Sunday, February 9, 2014

Period 5: Week of 2/18


Each week you will be given a different topic. For some weeks, it may be the same topic again.

For whatever the topic may be, type in the topic given into the search bar of any of the following news outlets:
You may also use’s “News” search function.

Week of 2/14:
Topic: Supreme Court

In complete sentences, answer the following questions on my blog.

1. Who is the article about?

2. Where did the event happen?

3. When did the event happen?

4. What is the article about? (MINIMUM 3 SENTENCES)

5. What is your opinion of this article?

6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? (if your answer is, “it doesn’t” or “I don’t know,” you need to find another article that you can use to make a connection to Civics.)

7. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.  
MLA Citation Structure:
Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)


Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 9 Feb 2014. (9 Feb 2014)


  1. 1. Who is the article about?
    This article is about a woman from Guatemala that was killed in New York.

    2. Where did the event happen?
    This happened in New York.

    3. When did the event happen?
    This event happened on Febuary 18, 2014.

    4. What is the article about?
    This article is about how policemen in New York discriminate against hispanic women.

    5. What is your opinion of this article?
    I think that it's sad that people discriminate against other people, because of their nationality.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics?
    This relates to Civics, because in the constitution that nobody should be or feel discriminated because of their race.

    7. Provided a proper MLA citation of the article
    Fox News Latino. "Controversy Over Untranslated Crime Report Filed With NYPD Shines Light On Simlar Cases." 17 Feb 2014.
    -Dominique Frazier

  2. 1. This articles is about people who are against abortions.
    2. This even happened in Washington D.C.
    3. This event appened 22 Jan 2014.
    4. This article was about thousands of abortion oppenents that gathered together on Washington for the annual March for Life rally.
    5. My opinion is that people should jot be worried about what others are doing to their bodys. Some people are against abortion, but that should stay with themselves. Some people has reasons on why they need to get an abortion.
    6. This artice relates to civics because this has something to do with some laws that we have learned in the pass. Like people should have the freedom to do what they want as long as it doesnt break the law.
    7. Southall, Ashley. " Abortion Opponents March in Washington on Anniversary of Roe v. Wade Decision." The New York Times. 22 Jan 2014. (22 Jan 2014)

  3. 1. This article is about the Brown v. Board of Education which is Oliver Brown the parent of the child named Linda Brown a third grader at that time
    2. This event took place in Topeka, Kansas.
    3. The time the event occurred was on March 17, 1954.
    4. This article is mainly about how one of the citizens in Topeka, Kansas had went against how the Board of Education went with things. The specific subject was the segregation in public schools between of course blacks and whites. It concluded that the first black Judge Thurgood Marshall had went right along with what Oliver had believed was right for African American children in the academic aspect of things. They went back and forth on what the Fourteenth Amendment had said and how it was tied into what they were debating about. Even though it didn't work as well Oliver pleaded the same case again and explained how segregation will effect their learning standpoint as in black girls. He had won the case. This case wasn't only known for a movement in the Civil Rights aspect but as in watershed moment in the struggles for racial equality in America.
    5. My opinion on this article is that its good and gave me more background knowledge I wasn't sure of. Also that if it wasn't for Oliver Brown I would be in an all black school with out the education that I should have, even not connecting and sharing my life with my other classmates being as though they are white and other races that are in my school now.
    6. This relates to something I learned in Civics is when the Freedom Riders had fought against the segregation going on in the South, they did this in sitting in lunch-ins, buses of course and other ways.
    7. McBride, Alex. " Brown v. Board of Education (1954) " December 2006 (18 Feb 2014)

  4. 1. Who is the article about? The Supreme Court cases that involve police searching the person they arrested cellphone for evidence.

    2. Where did the event happen? The server trials and discussions happening in Washington.

    3. When did the event happen? The article was posted January 14 of the year 2014.

    4. What is the article about? This article is about the argument of making police having a warrant to search cellphone of the people they arrest. There have been cases were if the cellphone was not searched then the criminal would have been set free. Some say the police should get a warrant because that's a total destruction of someone's privacy.

    5. What is your opinion of this article? I agree that the law should give warrants for this type of search. Cellphones hold a lot of personal information. From transactions with money to doctor filled forms and addresses of loved ones who could be harmed. I personally don't like what the police do and feel it's against the 4th amendment.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in "civics"? This article is about a Supreme Court order and we are currently learning about different steps the law takes in an investigation. One Of those steps would be getting a judge to issue a warrant.

    7. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.
    Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)

    Liptak, Adam. "Supreme Court Will Consider Whether Police Need Warrants to Search Cellphones. January 17, 2014. " 2/18/14

  5. Who: Dekenipp,his girlfriend, and Pinal County deputies

    Where: This event happen in Arizona

    When: 2/16/14

    What: This article is about a man escaping prison and cutting through barbed wires to spend Valentine day with his girlfriend.

    Opinion: I think this man is crazy in love because this man cut through highly barbed wires just to meet his girlfriend for Valentine day.

    Connection: This relates to civics because the 8th amendment said that there shouldn't be cruel and usual punishments and them barbed wires are cruel and usual punishments.

    Karimi , Faith. "Arizona jailbird escapes to meet girlfriend". CNN. 2/16/14. 2/18/14.

  6. Source:
    Article Title: "Let Us Pray? Supreme Court divided on God in Government"
    Article Date: February 18, 2014

    Religion has been the sole source behind some of the world's greatest mysteries and controversies. The government has tried their best to keep it under strict protection, but our right to religious independence has been tested time and time again. In November of 2013, two women in New York went to the Supreme Court to challenge the state against opening their board meetings with a prayer. They claimed that it's not "appropriate" to open the meetings with prayer because of the diversity in religions across the board. The Supreme Court ruled that the opening prayers were unconstitutional because it seems as if the government is "endorsing" or "promoting" religion, which violates the separation of church and state.

    I personally disagree with the point made by the women. Everyone is granted the right to practice any religion because of their first Amendment right, and that is exactly what the board meetings in New York had sought out to invoke. It is virtually a given that not everyone practiced the same religion, but for those who did not support the prayers, the logical thing to do would be to simply ignore the process and wait for it to end. What exactly was stopping them from sitting idle, or even perhaps practicing their own religions' interpretation of a "prayer", until the actual board meeting began? I don't think this was a case for the Supreme Court to deal with.

    Religion is a practice that is to be celebrated, but it has taken a negative connotation in recent years, and some countries do not allow their citizens to practice a religion of their choice and kill them if they dare to defy the law. Some people believe in it, and some don't, and that's a fair contrast - but there's absolutely no need to scrutinize and threaten the rights of other people. In the end, it's not about the practice, but about what's written on the dotted lines of the Constitution.

    Mears, Bill. "Let Us Pray? Supreme Court Divided on God in Government." November 6, 2013. (18 February, 2014)

  7. Who: This article involves a group of women who oppose abortion.
    Where: A Plan Parenthood in East San Jose.
    When: The women gather Mondays-Fridays to pray that one day abortions will be illegal.
    What: This article is about women trying to fight the Supreme Court to end abortion. The group of women can't stand the fact of losing a life. They have prayer vigils and they try to talk to people to tell them how precious a life is. Sadly, the women get shooed away.
    Opinion : I think that abortion is wrong too. I think that every life should be saved but sometimes there is no other option. If you have been raped, no mother wants to keep a child of a rapist.
    Connection: This relates to civics by how the women were using freedom of speech, which is the first amendment. They had a belief and they had the write to express it just as long as they didn't hurt anybody.
    Mintz, Howard. "Abortion showdown: U.S. Supreme Court weighs limits on clinic protests." February 18,2014. 18 Feb 2014)

  8. Title: A Steady Path to Supreme Court as Gay Marriage Gains Momentum in States

    1. This article is about the legal officials who are deciding if Gay Marriage should be legalized.
    2. This event happened in the United States.
    3. This event has been happening since the spark of gay marriage, and because of the woods acceptance but stubborn courts, those who oppose it are seen as strange.
    4. The article is about the rise in support for gay marriage. Thanks to the support, all of the attention is being placed on the officials who haven't legalized it. Everyone who supports it are stressing the outcome of future generations.
    5. I think our government doesn't give the people an actual voice, all the decisions are made by the leaders.
    6. This article relates to Civics because it depicts one of the many flaws in any justice system. It also depicts the process of checks and balances between courts.
    7. Liptak, Adam. “A Steady Path to Supreme Court as Gay Marriage Gains Momentum in States.” New York Times. 14 Feb 2014. (18 Feb 2014)

  9. is the article about?
    This article is about navada not defending their case in abandoning same sex marriage.

    2. Where did the event happen?
    This event takes place in Nevada.

    3. When did the event happen?
    This event happened February 11,2014.
    4. What the article about? (MINIMUM 3 SENTENCES)
    The supreme court starts having a interest in same-sex marriage. The federal court once denied request of same-sex marriages by Gov. Brian Sandoval. The supreme court struck down a part of the federal Defense marriage act. There were cases on same-sex marriages that had to do with a juror ,it was ruled that based on sexual orientation the juror have to receive heighted scrutiny. The decision of navada was to drop it argument against same-sex marriage. There is sti fight to protect the rights.

    5. What is your opinion of this article? My opinion of this article is that Nevada was right to drop their argument. I believe that same-sex people are equal to opposite sex and they should be married normally because they are normal human beings.
    6). This article relates to john loocke ,he believed in natural right of a human being. These same-sex marriages being band is only taking the rights a human being away.


    2. You did not include the MLA citation.

  10. Who is this article about?

    This article involves a 3 year old girl named Veronica. It also involves the child’s biological father Dusten Brown, and married couple Matt and Melanie Capobianco that has been there for the child.

    Where did the event happen? This happened in South Carolina

    When did the event happen?

    This event happened for a period of time, but ended in 2011.

    What is this article about?

    This article is about a custody battle involving a little girl named Veronica. Her biological father Dusten Brown wants her back after giving her up because of child support payments. A couple Matt and Melanie Capobianco began caring for Veronica every since she was born. South Carolina Supreme Court gave Brown custody in 2011. The baby girl Veronica has been living with her biological dad ever since they gave him custody.

    What is your opinion of this article? This article is really powerful. It has alot of power and emotion.

    How does this article relate to civics? This article relates because of injustice laws and the supreme court. It deals with a trial and jury.

    Bloomfield, Aubrey.”Meet Baby Veronica, the Child at the Heart of the Supreme Court Case Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl” Policymic. 18 Feb 2014 Feb 2014)

  11. 1. Who is the article about?
    This article talks about young woman in America who had an abortion.
    2. Where did the event happen?
    This event happened in America which makes it a national issue.

    3. When did the event happen?
    This article mentions the years of 1973 to the year of 2011. The years are far apart because of the data used in the article.

    4. What is the article about?
    This article is about the abortion rate being at a low rate for the first time time since 1973. The article mentions some reasons why the abortion rate is low. An example of this is the use of birth control. The article also mentions a supreme court case that dealt with abortion. The article also shows how some people are pro-abortion and some people are against abortion. There are even rallies about abortion and it is a big issue in America.

    5. What is your opinion of this article?

    I think this article is very helpful and it gave me a lot of information on abortion rates and the reasons why they went down. Also it gave supreme court cases that had something to do with abortions.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics?
    This article relates to civics because it shows the different opinions on how people feel about abortions. This article shows some some people are for abortion and some people are against abortion. Lastly, abortions is a topic that comes up a lot in our society so there is debates about abortion everyday.

    Timothy,Stanley."Why abortions are way down."CNN.4 Feb 2014. (17 Feb 2014)

  12. 1. Who is the article about?
    This article involves the United States Supreme Court and Herbet Smulls, who was convicted of killing a man that owned a jewelry store.

    2. Where did the event happen?
    This event took place in a Missouri prison where convicted felon Smulls was sentenced.

    3. When did the event happen?
    This event happened in January of 2014.

    4. What is the article about? (MINIMUM 3 SENTENCES) This article describes how the Supreme Court appealed Smulls' request to put off his execution. Smulls tried to delay his death by claiming that the drugs used to perform the lethal injection was a compounded drug. After hearing this argument the court granted Smulls temporary stay. However, the Supreme Court ultimately followed through with Smulls original sentence.

    5. What is your opinion of this article?
    I don't think that Smulls deserved an extension at all. He was guilty of his crime and should have been punished as so. I agree with the Supreme Court's decision to sentence Smulls to death.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? (if your answer is, “it doesn’t” or “I don’t know,” you need to find another article that you can use to make a connection to Civics.)
    This article reminds me of how court cases can redefine the constitution. In this case, a man who was facing execution tried to do just that. Smulls insinuated that the drugs used in lethal injections was considered "cruel and usual". Although his attempts failed, it shows how the constitution can be contorted to specifically relate to a case that would be normally non-related.

    7. The New York Times Company. "Missouri: Supreme Court Refuses to Halt Execution" The New York Times. 2014. (19 February 2014)

  13. 1.Who is the article about ?

    The U.S government

    2.Where did the event happen ?

    From overseas to the United States

    3.When did this event happen ?

    This event happened In December 2001, just weeks after the 9/11 attacks.

    4.What is the article about ?

    This article is about the U.S government warning all airlines around America to check passengers shoes so they couldn't bring explosives on the plane. The U.S government are doing all kinds of checks and searches because they don't want another accident like 9/11 to happen ever again.

    5. What is your opinion of this article ?

    I think that the U.S government are doing the right thing in this type of situation. I say this because they are making sure people will board a plane peacefully and safely and won't be in any kind of danger.

    6. This article refers to civics in a type of way because they arrested the man who tried to board the plane with explosives in his shoes and he went to court and he plead guilty and was sentenced life in jail . They used the evidence to put him away for life. We are learning about these types of cases in civics class.

    Evan Perez and Jim Sciutto, "Airlines warned to beware of possible shoe bombs" CNN Wed February 19, 2014 (19 Feb 2014)

    1. Make sure last names go first in your MLA citation.
      Perez, Evan and Sciutto, Jim.

  14. 1. This article is about whether the Supreme court should extend the abortion protester limits or leave it up to the states.

    2. This event happened in San Jose California.

    3. This article did not mention when the protest that was mentioned happened.

    4. This article is about abortion protest limits. Protesters are speaking up on how they think that the distance limit violates the 1st amendment. They have to stand a certain amount away from Planned Parenthood because they say they want to make sure the clients are safe. Planned parenthood is trying to extend this distance to prevent any violence from happening. Supreme Court is poised to re-examine how far the government can go to keep protesters away from clinic workers and patients.

    5. My opinion is that they should try to extend it and it's not breaking the 1st amendment.

    6. This relates to civics because it deals with the violation of amendments.

    Mints, Howard. "Abortion showdown: U.S. Supreme Court weighs limits on clinic protests." San Jose Mercury News. 18 Feb 2014 (18 Feb 2014)

  15. 1. Who is the article about?
    Stephan g. Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor, president Obama, Anthony m. Kennedy, Antonin Scalla, Elena Kagan.

    2. Where did the event happen?
    This event took place in Washington.

    3. When did the event happen?

    4. What is the article about? (MINIMUM 3 SENTENCES)

    This article talks about how congress is revisiting the voting rights. This article also talks about the civil rights movement. In this article many people in congress give their opinion on what should happen with the voting rights. Many of the people in congress feel it should be left alone because of the racial reasons behind it. Some people think it should be left alone because of what people went through to earn these rights.
    5. What is your opinion of this article?
    In my opinion I agree with most of the congress. They should leave the voting right alone. Throughout the civil rights movement people have risked their life’s and even the reputations and jobs to fight for the right to vote. Many activist died fight for our rights and they should not be revisited or thought about they were made for a reason and need to be kept that way.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? (if your answer is, “it doesn’t” or “I don’t know,” you need to find another article that you can use to make a connection to Civics.)

    This article connects to civics in many ways. We have just recently discussed the civil rights movement and how this affected our rights and amendments. This is our 15th amendment. This article also connects because it is government and goes over the Supreme Court which we learned about. This article goes over many aspects that we have just learned.
    7. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.
    MLA Citation Structure:
    Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)
    The New York times. “supreme court invalidates key parts of voting rights act”. Nytimes. June 25th 2013. (19 February 2014)

  16. Liptak, Adam. "Supreme Court Will Consider Whether Police Need Warrants to Search Cellphones." Supreme Court Will Consider Whether Police Need Warrants to Search Cellphones. The New York Times, 17 Jan. 2014. Web. 19 Feb. 2014. .
    Who is this article about? This article included the Supreme Court and lawyers.

    Where did this event happen? This event happened in the United States.

    When did this event happen? This event happened in the year 2014 the month of January and previous months.

    What is this article about? This article informs local citizens of the things that are going on in the Supreme Court. People believe that in order to search ones cell phone they should have a search warrant before looking or taking ones possession. The court agreed to finally hear the cases and now are considering whether they will require a warrant when taking a cell phone.

    What's your opinion of this article? My opinion after reading this article is that I actually agree with those who are fighting to require a warrant when searching ones cell phone. A cell phone is someone's personal proper and without permission of the owner or warrant one should not be able to take it search through it.

    How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? This article relates to what we have been learning in class because it has to do with the amendments. Being able to search through a phone without a warrant is wrong and should be against the fourth amendment. As we have learned in class the fourth amendment protects citizens of their rights and personal properties and phones should be counted as one personal property.

  17. Liptak, Adam. "Supreme Court Will Consider Whether Police Need Warrants to Search Cellphones." Supreme Court Will Consider Whether Police Need Warrants to Search Cellphones. The New York Times, 17 Jan. 2014. Web. 19 Feb. 2014. .
    Who is this article about? This article included the Supreme Court and lawyers.

    Where did this event happen? This event happened in the United States.

    When did this event happen? This event happened in the year 2014 the month of January and previous months.

    What is this article about? This article informs local citizens of the things that are going on in the Supreme Court. People believe that in order to search ones cell phone they should have a search warrant before looking or taking ones possession. The court agreed to finally hear the cases and now are considering whether they will require a warrant when taking a cell phone.

    What's your opinion of this article? My opinion after reading this article is that I actually agree with those who are fighting to require a warrant when searching ones cell phone. A cell phone is someone's personal proper and without permission of the owner or warrant one should not be able to take it search through it.

    How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? This article relates to what we have been learning in class because it has to do with the amendments. Being able to search through a phone without a warrant is wrong and should be against the fourth amendment. As we have learned in class the fourth amendment protects citizens of their rights and personal properties and phones should be counted as one personal property.

  18. Who: This article is about a third grader named Linda Brown

    Where: In Topeaka Kansas

    When: March 17,1954

    What: A parent whom sued a school with the help of the NAACP. Because of them not letting him enroll his child in the school, because of the color of her skin. The Supreme Court unanimously ruled in Brown's favor that he asked for. Oliver Brown started the Civil Rights movement to fight for jis daughter to get a goo education, just like other kids.

    Opinion: I think that Brown did the right thing for fighting for his daughter's education.

    Relate: This article relate's to to something I learned in Civics had to with my research project on Ruby Bridges. Also how her mother refused to stop letting hergo to good school because of what others thought. Lastly they waited for change.

    MLA: The New York Times
    "Brown v. Board of Education"
    page; The New York Times Article
    Date: May 16th 2004
    Web; (19 Feb. 2014)

    1. Who is the author? Be sure to delete the prompts: page, date, web

  19. 1.Voting Rights act of 1965 by 5 to 4 freeing nine states in the south, change the vote election laws.
    2. The south
    4. During this time the civil rights movement was happening. Racial discrimination in voting. The legislation branch passed to remedy to speak against the current event. The voting act changed generations barries. Some states were saw unconstitutional. The supreme court, had repeatedly kept in earlier decision, making the south to accept blacks to vote.
    5. In my opinion, people went through a lot to get the rights we have now. I think it's a slap in the face to historians that rick their lives.
    6. This relates to civics because there were certain branches to pass laws. Like the legislation branch had to pass the voting rights act.
    7. Liptak, Adam,"Supreme Court Inadllacate Keys Part of Voting Rights Act"New York Times 25 June 2013.

    1. Did not follow directions-
      complete sentences
      MLA citation

  20. 1. Who is the article about? Its about females wanting abortions.

    2. Where did the event happen? This event happened in the state of Arizona.

    3. When did the event happen? The event happened in April, 2012

    4. What is the article about? It was about trying to get the supreme court to get rid of a law stating that women cannot get abortions after twenty weeks, but the supreme court decided not to take the case, the decision did not go well with a lot of people

    5. What is your opinion of this article? I agree with the law because its basically killing your child when its so close to entering life, and if any lady does not want a child they should take the cautioned road instead of going down the care free road and getting herself in to something shes not ready for.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? This article makes me think of our rights and liberties, because it brings up a law that does not allow women to follow through with a decision they want to make that will only affect them self.

    7. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.
    MLA Citation Structure:
    LIPTAK, Adam and SANTOS,FERNANDA. “Supreme Court Won’t Hear Arizona Appeal on Abortion Ban.” The New York Times. Jan 13, 2014. (19 Feb 2014)

  21. Who is this article about : The state of Arizona
    Where did this event happen : This event happened in Washington
    When did the event happen : This took place on January 13, 2014
    What is the article about : The supreme rejected to go forward with an appeal from the state of Arizona. Arizona wants to revive an abortion law which states that all abortions are prohibited unless a medical emergency is the situation.
    My Opinion : I feel as though if a state wants to ban pregnancy then it should be banned completely. This wouldn't be a serious issue if it did not exist in the state.
    How does this relate : This relates to what we learned in civics about how the supreme courts can basically reject your appeal and this is the highest court to reach out to with a topic this big.

    Santos, Feranda. "Supreme Court Won’t Hear Arizona Appeal on Abortion Ban". Nytimes
    Feb 19, 2014

  22. Alexus milburn

    Who is the article about? This article is about the state of Arizona and the supreme court

    2. Where did the event happen?this even took place in Washington

    3. When did the event happen? This event happened January 13,2014 which was a Monday

    4. What is the article about? This article is about the ban of abortions in Arizona after the fetus reach a certain amount of week but the supreme court is declining to hear this situation.
    5. What is your opinion of this article?I believe that no one should tell you if you can or cannot get rid of a baby due to the fact at the end of the day we have our
    Rights and that is our responsibility that we might can't handle
    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? This articlerelate to what we learned in civics about rights of the people that was taught to us using the ninth and tenth amendments.

    Santos, Feranda. "Supreme Court Won’t Hear Arizona Appeal on Abortion Ban". Nytimes Feb 19, 2014

  23. 1. This was about Sabein Burgess.

    2. This happened in Baltiore City Court Curcuit.

    3. This Happened i 1995.

    4.This was about a now 43year old man being convicted od for the murder of his girlfriend.

    5. My opinion is that the criminal justice system make too many mistakes. This caused this man his whole life.

    6. This remind me of the Dwight Dexter case.

    7. Duncan, Ian. "Man clear of murder after 19 years in prision". The baltimore sun. Febuary 21, 2014 (March 6)
