Saturday, December 12, 2015

2nd period EXTRA CREDIT due 12/18

Due by 3:30 pm on 12/18
Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences).
Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.
Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)
Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source:

    Article Title: Donald Trump unveils plan to slash taxes for the poor-- and the wealthy

    Article Date: September 29,2015

    Who: MJ Lee and Sara Murray

    Where: New York

    When: September 28,2015

    What happened: Trump has launched his idea on how he's going to cut taxes. He's going to make it so that people that make 25,000 and under won't have to pay. But the loophole is that people that make 150,000 you have to only pay 25%. That is a drastic drop from the previous 40%.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because Trump is a big candidate in this presidential campaign. If he wins and this policy is passed then its mainly going to benefit rich people like him.

    Reaction: I think this was a very well hatched plan, but Trump isn't slick. He thought no one was going to pick up on that loophole. It almost worked but we learned a while back, almost everything Trump says has ulterior meanings.

    Opinion: I think its a good plan it should just be a little more fair.

    Connection: I chose this article because it stuck out to me. It was Trump having a good plan with somewhat good intentions. Which is truly surprising.

  2. plan/
    article title:trump I have better judgement
    article date:12/13/15
    Who: Trump
    Were: los vegas
    When: 12/13/15
    What Happen: Washington (CNN)- Donald Trump says he was far better judgement then Republican president rival Ted cruz after recording revealed the taxes questionnaire the Republican front runner on the subject.
    Why is this relevant:the reason why this is relevant becausethis talked about how Donald Trump think that he is a far better judgment Republican presidentrial tax person.
    Reaction:my reaction to this is that I think that DonaldTrump think he knows everything and that he's very cockyand dangerous.The reason why I've seen these things because he has a very bad attitude and don't know what to say out of his mouth.But what I can say is that he has very good confidence of himself.but I don't think that it's a bad idea I just thinkthatit should be a little more better.I also think that Chump knows exactly what he's doing I think that trumtrump think he's tricking someone
    opinion:I think that it's okay but could be better
    connection: the reason why I chose this article because it was talking about tax and Donald Trump was part of it. this also jump out to me because of the title.Also this show how Trump is put in his ideas together.this is also very important about TexasThis is the reason why I chose this article.

  3. plan/
    article title:trump I have better judgement
    article date:12/13/15
    Who: Trump
    Were: los vegas
    When: 12/13/15
    What Happen: Washington (CNN)- Donald Trump says he was far better judgement then Republican president rival Ted cruz after recording revealed the taxes questionnaire the Republican front runner on the subject.
    Why is this relevant:the reason why this is relevant becausethis talked about how Donald Trump think that he is a far better judgment Republican presidentrial tax person.
    Reaction:my reaction to this is that I think that DonaldTrump think he knows everything and that he's very cockyand dangerous.The reason why I've seen these things because he has a very bad attitude and don't know what to say out of his mouth.But what I can say is that he has very good confidence of himself.but I don't think that it's a bad idea I just thinkthatit should be a little more better.I also think that Chump knows exactly what he's doing I think that trumtrump think he's tricking someone
    opinion:I think that it's okay but could be better
    connection: the reason why I chose this article because it was talking about tax and Donald Trump was part of it. this also jump out to me because of the title.Also this show how Trump is put in his ideas together.this is also very important about TexasThis is the reason why I chose this article.

  4. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title:Obama: We are hitting ISIS 'harder than ever'

    On December 14, 2015 Barack Obama spoke at the Pentagon a week ago.Obama said the U.S. is chiefly focused on hitting the group at its base of power in Iraq and Syria. the military had to increase the pace of air strikes against ISIS, and revealed that there have been nearly 9,000 as of Monday. the fight against the group in Syria in and Iraq continues to be a difficult fight. they said that progress needs to keep coming faster.this is relevant because it'll make it harder for ISIL to pump its terror and propaganda through the rest of the world. my reaction on this article is that they should defiantly have more security and military staff working to stop ISIS. I think that with more air strikes ISIS would be stopped.

  5. Source:

    Article Title:Mayor Nutter: Trump taking page from Hitler's playbook

    Article Date:Monday, December 14, 2015

    Who: Mayor Nutter ,Donald Trump,religious leaders ,

    Where: Philadelphia (PA)

    When:Monday, December 14, 2015 01:39PM

    What happened:mayor held a news conference with various city and religious leaders to condemn Trump's statements as well as some anti-Muslim activities that have occurred here and across the nation. Mayor Nutter want to band Donald trump from coming from Philadelphia .

    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because , It helps the religious leaders know who are own they side . Also its a good thing to do due to this man to try to destroy the Muslim society in the whole U.S.A.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)I would feel good to restrict Trump from Philly . He is a bad influence to others that has to know the Islamic rules & all the above .

    Opinion (I think Donald trump should get mental help because his mind set isn't as a president .

    Connection : I Choose'd this article because I can relate to others that are against what Trump is trying to do to the the Muslim's . Quote to banned all Muslims from coming from U.S.A .


  6. Raphael Hall December 15,2015


    Article Title:15 year old boy was found fatally shot inside a Lincoln Town Car in North Philadelphia.

    Article Date: This Happened on the Date of December 12,2015 Saturday Night

    Who: The police are investigating after a 15 year old boy was shot in Lincoln Town car in North philadelphia, this incident happened around 7:20 pm along 2400 block avenue. The victim was pronounced dead at the scene by medics,and also the police have not yet identified the teenager victim or a motive. The Teenage boy was identified Saturday as Xavier stern of Upper Darby. This is a unnecessary lost for the victim family and other loved ones. The police gathered information from the victim's family saying he hasn't been home since wednesday.

    Where: The youngman love one’s is devastated and a difficult time for them. The police haven't identified the victim, he must have a motive to cause harm to Xavier stern. The teenager was last scene in Upper darby Neighborhood, but the family say he used to lives in North philadelphia. The officer says the teen was found dead in a back of Abandoned car and, was shot multiple times in the chest and head. The officer states there were no ballistic evidence or weapons recovered at the scene.

    When: This happened on saturday around 7:20 pm along the 2400 block of park avenue. This is a heartbreaking loss for but the police said they looking for suspects. The police says the vehicle is being processed for possible evidence as well, It is unknown if the teenagers death was connected to his disappearance. I don't know who what do such a thing,the victim needs to be found before he does it again.

    What Happened: The Teenager Xavier stern was last found in North philadelphia where he was found dead around 7:20 on december 12,2015. The teenager was found in the back of an Abandoned car,he was shot multiple times in the chest and also the head.

    Why this event Relevant: This event is relevant because this was a 15 year old boy and this scene happened in North philadelphia. The family is heartbroken, the victim was pronounced dead at the scene by medics.

    Reaction: This is a devastating situation for xavier family and friends, the police should be tracking who ever killed him immediately.

    Opinion: The family needs to stay strong about their lost,and good things will happen sooner or later.

    Connection: I do not have a connection i just thought this topic was interesting to talk about.

  7. Source:
    Article Title: LA officials defend closing all schools despite evidence suggesting bomb threat was hoax
    This article was published on December 15, 2015 and is a national topic. This article includes officials in Los Angeles and school officials of the New York City school district. This article also gives comments stated by police officials of New York. This event happened on Tuesday December 15, 2015 in NYC. A threat was sent claiming that every school in the New York school district will be massacred, mercilessly. The message mentioned explosives devices and an attack with assault rifles. NYPD commissioners exposed that the writer made errors that made it clear that the person was a prankster. Every school would be search thoroughly and even though it was hints that the threat was fake, schools were still directed to be closed until further notice. Officials in Los Angeles defended the decision to close all public school, despite further evidence suggesting that the threat was a hoax. This event is relevant because there has been mass killings all over the world and this could have been another tragedy.
    This event angers me because taking the lives of people is not a prank or a joke it is something very serious and disturbing. I feel as though the police officials did the right thing by closing all schools to secure the safety of many students and also students. I chose this article because it is recent and shocking.

  8. Source:

    Article Title: Donald Trump vs. the Republican establishment
    Article Date: Updated 4:48 PM ET, Mon October 26, 2015
    Who: MJ Lee
    Where: ET
    When: Mon October 26, 2015
    What happened: Donald Trump was supposed to be a blip in the 2016 race.The summer fling has decidedly turned into the autumn of trumps and the Republican Party leaders. Trumps lingering in first place into the winter is no longer a laughable possibility. Trump had came in on lowa from Ben Carson. Trumps has came at the expense of establishment. People like Jeb bush and Marco Rubio. They are struggling to shine Because billionaire have larger life personality and the media's insatiable. Professional republicans keep holding there breath that the race will dramatically shift. but others can't hold it in. Bush had political dynasty widely expected to stay near the top of the race. They are saying that they are no good.
    My Opinion on this is trump Tryes to do everything himself and that's dose not work at all they need to be noticed about all of this.

  9. Source:
    Article Title:All schools shut down in Augusta County, Virginia, over Islam homework
    Article Date:Friday, December 18, 2015
    Who: Augusta County schools
    Where:Augusta County, Virginia
    When:Friday, December 18, 2015
    What happened:A teacher at a Virginia school handed out a standard homework assignment on Islam. This assignment instructed them to draw Arabic calligraphy that is the basic Islamic statement of faith. People got so angry that every school in the county was temporarily closed due to safety precautions.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because of the fact that the anti-islamic and anti-muslim comments and actions are getting worse by the minute.
    Reaction: I am not surprised that the people would make such a big deal out of a simple homework assignment. This was a geometry homework assignment. The teacher was just admiring the geometrical rhythm of the arabic writing.
    Opinion: I believe that the anti-muslim threats and comments were already happening , especially since 911. I think that the Donald Trump anti- muslim comments made the situation worse.
    Connection: I chose this article because, frankly, I’m getting a little tired of the racist statements people are making.

  10. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title:It’s Cruz, not Trump, who looks more like favorite to win GOP nomination

    Article Date:December 13 at 10:44 AM by Chris Cillizza

    Who:Ted Cruz

    When:December 13

    What happened:As of today, Ted Cruz has the most direct route to the Republican presidential nomination. Cruz is positioned as the most conservative candidate in the race. Although Trump gets all the attention for his over-the-top statements, Cruz has staked out a position on the far right on virtually every major hot-button issue, including immigration, Obamacare, national security and the fight against the Islamic State militant group.Cruz has also raised the second-most money in the Republican race and is emerging rapidly as the favorite in Iowa’s caucuses.

    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because it could effect the future of our country.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)My feelings are very strong. I feel like Cruz has the right intensions and he could be a great leader to run our country.

    Opinion (I think..)I think that he's a great candidate to run our country. Donald Trump on the other hand gets most of his attention from his blatant comments. Cruz is against the idea to ban Muslims from entering U.S.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this article because it is a major topic of discussion.
