Monday, March 3, 2014

Period 1: March 6, 2014

Your article must be from the list of articles provided in class:

In complete sentences and in your own words, answer the following questions on my blog:

1. Who is the article about?

2. Where did the event happen?

3. When did the event happen?

4. What is the article about?

5. What is your opinion of this article?

6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? (if your answer is, “it doesn’t” or “I don’t know,” you need to find another article that you can use to make a connection to Civics.)

7. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.  
Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)
Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 9 Feb 2014. (9 Feb 2014)


  1. 1. Who is the article about?
    The article is about Adrian Thomas.

    2. Where did the event happen?
    The event took place in New York.

    3. When did the event happen?
    The event happened in 2009.

    4. What is the article about?
    Adrian Thomas was arrested for the death of his 4-month old son Matthew, and Adrian was charged with second degree murder.

    5. What is your opinion of this article?
    The police tried to lie to him and tell him that his son would make it if he tell them want really happened, but his son was already dead. That would just make him even mad about everything that happened.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? (if your answer is, “it doesn’t” or “I don’t know,” you need to find another article that you can use to make a connection to Civics.)
    How the Article relates to something we learned in civics is that in civics we're learning about the criminal justice system and the different steps in the case to find the killer.

    7. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.
    ''NYS Court of Appeals say police lies went too far (Update)''. Crime New. 02.21.2014. (3 Mar 2014)

  2. 1. Who is the article about?
    This article is about 42 year old Sabein C. Burgess.

    2. Where did the event happen?
    This event happened in Baltimore.

    3. When did the event happen?
    Sabein was arrested the night of October 5th, 1994. But his first trial was in 1995.

    4. What is the article about?
    Sabein C. Burgess was arrested for killing his girlfriend in 1994. After 2 decades have past, they freed him. After 2 decades, a man came forward about the killing with a different murderer. Also, the victim's son said that Sabein did not commit the crime, he saw it as a young boy. They gathered enough information and evidence to free him, after 20 years.

    5. What is your opinion of this article?
    I do not think Sabein should have been arrested for that long. He really had 45 years but he got out early. I feel as though if they didn't have enough information to prove that he actually committed the crime, he should not have been locked up especially not for that long.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics?
    This makes me think of the Dwight Dexter case, when after he got his appeal, people came back and told the truth after a couple of years.

    7. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.
    Duncan, Ian. “The Baltimore Sun” Man cleared of murder after 9 years in prison. 21 Feb 2014. 06 Mar 2014

  3. 1. Who is the article about?
    The article is about Adrian Thomas and how police would lie. He wants his appeal from the murder chargers.

    2. Where did the event happen?
    This event happen in 2009.

    3. When did the event happen?
    This event happen Rennsealer County for his appealment.

    4. What is the article about?
    This article is about Thomas who killed his 4 month old son. The police told him over hundred of times that he was not going to get arrested and he was not convicted of murder. He was going to be sentenced for 25 years and he wanted to appeal his court case.

    5. What is your opinion of this article?
    This article proves that not everybody is truthful. Some people try to put you under the bus and make you do bad things.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? (if your answer is, “it doesn’t” or “I don’t know,” you need to find another article that you can use to make a connection to Civics.) It taught me the process of getting a sentencing to getting an appeal,

    7. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.
    Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)
    The Oneida Daily Dispatch. NYS Court of Appeals say police lies went too far (Update), 21 Feb. 2014. (6 March 20140

  4. 1. The Philadelphia's justice system
    2.It happen in Philadelphia, Pa.
    3. It happen on October 13, 2013
    4. In this article, Philadelphia prosecutors have cleaned up evidence that led to a death sentence in 1986. the evidence that judges was using to determine death sentences and life sentences were extremely weak. however, the three murder cases and death sentence was overturned. The judges think it is best to clear up cases with the right person. Also the innonce project lawyer wants Philadelphia prosecutors to open an internal review of challenged cases from earlier years. the unit is appealing the 1986 and 1992 rulings.They did this because the evidence they had to convict the two boys had many inconsistencies, so the lawyers asked for a retail. Since then a lot of appeals have been approved through the recent years in Philadelphia.
    5. I think judges should review the evidence more before they give a sentencing because the evidence may be false.
    6.It relates to Civics because we just learned about the court justice system and how they falsely convict someone because of false evidence.
    7."Philly Murder Case Reversals Bring Call For Review". CBS Philly. 13 Oct 2013. (06 Mar 2014).

  5. This article is about a man named Adrian Thomas who was convicted in 2009 of second degree in the death of his 4 month old son.

    This event happened in Albany, NY

    This event happened in 2008.

    This article is about a man Adrian Thomas, his son died from the lack of proper care. He was said to have sepsis and trauma, and a whole body infection at just 4 months old. Adrian after 4 hours of interrogation admitted he dropped his 4 month old son five or six inches from his crib and he had hit his head pretty hard about 10-15 days ago. In 2009 Thomas was sentenced 25 years to life.

    My opinion about this article is why would the man drop his son out of his crib and not take him to the hospital once he was hurt in the head... the baby was only 4 months old.

    This article relates to a lot of what we have been learning in civics and how the criminal justice system can really make you incriminate yourself.

    By Record staff, with wire reports. "NYS Court of Appeals say police lies went too far (Update)". Oneida Daily Dispatch. Feb 21, 2014. ( March 5,204).

  6. 1. Who is the article about?

    This article is about Joan Purser-Gennace, and Robert Jones

    2. Where did the event happen?

    This event happened in Far Rockaway, Queens.

    3. When did the event happen?

    This event happened 1994 and 20 years later

    4. What is the article about?

    This article is about how Joan Purser- Gennace, a witness from the 20 year old murder case of Robert Jones, comes clean about lying during her testimony. The police that were in charge of this case forced her to lie about seeing Mr. Jones from her apartment. In reality she could not identify the murderer. The told her that if she did not do it her family would be in trouble. So now he decided to come clean to not free him, but to free herself.

    5. What is your opinion of this article?

    In this article I feel that she did the right thing. If anyone was put in the same position they would have done the same. The police believe that they can get away with a lot of things,but they can't take away someones life.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? uphold citizens rights. In this case Mr. Jones did not reserve proper council and the police forced people to lie in court to put a man away in jail.

    This relates to something in Civics becuase we just learned about the criminal justice system and how the dont always

    7. Nir, Sarah. “Saying Police Fed 'Lies,' Witness to '94 Murder Recant.” The New York Times. 6 January 2014. (6 March 2014)

  7. The article was about Adrian Thomas.

    2. Where did the event happen? this took place is court, and the police department.

    3. When did the event happen?
    This happened in the year 2009.

    4. What is the article about?
    The article is about Adrian Thomas and his conviction. He was sentenced to 25 years for killing or aiding in killing his son . During his court case, his defense attornies appealed his case saying that the police threatened him into incriminating his self. The police told him to confess how he died so they could save his child, but the police already knew the child was dead but Thomas didnt know.

    5. What is your opinion of this article?
    I think the Adrian Thomas should be killed and that is it.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? (if your answer is, “it doesn’t” or “I don’t know,” you need to find another article that you can use to make a connection to Civics.)
    This relates to civics because his trial was trailed for the cops being fake

    7. "NYS Court of Appeals say police lies went too far (Update)" Oneila Daily Dispatch, Crime News. February 21, 2014. (6 March 2014)

  8. 1. Who is the article about?
    Adrian Thomas.

    2. Where did the event happen?
    In court

    3. When did the event happen?
    January, 2009.

    4. What is the article about?
    Adrian Thomas was issued a court casein 2009, where he was sentenced to 25 years for killing his a little child His defense said the police were lying about what happened. The police questioned him about what really happened, but they already knew what happened
    5. What is your opinion of this article?
    I think that the case should deeply be looked at and made a bigger case. I don't really know who is telling the truth.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? (if your answer is, “it doesn’t” or “I don’t know,” you need to find another article that you can use to make a connection to Civics.)
    This relates to civics we just was learning about court cases and did an investigation essay.

    7. . "NYS Court of Appeals say police lies went too far (Update)" Oneila Daily Dispatch, Crime News. February 21, 2014. (6 March 2014)

  9. 1. This article is about a man named Adrian Thomas

    2. This even happened in New York

    3. This even happened in 2009

    4. This article was about a man named Adrian Thomas that was convicted of killing his 4 month old son. Before he was charged his defense team asked the court when was it okay for police to lie? The police told Thomas that his son could live if he told them how his son had head trauma. The police told him that if he didn’t confess, his wife would be arrested. The police didn’t tell Thomas was that his son had already passed away.

    5. My opinion of this article is that the police should not have did what they did. I feel as though what they told him as unfair. he was already in a lot of pain and being accused for a murdering his own son. Then when the police tell him that his son could be saved if he told the truth and he already died, that was not right.

    6. This relates to something in civics because his lawyers did what they could to get the answers Thomas needed to know. Another thing is how the court of appeals ruled threw out the case because the police officers lied to him.

    7. By Record staff, with wire reports. "NYS Court of Appeals say police lies went too far." Oneida Daily Dispatch. February 21, 2014. 6 2014)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. 1. Who is the article about?
    This article is about the suspected murderer, Deshawn Revels and witnesses Fidelia Corrillo and Mitchell Brody.

    2. Where did the event happen?
    The murder and trial of Revels took place in Hartford, Connecticut.

    3. When did the event happen?
    Revels was arrested in 2011.

    4. What is the article about?
    The Supreme Court looked over his case and were deciding to get rid of the first account eye witness identifications. When something bad is happening it's hard to process everything around you, so it's not 100% likely you'll remember what the culprit looks like. Not to mention there is the possibility police suggest picking out a person as the perp you saw. This seemed to be the case for Revel, which is why they're considering overturning his case. Identifications aren't as concrete, because it relies on the person's memory, they're mind, which isn't physical evidence.

    5. What is your opinion of this article?
    I honestly think that most of the time an eye witness and identification is crucial. There wont always be a camera placed conveniently near the scene of a crime. More than that there are going to be witnesses. If they truly want to contribute to the case then they wouldn't let the police sway them into choosing a certain person.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics?
    In Civics we learned many things about the criminal process of our country. We learned about rights under the Constitution that play a role in this type of justice. It is illegal to withhold information from court, like the police trying to influence Fidelia into choosing a perp. That would also be lying in court. When you serve as a witness they make you swear an oath that you will tell the entire truth.
    7. Collins, Dave. “Connecticut becomes latest state to consider changing rules on witness identification evidence.” The Daily Reporter. 9 Feb 2014. (9 Feb 2014)

  12. 1. This article is about a Dashawn Revels and Fidelia Carrillo.

    2. This event took place in Hartford, Connecticut.

    3. This event happen in 2011.

    4. This article is about a someone in the Connecticut area convicting a murder in 2011, sentencing him for 55 yrs. This someone name is Dashawn Revels. During Revels' murder conviction he was being viewed by an eyewitness name Fidelia Carrillo. Carrillo was not much of a huge help during the case because what she saw of the murderer was a vague appearance of the actual killer, but she pointed out Carrillo as the killer. The Supreme Court debated rather they should overturn Revels' conviction because the eye-witness Carrillo was very vague of what happen during the crime scene. Also, the Supreme Court discussed about banning keeping witnesses as evidence because they are not always clear about what they had saw.

    5. I believe that Revels should start a new trial as his mother applied because crime was not very clear of what happen and the witness was not being clear of what she saw. Carrillo saw a man with a red cap and a camouflage jacket, but what she did not see was the other men that were also there during the scene with red caps. It could had been one of the other men instead of Revels shooting the victim. Also, the recording the police had to use as evidence of Revels confession of his convicting was unclear towards them. So, I believe Revels deserve a new trial.

    6. This article relates to Civics because it reminds of the time when we recently read listened to the Supreme Court Case of Dwight Dexter. I use Dexter case as a resemblance because during his trials they treated him unfairly; like when Dexter's lawyer did not want to look over his reason to be here or to look for evidence at the scene or to go through the witness list to help him out.

    7. Collins, Dave. "Connecticut becomes latest state to consider changing rules on witness identification evidence." Green Field Reporter. 9. Feb 2014. (6 March 2014)

  13. 1. Who is the article about?
    This article is about a man who was convicted of murder and was recently let out of prison after 19 years.

    2. Where did the event happen?
    This event happened on October 5, 1994

    3. When did the event happen?
    This event happened in Baltimore

    4. What is the article about?
    This article is about a man who was falsely accused of murdering his girlfriend. He spent 2 decades in jail before the real man responsible for hiring the person to murder his girlfriend came forward and told the truth.
    5. What is your opinion of this article?
    I think that the media should have taken notice to what happened and the lawyers should have taken better examination to the situation. I feel as though they should not have let an innocent man go to jail over a crime that he did not commit. I think that now because he has spent so many years In jail that he can never get back it is unfair to him as a person.
    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics?
    This article relates to civics because he had the right to an acquitted lawyer who did what they felt would try and get him less time. It relates to civics because it took the man to be incarcerated for 24 years before his lawyer went back and crossed examined everything and the true murder came forward.

    7. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.
    Duncan, Ian. “Man cleared of murder after 19 years in prison.” February 21,2014. 2014)

  14. 1. Who is the article about ?

    This article is about a man named Sabien Burgess

    2. Where did the event happen?

    This event happened in Baltimore City, Maryland.

    3. When did the event happen?

    October 5, 1994 - 2005
    4. What is the article about ?

    This article is about a man named Sabien who was sent to jail for murder for 19 years, and now today he has just gotten out. He was convicted for the accusation of killing his girlfriend, but after some years, another man confessed to the killing. The evidence that was against him was questioned and the case arose as testing was done to prove his innocence.
    5. What is your opinion of this article?

    My opinion of this article is that it is a shame that a man went to jail for almost two decades for something that he did not do. It really feels like justice is not served to the right people and some are just sitting in jail waiting to be free. It shows that the court needed to make sure that they knew all the evidence before actually putting someone in jail for a long time. Also, what will he do now? Will that "crime" be on his record?
    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics?

    This relates to the essay we just did on a man named Dwight Dexter who was convicted for murder and sentenced to death. When it was time for Dexter to be executed the Supreme Court stopped it and decided to hear his case again because the key witnesses that were used in his first trial falsely testified against him. The Supreme Court decided to hear his case again and give him another verdict.
    7. Duncan, Ian. "Man cleared of murder after 19 years in prison." The Baltimore. 21 Feb. 2014. (6 March 2014)

  15. 1. The Philadelphia's Justice System in Philadelphia
    2.It happen in Philadelphia, Pa.
    3. It happen on October 13, 2013
    4.In the following article, the concern about Philly murder case reversals was being discussed. There was three cases in particular that was being investigated. In these cases, the judges cleared the cases. In one of the cases, two young men were sentenced to life in prison.
    5. I think the evidence viewing and the sentencing process should be don much more careful and taking more time. Also i believe cases should go through multiple courts so that the results can be more accurate since lives are in danger.
    6.This article relates to Civics because it covers the amendments and how justice can be falsely carried out sometimes and need to be corrected.
    7.Unknown. "Philly Murder Case Reversals Bring Call For Review". CBS Philly. Oct. 13 2013. (Mar 06, 2014).

  16. 1. Who is the article about?
    This article was Sabein C. Burgess, a 43 year old man who was falsely convicted for the murder of his girlfriend almost 20 years ago.
    2. Where did the event happen?
    This event took place in Baltimore, Maryland.
    3. When did the event happen?
    Burgess's arrest took place October 5th, 1994 and the trial in 1995.
    4. What is the article about?
    A man named, Sabein C. Burgess who was arrested for supposedly murdering his girlfriend in 19 years ago. He was finally freed in 2014. More evidence began to turn up over the years. Also, the Burgess's son told authorities that his father did not commit the crime, as he was a first hand witness. They gathered enough information and evidence to free him, after nearly 20 years.
    5. What is your opinion of this article?
    I think it's unfortunate that it took nearly 20 years to find the evidence to clear his name. I feel as if the Police, then, didn't do their job well enough to investigate further into the crime.
    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics?
    This reminds me of the Dwight Dexter case we've been going over for the past few days
    7. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.
    Duncan, Ian. “The Baltimore Sun” Man cleared of murder after 19 years in prison. 21 Feb 2014. 6 March 2013

  17. Source:
    Article Title:defendant dares judge to give death penalty
    Article Date:september 15 2014
    Who:a south florida man
    Where: florida
    When: 2008
    What happened:a man convicted for murdering two people they were trying to give him the death penalty he was telling them to kill him because they were wrong he was innocent he felt like the supreme court was not going to let him die over something he didn't do it was evident that he didn't pull the trigger he didn't even want to speak to the judge that's how confident he was on knowing that they couldn't give him the death penalty
    Why this event is relevant: this is relevant because he is up against a death penalty for something he did not do and that's wrong because the evidence clearly says its not his fault he did not pull the trigger
    Reaction im angry because if its evidence that I didn't do it why are you still trying to kill me that's not fair I feel the judge jury and everyone else is abusing their power
    Opinion (I think the situation should be reconsidered the death penalty should not be in effect under any circumstances no one should die especially if I didn't do anything
    Connection I choose this because this is something I would like to defend when I become a lawyer and this is major in something I want to do so if he was my client I would defend him to the best of my ability and make sure he does not die
