Wednesday, September 9, 2015

4th period, Week of 9/18

Due by 3:30 pm on 9/18

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs
(10 sentences)
Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.


  2. Rosetta Alston


    4th period


    Article Title: With possible Shutdown nearing, Obama looks to take budget fight to G.O.P.

    Article Date:9/16/2015

    Who: Barack Obama vs Republicans

    Where:Washington D.C.

    When: The month of september

    What happened:The government was shutdown tuesday because the republicans threatened to block a budget deal if it would mean financing planned parenthood. On a speech on wednesday the president is supposed to end the tax break and use the money to use for spending increases on domestic and national security programs. Tax breaking barack obama has tried many time to eliminate. It has a little chance to pass by a divided congress, but it has gained a lot of attention to new political potency. Donald J. Trump and Jeb Bush are approving on it.

    “Mr. Obama will call the Proposal “One area of common ground”, a white house official said. This would help and pay for the government programs. Also promote economic growth. This could raise as much as $18 billion over a decade. But it would be hard to get over the funding for planned parenthood. Planned Parenthood funding was the subject that brought emotional discussion to republicans in house. Mr. Boehner supported to legislation that would limit planned parenthood. To follow through he backed a separate bill ending government financing for planned parenthood.

    Why this event is relevant:

    Reaction: my reaction is why don't the republicans wanna help people and their kids. So that if there family is not helping them they can go somewhere where they can get help. Kids are are the future so you should wanna support then in every way that you can. The reason i say this is because when there parents die then what they are going to make the same mistakes that you did because you did that to them and now they think that its right to do.

    Opinion :I think that people need to think about what's going to help poor people and the rich. Also i think they need to think about everybody and not just one group or one person.

    Connection: I chose this article because I think that people don't credit what barack obama does and he is trying to cut taxing and he is trying to keep planned parenthood up and running but people want to destroy what he is trying to do and or not accept it.

  3. Source:
    Article Title:Bush admits at debate: '40 years ago, I smoked marijuana'
    Article Date:September 16, 2015
    Who:Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush
    Where:GOP primary debate
    When:September 16, 2015
    What happened: Presidential candidate Jeb Bush admitted to smoking marijuana in high school. This occurred while having a back and forth exchange with presidential candidate Rand Paul about " hypocrisy " on poor black and Hispanic people going to jail due to drugs over rich kids.
    Why this event is relevant:This article is relevant now because Jeb Bush is now running for presidential office and information like this would be valuable for one of his opponents to use against him.
    Reaction : This article makes me feel good. It makes me feel good because he felt confident enough in himself and his campaign that he could reveal this information on a real cause. I think the other candidates will use this against him to the best of their abilities, especially Donald Trump.
    Opinion : I think people shouldn't use this against him to break down his campaign because he was able to openly admit this to support his beliefs and views on the topic of conversation.I also think Jeb Bush is a very brave person for saying that. I also think some of the reason why he openly said it was to show he is a brave person.
    Connection: I chose this article because it interested me, and it didn't have to do with Donald Trump, a very frequently heard name when the presidential election comes up.

  4. Iyanna Williams

    Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title:Mexican tourists describe repeated Egyptian airstrikes on desert convoy
    Article Date:9/17/2015

    Who:Mexico, Egyptian Military

    When:Sunday, September 13
    What happened:Eight mexican tourists were among twelve killed by mistake in an Egyptian airstrike. They were bombed at least five times.The Egyptians claim they were in a restricted area and were mistaken for jihadists. Mexico is demanding an investiation.
    Why this event is relevant:It's proof of how dangerous Egypt is right now.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I was horrified. I was just shocked that people were dead from a missunderstanding.
    Opinion (I think..)I think it's horrible and sad. I think the government should have been more careful because they killed innocnt people.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose it because here is a lot of talk about unessecary deaths at the moment in America because of our own government.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Source: (entire website address) :

    Article Title: Trump doesn't challenge anti-Muslim questioner at event
    Article Date: Fri September 18, 2015
    Who: This article is about Donald Trump.
    Where: This event happened in Rochester, New Hampshire
    When: This happened September 10, 2015.

    What happened: During a question and answer rally, a man wanted to know when the us could "get rid" of muslims. Trump seemingly laughed off the question and tried to give an very vague answer. The man who asked him that question continued to call Barack Obama a muslim. Trump did not correct the man.

    Why this event is relevant : Donald Trump is running for president in the 2016 election and this could potentially hurt his numbers in the polls.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) : Many people upset and feels that Trump needs to apologize to Obama. Politians such as Hillary Clinton went to twitter where she said "Donald Trump not denouncing false statements about POTUS & hateful rhetoric about Muslims is disturbing, & just plain wrong. Cut it out. -H"
    — Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) September 18, 2015

    Opinion (I think..): I think Donald Trump is an arrogant man who does not need to become president. His comment was disrespectful and he should have corrected the questioner. But the people he appeals to are just like him, not good. If he becomes president it's going to get dark for America.

    Connection (why you chose this article) : I will be voting this election and need to keep up on what's going on.

  7. Josh Grant-Current Event
    Article Title:A New Stage but a Familiar Donald Trump: The Brawler
    Article Date:September 16th, 2015
    Who:Donald J. Trump
    Where:United States
    When:During the presidential race(2-3 months)
    What happened:Donald Trump is seen by most of America as a rich, cocky, and politically incorrect man. The people who are trying to beat him to presidency are much more sophisticated and professional than he is. Whenever people expect Trump to change his harsh, immature ways to get some type of advantage, he fails time and time again.
    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because this man who is seen by many people as a bad person individually, has a chance to have power over one of the most dominant countries in the world. He has the chance to mess things up as much as he has the chance to succeed but people think he is inexperienced and has a greater chance to fail.
    Reaction: My reaction to this problem is that I am not sure why Mr. Trump is still even in the presidential race besides the fact that he is already famous.
    Opinion: My opinion is that he shouldn't even be able to run for president because of his past. He has not shown any positive growth from being immature and ignorant in the past. He doesn't have a plan to go by or any political experience, all he has is money and he keeps saying how his money will, "Make America Great Again!" He has a lack of knowledge of all of America's problems besides it's money problems.
    Connection: I chose this article because I care about our next president and how the next president will affect my everyday life. I want the next president to make good decisions that will give me a realistic path to success.

  8. Source:
    Article Title:Rand Paul faces August vote on ballot status
    Article Date: August 11, 2015
    Who: Rand Paul, Kentucky Republican Party, GOP district chairman
    Where: Kentucky
    When: Began in August and is still going on.
    What happened: There seems like it will be a problem with Rand Paul running for president. The Kentucky Republican Party is going to make him decide if he wants to run for president or senate. It would interfere because he can't represent a specific state and a whole country at the same time.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because he is now running for president.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): My feelings towards this article is that is that I'm kind of proud of him. I think that he made an important decision.
    Opinion (I think..): I think that Rand Paul is really brave. I say this because it shows how people can make important/life changing decisions under pressure.
    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because I thought that it was very interesting that he was trying to run for two political positions. Rand Paul trying to run for president and senate at the same time, was kind of silly, knowing that he couldn't be both in the long run.

  9. Source:

    Article: Title:Treating the Infectious Disease of Violent Crime

    Article Date:SEPTEMBER 18, 2015

    Who: Teens and early 20, 3-to-4-year-old African-American children, Alliance for Concerned Men and Cease Fire: Don't Smoke the Brothers and Sisters.

    Where: Washington, D.C., Baltimore, New York City, Chicago

    When: Earlier this year

    What happened:Research shows that crime rates peak in the teens and early 20s and then rapidly decline. Most homicides and other crimes of violence stem not from criminal activity but from petty arguments that escalate and other interpersonal conflicts among residents of a community. 79 percent reported observing violence in their homes. Community violence witnessed by children is frequently serious in nature, Chicago found that 66 percent had witnessed a shooting. Even very young children experience violence, 78 percent of 3-to-4-year-old African-American children in Washington, D.C., had been exposed to community violence. Baltimore communities experienced as much as 44 percent fewer shootings and 56 percent fewer killings; New York City experienced 20 percent fewer killings attributable to the program. And in Chicago neighborhoods, there was a reported 41-73 percent reduction in shootings and killings -- and a 100 percent reduction in retaliation killings.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it discusses the reasons behind the violence in the world and cities.

    Reaction: I feel as though that the things in this article is true because if it was able to be noticed by researchers that people get murdered over petty beef then that means its serious and i needs to stop.

    Opinion: I totally agree with this article because a lot of arguments occur because of just simple petty arguments.

    Connection: I chose this article because i felt as though i was able to relate to it some what since i live in a city full of greed envy and violence i felt as though this article would be a interesting choice to read.


    Article Title: You're fired: Ways to get rid of bad government workers
    Article Date: September 17, 2015
    Who: Donald Trump and his private sector peers .
    Where: Cleveland Broad of Education .
    When: This was happening every since Donald Trump the apprentice show .
    What happened: Public employers cant legally get rid of their employees .
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because public employers are hiring to many people and then they have to many people working and they have to get rid of them .
    Reaction : My reaction to this is that they are not wrong they have the only right to get rid of some of they employers . We can resolve this by not hiring as many people .
    Opinion : I think that they would of never had this problem if they had just not hired a whole lot of people because once a person see there's alot of workers they will start to slack thinking one of the other workers will pick up after them .
    Connection : My Connection to this article is that it really ain't no point in hiring a whole lot of people because then people will start taking things a little less serious then they were before they had all of them co workers .That's why now when applying for job the manager already has people that he is going to call and he has people for back up . He doesn't want to just hire all them people and not have any money to really give them .

  11. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Burkina Faso military confirms coup, dissolves government
    Article Date:September 17,2015
    Who:Burkina Faso, Blaise Compaore,
    Where:OUAGADOUGOU, Burkina Faso
    When:September 17-Present
    What happened:The military of Burkina Faso seized airwaves and pledged their loyalty to the ex-president of west africa. Then presidential guards open fired with live ammo on civilians to quiet the crowd. Next Burkina's air borders were closed and they placed a curfew from 7pm-6am. Lastly the president of the country fled the country and no one knows his whereabouts.
    Why this event is relevant:The author wrote this article now because 6 civilian bodies were found in the morgue a few days after the shooting happened.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)I feel disappointed in that countries government system because they let 6 innocent people die without any consequences.
    Opinion (I think..)I think that the people who were shot deserve justice by making the presidential guards should be fired and serve jail time.
    Connection (why you chose this article)It is important
    It interested me
    Its not being brought to anyone's attention
    By:Jason Young

  12. Source: (entire website address) =
    Article Title:Tom Brady Deflatgate Suspension Overturned
    Article Date:Sep 3, 2015
    Who:This article is about Tom Brady
    Where:This happened in America
    When:This happened this month
    What happened:Tom Brady four game suspension for his alleged involvement when he flategated the footballs in the playoffs just last year. They droped the four game suspension because they donty have nothing against him at all so they didn't have no choice but to let it go and let him play with out missing any they was on this problem for a couple of weeks and everybody thought them four games was final to it but it really wasnt at all and they over turned it and let him play his games with out missing four games. they had to let him play and they did the right thing and they let them play and now he can play all his games and he dont have to watch nothing all he got to do was play now and i know he happy about
    Why this event is relevant: Because everybody talking about it and it was going around everywhere and it was in the newspaper.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)= I really dont care about it at all becaus ethats not my team i like the greenbay packers thats all i really have to say.
    Opinion (I think..) I think they did a good thing because they dont really know if he really do it or anybody do it. so thats what i think about the how thing.
    Connection(why you chose this article) i was looking in to it and i wanted to get a better understanding of it.


  13. Lidia Abebe


    Article Title: "Family: Ahmed Mohamed, clock-making teen, transferring to another school"

    Article Date: Friday September 18, 2015

    Who: Ahmed Mohamed


    When:Beginning of the week of 9/14

    What happened: A boy named Ahmed Mohamed was arrested for creating a clock. When Ahmed went to school on a Monday he brought the in-home made clock to school and during class he was pulled out to 5 cops with school principal of "Mac Arthur". The police thought it was a bomb. Not to also mention he was Muslim.

    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because its crazy how he's targeted by his skin color and religion.

    Reaction: My reaction towards this is upsetting.

    Opinion: I think everybody should understand not all Muslims are terrorists and there are alot of good ones out there.

    Connection: I chose this article because a lot attention needs to be drawn to this and the fact that alot of people out there are still targeting others by their race and religion.

  14. Dimear Gordon Jackson 9/18/15

    Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Donald Trump's stamina tested in GOP debate
    Article Date:9:17 AM ET, Thu September 17, 2015
    Who:Donald Trump
    Where: LA
    When: wed September 16 , 2015
    What happened:
    )—Before Wednesday night's debate, there was speculation that Donald Trump was headed toward a more restrained, substantive phase of his candidacy.


    The man who has bragged about his skills as "an entertainer" did not disappoint in the first half of Wednesday night's debate in Simi Valley -- throwing a gratuitous jab at Rand Paul, engaging in fierce exchanges with Carly Fiorina and playing up the theatrics of the event by rolling his eyes, pursing his lips and cocking his head as he listened to other candidates.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because Donald Trump is a strong challenger and Trump has been at the fulcrum of the presidential race, controlling the debate in a way that has frustrated and befuddled the other campaigns
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My reaction on Trump , he had me intertied he was throwing shots at every one and got all of the others mad.
    Opinion (I think..) All though he has me intertied I think he would be a very bad choose to become the leader of the U.S.A he is not for the people he is all about the money.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because Trump is funny and a joke to me he well never be seen leaden the U.S.A

    1. Missing complete web address. takes you to the main page of CNN, but I need the link to exactly where your article can be found.

  15. Van Williams
    Source: (
    Article Title:Donald Trump's stamina tested in GOP debate.
    Article Date:Thu September 17, 2015.
    Who:Donald Trump.
    When:Wednesday night's debate.
    What happened:They wanted to test Donald Trump stamina and willingness to engage in weighty policy discussions.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because this is about the most important job and we need to know if his person can be fit to be out president.
    Reaction:i am glad they really tried to push him .
    Opinion I think if this person is able to give good responses and really knows what he talking about and is confident in his campaign to help america do better then he should he should have a shot as being president.
    Connection: i choose this article because i am very interested in this GOP debate.

  16. Maryam Abdulmatin

    Source: (entire website address) Philadelphia Daily News, Page 3
    Article Title:THE SOCIALIST NETWORK: Sanders' liberal platform strikes a chord with voters eager for change
    Article Date:Wednesday, September 16, 2015
    Who:Liz McCauley
    Where:Manassas, VA
    When:Over the course of 2015
    What happened:McCauley waves a rainbow colored flag at a county fairground standing up for a man who wants to be president named Sen. Bernie Sanders who calls himself a "democratic socialist".
    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant for a couple of reasons. One reason for why this is relevant is because Sen. Sanders calls for free public college tuition. Another reason why this is relevant is because he also called for expanded family leave that would help her care for her ailing husband.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) When I read that Sanders wants to make public college tuition free, I felt a sense of relief. I felt relieved because not a lot of people are able to afford to go to college. When people can't afford to go to college they often get a minimum wage job and tend to struggle financially.
    Opinion (I think..) I think Sanders should run for office. I think he should run because from what I've read, I feel like he has good intentions.
    Connection (why you chose this article) At first I chose this article because as I was flipping through a newspaper I skimmed this article and seen that it said,"Waving her rainbow -colored flag". This drew my attention because I thought the article would be about gay rights and I'm really interested in that kind of stuff. But, as I continued to read I realized that the article was about a woman who really wants Bernie Sanders to become president. I am interested in this topic because if he becomes president, his decision of whether or not to make public college tuition free has a huge affect on not only the lives of many other people but mine as well.

  17. KenyaCraticSmith


    Article Title: U.S. government locked black soldiers in mustard gas chambers in racist human experimentation

    Article Date: Wednesday, July 15, 2015

    Who: U.S. government, Black servicemen, Rollins Edwards

    Where: Anywhere U.S was serving

    When: In the 1940s

    What happened:In this In this article 60,000 black men were forcefully chosen to test in gas chamber with highly dangerous chemicals. Some fainted, some hollered, some screamed, and some tried to escape. But when they opened the door everyone ran out and they were in bad shape once they had got out. One of the guys name Rollins Edward a 93-year old man who was one of the person in the chamber said it like like firing.

    Why this event is relevant:This is relevant because people should know that racism isn't okay. We all should be equal no matter what the color of our skin looks.

    Reaction: I feel as though that this article shows how racism isn't still corrected and that even though this article was publish just this year people still don't probably know about this and it's really sad that they don't know about this because this is just wrong.

    Opinion: In my opinion this is really wrong and this should not go unheard of and to know that this happens just makes my heart hurt. This has happen to 60,000 black men and even if it was like just like 600 it's still sicken and those people that did it should have been punished harshly for it! Shock therapy anyone?

    Connection: I choose this article because it's right for people to know that racism isn't right and until this day we still have it. I also know people have sense to know this is wrong but knowing in this world people don't care about other people. I't all about skin color and power. But to honest it's really about how we treat each other and how we are all equal because we are all human and we are all people just with different color skin and that shouldn't mater. All skin is beautiful.


  18. Source: (
    Article Title:Shouldn’t We Have Community Policing Czars?
    Article Date:September 8, 2015
    Who:Police and Citizens
    Where:The United States
    When:Last December
    What happened:Over the years police have been mistreating African Americans specifically the men,but after the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson communities decided that they had to make a change.officials decided that, "community policing czar" may be a good in order to get this plain going they had to had up some goal such as equity training that focuses on applying the law in a fair and just way and hiring that reflects the community being served.
    Why this event is relevant:This is relevant because police officers are racial profiling African American men.They are taking innocent lives because they are abusing their power and black lives matter! If no one stands up the issue will continue to happen and cause other major problems such as riots, mothers losing sons, kids losing their father, police getting attacked ect.
    Reaction( My reaction to this is pleased with how they are not only noticing that the police are abusing their authority, but they are try to stand up an do something about it.
    Opinion (I think they should follow through with the goals that they have such as a training that focuses on applying the law in a fair and just way.)
    Connection (why you chose this article)

    1. Missing connection and post does not meet length requirement.

  19. Rymere Chamberlain
    Article Title:Syrian army starts using new weapons from Russia
    Article Date:9/18/15
    When:This is an ongoing thing
    What happened:The Russian military has supplied the Syrian military with new weapons this is dangerous because the Russian president is trying to start war.
    Why this event is relevant:This is relevant because the president of Syria has gotten new air an ground weapons from Russia, the weapons are very accurate and very precise.This is also relevant because the U.S. an other middle eastern countries want to get President Bashar al-Assad out of power.
    Reaction:I don't have really have a problem with Syria getting weapons from Russia but i do have a problem with the president of Syria because he is currently attacking other cities for no reason,He has bombed multiple cities,religious building,and hospitals
    Opinion:I think the U.S. government is right to address this issue because if he remains in power he could start another war in the middle east.
    Connection:I chose this article because I want to join the military and I don't want to end up having to fight in the middle east.I also chose this because if a war breaks out in the middle east it will affect the who world because everyone will get involved to try to resolve the conflict.

  20. Zaynab Harris
    Article Title: Muslim teen Ahmed Mohamed creates a clock and gets arrested
    Article Date: Wednesday, September 16, 2015, 6:03 PM
    Who: Ahmed Mohamed
    Where: MacArthur High school, in Texas
    When: Wednesday, September 16, 2015
    What happened: There was a 14 year old high school student who has a dream of being an engineer. He designed and created an alarm clock the night before, and was prepared to show it to his teacher when he went to school the next morning. The next morning he arrived to his teacher's classroom and had presented the alarm clock to her. Unfortunately, his teacher thought it was a bomb and called the police. The police came to the school and searched and arrested the boy. Eventually, after being taken to a police station they dropped the chargers and released him.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because so many people are alarmed because of the 'Muslim' terrorist group, ISIS, that have threatened to kill Americans before. Also there has been ambushed bombings in several states, such as Massachusetts, Washington D.C., and in Ohio.
    Reaction: This is really upsetting. I feel as though if it were a white kid they would have praised and congratulated him because he created a clock. However, since he is a Sudanese, Muslim boy, he is looked upon as a terrorist for creating his own alarm clock. I think Ahmed's teacher was racist and immature
    Opinion I believe that Ahmed and his family should sue the teacher and the principal because of the accusation.
    Connection This is very popular now a days. People are being judged for their appearance instead of their actions.

  21. kyle hampton

    ”US Starts Carrying Out Iran Nuclear Deal as Time Expires on GOP”

    In the article ”US Starts Carrying Out Iran Nuclear Deal as Time Expires on GOP” by that tells irans nuclear stiuation. In the this article the United states is in negotiation with Iran and other foreign nations in the intent to reestablish communications with the middle eastern state. These negotiations had begun on july 20 of this year. The situation on it though are strict on iran for this nuclear deal, these deals stipulations for Iran were for the to release all domestic prisoners held by iran, install real time monitor systems in mines and mills, will be placed on a trading prohibition on arms and other related materials. I feel that this deal between nations is important because it show negotiation tactics used my public official and how their foreign policy and actings are performed so that every nation can get what they want and are happy. My reaction is slightly intrigued and slightly concerned with or standing on the situation. My intrigued feeling is one this comes from the fact that a sovereign nation such as the United stated is will to give nuke to a radical nation such as Iran. My concerned feeling is on as why does iran need technology such as this. In my opinion I believe that I do not think i Have sufficient amount of information to make a complete verdict on the matter. I had chose this article because I have seen ads on televisions that have been trying to get rid of this deal and leave sanctions on Iran.

    1. I'd love to talk about this event more with you after school. You're beginning to have a firm grasp on foreign policy and it's nice to see you push your thinking!


  22. Source: (entire website address):
    Article Title: Donald Trump is getting under Barack Obama's skin
    Article Date: September 16, 2015
    Who: Donald Trump, Barack Obama
    Where: Roundtable Headquarters
    When: September 16, 2015
    What happened: Donald Trump said some things about Barack Obama. These things were hurtful, bashful, and didn't show Obama's character. These statements that Trump made we're not informational and caused Obama to react. Obama stated that the way that Donald Trump campaign is running is not "American" nor "political".
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this week the Republican party had a debate for America to get a background on who they are and what they are about before selecting or considering them for a vote. This also means that Obama has little time in office to do what he needs to do to leave this nation in good hands because there is no telling what the next president will bring.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I feel like Donald Trump is not a good guy and Barack Obama was right for doing what he did.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that Barack Obama should continue to make plans and make this nation great before leaving office.
    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because I am 16 years old and wish I could vote so me seeing this gives me a fell of what it's like to be a voter and how exactly politics work. Using this I got a general understanding that being president and running for president, that, there are certain ways you gain the peoples trust and Donald Trump is not using these ways at all.


  23. Source: (entire website address):
    Article Title: Donald Trump is getting under Barack Obama's skin
    Article Date: September 16, 2015
    Who: Donald Trump, Barack Obama
    Where: Roundtable Headquarters
    When: September 16, 2015
    What happened: Donald Trump said some things about Barack Obama. These things were hurtful, bashful, and didn't show Obama's character. These statements that Trump made we're not informational and caused Obama to react. Obama stated that the way that Donald Trump campaign is running is not "American" nor "political".
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this week the Republican party had a debate for America to get a background on who they are and what they are about before selecting or considering them for a vote. This also means that Obama has little time in office to do what he needs to do to leave this nation in good hands because there is no telling what the next president will bring.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I feel like Donald Trump is not a good guy and Barack Obama was right for doing what he did.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that Barack Obama should continue to make plans and make this nation great before leaving office.
    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because I am 16 years old and wish I could vote so me seeing this gives me a fell of what it's like to be a voter and how exactly politics work. Using this I got a general understanding that being president and running for president, that, there are certain ways you gain the peoples trust and Donald Trump is not using these ways at all.

  24. Source: (entire website address)CNN
    Article Title: Fiorina , Trump and the 'hot guy;.; Top social media moments from #CNNdebate
    Article Date: 9/27/15
    Who: Donald Trump and Carly Fiornia
    Where: Simi VALLEY, California
    When: 9/17,15
    What happened: Mr Donald Trump makes a disrespectful comment on Ms Carly face. Saying who would vote for her with a face like that. Which put a bad taste in Ms Carly mouth. Then comment was very rude and not approite for the event. Which gave the whole world in out look how voyger and rude Trump is once again.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because these young educated American's might run for president but. Donald might run saying he will make this country a better country. But still have a voyager mouth and still shows it on national TV.. Which make people see his real character and how he carry his self. But people still like Donald trump why? I don't know but Donald need to straight his altitude up if he want to run for president.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I think Ms. Carly handle the problem very well on nation television. She educated him and put him in his place. I feel like Mr. billionaire should say sorry to the Ms. smart ,powerful ,strong Carly. Donald have a big chip on his shoulder . Which shows your true color. When your trying to get the whole US nation on your side and your so presumptuious about what's going to happen? that's not a good look for a fake billionaire that's is cocky.
    Opinion (I think..) I think Donald trump should straighten up his attitude if he want to become one of the candidate running for president . Don't brag how you have so much money. And I guaranteed that If Carly was running for prudent she would get elected before him Donald said he wants to get rid of Obama care. What do you be thinking sometimes Trump. Get your act together man. Learn how to be a man instead of a boy. Learn how to not embarrass a candidate on national tv have some respect for your self and this society.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it give you some in sight on who you want as your president. I also reliaze on how voting is so important. What voting can do for your country is so amazing. But you want to pick the right man or women in that spot. Seeing the presidential debate for the first time educated me a lot. And lets vote for the right person Americans . America is a free country lets make it work and build on it.

  25. Source:
    Article Title:Trump doesn't challenge anti-Muslim questioner at event
    Article Date: September 18, 2015
    Who:Donald Trump
    Where:Rochester, New Hampshire
    When:September 17
    What happened:One of Donald Trump's supporters kept commenting negatively about Obama and Muslims. Donald didn't question the man assertions.
    Why this event is relevant:By Donald not questioning the man it seems as if he is somewhat agreeing to his negative comments. By him agreeing he's basically a supremacist.
    Reaction: I wasn't really shocked that Donald Trump didn't question the man. He has said some very rude racist comments before.
    Opinion: I feel as though Donald Trump is a very rude and dismissive man. He shouldn't even be running for president because he doesn't have the qualities a president needs.
    Connection: I chose this article because it was the most interesting out of the options I've seen. It also makes me wonder how far will Trump get with negativity.


  26. Source:
    Article Title:Uninsured Numbers Drop as Poverty Rate holds steady.
    Article Date: Sept. 16
    Who: Census Bureau
    Where: Washington
    When: Wednesday
    What happened: There are many people who don't have health insurance. The number for people with insurance has dropped. But their also hasn't been any change in household income. There also hasn't been any change in poverty rates. About 46.7 million people were in poverty in 2014.
    The Census Bureau also discovered an increase in private and government coverage. In 2013 to 2014 insurance coverage increased for all racial groups. Edward J. Welniak Jr. Said that single people who either live alone or with roommates have a lower income than a family household. Although we have seen some improvements a lot of households still didn't get their purchasing power they had before recession. Median household income was lower in 2007.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is important because it is talking about income and money. Families are struggling due to the fact that people's incomes are dropping.

    Reaction: my reaction to this is that I feel sad for the families that are losing certain things and struggling to make ends meet because they are running low on money.

    Opinion: my opinion on this is that the government should find some way to raise people's incomes. They are always finding money for weapons and war but can find money to help their citizens.

    Connection: I chose this article because I felt as though it was a very important topic. People really are struggling out here due to lost of money in their income and some people have to work 2-3 jobs just to make ends meet.

  27. Dimear Gordon Jackson 9/18/15

    Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Donald Trump's stamina tested in GOP debate
    Article Date:9:17 AM ET, Thu September 17, 2015
    Who:Donald Trump
    Where: LA
    When: wed September 16 , 2015
    What happened:
    )—Before Wednesday night's debate, there was speculation that Donald Trump was headed toward a more restrained, substantive phase of his candidacy.


    The man who has bragged about his skills as "an entertainer" did not disappoint in the first half of Wednesday night's debate in Simi Valley -- throwing a gratuitous jab at Rand Paul, engaging in fierce exchanges with Carly Fiorina and playing up the theatrics of the event by rolling his eyes, pursing his lips and cocking his head as he listened to other candidates.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because Donald Trump is a strong challenger and Trump has been at the fulcrum of the presidential race, controlling the debate in a way that has frustrated and befuddled the other campaigns
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My reaction on Trump , he had me intertied he was throwing shots at every one and got all of the others mad.
    Opinion (I think..) All though he has me intertied I think he would be a very bad choose to become the leader of the U.S.A he is not for the people he is all about the money.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because Trump is funny and a joke to me he well never be seen leaden the U.S.A
