Sunday, November 17, 2013

Period 1, 11/17-11/22

Week Thirteen: 11/17/13-11/22/13
Current Event Content Requirements:

  1. You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. 
  2. It should be a minimum of 10 COMPLETE sentences. 
  3. Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.

MISSING ANY REQUIREMENTS WILL RESULT IN A ZERO. Plagiarism is a serious offense- earns you a zero and a write up, just don't do it.   **MUST BE AT LEAST 10 SENTENCES**

Source: (entire website address) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy! 


  1. Source:
    Title: Albuquerque vote targets late term abortion clinic
    Date: November 18, 2013
    Who: women of Albuquerque
    Where: Albuquerque
    When: This century
    What: Today in this era, there are many more women getting abortions than ever before. Organizations, government, and other authorities have been protesting to stop abortion. Albuquerque is making a step forward in trying to ban abortion in their state. They are only banning abortion after 20 weeks.

    Relevance : this is relevant because there are a lot of people are having unprotected sex and they don't make up their mind on whether to keep the baby or not. This is also relevant in that more abortions are going on more then ever.

    Opinion: I think that abortion should be banned to a certain extent. If your are young and not ready to support a baby, then it might be necessary. If you are just having unprotected sex and not caring, then you have to face the consequences.

    Connection: U know a couple people and also in my family that had abortions.

  2. The source:

    Article Title: US Says ‘No Need’ To Apologize for Killing Afghan Civilians
    Article Date: 11/20/2013
    Who: Barak Obama, Susan Rice, President Karzai of Afghanistan
    When: Tuesday
    Where: Washington, DC
    What: There was no need to apologize to Kabul for mistakes and civilian suffering because of the US strikes and operations in Afghanistan. President Obama and national security advisor made the US position clear by following the opinions of Afghans to write a letter to admire the US errors in operations that caused civilian casualties in the 12 year conflict. Susan Rice said it was no need to apologize. Afghanistan said that if they didn’t write the letter that it would be breaking part of the bilateral security agreement. However, Rice continued to debate about sending the letter. This lead to a small group of US troops staying behind after the combat troops left in 2014 to train Afghan forces. President Karzai spoke on the phone debating the security treaty. Washington officials said that it would be a long time before reaching and agreement.
    Why this event is relevant: It is relevant because if the US does not send a letter, then I t could start another conflict with Afghanistan.
    My Reaction: I think they should send the letter because it is only a letter. It isn’t that big of a deal.
    Opinion: The US should just agree to send the letter to end all conflicts
    Connection: This is a connection because if another conflict starts with Afghanistan, another war could start and this could cause civilians to have to pay more taxes just to support the war.

  3. Source:

    Article Title:Mayor Nutter headed to Panama

    Article Date: November 15,2013

    Who: Mayor Nutter

    Where: Panama

    When: November

    What happened: Vice President Joe Biden calls Mayor Nutter and invites him to Panama. Mayor Nutter says he thinks he was invited because the Vice President is from Delaware and knows the river is being dredged to handle bigger ships. he hopes he can help on the trip that will mean jobs for Philadelphia.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because it has something to do with our Mayor and he is trying to get more jobs for Philadelphia.

    Reaction: Im kind of happy because if this brings more jobs to Philadelphia, more people would be employed and it would be less people on the street.

    Opinion: I think what Mayor Nutter is doing is good for the society and businesses in Philadelphia.

    Connection: I know of some people who got laid off and I know if we got more jobs, they would be happy.

  4. Source:

    Article Title:Obama supports Senate's nuclear option, rule change

    Article Date:November 21st, 2013

    Who:Obama and Senate Democrats


    When: Thursday Afternoon

    What happened: President Obama has said that he now supports the Senate Democrats' decision to change filibuster rules in order to make it easier to approve judicial appointments. The Senate on Thursday voted to adduce the "nuclear option" due to frustration over Republicans who have been blocking Obama's nominees.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it showing the readers that some changes are happening with in our government.

    Reaction: I'm happy about this change because it shows that the government it moving forward with making changes and it making it more easier to vote for things and have it go their way.

    Opinion: I think that it was time to making some changes with in the government that can help everyone out.

    Connection: I know that when your in a group of people, and you want something to happen and it never does due to the fact that majority of the group votes against it, things will never go your way.

  5. Source:
    Article Title: Boehner insists immigration reform 'absolutely not' dead
    Article Date: November 21, 2013
    Who: House speaker John Boehner
    Where: The White House
    When: Thursday November 21st
    What happened: This article was about how they are trying to pass a reform of immigration act that will allow immigrants that are not U.S citizens the right to become U.S. citizens.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because now immigrants don’t have to sneak over the boarder anymore. They don’t have to take many test just to be able to get their green cards and acceptance into the United States.
    Reaction I feel as though what they are doing is good. If they can get this bill passed it will mean exactly what America was built upon. This will mean that immigrants who cannot afford to come here like others because of many reasons will be able to now come and live the “American Dream” that so many people strive to achieve in a life time.
    Opinion I think that it’s good that the United States is really starting to become more diverse than ever before. I think that America has grown in so many ways since we first came over and called this land “America”. I think that America is so much more accepting of minorities and other groups that were once considered “Out casts” to the “perfect” race.
    Connection I chose this article because America has grown and prospered tremendously since the time of slavery. Blacks and other minorities are now looked to as equal. I chose this article because now America can only get better from here they won’t move backwards. We’ve made it too far to go back to a dark age.

  6. Source:
    Article Title:Is America finally looking at the real George Zimmerman?
    Article Date:Published November 20, 2013
    Who:George Zimmerman
    When: Monday November 18,2013
    What happened:George Zimmerman was arrested on aggravated assault, also for pointing a gun at his girlfriend. Just four months after George Zimmerman was proved not guilty for killing teenage Trayvon Martin.Now it's like Zimmerman isn't using guns for self-defense but for FUN. NOTHING IS FUN ABOUT GUNS.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because this has to be recognized by everyone especially the court and it's jurors because they proved him not guilty when he clearly was.Now he's done something else involving guns and think it's a game.
    Reaction: I feel as though George Zimmerman shouldn't have no bail or anything. He intentionally killed someones child, then intentionally pointed a gun at his girlfriend maybe he was trying to kill her too just for SELF-DEFENSE because he is licensed to carry.He intentionally assaulted someone probably with his gun.
    Opinion (I think..): I think George Zimmerman should be just thrown in prison for the rest of his life. I was wondering why did he even get a bail for assault and pointing a gun at someone?. I also think the court is racist because if a black person kill someone they get locked up for life or a real long time. This also goes for bail too because if a black person does these things their bail wouldn't be only $9,000 it could be anywhere from $15,000-$250.000 for the littlest things. How does this stuff even add up?
    Connection: I chose this article because I was so Irked when I heard about this, particurally, the $9,000 bail and he's once again a free man.

  7. Source:
    Article Title:Crossfire: Sen. Tim Scott passes on Sen. Lindsey Graham endorsement
    Article Date:November 20th, 2013
    Who:Sen. Tim Scott
    Where:Washington D.C.
    When: November 2013
    What happened:Republican Senator Lindsey Grahman is now supported by Sen. Tim Scott for her re-election run. Scott, who was her supporter before, says that he is running for election too so he can not support next year. But some people are actually looking for republicans now. In the video, he claims that he will be ready for next year but is not to sure about supporting Graham. On the other hand, he is ready for competition and knows that Graham will bring it with her. Graham has never been a favorite for the state of South Carolina. So it is no clear answer on why she has already been there for 2 terms and is running for another term.
    Why this event is relevant: Because America need s to know why this is happening. Who is running for what seat in each state.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)My reaction is that it's a bad thing for her to run again.
    Opinion (I think..)She should get the state satisfacton first, then try to run again.
    Connection (why you chose this article)My uncle is a senator.

  8. Source: (

    Article Title: Immigration Reform Bill 2013: Obama Says Piecemeal Is A Deal

    Article Date: November 20, 2013 6:30 AM

    Who: Illegal Immigrates and Obama

    Where: All over the United States

    When: November 19, 2013

    What happened: Senate voted to pass legislation for improvements for undocumented immigrants in the United States. Most republicans don't want to pass this legislation. Obama and the Democrats do not care if the Republicans break it down in to smaller segments they just want all parts deliberated and passed.

    Why this event is relevant: The article is relevant because it will fix a broken system and it will bring in more finances. Also illegal immigration is a continued topic of issue in the white house.

    Reaction: My reaction was not really major because this same thing is keep happening over and over again and i am just waiting for the political parties to stop differing over everything and start coming up with more solutions.

    Opinion:In my opinion, I think illegal immigrants should be able to stay but just pay fees every month or something. Almost like renting off American land to immigrants.

    Connection:I chose this article because illegal immigration has been a growing major issue in the United States government for many years now and it has to be addressed.

  9. Source:
    Article Title: State battles intensify on access to guns
    Article Date: This article was updated on September 23, 2013
    Who: The people who are involved is President Barack Obama, and six different states
    Where: This here took place in no specific place, this is a national issue so everyone is involved.
    When: This issue is still going on today.
    What happened: what happened was that debates on guns are still going, mainly because of the massive shooting in a Connecticut school last year. Obama is on the search on trying to find new federal restrictions. Also, each of these six states have began to make their own gun laws to follow. In New York, Their now considered the first to create laws imposing mental health regulations. However, In Connecticut, they now have the tough gun laws in the country. Their being very strict now, by that I mean their added one hundred guns to the Banned firearm list of assault weapons.
    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because it is the states who takes it upon themselves to become more strict because their realizing their citizens lives are becoming at stake.
    Reaction: I am totally on their side with the more strict laws because people lives are taken everyday.
    Opinion: I think this is good all but i don't like the fact that every state is not tending to change their laws.
    Connection: I chose this article because i found it to become very interested and my brother and I were just having our own debate how states will become more strict with their gun laws.

  10. Source:

    Title:Teen indicted for killing teacher

    When: November 11,2013

    Where: Massachusetts

    What Happened: A Massachusetts grand jury Thursday indicted 14-year-old Philip Chism on charges of murder, aggravated rape and armed robbery in connection with last month's slaying of his algebra teacher, Colleen Ritzer, according to the Essex district attorney.Citing Massachusetts law, prosecutors said they would ask that Chism be tried in an adult court.
    "The indictments ... detail horrific and unspeakable acts," said District Attorney Jonathan Blodgett.

    The armed robbery indictment alleges that Chism, armed with a box cutter, robbed Ritzer of credit cards, an iPhone and her underwear. The aggravated rape indictment alleges that he sexually assaulted her with an object.

    Under the aggravated rape and armed robbery indictments, Chism was charged as a youthful offender, but prosecutors said they will move to join those charges with the murder case in Superior Court.

    "This is the first step in a long process to secure justice for Ms. Ritzer and her family," Blodgett said.

    Ritzer was known to her friends and family as a woman who inspired many, whether it be in the classroom or online, with her heart, intellect and positive spirit.
    "She was happy," said Jen Berger, Ritzer's best friend. "I don't even know what the world is like without her. It's a scary thought."

    A 2011 graduate of Assumption College who was working toward a master's degree at Salem State University, Ritzer seemed to always wear a wide smile and was approachable to students and colleagues alike, said Charlotte Dzerkacz, who became good friends with Ritzer in 2011 when they taught at the same middle school.

    "She was energetic, she was compassionate," Dzerkacz said. "You couldn't ask for anything more from a teacher or a friend."

    Why is This Relevant: This article is relevant because this could have been anyone. People now a days are very capable of doing pretty much anything.

    Opinion/Connection/ Reaction: My opinion in this situation would have to be kind of scared. I can connect this to a new article from before when a bullied little boy came back to his school shooting everybody and my reaction would be for people to stay safe at all times.

  11. Source:
    Title: Obama care signup delayed -- for 2015
    When: Fri November 22, 2013
    Where: Washington
    What Happened: After the many bumps, ruts and roadblocks the Affordable Care Act has run into, health officials in Washington. They have decided to delay open enrollment in Obama care. It will not happen this year, but a year down the road.
    The Department of Health and Human Services wants to give insurers, consumers and engineers more time to avoid the first go-round's site crashes, coverage train wrecks and cost surprises.
    Why is this relevant: this is relevant because Obama thinks this will help people. He made this up to get people what they need, when they need it. everybody needs health care, and people can not live without it.
    Reaction: I think that this is a good idea. I say this because they have finally came up to a great decision. At least they agreed on something important
    Opinion: People are probably mad about this, but they can not do anything about it. It is already going into affect and people should like it.

  12. Source:
    Article Title:Obama supports Senate rule change to curb filibusters
    Article Date:21 November 2013
    Where:Washington, DC
    When: Thursday
    What happened: Barack Obama has lent his support to a move by Senate Democrats to limit Republicans' ability to block White House nominations
    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because has something to with our govt
    Opinion (I think..) that it was the right thing to do because Obama's nominees had been blocked since he took office
    Connection (why you chose this article) i chose this article because I've recently read an article on the branches of govt

    1. This post does not meet the length requirement.

  13. Source:

    Title: how Chris Christie took over RGA

    Date: updated 3:54 PM EST 11.21.13

    Who: Chris Christie , Jindal

    Where: Arizona

    When: Fall of 2012

    What happen: Thursday afternoon Chris took chairmen of the RGA at a annual meeting in Arizona . But both Chris and Jindal wanted this job for the year 2014 because it will be good publicity and comes with contacts of major donors . A success 2014 cycle will reflect on the 2016 presidential cycle for Christie . Christie made many a phone calls and sent e-mails to his fellow governors. Then he went ahead and launched a behind the scenes campaign to get an early start on votes to plan a take over the RGA in 2014. Causing Jindal to start whipping up his own votes. Most of the Republicans was already familiar with their efforts insisted that they should have a brief campaign for the 2014 job which in September and October of last year. "The process worked itself out in a quick way and collegial way," said one Republican with knowledge of the process. "It was a win-win, though it was probably a little more of a win for Christie." ( CNN NEWS )

    Why is this event relevant: this is relevant because he might be the 2016 president

    Reaction: I don't really have no reaction since nothing tragic is occurring

    How it makes me feel: I feel nothing

  14. Source:

    Article title: U.S. Senator Calls Robot Projects Wasteful

    Article date: JUN 17, 2011

    Who: Senator Tom Coburn Author Erico Guizzo University of California Berkeley University of California Davis Rowan University Glassboro, N.J.

    Where: Washington D.C.

    When: N/A

    What happened? The scientists working on a certain type of robotic project need money, tax dollars to be exact and the people sponsoring the scientists projects and testing's are feeling as though the money they are spending and continuing to give to the scientists is being wasted when it could be spent in other ways on over types of things but the scientists feel like they are not being fairly treated and not getting enough of a chance to do what they need to do.

    Why is this relevant? This is relevant because the money they are using for funding and spending on tests and other things to continue with their robotic experiments is coming directly out of the pockets of the everyday person and as we are paying for it we should know that our money is being used correctly

    Reaction: i think that they should have worked out what the time line and money line would be in place before anything was started so no one would have had anything to say when things worked themselves out.

    Connection: I can connect to this because I see both sides, one believes that they could do what they are being asked but only of they had more time and the other believes that they have had their time but they overused it and now it needs to be over.

  15. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title:50 years on, nation pauses to remember John F. Kennedy's death

    Article Date:November 22, 2013

    Who: John F. Kennedy

    Where:The United States

    When: 1963

    What happened: On this day in 1963 the great John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas,Texas. In his honor about 5ooo people are gathering to celebrate his life. Many tickets were distributed for this event. The death of jfk created many conspiracy theories. People believe that it was a single person or a group of people who planned it.Also at this event will be a tribute to the 39 year anniversary of a police officer dying.Soon a movie will be coming out in order to portrait this time in history.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is because it was a major assassination. Someone murder the man that controlled this country and the country was shocked. Also it is a time to remember what we have been through and learn from our mistakes. This is a reason why we even study history. So that we will not make the same mistakes from the past.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel as though why would someone decide to kill John Kennedy. He did not really do anything wrong or like do anything that was very contraversial. Like Abrahm Lincoln it was not right that he was killed but he had made a decision tht a lot of people did not agree with and it created turmoil.

    Opinion (I think..) I think that it is good that they are having a tribute in his honor. We should have a day to remember what happened to one of the greatest presidents in American history.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because this is a significant day in government for America.

  16. Source:

    Article Title: Mayor is gunned down and 24 others are killed all across Iraq.

    Article Date: November,13,2013

    Who: The mayor of Iraq

    Where: Falluja Which is a city in Iraq

    When: November13,2013

    What happened: The reason of his death is unknown and considered just another homicide mayor. The mayor was gunned down while visiting a sewage. Iraq has a lot of violence happening recently and it is at the moment uncontrolabe and many innocent people are being found dead in many different ways as of now. These reckless shooting are destroying families and homes all through Iraq.

    Why this event is relevant :It is because the mayor of Iraq was killed which means their government is short a mayor and someone will have to take his place which raises a question of was this a set of that may have someone in power that should not be , which can in the longer run affect the United States. Also others were killed as well which means their families are now child or parentless .

    Reaction: My reaction to this article was that it is crazy that the mayor can not roam freely through his city and not get killed as well as all the others that were killed.

    Opinion : I believe that this is a problem that is going to become a problem in many other areas of the world and that the U.S need to make sure it does not happen here .

    Connection:I choose this article because the title interested me and I figured why not read it

  17. Source:
    Article title: Official: Talks 'getting close' to deal with Iran on nuclear program
    Article date: November 16
    Who: U.N. Security Council, Iran, and President Obama
    Where: Geneva
    When: November 15, 2013
    What happened: The U.S. and other countries decided to came together to prevent the use of nuclear weapons in Iran. To do this, they are trying to make a plan for which they think what Iran should and should be able to do. The U.S. is trying to monitor nuclear facilities and chemical storages. Iran wants nuclear weapons in their country but Israel, does not agrees with this. The U.S. and Israel say they are prepared to put up a fight with if they do not stop using nuclear weapons. The Congress says that they are giving Iran only six months to put the sections back up.
    Why is this relevant: This is relevant because the U.S. is bonding with other countries and are trying to put a stop to unequally for citizens. Also, Iran is a hard country to fight and the U.S is trying to avoid going into battle.
    Reaction:My reaction is that President Barack is doing his good as a president very well and is trying to protect people who are not even in our country physically.
    Opinion: I think that all of this is stupid because it is useless to have nuclear weapons for no reason. Iran must be scared to have regular guns if they need to have cheat in fighting. Also, Iran needs to think of its citizens and nations reaction to all of this commotion.
    Connection: I can connect to the people of Iran because for them this is probably very hard to go through and most people their are getting sick because of these weapons.
