Saturday, December 12, 2015

1st period EXTRA CREDIT due 12/18

Due by 3:30 pm on 12/18
Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences).
Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.
Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)
Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source: (entire website address):

    Article Title:Seeking action on guns, White House turns to governors

    Article Date:December 15, 2015

    Who:President Obama and the congress

    Where: Washington Dc

    When: Tuesday

    What happened:President Obama does not have the congress support to act on gun violence so he may turn to the nations govern. The President is trying work through steps to to try to reduce gun violence in communities.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because gun violence is increasing day by day. For this reason the faster we can get to and resolution the better.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): The people in the congress dont have to wake up everyday and do what us average people do. Therefore they dont know what its like to be in our shoes, to have to worry and someone taking the innocent life of us or our love ones.

    Opinion (I think..): I think that Obama is trying to do a great thing but i just dont understand why the congress is not on board. If it was a white president this wouldn't even be a issue.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I can make an connection with my understanding about this article. What I mean is Im currently learning about the branches and power they have. I was able to put what I already learned and apply it to my understanding of this article.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. My current event doesn't really relate to the government but it means a lot to me in particular. December 13, 2015 I lost one of my friends to bullets. I never thought of a moment like this before. Me and him went to the same middle school so it really hurts because I knew him for so long. This past week in school I've been trying to stay strong and do what I have to do but it comes to me every time knowing that I won't never see him again. December 19th is the day of his funeral but I don't know if I want to go or not. I can't imagine burring my friend at all but he didn't have to leave like that, not by gun shots. My friend was only 17 and didn't finish schoool yet but I will keep his name alive. You might see me down next week also but this is the reason why. I'm going to miss my friend badly. Coming home after school and not seeing him anymore is going to hurt badly. I don't want to lose anymore of my friends at all cause I can't afford it. The teachers have been there for me and they know what I'm going through. It's really tough losing my friend, I have a tough time going through it everyday. Just cherish every moment with everyone that you love and care about because you never know what can happen at any time. Since he couldn't make it to finish school, I'm going to do it for him. He left behind a plethora of friends, family, even his girlfriend. My friend, my brother, I love you man. I wish I could see you one last time, walk down the block one more time bro, I'll be waiting for you.

  4. Source:
    Article Title: Obama: America faces 'a new phase of terrorism'
    Article Date: 20 hours from today
    Who: President Barack Obama
    Where: Virginia
    When: Thursday, December 17th 2015
    What happened: President Obama speaks at the National Counterterrorism Center in Virginia. He talks about how the government doesn't have any info on a future attack because we are dealing with a different type of terrorism. However he goes on to say that America is still fighting.
    Why this event is relevant: This is important because it is good to see that outer government taking precautions for our well being. This is also informing because we as the people should know
    what are government is doing.
    Reaction: This made me a little nervous because in the article he talks about how it's hard to find these new terrorist because they blend in. Then he says they are self motivated, which means they are doing for their own personal reasons.
    Opinion: I'm personally proud that the government is putting in work to protect us. But I just wish we didn't have to go through this.
    Connection: I chose this article because of the relevancy of the past terrorist attacks.

  5. Source:
    Article Title:Under Fire From G.O.P., Obama Defends Response to Terror Attacks
    Article Date:December 17,2015
    Who:President Obama
    When:December 2015
    What happened:Getting our military together to respond to terrorist attacks.Sending forces to Middle East will result in the deaths of 100 American soldiers every month.President Obama does not want to renew a commitment because it will cost $10 billion a month to send troops and 500 wounded troops each month.Obama refuse to send troops to Syria because of terrorist in Libya and Yemen.Obama is going to send airstrikes against ISIS.
    Why this event is relevant:This is important because it's costing a lot of money to protect our country against terrorist.Also while trying to protect the country the troops are being injured.These terrorist attacks are putting tolls on others lives.
    Reaction:My reaction on this situation is good and bad.Well Obama should have the money to protect our country.If the troops are not being sent to fight the terrorist then the citizens in the country would not feel safe.
    Opinion:My opinion is we pay the government with them taking money out of checks so why do we not have enough money to support our troops to help protect the country. Also I think Obama waited to late to do something about the terrorist attack in France so now Philadelphia might be the next target for ISIS.
    Connection:The France attack could be related to this because the terrorist took the most valuable thing France.

  6. Source:
    Article title:
    Will Peer Pressure Prevail in the Push to Let Young Teens Vote?
    Article date:December 18 2015
    Who:Some cities lowered the voting age to 16 for local elections.
    Where:In Boston,Chicago and New York they had 12 year olds decide 6 projects out of 2 dozen to fund.
    When:This happened in December 18 2015 but there is no exact date when they were allowed.
    What happened:Some cities decreased the voting age to 16 this idea was debated for years but they are about to let that happen.
    Why this even is relevant:This is relevant because it lets younger ages to vote and the ability to see how it feels to vote.
    Reaction:This is very good idea but it should be in all Cities and States.
    Opinion:This should be everywhere because it shows the young generation how to vote and which president to vote for.
    Connection:If this happens in Pennsylvania I will vote because it is going to challenge me to vote for the best president.

  7. Source:
    Article Title: Donald Trump lavishes praice on 'leader' Putin
    Article Date: Today
    Who: Donald Trump
    Where: CNN
    When:Today at 10:19 AM
    What happened: When being interviewed by reporters, Donald Trump defends Putin when he acted terribly, killing journalists and political opponents. One day after Putin called Trump a "bright and talented" and "absolute leader of the presidential race". Trump compliments how Putin is running his country and at least he's a leader, unlike what we have in this country.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because this man can become president and things will turn out bad for us.
    Reaction: I am amazed of how Trump is making Putin seem like a good person; facing the fact that this man is somewhat like a dictator and never picks the positive route.
    Opinion: I think that people need to reconsider Trump as being president and stop voting for him. What might happen if he is is that he might make a strong alliance with Russia and try to take over countries behind our allies back.
    Connection: I chose this because politically, this impacts Trump's vote and credibility in his race for president and hopefully he will not be president.
