Sunday, February 9, 2014

Period 4: Week of 2/18


Each week you will be given a different topic. For some weeks, it may be the same topic again.

For whatever the topic may be, type in the topic given into the search bar of any of the following news outlets:
You may also use’s “News” search function.

Week of 2/14:
Topic: Supreme Court

In complete sentences, answer the following questions on my blog.

1. Who is the article about?

2. Where did the event happen?

3. When did the event happen?

4. What is the article about? (MINIMUM 3 SENTENCES)

5. What is your opinion of this article?

6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? (if your answer is, “it doesn’t” or “I don’t know,” you need to find another article that you can use to make a connection to Civics.)

7. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.  
MLA Citation Structure:
Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)


Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 9 Feb 2014. (9 Feb 2014)


  1. Who: The Supreme Court, Arizona natives
    Where: Washington
    When: Monday, Jan 13, 2013
    What: In Arizona, a law exists where you cannot have an abortion without proper reason such as near death, or other bodily harm, you also cannot under any circumstance have one after 20 weeks. The Arizona natives are arguing that this is not right and that the option should exist to do an abortion in they need to. The problem is that the Courts wont accept the case.
    Opinion: It is mixed because of the fact that i believe in free choice but at the same time i love and enjoy life and adoption as an option.
    Relates.: Involves the Supreme Courts.
    LIPTAK, ADAM, SANTOS, FERNANDA. "Supreme Court Won’t Hear Arizona Appeal on Abortion Ban" The New York Times. 18 Feb 2014

    1. Who: It involves The Supreme Court and Arizona natives
      Where: This took place in Washington DC.
      When: It occurred on Monday, Jan 13, 2013.
      What: In Arizona, a law exists where you cannot have an abortion without proper reason such as near death, or other bodily harm, you also cannot under any circumstance have one after 20 weeks. The Arizona natives are arguing that this is not right and that the option should exist to do an abortion in they need to. The problem is that the Courts wont accept the case.
      Opinion: It is mixed because of the fact that i believe in free choice but at the same time i love and enjoy life and adoption as an option.
      Relates.: This story involves the Supreme Courts.
      LIPTAK, ADAM, SANTOS, FERNANDA. "Supreme Court Won’t Hear Arizona Appeal on Abortion Ban" The New York Times. 18 Feb 2014

  2. 1. Who: This article is mainly about admission policies based on race.

    2. Where: This event happened in Sugar Land, Texas.

    3. When: This event happened in the year of 2008.

    4. What: This article was about a high school senior turning in a college application. She said the college turned her away because she was white. Also, the college supports their policy on race as well as other factors, but race being the main factor.

    5. Opinion: This is not fair because the college was too cruel with their policies. The college could have been flexible and let her submit her application.

    6. Relates to Civics: This article relates to Civics because it is a big Supreme Court case and in class, we talk about major Supreme Court cases that were the backbones to the ten amendments.

    7. Citation: Mears, Bill. "Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin". CNN. 18 Feb. 2014.

  3. Who: People who are involved in this article are the Supreme Court, police officials, attorneys, convicted criminals, and President Obama (mentioned).

    Where: This event took place in states Massachusetts and California.

    When: This event happened in January 2014.

    What: The article is about the Supreme Court taking examination of whether police should be able to obtain private info of people under arrest. Officials are trying to use this method of a way to find more evidence to convict wrongful criminals of. Yet, the Supreme Court is deciding whether is this good or bad thing to approve.

    Opinion: Personally, I think its wrong to invade someone's private information, however, if it requires the law for them to search a suspect, then I do not mind. I think it would be a good way to prove either people innocent of their conviction or guilty.

    Relations to Civics: This article relates to Civics because in the article, it talks about the fourth amendment, which is what we covered in class, and the Bill of Rights that people are entitled to have.

    Citation: Mears, Bill. "Supreme Court to take major look at privacy in digital age." CNN. 21 Jan 2014. (18 Feb 2014)

  4. 1. Who: Greece, New York officials, Justice Samuel Alito & Sonia Sotomayor, and two local women involved in the case.
    2. Where: This event took place in New York.
    3. When: This event happened in 2013.
    4. What: Two local women brought lawsuits against Greece New York Officials for having public prayers in board meetings. Their reason for this was because of them not believing in the Christian faith, they felt that talking about Jesus Christ was inappropriate. The Greece officials has argued that it was something that has been done for centuries and anyone who is willing to volunteer and/or participate, they can.
    5. Opinion: I just feel that these women should have just dealt with it without disrespecting the Christian faith.
    6. Connection: this article relates to something I've learned Civics because of the First Amendment where it talks about separating religion from the government. These women did not to be involved in religious acts when they are supposed to be getting involved in a board meeting.
    7. Mears, Bill. "Supreme Court debates public-prayers disputes." CNN. 6 Nov 2013.

  5. 1. This article is about Herbert Smulls.
    2. This event took place in the state of Missouri.
    3. The time that the crime took place was 2 decades ago. the execution date was scheduled to be on Wednesday at 12:01am.
    4. This article was about a 56 year old male who was arrested about 20 years ago for robbing a jewelery store and insulting the owner. Herbert was then sent to prison and was sentenced to an execution. The Supreme Court is now saying this execution is not needed they are going against it.
    5. I am agreeing with the supreme court i do not think it should go this far. They can let this man spend time in jail but not die.
    6. This case relates to civics because it is the supreme court and this case is also a violation of the 8th amendment; which states are prohibited from unusual and cruel punishment.

    7. Salter, Jim."U.S Supreme Court lifts stay, but Missouri execution still on hold." St. Louis Post-Dispatch. 29 January 2014. (19 Febuary 2014)

  6. Who: This article involves with the Supreme Court, David Riley, attorneys, and public officials.
    When: This happen in the early April to June.
    Where: This took place in Massachusetts and California.
    What: The article was about the Supreme Court was trying look over on whether the police should have private information on people that are being arrested. People are being sentenced in jail for a very long time base on what their private information. The public officials were using this way to help them find more evidence on a criminal. The Supreme court has still yet not figure out if it's a good or bad thing.
    Opinion: My opinion is that they should not invade other people privacy, no matter if they are being convicted. The court can go about the evidence they are ready have.
    Relation: This relate to civics because it's basically about the fourth amendment and in class we talked about the fourth amendment. People rights were being broking.
    Mears, Bill. " Supreme Court to take major look at privacy in digital age." 2014. (19 Feb 2014)

  7. Who: This article is about same-sex marriages

    Where: This took place in the state of Nevada.

    When: This was on Tuesday February 11, 2014.

    What: This article is about Nevada banning gay- marriages. Because they were denied of those ruling they also felt that it should be the same for heterosexual spouses. then later it was said that this denied is unconstitutional. by the end they have come to the realization that its really based off of people opinions and all about justice.

    Opinion: My opinion about this article is that I feel like people really should not dictate who you can and cannot marry based of your religion or not. Every citizen can choose there own religion so there for you can choose who you love and who you want to spend it with for the rest of your lives. it should not matter what people do in their lives it has nothing to do with the people that is for it or against it.
    Martinez, Michael. "Nevada stops defending ban against same-sex marriage." CNN U.S. 11 Feb. 2014. (19 Feb 2014)

  8. 1. Who is the article about?
    The thing this article is About Same-sex couples
    2. Where did the event happen?
    This event happened in a couple of states.
    3. When did the event happen?
    This event did go on 2/14/14
    4. What is the article about? (MINIMUM 3 SENTENCES)
    This article is about allowing same-sex couples get married in the state of Virginia. People who support that same-sex couples should get married to highest court in United States. In the article people are like yes and no side to The marriage thing.
    5. What is your opinion of this article?
    My thoughts about this article is no matter what who you are you should be able to get married. No one should say no to that.
    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics?
    The way that this article relates to civics is on the topic of Civil rights. It is all about you, knowing your rights. The rights to marriage is a right to you in the constitution.
    7. ADAM LIPTAK " A Steady Path to Supreme Court as Gay Marriage Gains Momentum in States" The New York Times 14 Feb ( Feb 19,2014).

  9. Who: Judge G. Todd Baugh, Montana Judicial Standards Commission, the Supreme Court, !4-year old rape victim
    Where: Billings, Montana.
    When: The article was published on February 18, 2014 but the actual incident happened earlier in that month. No actual date was given.
    What: The article is about a Montana judge, Judge G. Todd Bough, who is being criticized by not only critics, but also the Montana Judicial Standards Commission for making inappropriate comments about a 14-year old rape victim. Despite this hinderance in his career, the judge did in fact admit that he handled the case recklessly and sought for a punishment by the Supreme Court.
    Opinion: I agree with the critics and with the Montana Judicial Standards Commission because in my opinion, the judge could have definitely handled the case in a fair way and be professional about it. He deserves to be reprimanded for this reckless behavior, not to mention that he also gave such a lenient punishment to the rapist for committing a serious crime.
    Connection: I cannot really connect this article to any other case that I have learned in Civics class but I can say that it gives me a clear vision of how the higher courts, judges and government deals with a breach in their own system or the way they handle things, which may not always be fair to the people.
    Citation: Associated Press. "Judge who made comment in rape case wants state Supreme Court to decide his punishment." Fox News.18 Feb. 2014. (18 Feb. 2014)

  10. 1. Who is the article about?

    This article is about women who want to have an abortion after 20 weeks in the state of Arizona.

    2. Where did the event happen?

    This event took place in Arizona.

    3. When did the event happen?

    This event occurred on April 2012.

    4. What is the article about? (MINIMUM 3 SENTENCES)

    This article is about whether a fetus can feel pain before or after 20 weeks. This article is also about women having abortions after 20 weeks in Arizona. The governor of Arizona wants Arizona to be the top pro-life state. Therefore, that is why she passed and signed the law to prevent women from getting abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. The Supreme Court made a decision not to hear this case which made many people upset.

    5. What is your opinion of this article?

    My opinion on this article is that women should have a choice and a voice. A women could want an abortion for many reasons. Who gives anyone the right to tell them what to do with their bodies. I also think that how can they be sure what a fetus feels if it cant tell them.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics?

    This article relates to civics because it talks about due process. The government is violating the right of your due process. Which is the right to life, liberty, and property.

    7. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.

    MLA Citation Structure:
    LIPTAK, Adam and SANTOS,FERNANDA. “Supreme Court Won’t Hear Arizona Appeal on Abortion Ban.” The New York Times. Jan 13, 2014. (19 Feb 2014)

  11. 1. Who is the article about? This article is about Abington High School and the school district.

    2. Where did the event happen? This event happened in Abington High School

    3. When did the event happen? This event happened in 1962.

    4. What is the article about? This article is about a high school and how they have violated the student's rights. In the beginning of the day, students in a public school were required to read at least ten bible verses. Parents felt like getting students to participate in religious activities was violating their rights. The parents were allowed to send a note to excuse them from that, but lawyers argued that it did not matter because it still violated their rights.

    5. What is your opinion of this article? My opinion is that these people send their kids to a public school for a reason and if they wanted some catholic influence then they should have went to catholic school. I do agree that it is violating their rights because parents did not see this as a thing they had to worry about.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? This article relates to the first amendment which gives people freedom of religion. Some people do not practice what the bible teaches and what they had to do goes against what some families did not agree with. This violates their right in the first amendment.

    7. ABINGTON SCHOOL DISTRICT v. SCHEMPP. The Oyez Project at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law. 19 February 2014. . (19 Feb 2014)

  12. 1. Who is the article about? this article was not about anyone specifically but it was about the citizens of the united states.

    2. Where did the event happen? this event happened in Washington and in California

    3. When did the event happen? this event happened last week

    4. What is the article about? (MINIMUM 3 SENTENCES) this article was about being able to carry guns in public for self defense. this article states that the second amendment require that states allow some type of self defense outside the home. This article talks about how some people want to extend the use of self defense, meaning guns, into public places.

    5. What is your opinion of this article? I think that it's a good idea to legalize guns in public places but like most laws, it has its pros and cons. It's good that people can protect themselves but this privilege can be abused easily.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? (if your answer is, “it doesn’t” or “I don’t know,” you need to find another article that you can use to make a connection to Civics.) this article relates to civics because it talked about the 2nd amendment. Also everyone has the right to bare arms.

    Wolf, Richard. “Supreme Court may rule on guns outside the home.” USA today. February 17,2014. (February 17, 2014 )

  13. Who: Protesters (both for pros and cons) U.S Supreme Court. and the state of California.

    Where: Major Californian Cities such as: Oakland, San Jose and San Francisco

    When January 15 2010

    About: Abortion laws in the Californian area.

    Abortions should be legalized but a thick process should be used. This way abortionist can get it but under strict laws to follow by.

    The U.S supreme is deciding on abortion laws. Whether can this violate any human rights by declining life or declining happiness.

    Mintz Howard.
    Abortion showdown: U.S. Supreme Court weighs limits on clinic protests
    02/18/2014 of Access 2/18/2014)

    1. Did not follow directions:
      complete sentences
      connection to Civics

  14. 1. Who is the article about?
    The article is about Argentina and there debt of $1.33 million.

    2. Where did the event happen?
    The event happened between Argentina and the U.S at the Supreme Court.

    3. When did the event happen?
    The event happened at the Supreme Court, February 18, 2014 but happened in Argentina in 2002.

    4. What is the article about?
    The article talks about Argentina filing an appeal to the Supreme Court to avoid paying investors billions who didn't except there bond swaps. Argentina tries to end the debt by blaming the NY courts who they claim made mistakes shiv could economically harm the U.S. Argentina dug there selves in this hole in 2002 with bondholders who refused to accept there money offer off $100 billion.

    5. What is your opinion of this article?
    I think the U.S needs to help in anyway possible because if they went to the New York courts first and are claiming they made mistakes, and it will economically mess with the unites states then we need to help there case.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? (if your answer is, “it doesn’t” or “I don’t know,” you need to find another article that you can use to make a connection to Civics.)
    It relates to civics because it's from another country but they came over here to the U.S. Supreme Court which we talk about in civics everyday.

    7. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.
    MLA Citation Structure:
    Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)

    Hurley, Lawrence & Gray, Kevin. "Argentina Asks U.S. Supreme Court to hear Bond Cases." Reuters US. Tuesday, February 18, 2014. (19 Feb 2014)

  15. 1. Who is the article about?
    This article is about same-sex couples.

    2. Where did the event happen?
    This event happened in San Francisco, Ca.

    3. When did the event happen?
    This event happened on Thursday, February 13th.

    4. What is the article about?
    This article is mainly about the Supreme Court deciding on whether or not same-sex marriage should be ok. Keeping in mind that the grandchildren of the judges will not be too find if they rule agains same-sex marriage, this three day trial seemed to never end, they decided to rely on a previous decision that same-sex couples should have benefits provided by the government.

    5. What is your opinion of this article?
    My opinion of this article is that, they should just legalize same-sex marriage in every stare because we all know it'll happen sooner rather than later.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics?
    This article relates to the first amendment to me. It seemed as if people are allowed to have freedom of speech, petition, religion and such, then they should have the freedom to marry whom ever they please to marry as many times as they wish.

    7. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.
    Berger, Noah
    "A Steady Path to Supreme Court as Gay Marriage Gains Momentum in States"
    February 14, 2014
    February 18th, 2014

  16. 1. Who is the article about? This Article is about people who favor a same sex relationship, but mainly about Carol Schall and her partner Mary Townely who joined a challenging Virginia's ban on same sex marriage.

    2. Where did the event happen? This event to place in Virginia and many other places due to the decisions they had to make such as: Norfolk, California, and travels its way into the eye of Utah and Oklahoma.

    3. When did the event happen? This Event is happening in our on going daily life, which takes place from the year 2008 when the couple got married up until the year 2014 out present year.

    4. What is the article about? (MINIMUM 3 SENTENCES) This article is about having a same sex relationship and getting married. Many states really disapprove this issue and in the article they where addressing why the issue was treated as such and also gave a background story about two female lovers who got married and went to fight for their right to love freely like any other man or woman.

    5. What is your opinion of this article? I believe there is no reason for the issue to be this big because we are all human and should be able to love who ever and what ever we love. Who are we to tell someone they can't love another? i think there are other serious problems to deal with such as global warming and other earthly problems the government should be looking into but i guess they put things like this on the news to make it seem like they are doing something, when in all reality they are doing nothing but breaking hearts and being a bump in the road.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? (if your answer is, “it doesn’t” or “I don’t know,” you need to find another article that you can use to make a connection to Civics.) This article relates to civics because of discrimination in sexual orientation, meaning that they are saying you can't get married in this state because your are both male or both female.which causes them to loose certain right that regular couples do.. its almost like racism just not skin..but in interest.

    7. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.
    MLA Citation Structure:
    Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)

    Barnes, Robert."Race on same- sex marriage case runs through Virginia." Washingtopostpolitics.February 17th,2014. (2/18/14)

  17. 1. Who is the article about? This case is about a man named Herbert smulls,the U.S. Supreme court and supreme justice Samuel Alito.

    2. Where did the event happen?
    This event took place in Washingtion Dc in the supreme court house.

    3. When did the event happen?
    This event happened very recently in the year 2014 JAN. 28, 2014

    4. What is the article about? (MINIMUM 3 SENTENCES)
    In this article it talks about a decisTYion the supream court was delibarating on tuesday night. This decision was to enact a temporary stay of execution. This was brought on because do to the fact that his appeal was focused on the state’s refusal to disclose from which compounding pharmacy it obtained the lethal-injection drug, pentobarbital.

    5. What is your opinion of this article? My thoughts on this is a general confusion for what does it matter what pharmacy the toxin was supplied from it's still going to do it's intended purpose

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? this relates to a key point I learned in civics that is the fact that before an execution or any before any judgment is carried out it must be signed off by the head of the supreme court or can not proceed.Also that this general form of punishment is cruel and unusual to an extent which should be against our constitutional rights.

    7. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article. 
    New York Times." Missouri: Alito Grants Stay of Execution. January 28, 2014

  18. 1. Who is the article about?
    This article is about the supreme court and the state of Arizona
    2. Where did the event happen?
    The event happened in Washington D.C
    3. When did the event happen?
    The event happened January 3, 2014
    4. What is the article about? (MINIMUM 3 SENTENCES)
    The article is about how Arizona officials want to ban abortions, except in the case of a medical emergency. They wanted to ban abortions after 20 weeks, because the fetus can feel pain at 20 weeks. New York Times says, "the Supreme Court said that this was unconstitutional, because, a woman has the right to end the pregnancy before the fetus is viable."
    5. What is your opinion of this article?
    I think that the Supreme Court is correct with their decision it is a woman's right. I also believe that the whole idea of abortion is wrong. It might sound a bit contradicting but I think people should have th right i just believe it's morally wrong.
    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? (if your answer is, “it doesn’t” or “I don’t know,” you need to find another article that you can use to make a connection to Civics.)
    This article has to do with civics because we read and learned about the Supreme Court in class.

    7. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.
    MLA Citation Structure:
    Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)
    Liptak, Adam and Santos, Fernando. "Supreme Court Won’t Hear Arizona Appeal on Abortion Ban." New York Times. Jan 14, 2014


  19. 1. Who is the article about?
    Supreme Court, California

    2. Where did the event happen?


    3. When did the event happen?

    Wednesday 2008

    4. What is the article about? (MINIMUM 3 SENTENCES)
    This article is about the supreme court decision made democracy worse. The Prop 8 ruling definitely made democracy worse because for one, it was overturned, causing the California's elected officials the refusal of appeal. Also, the court ignored didn't really care about the issue of gay marriage, and instead held that the anti-gay-marriage advocates couldn't show they were harmed by the state government's decision to ignore acting about or against it.

    5. What is your opinion of this article?
    My opinion on this article is that the fact that the court decided to ignore something as controversial as gay marriage is wrong. People has been fighting for gay marriage for years and yet the court wanted to somehow overturn a law or whatever. That's just not right

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? (if your answer is, “it doesn’t” or “I don’t know,” you need to find another article that you can use to make a connection to Civics.): This relates to civics by the supreme court making decisions and having initiatives that serves to prevent the judicial process from being used to strip the powers of the political branches.

    7. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.

    MLA Citation Structure:

    Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access): Spivack, Joshua.
    "How the Supreme Court crippled direct democracy." Jun 28 2013. (Feb 19 2014).

  20. who: This Articles is about Linda Stephens , an atheist who feels her rights are being violated in a community meeting.
    where: The meetings that followed to a supreme court review was set place in Greece, New York.
    When: This event happened on November 1st of 2013.
    What: This article is about how the plantiff, Linda Stephens, she felt her rights were violated during a town meeting where she was made to participate in group prayer while she did not believe in God. When she told this to her peers they told her she should shut her ears or step outside. Though Stephens believe that she should not have to and this is unconstitutional as government and politics should not be mixed with the religious beliefs of others.

    Opinion: I agree with Stephens but I also feel this case is conflicted. I say this because although the Constitution separates government form politics it also says in the first amendment that there is a freedom of exorcising your religion.
    How does this relate to civics; This relates to civics because it ties in to our chapter five review of the amendments. in the article Stephens references that Constitution establishment states that religion should not influence political organizations.
    MLA Citation; Mears,Bill."Atheist gets her day at the Supreme Court" Nov 1st 2013. 20 2014).


  21. 1. Who is the article about? This article was about the Supreme court decisions about three separate cases.

    2. Where did the event happen? All these events happened in Washington D.C.

    3. When did the event happen? The events occurred Monday February 17th,2014.

    4. What is the article about? (MINIMUM 3 SENTENCES) The article went over three different court cases the first being Air Wisconsin Airlines Corp. V. Hoeper where the court threw out a 1.2 million dollar award to pilot William Hoeper due to the fact that he failed his test in order to qualify to fly and was fired. The second case was about how the supreme court threw out a case filed by steelworkers where they wanted to get paid during the time they get into uniform. The third case involved a drug dealer being charged for murder because he sold some illegal drugs to a client who died (O.D.) due to his drugs.

    5. What is your opinion of this article? This article was interesting, yet I find it to be a little confusing especially the first case where they never really mentioned what exactly he was charged with specifically. The other cases seemed too ridiculous like trying to get paid for getting dress and being charged for murder for drugs you sold seems a little too loosely connected.

    6. How does this article relate to something you learned in Civics? (if your answer is, “it doesn’t” or “I don’t know,” you need to find another article that you can use to make a connection to Civics.) This relates to civics because were learning about how court cases are tried and these are other examples.

    7. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.

    MLA Citation Structure:

    Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access) Liptak, Adam."Justices Allow a Bit of License in Choice of Words During a Possible Air Emergency." The New York Times (
