Monday, March 3, 2014

Period 4: March 6, 2014

Your article must be from the list of articles provided in class:

In complete sentences and in your own words, answer the following questions on my blog:

1. Who is the article about?

2. Where did the event happen?

3. When did the event happen?

4. What is the article about?

5. What is your opinion of this article?

6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? (if your answer is, “it doesn’t” or “I don’t know,” you need to find another article that you can use to make a connection to Civics.)

7. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.  
Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)
Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 9 Feb 2014. (9 Feb 2014)


  1. 1. Who is the article about? This article is about
    Sabein C. Burgess.

    2. Where did the event happen? This event happened in Baltimore City, Maryland.

    3. When did the event happen? This event happened on October 5, 1994.

    4. What is the article about? This article is about a man who did 20 years in jail for a murder that he did not commit. He was accused of killing his girlfriend back in 1994, but he was found not guilty 20 years later. Finally a man named Charles Dorsey said he pulled the trigger that killed Burgess' girlfriend.

    5. What is your opinion of this article? I think the courts should pay more attention to the facts and evidence of the trials because people are wrongfully arrested for crimes they did not commit.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? (if your answer is, “it doesn’t” or “I don’t know,” you need to find another article that you can use to make a connection to Civics.) This article refers back to the case of Dwight Dexter being accused for the murder of Floyd Babb, although he was another person who was arrested for nothing.

    7. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.
    Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)
    Duncan, Ian. "Man cleared of murder after 19 years in prison." The Baltimore Sun.21 Feb. 2014 (6 March 2014)

  2. 1. Who is the article about?
    The article is about the police and Adrian Thomas.

    2. Where did the event happen?

    3. When did the event happen?
    The event happened in January 2009.

    4. What is the article about?
    The article is about Adrian Thomas and his court case, where he was sentenced to 25 years for the death of his infant. During his court case, his defense attornies appealed his case saying that the police lied to Thomas and made him self-incriminate. The police told him to confess how he died so they could save his child, but the police already knew the child was dead but Thomas didnt know.

    5. What is your opinion of this article?
    I think the Adrian Thomas should be jailed but the cops should be punished too because they lied to him.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? (if your answer is, “it doesn’t” or “I don’t know,” you need to find another article that you can use to make a connection to Civics.)
    This relates to civics because his trial was postponed since the cops broke his fifth amendment from self incrimination by lying and making him tell on his self.

    7. "NYS Court of Appeals say police lies went too far (Update)" Oneila Daily Dispatch, Crime News. February 21, 2014. (6 March 2014)

  3. 1. Who is the article about?
    This article is about a man named, Sabein C. Burgess.

    2. Where did the event happen?
    This particular event happened

    3. When did the event happen?
    This happened in Baltimore City Circuit Court.

    4. What is the article about?
    This article is about Burgess getting out of prison after 19 years for being convicted for a murder he did not commit. The victims son, who witnessed the murder, stepped up and said it wasn't even Burgess. Burgess was convicted because the police believed he fit the scene, he is black, young, and doing drugs. They later found the murderer and now serving 45 years.

    5. What is your opinion of this article?
    My opinion of this article is that, the police should have done more investigation and he was in prison all that time for nothing and now that is going to be on his record.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics?
    This article relates to Civics class because someone was convicted for a murder and it wasn't his fault.

    7. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.
    Duncan, Ian. “Man cleared after 19 years in prison”
    February 21, 2014. (March 6, 2014)

  4. Who: This involves Adrian Thomas, his dead 4-year-old son and the state of New York.
    Where: This appeal took place in the New York City high state court.
    What: This article outlines the high court overturn of the conviction of Thomas in the second degree murder case of his 4-month-old son Matthew..
    Opinion: I think that this overturning of the previous conviction is an amazingly good thing to do. They gave the defendant the benefit of the doubt. He informed them that he was being threatened and feared for his life, therefore it was only the right thing to do.
    Relation: This closely relates to the Dexter case that we have been studying in class.
    "NYS Court of Appeals say police lies went too far (Update)" oneidadispatch. March 6, 2014

  5. 1. Who is the article about? Adrian Thomas

    2. Where did the event happen? New York

    3. When did the event happen? January,2008

    4. What is the article about? this article was about how the police lied to get a man to say he committed murder. the police told a man that if he didnt tell them how his 4 month old baby got injured. the police didnt tell him that his baby was already dead.

    5. What is your opinion of this article? ive seen this happen a lot and i dont think this is fair. if a police officer lie to you , about your childs life, they shouldnt be a police officer.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? (if your answer is, “it doesn’t” or “I don’t know,” you need to find another article that you can use to make a connection to Civics.) this relates to civics because it connects with the court case we just did.

    "NYS Court of Appeals say police lies went too far (Update)" Oneila Daily Dispatch, Crime News. February 21, 2014. (6 March 2014)

  6. 1. Who is the article about? The article is about a man by the name of Adrian Thomas, and the police.
    2. Where did the event happen? this event happened in the defendant's home but it was heard in the New York court of appeals.
    3. When did the event happen? Adrian's 4 month old son died, and the court case was heard in 2009.
    4. What is the article about? The article is about a father that murdered his son and he was tricked into admitting that he did it. They kept telling him that his son would die, because he didn't know that his son was already dead, if he didn't cooperate with them and tell them how his son hit his head. he was then sentenced to 25 years in prison.
    5. What is your opinion of this article? This isn't fair to the father because he was forced to tell what happened even though it was an accident they still made him admit to something that wasn't really his fault. And he wasn't told the truth he thought his son was still alive.
    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? this article relates to what i learned in civics about the 5th amendment, he wasn't informed of his Miranda rights so he incriminated himself.
    7. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article. record staff. "NYS Court of Appeals say police lies went too far." Oneida daily dispatch. 21 Feb 2014

  7. 1. Who is the article about?
    Sabein Burgess
    2. Where did the event happen?
    Baltimore City, Maryland
    3. When did the event happen?
    This happened October 5, 1994
    4. What is the article about?
    This article is about a man that was wrongfully convicted for 19 years for a murder that he did not do. He was locked away for potentially being the killer of his girlfriend 20 years later a man named Charles Dorsey admitted that he committed the crime.
    5. What is your opinion of this article?
    I don't think courts should be so quick to lock people up. Especially if they don't have a lot of evidence.
    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? (if your answer is, “it doesn’t” or “I don’t know,” you need to find another article that you can use to make a connection to Civics.)
    In my opinion this article reminds me of the conviction of Dwight Dexter and how he was falsely convicted for a murder he did not commit.
    7. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.
    Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)Duncan, Ian. "Man cleared of murder after 19 years in prison." The Baltimore Sun.21 Feb. 2014 (6 March 2014)

  8. Who: This article involves two judges, Eugene Gilyard, and Lance Felder.
    Where: This event happen in Philadelphia.
    When: This event happen in 1986 to 1992.
    What: The article is about people were getting the death penalty but never did because they had appeal. Judges were rethinking about the death penalty and decided to drop them. People that were facing the death penalty, have been sentenced in prison in a long time.
    Opinion: My opinion is that it depends on what the crime is, then people should get the death penalty based on how bad the crime is.
    Relate: This relate in Civics because we talk about the eighth Amendment in class, which is cruel punishment.
    Associated Press, "Philly Murder Case Reversals Bring Call For Review". 13 Oct 2013. (6 Mar 2014)

  9. 1. Who: This article was about Alabama and prisoners.

    2. Where: This event happened in Alabama.

    3. When: This event happened when reviewing cases since 1989.

    4. What: This article was about Alabama getting rid of death penalties. Due to the death penalty, a numerous amount of prisoners were discharged. The prisoners were only discharged through proof, such as DNA. Throughout being discharged, the prosecution found the actual convicts.Because of the misconduct of wrongful convictions, the state of Alabama believes that the death penalty should be banned.

    5. Opinion: I think the death penalty should be abolished because prosecution are convicting the wrong people. Truthfully, no one deserves to die because everyone has there own individual purpose to live.

    6.Relation: This event relates to the Dwight Dexter case essay that we did in Civics. That case dealt with someone being wrongfully accused and as announced the death penalty. In our defense, we had to prove if the rights of Dwight Dexter were upheld and in Alabama, they had to prove why the death penalty should be banned.

    7. Citation: Sanders, Joel. "Alabama Voices: Death penalty should be abolished in Alabama." 17 Feb 2014. (5 Mar 2014).

  10. 1. Who is the article about?
    The article is about a man named Troy, a suspect in a murder and the police who conducted his investigation. The article also heavily focused on the Supreme Court.

    2. Where did the event happen?
    This event took place in Albany, beginning in the Rensselaer County court.

    3. When did the event happen?
    The event took place in the year of 2008; however, the article was posted on February 2, 2014.

    4. What is the article about?
    The article is about a case back in 2008 that finally came to a final Supreme Court decision:; they decided to overturn a man named Troy's murder conviction also offering him a new trial. This decision was the result of the much corruption that occurred during and even after Troy's investigation. Troy was convicted for the suppose murder of his young son, in which the infant suffered significant trauma to the head. The infant died; however, when Troy was being investigated, he was excessively lied to by police, potentially affecting the outcome of the investigation process and conclusions as a whole. For these reasons, Troy was allowed a new trial.

    5. What is your opinion of this article?
    My opinion of the article is that it is very interesting and I enjoyed seeing the side of the Supreme Court that provided justice for the defendant, considering that I just finished writing an essay trying to argue that exact point.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? (if your answer is, “it doesn’t” or “I don’t know,” you need to find another article that you can use to make a connection to Civics.)
    It relates to something I learned in civics because in the article it mentions how the defendant was victim to having himself incriminated during the investigation process, which I now know it is a violation of the fifth amendment.

    Staff, Record. "NYS Court of Appeals say police lies went too far (Update)." Oneida Daily Dispatch; Crime News. 21 Feb 2014. (6 Mar 2014)

  11. 1. Who is the article about? This article is about the murder of Melissa Trotter from Larry Swearingen, accused by Prosecutor Bill Delmore.
    2. Where did the event happen? This happened in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.
    3.When did the event happen? This happened in 1998. The hearing with Prosecutor Bill Delmore was December 2013.
    4. What is the article about? Melissa Trotter was killed in 1998 and Swearingen was last seen with her on campus. Larry was not able to prove that he was not there during the murder. On the other hand, Prosecutor held the evidence that would have helped Swearingen. Bill Delmore already thought he was guilty so he did not want a DNA simple.
    5. What is your opinion of this article? This was not fair at all he should have at least been able to give a DNA simple to at least prove his innocence.
    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? This relates to civics because Larry rights were violated. The courts violated the 5th amendment. The 5th amendment states the right of due process. He was abused of this amendment because he was deprived of his life by going to prison without all evidence being shown.
    7. Smith, Jordan. "CCA Denies DNA Testing in Swearingen Case." The Austin Chronicle. 5 Feb 2014. (6 Mar 2014)

  12. Who: This article is about Sabein C. Burgess. A 43 year old man who was been convicted of murdering his then girlfriend, Michelle Dyson in October 1994. Now he's has been proven innocent.

    Where: This event happened in Baltimore City, Maryland. the tragic event happened inside the home of Michelle Dyson.

    When: This event happened in the year of 1994.

    Opinion: Personally, I find it wrong that they are just now finding this man to be guilty. I think jury should make sure they have enough evidence before they try to send people off to jail. And why did the boy wait so long to finally say something about Burgess being innocent?

    Relation: This relates to us learning things in Civics because it shows how his rights were not clearly upheld in this situation where as about us Such as the rights of self-incrimination in the fifth amendment.

    Citation: Duncan, Ian. "Man cleared of murder after 19 years in prison." Baltimore Sun. 21 Feb 2014. (6 Mar 2014)

  13. . Who is the article about?
    The article about a maned Mr. Burgess who was free from jail after the evidence had said he never did murder.
    2. Where did the event happen?
    This event happened in Baltimore City.
    3. When did the event happen?
    This event happened in the mid 90's
    4. What is the article about?
    This article about a guy named Mr. Burgess who supposedly killed his girlfriend in front of his son. The had arrested him based on gun powder on his hands.
    5. What is your opinion of this article?
    My thoughts on this article is that the police should of have more evidence.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? (if your answer is, “it doesn’t” or “I don’t know,” you need to find another article that you can use to make a connection to Civics.)
    The way that this article goes along with civics is knowing your rights. Even you are in jail you have rights even when you were wrongly put in jail.
    7. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.
    Duncan Ian "Man cleared of murder after 19 years in prison." The Baltimore Sun 21 Feb, 2014 ( 6 march 2014)

  14. who: The article is about two teens that were wrongfully convicted

    where: This happened in Philadelphia, in the court room.

    when: this event accrued since 1986 - 2010

    what: This article is about two teen who was sentenced to death. Just days before the execution the judge threw out the star football player case. They have taken and innocence Project where lawyers want the Philadelphia prosecutors to look at again for all challenged cases from an earlier in the decade.However, this is unusual for prosecutors job, where they often fight to uphold the conviction or sentence.

    Opinion: My opinion of this article that it is a good thing that they are recognizing that they have made an mistake and are ready to fix. even though that they ruin people lives

  15. 1. Who is the article about?
    Attorney General Luther Strange and changing the law of Alabama

    2. Where did the event happen?
    In the state of Alabama

    3. When did the event happen?
    This event happened since conviction in 1989.

    4. What is the article about?
    Attorney General Luther proposing for Alabama law to be changed and for them to shorten the time of death sentencing.

    5. What is your opinion of this article?
    My opinion about this article is that, I also think that the time of Death Penalty should be shorten due to how bad of a crime that person did.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics?
    This article relates to an essay that I did in Ms. Rachael class about a guy name Dwight Dexter. We had to defend him and prove that what the people thought he did wasn't allegedly true. So we gave three reasons to back up our case.

    Author: Joel Sanders

    Title: Alabama Voices: Death penalty should be abolished in Alabama

    Page site: Montgomery Advertiser

    Document date: February 17, 2014

    Full web address:

  16. Who is the article about ? This article is about a man named Sabien Burgess
    Where did the event happen? This event happened in Baltimore City, Maryland.
    When did the event happen? October 5, 1994 - 2005
    What is the article about ? This article is about a man named Sabien who went to jail for murder for 19 years, and has just gotten out of jail. He went to jail for the accusation of killing his girlfriend, but years later, another man confessed to killing Sabien’s girlfriend. The evidence that was against him was later questioned and the case arose as testing was done to prove his innocence.
    What is your opinion of this article ? My opinion of this article is that it is a shame that he had to go to jail all those years only to find out that you was not guilty. It really feels like a slap in the face because they did not believe you the first time and now he is finally free to regain the memories and moments he left. It also shows that the court needs to make sure they know all their evidence and make sure that they realize what is going on and what’s in front of them.
    How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? This relates to the essay we just did on a man named Dwight Dexter. He was convicted for a killing but the trail was not fair and he was found not guilty but evidence shows that it was not strong enough to convict him. Dexter deserves another trial because it did not give him a fair case like any other case.

    1. Duncan, Ian. "Man cleared of murder after 19 years in prison." The Baltimore Sun.21 Feb. 2014 (6 March 2014)

  17. 1. Who is the article about?
    This articles is about a man named Sabein C. Burgess who was put in jail for 2 decades wrongful accused.

    2. Where did the event happen?
    This event took place in Baltimore, Maryland

    3. When did the event happen?
    This event took place on October 5, 1994-2005

    4. What is the article about?
    This article was about the process of his arrest and trials. This article is also about Burges's opinion and point of view of how the case unraveled. It also gives you direct quotes from Burges.

    5. What is your opinion of this article?
    My opinion on this article is that this is the reality of the justice system. Most people get wrongfully accused for crimes. The only difference between them and Burges is that he got out.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics?
    This article relates to civics because it is just like the Dwight Dexter case.

    7. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.
    Duncan,Ian. "Man cleared of murder after 19 years in prison." The Baltimore Sun. 21 Feb 2014. Mar 2014)

  18. 1.Who: Adrien Thomas, The New York State Court of Appeals, and Chief Judge Jonathan Lippman were involved in this case.
    2.Where: This event took place in New York
    3.When: This event happened in January of 2014
    4.What: In this court case, Adrien Thomas was convicted of second-degree murder in 2009. But during the police's interrogation, they have alledgedly threatened Thomas that he had confessed to how the infant had head trauma, his son would live and his wife would not be arrested. Thomas' attorney had stated during the trial that the police said, "your son is going to die if you don't buy in to what I say." The attorney has also stated to the court that this was a threat to Thomas. The Court of Appeals has later dropped the murder conviction of Adrien Thomas. But evidence revealed by the doctors said that Thomas' son Michael did die of blunt forced trauma. There were no other evidence of abuse or neglect.
    5.Opinion: My opinion about this case is that it is very sad that the police would still try to pull something like this. Taking full control over people of have been accused of crimes.
    6.Connection: This article relates to what I have learned because of what the Sixth Amendment states about due process rights. In the case of Adrien Thomas, their evidence that has not been confirmed and was used against him in court.

    Record Troy. "NYS Court of Appeals say police lies went too far (Update)." Oneida Daily Dispatch: Crime News. February 21, 2014 ( 06 Mar 2014)

  19. 1. Who is the article about?
    A federal judge who convicted a man on death row and a third judge who said that two teen trial evidence terribly weak.
    2. Where did the event happen?
    This event takes place in Philadelphia,PA
    3. When did the event happen
    it happened in 1986
    4. What is the article about?
    it is about a city judge that ruled last year that Philadelphia prosecutors had sanitized the evidence that led to a 1986 death sentence.
    5. What is your opinion of this article?
    I think it was a good idea to review the case because time can revile new evidence.
    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? (if your answer is, “it doesn’t” or “I don’t know,” you need to find another article that you can use to make a connection to Civics.) It relates to the case we just did on Dwight Dexter.
    Cbs.Philly Murder Case Reversals Bring Call For Review Cbs October 13, 2013 March 06,2014

  20. 1. Who is the article about?
    This article is about a prisoner named Adrian Thomas.

    2. Where did the event happen?
    This event happened in New York city

    3. When did the event happen?
    this event happened on Thursday January 14 2014

    4. What is the article about?
    in this article Adrian Thomas who was convicted in 2009 of second degree murder for the death of his 4 month old son Matthew.During his trial they interrogated him on how his son got head trauma and if he didn't confess his wife would be arrested for negligence.The police however did not tell Thomas that his son had already passed out.Because of the defense attorneys Jerome Frost testimony the court threw out the murder conviction.

    5. What is your opinion of this article?

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? This relates to the amendments we learned specifically the sixth because they did not have enough evidence and withheld evidence also.

    7. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.
    Record staff."NYS Court of Appeals say police lies went too far."oneidadispatch. 02/21/14.
    Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)

  21. 1. Who is the article about?
    This article is about Sabien C. Burgess, Burgess's family and girlfriend, police, lawyers and court

    2. Where did the event happen?
    This event happened in Baltimore, home in the 2700 block of Barclay St

    3. When did the event happen?
    Oct. 5, 1994

    4. What is the article about?
    This article is about Sabien C. Burgess being cleared of murder, despite taking almost 2 decades. He is accused of killing his girlfriend. After evidence began to build up over time, someone confessed that they killed Burgess's girlfriend.

    5. What is your opinion of this article?
    I feel as though that this is horrible to have taken so long to build up evidence that the man did not kill his girlfriend. I mean, it was clever enough to devise a plan to accuse him but for what? Also, I don't understand why did his girlfriend had a hit on her.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? (if your answer is, “it doesn’t” or “I don’t know,” you need to find another article that you can use to make a connection to Civics.)
    This article relates to Civics by the essay we did for Dwight Dexter, like how it took years for Dexter to get a death sentence due to all the appeals and rejections appeals and all that. Also, I'm not sure but it probably relates back to the 6th amendment, though Burgess's rights were not violated but it reminds me of it. Like, how he had attorneys that would not give up on him, even though Burgess was sent to jail.

    7. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.

    Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access) Duncan, Ian. "Man cleared of murder after 19 years in prison." The Baltimore Sun. Feb 21 2014. (6 Mar 2014).
