Thursday, November 12, 2015

2nd period, 11/16-11/27

Due by 3:30 pm on 11/27

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences).
Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source:

    Article Title: Donald Trump unveils plan to slash taxes for the poor-- and the wealthy

    Article Date: September 29,2015

    Who: MJ Lee and Sara Murray

    Where: New York

    When: September 28,2015

    What happened: Trump has launched his idea on how he's going to cut taxes. He's going to make it so that people that make 25,000 and under won't have to pay. But the loophole is that people that make 150,000 you have to only pay 25%. That is a drastic drop from the previous 40%.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because Trump is a big candidate in this presidential campaign. If he wins and this policy is passed then its mainly going to benefit rich people like him.

    Reaction: I think this was a very well hatched plan, but Trump isn't slick. He thought no one was going to pick up on that loophole. It almost worked but we learned a while back, almost everything Trump says has ulterior meanings.

    Opinion: I think its a good plan it should just be a little more fair.

    Connection: I chose this article because it stuck out to me. It was Trump having a good plan with somewhat good intentions. Which is truly surprising.


  2. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title:Obama unyielding on ISIS as criticism mount after Paris attack.

    Article Date:November 17, 2015

    Where: Washington DC

    When: Tuesday November 17 , 2015

    What happened:Obama speaks on the fact that Paris got attack many people were attack and others are killed he spoke how that was not right based on the the fact that ISIS wanted to be their own country so they took many of people's lifes

    Why this event is relevant: Because the country was terribly attack and many people been hurt and killed

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel sad and hurt because of the fact that many people lost their lifes.

    Opinion (I think..) I think that people need to do better as a country because of the fact that have they need to have each backs and be there

  3. Source:
    Article Title: Brother of Paris suspect: Surrender
    This article was published on Tuesday, November 17, 2015.
    This article involves the older brother of Salah Abdeslam, Mohamed Abdeslam. Salah is the man being hunted internationally for committing his alleged role in the Paris terror attacks last week. This article was based on Mohamed's comment he made on CNN this week on Tuesday, November 17. Last week on Friday, November 13, 2015 there was a series of coordinated attacks on the French Capital killing at least 129 people and injuring hundreds more. There is multiple suspects that caused the attack. One of the suspects is Salah Abdeslam, his brother speaks up on CNN about what he will tell his brother, who is now a very wanted man world wide. Mohamed Abdeslam stated that he would tell his brother to surrender and that would be the best solution in the capturing of his brother. Ibrahim Abdeslam was also behind the attacks, who is also Salah's and Mohamed's brother. Mohamed makes clear that his brothers are not regular people and there is no doubt that they were not prepared for this and they will not leave a trace of suspicion behind against them. This event is relevant because this was a terrorist attack that killed over one hundred people and wounded hundreds of others. I feel like enough is enough, what does killing people give you besides a life sentence. It does not make sense to me, life would be so much easier without murderers, let alone mass murderers. I think the suspects of these attacks deserve everything they will receive. I chose this article because this event is recent and devastating.

  4. Source:
    Article Title : A Tale Of Two Ben Carson's
    Date: 11/07/2015
    This article is about Ben Carson a running politician, who attended Yale and who was once a brain surgeon and surged at GOP. Ben Carson who is now today a well-spoken , strong politician admits to once being a violent out of control teenager who could not control his anger. Ben Carson describes many events where he began violent with his school mates or children outside of school. He includes one event where he tried to stab a man in his neighborhood, but the knife broke at the boys' belt. Ben Carson admitted that he had once tried to kill someone. He ensures us that those events are history and that those events would never reoccur.

    This event is very relevant because almost everyone wants to know why they should believe that these events would never reoccur. Also if Ben Carson is elected as our President how can we be sure that violence is not his answer to every problem as it once was. I agree with what the people think. This is a very controversial topic because many people want to believe that Ben Carson has made a complete change since he was young, but we can never be sure because we are not Ben Carson.

  5. Obama calls or Russia to focus on war against IS in Syria

    This article was published Tuesday, November 17, 2015. The people involved in this article was Barack Obama and President Bashar al-Assad. This event Was taken place on June 30th 2014. It took place at the Rose Garden at the White House. This article talks about the conflict between the US and Syria against Russia and how we should be at war. This is relevant because it talks about the dangers that is going on in not only our country but others. Which results in the killing of thousands of innocent people. When I read this article I was glad that are president was working in helping other countries. But I also felt bad for what they were going through. I think this and people neglect some issues like this one but I'm glad that our president is doing something to help. I chose this article because Innoway it also relates to a recent incident that's a place in Paris.


  6. Source:

    Article Title:State Department issues worldwide travel alert

    Article Date:November 24, 2015

    Who:State Department, The United States

    Where:Washington, The United states department .

    When:Tue November 24, 2015, that expires on February 24, 2016

    What happened: State Department issues worldwide travel alert

    Why this event is relevant: This situation is relevant because situation is affecting the society today .

    Reaction : My feeling to this problem is not bad but i think they are rushing including to stop allowing people to come the u.s.a .

    Opinion (I think..) that this okay for now till other wise its okay for the government to protect the citizens of the U.S.A .

    Connection (why you chose this article) I Can relate to this situation .

  7. Source:

    Article Title:'We Cannot Succumb to Fear': U.S., France Unite Against ISIS
    Article Date: November 24, 2015
    Who: President Obama
    Where: White house
    When: November 24, 2014
    What happened: The President had a talk about what happened in Paris. The attack left 130 people dead and the President said that we cannot tolerate this. He also goes to say that "we cannot succumb to fear". The President also talked to Hollande, the French president and he says that he has been on a mission to boost the coalition that's aiming to defeat the ISIS in Syria and Iraq.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because what happened in Paris was a very tragic thing. And both presidents are trying to make things better.
    Reaction: My reaction to what happened in Paris is that I feel really bad for the families that lost someone in the attack. I also was surprised to hear that is was Paris that went through something so tragic.
    Opinion: I think that the president said the right thing by saying that we shouldn't be scared and let this attack worry us.
    Connection: I chose this article because I know how much people were worried about Paris and everyone were praying for them so I did it because I was one on\f the people that was worried.

  8. Source:The source of this article is

    Article Title:The title of this article is Trump aide: 'Now and then an agitator deserves it'
    Article Date: The date of this article is Tuesday, November 24, 2015.

    Who: This article involved a protester, Mercutio Southall, and Donald Trump's aide.

    Where: This event occurred in Washington.

    When: This event happened over the last couple of days at a Donald Trump rally.

    What happened: During this event, a protester that was named above, was at the Donald Trump rally protesting about "Black Lives Matter." While doing so, he also started to chant "Dump the Trump" which caused Donald Trump supporters to become angry. As a result, the protester was attacked and beaten up by the people in the crowd. Donald Trump's aide, said the protester deserved it because "he came looking for a fight." He said he doesn't like to see people get attacked but that decision was made by the crowd.

    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because Donald Trump is running for president and if he is going to have someone (his aide) like that representing him like that, a lot of people might change their mind about voting for him.

    Reaction: This makes me feel like I don't want my parents or anyone I know to vote for Donald Trump even more because he doesn't have empathy because he only worries about himself and so do the people that work for and represent him.

    Opinion (I think..) I think that people really should reconsider their decision if they are thinking about voting for Donald Trump.

    Connection: I chose this article because I think it's important for people to know the actual qualities of the candidates that they are considering voting for because that might sway their decision and vote.

  9. Source:
    Article Title:Virginia teen behind pro-isis Twitter account sentenced to 11 years
    Article Date: Friday, August 28th 2015
    Who: Ali Shurkir, U.S Attorney Boente, John Caelin, James Comey
    Where: Virginia U.S
    When: August 28th 2015
    What happened: 17 year old Ali Shukir Amin got arrested on Friday August 28th with an 11 year sentence. He made a twitter page that supports the ISIS. He also helped his friend to travel to Syria to join the terrorist group.
    Why this event is relevant:This is relevant because this is dealing with the world's most dangerous terrorist group. Also propaganda has lead the teen to support them.
    Reaction: I think this is crazy. To see young people follow after the wrong thing makes me feel sad because this world is already crazy and to manipulate a young person's mind is crazy.
    Opinion (I think..) I think they did the right thing to arrest him because they dont know what he is capable of. He can end up doing a terrorist attack somewhere because of what they are influencing him.
    Connection: I picked this article because it really stood out to me and I can connect to this because when we are young, it is easy for people to manipulate us and make us believe in the wrong stuff.

  10. Source:
    Artical title: Russia jet shot down by turkey
    Who: Russian
    Where: Turkey
    What happen: there was a plane flying in the air near Turkey by Russian turkey told them 10 times to land a plane but they didn't listen so they shot the plan out the air. one of the two pilots was killed in the air by fire from the ground according to Russian state news
    Why is this relevent: the reason why this is relevant because this is similar to what happened like a week ago when all those people now because of terrorists except it wasn't in the plane.
    Reaction: I think they did the right thing because you can never be to safe also they didn't listen when they told them to Lower the plane I think that other people's lives was in danger because if they want I told them to lower the plane then something bad could have happen. just last week there were shootings in France because of terrorist and now they are just trying to protect everyone so that everyone could be safe.
    Opion: I think that if I was and that situation and I to someone to lower their playing more than one time or more than five times and he didn't listen I probably would shoot their plane down because they wasn't following directions and obviously they came to Turkey to try to hurt many people. this is also similar to 911 but recorded this time before they did what they did 911 was hard because they blew up lots and lots of buildings in New York City and kill a lotincluding including firefighters police officers.
    Coneection:one connection that I have for this is 911 again 911 was based on planes flying into buildings in New York by terrorists by Osama bin Laden this show that he didn't care about us Americans this is my connection to this article.

  11. Source:

    Article Title: #NotInMyName: Muslims condemn attacks in Paris

    Article Date: Mon November 16, 2015

    Who: Muslim terrorist, innocent civilians and Journalist Shehnaz Khan

    Where: Paris, France

    When: 9;20 p.m. Friday November 13, 2015

    What happened: A group of muslims started a trending hashtag called #NotInMyName. They began the hashtag in hopes to separate terrorism to a specific religion. The people are trying to blame muslims for all terroristic activity when that isn't their fault The journalists of this article try to explain that terrorism has no religion.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it is very recent it just occurred on Friday night.

    Reaction: After reading this article I was pleased with how the muslims went about the tension between them and the people blaming them for terrorism.

    Opinion: In my opinion, terrorism doesn't have a religion. Terrorist may have a religion but that doesn't the two should be associated. People use the word of their religion and twist it around to when it's beneficial to them.

    Connection: I have a personal connection to this article because I am muslim. I often encounter discrimination since 9/11 occurred. A lot of people take my religion as a joke. They also think that every muslim is a terrorist and that's not necessarily true.

  12. Source:

    Obama: US taking every step to prevent attacks

    Article Date: Wed, 25 Nov '15

    Who: Barack Obama, French President Francois Hollande

    Where: Live at The White House

    When: Wed, 25 Nov '15

    Obama gave a speech talking about how he would insure peoples safety, while they travel over the holiday. Also, he said credible threat will be informed. In addition he said he would prevent foreign terrorist fighters from entering the United States or other nations. Lastly, he said him and President Francois Hollande would would help fight the terrorist group. They want to defeat their ideology, choke their supply and demand and messaging. This event is relevant because Paris just got attacked by the terrorist. 130 people died and over 100 people were injured by shootings. I felt proud and safe after our President gave that speech, stating how he will go to great measures, to secure our safety. I think we should have been declared war on ISIS, because maybe some stuff could have been prevented. I chose this article because, it was talking about a huge event that just happened, and how President Obama was trying to fix the destruction.

  13. Source:

    Article Title:Obama, Hollande boost cooperation on terror fight

    Article Date: November 25, 2015

    Who:President Barack Obama and French President Francois Hollande

    Where:the white house


    What happened: both presidents pledged to broaden the scale of airstrikes on the terrorist group in Iraq and Syria. as target its financial networks as well. Obama also called on the European Union to share airline passenger information so the U.S. could assess incoming travelers.

    Why this event is relevant: its relevant because it talks about the terroist attacks in Paris on Nov. 13. which ISIS claimed responsibility. Obama also talked about how they should defeat the group.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel some type of way because some people mistaken ISIS to be Muslim. the false beliefs made people look differently amongst islam overall.

    Opinion (I think..) I think that since now people know the difference between the group ISIS and Muslims then everyone would be at ease. all that's left trying to put a stop towards the group ISIS.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because I wanted to know a little more about the group ISIS. also how our president Obama reacted and how he will try to stop the group.

  14. Source: (website)

    Article Title: The title of this article is, "Austria reports drop in refugees coming from in".

    Article Date: The date this article was posted was November 27th, 2015.

    Who: The people in this article are refugees all in Europe.

    Where: This article mentions Austria, Slovakia and Greece.

    When: This has been happening for a while now, I would say over a course of a couple of weeks.

    What happened: Austrian police are noticing a drop in the amount of people coming over the border from the Greece pathway. They say thousands of people are coming in from Slovenia, but in recent weeks that number has seemed to drop.

    Why this event is relevant: This story is relevant because it leaves a question as to what is happening to the refugees.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I feel very worried, because it makes me wonder what is going on with these people and where could they be.

    Opinion (I think..) I think whoever they are trying to escape from may have caught up with them.

    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because it is important to know where or why these people are going missing.

  15. Source:

    Article Title: The title of this event is "Obama: US taking every step to prevent attacks".

    Article Date: The date this article was published was on Wednesday November 25, 2015.

    Who: The people involved in this article are President Obama and citizens of the US.

    Where: This event was broadcasted on the news channel. This event will affect the nation.

    When: This event took place on Wednesday November 25, 2015.

    What happened: What is happening in this event is President Obama is letting everyone in the US know that they are doing everything to prevent attacks from happening over here in the US.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it is something that is recent and still happening today.

    Reaction: My reaction to this is this is great that our president is taking a stand in not only helping our country but others as well.

    Opinion: I think we should mind our business. I say this because if the people that are attacking Paris and these other countries see us helping them, then we may become their next target. But then again at the same time it is good that we are helping them because they may not have as many resources that we the US have.

    Connection: I choose to do this event because it’s very relevant in the news. Also it is something that I need to pay attention to because I need to know if the US has any attacks that I need to be aware of.

  16. source:

    Article Title: Woman robber while walking in capitol hill neighborhood

    Date: This article was published on November 27 at 12:04 pm.

    Who : A woman who was robbed, the robber and the police were involved in this.

    Where:This occurred on the 200th block of 8th about 10:30 pm.

    When: This occurred on the 27th of November.

    What Happened :A woman was robbed by the man who tried to sexually assault her. The police say that she was walking alone when she was stopped by the man.

    Why is this even relevant: This event is relevant because it is recent. Also when i read this article i can tell that the police did not have much information.

    Reflection:My feelings towards this article is that there need to be more police protection to make sure that crimes like this doesn't happen.

    Opinion:I think that people should not walk alone, they should keep someone around them so they are less likely to be attacked.

    Connection:I choose this article because i know that crimes like robbery and sexual assaults need to be taken seriously.

  17. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title:Can Bernie Sanders win over Latino voters?

    Article Date:By Philip Rucker November 9

    Who:Bernie Sanders,Latino voters

    Where:Nevada,Los Vegas

    When:November 9, 2015

    What happened:Bernie Sanders was to make a introduction at a rally to Latino voters.The rally was in a heavily Latino suburb of Las Vegas.

    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because many of our people are separated because of ethnicity. This rally could be a way to connect together. Plus Bernie Sanders could connect more with people in the Latino community.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)My feelings are mutual. I believe that Bernie Sanders is running a respectable campaign, and he is all about the people. He kind of life our people deserve.

    Opinion (I think..)I think that if Bernie Sanders could help Philadelphia become a better place and help it become a better and more safe city he can have my vote.

    Connection (why you chose this article)I chose this article because I feel like Bernie Sanders has my vote. I liked how he wanted to connect with Latino community. He also wants immigrants to live the American Dream and grant opportunities for them.

  18. Source:

    Article Title: Foul-Mouthed and Proud of It on the ’16 Campaign Trail

    Article Date: This article was written on NOVEMBER 27, 2015.

    Who: This article was written by
    Where: Senator Rand Paul at George Washington University, where he used profanity this month.

    When: This occurred earlier today, I don't know an exact time.

    What happened: Senator Rand Paul called any proposed trade-off between safety and liberty nothing but “bull,” before adding a syllable.

    Why this event is relevant: This relevant because these candidates that are running for presidents.

    Reaction: I found this funny because I honestly didn't expect that to happen from a candidate on live TV.

    Opinion : I think that was just a natural reaction and not a sign of disrespect.

    Connection: I choose this because it's on top of the headlines.
