Sunday, November 17, 2013

Period 5, 11/17-11/22

Week Thirteen: 11/17/13-11/22/13
Current Event Content Requirements:

  1. You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. 
  2. It should be a minimum of 10 COMPLETE sentences. 
  3. Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.

MISSING ANY REQUIREMENTS WILL RESULT IN A ZERO. Plagiarism is a serious offense- earns you a zero and a write up, just don't do it.   **MUST BE AT LEAST 10 SENTENCES**

Source: (entire website address) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy! 


  1. Article Source:
    Article Title: "Supreme Court allows NSA to continue looking at telephone records for now"
    Article Date: November 18, 2013

    A few months ago, former contractor for the National Security Agency, Edward Snowden, revealed to the Guardian Newspaper in Britain that the United States had been breaching the privacy of its citizens by recording conversations off of several technological outlets such as cellphones and computers. The United States beared some very deliberate backlash and scrutiny for practically infiltrating the personal lives of Americans without them even knowing it. However, the Supreme Court has given permission to the NSA to continue the process, much to the frustration of Americans. A large majority look at it as an infringement of their Constitutional right.

    As a result of this, the judicial branch has taken a sufficient amount of criticism as well. Some say that they conform too easily to government cases - in simpler terms, if it involves the government, the Supreme Court is more likely to give them a "pass." Technically, it has been labeled a "kangaroo court." The Supreme Court is directly connected to the government, therefore it does make sense that they'd allow the NSA to continue recording the conversations of Americans. However, putting the governed first, as it states in black and white in the Declaration of Independence, should be their first priority.

    Personally speaking, the NSA has a right to recording our conversations and should continue to do it to protect our safety. One of the primary reasons that the NSA does it is to search for terrorist activity as it can be easily transferred through technological devices. After the events of September 11, 2001, the government cannot afford to run the risk of another terrorist attack, especially under the authority of Barack Obama who, at least according to what I've read, is blamed for virtually anything and everything. If you're aware of your conversations, and know without a doubt that you're not discussing anything regarding terrorist activity, what do you have to be concerned about?

  2. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title: Senate GOP Shoots Down Another Obama Judicial Nominee

    Article Date: November 18, 2013

    Who: Senate Republicans

    Where: Washington

    When: November

    What happened: President Obama's nominee for Senate was rejected by the Republicans in senate.

    Why this event is relevant: This can be an early forecast of who will dominate the senate by the next election, republicans or democrats.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) This article makes me think that republicans will continue to give the president a hard time, no matter what the issue.

    Opinion (I think..) I believe that republicans will turn down all of Obama's nominees

    Connection (why you chose this article)

  3. Source:
    Article date: september 30, 2013
    Article Title:Syria Conflict: Neighbours pled for International help
    Who:Ministers from Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, and Iraq
    When:November 19,2013
    What: Syria neighbors have asked donors for support in dealing with a huge increase in escapes at a meeting in Geneva. Many people from Syrian have escaped from the chemical weapons situation. UN security council passed a binding resolution to take away Syria's stock of chemical weapons. Syria refugees is threating the political & social cohesion of the whole religion. Traditional donors were asked on Monday for financial support and offers to host some of the most vulnerable people who escaped. Many said help Syria refugees is too much risk and it takes to much to help.
    Why this is relevant: This is relevant because Syria have used chemical weapons to attack its citizens. Meanwhile the citizen are escaping and need help. But none is given.
    Reaction:I think they should help the citizens because they have been through chaos with Syria and they need mental and physical help.
    Opinion:I think that all deserve help when needed, especially when they are innocent victims and they are bring mistreated.
    Connection: I choose this article because i have been following the Syria case

  4. Source:
    Article Title: Obama supports Senate's nuclear option, rule change.
    Article Date: November 22, 2013
    Who: President Barack Obama and Senate Democrats'.
    Where: This is a national issue.
    When: This issue is happening right now.
    What happened: President Obama supports the option of nuclear. The article explains the option of nuclear because the name isn't what you first think. The nuclear option is the changing of the senate rules to make the judicial and executive nominees enable. Also it confirms 51 votes instead of 60. Republicans in other parties were upset about this decision.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it is happening in our country and the decisions they make can affect us or someone around us.
    Reaction: When I read this article I didn't have a huge reaction I just thought it was a informing article.
    Opinion : I think this article had a lot of information about things I didn't know.
    Connection: I choose this article because it stood out to me on the website and gave me a lot of information I didn't know about.

  5. Source:
    Article Title:Woman cited by President as Obamacare success story frustrated by sign up process
    Article Date: This article was written on November 19, 2013.
    Who: This article involves Barack Obama, and a women in search of affordable healthcare.
    Where: This event took place in the U.S..
    When: This happened within the last two months.
    What happened: A woman was mentioned in Obama’s latest speech about her success with health care. She mailed a letter to the white house to express how happy she was. Though she was sorry that Obama mentioned her story, but not the events that took place afterwards. She received countless letters about errors in the system causing her to have to pay more than she was told. After reviewing all the premium insurances, even the lowest price was still too much for her to pay. So she is left without full health care again.
    Why is this relevant: This is relevant because this is one of the stories that you never hear about when healthcare is brought up. Officials talk about all the successful stories but never the ones that fail. Especially the ones that fail.
    Reaction: I am not surprised about these events. There is always a rose and a thorn when you receive something from the government.
    Opinion: I think this is an injustice. What does it take to get this woman affordable health care. All our problems in this country relates to there not being enough money.
    Connection: This reminds me of our school system. Students are on the streets, we have to shut down schools because of money. Students are failing, we don’t have enough money for school supplies to teach them with.

  6. Source:
    Article title: Belarisian Protester, jailed for 5 days for t-shirt Criticizing President Alexander Lukashenko
    Article date: November 15, 2013
    Who: President Alexander Lukashenko was involved.
    Where: This happened in Balarus, MINSK
    When: This is happening now.
    What happened: A man named Leonid Smovzh was an opposition protester. He wore a t-shirt that was against the president. The t-shirt said " For Belarus without Lukashenko"
    Why is this relevant: This man shouldn't be punish just because he wore a t-shirt. That is wrong. He should be able to wear what ever he wants and not get punished.
    Reaction: This stood out to me because they jailed Leonid for 5 days and 2 days out of those 5 he didn't have any food or water.
    Opinion: This was very silly to me. The President should be impeached for what they did to him.
    Connection: I can't really connect to this article.

  7. Source:
    Article Date: November 21, 2013
    Article Title: British police rescue 3 women allegedly held as slaves, one reportedly for 30 years
    Who: Three women were kidnapped for years.
    Where: this took place in london.
    When: This happened on Thursday.
    What happened: Three women were kidnapped and held against their will until one of the ladies called the charity and told them what happended to them.
    Why this is relevant: This is reevant, because there has been a lot of kidnapping going on, especially in Mexico.
    Reaction: My reaction to this article was that I was surprised that they kept them for so many years without anyone knowing about it.
    Opinion: In my opinion, you have to be careful of where you are, and you associate yourself with.
    Connection: this article reminds me of the woman that was kidnapped for so many years and had a baby by the man who kidnapped her, but was finally freed when she was 27 years-old. The man that kidnapped her had gotten arrested.
    -Dominique Frazier

  8. Source :
    Article Title :Obama Approval Rating Sinks to a New Low
    Article Date : November 21,2013
    Who :President Obama's perforamce has hit another all time low.
    Where : This occurs in the White House.
    When : This story was covered on November 21,2013.
    What happened : The President's approval rating has now reached new lows or tied his all-time lows in polls released over the past three weeks. The President's overall job approval rating is down three points since mid-October after being stuck in the mid-40s for a few months. It seems as though the White House is not liking Obama's decisions. 56% of Americans are disapproving of Obama 's choices while only 46% agree with him.
    Why relevant : This is relevant because Obama might lose his job in the White House. Too many people are not liking his choices and as a result, he might lose his job.
    Reaction : I feel bad for the president. It seems that everything he does is wrong. People are always in his ear telling him hi flaws and not what he does right.
    Opinion : I think that the Republicans want Obama out the office. They will make up anything just so it seems that he is not doing anything right for America. Obama is a hardworking man and people do not see that.
    Connection : I can relate to this article because sometimes what I think I am doing the right thing someone always tells me that what I am doing wrong.

  9. Source:

    Article Title: Saudi men arrested for offering free hugs in Riyadh

    Article Date: posted 8 hours ago. Nov 21

    Who: A sweet saudi man who wanted to make Saudi Arabia a better place.

    Where: This took place in Saudi Arabia.

    When: happen recently, and was on YouTube for awhile.

    What happened: a Saudi man was standing outside in Saudi Arabia holding a free hugs sign. He offered man hugs. He said he thought the ide would "bring happiness to Saudi people". He was soon arrested for exotic public displays.

    Why this event is relevant:  this event happened in our world and connected to our law system and rules.

    Reaction: my first reaction was "awe, he's a sweet man" then when I read he was offering mostly men I looked At it kind of funny but I knew what the man was saying. The police arresting him was completely unnecessary.

    Opinion: I think the man was nice and should definitely be acknowlegded for his positive actions. Many people have too much pride to do things like that but he had the courage. The police arrestrd him for unlawful reasons. It was unfair and he was clearly wrongly accused there was noting exotic about his hugs.

    Connection: I chose this article because free hugs always caught my attention.

  10. Source:
    Article Title: Methodist Church prepares to try pastor who performed marriage for gay men
    Article Date: This article was updated on November 18, 2013
    Who: a Pastor , Methodist judicial System.
    Where: This article takes place in Lebanon,PA
    When: This event took place on Monday morning.
    What happened: What happened in this article is that a pastor name Frank Schaefar Decided to marry his son to another guy in his church. The United Methodist Church decided to put frank on trial nationally because they feel a pastor violated church rules by performing marriage of his son to another man. Many others came out to the trial, including those from other cities who are also facing complaints in the Methodist Judicial System.
    Why is this relevant: This article is relevant because due to Obama care, He agrees with gay marriage and he working to make it legal in plenty places.
    Reaction: I am surprised that they did this, I believe this was not right at all being as though this is his church and he's the pastor. I mean the people could have their disagreements, but all that was unnecessary.
    Opinion: I think these people who took frank upon trial are way out of hand. I mean if he's the pastor of this church and that his son, he should have been able to what he wanted without all of this. He accept his son choice of sexually which some people who has kids with these problems do not. I feel as though is the people are against them, was in the same predicament, would have did the same thing.
    Connection: I chose this article because as i watched the new one morning i found it very interesting but disturbing. People are very judgmental now of days and they try to hurt in any way they can.

  11. Source:
    Article Title: Now-tea party congressman was one of last to shake Kennedy's hand
    Article Date: Thu November 21, 2013
    Who: President Kennedy, Congressman Roger Williams
    Where: Washington D.C
    When: n/a
    What happened: a young boy’s dad was a car sells man and was hired to provide cars for president Kennedy, this father’s remark was that he would do it if his son and his wife could meet the president. This boy’s name was roger. Roger got to meet the president when he was 14 yrs old. Later that day after roger met the president he was shot, roger thinks he was the last person to shake the presidents hand before his death. Roger was later in class that day to find out that Kennedy was shot, he was shocked beyond belief. This young man went on to want to do something in government because of this day and he is now recalling this time like it was yesterday.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because no one else shook Kennedys hand and that is very surprising that the last thing Kenney did was reach out to and young kid and take out his time to just shake his hand.
    Reaction: when I read this I was very surprised because for a man to change a whole kid’s life by the shake of a hand and a death a few moments later is very interesting.
    Opinion : in my opinion this kid was very strong and determined if after a hand shake you can make the biggest decision in your life as to what you want to be because of something that impacted u is very different.
    Connection I choose this article because I don’t know much about President Kennedy and to learn that he took his time out to personally talk to and shake this kid before his death is very interesting. This shows me that Kennedy not only cared for his reputation but for the people around him.

  12. Article Title: Obama failed to explain health care promise

    Article Date: November 17th, 2013

    Who: President Barack Obama

    Where: Washington , DC

    When: November 17th, 2013

    What happened: Obama failed to explain health care promise. People of the US are outraged that their health care insurance was cancelled. The president failed to explain the reasoning behind the health care being cancelled, which is the most likely reason that 39 democrats who voted for Obama care went on the republican side because the American people were thrown off the health care insurance. Obama relied too heavily on a sound bite-friendly selling point, rather than spelling out that he was only referring to plans in place before the Affordable Care Act became law in 2010. Some people from the governments said that the Obama care never happened and it was a flawed. Ultimately, Obama destroyed a good health care law in the years that he ha been the President of the United States. He failed to give the people health insurance. The President admitted that he expects to be held responsible for regaining the Americans' trust, and I think he will.

    Why this event is relevant: People needed health insurance, but they couldn't get it because Obama didn't successfully take care of the problem. Obama Care came up with this Obama care and he didn't help anyone.

    Reaction: I am now upset because Barack Obama didn't live up to his word and his disappointed me and all the other citizens

    Opinion: The democrats that went to the republic side are not loyal to the team. If you put your vote in, stand by it. and when Obamacare really happen the the people will be back on his side again.

    Connection: Obama Care is just like food stamp. Certain people need it so they can be able to feed their family every night and so they can go food shopping



    Article: Opinion:No reason for rape?

    Date: November 21, 2013

    Who: Courtney Williams and Andrew Clem

    Where: United States

    When: Case still going on now

    What happened: The man Andrew Clem was charged of raping young Courtney Williams. He was only charged 20 years but Courtney feel as though he should have gotten longer. It is said that he may not even spend his time in the penitentiary. But as explained in the article it depends on the person of what charge they get. If your record is clean then you will get punishment but not that bad.

    Why is this relevant: This event is relevant because it is important to us as Americans. People who do crime should be punished for some time. If you rape someone you are doing wrong because you as forcing them to have sex unwillingly. Because punishment may not be as bad some people may be willing to take that chance.

    Reaction: My reaction to this is that it is not right and the rules should be changed.

    Opinion: My opinion is that it should be changed because it is not right to the people who the crime is against.

    Connection: A connection that can be made to this is when something is done to you and the person who did it to you will not be punished like you wanted.

  15. Source:

    Article Title:Massachusetts teen accused of killing teacher indicted on murder, other charges
    Article Date:Thu November 21, 2013

    Who:Massachusetts grand jury,Philip Chism,Colleen Ritzer,Attorney Jonathan Blodgett
    When: October 22,2013
    What happened:this article is about a14-year-old namePhilip Chism who got indicted on the charges of murder, aggravated rape and armed robbery and it has a connection with last month's slaying of his algebra teacher, Colleen Ritzer. This also talk about how the teacher was in which they say "She was energetic and compassionate and they wouldn't know what to do without her. This article includes the fact that in a statement Ritzer family said: "We are devastated and heartbroken by the details of the horrific circumstances surrounding the death of our beautiful daughter and sister which shows they are very upset with what had happened. Another thing this story talks about is how she was killed and where which was a Danvers high school she was followed in the bathroom beat on and through in a recycling bin outside of the school.
    Why this event is relevant: this artillery is revelant because it has to do with justice for the family, and not just about both sides being hurt but for the justice of the victim and her family.
    Reaction when I first read this I was just like wow why would a person do such a thing but when digging deeper and thinking about the situation all I could think about was what was going through his head and is the hurt that bad that you had to take the women life, but we'll never know so all we can do is pray for the families of both due to the fact that the other family will also be loosing there son to the foolish act he did , but at the end of the day that is still there son who they will miss just like they family who will miss ritzer.
    Opinion I think no matter how bad you hurt you should never take anything that far pray on it and wish that will get better because all you doing now is putting your self in a bad situation and making the problem bigger then ever when it don't have to be that way.
    Connection i can connect to this story with an episode of law and order that I seen where a girl was being sexually abused by a preist and the cops was working on justice for her and instead of her praying on it leaving it up to the cops while they were on the way to make the guy arrest she was at his church and killed him in front of everybody and got her self arrested in the process.

    Article Title: Obama, Clintons join forces for Kennedy event
    Article Date: 11/21/13
    Who: Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton
    Where: The White House
    When: Thursday, November 21,2013
    What: Bill Clinton and 15 other people got medals for making a significant to the U.S culture ,politics Sports,and science. Also they were celebrating the legacy of John F Kennedy.
    Why: This is relevant because it is nice to see President Obama and former President Clinton being friendly to one another. Also this is relevant because they are celebrating John F Kennedy's legacy and he built.
    Reaction: My reaction is good because it's nice to see that they are working together and being nice to one another. Also because they are celebrating the legacy of John F Kennedy and Bill Clinton is getting a medal.
    Opinion: My opinion is happy because you get to see two great role models get alone in one place at one time. For example," Obama awarded the highest U.S civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, to former President Clinton and 15 other Americans who have made significant contributions to US culture, politics, sports and science". This quote means that Obama has been watching former President Clinton and 15 others Americans making a significant contribution to the U.S.
    Connection: I wanted to know what was in the newspaper about Obama and Clinton and I wanted to know if he was still talking about Obamacare.

  17. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title: Senate GOP Shoots Down Another Obama Judicial Nominee

    Article Date: November 18, 2013

    Who: Senate Republicans

    Where: Washington

    When: November

    What happened: President Obama's nominee for Senate was rejected by the Republicans in senate.

    Why this event is relevant: This can be an early forecast of who will dominate the senate by the next election, republicans or democrats.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) This article makes me think that republicans will continue to give the president a hard time, no matter what the issue.

    Opinion (I think..) I believe that republicans will turn down all of Obama's nominees

    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this article it reminded me of what we learned in class- majority rule. Because republicans are the majority, they get to decide which candidate come in due to their numbers.

  18. Source:
    Article Title:Assisted Suicide: Legalize It?
    Article Date:Jan 17, 2013 03:00 PM ET
    Who: Belgium United States, Oregon Washington massachusets Sheila M. Eldred
    When: Jan 17, 2013 03:00 PM ET
    What happened: this is about how Belgium is allowing suicide and its one of the 3 countries that has legalize it and how its spreading to some other countries in many legal debates
    Why this event is relevant: The fear behind legalizing physician-assisted suicide is, in part, that it would lead to a slippery slope in which disabled or mentally ill populations would be vulnerable.
    Reaction : its morally wrong in every matter to destroy a life .Opinion: how is it possible to observe or maintain parameters or constrictions on euthanasia or assisted suicide? That question should raise grave concerns, even for those who may want to offer some support for these concepts
    Connection its wrong to legalize death in a whole country for fear of weakness its make me sick when people die when its illegal or legalize
