Saturday, December 6, 2014

1st period, Week of 12/8-12/12

Due by 3:30 pm on Friday, 12/12/14


Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of 10 complete sentences. Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress (Senate or House of Representatives), Supreme Court cases, or passage of a law. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.

Source:  (full website address)
Article Title:
Article date:               
Who was involved? (Identify the people, groups, or organizations)
Where did this event happen? (Be specific)
When did this event happen? (Date, month, time frame, and/or year)
What happened? IN YOUR OWN WORDS (Include sequence of events in complete sentences)
Why is this event relevant? (Why did the author write the article now?)
Reflection (how did this event impact society or this branch of government?)
Reaction (describe feelings or attitude toward article, event, or people involved):
Opinion (I think…):

Connection (explain why you chose this article):


  1. Source:
    Article Title:The title of this article is Congress returns from thanksgiving break
    Article date: this event took place on December 1,2014
    Who was involved?the people who were involved were lawmakers, congress, Cokie Roberts, and Inskeep
    Where did this event happen?This event happened on a talk show between Roberts and Inskeep in philadelphia
    When did this event happen?this event happened on December 1,2014 at 5:03
    What happened? this event was about lawmakers setting a deadline to keep the government from losing money the government money is tied up in several other issues. Its more than the government just spending money for no reason. the conversation between Roberts and the host Inskeep was about the government the government and it shutting down and how republicans have an issue on what Obama did on regards to immigration republicans are not to happy about that. some republicans are thinking about funding on the government to show Obama how mad they are. republicans want the governments shut down.
    Why is this event relevant? this is relevant for the author to publish because if the government does shut down how will cities im going to say philadelphia will work how will people with government jobs be paid republicans are doing a little to much.
    Reflection this hurts the branch of government because they are not doing their job according to the republicans its a claim that the government is just spending money on unecessary things so these branches will indeed be effected
    Reaction: my anger and fustration is toward the republicans their having so many problems for no reason they need to let the government just do its job they never failed us before.
    Opinion (I think…): i think Obama should speak up because there motivation for doing this is to prove to the president how upset they are so Obama needs to do something and do something fast.

    Connection (explain why you chose this article): i choose this article because it stuck out to me because republicans are mad at Obama i never read something about anyone being mad at Obama and this is relevant to the three branches because what ever branch is in charge of money is responsible for figuring out where the money is.

  2. Source:
    Article Title: Congress sends Obama bill to stop Nazi benefits
    Article date: December 5, 2014
    Who was involved? Nazi war criminals, President Obama, legislation, House of Reps.
    Where did this event happen? Did not happen yet but will take place in White House
    When did this event happen? Approval of bill has taken place but meeting has not.
    What happened? President Obama is on his way to sign a bill that will prevent Nazi war criminals from receiving social security benefits.The Senate has approved it because they do not want Nazi war criminals to continue earning millions of dollars because of this. The House of Representatives unanimously approved the the bill on Tuesday. Republicans and Democrats united together and agreed that Nazi war criminals receiving Social Security checks needs to stop.
    Why is this event relevant? This event is relevant because Nazi's have had a bad place in history and it is true, they do not deserve to receive Social Security checks.
    Reflection : It shows the continuity of all the branches in uniting and forming a bill that prevents Nazi's from receiving these checks.
    Reaction : I think it is completely fair. These are people that committed huge genocides, they don't deserve to receive all this money.
    Opinion: They don't deserve to receive all this. The legislation and others did a great job of agreeing.
    Connection: I chose this article because it stood out to me. I did not even know Nazi's received these checks. They are potentially making millions when all they did was kill and torture massive amounts of people.

  3. Source:
    Article Title: California chief justice warns of civil rights crisis from court cuts
    Article date: Wednesday, December 9, 2014
    Who was involved? Chief justice, Tani Cantail-Sakauye
    Where did this event happen? California
    When did this event happen? March 17, 2014
    What happened?Article is about the branches not having enough funds for the peoples needs; unemployment, family laws, and able to speak ones language. There has been difficulties of getting into the system of the law which is making the people made and there could be a possibility of a civil rights catastrophe in the court. To add on, as a citizen its their right to be able to be funded but by following the rules of the law.
    Why is this event relevant?This is relevant because it shows how the branches aren't living u to the laws that were made. Which means this article would have to be obligated to make civil rights crisis in the court.
    Reflection This event is impacting the society by cutting extreme amount of funds causing them to have a high rate of unemployment citizens.
    Reaction: The Chief Justice believes it is not right for the legislatures deduction of funds.
    Opinion: I think her pleading for for them to reinstall funds is a great idea because she knows the consequences of the legislature actions would cause a lot of tension between the court and the people.
    Connection : I chose this article because it was interesting to me and also it can connect to the topic we are learning in class.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Source:
    Article Title:The risks of Obamas executive power plan
    Article date:Monday February 3, 2014
    Who was involved: Congress, republicans, the President
    Where did this event happen: Washington, DC
    When did this event happen: Doesn't say
    What happened: President Obama wants to increase minimum wage, but congress wont work with him so he will work around them. If President Obama embrace unconstitutional set of tools he will violate the laws of the land because we don't have an Monarchy. Using executive power has grown over the 20th century because presidents feel more comfortable using different mechanisms. Back in the 80s Jimmy Carter used executive power to protect 56 million acres of land. Also, bill Clinton used executive power to stop the federal gov't from entering into contracts with companies that hired strike-breakers. Obama has averaged out 37 executive orders for his term. Through a legislative debate supporters of a bill are made to present their case and convince a right amount of representatives and senators to come to their side. A president from one party can convince some people from the other side to vote on a bill. Obama would prefer to have legislation and executive power. Obamas legacy will stay fragile and vulnerable.
    Why is this event relevant: this relevant because it is helping American families around the world who are dealing with a lot of financial problems. Also, families who doesn't have a good job and needs to provide for their household.
    Reflection: this impacted society because there has been protest about raising minimum wage because the prices of the food products has increased.
    Reaction: my feelings towards this is that they should help president Obama out because what if this type of thing would have occurred to one of their family members they would be upset as well as others.
    Opinion: I think both branches should work together to raise minimum wage for low income families.
    Connection: I choose this because in class we have been talking about executive power.

  6. Source:
    Article Title: Obama preparing order on police militarization
    Article date: December 1,2014
    Who was involved: President Obama
    Where did this event happen: Ferguson, Missouri
    When did this event happen: December 1,2014 at 2:09
    What happened: President Obama is speaking out on the use of Military style equipment being used on the protesters in Ferguson, Missouri. Obama is asking for a executive order to track the weapons. 4% of the weapons were Military style equipment. Obama is asking for a executive action because back in August the police department was throwing tear-gas at the protesters. He also asking for money so the police officer can start wearing body cameras.
    Why is this event relevant: This event is relevant because it shows that President Obama is trying to reach and found out why this is happening so a stop could be put to it.
    Reflection: Due to the fact officer Wilson wasn't indicted for the murder of Michael Brown,President Obama had to make an executive order because they were using military weapons on the protesters causing harm to the community.
    Reaction: I'm happy that Obama is taking action and trying to solve the problem.
    Opinion: I think Obama is doing the right thing by looking in to this and trying to put a stop to this. Also, I think he's doing the the right by trying to get police officers to wear body cameras.
    Connection: I chose this article because I wanted to see what Obama's plan would be to end what's going on in Ferguson.

  7. Source:

    Article Title: The article title is “Congress Looks to Short-Term Funding to Keep Government's Lights On”

    Who: This is about the Congress.

    Where: This takes place in governments all over the United States.

    When: This post doesn’t says when this funding will go into place but this was published on December 9th 2014.

    What happened: The Congress created a short funding plan that will finance all parts of the government until autumn of 2015 yesterday. The $1.1 trillion spending budget will be pushed aside for a few days in order for it to have time to go through the two Houses. Congress will vote this week to push back the bill for two to three days which will ultimately push the actually bill into the end of this month. This gives the Senate some time to pick up the bill in order to stop a government shutdown. The bill will only be able to fund the DHS for a short time but they are in charge of the immigration laws. There are some conservative Republicans who will likely not be in favor for the bill because it doesn’t stop the President’s plan to protect millions of immigrants from being sent back to Mexico. Despite this, the bill is expected to be upvoted by both parties.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because its about the nation’s budget and how Congress, the legislative branch, is acting on this.

    Reaction: I feel relieved that Congress members are seeing eye-to-eye because another government shutdown would be bad and the previous shutdown was not fun.

    Opinion: I think $1.1 trillion is not a short term budget at all. I also think that Congress is only adding more on to the debt by doing this.

    Connection: I chose this article because I wanted to learn more about Congress.

    1. Rahiim, you consistently do a great job with your current events. I always enjoy reading your posts.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Tymere- can you try to rephrase your "what happened"? This needs to be paraphrased more. A great example of paraphrasing would include as few words as possible from the original source.

  9. Source:

    Article Title: The title of this article is "Congress struggles to avert shutdown"

    Article date: This event took place December 11,2014.

    Who was involved?: President Obama, Vice President Biden, Democrats,Senate,Republicans, White House chief of staff.

    When did this event happen?: This event took place in Washington D.C on December 11,2014.

    What happened?:Officials of the White House are trying to persuade democrats to support a 1.1 trillion dollar spending bill that left Washington a few hours within a government shutdown. The spending bill would have kept the government up until September. Members of both parties disagree with the bill.The senate doesn't get to vote until a bill is created in the House of Representatives. The white house chief of staff is trying to encourage democratic lawmakers to vote for the bill.He believes that they will lose their voting leverage on future bills. The President and Vice President are both in favor for the bill.
    Why is this event relevant?: This event is relevant because it was important enough to the entire government down. It is also something that isn't just one sided and has people on both sides that disagree with the bill.

    Reflection : This bill will effect all the branches of government. It will effect the legislative body by the House of Representatives having to take a recess and then having to create a bill so that senate can vote. It effects the Executive body by the president and those in the white house supporting the bill. The judicial body is effected by might having to judicial review speeding on how the decision on rather to have this bill is final.
    Reaction :I'm concerned about what will happen to the citizens of the United States if this bill is passed. Will the citizens be forced to pay higher taxes because of this and on to the debt that America already has.
    Opinion: I think this could be a both a good and bad thing it just depends on what happens after this bill is passed. If the bill when passed helps do more for the schools and citizens of the United States then it's a good thing. It'll be a bad thing if it only gives citizens higher taxes and puts America in debt.

    1. Fantastic post, Sherrita! Very insightful. Fortunately, I think the citizens can rest easy as it looks like the Senate will pass the bill before the holiday break.The problem with this bill, is there are a lot of compromises included that are just meant to satisfy individual Congressmen's agenda. That's why they are arguing over this bill.

  10. Bahsil Franklin
    Article Title: Obama reassures Latinos on immigration action
    Article date: Wed December 10, 2014
    Who was involved? Obama and Latino Community
    Where did this event happen? Obama had spoken on a networking station specifically for Latinos and told them and assured them that they would not have to be deported and that he is fighting for them.
    When did this event happen? No exact date but I'm assuming in the month of December
    What happened? Well Obama made a executive decision and decided to tell Latinos that his policies won't be changed when new administration takes over.
    Why is this event relevant? This is relevant because we have many people coming over to America from all over the world and they want to be assured that they have freedom too.
    Reflection: It impacts the executive branch because Obama is carrying out an Executive decision on weather or not they should be guaranteed rights.
    Reaction: To me I honestly don't care about this situation at hand because I know I am a citizen of the U.S., so I shouldn't be concerned.
    Opinion: I think that they should be guaranteed freedom and rights because they are looking for a better life.
    Connection: I chose this article because I seen that Obama is concerned about all races in our community and he will go out of his way to make sure they are happy.

  11. Source: (full website address)

    Article Title: How the supreme court protests bad cops

    Article date: August 26, 2014

    Who? Supreme Court

    Where? USA Supreme Courts

    When? Recent years

    What happened? In the past years new rules of the law were changing in court. The supreme court has made it impossible to hold police officers responsible, for civil rights violations, such as killing innocent people without being charged for it. This reduce the chances to prevent illegal police behavior, and leaves victims without justice, when the police injure or kill innocent people, the victims barely obtain help, in these bad situations. The most recent court ruling that decided an police officer was innocent of a murder that was committed was,'' Plumhoff V. Rickard'' Decided on may 27, which found that even shocking policies is not, excessive force in violation of the constitution. The court announce, ''If police officers have to fire at a suspect to end a threat of public safety, the officers can continue shooting until the threat has come to a end.''

    Why is this event relevant? Because this article tells why police officers do such crimes in today society and will get away with it.

    Reflection (how did this event impact society or this branch of government?) this event impact society because police officers can kill an innocent person over something that's not even major and won't be held accountable for it

    Reaction (describe feelings or attitude toward article, event, or people involved): surprised because I never knew that it was a law that police officers were allowed to do these crimes, and now I understand the reason why police officer do these crimes.

    Opinion (I think…): I think if it was no law that police officers are allowed to shoot and not stop until a threat of a suspect has ended, there won't be such crimes in today society from police officers because they know they would be held responsible for the murder they commited

    Connection (explain why you chose this article): I chose this article because I wanted to know the reason why the supreme court protects all cops and why police officers feel so comfortable with doing these crimes without thinking of the consequences

    1. This was a very interesting article choices. We will keep talking about this in class. I can't wait for more people to come forward to argue that excessive force is a violation of the 8th amendment. It's been argued before, but never successfully.

  12. Source:

    Article Title: Justices weigh limits of free speech over internet

    Article Date: November 30, 2014

    Who: Anthony Elonis

    Where: Bethlehem, Pa

    When: November 18, 2014

    What happened: In this article it was about a man nameed Anthony Elonis being put on trial about him posting his rap on facebook. It wasn't the rap that got him put on trial, but the lyrics. His lyrics stating, "There's one way to love you but a thousand ways to kill you. I'm not going to rest until your body is a mess, soaked in blood and dying from all the little cuts" his lyrics were found to be threatning to his wife and others. During the trial he tried to plead and be protected by his first amendment right, since he was just going through a lot and venting through his lyrics. However, the court said that he could not be protected under freedom of speech because of the way he expressed it. If it were stated different and not so gruesome then freedom of speech could have protected him.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is revelant because everyone uses social networks and now people say whatever comes to mind and to express their feelings when their at their low or high.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I thought that the whole case was stupid and a waste of everyone's time because people say what they want to and they should have freedom of speech to protect them.

    Opinion (I think..): That freedom of speech should protect a person even if it is on social media and or hasty words. It shouldn't matter because its their words and they should be protected.

    Connection (why you chose this article): It has to do with laws which connects to the judicial branch which enforces laws and review them.


    Title: Profiling ban doesn't apply at borders

    Article Date Monday December 8, 2014
    By. Evan Perez US are banning profiling. This event happened on Monday December 8 , 2014.The incident was reported to take place in the United States. This was about how the airport are banning the profiling. They are trusting that people that broad the plains are safe. They have more scanners just in case. Their are more assistants to check you. They try to focus to keep order in the airport. They are looking race, gender and etc. They are not being fair to the people who travels all the time. This appeals to all that travelers that travel all the time. This causes a problem t o people that goes through the process of getting on the plain. In my opinion this goes back to how racial and prejudice is still around which is wrong, but that is the reality of it. This reminds me of how the officer left the boy in the street for four hours and they did not see nothing wrong with that. If it was a white kid there would consequences to pay. There is no system to protect us from the wrong that is happening.

  14. Source: (full website address) :
    Article Title: Obama preparing executive order on police militarization
    Article date: Monday December 1, 2014
    Who was involved? (Identify the people, groups, or organizations) Obama, the Department of Defense , Department of Justice, and Department of Homeland Security were all involed in this article.
    Where did this event happen? (Be specific) This is happening all over.
    When did this event happen? (Date, month, time frame, and/or year) This event happened this year, 2014.
    What happened? IN YOUR OWN WORDS (Include sequence of events in complete sentences) Obama wants to track all military style weapons, funds and training.He wants to make sure indicents like the one that happened in Ferguson doesn't happen again. The White House wants hundreds of millions of dollars to supply everyofficer in the U.S. with body cameras which are supposed to help give a better view of confrontations.
    Why is this event relevant? (Why did the author write the article now?) Atfer all the fatal indicents involving police officers the government has no choice but to make a stand against these actions.
    Reflection (how did this event impact society or this branch of government?) This only effects the Executive branch cause Obama is giving orders to track the military supplies
    Reaction (describe feelings or attitude toward article, event, or people involved): Its's good to know that President is finally making some changes to help the black community. Tbody cameras should put a stop to police brutality and help those who abuse citizens and their power to justice.
    Opinion (I think…): I think that the government should have been stop the police and their harsh actions its not fair that black people have to live in fear of police who are supposed to protect them.i think that police who still commit crimes againist citizens are in for a rude awakening.

    1. Great post, Aireonna. It's time they stop using the excuse of funding these tactical weapons as a matter of national security.

  15. Source:
    Article Title: Obama Backs DC Vote to Legalize Marijuana
    Who: President Obama and the people of DC
    Where: This is happening in DC
    When: This was posted December 11, 2014
    What happened: It has been confirmed that President Barack Obama does support the legalization of marijuana in DC. This event of legal recreational weed in DC happened after Election Day in November. Even though he supports marijuana, he’s signing a spending budget the Congress set. This is misleading because the spending deal is only enough for the government to do different things and the fund to pay for the costs of the legalization of marijuana in DC isn’t included in the deal. Obama’s administration believes that Congress shouldn’t be involved too much in the issues of the citizens in DC. Obama is expected to sign the bill if it reaches his desk. The popular vote to put legal recreational marijuana on the ballot was 2 to 1. If enacted, DC citizens are allow to have and use up to 2 ounces of weed which is equivalent to three marijuana plants. People fighting for marijuana says that Congress interfering with this is anti-democratic since they aren’t represented in Congress. Congress fight back by saying they’re only keeping the federal law up which bans marijuana.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because its about the Executive branch and the growing popularity of legal pot.
    Reaction: I feel like this will change the outcome of legal pot. I say this because If Obama supports then there will probably be a better chance of it succeeding. There are Republicans though who will try everything they can to stop Obama however.
    Opinion: I think that Congress need to stop interfering with the citizens and just come to the realization that Americans want pot. Its obvious they do and there’s many facts that proves its better than tobacco and alcohol so why not legalize it.
    Connection: I chose this article because I heard my dad talking about and I wanted to write about it. One connection I made in this article was when the citizens said the Congress getting involved is anti-democratic because they’re not represented in Congress. This reminds me of the British colonists because the colonists felt like they were being infringed upon by Britain because they weren't represented.

  16. Source:
    Article Title: Congress Just Passed A Law Requiring Police Departments To Count How Many People They Shoot
    Who: Congress and the police force
    Where: This will affect every local law enforcements in the United States
    When: This happened on December 12, 2014
    What happened: Congress did something this week to help control the police force. Congress passed a bill that will result in a new order of policing across the country. The bill requires police to make data on shootings and other deaths they’re involved in. This come to wakening after the Mike Brown incident in Ferguson. As of now, police are not required to do such thing. Some counties do and some don’t which makes it hard to know how many people are killed by the law. Once the bill is signed by Obama, states that get federal funds are going to have to report every death while the person is in custody. Also people who die in jail must be reported. The report will have to have details such as gender, race, and what led to their death. This bill is a resurrection of a previous one which died in 2006. The bill that started in 2000 quickly became a failure.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because its about both the Legislative and Executive Branch.
    Reaction: I am thrilled that this is happening because this will hopefully stop the killings of innocent black people by the police.
    Opinion: I think that Congress has the right idea but I need to learn more about this in order to be convinced. I think there will still be loopholes in this that police could get by. Hopefully this won’t happen and if this is a success then we can finally say there is racism still present in the US.
    Connection: I chose this article because the protest in Philly made me think about Ferguson and when I typed that in, this was the first thing that popped up.

  17. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title: Obama preparing executive order on police militarization

    Article Date: Mon December 1, 2014

    Who: Obama

    Where: Washighton

    When: Mon December 1, 2014

    What happened: Obama is saying that he doesn't like how the police is treating citizens as people. He didn't say it directly but you can draw conclusions that that's what he mean. Obama believe that their should be tracking of what weapons come in and out of the states and why. Obama said that the police in ferguson are taking things to far with the tanks and bombs that they don't even realize that their drawing attention to themselves. The White House will also ask for $263 million to provide police departments with body cameras & also the money will be used to train police for incidents like those in ferguson

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because because of these incidents cops should soon realize that their taking advantage of their jobs and they need to be stopped.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): While reading this article I was shocked. I was shocked because I wouldn't expect higher authority to be on us citizens side, I would think that they will think theirs nothing wrong with the way the police are handling the situation over in ferguson. While reading I was shocked to know that the higher authorities know that the cops are being over dramatic and needs to bring it down a little.

    Opinion (I think..) I think he need to work on getting those body cameras In tact. I believe the cameras will be a good way to monitor everything from citizens to police. I think they don't know that them bringing will weapons suck as tanks and etc will only make the citizens look at them as an threat even more.

    Connection (why you chose this article) : I chose this article because if Obama sees police as an threat as a president , something really is wrong. Because Obama came out and spoke it shows that he is going to put in a effort to make a change.

  18. Source:
    Article Title: The name of the article is House Republicans sue Obama administration over Obamacare.
    Article date: This article was published November twenty first.
    Who was involved: Only group involved was the republicans.
    Where did this event happen: This event happened in the U.S district court for the District of Columbia.
    When did this event happen: This law was passed in July that allowed the house to sue the administration.
    What happened: The U.S district court decided that they would sue the administration because they didn't want other presidents in the future to feel as though they can change laws without the help of other branches.
    This event is relevant because presidents in the future nights feel like they can change unneeded laws and can affect us in negative and positive ways.This event affected society because if they want to sue Obama's administration it could effect people who need Obamacare.

    Reaction: My reaction to this is that it is unfair because loved ones and friends depend on Obamacare to support their medical needs and if it is taken away people might not have anything to depend on.

    Opinion: I think that if the president choose to make laws without the consent of the branches there should be no problem because he felt it was needed.

    Connection: I chose this article because if this way my family I would hope that they would second guess this claim.
