Saturday, September 26, 2015

5th period, 9/28-10/2

Due by 3:30 pm on10/2

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs
(10 sentences)
Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source:
    Article Title:Iran President Hassan Rouhani Blames U.S. For Spread of Mideast Terror
    Article Date: Monday,september 28
    Who: Iranian President Hassan Rouhani
    Where: Middle East
    When: Monday,September 28
    What happened: Iranian President Hassan Rouhani blames the U.S for the for the spread of terrorism in the middle east saying that America's dual post-9/11 wars and its alliance with Israel allowed extremist ideologies to flourish. "If we did not have the U.S. military invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq and the United States' unwarranted support for the inhumane actions of the Zionist regime against the oppressed nation of Palestine, today the terrorists would not have an excuse for the justification of their crimes," Rouhani said. Rouhani's ramarks began with harsh words for Saudi Arabia, site of a stampede that killed hundreds of Muslim pilgrims including 136 Iranians last week at one of Islam's holiest sites.
    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because there is an upscale of terrorism in the Middle East.
    Reaction: I feel like the people to blame for this is the U.S because it is somewhat true. The U.S army goes into these countries where they are not wanted and not needed and start war. Innocent people are killed and those innocent people have family and friends and they might want vengeance for that innocent persons death they go out looking for vengeance by killing more innocent people that don't deserve it.
    Opinion: I think that U.S should try to help get rid of terorism in the Middle East. I say this because i feel as though they are the cause of it. The U.S should at least put some effort in and try to fix what they caused in the Middle East.
    Connection: I choose this article because i feel like there is way to much terrorism in the Middle East i see it on the news way to much in my opinion. I think the U.S should try to help the Middle in there effort to eradicate terrorism in there land.

  2. Include:

    Source: The Washitgon Post App
    Article Title: U.S. Troops Disptched to Kunduz To help Afghan Forces
    Article Date:9/30/15
    Who: By Tim Craig
    When: on Monday September 28th
    What happened:Afghan forces were taken over by central Kunduz after a surprise attack by Taliban. They were on a mission and the U.S. Forces constructed an air strike to threat Kunduz. Fresh troops have been unable to reach Kunduz because of the improvised explosive devices. This lead to over 1,000 deaths which put a negative affect on the Taliban military.
    Why this event is relevant:This is relevant because it explains the struggles of countries. This lead to the hurting of other innocent people that were killed.
    Reaction (I feel anxious about this event because this lead into another big war. According to this feeling this war is a deadly cause to the military and other innocent people in the city.
    Opinion (I think that going to war shouldn't always be the answer to get revenge.
    Connection i choose this article because this reminds me of world war 2

    Article Title: Obama urges stare lawmakers:' You can act when Washington won't
    Article Date: September 30,2015
    Who: President Obama
    Where: Washington, D.C
    President Obama met to speak with state lawmakers at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building next to the White House. There he urged lawmakers to act and sign on to his new financial agenda. Which would do things like raise minimum wage and make community college free for all or most people. The president is quoted as saying "That puts more of a burden — but also a great opportunity — on state legislatures all across the country, because you can act when Washington won’t." He also talked about how many states have already signed up to his agenda and increased their minimum wages and even lowered pollution in power plants. The president even goes on to talk about his own time as a state lawmaker. President jokingly stated this" I am partial to state legislators particularly, by the way, senators. I’m sorry, House members. I’m just saying we tend to be a little more sensible, at least at the state level. I don’t know about the federal." The president also speaks on how much the democratic party has last in recent years. Recent reports show the party at a lose of 919 state legislative seats, Many state governments are partially democratic ,but with republican governs. With this the president understands the trouble but stull hopes that they can push through.
    Why: This is important because it show our president still involved on a state level. The president hasn't forgotten where he got his start and continues to support the middle to lower class people. This also give a look into how the state and central government systems operate at different levels. The government may be against it but the states still have some power over themselves. It shows that people still have the ability to think for themselves and move forward as a state.
    Opinion: I feel great about this education is important. The president is trying to make basic college education free for everyone and that itself is a good thing. The most important thing is education, especially in this day and age where more people are going to college. The more educated and capable people we have the brighter the future will be . The President is trying to bring us closer to that idea and lessening the cost as well. So as a student i'm all for it and I hope to see it happen.

  4. Source:
    Article Title: Pope Francis at 9/11 memorial: 'We can never forget them'
    Article Date: Fri, September 25, 2015
    Who: Pope Francis and the family victims of 9/11
    Where: New York City
    When: September 25, 2015
    What happened: When Pope Francis came to America to visit, He stopped to give a uplifting message to the victims families of 9/11. The Pope said "The name of so many loved ones are written around the towers' footprints. We can see them, we can touch them, and we can never forget them". Nixia Mena-Alexis wore her sister on her shirt and brought yellow flowers to the ceremony giving some to the Pope and by her sister's name, the flowers she said symbolizes the catholic church. The Pope also blessed a women's child in her belly at that ceremony.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it has to do with our citizens and the tragic attack against our home country.
    Reaction: I feel good that he did this because he shows he not only cares for the people in his own country but he cares for others world wide and that shows his character is an important one that stands today.
    Opinion: I think him visiting the victims of the families of 9/11 was great because he probably touched a lot of people. Many people look at the Pope as a person of hope. So him saying a few words to uplift people might bring them to the realization of being strong for their loved ones who died in 9/11.
    Connection: I can connect this to when Obama gave a speech at Charleston shooting victims funeral. He touched many people with the speech and gave them hope.

  5. Article Title:Under Trump, nearly half of Americans would pay no Income Taxes
    Article Date:September 28th, 2015
    Who: Donald Trump
    Where: Washington D.C.
    What Happened: Donald Trump, one of the most popular Republican candidates running for president has once again stunned many Americans by saying that almost half of Americans would pay no income taxes. He has proposed that elimination of tax liability for over 70 million households and also taking almost 50%of current filers off the income tax rolls is the plan. The article also explains that if one is single and earns less than $25,000 or others who are married and earn less $50,000 joined they will not owe any income tax. It also states that they're unclear on how Mr. Donald Trump got his calculations from. According to the tax policy center a little over 45% of tax payers (75 million) don't have tax liability. This event is relevant because I know that Americans have strong opinions about taxes, some good and some bad. I feel like if I actually had to pay taxes I'd be interested in where Trump's mind is and how this action would affect me personally. Right now knowing Donald Trump's history of being all talk and not backing it up, I wouldn't take this very seriously. I chose this article because I know that being able to live tax free would be a blessing for those who may be working from paycheck to paycheck. I also chose this article because I was not only interested in hearing about another thing Donald Trump came up said but i was also interested in a half tax free U.S. and how that would affect Americans' lifestyle.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Source: (
    Article Title:Ben Carson 2016: "Inside Ben Carson's Religious Faith"
    Article Date: Friday, September 25, 2015
    Who: Ben Carson
    Where:Washington, D.C. (All Over America Aswell)
    When:The week of Sept. 25, 2015

    What happened: Ben Carson, a candidate for the Republican Party to become the next president of the United States stated that " A Muslim should not be president". Carson, who is a Christian has a "deep-rooted faith" where he "abides by his faith in God". He doesn't describe himself as a religious person, stating that he doesn't follow "Religious dogmas and not being able to do this and not being able to do that" instead he depends on his faith to help him with most of his decisions. Carson is currently leading in the polls against his opponent Donald Trump in the Evangelistic vote and has spread his message of faith all over the country, including places like Ohio where he states "People tend to ascribe to Adventism any weird thing they have heard about religion because they don't really know," Carson said. "Adventism believes the entirety of the Bible."

    Why this event is relevant:This is relevant because with the Pope visiting the country of America for the first time recently and religious prosecution and controversy all over not just the country but the world, this was a very risky thing for Ben Carson to say. This is irrelevant because we get an inside look on the religious views of a potential presidential candidate and how his decisions might shape our ever-growing country of people of all different beliefs.
    Carson said was out of line in a sense. I'm a Christian myself, with the same values as him but I believe that if he hopes to become the president of the United States in the future he shouldn't be discriminating against the people that he's going to be the governing power of in the future if he wins the election. I also believe that if you want to spread your message of what it means to be a Christian, you shouldn't be expressing the wrong message by saying, in a land of opportunity, what people can and cannot do.

    Opinion: I think that this should've been done differently or handled differently in the way that he worded things. I personally don't think Carson is genuine, but I do respect his views of the Christian faith. I like the idea that he believes that Christians aren't people that say "you must do this" and "you must do that" but instead get their faith and their word of power directly from God himself and not just a church.
    Connection (why you chose this article)

    Reaction: This comment by Carson dissapointed me. I think all people have an equal right to become President but I also have my own opinion about religion aswell.

  9. Source:
    Article Title: Poll: Clinton tops Trump in general election
    Article Date: September 28 2015
    Who: Presidential Candidates
    Where: United States
    When: September 28 2015
    What happened: A new shift took place on the poles. Hillary Clinton passed Donald Trump on the polls. Trump who had a decent lead has been making headlines throughout his campaign. Hillary passed him though but not yet likely to be favored. The most favored is current Vice President Joe Biden.
    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because it's about who will be our next president. I'm pretty sure many Americans are concerned on that issue. We all want the right person to be in office someone who is fit for the job. If someone who wasn't was in office that could be a huge problem for our country.
    Reaction: I was happy reading this article. I'm not a huge fan of Trump so to see somebody like Hillary who has the qualifications of being president leading the polls is good to hear.
    Opinion: I think this is great news. I don't like Donald Trump to me he is a angered racist who shouldn't be in office. Hillary Clinton would be a good president in my eye. Plus she would be the first women in office too.
    Connection: I chose this article because I want info on the debate. I want news and updates on who may be our next president.

  10. Source:
    Article Title:Oregon Shooting: Suspect dead after college rampage
    Article Date:10/1/15
    Who: 20 year old man,victims and John Hanlin a police sheriff

    What happened: A 20 year old man open fire at a community college located in Oregon.This was reported by John Hanlin police sheriff.No police officer was injured but 10 victims were killed and over 20 were injured.A few were killed when they were on their way to the hospital.The 20 year old man went to social media to talk about his intentions.He had conversations with a few people about what his plans were.He took fire in multiple classes.One officer said these type of incidents rarely happen in our area.Our president Obama was informed about this incident and will continue to be updated on this issue.The 20 year old is reported dead as of today.

    Opinion:I think this is a terrible incident and should have been approached better.The police should have came in time were no victims were killed.I also think the people from social media who knew about this should be punished for not telling the authorities.
    Connection:This article intrigued me because it was odd to me that this man went to social media to tell people something illegal he was planning to do.It should be taken as learning lesson.The police should be quicker to crime scenes.

  11. Source:
    Article Title:The UN wants to censor the entire internet to save feminist's feelings
    Article Date:September 25, 2015
    Who: Anita Sarkeensian, Zoe Quinn and the UN
    Where: New York
    When: Week of September 24, 2015
    What happened: Anita Sarkeensian, a feminist, proclaims that cyber violence against women is a major issue today and yet many countries haven't done anything yet to fix this problem. Many of the people or rather women at the UN agree and want the internet to be censored. These censorships include blocking out rude comments as 'you're a liar' and 'you suck' etc. They want to reduce the amount of violence that go to women, so they can safely surf the web without being harassed by people. However, many people have back lashed against their one-sided and double standard claim. Many have responded on twitter and other social media how it's not just women getting harassed and that men also get equally get harassed on the internet as much as women. But the biggest outcry was that if this censorship actually does go through, what happens to our freedom of speech?
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it's important to know that our right for freedom of speech might be taken away on the internet. Even if cyber bullying is an issue and such, that doesn't mean the government has the right to take away the right to say whatever we want anywhere, not even the internet. This also might cause a possibly domino effect if this persists.
    Reaction: When I read this, I was rather shocked. I thought that it's not the UN's business to intervene with the internet. It also makes me a little furious that they're focusing on an issue like this when they should probably focus on other more important issues that involve women.
    Opinion: Personally everything Anita said, I don't agree with not a single bit. Everything she's said is complete nonsense. I have seen her previous attempts to "promote" feminism and how she self proclaims to be the "ideal" feminists. Many have seen through her nonsense and I've noticed it too. This is just another attempt to promote her name. To me, I bet she doesn't even care bout feminism. All this is just an act to promote her name. Anita Sarkeesian isn't a feminist. She's just a poser.
    Connection: I chose this article because I generally follow Anita Sarkeesian because of the nonsense she does. Recently I found this article involving her and it got me very interested. Most of her views I don't agree with. Generally I don't agree and I wanted to express it.

  12. Source:
    Article Title: The title of this article is called :Bush tells Trump to put on his 'big boy pants'
    Article Date: The date of this article was on October 1, 2015
    Who: The people mentioned in this article were Donald Trump, Jeb Bush, and Marco Rubio
    Where: This event occurred in Bedford New Hampshire
    When: In the year 2015
    What happened: Donald Trump and Jeb Bush are known for their competitive presidential feud and also known for firing shots back and fourth towards each other. Jeb bush obviously doesn't think Trump takes this seriously so Bush tells Trump to put his big boy pants on.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because its discusses how our country will be if we had either one of these men Donald Trump or Jeb Bush as our next president. If you don't like what another person says arguing and constantly going back and fourth is simply childish.
    Reaction My feelings towards this article is that I am interested on how far these two candidates will make it in the presidential election.
    Opinion I think that this article is just what we needed because Trump needs to have someone to stand up to him since he always has something to say about others.
    Connection I chose this article because it is interests me and I am very interested in politics this year.

  13. Mamadu Barry

    Article Title: Donald Trump: 'If I tank,' I'll drop out
    Article Date: Thu October 1, 2015
    Who: Donald Trump
    Where: Washington
    When: The week of 9-27-15
    What happened: Donald Trump mentioned once again how he's on top of the Polls. He also said if he were to drop to 1% or 2%, he'll drop out.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because it's keeping us updated on latest political mentions.
    Reaction: Even though I don't like him at all as a politician, I kind of understand from where he's coming from. If I was in his position and dropped low like that, I would've did the same.
    Opinion: I think he should drop out anyways and let Hillary or someone else win it.
    Connection: I chose this article because it was the first one I seen. Also, because it was a short one.

    Poll: Hillary Clinton still leads Sanders and Biden, but by less
    October 1, 2015
    Hillary Clinton is leading in the Democratic polls in the U.S but is losing support. Last month (september) Hilary has 41% Democratic voters but Bernie has 23%. This is a big jump for Bernie. This event is relevant because if Hillary is losing support then maybe Bernie can catch up and begin to lead. If this happens he might have a chance to become the top Democratic candidates and officially run against the leading Republican, who right now is Donald Trump. I am happy a woman is leading but I really like Bernie’s policies. So him catching up is such a good thing. Hopefully he’ll keep gaining support until he trumps Trump. I think that So far the Democratic leaders are doing great and even though i’m in support of Bernie I am always cheering for any Democratic to run this country once again. I connect this with when Obama was running for president for the second time, and he was behind Romney and absolutely no one expected him to win. Maybe that great landslide can happen to Bernie. Bernie for prezzy 2016!!
    -Kadrisse McIntosh

  15. Source: :
    Article Title: Speaker John Boehner Resigns From Congress
    Article Date: Sept. 25, 2015
    Who: John Boehner, Barack Obama, Ted Cruz, House of Representatives
    Where: Washington D.C.
    When: Sept. 26, 2015
    What happened:
    John Boehner, Speaker of the House, will resign on the last week of October. Because of back and forth arguments on how to deal with the bill dealing with Planned Parenthood, which is a non-profit organization that supplies maternal and childcare services, John Boehner is stressed and ready to leave the position. Now that he has resigned, Congress has to create a new spending bill that would eliminate any extra fees coming from the government when taxing Planned Parenthood.
    Why this event is relevant:
    This is relevant because John Boehner is leaving a ton of decisions to the congress, when, entirely, he didn't understand the organization and what they try to achieve. In the end, the country is left without a speaker.
    When news surfaced that John Boehner was resigning from Speaker of the house, I wasn't too shock. After months of this issue, I didn't understand why it was a big deal for an organization to receive funds for the government. But once I learned about Boehner, being a conservative republican, it was clear that it was a matter of pro-life to pro-choice.
    I think Boehner clashing down on Planned Parenthood was a personal decision. This decision came back to haunt him. What also surprises me is his announcement happened the day after the Pope came to Washington D.C., where he talked about abortion and how it's the female's decision.
    I choose this article because it shows how the government can never complete a task without creating a mess. If Congress never pass the bill before Sept. 30, the government would have had another shutdown.

  16. Source:
    Article Title:"Trump doesn't challenge anti-Muslim questioner at event"
    Article Date: September 18, 2015
    Who: Donald Trump, Barack Obama, Gov. Scott Walker
    Where: Washington,D.C
    When: Friday , September 18 2015
    What happened: There was a man who stated something about Muslims he claimed that Muslims are the reason why America is the way it is. He was basically bashing Muslims , which raised a lot of tension within many Muslims who felt some type of way. Trump was included in this because he didn't challenge this unknown man for his words. Many people was shocked by this. Also , this passage talks about how back in 2011 Trump challenged president Barack Obama to show his birth certificate and to talk about his religion. Trump was also being bashed because they stated that Trump has said hateful comments about Muslims.
    Why this event is relevant:This is relevant because Trump is running for president and his actions and comments is affecting some Muslims out there which will bring his polls down and bring a lot of hate towards him (even though many people hate him already).
    Reaction: I feel like Donald Trump is a very ignorant individual & so is the person who made the comments about Muslims. Muslims should be treated just like us , they are no different than us Americans we are equal and this is just disgraceful.
    Opinion: I think that Donald trump should not be elected for president , I feel as though he is not fit for presidency.
    Connection: I chose this article because it made me highly upset and I thought that I should expose to people to see their opinions.

  17. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: The article is titled, 'Philadelphia Mayoral Debate Set for Tonight'.
    Article Date: The date of this article is September 29, 2015.
    Who: The 5 candidates for philadelphia mayor are involved in this article.
    Where: The debate was at the Hilton Hotel on South Broad street.
    When: The debate was held on Tuesday, September 29th, 2015.
    What happened: At this event the candidates faced off to become Mayor
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this involves who will be in charger of the city. This is relevant also because the mayor will effect our daily lives.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I felt excited when i heard about the mayoral debate.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that the debate is important because the citizens of philadelphia would like to know what their future mayor has in store.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because i live in philadelphia and i want to know the date of the debate.

  18. Russian Airstrikes in Syria 'Ok' With Trump
    10-1-2015.           National
    Donald Trump was involved in this article.
    This event happened on October 1.
            Donald Trump bleives that he will be a very great President. He is stating that Russia can attack Syria is fine with him. He believes that the region need to handle their own problems. He doesn't want much to do any of tnem because he feels like the U.S. is being taken advantage.
    This event is relevent because the U.S. needs to know who is trying to become the President of our country. I feel like Trump isn't taking the race serious enough. He's saying that he wouldn't assist those refugees from either one those countries.
    I think that Trump isn't a real leader and he should drop out of the President race. We can't have leader who doesn't want to explain to the citizens what he's planning. This article interest me beecause of the ignorance that Trump has in with/in government.

  19. Russia airstrikes in Syria? 'OK with me,' says Trump -

  20. Source:

    Article Title: King Crabs arrive in Antarctic, with Claws Out for Biodiversity

    Article Date:September 30th, 2015

    Who: The crustacean species called King Crab

    Where: From the coast of Alaska to Antarctica

    When: Recently ( Recorded on September 30th )

    What happened: A species of crab known as the " King Crab" has been spotted on the cold, shallow shore of Antarctica. These king crabs are found usually on the abyssal floor of oceans worldwide. Though findings of them on the cold water of Antarctica has never been known to happen before. Scientists are amazed that it has made such a journey to the frozen continent's shore. Though they are not able to inhabit antarctica's ocean floor yet, due to the water being extremely below zero. But they can confirm that the surface water of antarctica has been warmed up due to global warming, which explains why these intrusive crabs have made their way there.

    Why this event is relevant: This poses a large threat to the environmental ecosystem of Antarctica's seafloor, which scientists explains that it is unique and unless any other ocean floor around the world today. Because Antarctica's bottom floor is so excruciatingly cold, the organisms there has a very slow metabolism. In which they conserve energy by moving very slow if not at all, scientist refers this abyssal depth to that of the dinosaur's age. The king crab, being very modern, is fast, active and has a voracious appetite. If they were to somehow able to adapt to this ocean floor, the chain of balance between predator and prey would shift on an extremely large scale.

    Reaction: This is quite a shock, to think that Antarctica's ancient sea bed would be destroyed by such a simple species of crustacean. I would have never thought that they'd be able to travel such distances to find food. Though I'm not surprised due to global warming.

    Opinion: I think this was half nature, half man-kind's doing. I think it was man-kind because we contributed much to the global warming of earth. On the other hand, nature may have just lead them there for who knows what, maybe this is a mass extinction for Antarctica.

    Connection: I chose this article because I am a large science geek, most times on the computer I am just searching of new findings and discoveries being made. Science interests me and I enjoy learning new things.

  21. Source:

    Article Title: NEWS OREGON COLLEGE SHOOTING OCT 2 2015, 12:58 PM ET
    Oregon Shooting: Umpqua Gunman Chris Harper Mercer — What We Know

    Article Date: OCT 2 2015

    Who: Chris Harper Mercer

    Where: Umpua Community College

    When: 10-1-15

    What happened: A shooter in Oregon went to a community college and shot multiple people including a professor. People have multiple speculated on his motives for the shooting. It appears that he wasn't targeting race, class, certain students or just did it randomly. He was targeting Christians. He asked the Christians of the class to stand up. Once the Christian students identified themselves, he said "Ok you will be with god in a second.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because mass shootings are a huge problem in this country and thousands of innocent people are killed because of them. President Obama addressed the shooting, saying that he has been up there speaking on these types of subjects too much.

    Reaction: This shooting makes me upset because there is no reason why these people should die. A lot of these people apparently had mental issues but somehow have access to weapons.
    Opinion: I think we should change the weapon laws and beef up security in public places.

    Connection: I chose this article because this is a big problem in this country and it really is unfortunate and I think it has to stop.

  22. Source:

    Article Title:Millions of dollars wasted on nearly empty prisons built twice as large as planned, watchdog says

    Article Date:October 1st

    Who: Written by Lisa Rein.

    Where: Navajo Nation in Arizona.

    When: Released on Wednesday.

    What happened: It would appear that the federal government of Arizona has built a prison so large that it's noted to be more than twice as big as they planned. With such a prison in place, demands for budget is extremely high, counting up to $70.3 millions. About $32 millions was spent improperly on excessive and larger than planned cells for prisoner.

    Why this event is relevant: The state of Arizona does not have major prisons because crime rates there are lower than major population states such as in the east coast. To spend so much money building such a large structure to hold prisoners when Arizona does not have a high crime rate is much of a waste. Money is hard to gain now in the economy, and the money to run such a complex will be very high. Not to mention the guards and people that work there will need their pay as well.

    Reaction: Really? They built such a thing in Arizona. Come on man, who in Arizona commits crime. It's too hot there to even go outside, in my opinion.

    Opinion: I think that the time it takes to fill up this prison will be decades, and the money required to run it would deplete way before it could even reach maximum capacity.

    Connection: I chose this article because I am basing it off today's economy. Crime rates are increasing everyday, but more likely in the East Coast, no where Arizona is.

  23. Bruce Byrd

    Article Title:
    Kentucky clerk still won't issue same-sex marriage licenses

    Article Date:september 1,2015

    Who:Kim Davis

    Where: This event happened in kentucky.

    When:September 1

    What happened:Kim Davis refused to sign marriage licenses for gay couples

    Why this event is relevant:This is relevant because it shows that everyone in society cannont be described as equal based on what they choose to do with their lives. its also relevant because it shows the type of person that Kim Davis is.

    Reaction: in my opinion, what kim davis didnt do was not right. No matter if she believed in gay couples or not she she shouldnt be biased to just beliving in relationships with the opposite sex. I say that because everyone is different.

    Opinion I think kim davis should face consequence. i think this because for the job that she has she shouldnt be biased & she shouldnt go about things based on her own opinion. Also, in my opinion if thats the way people want to be, they should have the right to be that way.

    Connection I chose this because it caught my interest on why she wouldnt sign off on the licenses. Also, I chose this because its plenty of people that are the way they are and there are plenty of gay couples, you cant say no to everyone.

    1. Missing complete web address. takes you to the main page of Fox News, but I need the link to exactly where your article can be found.

  24. Source:(
    Article Title:U.S. government locked black soldiers in mustard gas chambers in racist human experimentation.
    Article Date:Wednesday, July 15, 2015
    Who: U.S Government, Military servicemen, Caitlin Dickerson, Rollins Edwards, African-American men
    Where :Europe and America
    What happened: The U.s Government locked black soliders into a gas chamber. Also the black men that was soliders had to agree to it. One of the soliders gave their feed back on what happened to them. One soilder commented that it felt like you was on fire.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this stuff shouldn't have to happen. This stuff happened to the soilders that was helping us as a country. They were fighting for us. People need to be informed on these things that happen. Its crazy how some people didn't even hear about it. When people found out about it they should of did something about it. Like a peaceful protest.
    Reaction: I think this is crazy because if they were apart of my family I would be upset. Humans shouldn't be treated like animals.
    Opinion My opinion is that no one should go threw this. Even the people that deserve it at least put them in jail not something so horrible like this.
    Connection: I can connect this to what we read for homework. That black lives matter and someone need to stand up for what's going on in this world.


  25. Source:
    Article Title:Government thugs arrest, strip-search innocent parents because son played basketball in backyard for 90 minutes

    Article Date:Monday, July 06, 2015
    this happened to A Florida family that consists of a mother, father, and two sons. This happened in a families backyard in Florida. This happened on a spring day in in April of 2015. Two parent were running late getting home from work so there son had to wait for them to get home. In the mean time the littie boy played basketball in their backyard and a neighbor called the cops because he thought the child was being neglected. The cops the came and took the children into custody for a long time. This is relevant because I sometimes have to wait for my parents to get home. I feel appalled with this whole incident.

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