from Congress to send an army somewhere he couldn't do what he wanted. He argued with Congress back and forth about exceptions to the rule.

    I think the president is going about this the right way. He is going through the proper channels and is thinking about our people. Its possible ISIS might grow so big that they might take over take over the ways of traveling in the Middle East and travel to other places like here in the U.S.

    Jeffe, Alexandra and Walsh, Deirdre. " White House to request permission to fight ISIS." CNN. 5 February 2015. (5 February 2015)

  14. Article Title: Why D.C.’s Affordable Housing Protections Are Losing a War with Economics
    Date Accesesed: 2/5/2015
    Date: 2/?/2015
    Summary: Washington D.C is one of the fastest gentrifying cities in the country. Back in 1968 after MLK's assassination Columbia heights was the center of the riots brought on by the African American community. Over the years this has left many buisness abandoned. In attempt to bring people and money in to the city Washington had spent over 139 million on it's schools, parks buisness and ect. From 2000-2010 the the population has risen 6 percent but in the process made it to exspensive for most if it's long term residents to stay there. Coulumbia height was a relatively poor neighbor hood containing Blacks and Hispanics, now it is 79 percent white. These developments are making it to exspensive to even rent especially when the median priced home is over 500,000.

    In my opinion I believe this was part of Washingtons attempt of what they might say is cleaning up the neighborhood. My connection with this article is that I don't think it is fair to change a neighborhood and not with the current residence in mind. These people work hard for their money, living most of their lives there. People have a right to a stable place and decent place to live but not of it means you intentionally raise the standards to the point where it's residence can't enjoy it. Plenty of people want better in life but this move the government made wasn't fair to it's previous residents.


  15. Article Title: McCain: Ashton Carter won't be heard at W.H.
    Article date: The date of the article is December 2, 2014.

    There is a race for the Defense Secretary position and Ashton Carter is the number one contender. Senator John McCain thinks Carter is right for the position but he thinks he won’t have much say. Sometime soon President Obama will nominate someone to take up the job as Defense Secretary who will most likely be Carter. John McCain thinks that Carter will have an easy time getting into the position but a hard time leading to fight ISIS. He believes its not his fault but the White House. The White House handles all of their decisions by a handful of people. McCain says that they don’t know anything about military and will result in a hard time for Carter. Other politicians had attacked Obama for not doing anything against ISIS and has criticized him for not being aggressive.

    The failed administration system is constantly making a mistake of letting only a few people make decisions which is why it is flawed. Despite these concerns Carter is expected to have an easy win into the position.This event is relevant because its about the Executive branch which was a criteria for this week blog post and ISIS, an American foe.I feel happy that someone is bringing up the issues of the country instead of suppressing the issues.I think that Senator John McCain is right about the bad administration. I think that the administration should change these people or at least put power into more people. I also think that John McCain would’ve made a good president on the 2008 elections but I am still proud of Obama.This article was chosen because it was on your Google Plus and I haven’t heard about this so I wanted to learn more and be different.

  16. Union: 7 To Be Disciplined In Fire Dept. Sex Scandal
    February 6, 2015

    This article is about the sex scandal of a local fire department. At the local fire department 22, 7 firefighters are accused of having sexual relations. The city has only given parts of the report made and refused to give other info from eight other cases of misconducts involving sexual activities. The sexual relations were said to be with a female who is apart of the paramedic squad. Other firefighters and paramedics were also having sexual intercourse with this one paramedic while on duty and at the fire house. This action was surprising. The same time while these individuals are supposed to be helping saving lives they were somewhere thinking about the pleasure of themselves. What would've happened if they missed an important call? Someone's life could've been taken away because of the misconduct of these specific individuals.
    I believe that this action is completely foul. Every individual in the affairs should be fired. This type of activity should not be going on during work hours. I can make this to a connection of people getting fired from jobs because of things they aren't supposed to be doing such as personal conversation. This also reminds me of the police officer who was caught getting people arrested but we're not actually doing what the files reported said.

    Staff Report. "Union: 7 To Be Disciplined In Fire Dept. Sex Scandal." February 6, 2015.

  17. Article Title: The title of this article is "Obama meets boy who inspired $1 million dollar fundraiser."
    Article Date: This article was published on February 6th, 2015.

    Vidal Chastanet, a 13 year old boy from New York, got to meet the president on Thursday due to his involvement in a set of pictures called, "Humans of New York." The picture went rival, and $1 million dollars were raised for his school. The $1 million dollar fundraiser was to take Vidal, and all the other students in his school, on a trip to Harvard this summer. One post on the "Humans of New York" Facebook page features Vidal talking about why his principal inspires him. The principal of Vidal's school and the founder of the "Humans of New York" project sat down and tried to figure out a solution to the school's problems. One of them being that many students do no come from "safe neighborhoods," which is why they wanted to provide the sixth graders the chance to visit Harvard. They wanted them to see that life is much more than just the neighborhoods of New York and wanted them to see that their potential could be much more.

    I chose this article because I like to see how even now, people are trying to make a change. Even though this change is small, it could open the eyes to more students around the country, and it could inspire them to do something to change their communities, or the way people view them. I feel as though this author wrote this article to inspire others to do more for their communities or their schools, or anything that they feel passionately about. I can connect this article to the black lives matter movement. Many blacks are trying, just as they did during the civil rights movement, to gain equality and try to show people that blacks are just as good as whites. Even though this boy isn't intentionally trying to prove that we are as good as whites, he inspired a fundraiser that can open his fellow classmates eyes up to see that we're just as good.

    Grinberg, France, and Hetter. Emanuella, Lisa, and Katia. "Obama meets boy who inspired $1 million dollar fundraiser." CNN. 6 Feb 2015. (6 Feb 2015).

  18. Article title: The article is titled, ISIS putting price tags on Iraqi children, selling them as slaves, U.N. says.
    Article date: It was Updated on Friday, February 6, 2015.
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: Isis has been enslaving, raping, beheading, crucifying and burying people alive. And now They are using children as slaves to do their brutal acts. As part of their use of children they use propagandas, one shows a boy with a gun about to shoot two men and in another one they show a little boy holding and mans head while the father congratulates him for that. It is not only boys that they are abusing, girls are being sold, bought or given as a gift. So they think it is fine to have sex with girls, because they think they are merely property.They have also done other cruel things such as destroying religious groups as well as many others.

    This article frightens me and disgusts me at the same time. Since I am a child too, I thought about myself in the women's position in Iraq. I hate the fact that Isis is taking advantage of the children. As I child myself I can say that it is scary to say no to joining or helping Isis, but I would try to get more of the U.S attention to help us out. Isis organization needs to be destroyed because it is a life threat to people in Iraq.
    Provide a proper MLA citation of the article: Karimi, Faith and Botelho, Greg."ISIS putting price tags on Iraqi children, selling them as slaves, U.N. says". CNN. 6 February 2015. (6 Feb2015)

  19. Article Title: 2 Philadelphia Officers Charged with Assaulting Man On Scooter
    Article Date: February 5, 2015

    In May of 2013, a man by the name of Rivera was stopped in Philadelphia by two policemen: Kevin Robinson and Sean McKnight on his motor scooter. As the two policemen quizzed and questioned Rivera, he became more frightened by the second. To avoid further questioning, Rivera tried to drive off. Unfortunately, one of the officers hit him in his head with a baton. Falling of his bike, Rivera was in pain. The police continued to beat him. However, the two policemen told a different story. According to them, Rivera was trying to attack them and reach for their batons. The incident was caught on video and the truth sided with Rivera. In the court, Officer McKnight and Officer Robinson were proven guilty. They were to be removed from the police force and charged with aggravated assault, simple assault, tampering with public records or information and so on. I believe the police got what they deserved and it is a shame it took almost two years. However, it is a good thing Rivera got his justice.

    I think that Rivera should win more than what he was compensated for. Going through that level of abuse and for so long hiding it, he deserves so much. A connection I made was the arrest of the two officers took a long time just like it took a long time for George Zimmerman to be arrested for the murder of Treyvon Martin. Although Zimmerman was not sent to jail, he was still bought to court.


  20. Article Title: ISIS claims U.S. hostage killed in Jordan airstrike
    Article Date: February 6, 2015

    Recently, the country of Jordan has been hitting ISIS hard while stationed in Syria. During the strikes of Jordan, ISIS claims that they have caused the death of an American hostage, Kayla Mueller. The ISIS member that claimed this did not show any proof and it is a hard hit to the United States. To counter this, Jordan claims that ISIS is pulling a "PR stunt". They believe that the American hostage is still alive. They continue to look into it, and there is no evidence or proof. It is unclear however, if she is truly dead. I strongly believe that the American hostage is alive. I say this because there is no proof of harm or death to Kayla Mueller by the ISIS group.

    I think that the United States and Jordan should team up and dig into the ISIS base in Syria. They should conduct a search party and see if Kayla Mueller is dead or not. Otherwise, there is no sure way to know. Not only is the President addressing Foreign Policy, but also trying to find the American hostage. I think it is a big enough distraction to give ISIS enough time to plan their next move. A connection I made is that an American hostage is in danger just as one was when dealing with South Korea. This cannot end well.

    Botelho, Greg. "ISIS claims U.S. hostage killed in Jordan airstrike". Feb 6, 2015.

  21. Article Title: Pennsylvania Man Pleads Guilty to Selling Counterfeit Phone Cases
    Article Date: February 4, 2015
    Summary: michael kurnick from York, Pennsylvania sent out fake outterbox cases to someone who sells cases in Maine and was given 5 years on probation. He was then given 10 years in jail because he plead guilty.He bought the cases from China then sold them in the United States to someone in Maine. He knew they were fake but still did so. There have been found 6,700 fake cases found in the warehouse in Pennsylvania. This article made me think about the fake money they use in the corner store which now I feel disrespected that they even have to check my money as if I am the one giving fake 20s. It's unbelievable that they didn't notice, outterbox cases usually have their own logo on it which helps identify if it is or is not. Im confused on how a case can be fake anyway because a case is a case it should all be made out of the same material for the most part. It's crazy because of people like him the world's people are so untrustworthy and it makes the United States look bad because now no one knows what's fake or what's real or anything, like do you really have to question if your phone case is real or not. That's dumb.
    Citation: Man Pleads Guilty to Selling Counterfeit Phone Doc name.february 4, 2014. 6, 2015.

  22. Article title: Government bond sell off after job data
    Article date:February 6, 2015
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum) There has been a bond watch for the government for a period of over ten years. Now for 4 straight days we are expecting interest rates increases all the way up to june. But for one of those days we have had the biggest increase on interest rate ever since November of 2013. But after a while Yield prices are expected to go down. This has happened since June 2009. The U.S. has added 257,00 more jobs in January. This is actually more than expected and is a great thing. This can help bonds with other states become stronger so that trade is better.
    My reaction to this is just that it is very interesting when something good happens to the Government . When It is much better than what was predicted or expected. In my opinion, its great that the U.S. Government has intentious to do great thing with its money and tries to help other people. A connection can be made to this because these type of affairs could be happening in other countries. It is a great thing.
    Zeng, Ming." Government bond sells off after jobs data" Feb. 6, 2015.
