Sunday, December 14, 2014

5th period Extra Credit blog, due 12/19

Due by 3:30 pm on Friday, 12/19/14


Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of 10 complete sentences. Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress (Senate or House of Representatives), Supreme Court cases, or passage of a law. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.

Source:  (full website address)
Article Title:
Article date:               
Who was involved? (Identify the people, groups, or organizations)
Where did this event happen? (Be specific)
When did this event happen? (Date, month, time frame, and/or year)
What happened? IN YOUR OWN WORDS (Include sequence of events in complete sentences)
Why is this event relevant? (Why did the author write the article now?)
Reflection (how did this event impact society or this branch of government?)
Reaction (describe feelings or attitude toward article, event, or people involved):
Opinion (I think…):

Connection (explain why you chose this article):


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Source: Http://

    Title: Judges Hear Arguments Over NSA Surveillance

    Article Date: Monday December 8, 2014
    By. Gene Johnson
    Who: Federal Appeals Court hears arguments of NSA violating rights of citizens.

    When: This event happened on Monday December 8, 2014.

    Where : The incident was reported to take place in Seattle,Washington.

    What happened: Idahoan nurse, Anna J. Smith sued the federal government last year stating that the US counterterrorism program NSA was violating citizens of their 4th Amendment prohibits searches without an legal document such as a warrant. This has been NSA’s third time appeals court around the nation confronted NSA. U.S. District Judge Lynn Winmill opposed Smiths claims but realize that it does violate some privacy that could go to the Supreme Court. The Federal Government repudiate that under the USA Patriot Act which is set to intercept terrorist attacks, and help from F.I.S.C agents by using phone records can help expose terrorist. The US Department of Justice says that this an important counterterrorism-program. Nevertheless President Obama called a closure to stop and protect the millions of Americans who are not associated with terrorist groups. Similar to Smith's case is the 1979 Supreme Court Case verdict in Smith vs Maryland. This case stated that police could have your phone records because it’s not private because you give your information to your phone company. On contraire Peter Smith say these two cases are different back then they needed phone records but now NSA can see your medical information, and emotional state. Judges are in a deadlock to see if this case can stand in front of the Supreme Court.
    Why it's Relevant: This is relevant because it is a onerous case that is violating our Fourth Amendment but on the opposite its good act of defeating terrorist attacks.

    Reaction: When I read this article it really didn't bother me because I know it is for a good cause but it is kind of violating your right of privacy. I think Obama is right because hes is protecting the people who is not deemed as a terrorist.

    Opinion: I think that this is good because of it think about ISIS who is using technology to recruit people with the help of NSA it can ‘nip it in the bud,’ and it won't be a problem.

    Connection: I chose this topic because this is the main issues that's is in World News and it makes you realize what and who is your Amendments.

  3. Source:
    Article Title: Obama Speaks on Historic Policy Change in U.S. -Cube Relationship
    Who: President Obama and the Cuban people/government
    Where: This will happen in Cuba
    When: This address was given on December 17, 2014
    What happened: Today, President Obama delivered a speech addressing the relations between the US and Cuba. The White House stated that it would restore the relations between Cuba and the US. In the 60’s the US set an embargo on Cuba because of the Cuban Missile Crisis. The US has isolated Cuba since then, not giving it economic support. Obama called this an outdated handling of Cuba and is a failure in itself. This approach of an embargo is counterproductive and no other countries is doing this or helping us. A US embassy will be made in Cuba’s capital, Havana. This policy will allow US citizens to use debit and credit cards, visit family members (no tourism however), attend events and bring Cuban things into the US. Multiple lawmakers were fast to discredit and defame Obama however. They called Obama a bad negotiator, the worst President since Jimmy Carter and is putting Americans at risk to terrorism. Despite these acclamations, this move is historic and will undoubtedly influence the remainder of the President’s last years.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because its on the executive branch and foreign policies.
    Reaction: I’m happy to finally see progress between Cuba and the United States. I’m excited to see future advances and hopefully a relationship with Cuba.
    Opinion: I think that these lawmakers will always try to soil Obama’s presidency. This is an amazing act to me because holding an embargo over Cuba for 60+ years is petty. I think as time passes we will see many advancements and we can potentially see the rise of a new developed country.
    Connection: I chose this article because the idea of the US ending the embargo on Cuba that lasted for decades is cool to me and deserved attention.

  4. Source:
    Article Title: President Obama told People Magazine: 'LeBron did the right thing' with T-shirt
    Who: This involves President Obama and NBA star LeBron James.
    Where: This didn’t happen in a particular place.
    When: President Obama said this on December 9, 2014 but this was published December 17, 2014
    What happened: The indictment of two police officers who killed two black unarmed males has swept the nation and now its taking over the NBA. As a show of support for the protesters and Eric Garner, NBA superstar, LeBron James, worn a “I Can’t Breathe” T-shirt to his pregame. This has gained the attention of President Obama and Obama says that he believes this was a right thing for LeBron to do. He didn’t leave out other players because he acknowledged the other players who worn this shirt too. The first player to start this was Derrick Rose. Obama wants us to remember the roles of athletes in national issues like how Muhammad Ali did. He also stated that he would want to see more athletes do things like this, not just on police brutality but on other issues. LeBron James said that he didn’t meant to place blame on the police but this was to represent how the country feels as a whole.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because its about the remarks President Obama, the Executive branch, said.
    Reaction: I feel as though what the players are doing is right and great for creating an audience. I’m also happy that Obama decided to speak on it and the fact that he agreed.
    Opinion: I think that President Obama’s remarks is great and that he has a good idea. I think if more players and other entertainment workers expressed their feelings then the urge and support for issues and situations would grow stronger. With LeBron doing this I think that he may have put some young fans into the issue of police brutality and hopefully this will open their eyes.
    Connection: I chose this article because I was watching ESPN and seen this and I thought that this would make a good current event.

  5. Source: (full website address):
    Article Title: The title of my article is “CIA feared for future of interrogation program, report shows”
    Article date: My article was published on December 11, 2014. .
    Who was involved? (Identify the people, groups, or organizations): Involved in my event was the U.S Senate, Senior Officials such as George Bush, John Rizzo, a former CIA member, former CIA Chief George Tenet, and White House facility.
    Where did this event happen? (Be specific) This event happened across the United States, mainly in the eastern border.
    When did this event happen? (Date, month, time frame, and/or year) This event happened in the recent decade. From as early as 2003 until now (2014).
    What happened? IN YOUR OWN WORDS (Include sequence of events in complete sentences): In the year 2003, the government’s CIA agency completed many brutal and sometimes fatal interrogation methods. Their methods went unchecked for years as they continued to be entirely too violent. In this time, George Bush was president, however did not know anything about the whereabouts of the organization. Although the Senate believed so, there was no proof. Currently, Senior Officials such as George Bush are working with current president, Barrack Obama, and former CIA agents in order to gain a perspective into the deeds of the agency.
    Why is this event relevant? (Why did the author write the article now?) The author wrote this article because the CIA has become too powerful along with the legislative branch of government. The CIA completed tons of murders while interrogation.
    Reflection (how did this event impact society or this branch of government?) The power of the legislative branch became too powerful and was unchecked by the executive and judicial branches. The legislative branch did not stay within its power limit when controlling the CIA, and now we are paying for it today.
    Reaction (describe feelings or attitude toward article, event, or people involved): I am shocked that something like the unbalancing of power can slip through the cracks like that, and I am also concerned for the future of the interrogation of the CIA.
    Opinion (I think…): I think the judicial branch needs to have slightly more power than the legislative and executive branches because the judicial branch did not catch the CIA faults.
    Connection (explain why you chose this article): A connection I can make is that checks and balances were created to keep the powers equal on all three branches of government just like each classroom has the same amount of teachers to ensure and check the powers of the class.

  6. This is LaShay Stevens


    Article Title: Obama: Sony Hack Proves U.S. Needs to Do 'A Lot More' to Protect Against Cyber Threats

    Who: This involves the President, North Korean hackers and Sony Pictures

    Where: This attack the article was talking would have taken place in movie theaters that would play the movie "The Interview"

    When: Obama said this on December 17, 2014

    What happened: On Christmas day the movie, "The Interview" produced by Sony, was supposed to be released. This movie is a comedy about two men who were sent to assassinate North Korean ruler, Kim Jong-Un. However Sony faced a barrage of cyber attacks and hacks that hindered a lot of their productions. These hacker are expected to be from the North Korean government that was sent to destroy this film and Sony for disgracing Kim Jong-Un’s image. For serious threats has been made. The hacker threatened to attack all theaters that will play the movie in a 9/11 style. This discourage many people and Sony decided to not release this movie. Obama recently spoke on against this. Obama felt like the national cyber security needs to be boosted and Congress needs to approve of this. Even though he realizes that there is a threat, Obama believes Americans should still attend the movies. He mentioned that there is no credible evidence of an attack and Americans should never be scared of terrorists in their own land.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it is about a possible terrorist attack all across the nation and how President Obama addresses this.

    Reaction: I feel happy that President Obama announced this because I think the North Koreans are bluffing and its good for Americans to understand there’s no real imminent danger. I’m also scared however because there is the possible risk of a terrorist attack.

    Opinion: I think that we should get over this and Sony should still release the movie. I think that what Obama said is right and that we need to attend the movies. We need to show that we aren’t afraid of terrorist and that we will always be better than them. I do think more security is needed in these theaters but like I said I think they are bluffing. Sony is still at risk however if the release the movie and that is taunting.

    Connection: I chose this article because I was actually looking forward to watching this movie and now that is ruined so I wanted to write about it.

  7. Source: (full website address)

    Article Title: Senator pledges to block efforts

    Article date: Thursday December 18, 2014

    Who was involved? (Identify the people, groups, or organizations) Senator Marco Rubio, President Obama

    Where did this event happen? (Be specific) Washington D.C

    When did this event happen? (Date, month, time frame, and/or year) December 2014

    What happened? IN YOUR OWN WORDS (Include sequence of events in complete sentences) Florida Senator Marco Rubio said he would block president Obama if he tried to increase relations with Cuba. The senator is a Cuban American, he said that " The president's decision to reward Castro and begin the path toward the normalization of relations with Cuba is inexplicable". Senator Rubio is the chairman of the senate foreign Relations Committee's western Hemisphere subcommittee. He is against Obama with fixing the relationship with Cuba

    Why is this event relevant? (Why did the author write the article now?) This article is relevant because if there are changes in the U.S Cuba policy than the U.S will have a embassy in Havana. Americans will have a change to visit Cuba and it will be maritime boundaries with Cuba in the Gulf of Mexico.

    Reflection (how did this event impact society or this branch of government?) If this don't happen this will not allow more tourism between the United States and Cuba. It will not help control many issues of narcotics, migration and human trafficking in the United states

    Reaction (describe feelings or attitude toward article, event, or people involved):When I read this article I was surprised that senate Marco Rubio is against it. This policy may help in the future. Since 1959 the U.S and Cuba was against each other.

    Opinion (I think…): I am against senate Marco Rubio on his decision to block the efforts because it may help us from a military and tourism standpoint. People may get a chance to go to Cuba straight from the United States.

    Connection (explain why you chose this article): Senator Rubio is Cuban American. He may feel that the United States is doing this only for political reasons.


  8. Source:

    Article Title: DOJ: Transgender people can’t be discriminated against at work

    Who: The Attorney General Eric Holder, The Department of Justice and Transgender people

    Where: This affect all businesses and places in the United States.

    When: This posted on December 18, 2014

    What happened: It has been reported that transgenders live a harsh life compared to others. They are more likely to be denied a job and housing. Earlier today the Attorney General, Eric Holder, spoke on this issue. He reminded Americans that discrimination of gender taking place in the working field is not allowed due to the Civil Rights Act in 1964. In the past few years however the Court has been debating on if this act also includes transgenders. In today’s time though the Court has put aside this issue and sides with Holder. Transgenders and supporters have praised Holder for his public address and using the power of the government to prove their rights. There’s backlash too with groups saying that the Congress wasn’t thinking about any other gender at the time besides males and females. Holder stated that this law needs to be interpret in order to fully use it.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it speaks on rights on humans which is a topic in the United States today such as rights for gays. This is also relevant because it has the DOJ which is a bureau in the Executive branch.

    Reaction: I’m happy that Eric Holder said this but I’m disgusted that this is even a problem that needs to be addressed. It’s disturbing that these normal humans have to live with such abuse because of something as gender. What’s even more wrong is that there are groups out there that are trying to restrict these people from their rights.

    Opinion: I think that there should be some type of punishment for people who discriminates against these people. There should also be more charities and support groups that would help with transgenders

    Connection: I chose this article because this was on your Twitter. I made a connection with this to what we just learned about loose and strict construction. The transgenders and Holder is looking at the Civil Rights Act in a loose construction manner so that they can be protected. The groups that aren’t with

  9. Soure-
    Article Title-Obama looks to cuba to test an old theory.
    Article date-December 18th 2014.
    Who was involved? Barack Obama,Job bush Cuba ,Iraq.
    When did this happen?2009-2914
    Where did this happen?white house
    What happened?President Obama tried to find new ways to promote opening with Cuba having Raul Castro lead him.
    Why is this relevant? This article is relevant because Obama has two terms left in the office and he's basically trying to chase political achievements that is that eluded his predeecessors
    Reflection- my reflection to this article was hopefully people question his progress and what he done thus far In office.
    Reaction-my reaction to this article Is that Obama has a good mindset and he helped shaped this nation.
    Opinion -mind paying to this article was before Obama term is upI think Cuba will help bolster his reputation.
    Connection-the connection I made to this article was that President Obama is trying to help Iraq In cuba outin the he has none everything that he came with only two terms left hopefully things turn out the way he have planned since 2009 when he first entered office he made an agreement with Hillary Clinton also he agreed to help Iraq so hopefully Cuba can't help booster his reputation more people here History understand Him

  10. Source: (full website address)
    Article Title: Executive Order -- Establishment of the President's Task Force on 21st Century Policing
    Article date: December 18, 2014
    Who was involved? (Identify the people, groups, or organizations) The White House
    Where did this event happen? (Be specific) This event happened in Washington D.C.
    When did this event happen? (Date, month, time frame, and/or year) This happened on December 18, 2014
    What happened? IN YOUR OWN WORDS (Include sequence of events in complete sentences) Obama, being the president of the United States. He wants to provide a better relationship. Between law enforcement and the community. It can hopefully lower crime rate and have a better trust. The first is that the task force cannot be over 11 people. Then they should make laws that the president will approve that will be good for people. They should have occasional meeting with state and local officials. By March 2, 2015 they should submit a report. They should obviously do as there told. The Department of Justice gives funds and equipment for the task force.
    Why is this event relevant? (Why did the author write the article now?) This article is relevant because it has to do with the branches of government.
    Reflection (how did this event impact society or this branch of government?) This can reflect people because it is what Obama wants to happen from here on out.
    Reaction (describe feelings or attitude toward article, event, or people involved):My reaction is that I think this was well executed.
    Opinion (I think…):
    I think that Obama will do a great job with this.
    Connection (explain why you chose this article): I choose this article because it has to do with one of the branches of government.

  11. Source:

    Article Title: Congress stands little chance of stopping Cuba policy

    Who: This is about the Congress, President Obama and Cuba

    Where: This is happening between the United States and Cuba

    When: This was posted on December 18, 2014

    What happened: Recently President Obama has announced that he will begin building relations with Cuba. This means that Americans can travel to Cuba for visiting family, attend events and bring stuff from Cuba. This of course was met with heavy opposition from both parties. Lawmakers are fighting to stop this because America and Cuba have two different ideologies and views. Even if they do manage to make it Obama can veto it and shut the effort down. The idea of settling the Cuban v. American tension was to just ignore them and their efforts which doesn’t really works. This plan has been like this since the 60’s and now Obama has set a change. Obama seeks to help the economy of Cuba and grow a bond instead of a feud.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it is about two branches of American government, the Legislative and Executive. It also involves foreign affairs.

    Reaction: I’m pleased to know that Obama can stop these people who’s trying to stop. I think it’s ridiculous that people are constantly attacking Obama and this amazing idea.

    Opinion: I think that Congress and other forces should try and help Obama. A new global partner would be great for our economy and hopefully we can see a change in the near future where Cuba would be treated like any other country.

    Connection: I chose this article because I wanted to write one about Cuba. This is a straight connection from our class in Civics with checks and balances and the three branches powers.

  12. Source: (full website address)

    Article Title: Former President Bush pays surprise visit to 9/11 museum.

    Article date: This article was published

    December 15, 2014 | 4:44am.

    Who was involved? (Identify the people, groups, or organizations) This article involved former President George Bush.

    Where did this event happen? (Be specific) This event took place in New York at the 9/11 museum.

    When did this event happen? (Date, month, time frame, and/or year) this event took place earlier this year.

    What happened? IN YOUR OWN WORDS (Include sequence of events in complete sentences) The former President George Bush paid a hour visit to the 9/11 museum emotionally speaking. He arrived pretty early with his security and everyone knew he was so interested in the museum so nobody said anything to him they just let him be. This was his first time ever visiting the museum and he reflected back to 9/11 and everything that happened really appreciating the museum. It was clear that this was something he been wanting to do for a long time and he finally was able to experience it.

    Why is this event relevant? (Why did the author write the article now?) This event was relevant because this was the defining moment of his presidency and this event was really big.

    Reflection (how did this event impact society or this branch of government?) This event impact society by making its people closer and realizing the importance of it.

    Reaction (describe feelings or attitude toward article, event, or people involved) I thought it was decent of him to pay visit to the museum it was very respectful and It was something that he had to do.

    Opinion (I think…): I think that it is good that they made this museum because its in memory of everyone that died and this event will never be forgotten.

    Connection (explain why you chose this article): I can connect with this article because this event happened in my society.

    Congress narrowly averts government shutdown
    12 Dec 2014
    The United States Congress, Vice President Biden and President Obama were the parties involved in this article.
    This event was focused on the government bodies located in Washington DC, USA.
    This event took place this week of 8 Dec 2014.
    The U.S. Government was facing a potential shutdown. The shutdown would have started at midnight 12 Dec 2014. However the House of Representatives approved a $1.1 trillion spending bill that allows the government to operate until September of 2015. However the Senate has not yet weighed in on the bill and approved a 2 day spending extension until they can vote on the bill. If and when the bill passes the senate, President Obama will then sign it into law. This bill
    The author's purpose for writing this article is to inform the reader(s) about the near governmental shut down that almost took place.
    This bill impacts society hugely because without it we would have faced an inevitable governmental shutdown.
    I am happy that Congress has passed this bill because this shows that the government is willing to work together to keep running this country despite their personal differences.
    I think that this article is a perfect example of the idea of checks and balances. The way that the bill has passed the House of Reps. and is in the process of being approved by the Senate.
