Sunday, December 14, 2014

3rd period Extra Credit blog, due 12/19

Due by 3:30 pm on Friday, 12/19/14


Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of 10 complete sentences. Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress (Senate or House of Representatives), Supreme Court cases, or passage of a law. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.

Source:  (full website address)
Article Title:
Article date:               
Who was involved? (Identify the people, groups, or organizations)
Where did this event happen? (Be specific)
When did this event happen? (Date, month, time frame, and/or year)
What happened? IN YOUR OWN WORDS (Include sequence of events in complete sentences)
Why is this event relevant? (Why did the author write the article now?)
Reflection (how did this event impact society or this branch of government?)
Reaction (describe feelings or attitude toward article, event, or people involved):
Opinion (I think…):

Connection (explain why you chose this article):


  1. Source: (
    Article Title: C.I.A. Chief and President Walk Fine Line

    Article date: By PETER BAKER and MARK MAZZETTIDEC. 14, 2014
    Who was involved? (President Barack Obama, Head of the Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A) John O. Brennan and the Senate Intelligence Committee.
    Where did this event happen? (The White House)
    When did this event happen? (December 11, 2014)

    What happened? IN YOUR OWN WORDS (This event involves some of the accusations that arose surrounding the CIA being deceiving and using methods of torture. Now being questioned head of the CIA and the president Barack Obama find ways to combat the accusations and set everything right. Mr. Obama and Mr. Brennan’s status with each other are evaluated on terms of past presidents standings with the CIA towards the present relationship with President Barack and the CIA’s head as counterterrorism adviser in the past few years. President Obama has allowed Mr. Brennan to go out and speak for problem at hand since they mainly face the same problems anyway. In his address he rejected the claims against the CIA , but spoke that they may have arisen due to some of the brutal methods that they were using.)

    Why is this event relevant? (This event is relevant because it deals with some of the most recent problems that present itself to the world. The author may have written about this to communicate to the public some sort of update on what may be coming in the near future.
    Reflection (This event has affected the executive branch of government mainly the president of the United States by resurfacing some of the past history that has happened and caused really intense evaluation over past problems.
    Reaction (Regarding the accusations I really do not have a full fledged understanding of whether they are nearly accurate or not, but I know that if this is blown out of proportion too much it may cause even more trouble for the president than he may already be in as of the moment.
    Opinion (I think that more investigations need to be held in order to truly pin down the situation, but also at the same time it depends on what really may happen later and how the actions affect the thought of many people.
    Connection (I do not really have any serious connections with this article. I have been accused of some wrong doings before, but they were only minor to the cases presented in this article.

  2. Source: (entire website address):
    Article Title: Obama: US well end 'Outdated Approach' with Cuba
    Article Date: December 17, 2014
    Who: Julie Pace and Matthew Lee
    Where: Washington DC
    When: December 2014
    What happened: The issues between the US and Cuba have reached a breaking point and now may be over or coming to an end. This is very big for history and he could help bring money and people across the two nations. During Pres. Barack Obama's speech, he was accompanied by an American hostage who is held in Cuba for five years.Obama requested that this the beef between US and Cuba end soon and that these 50 years should come to an end.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant, because the U.S. and Cuba have been going through a battle for fifty years. It is about time that the misunderstandings and conflict come to and end, and the two nations can come to a compromise. Also, they need to stop, because this is causing more problems than it needs to be between the two nations. Hopefully with this new break through, the two nations can come together and make a new name for themselves.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I feel a though this was bound to happen, and I think this is good for both nations to come together and settle the issues and problems between them. I also think that after this, other nations and countries should try to start fresh and hopefully the world can become cool all the way around.
    Opinion (I think..): I think this is a good way to make a mends and to show growth over the last fifty years.
    Connection (why you chose this article): you can connect this to family and how a fuss can go further then expected. Also when a family has a reunion because they went selectees for so long.

  3. Source:
    Article Title: Obama Applauds LeBron James For Wearing 'I Can't Breathe' T-Shirt
    Who: This article pertains to President Obama and LeBron James
    Where: There isnt a real place that this happened in.
    When: December 17, 2014
    What happened: The famous NBA ball player LeBron James has received an approval by the President. He got approved by Obama because he was wearing a “I Can’t Breathe” shirt which is a show of support for Eric Garner, an unarmed black man who was killed by police. Although this is the first time LeBron has been noticed by the President, this isn’t the first time he shed his mind on issues in America. He showed his views for Trayvon Martin, Mike Brown and Donald Sterling, all of which were issues on racism. The president compared him to the likes of Muhammad Ali for athletes raising awareness on social problems. Obama agreed that racism is still part of this country because while growing up and becoming who he is now, he’d always faced racial discrimination.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because President Obama, who is the executive branch, is talking about a social issue that Americans are facing and he is acknowledging the celebrities for being apart of it.
    Reaction: I feel good for some reason. I feel happy that Obama is recognizing the athletes and that Obama is giving insight on racial discretion. I’m also happy LeBron is getting attention
    Opinion: I think that this is good for the cause, If these people such as LeBron starts spreading awareness, we will have a far less amount of problems in our society since everyone would be so into it.
    Connection: I chose this article because I’ve been hearing about LeBron receiving criticism for wearing this shirt and I didn’t know the most important person in the U.S begs to differ.

  4. Source:
    Article Title: Senate terror bill debate won’t sack Super Bowl
    Who: The Senate, NFL teams and fans
    Where: In the NFL
    When: December 16, 2014
    What happened: Recently many fans of American football have been fearful that a Super Bowl won’t happen. This fear came from the a bill that Congress had to renew every often which was basically an insurance company for terrorist attacks. This policy of insurance happened after 9/11 in fear of that a potential attack could happen there. The bill had to be renew by the end of the year which isn’t quite that far from today’s date. The NFL worked alongside the NBA and NHL to ensure that Congress won’t turn a blind eye to the issue but reports claims that the NFL really had no fear of the deadline. It brought results and the Congress did indeed renew it which means another Super Bowl will happen this year.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because the Congress has to get involve with the situation and that makes this article about the Legislative branch.
    Reaction: I am relieved and joyful that this happened. I’m an athlete and enjoy football and it wouldve been a shame if I couldn’t get to watch the Super Bowl this year. This shows me that Congress, and to a further degree, government is involved in everything even sports which is interesting.
    Opinion: I think that Congress needs to just make a bill that will automatically make the Congress renew things like this if the fundings allowed. This is something that Americans enjoy and if that was taken away from them then there would be rage all over.
    Connection: I chose this article because I heard rumors about it and wasn’t sure so I decided to look it up and this made a perfect current event for me.

  5. Source: (full website address)

    Article Title: Federal judge: Obama immigration actions 'unconstitutional'

    Article date: December 17 2014

    Who was involved? (Identify the people, groups, or organizations) President Barack Obama and U.S. District Court Judge Arthur Schwab

    Where did this event happen? (Be specific) The United States

    When did this event happen? (Date, month, time frame, and/or year) Wednesday, 17 December 2014

    What happened? IN YOUR OWN WORDS (Include sequence of events in complete sentences) This article is about the events that happened based on the immigration actions of unconstitutional due to the branch of legislative to executive. President Obama legislative action had breached the separation of powers under the United States Constitution and the Take Care Clause. The Take Care Clause is a clause in the United States Constitution that impose a duty on a President to take care the laws. President Obama made changes that would allow up to 5 million illegal immigrants whose children are citizens or legal permanent residents to meet the criteria.
    Why is this event relevant? (Why did the author write the article now?) This article is relevant because it has been discussed a lot over the news.

    Reflection (how did this event impact society or this branch of government?) This event made an impact on the branch of legislative due to President Barack Obama's immigration actions and decisions made on the case.

    Reaction (describe feelings or attitude toward article, event, or people involved): President Barack Obama is upholding his actions being made within the Constitution and has progressed on immigration legislation and power with the Executive branch.

    Opinion (I think…): I think that the legislative branch is one of the significant branches of government provides it gives additional powers that is given to the executive branch of government where the President can pretty much do what he please which is to influence and make changes to Congress.


  6. Source:

    Article Title: Congress Stands Little Chance of Stopping Cuba policy

    Who: About Congress, Cuba and President Obama

    Where: Between the Cuba and The United States

    When: December 18, 2014

    What happened: President Obama has announced that he will begin building relations with Cuba. doing this means Americans can travel to Cuba for visiting family, attend events and bring stuff from Cuba. Fighting to stop this because America and Cuba have two different views.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it is about two branches of American government, the Legislative and Executive.

    Reaction: I really never read about any of this stuff so I didn’t really know about it but I think its good that he is trying to settle with them.

    Opinion: I think that Congress and other forces should try and help Obama. Because they could come together and change the future.

    Connection: This is a straight connection from our class in Civics with checks and balances and the three branches powers. But I mainly chose this because I think America needs a change and this could be a good one for the future.

  7. Source:
    Article title: Rand Paul: Obama declaring 'constitutional war'
    Article date: 19 November 2014
    The executive branch is involved in this article. Rand Paul states his opinion on Obama's future plans for immigrants in the U.S. Obama is planning to let the 5 million immigrants stay in the U.S. and says that if the Congress failed to come to an understanding with his wants that he would take matters into his own hands. Obama plans to make a speech to announce his decision to let the immigrants stay. Rand Paul feels as though Obama is acting like a king. He's in disagreement with Obama and his decision. This is related because this could make a big impact on the U.S. and it's future as a country. My reaction is there's always going to be someone who disagrees with what someone else thinks is right. I think that it is fair that the immigrants stay here and that we as Americans should be flattered. This can connect to the to many decisions that Obama has had to make, his opinion is the last say so in most cases.


  8. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: obama cnn
    Article Date: update
    What happened: obama is being sued.
    Why this event is relevant: it tells us the problems we are going threw.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel like the we came to far to let the branches come apart.
    Opinion (I think..) the if we lost the president many people freedom will be taken away.
    Connection (why you chose this article) it may change the lifes we live in today. The president is very powerful do to his executive stand point but his role is being questioned by people because many thing he is try to control the legislation branch by controlling the senate.

    Now he is being sued because many people think he has over stepped his boundaries by the steps he took without the legislation consent

  9. This post does not meet length requirement.
