Sunday, April 12, 2015

5th period, 4/13-4/17

Due by Friday 4/17 at 3:30pm
Current Event guidelines for 2015
Directions: Your weekly current event is no longer filling in a form. You will free write your summary, reaction, opinion, and connection to Civics in two paragraphs.

Requirements: must be about government
  1. Article title:
  2. Article date:
  3. Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum)
  4. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:  Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)


Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 9 Feb 2014. (9 Feb 2014)


  1. Article Title: Cop Fires Shots At Florida Man Rushing Home During Daughters Asthma Attack
    Article Date: November. 26, 2014 Who are in this article are a police officer and Brian Dennison.
    Where it took place was in Jacksonville Florida. When the article took place was on Monday.
    What happened was that the Jacksonville Sheriff opened fired on a unarmed man. The man was trying to rush home because his daughter was a asthma attack. This all happened during a traffic incident. Brian was spending through a parking lot and almost hit another car and running a stop sign. The officer thought the man had a gun then opened fired.This is relevant because it shows how today police men don't take the time to look and see what's really going on in a situation.How I feel about this is that, the man is trying to do the right thing by trying to go and save his daughter.I think that police men think they can just do whatever they want.A connect to this is when I was running down the street trying to make to my basketball game on time and a police car stopped man, and asked me what I was doing.

    Source: " Cop Fires Shots At Florida Man Rushing Home During Daughters Asthma Attack." Question More. Nov. 14, 2014.

  2. Title: Dashcam video shows Arizona officer intentionally running over suspect
    Article Date: August 15, 2015

    In Arizona, an on duty police officer rammed his car into the body of an armed African American male on Tuesday morning. Prior minutes before the incident Valencia has been causing ruckus in the neighborhoods. This incident has brought on a huge debate of was this excessive force or not. Arizona police are standing by the decision saying that they are a hero for ending the mayhem. Video was retrieved from the police officer dashcam.

    When I first read this article it made me think of America as a whole is not living up to the equal protection clause that is enlisted in our Constitution. I think both sides were wrong because he shouldn't never been carrying a rifle down the street and the cop didn't have to use that tactics to cease the issue. The cop could have killed innocent civilians because he ran into a brick wall. What if someone was walking behind that wall? The cop could have tried to surround the assailant.

    Todd, Brian. "Dashcam video shows Arizona officer intentionally running over suspect." PBS. 15 Apr 2015. ( 16 Apr 2015)

  3. Title:Italian police: Muslim migrants threw Christians overboard

    Article Date: Thursday April 16, 2015

    In Rome, Muslim migrants that were on a boat from Libya to Italy through 12 Christians overboard. It was reported that this was a hate crime. The original group left Tuesday night .Killing 41 Christians the night before only motivated the group's goal. The Italian police arrested 10 migrants. They were believed to be human sex traffickers.

    This article intrigued me and made me mad because this is yet another hate crime . How are we Americans supposed to support and trust are government when they are hiding heinous secrets? What if those sex traffickers made it to the U.S..There has to be a way to alleviate the hate in this world. Really killing Christians and for what reason. We all believe in a god.

    Messia ,Hada." Italian police: Muslim migrants threw Christians overboard." CNN. 16 Apr 2015. Apr 2015)

  4. Article Title: The title of this article is, "House passes bill to repeal death tax."
    Article Date: This article was written on April 16, 2015.

    On Thursday, the house voted to repeal the estate tax, better known as the "death tax" because it makes it harder for people to pass their businesses on to their children. But, democrats in the senate does not want this bill to go away and they have enough votes to block this. Since keeping this bill would add $269 billion to the budget, the White House may veto it. Only the family owned businesses get hit with this tax it seems like. The rich can get around this, using their lawyers and things like that but most family owned businesses can not afford to pay for lawyers to fight this, so they have to pay it. Or, once the owner dies and the business gets passed down, the new owners must sell the business just to pay these taxes.
    I think that this is why many small businesses go out of business sooner than the big stores such as Walmart or why small businesses don't make as much money because they are paying all of their money to the government. I also think it's not fair for the small businesses to have to pay this and the rich can get around it. If anything, the rich should be paying it. I can connect this to my future in a way because I want to own my own business so now I know how the taxes work, but hopefully, they'll be repealed by the time I start my own business.

    "House passes bill to repeal death tax." Fox News. 16 Apr 2015. (16 Apr 2015).

  5. Title- Scars of Khmer , Rouge:40 years later how Cambodia heats from genocide.
    Article Date- April 17th 1995.
    SUMMARY- Genocide was used to attack cambiodan families and wiped out their land, leading young children to become the land of orphans.
    - On April 17, 1995 40 years ago from today My knew her home town was shattered My was 13 when she separated from her mother and sibilings . They were sent along with 2 other million people on a march of genocide. 20,000 people died from execution, starvation, exhaustion during the genocide. Other people were subjected to slave labor camps and to work. My was brought together by her family from the long tradgey of the genocide attacks.
    My reaction to this article was that the Nazis started a lot back in 1948 causing harm to innocent bystanders, causing developing countries to exploit
    My reactions towards this article was that after 40 years they had a chance to reuinte with their families after going through hardships.
    MLA- Hume, Tim and Coren , Anna. Scars of Khmer. Rouge : 40 years later; how Cambodia heals from the genocide. April 16th 2015, April.16th 2015.

  6. Article Title: Obama: Equal pay for first ladies too
    Article Date: April 16, 2015
    At a town hall in Charlotte, South Carolina, President Obama talked on the issues of sexism. Obama brought up the fact that Michelle Obama doesn’t get paid the same as him. Obama spoke on how he doesn’t want discrimination amongst genders to even be a problem and how he doesn’t support separate salaries between genders. Obama placed the blame of the Paycheck Fairness Act being denied on Republicans. If the act was to be passed, women and men would be paid the same but for some reason it was blocked.
    I think Obama doing this was important. Its no doubt that women get paid less but it seems to be pushed under the rug in America. I, being a female, would hate to have to work as hard or twice as hard and still take home less. I feel happy that Obama did this because its good to know the president doesn’t endorse lower salaries and that he wants equality. With the recent events in America, there is a clear sign of inequality such as the police and minorities or blacks and whites but I think the worst one is man and woman. Hopefully this act could be put back on the table so I can have a better future. I chose this article because I wanted to do something on social issues and how the government is reacting to them and this one was the most appealing to me.

    Holmes, Kristen. “Obama: Equal pay for first ladies too” CNN. 16 Apr 2015. . (April 27)

  7. Trey H
    Article title: Lawmakers clear path for Obama's historic trade deal

    Article date: Thursday April 16, 2015

    The article I read is about a trade deal.Obama wants the bill to pass. He has been standing up for it. The lawmakers want to clear the path. This is an historical trade deal. The bill would let Obama fast track trade deals. He wants it to do through congress without amendments. In my opinion that is a good idea. I hope congress will pass the bill. I chose this article because it struck my attention.

    "Lawmakers clear path for Obama's historic trade deal"CNN. Thursday April 16.2015.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Article Title: “Hillary Clinton has a new position on same sex marriage”
    Article Date: April 16,2015

    This article is about Hillary's view on the same sex marriage. Since Hillary was a secretary of state she had kept her views on the same sex marriage secretive and little to no statements were made on her view about same sex marriage. Although she hadn't given a full answer about same sex marriage others came up with the idea that she had opposed and was against same sex marriage. When Hillary got out of being the secretary she had announced and gave a statement on same sex marriages and all the rumors were clarified from her in a interview. And said that she was in fact for same sex marriage and that that should be a right covered in the constitution.

    My reaction to this article is that im glad that Hillary is for same sex marriage and can make a change and difference because of the power she has. I think that of one person takes a stand then a lot more could and make a huge difference. This affects me because although i'm not gay there is gay people and I dont want to see anybody being denied for being themselves.

    Mercia,Dan "Hillary Clinton has a new position on same sex marriage",16 2015. April,16 2015
