Thursday, November 12, 2015

5th period, 11/16-11/27

Due by 3:30 pm on 11/27

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences).
Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source:

    Article Title: Ukraine Passes LGBT Employee Protections

    Article Date: Nov. 12, 2015

    Who: LGBT community, Ukrainian people, and Ukraine Parliament

    Where: Ukraine

    When: Last Thursday

    What happened: After six rounds of voting the Ukraine Parliament decides to pass a law barring employee discrimination against LGBT people/workers. Lawmakers believe that this could be a new chapter of "the engagement of LGBT people in Ukraine". Now the government just now have to make sure the law is implemented all around.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because it shows how society's are moving forward to ensure the safety of everyone. Also it shows how different governments take action.

    Reaction: I feel satisfied because I feel like this law is necessary to all LGBT because they're effected by discrimination all the time. This law can make LGBT employees feel more safe and ensured to be working.

    Opinion: I think the U.S should follow in Ukraine's foot steps and pass the law here since American LGBT community's also face greats amounts of discrimination. It can make sure less hatred is being brought to work places.

    Connection: I choose this article because it reminded me of how the U.S was debating on passing this law. Some believe that the law won't do anything for the LGBT but this article shows you how just passing a law can help the LGBT community feel more safer.

  2. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: The title of this article is, 'Terror in Paris: What we know so far'.
    Article Date: The Date of this article is November 14 2015.
    Who: The people involved in this article are ISIS and the citizens of Paris.
    Where: These events happened in Paris, France.
    When: These events happened on Friday November 14 2015.
    What happened: Multiple teams of terrorists attacks different location through Paris. Some were suicide bombers and some were armed with guns.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because ISIS is a threat to safety and people need to know what they are capable of.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel sad for the innocent people that died and my heart goes out. I feel anger towards the terrorists that title themselves as Muslims yet kill innocents.
    Opinion (I think..) I think this is a major issue and France should declare war on ISIS.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because me as a Muslim feels disrespected. Muslims are being targeted and disrespected on social media because we are 'terrorists'. Just because one person titles themselves as a Muslim and does something bad doesn't mean everyone is the same. I feel as though I'll be looked at differently and suspiciously if more attacks like this occur.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Obama and Netanyahu to Meet In D.C. Looking For Away Past The Ugliness Of The Iran Deal
    Article Date: November 7, 2015
    Who:Steven Mufson
    Where:Shadow Of Anxiety In Congress
    When: last week
    What happened:Benjamin Netanyahu the prime minister discuss a deal to approach Israeli. Obama wants to make an end between the Palestinians. Making small changes can make interest towards 2 sides.
    Why this event is relevant:This article is relevant because it explains the problem between other countries. Bombs are being set at the wrong time. This can lead into a tragic war and killings of innocent people.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My reaction towards this article is shocking because so many countries are being Bomed. A lot of money is being sold to build up a new military.
    Opinion (I think. This article is interesting because it explains countries problems.
    Connection (why you chose this article I choose this article because this reminds me of other wars.

  5. Source:
    Article Date: "Lindsey Graham: 'There's a 9/11 Coming"'
    Article Date: November 15, 2015
    Who: Lindsey Graham, United States Government, ISIS, French Republic
    Where: U.S.
    What Senator Lindsey Graham who is a "Grand Old Party" presidential candidate stated in a recent interview that "there is a 9/11 coming" if the U.S does not take action immediately. He's also hopeful that France would come to a conclusion with there allies (who includes the United States) to go to war against ISIS. Senator Graham is sure that if the U.S. government does not take action then what happened in Paris will then happen here and worse. He suggested that 10,000 American troops should be on the ground in Iraq along with regional military force. This event is relevant because many of us Americans are fearful for whatever else is to come. To see and hear different opinions of senators and others apart of the U.S. government is important this case but taking action is much more important. What happened in France was tragic and heartless and taking action I believe is a smart thing to do. I think that the U.S. should have a big part in the actions that will pertain to war against ISIS. I chose this article not only because I agree with what Lindsey Graham said but also because I was deeply saddened by what occurred in France. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of the families who lost a loved one.

    'Serious plans for explosions' cancel Netherlands-Germany soccer match
    11-17-15 International
    Germany was involved.
    It took place in Netherlands-Germany.
    It took place on November 17, 2015.
    They were threatened that bombs will be set off in Hanover, Germany soccer stadium. The soccer match was interrupted 1 1/2 hours before the game. German intelligence received an anonymous tip that there will be an explosion at the stadium. This was days before the attack on Paris.
    This is relevant because Germany is one of America's allies.
    I feel that this event is frustrating because a lot of people lives were in danger. Those people lives should not be in danger because they have nothing to do with and of the world problems.
    I think this is important because the German people who sacrifice themselves to save their people lives.
    I could relate to this topic. It makes people watch out for themselves and look at who they are around.


  7. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title: The title of this article is called Paris attacks investigation: Latest developments

    Article Date: The date of this article is November 17, 2015

    Who: The people or countries involved in this article were Syria and Paris

    Where: This article occurred in Paris

    When: This article took place in November 2015

    What happened:`What happened in this article was that during the investigation for the deadly paris attack, investigators found some interesting evidence. The evidence that was found was a cell phone containing chilling messages and also a syringe.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because its keeps the United states on alert for if ISIS ever wants to try to bomb the United States of cause harm within our country.

    Reaction I feel as though whoever bombed Paris is completely wrong for doing that because wars, mass killings, and using nuclear bombs should be the last option when dealing with an issue.

    Opinion I think Paris should be more aware of who they let into their city and not to trust syrian representatives so easily

    Connection I chose this article because it just happened and we need to be informed on what goes on in the world

  8. Source:
    Article Title: Hillary Clinton tells Dallas crowd she will 'make our country strong'
    Article Date: 11/18/15
    Who: Hillary Clinton
    Where:Dallas Texas
    When: 11/17/15
    What happened: Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Rodham Clinton promised Texans on Tuesday to make America safe. Clinton told more than 1,500 people in the gymnasium at Mountain View College in Dallas. Clinton's campaign stop in Texas on Tuesday was her latest effort to boost grass-roots support for her presidential campaign in the state. The last public event Clinton held in Tarrant County was a rally in the Fort Worth Stockyards in 2008 during her first presidential bid. Clinton touched on a slew of issues drawing national attention, saying the country needs a leader who can keep Americans safe and work with other countries.
    Why this event is relevant: This article is important because Hillary believes the country is weak and she believes that she will make the country strong again.
    Reaction: I feel as though that people wont know if she will make the country strong until she is voted in office and given a chance to.
    Opinion: I think that she might make the country strong. I say this because i have some of the same beliefs as her and i am willing to give her chance to try.
    Connection: I chose this article because i think its important that Hillary is making promises in her campaign. It is important for her to keep these promises because she have to stay true to her self and the people she made that promises to.

    Article Date-November 19,2015
    Who- This article includes Ben Carson and the Refuges.
    Where- This is happening in Washington i'm assuming .(it doesn't say)
    When-This event happened earlier today.
    What happened- Ben Carson was commenting on the refuges coming into the U.S.
    Why this event is relevant- This event is relevant because it involves lives in America.
    Reaction- My reaction to this was enlightened. At first when i read the title i didn't think i'd agree with what ever it was that he was about to say but he indeed made some good points.
    Opinion I think that he is right. You shouldn't let people in not knowing anything about them. They don't know who is really a refugee and what they are capable of. Also hes not completely denying them entrance into the U.S. Hes just simply saying we need a little more information and background on what we are getting ourselves into.
    Connection I choose this article because this is a really huge deal i believe. Usually I want the U.S to mind their business on situations not involving us. But i think we can do the right thing with this but we have to take precaution.

  10. Source:
    Article Title: Officials: Suspected Paris Mastermind, cousin died in raid
    Article Date: 11/19/15
    Who: Police, Abdelhamid Abaaoud (the mastermind)
    When: 5 hours ago today
    What happened: Recently the police just discovered the body that is believed to be the mastermind to the Paris incident. He was found dead. The cause of death was unknown along with his cousin.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is important because the incident in Paris this past week has caused a huge stir and to find out that the mastermind is possibly now dead is a huge thing. This might finally relieve those who were worried about the killings that were happening in Paris.
    Reaction: I am relieved to have heard this. I was quite worried about what could happen to Paris if this continued, but thankfully the "mastermind" is dead and now we're possibly at peace again.
    Opinion: I think the person they found was the killer. I don't have reasons, but I feel that they did find him and now this whole problem can be over.
    Connection: I chose this article because this just happened and it's about what's been major this week. The article also gave me a feeling of relief seeing it.

  11. Source:
    Article Title:Federal Agencies 'Adapt,' 'Stretch' to Accommodate More Syrian Refugees
    Article Date: Thursday November 19,2015
    Who: Syrian refugees
    Where: Jordan, Turkey and the US
    When: 5 hours ago today
    What happened: The United States government has approved improved screening methods for the Syrian refuges. The United States has the support of multiple organization including the intelligence community. The mobile stations would take all the necessary information for their safe passage into the country which includes health checkups and finger prints. The act has come under attack by other after the recent attack in Paris. The Obama administration has assured the credicts that the necessary action will be taken.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because after the attack in Paris many countries are now cautious o the refugees who are looking for safe passages into these countries. The countries themselves are now looking for more effect ways to screen for terrorists that may be hiding among the refugees.
    Reaction: I feel these steps are necessary after the attack in Paris. These measures allow the people in the country to be safe from terror and possible threats. The countries who are allowing the refugees in have to be sure that their country man and women are safe and their lives aren't in danger.
    Opinion: I believe this is important because the current status of the refugees is unknown to many countries. The people who allow then in have to be safe so the only way is to screen them. However the real issue is that the refugees may react in a hostile manner and this could lead to riots. The countries may have to deal with this in their own special way.
    Connection: I think this is a good connection because the government is extremely passive to these issues and need to be more aggressive. The only way to be sure of that is to protect the little man in lack of better words. These refugees have to be protected and made sure there safe and sound. The only way to do that is to keep their cool and think of a real solution to this issue.

  12. Source:
    Article Title: Attack On Paris
    Article Date: November 14, 2015
    Who: Paris, ISIS
    Where: Paris, Europe
    When: November 11, 201t
    What happened: ISIS has claimed that the attack on Paris on November 11, 2015 was caused by them.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because this could potentially cause a whole other WWIII. And I don't think anybody wants that.
    Reaction: I think this is really sad because many people have lost their lives. And many people have lost their families.
    Opinion: I think that this is a serious issue that needs to be handle ASAP. People don't understand how bad this could potentially be in the future. We really need help now.
    Connection: I chose this article because I feel as though this just happened and not enough people are talking about it. People should always be aware because we never know when it will come to effect all of us or even our world.

    "Teen charged in death of Downey, California, police officer"
    November 20, 2015

    Officer Ricardo Galvez, a police officer of the Los Angeles-area, was shot in his car which was parked in a public parking lot. He was shot on Wednesday (11/18/15). Three young men have been arrested in connection to the murder. It is thought to be a robbery gone wrong. This is relevant because police shootings effect the community in two ways. One way is that the community will not feel as safe as they should because police officers, those chosen to protect them, are being murdered. Another way is that the police will begin to get more strict on the community and its members. I think this was a terrible event and the police and community needs to work together and find ways to prevent things like theft because if the young men did not feel the need to rob anyone then no one would have died. I connect this with the police shooting in Philadelphia. A police was in a GameStop buying his son a game when he was caught up in a robbery in the store and shot during the altercation.
    -Kadrisse Mcintosh

  14. Source:
    Article Title:5 people shot near Jamar Clark protest site in Minneapolis
    Article Date: Tuesday, November 24,2015
    Who: Gov. Mark Dayton, Teto Wilson, Frederic Bruno,Jamar Clark,Everett Spicer,and Robert Kroll
    When:This week
    What happened:There was a protest for a man named James Clark, he was involved in a police shooting. Many argue that he was handcuffed and had no way to grab the officer's gun, many argue that he was free of handcuffs. No one knows but since Clark was black many of the "Black Lives Matter" protests are going on for him. At the protest five people were shot, the suspects are three white men who shot fire at the protest.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because of so many police who are killing young innocent people without trying to solve the problem a different way. This sparks conflict because most of the cases are Black people and this can be viewed as racism.
    Reaction: I feel that these situations are getting out of hand, this makes me sad to know that as a Black individual I don't feel safe around police.
    Opinion:I think if policeman cannot handle having a weapon then they don't need it. Many lives have been taken away in the past 2 years due to police having "accidents" within their guns.
    Connection: I chose this article because this connects to me, I am a black individual and I to sometimes get scared of the police and wonder if my safety right. So therefore I support the protests that are going on.


  15. Source:

    Article Title: Poll: Clinton tops Trump, GOP field on handling terror

    Article Date:Mon November 23, 2015

    Who:Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton

    Where:United States of America


    What happened: A poll was released to Americans asking if they would trust Clinton as the president. Also 5 republican candidates were on the poll including Donald Trump. Hillary clinton topped all of them with pretty decent numbers. From America’s prespective Hillary Clinton is the most like candidate for president.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because this is our President of the U.S we are talking about here. The person voted in the oval office becomes the leader of not just the U.S but even the world some would say.

    Reaction: I was not suprised because Hillary Clinton is a great candidate and I think she can handle the job very well.

    Opinion: To me Hillary should be our next president. Out of all the candidates I think she has the most experience of all the candidates. She can also handle pressure better than the rest of the candidates too.

    Connection: I chose this article because I am very interested in who will be our next president.

  16. Source:
    Article Title:15 killed in blast on bus carrying Tunisian presidential guard members
    Article Date:Nov 24,2015
    Who:Presidental guard members, and Tunisian citizens
    Where:Tunis, Tunisia
    When: A couple of days ago
    What happened: A car was parked near the capital where Tunisia's presidental guard members get picked up and dropped off by bus. They believed the car parked there was a set up for an explosing. The bus exploded while carrying members, and the result fifteen people have been killed. Authories are investigating saying this exposing could have been a terror attack. Du eto ISIS taking over vasts of Syria and Iraq they believe they are behind this terrible event.
    Why: This event is revelant because alot is happen around the world with terriosts attacks. Especially, how most of these bombs connect back to ISIS having something to do with it.
    Reaction I am truly tired of hearing about bombing/ attacks this neeed to be put a stop to ,unless everyone once a World War lll. I feel like ISIS the reasons for this attacks and we need to start bombing them and show them how it feel to kill innocent people.
    Opinion I think ISIS believe they can just drop a bomb any where and dont care who dies.We the USA need to step in before ISIS decide to bomb us and kill more people. We should showed them that this isn't right and you need to stop. I know to wrongs don't make a right but what they are breaking people hearts because theri love ones are dying for no reason. Causing more conflicts within countrieds there selves then what it has to be.
    Connection I choose this article becasue it is very interesting and it is one of the major concerns around the world.

  17. Source:
    Article Title: Graham: Database on Muslim Americans, An “Offense” to Military Members And Families
    Article Date:Nov. 23, 2015
    Who: Lindsey Graham
    Where: Washington D.C.
    When: The month of November

    What happened: Republican presidential candidate, Lindsey Graham decided against having an important database on Muslims in the United States. After his fellow candidate, Donald Trump, tweeted about creating a “watchlist” for all Muslims in America, Graham said that everyone should be able follow the God they prosper to follow. Graham also brought up the fact of that Trump is not bringing one of the bill of rights: freedom of religion.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because ever since the beginning of the presidential election began, the only thing Donald Trump has been saying is how he dislikes the Muslim community and how he is trying to “erase”. Because Graham and Trump are both republicans, it shows that Graham isn't the typical conservative republican that is against the society's rules.

    Reaction: My reaction towards Graham’s words is that he is showing part of the United States that he is for everyone's rights and not just one specific group. He is also confronting the words of Donald Trump, after the same incident happened when Donald Trump lied about New Jersey Muslims praising the 9/11 attacks.

    Opinion: My opinion on the whole thing is that it doesn't phase me. Me, as a Muslim female, I don't take anything these candidates say or refer to the Islamic religion because they are always talking nonsense, specifically Donald Trump. Graham, as a republican, is voicing his opinions on topics that are the opposite of what a typical republican would usually say.

    Connection: A connection I make with the article is how Lindsey Graham sounds like a young person vocalizes their harsh criticism on Donald Trump and his basic ideas.

  18. Mamadu Barry

    I pulled out this article from The name of the article is "Bush: Trump is 'preying on people's deep-seated fears'". It was written on Wednesday, November 25, 2015. The article mentions Jeb Bush and Donald Trump. It took place place in the U.S.A. in November 2015. In this article Jeb Bush talks about Donald Trump not being a good leader. Also, he mentions some of his comments remarking past situations and how it's not fair to the rest of the innocent people. This is important because we want to follow politics in order to know our surroundings and what is going on in the US and our leaders. I agree with Jeb Bush that some of the comments Donald Trump is saying is misjudging and it is not fair to the rest of us to be judged based on someone else's actions. Anyways, I think next time he needs to choose his words wisely, because what he say can have an impact on someone and that can also impact his campaign. Finally, I chose this article because it was the first one I seen and it looked interesting.

  19. Source:
    Article Title:Man charged with murder in Chicago 'assassination' of Tyshawn Lee, 9
    Articel Date:Today
    Who:Tyshawn Lee Gang Members
    When:November 2nd
    What:A 9 year old boy was killed by a group of gang memebers.He was killed because the gang members were trying to get back at his fatger.He was leaving his grandmothers house and on his way to the basketbal court.He was lured in to an alley and shot several times.The gang memebers have been arrested.Corey Morgan was one of the members and was arrested on 1st degree murder.
    Reaction:This was a terrible incident and the boy who was killed wasnt even part of the gang related issue.It was his father.The gang memebers didnt want to solve issues with the father so they decided to attack his innocent child.This is a cowardly act and they all deserve to be arrested for life.
    Opinion:In my opinion I think the father is partially to blame because he should apart of gang problems.Its even worse when he has a kid because he is risking his life and his child.
    Connection:I do not have a connection with this issue but i can say i would be devastated if one of my siblings were killed because of issue that i were dealing with someone.

  20. Source:
    Article Title:Donald Trump's denial challenged by reporter
    Article Date:November 27,2015
    Who:Donald Trump and Serge Kovaleski
    When:Tuesday night
    Where: United States
    What Happen: During a speech Serge Kovaleski was insulted by notorious republican Donald Trump. Mr.Kovaleski has a disability that limits his arm movement. According to sources Donald Trump made fun of the fact that he could not move his arm by waving his arms around while addressing him. But, Donald Trump denies ever doing so.This is relevant because this is the man running for office. I don't want someone who can't respect people to be in office. Those actions speak to his character and how he would act towards people with disabilities when he is in office.I picked this article because in my life time I have encountered and met people with disabilities. They matter just as much as anyone else. They deserve the same amount of respect as anyone of us.I personally don't want someone like this running my country.


  21. Source:

    Article Title: President Obama serves dinner to homeless people and vets

    Article Date: November 27, 2015

    Who: President Barack Obama and family.

    Where: Washington D.C

    When: Thanksgiving day ( November 27 )

    What happened: President Barack Obama and his family served dinners to homeless people and retired army vets. President Obama took the initiative to do something good in his community.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it is a positive way of showing how you want to help people that are in need. It is also relevant because not everyone gets a chance to have a thanksgiving the way they want to and president Obama made that happen.

    Reaction: I look at this thing that President Obama did as a major impact on the people around him and the people that were able to be apart of this. I also believe that the people that were apart of this should be very grateful.

    Opinion: In my opinion, President Obama is a positive role model that everyone should follow. This is something that might have impacted lives forever and I feel like he's a good person for doing what he did.

    Connection: I chose this article because it's some thing thats not done enough in the world today. I feel like choosing this article may inspire people to take the steps that Barack Obama did to effecting people lives positively.
