Sunday, February 9, 2014

Period 1: Week of 2/18


Each week you will be given a different topic. For some weeks, it may be the same topic again.

For whatever the topic may be, type in the topic given into the search bar of any of the following news outlets:
You may also use’s “News” search function.

Week of 2/14:
Topic: Supreme Court

In complete sentences, answer the following questions on my blog.

1. Who is the article about?

2. Where did the event happen?

3. When did the event happen?

4. What is the article about? (MINIMUM 3 SENTENCES)

5. What is your opinion of this article?

6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? (if your answer is, “it doesn’t” or “I don’t know,” you need to find another article that you can use to make a connection to Civics.)

7. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.  
MLA Citation Structure:
Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)

Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 9 Feb 2014. (9 Feb 2014)


  1. 1. Who is the article about?

    The Supreme Court v. Arizona State

    2. Where did the event happen?

    Washington, D.C

    3. When did the event happen?

    Monday, January 13, 2014
    4. What is the article about? (MINIMUM 3 SENTENCES)

    The article is about how the Supreme Court will not accept Arizona states appeal on abortions. They say that if the mother's pregnancy is within twenty weeks of gestation, she cannot get an abortion, unless there is an medical emergency.

    5. What is your opinion of this article?

    I think that any person that ends up being pregnant should be able to choose whether or not they want to keep their child. I think that killing an unborn child isn't the answer even though you may not want it, but adoption is always a better choice. I also believe that in most cases something might have happened to a mother that is very devastating and she doesn't want to keep that child, and it should be her choice what she does with it.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? (if your answer is, “it doesn’t” or “I don’t know,” you need to find another article that you can use to make a connection to Civics.)

    My article relates to Civics in a way of freedom I guess. I think that in America, which is a free country, you should have the right to do what you please with a child that you bare. I think that this also comes with liberty. This is your right as an American citizen and no one should be able to tell you what is the right decision for you to make.

    7. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.

    Liptak, Adam: Santos, Fernanda. "Supreme Court Won't Hear Arizona Appeal on Abortion Ban" New York Times. 13 Jan 2014. Feb 2014)

    1. not answered in complete sentences throughout

  2. 1. who is the article about?
    the police and the supreme court

    2. Where did the event happen?
    Washington D.C.

    3. When did the event happen?
    May 25, 1999

    4. What is the article about? (MINIMUM 3 SENTENCES)
    the supreme court accused police of violating the fourth amendment. Police were going into homes and searching them with pictures and journaling. this rule does not occur on a public place or streets. there were many previous cases that helped them make the decision.

    5. What is your opinion of this article?
    I think that this is a good case and that it makes sense that the fourth amendment doesn't allow it.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics?
    this relates to civics because we just learned about the ten amendments and our rights we have as citizens.

    7. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.
    Greenhouse, Linda. "THE SUPREME COURT: THE FOURTH AMENDMENT; Police Violate Privacy in Home Raids With Journalists" May 25, 1999 (febuary18,2014)

    1. not answered in complete sentences throughout

  3. 1. Who is the article about?
    The company Hobby Lobby and people supporting Obama Care

    2. Where did the event happen?
    In Washington D.C.

    3. When did the event happen?

    February 2014

    4. What is the article about? The company, Hobby Lobby wants an exemption on oral contraceptives like birth control. And other methods, they want to limit these mediations because they are pro-life.

    5. What is your opinion of this article? I honestly think that Hobby Lobby will lose because they are limiting Americans of what they want to do with their decisions dealing with pregnancy.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? This is basically a natural right people should be able to do what they want with their bodies and life.

    7. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.
    MLA Citation Structure: Divedson, Diana. "Hobby Lobby asks Supreme Court for exemption to Obamacare mandate. 10 Feb 2014
    (18 Feb 2014)

    1. not answered in complete sentences throughout

  4. Who is the article about?
    The article is about a judge and the supreme court

    Where did the event happen?
    This event happens in Billings Montana

    When did this event happen?
    This even happened on February 1, 2014

    What is the article about?
    This article is about a judge and a rape case. The judge in the supreme court is trying to figure out what his punishment should be. It is taking a while to figure it out because the victim they thought was 14, appeared to be older. They were given false information about the rape victim. They also have found out that the comments about the victim are lenient. This case is taking a while to move foward because of the information they have.

    What is your opinion of this article?
    My opinion is that it seems as though a lot it messed up. The information seems so be wavered. The judge does not know what to do because false information what brought to his attention. This should not happen during a court case. I feel like everything should be taken care of before the case goes on.

    How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics?
    This relates to something I learned because in court cases the evidence has to be accurate. If the evidence os not, the judge does not know how long the punishment should be. The information in this case has to many different things happening. The case cannot go on as long as they do not have the right information.

    Associated Press, "Judge who made comment in rape case wants state Supreme Court to decide his punishment." February 18, 2014.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. 1. Who is the article about?
    This article is about a man named Michael Dunn who killed a teenager named Jordan Davis.

    2. Where did the event happen?
    This event happened in Jacksonville, Florida

    3. When did the event happen?
    This event happened in November 2012.

    4. What is the article about? (MINIMUM 3 SENTENCES)
    This article is about a white man who killed a black boy in Jacksonville, Florida. Michael Dunn said he killed Jordan Davis because his music was too loud and saw he claimed to have seen a gun, also he felt he was a threat to him. Michael Dunn's jury couldn't reach a verdict of his first degree murder and declared it as a mistrial.

    5. What is your opinion of this article?
    I feel as though after Trayvon Martin was killed, these men think they can basically just go around killing teenagers for nothing in Florida. I don't think its right that they are killing these teens because they felt they wee a threat to them, because their music in their car was too loud and you assumed you saw a weapon. If you feel someone is a threat to you, you should go up to them and ask what they're doing because something seems suspicious. I just think that Michael Dunn's trial should'nt be held as a mistrial he KILLED someone it should be no if's, and's, or butts and no way around it. And now Florida a new "Stand Your Ground Law" like why make these laws after two innocent boys are killed? If Michael Dunn is going to be trialed again George Zimmerman needs to be trialed again.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? (if your answer is, “it doesn’t” or “I don’t know,” you need to find another article that you can use to make a connection to Civics.)
    This article relates to racial discrimination and the right to self defense because these two white men killed two black teenage boys because they felt they was a threat. How are they a threat? You killed them in self defense really.. how stupid does that sound like no you killed them because you had a gun.

    Fox News Latino,"
    Seven Months After Zimmerman Trial, Verdict In New FL Case Raises Race, Self-Defense Issue" February 19,2014.

  7. 1.Bill Clinton, Hilary Clinton and Stephen Breyer are in this article.

    2. This event happen at Wahsington, D.C.

    3. This even happen in 1993.

    4. This article is about when Bill Clinton was president of the U.S. and how he was too distracted in office. He claimed that Mr. Breyer was not his choice for being a congressman but was distracted so he chose him. He said it himself that he wanted to choose somebody else.

    5. This article in my opinion showed that not everybody likes who they pick. Descions come in to the pick when you are overwhelm with work, family and just distracted. It would have been a better descision if he was not overwhemed or distracted because of being president. But being the president, that is what happen.
    6. One thing I can relate to civics is that it was stages to get to their descions. You just do not pick someone and they go up. It even sometime takes years to get the descion made for the person to go into the Supreme Court.

    7.Mears, Bill. "Memo reveals Clinton's difficulty over Supreme Court Court." CNN. 19 Feb 2014. (19 Feb 2014)

  8. Who is this article about?
    This article was about Roe v. Wade.

    Where did the event happen?
    This happened in states over the United States.

    When did this even happen?
    This event happened in January of 2014.

    What was the article about ?
    This article was mainly about the 41year anniversary of the Roe v. Wade case. Which was mainly about how a woman name Roe was allowed to get an abortion because of certian reasons

    What is your opinion of this article?
    Although I am indifferent when it comes to abortion , it allows us as women to be able to have total control of our bodies and be able to take care of and do what we believe is right as women.

    How does this article relate to something you have learned in Civics?
    Thos reminds me of when i was doing my project of the amendments and how i talked about the 9th amendment and i did one of my supreme court cases on Roe v Wade . Its really surprising that even 41years ago not everyone had complete control of their bodies as women.

    Caldwell, Leigh Ann. "Abortion: a polarizing, emotional debate 41 years after court ruling." CNN Political Ticker. January 23, 2014. (19 Feb 2014)

  9. 1. This article is about the Arizona lawmakers and the Supreme Court.

    2. This event take place in Washington DC/Arizona .

    3. This event happened on January the 13th of 2014.

    4. This article was about the lawmakers in Arizona wanting to ban abortions after 20 weeks because they felt as though this fetuses could feel pain , and that in is inhumane and the Government should force this ban.

    6. This article relates to something in my civics class because in civics we talk about people's rights and the amendment I believe this article connect with the 9th Amendment . Also I believe a person should have the right to an abortion.

    Liptak, Adam & Santos, Fernanda. "Supreme Court Won't Hear Arizona Apparel On Abortion Ban." The NewYork Times. 13 Jan 2014 ( 19 Feb 2014 )

  10. 1. Who is the article about?

    This article is about the Supreme Court, New York Times Co., Martin Luther King Jr., and Sullivan.

    2. Where did the event happen?

    This event happend in New York/ Alabama.

    3. When did the event happen?

    This event happened 50 years ago in 1964.

    4. What is the article about?

    This artical was about the 50th anniversary of the Supreme Case New York Times Co. v. Sullivan. Which was a case about the New Times putting in an ad giving a opion the arresting Martin Luther King Jr. in Alabama to mess up his efforts to intergate public places and to have the right to vote. It also states that this case is similar to case today that deals with the right to the freedom that should be allowed by press (1st Amendment).

    5. What is your opinion of this article?

    When I first read this article I believe that it was very interesting. It not only deals with the past, but the future as well that deals with the press.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics?

    This article relates to something I have learned in Civics by giving an example of how the first amendment was tested during the Civil Rights Movement and still today when the press is having trouble figuring out how far they can going in their work.

    7. Mills, Nicolaus. “How MLK ad helped define America's press freedoms.” 20 Jan 2014. ( 18 Feb 2014 )

  11. Who is the article about?

    -Same-sex couples

    Where did the even happen?

    -The event happen in different countries such as Iceland, Netherlands, Canada, South Africa Ect..

    When did the even happen?

    -The event happened 2001

    What is the article about?

    -This article is mainly about legalizing same-sex marriages and domestic partnerships. It talks about how in certain countries and states same-sex marriages are not legal. It talks about how the president of the United States has come out to agreeing with same-sex marriages. It also talks about in 2001 a couple of the same-sex finally walked down the aisle and got married in the Netherlands. After that some more countries tried to follow in the footsteps of that country and made same-sex marriages and domestic partnerships legal. The Supreme Court has still not come up with a decision on wheatear to legalize same-sex marriage or not because it would be going again the Defense of Marriage Act that was passed 1996 that defines marriage as between a man and a women. And to this day the Supreme Court has yet to make a decision.

    -I can connect to this article to the constitution and our amendments. Only because everyone has their right to be with whomever they like. It's almost like human rights. As Hillary Clinton said " gay rights are human rights, and human rights are gay rights". This is an excellent quote because it is true in a lot of ways. People shouldn't be judged based on their race, gender and relations. Everyone is equal and everyone deserves their respect.

    Miks, Jason. "Same-Sex Marriage Around The World." Cnn. 25 March 2013

  12. 1. Who is the article about?
    This article is about the Justice Department, the Supreme Court, General Donald Verrilli, and the National Security Agency.

    2. Where did the event happen?
    The case took place in the state of Oregon.

    3. When did the event happen?
    The debrief took place last Thursday, but what it entailed argued against cases made in 2012 and 2008 decided by the Supreme Court.

    4. What is the article about?
    General Donald Verrilli was arguing against the misbehavior of the Justice Department. He proved that the evidence they used in one of their cases was obtained ilegally. Not only that, but that they misled the Supreme in previous cases involving warrantless wiretapping, including the FISA Amendments Act of 2008. This evidence was proven to be audiotapes that were acquired without the use of a warrant. After having this brought up, the Justice Department were being accused of misleading the Supreme Court in a number of other cases.

    5. What is your opinion of this article?
    I've said this in class once. The justice system and how it works is that every little things takes time. Why spend all this time trying to make something happen when it was all based on illegal evidence? I don't think you should be allowed to use "evidence" if it is acquired without a warrant. To mislead people with one of the highest authorities in the country in terms of political power..... the punishment must be severe.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics?
    Just today, in class as we were reading section 16, we discussed how the police need search warrants to search certain places unless the threat or problem is within eye sight. There was no warrant for the wiretapping; therefore it is illegal and it should be prohibited from entering the courtroom as evidence.

    7. Savage, Charles. “Justice Dept. Protects Its Conduct on Evidence.” New York Times. 14 Feb 2014. (19 Feb 2014)

  13. 1. Who is the article about?
    Thia article is about the supreme court and the privacy of technology
    2. Where did the event happen?
    This event happened in the United states in Massachuttes and California.
    3. When did the event happen?
    This event happened on january 21, 20124.
    4. What is the article about? This article is about if the police have the right to search a cell phone without a search warrant, when a person is arrested. Many cases have involved police doing this action. some courts accept this action, but others think it is unconstitutional. Obama changes the way that cell phone data can be recieved.
    5. What is your opinion of this article?I think police should have search warrants because they are violating the right of private privacy.
    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? This article relates to what we learned in civics because we learned about the amendments and one of the amendments is being violated in this article.
    7. Mears, Bill. "Supreme Court To Take Major Look At Privacy In Digital Age". CNN News. 21 Jan. 2014. Http:// (19 Feb. 2014).


  14. 1. Who is the article about?

    This article is about the reasons why women no longer are getting abortions.  

    2. Where did the event happen?

    The U.S.

    3. When did the event happen?

    Over a period of years. 2008,2011,1980,1973

    4. What is the article about? (MINIMUM 3 SENTENCES)

    The article talks about why women are no longer getting abortions as much as they used to. They no longer get abortions because there is better types of protection out there that prevent pregnancy.  Also they realize that the cost to have a child is much to high so they would rather use condoms and other forms of birth control.

    5. What is your opinion of this article?

    I think that this is good because I personally do not believe in abortions. Also I feel as though women are now being more cautious of their futures when they look at how much a baby really cost and they see that they don't have the money to pay for a baby and still live the kind of lifestyle that will make them happy. I think that women are using their heads instead of going off of hormones and they take the time to go and get put on birth control or use condoms.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? (if your answer is, “it doesn’t” or “I don’t know,” you need to find another article that you can use to make a connection to Civics.)

    This relates to Civics because there was a supreme court passed in 1973 Roe V. Wade which states that

    under the 14th amendment a women has the right to get an abortion if she chooses to.

    7. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.  

    Stanley, Timothy. "Stanley: Why Abortions are way down." February 4,2014.

  15. 1. Who is the article about?
    This article is about the Supreme Court, and citizens of the United States.

    2. Where did the event happen?
    This event happened in Washington.

    3. When did the event happen?
    This event happened on January 17th, 2014.

    4. What is the article about?
    This article is about the Supreme Court deciding if the police should have a warrant to check cellphones. In cellphones, you can look through emails, messages, pictures and so much more. After police arrested David Riley, they found a gun in his car. After the arrest, they looked through his phone and found out that the gun was related to gang violence. Due to this he was convicted of attempted murder and was sentenced to 15 years in jail. Police will probably find many things as they are looking through phones. They are considering making a warrant required.

    5. What is your opinion of this article?
    I like the idea of them being able to look through phones, because people really keep everything in their phone. It will probably keep more criminals off the street. But I do think privacy is another thing, a police should not be able to look through your phone if they suspect something. I think a warrant should be required, it needs to be a reason why they are looking through your phone.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? (if your answer is, “it doesn’t” or “I don’t know,” you need to find another article that you can use to make a connection to Civics.)
    This relates to something I learned in civics because it shows how the fourth amendment did not apply for this case, even though it was still a search without warrant. The cops searched the cellphone and they didn't need a warrant.

    7. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.
    Liptak, Adams. "The New York Times." Supreme Court Will Consider Whether police Need Warrants to Search Cellphones. 17 Jan 2014. (19 Feb 2014)

  16. 1. Who is the article about?
    This article focuses on Gov. Jay Inslee

    2. Where did the event happen? It happened in Washington

    3. When did the event happen?
    This happened Tuesday February 11, 2014

    4. What is the article about? In this article, it discusses the decision made by Washington gov. Jay Inslee. Inslee decided to suspend executions in Washington while he is in office. By this, he plans to delay the execution of any convicted person that crosses his desk. The article explains that Inslee made his decision based on the his experiences with how justice was incorrectly or mistakenly carried out. He had time to evaluate his decisions after a months of internal review that included input from law enforcement and families of murder victims. The article then went on to explain how other states have done the same, including the state of Oregon. Oregon's Gov. decided to take a different approach since both of Oregon's executions since the Supreme Court allowed the death penalty to resume in 1976 happened during his first administration as governor, from 1995-2003.

    5. What is your opinion of this article? After reading this article, I agree with these governor's actions taken. Over the years in America's justice systems, there have been innocent people put to death and mistakes made with the execution process. I believe the Gov. of a state has the right to not have those mistakes on his conscious or under his belt. It comes to show how anything, not even the countries justice system can 100% bring just to the world.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in class? We learned about Supreme court cases in civics and how they function. This case also go ever the rights in the constitution indirectly, because the Governors talked about in these articles, took the power they had and rights the have in order to get there was.

    7. Mears, Bill. "Washington governor issues moratorium on executions in the state." CNN Supreme Court Producer.10:18 PM EST, Tue February 11, 2014. (2/19/14)

  17. 1. Who is the article about? This article is about the Supreme Court taking a look on suspects electronic devices while in custody.

    2. Where did the event happen?
    This event happened in Massachusetts and California when criminal suspects were convicted and records of phone numbers, text messages, and addresses in their personal electronic devices linked them to the crimes committed.

    3. When did the event happen?
    This event happened in the years of 2007 and 2009.

    4. What is the article about? (MINIMUM 3 SENTENCES)
    This article is about how the Supreme Court has accepted two appeals on search warrants and cell phones because of those cases containing evidence that linked criminals to the crime. The Supreme Court is deciding whether cell phones are actually private once a criminal is convicted.Obama changed the way officials gather telephone records to prevent terror attacks.

    5. What is your opinion of this article?
    I think that this article has good intentions to prevent crimes from happening but at the same time it violates the Fourth Amendment which gives criminals no privacy. Some would say that since the convicted is convicted that they should not have the right to privacy but if police already has enough evidence towards the case then why go through records on one's personal device.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? (if your answer is, “it doesn’t” or “I don’t know,” you need to find another article that you can use to make a connection to Civics.)
    This article relates to something I learned in Civics by deciding whether someone's personal technology is violating ones privacy. In Civics we learned about the first 10 Amendments and the Fourth Amendment is the right to privacy: search and seize. This article somehow conflicts with that because if a suspect is placed under arrest, is it right for police to go through their belongings, when the police already have enough evidence for that person to be arrested in the first place.

    7. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.
    Mears,Bill. “Supreme Court to take major look at privacy in digital age.” CNN Politics. 21 Jan 2014. (18 Feb 2014)

  18. 1. Who is the article about?
    This article involves the United States Supreme Court and Herbet Smulls.

    2. Where did the event happen?
    This event took place in a Missouri prison where convicted felon, Smulls, was sentenced.

    3. When did the event happen?
    January, 2014.

    4. What is the article about? (MINIMUM 3 SENTENCES) This article is about how the Supreme Court appealed Smulls' request to get rid of his execution. He tried to delay it by saying that the drugs he used to perform the injection was a compound drug. After hearing this argument, the court granted Smulls temporary stay. However, of course the Supreme Court ultimately had to follow through with his original sentence.

    5. What is your opinion of this article?
    I don't think that Smulls deserved an execution. I think he just deserved life in jail like any other murderer. I don't agree with the Supreme Court's decision to sentence Smulls to death.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? (if your answer is, “it doesn’t” or “I don’t know,” you need to find another article that you can use to make a connection to Civics.)
    This article reminds me of how court cases can redefine the Constitution. Smulls tried to get rid of his execution by stating that the drugs used in lethal injections were "cruel and unusual". Even though he failed, it shows how the constitution can be used to specifically relate to a case that would normally be a open and close case.

    7. The New York Times Company. "Missouri: Supreme Court Refuses to Halt Execution" The New York Times. 2014. (19 February 2014)

  19. 1. Who is the article about? - This article is about the murder trial of Jordan Davis and his murderer Michael Dunn.

    2. Where did the event happen? - This event happened in Jacksonville, Florida.

    3.When did the event happen? - This event happened in 2012 but is on trial in February 2014.

    4. What is the article about? - This article is about a 47 year old man named Michael Dunn who killed a 17 year old boy named Jordan Davis because the music that Davis was playing in his SUV was too loud for Dunn's liking. The article states,"Dunn, who is white, had described the music to his fiancee as 'thug music'." By him calling the music that, many people are saying this was just racism instead of the Stand Your Ground law.

    5. What is your opinion of this article? - I think this case is very sad but makes me angry. Its disappointing that a man could possibly walk free from murdering a boy because of a Stand Your Ground law. This is obviously mirroring what happened with Trayvon Martin. I think the Stand Your Ground law is an excuse for killing innocent people.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? - I think this article specifically relates to the Civil Rights section of our lesson mainly because it relates to the injustice of black people when it comes to white Americans and the Government. It mirrors when black people were innocently killed and the people responsible for these murders were never really seen as murderers by the government and the justice system. The Stand Your Ground law is just an excuse to kill people with no consequences, in my opinion.

    7. Kinner, Derek. "Michael Dunn Verdict: Florida Man Found Guilty of Attempted Murder in Loud-Music Trial." Huff Post Black Voices. 15 Feb 2014. (19 Feb 2014)

  20. 1. Who is the article about?
    This article is about Judge G. Todd Baugh.

    2. Where did the event happen?
    This event happened in Montana.

    3. When did the event happen?
    In February 2013.

    4. What is the article about? (MINIMUM 3 SENTENCES)
    In a rape case in Montana, this judge made a comment about a 14 year old girl saying that she looks older than she really is. He gave the rapist a one month sentence. After realizing that he failed failed to promote public confidence in the courts, he decided to let the Supreme Court decide his punishment.

    5. What is your opinion of this article?
    I think that he should have gave the rapist a longer sentence, and I think he did the right thing by letting someone else choose his punishment.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? (if your answer is, “it doesn’t” or “I don’t know,” you need to find another article that you can use to make a connection to Civics.)
    This relates to what we are learning now in Civics, how just is the justice system.

    7. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.
    MLA Citation Structure:
    Associated Press. “Judge who made comment in rape case wants state Supreme Court to decide his punishment.” Fox News. February 18, 2014. (19 February 2014)

  21. This article is about same sex marriage victims, Gov. Brian Sandoval, and Nevada attorneys and supreme court judges.
    The event took place in Nevada.
    The event happen last June, 2013, but it been thought out since 2012.
    This case is about Nevada trying to fight against banning same-sex marriage, but as they tried to, obstacles kept pouring into their way, preventing them to do so. In a previous court case, further back from when this case was stated, a juror in the trial was gay, so they had to be put on strike of having a gay juror, which they did not approve. Since discrimination was not based on your sexual orientation, then it should be taken as truth was proven unconstitutional. The state, Nevada, decision for the case had representatives of eight gay couples from a group called Lambda Legal. They were going against Nevada’s constitutional amendment opposed of the same- sex marriage.
    To me, I believe the whole situation is a bunch of B-S to be honest. Who cares what sex should marry whomever. How could same-sex marriage have this much affect on a human being, something so little towards others becoming a huge uproar throughout the nation. How could it hurt them physically or even mentally that the fact theirs to people loving each other. Excuse my writing, I meant two normal human beings loving each other. I understand that it’s the people opinion to like or dislike same-sex marriage, but that’s up to them to worry about, because at the end of the day regard all the drama and B-S homosexuals had to go through just to make it through and stand for what they fighting for, they still going to have someone to love when they wake up in the morning, come home from work or school or any activities, and going to bed with at night. They still going to have that one person who they will always love and walk away from the discriminators as if nothing happened. But as it is, it will still be Gay love against their opinion.
    This article connects to Civics through the Civil Rights Movement, because of the discrimination at their time. Just as when whites disgraced the African Americans is the same as all races forming to disgrace all homosexuals and transsexuals.
    Martinez, Michael. “Nevada Stops Defending Ban Against same-sex marriage.” CNN. 11 Feb. 2014 (19 Feb. 2014)

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. 1. This article is about same sex marriage victims, Gov. Brian Sandoval, and Nevada attorneys and supreme court judges.

    2. The event took place in Nevada.

    3. The event happen last June, 2013, but it been thought out since 2012.

    4. This case is about Nevada trying to fight against banning same-sex marriage, but as they tried to, obstacles kept pouring into their way, preventing them to do so. In a previous court case, further back from when this case was stated, a juror in the trial was gay, so they had to be put on strike of having a gay juror, which they did not approve. Since discrimination was not based on your sexual orientation, then it should be taken as truth was proven unconstitutional. The state, Nevada, decision for the case had representatives of eight gay couples from a group called Lambda Legal. They were going against Nevada’s constitutional amendment opposed of same- sex marriage.

    5. To me, I believe the whole situation is a bunch of B-S to be honest. Who cares what sex should marry whomever. How could same-sex marriage have this much affect on a human being, something so little towards others becoming a huge uproar throughout the nation. How could it hurt them physically or even mentally that the fact theirs to people loving each other. Excuse my writing, I meant two normal human beings loving each other. I understand that it’s the people opinion to like or dislike same-sex marriage, but that’s up to them to worry about, because at the end of the day regard all the drama and B-S homosexuals had to go through just to make it through and stand for what they fighting for, they still going to have someone to love when they wake up in the morning, come home from work or school or any activities, and going to bed with at night. They still going to have that one person who they will always love and walk away from the discriminators as if nothing happened. But as it is, it will still be Gay love against their opinion.

    6. This article connects to Civics through the Civil Rights Movement, because of the discrimination at their time. Just as when whites disgraced the African Americans is the same as all races forming to disgrace all homosexuals and transsexuals.

    7. Martinez, Michael. “Nevada Stops Defending Ban Against same-sex marriage.” CNN. 11 Feb. 2014 (19 Feb. 2014)
