Sunday, April 26, 2015

4/27-5/1 1ST PERIOD

Due by Friday 5/1 at 3:30pm
Current Event guidelines for 2015
Directions: Your weekly current event is no longer filling in a form. You will free write your summary, reaction, opinion, and connection to Civics in two paragraphs.

Requirements: must be about government
  1. Article title:
  2. Article date:
  3. Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum)
  4. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:  Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)


Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 9 Feb 2014. (9 Feb 2014)


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    1. You need to add just a couple more sentences to meet the length requirement.

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  3. Article Title:Government in South Korea faces Protest
    Article Date: April 25,2015
    This article was about people protesting against the government about labor polices and the ferry disaster that killed over 300 people a year ago:During one of the protest some people got into a clash with the police and some were injured .Furthermore several people were marching silently wearing scarfs and jackets to symbolizes plight for the families. Many cops watched the protesters closely just in case they did something wrong polices buses was also parked closely. The protesters are furious with the government and there lack of respect for the people who work in South Korea.
    My reaction is that this is crazy police are attacking people and people are protesting and getting injured theirs alot going on in South Korea.
    My opinion is that the government is responsible for all the commotion lately alot of people been having problems with the government so they need to fix the issue or say something. I feel that the government should approach the situation not with police but someone from the government. Therefore, South Korea work in sweat shops to make alot of closes and shoes for Americans so i under stand why they are protesting. I believe that they should be heard and that the problem should be dealt with non violently.
    I connect this to the article I wrote about last week about Obama and how people were protesting against Obama care and how he is hurting people for giving them health care.this is a bad reason to protest ; however, I believe some people protest for good reasons. This South Korean protest is a good reason they are marching for what the believe and know is right unlike the people protesting against Obama care.
    Associated Press, The. "Government in South Korea Faces Protests." The New York Times. The New York Times, 25 Apr. 2015. Web. 26 Apr. 2015.

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  5. Article title: ISIS looking to attack on U.S. soil?
    Article date: April 30, 2015
    The Baltimore riots have taken the U.S. by swarm, but little do people know that the FBI is investigating if ISIS is planning to attack on U.S. soil. The FBI is looking into this matter. They have heard certain chatter about an attack physically in the U.S. It is not clear whether the threat will happen or not but the U.S. is buffing their security just incase, as they should. This is bad news considering the last main attack on U.S. soil (9/11) was a very catastrophic event.
    My reaction to this is that ISIS is just plain bad. There should be no reason to threaten another country and attack that country on its own turf. It's bad enough the criminal acts they are committing in the Middle East, and to bring that injustice here would just cause a world of trouble. The news probably doesn't want to alarm anyone considering the Baltimore riots with this news but it is still a threat and must be taken seriously. It wasn't too long ago that threats on the Mall of America forced the mall to close, and now this has sprouted as well, it just spews trouble.
    Stakelbeck, Eric. “ISIS looking to attack on U.S. soil?" CBN Blogs. April 30, 2015.

  6. Title: Obama's muddled message: How Baltimore riots are becoming partisan fodder

    Date: April 30, 2015

    Summary: This article was about what President Obama felt about the whole riot and how the rioters felt. President Obama felt for both sides: the government and the public. He felt that the public, rioters, and media will only worry about the problem until nothing or something gets solved and then they will forget all about what they were fighting for. He felt as though the riot got out of control because people want the release all of their problems (family related). As far as how the rioters felt, they felt the need for answers. As to why this is this constant problem with some officers abusing their power. One lady named Danielle straight forward wants to know, why is the media just recognizing the protest because it is violent, but did not recognize it when it was peaceful ?

    I chose this article because it is something that is popular in the media and unlike all the other political issues I found this article very interesting. When I first heard of the riot in Baltimore—I had the same reaction as everyone elsewho did not know that they had a peaceful riot going on before their violent protest. I was disgusted, ashamed, and shocked. But then my mood changed because the media did not recognize their peaceful protest. They only shed light on their negative protest. I do not support their idea of a violent protest, but they were ableto get their voices heard. People heard them and what they had to say—people actually got the message they were sending.

    Kurtz, Howard. "Obama's muddled message: How Baltimore riots are becoming partisan fodder". Foxnews. April 30, 2015. . (30 April 2015)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Title: Jeb Bush: Baltimore baseball game with no crowd sends the "wrong signal"
    Date: April 30, 2015

    The summary on this article is that Jeb Bush, former Governor of Florida, spoke on why they have decided to have no crowd at the Baltimore Orioles and Chicago White Soxs game in Baltimore, Maryland. He says that the city is in a bad time right now and that the way the city is acting that the MLB had to take very much care for the game. They believe that at least a few people will really get to understand now and that the city will get reprimanded for their actions. My reaction to this is shocking because I would have never thought that they would continue a game without having fans in the stadium. I believe that was a first for the MLB and it's sad that the city is really starting to pay the price for the things that have been going on. My opinion on this situation is that i think it was a good move to do not only for the players safety but more for the people's safety. Something could've possibly happened because they let the wrong person in and all mayhem would've broke loose. A connection I can make isn't really a connecting but it's when the government and public businesses work together to make things happen in little amount of time. So know
    that you know this happened it is most likely to happen again.

    Condon, Stephanie. "Jeb Bush: Baltimore Baseball Game with No Crowd Sends the "wrong Signal"" CBSNews. CBS Interactive, 30 Apr. 2015. Web. 01 May 2015.


  9. Article title: The title of this article is, “ Police officers charged in Freddie Gray death”

    Article date: This article was published on May 1st, 2015.

    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: This article is about the officers who have been claimed to have killed Freddie Gray in Baltimore. The story is said to go like this: Freddie Gray was arrested by police officers in Baltimore and thrown into the back of a police van with no seat belt which is against the law. The officers were said to have taken Gray on a “Rough Ride.” This is something that many officers in Baltimore do to some people they arrest. The suspects are thrown all around the back of the van with no protection. Gray was said to have slipped into a coma and died a week later. Officials are now calling this act a homicide and the officers involved in Grays death are all now charged with murder.

    Provide a proper MLA citation of the article: Brumfield, Ben . “Police officers charged in Freddie Gray death.” CNN. May 1, 2015. (May 1, 2015)

  10. Article Title: Harvard bans professors from having sex with undergrads
    Article Date: February 5, 2015

    Harvard has high expectations of their students and faculty so they banned student teacher relationships. The relationships are inappropriate. This happened after Harvard reviewed its policy on the discrimination of sexes in an education system. They feel sexual student teacher relationships show an an unequal distribution of a status. The old policy forbid students and professors from having an intimate relationship while others are around. The policy now bans professor from having any kind of intimate relationship with a student at all. I think this is important because I really was passionate about going to Harvard. I also think that a policy like this is a good one because it could make one teacher more biased to one student than another. I feel the policy also helps remove drama from the school by lowering the chances of a student trying to get a teacher fired because their relationship didn't work and they are upset with that professor. It was a good decision for Harvard to revise their policies because school should be about learning any way.My connection to this article is that I use to want to go to Harvard but even though I don't I see that Harvard cares about their students as well as their faculty.

    Press, Associated "Harvard bans professors from having sex with undergrads" Fox News 5 Feb 2015 ( 1 May 2015)

  11. Article Title : Complaints in Baltimore About Law Offering Protection For Officers
    Article Date : April 30, 2015
    This article was about the Baltimore police having too much power. There are many laws and protections in Maryland that prolong people from finding out the information in incidents thats is injustice. There are a lot of legal protections they have to prevent people from finding out the actual truth and covering up their story. Things like the Supreme Court case of 1967 that states police can not give evidence to self incriminate themselves. Another example is a the cops being able to have 10 days to talk to investigators telling them about the incident. I believe that this is unfair and unequal. Police already know the laws and went through training to enforce the laws, so why do they get special treatment. They get a lot of tune to get their stories together and to cover up to make sure they do not get caught or in trouble. The police also has a lot of Unions that make sure they pay for people to support the police and support them politically. Police have a lot of supporters and things to protect them. I understand they are here to help but that needs to change.

  12. Article Title: "Obama to Launch Non-Profit Inner-city Youth Initiative"
    Article Date: Thursday, April 30,2015

    President Obama chose to reestablish the My Brother's Keeper Initiative, which is a mentorship program to keep young children off the streets. He chose to do this because for the past year there have been riots in Ferguson and recently in Baltimore. He wants to continue this program post-presidency. Obama states that all children should receive the same opportunities such as education. Also Obama has partnered with professional athletes as well.

    I believe this is a great thing for a hurting community and nation. At this time is when America needs to step up and become as one. I believe the saying goes, each one teach one. If we do this we can keep from rioting, we can keep peace. This article stood out to me because I have two brother and I am my brother's keeper. I want to help my mom raise respectable young men, who can take this world by storm and conquer it.

    Acosta,Jim. "Obama to launch non-profit inner-city youth initiative."CNN. 30 April 2015. May 2015)

  13. Article title: The title of this article is "Source: Justice Department to investigate Baltimore police"
    Article date: The date of this article is May 7, 2015.
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum) The summary of this article is basically just letting the public know that the justice Department is going to do an investigation on the Baltimore Police Department. They will be investigating the actions of the police officers during the Freddie Gray incident and many other officers of the Baltimore Police force.
    My reaction to this article is that I am very happy and pleased to see that justice is being seeked by people with power and that police brutality is finally getting a brighter light shined on it. I feel like this whole genre of a thing is moving in a direction for the best is just sad that so many people had to die in order for it to get moving.
    My opinion on this matter is that the police department deserves to be investigated and all the officers in the department deserve to be investigated. Even the so called good cops. If they're good then they have nothing to hide.
    The connection with this article that I can make is that it's probably the biggest thing going on in America. Baltimore has all the lights pointed on them just to see what actually happens to the police officers involved.
    Provide a proper MLA citation of the article: Ford, Dana. “Source: Justice Department to investigate Baltimore police.” CNN. May 7, 2015. (May 22, 2015)

  14. Article title: The title of this article is "Source: Justice Department to investigate Baltimore police"
    Article date: The date of this article is May 7, 2015.
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum) The summary of this article is basically just letting the public know that the justice Department is going to do an investigation on the Baltimore Police Department. They will be investigating the actions of the police officers during the Freddie Gray incident and many other officers of the Baltimore Police force.
    My reaction to this article is that I am very happy and pleased to see that justice is being seeked by people with power and that police brutality is finally getting a brighter light shined on it. I feel like this whole genre of a thing is moving in a direction for the best is just sad that so many people had to die in order for it to get moving.
    My opinion on this matter is that the police department deserves to be investigated and all the officers in the department deserve to be investigated. Even the so called good cops. If they're good then they have nothing to hide.
    The connection with this article that I can make is that it's probably the biggest thing going on in America. Baltimore has all the lights pointed on them just to see what actually happens to the police officers involved.
    Provide a proper MLA citation of the article: Ford, Dana. “Source: Justice Department to investigate Baltimore police.” CNN. May 7, 2015. (May 22, 2015)
