Saturday, November 2, 2013

1st Period, Week of 11/2-11/8

Week Eleven: 11/2/13-11/8/13
Current Event Content Requirements:

  1. You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. 
  2. It should be a minimum of 10 COMPLETE sentences. 
  3. Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Source:
    Article Title: Boston Marathon Bombing Victim Halloween Costume Prompts Online Fury
    Article Date: 11/03/2013

    A woman, identified as 22-year-old Alicia Ann Lynch by BuzzFeed, is said to have provoked the wrath of thousands of social media users after tweeting and Instagramming the offensive photo of herself. This even actually took place online. The pictures were posted on Halloween Day (October 31st). The cyber attacks Lynch received escalated as citizens hunted through the internet, searching for more information about the young woman. Her ID information, as well as nude videos and pictures that she had allegedly appeared in were found and posted online. she also states that her family has been receiving death threats. Why is this relevant? Well, not only did Halloween just passed, but the Boston Bombing is a recent, tragic event. My opinion on the situation is that yes, it was wrong and completely disrespectful her to dress like that, but there's no need for cyber bullying and death threats. Someone responded, "What's worse about @someskankinmi situation is the fact that we, as a human race, immediately turn to cyber-bullying & death threats." I completely agree with this statement.

    1. This does not meet the requirements. Your post must be about government.

  3. Source:
    Title: Senate votes to proceed with gay rights bill
    Date: november4, 2013
    Who: senate and same-sex relationships
    Where: U.S
    When: this November of 2013

    What: there has been a whole lot of controversy over allowing same-sex marriage. The people as well as the senate are trying to pass a bill allowing this for many of years. The bill has finally been passed after the approval by the senates' votes. There have already been states in the U.S that have banned and allowed gay-marriage, but know it is legal in all countries. Now people are free to marry whoever they want.

    Relevance : this is relevant to our generation because now everyone is free to marry who they want no matter their sex. People in this country don't agree with this rule based on religion, how they were raised, etc.

    Opinion: I think that same-sex marriage shouldn't be legal because of my religion. Marriage should be between a man and a women. Since it is legal now, I don't care about it as long as it doesn't effect me.

    Connection: i know a lot of people that are gay and they are in relationships. I am still cool with as long as they don't involve me.

  4. In the article on CNN, Guatemalan president leads drug legalization debate, was about how the president of Guatemala was debating to legalize drugs. This article was post on March 23, 2012, at 11:07am. On the campaign trail, Otto Perez Molina vowed to rule his country with an iron fist.
    The retired general said he would send troops into the streets to fight drug violence.
    Analysts summed up his political platform with three words: law and order.
    Now -- just two months after taking office -- the 61-year-old Guatemalan president is pushing a controversial proposal that has come under fire from U.S. officials and earned praise from people who were once his critics.
    During a routine speech last month, Perez Molina slipped in a surprise announcement.
    Last year's law-and-order candidate said he wanted to legalize drugs.
    "What I have done is put the issue back on the table," Perez Molina told CNN en Español. "I think it is important for us to have other alternatives. ... We have to talk about decriminalization of the production, the transit and, of course, the consumption."
    The proposal caught many Guatemalans off guard.

  5. Source:

    Article Title: White House defends Obamacare rule that forces new insurance

    Article Date: November 1st, 2013

    Who: White House Press Secretary Jay Carney

    Where: Washington, DC

    When: Friday the 1st of November

    What happened: Jay Carney the white house press secretary, spoke out about the new ObamaCare put in place and begins to defend it . He also informed many americans that they have other options if there insures does not meet the qualifications of The Affordable Care Act formally known as ObamaCare. Carney urged many on Friday to be prepared because a fraction of the population, estimated to be five percent, might end up losing their existing health insurance. Carney also informed american to do their homework when it comes to selecting new insurance.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because only about one million people applied for ObamaCare and Republicans are still fighting to get it ceased. If it don't get ceased many americans will have no insurance and will ultimately be forced to join ObamaCare.

    Reaction : This shocked me because I thought many more americans like the idea of The Affordable Care Act. Then I think that people do not take this as a serious matter when in fact it is.

    Opinion : I think people should start to find insurance that meets qualifications for ObamaCare. I think this Act was made for the lower class of people to help them out . I also think Carney did a good job of letting people know how important it is.

    Connection I chose this article because it relates to how the government is now being ran. More so targeting the people that need help in a society like this.

  6. Source:

    Article Title: Stacey Kincaid is elected Fairfax County’s first female sheriff

    Article Date: November 5,2013

    Who: Stacey Kincaid

    Where: Virginia

    When: November 5,2013

    What Happended: Voters elected the first female sheriff in the county’s history. She came to a double-digit lead over her closest opponent. She said she thought about running for sheriff throughout her whole career. She will be not only as the first woman as a sheriff but also the only person who has any experience with the sheriff’s department.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is may not be as relevant to us as it is to the world. It is relevant because she's the first girl to become sheriff in the county's history. This may change the look on things and girls will be start winning as president or other important roles.

    Reaction: Im suprised because she's the first women sheriff in the county. I did not expect for a girl to be voted as sheriff.

    Opinion: I think Stacey is a strong, competetive woman. Because some woman wouldnt even run for sheriff just because of what she thinks. She would probably think nobody will vote for her because she is a girl.

    Connection: I can make a connection with this because my mom voted for Hillary Cliton that one year and she didnt make it.

  7. Source:

    Article Title: White House Details Shutdown Impact

    Article Date: November 7, 2013

    Who: GOP-government; White House-Representatives etc.

    Where: D.C. (US)

    When: Present-2013

    What happened: The government released a summary about how the shutdown would impact the budget. It showed that National Park Services lost $500 million in visitor spending. The budget impasse hurt the economy and denied needed benefits to taxpayers.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant, because it deals with the White House, he people in the White House , and the citizens of the U.S. It helps us better understand why the government does some of the things they do, and how they are trying to fix the problems, and compromise.

    Reaction: My attitude towards this is like a numb feeling, I don't really agree with some of the things the government does.

    Opinion: I think that government shutdown is pointless in the first place, because why should the entire country have the suffer, because they can't get together what they need in order to have smooth sailing or make things run in a n orderly manner. I think that there should be a better way to handle problems, but GOP shutdown is outrageous to me.

    Connection: I chose this article, because Ms. Rachael provided it, and it relates to the current world today, and deals with ways that it may affect me, even being as young as I am.

  8. Source:

    Article Title: Obama apologizes for health coverage cancellations due to Obamacare
    Article Date: November 7, 2013
    Who: President Barack Obama
    Where: The White House
    When: Thursday, November 7th 2013
    What happened: President Obama apologizes for promising Americans that they could keep their healthcare. Many Americans are now receiving cancelation letters that say they are no longer eligible to keep their healthcare. Obama says that the Americans can keep their coverage fees if they want.
    Why this event is relevant: this is relevant because Americans now are out of healthcare so if they get sick and they have no money to be able to pay for their care are they turned down or away for the lack of money?
    Reaction my attitude towards the article is that I feel as though Obama and The White House Representatives should have made it more specific to Americans in need of healthcare. I feel like President Obama should have guaranteed Americans that they will have healthcare. I feel like now that healthcare is being taking away that he should make it a law that Americans can not be turned down at a hospital or clinic because they are unable to pay for services.
    Opinion I think that Obama should make more of an effort to getting Americans healthcare back and situated. I think that Obama means well and is trying his hardest that he can do to try and get everything straight.
    Connection: I chose this article because I will one day become a older women and I will need some healthcare and insurance to fall back on if I ever happen to get sick. If they cut off healthcare now what will be there for following generations? I had to think about how right now it might not affect my grandmother and parents in the near future it will absolutely affect me and my children if this problem persists.

  9. Source:

    Article title: 013/11/05/obama-further-refines-you-can-keep-your-plan-pledge/

    Article date: 3:18 p.m. 11/5/13

    Who: Obama , house speakers ,

    Where: Washington D.C.

    When: 2009- present day.

    What happened? The president introduced and spoke on another part of his "Obama care" plan reintroducing old steps taken to put his plan into action and the new step plans and other things he plans on putting into place, people spoke on and against his behalf and for the insurance he is putting into place then the things that did & didn't work were listed.

    Why is this relevant? This is relevant because it can possible provided more benefits to people who would otherwise not receive these benefits this does not effect me directly i
    know that there are people who would have to make decisions like
    Insurance or food & this type of thing from the government is a weight off their shoulders.

    Reaction: I feel as though as long as we are moving back forward we are moving forward so I feel like this is a good thing.

    Connection: while I'm am not in a situation like this I know people who are therefore I can see where and what things like this do to and for people.

  10. Source:
    Article Title:Obama says he's sorry Americans losing insurance
    Article Date:Posted: Nov 07, 2013 6:12 PM EST
    Updated: Nov 07, 2013 7:43 PM EST
    Who: President Barack Obama
    When: Nov 07, 2013
    What happened: Obama says he is sorry that Americans are losing health insurance.
    Why this event is relevant: This Event is relevant because People are losing insurance, when it is so expensive to just pay for it out of pocket. It's very important that you have insurance. You never know what is going to happen where you end up having to go to the hospital for something minor or major. The bills and copays are going to be expensive when you get them ... unless you're rich!
    Reaction- I feel as though you need insurance. I think its a necessity like food and shelter is. Where would you be if you did not have them things? Probably dead or homeless.
    Opinion- I think why is Obama apologizing... What happened to ObamaCare? Is it not in Effect yet. He has to do something other than apologize. MAKE IT HAPPEN!
    Connection- I chose this article because I believe everyone should have insurance and Pres.Obama Promised it would be cheaper, but now he's saying he's sorry that Americans are losing it.

  11. Source:
    Article Title: Gas prices are falling across the region
    Article Date: November 4, 2013
    Who: Gas stations

    Where: Across the country

    When: October-November 2013

    What Happened: This fall, the gas prices have been decreasing in the Tri-State area. Drivers are noticing this and are appreciative. The price of gas is dropping at a rate of about 6 cent a week in Philadelphia. Just last week, it decreased by 6 cent. That makes a difference when you are filling up your tank.

    Why: This event is relevant because it deals with the country's economy. It points out an event concerning the financial state of the United states, therefore it is relevant to what is going on in America. Gas is a huge money resource in this country and people are effected by it's prices everyday.

    Reaction: I first heard of this on the news and then read up on it a little bit more. I drive and I know that gas is expensive. Its not like i went out and bought gas, but it is good to know that something good is happening in this government.

    Opinion: I think it is good that gas prices are being lowered, especially coming off the government shutdown. In connection to the shutdown, the news report that people aren't taking advantage of the lower gas prices as much as expected because we are coming off the government shutdown. I can understand why that is. This is beneficial because this is the holiday season and extra money in people's pockets to buy gifts and travel wouldn't hurt.

    Connection: I chose this article because it is relieving to see that everything isn't all bad in our economy. Lower gas prices is a symbol of relief and good times for us. Its almost like a present for the holiday season.

  12. Source:

    Title: Obama personally apologizes for Americans losing health coverage
    Date: November 7 , 2013

    Who: President Barack Obama

    Where: This event happen in New York City.

    When: November 7 , 2013

    What happen: After Obama's statement about people not having to change their insurance if they liked it is now being misleading because people are now being forced to swipe their insurance to ones that meet the affordable care act . About 40 to 60 percent of 14 million people could lose their policies under the turnover in individual insurance markets . But the people who receive insurance through their employer , Medicare or Medicaid will he effected . Obama feels as though he didn't do a good job creating the law.Obama tweaked his promise, acknowledging that plans that have been substantially changed since passage of the law would no longer be “grandfathered” into acceptance under the ACA.Frustration among even some Democrats supportive of the Obamacare bill boiled over this week as coverage of the dropped plans continued.

    Why is this event relevant: This event is relevant because it can effect many people in my family and me the most since I have a weak immune system and tend to get sick a lot and if they cancel my moms health care she will have to pay out of her pockets

    Reaction: my reaction was confused because he stated that people wouldn't have to change their insurance but when the act was passed about 14 million people will now have to find another one .

  13. Source:

    Title: After last month’s shopping frenzy, Louisiana governor looks to strip food stamps from abusers

    Who: people around the world and who runs the food stamps

    Where: super markets

    When: November 07, 2013

    What Happened: One night the government decided to would strip food stamp benefits from anyone who took advantage of an EBT card. In some cases caused an all-out shopping frenzy in some stores across the state, People would have carts full of food, but had to either leave them or put them back because the card was not in use. A lot of people all over the world were so upset. The government does not want people to abuse this thing to get food, but they seem to think people are.

    Why is the relevant: This is relevant because a lot of people rely on food stamps. People do not always have over a hundred or two hundred dollars to spend on food. This i a way for people who are struggling to get foo on the table for them and their kids. Everybody does not always have money to get foo, so this is what they depend on.

    Reaction: I do not think this was fair because people need to be able to feed their families. This is how they could do it, but when they were gone of course people were going to be upset.

    Connection; I chose this article because i wanted to look more into what happened instead of hearing a million different stories.

  14. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title:
    Obama: 'No way' would I have run in '12 without Biden

    Article Date:november 8,2013

    Who:President Barrack Obama and Biden


    When: four hours ago

    What happened: President Barack Obama was speaking about why he ran for his second term and said that he would not have ran without Joe Biden. He added that vice president Joe Biden is one of the best vice presidents that this country has had and that there was no way that he would trade Joe for Hillary Cliton. Obama also said that Joe is one of his most trusted advisers on foreign policy. and that whenever his back was agaisnt the wall that he could always count on him to help him out

    Why this event is relevant: this is relevant because the reason president Obame is still the president is because of Biden

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I did not have a big reaction to this it just shows how things and people can inspire someone.

    Opinion (I think..) this was a good article and that President Obama should be proud he is stilll president and making history

    Connection (why you chose this article)i chose this article because I wanted to know why president Obama went for his second term.

  15. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title:US job creation stronger in October

    Article Date:8 November 2013

    Who: United States of America

    Where: United States of America

    When: October 2013

    What happened: What had happened was the United States of America had created 206,000 jobs in October. This is after 65,000 jobs were created in September. These numbers are actually alarming. This is considering the fact that the government was recently shut down. Many people think that this is a result of many people being unemployed during the shutdown. So when they all got their jobs back it was counted as employment. None the less job creation is still on the rise in America.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is very relevant to the citzens of the United States. This is because since more jobs are created than people will have more money. If people have more money it leads to a lot of other things, For example their will be less crime because people will have money and will not have to rob and steal.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I Feel as though this recent increase in job creation is great. I think this because as a teenager soon I will have to look for a job while in college, and minium wage won't cut it.

    Opinion (I think..) I think that the economy will be a lot better if more and more people have jobs. More things are being produced more and more consuming so there will be more money.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article simply because I felt as though all of the other articles on bbc were not interesting.

    Current Event Sources:

    1. If BBC is getting boring for you, try another news source. BBC is actually a British news source so they don't follow all US affairs. Look at The Economist, The Nation, CNN, NY Times or CSPAN.

  16. Source:

    Article Title: Senate Dems begin minimum wage push

    Article Date: November 7, 2013
    Who: Senate Democrats, Congress

    Where: Washington DC,

    When: November 7, 2013

    What happened: The Senate democratics are trying to raise the minimum wage. The wage at this time is $7.25 and they are trying to raise it atleast between or up to $10.10.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because this involves the citizens directly, Congress last approved a minimum wage increase in 2007. Now that they are reissuing the subject all ears should be open, especially the increase amount they are considering.

    Reaction: I got really excited when I just seen this article because in politics things are mentioned that I honestly never take in consideration, but this can directly affect me. Being underaged I would get paid minimum wage, so this is a shot at me is how I took it.

    Opinion: I personally like the idea, of course because I'm under age and $7.25 per hour would be my pay. If the minimum wage for my state was to go up, yes I would truly appeciate that. That's more money! But, it can raise conflict as well because they may have to cut back on something else.

    Connection: I chose this article because it caught my attention. I like the idea of more money in any shape of form as long as it is not dept. This may also raise attention from other people as well, especially under aged children in highschool, maybe even for an easier job.

  17. Source:
    Article Title:Where Does Chrisie go next?
    Article Date:Thu November 7, 2013
    Who:Chris Christie
    Where:Washington (CNN)
    When: November 2013
    What happened:Chris Christie won chairman of the Republican Governors Association last night. People are already attacking the "larger than life" figure who is supporting the obamacare. For example , high-profile Republicans are already trying to define Christie as not being conservative enough. Even Senator Rand Paul, made the descion of running against Christie in 2016. Some people actually wants him to win. "I think the Republican Party is a big party, and we need moderates like Chris Christie who can win in New Jersey," said one person.
    Why this event is relevant: Chris Christie has been the governer of New Jersey, and for him to run for GOP is effected on us. He has to go to different states and get satisfaction from people. It willl be hard for him to get New Hampsire, Iowa and Ohio. Those states are really not for Christie.
    Reaction: It's good that he won because he is a good leader. It is sad how they are already attacking the guy and he just won yesterday. But some things I can relate to because New Jersey is not that rich of a state. They are going to blame the leader because that person is in charge of everything.
    Opinion (I think..) that this was something interesting to know.
    Connection (why you chose this article)Because I wanted to know of what people thought about the winning if Christie really deserved it.

  18. Source:
    Article Title: Romney: Health care law ‘rotting’ Obama's second term
    Article Date: November 3,2013.
    Who: Mitt Romney and Obama Care.
    Where: In the U.S
    When: November 3rd, 2013
    What happened: Mitt Romney is making statements about President Barack Obama's second term. Romney said that Barack is staining with the failure of Affordable Care Act because it was complications for Americans to be approved. He also says that the president will have to make a big jump in popularity after this failure because he is not doing as he promised for the citizens of the United States.
    Why is this relevant: This is relevant because citizens can view the president a different way because he promised something that did not go through all of the way. Also, it is a lot of people that are routing for Barack to mess up and if he does then people will hold it over his head.
    Reaction: When finding this out, I was upset because being the president is not easy and there are a lot of people going against Barack for many reasons and are waiting on him to fail. Also, since he is the first black president, people can already say so much about how he is all talk but no action, but he is just trying to make our nation a better place.
    Opinion: I think that Mitt Romney is being a swore loser and is trying to dictate on what and how Obama is doing things, when he could not even win the election. Personally, I feel as though people will talk about someone for all of their life but at least that person is trying to do a good thing while the spectator is sitting around complaining and doing absolutely nothing with their life.
    Connection: I can connect to this article because my dad always tell me that their will always be people out there in the world who want to see you fail but all you can do is keep working hard and prove them wrong.

  19. Source:
    Article Title: What shutdown? Job growth strong in October
    Article Date: November 8, 2013
    Who: The United States labor force and unemployed citizens
    Where: UnitedStates of America
    When: As of October
    What happened: Here in the U.S. over 204,000 job opportunities have been created! But, we still haven't recovered from the Great Recession. And the unemployment rate has gone up .1%. It was 7.2 and has now become 7.3%. At least 200,000 people can get the jobs opened up so we can start to reduce that unemployment rate!
    Why this event is relevant: This is a big deal because unemployment is a major problem in the states. Though the rate of unemployment is 7.3% we're making our way to get our citizens working! There are still above 11 million Americans unemployed... but it's not like we can instantly create jobs on the spot. These things take time and we're making our way there.
    Reaction: I was joyed to read this article. Lately I've been feeling flustered about the unemployment rate and our education, or maybe I'm just angry at the country, or both. Congrats to the people who finally get to work and earn money!!! The more people able to provide for themselves, the less people that have to rely on the money from the government, and in the end, the more money we can save up to pay back our debts to other countries and getting our economy running.
    Opinion: I'm happy we're putting a foot forward, finally.
    Connection: I chose this article because the title was intriguing.

  20. Source:

    Title:Widespread devastation in Haiyan's wake

    Date:November 11,2013

    When: Friday

    Where:Central Philippines

    What Happened: Super Typhoon Haiyan -- perhaps the strongest storm ever -- plowed across the central Philippines on Friday, leaving widespread devastation across an archipelago whose residents have endured more than their share of natural disasters.

    It roared onto the country's eastern island of Samar at 4:30 a.m., flooding streets and knocking out power and communications in many areas of the region of Eastern Visayas, and then continued its march, barreling into five other Philippine islands.

    Then, early Saturday, it headed toward Vietnam, where it was expected to hit later in the weekend.At least three people were killed and seven hurt, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council said Friday.

    The state-run Philippines News Agency, citing unconfirmed TV reports, said "around 20" people drowned after a storm surge struck Friday morning in Palo, a town on the island of Leyte, which abuts Samar.

    "Most of the fatalities sustained massive injuries in the head and upper part of the body, indicative that strong waves dashed them against hard objects," it reported, adding that nine of the dead were minors.

    Experts predicted the casualty toll would soar once aid workers get to the hardest-hit areas, many of which were totally isolated -- no phone service, no electricity.About 125,000 people took refuge in evacuation centers, and hundreds of flights were canceled.

    With sustained winds of 315 kph (195 mph) and gusts as strong as 380 kph (235 mph), Haiyan may be the strongest tropical cyclone to hit land anywhere in recorded history. It will take further analysis after the storm passes to establish whether it is a record.

    Why Is This Relevant: This article is relevant because it talks about the weather sand how dangerous it can be. It has traveled across country's and continents . It Could be headed toward the United States maybe.

    Reaction/Opinion/Connect: My reaction to this article is that peoples lives could be in danger because of the weather. My Opinion would be for people to stay safe and sound at all times and my connection would have to be just safety in general because with such survive weather it can get really crazy.
