Friday, January 1, 2016

5th period Week of 1/4-1/15

Due by 3:30 pm on Friday 1/15
Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences).
Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.
Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)
Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source:

    Article Title: Chris Brown Under Investigation For Battery And Theft

    Article Date:Jan 2, 2016

    Who: Chris Brown & an unnamed women

    Where: Palms Casino Resort

    When: last Saturday

    What happened: the R&B singer known as Chris Brown is being investigated for battered and theft. This past Saturday while at the Palms Casino Resort an unnamed women was trying to take a picture of Brown with her cellphone. Supposedly according to the Las Vegas Police, the women was battered by Brown in the process, while that was happening he also took the cell phone from the women. The Vegas police also says that this crime was taken as a misdemeanor and Chris Brown is now a suspect.

    Why this event is relevant: I believe this is relevant because this is not the first time Chris Brown has been arrested for the assault against a women. His actions are taken out of control and it should be contained.

    Reaction: I feel bad for Brown not in the sense of him attacking a women. But... for never learning his lesson. By now I would be expecting him to lay low from drama but now it's just coming back around. Maybe after this he will learn to stop and think.

    Opinion: I think this is ridiculous because Brown could have handled the situation in a better way. Battering a women and taking her cell phone wouldn't have solved the situation but just make it more difficult.

    Connection: I choose this article because it wasn't the first time I've heard about Chris Brown in the media for club fights and assaults. It shows that he didn't learn. This article opened my eyes about him and his character.

  2. Source:
    Article: Gun Control Is Obama’s New Year’s Resolution
    Article Date: Jan. 1, 2016
    Who: Pres. Obama, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, Congress
    Where: Washington D.C.
    When: Jan 1, 2016

    What happened: President Obama has created a New Year's resolution which will be able to put in a stricter gun control laws. Some aspects that is under the subject area is that gun shops must have licenses, perform a background check and stronger rules to be put upon stolen guns. Obama believes that just one step could put a slight end to the many massacres that are occurring.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because ever since the beginning of the massacres in the U.S., Obama has tried so hard to get gun control on certain restrictions, but Congress will always shut him down. He believes speaking to this Attorney General will acquire trying to get Congress that the second amendment is OK, but it's needs its boundaries.

    Reaction: My reaction towards the rule is that doesn't affects me, but then again, it could greatly affect me. I wouldn't affect me because I am never surrounded by gun violence- my family and friends aren't a situation I would worry about. The only worry is that the city I live in contains many people that own guns, and it could easily turn a situation into the worst thing.

    Opinion: My opinion on the conversation is that it might not get anywhere. Being that Congress has shut down the idea many times, I feel like it won't get as far as Obama believes it. With Texas having the open-carry law, it's could jeopardize the entire idea, with the protesters.

    Connection: A connection I make with the article is how people create their New Year's resolution, but could never keep up with it. On Obama’s terms, I believe it might get some recognition, but I doubt he'll have everything up and rolling by the end of his presidential term.

  3. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Extremism and democratization are key focus for Obama's final year
    Article Date:1/2/15 9:11pm
    Who:Juliet Eilperin
    Where:White House
    When:This week
    What happened:Obama speakes to the Public about his final decision about the tragity after the attack in Paris. Government wants to make an agreement with Iran to prevent and deadly wars. The president wants to figure out if the government will send U.S. Troops to defend Afghanistan. In order for this plan to work the president has to fix some primary issues.
    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because it explains Government problems. It also shows it can make a big impact on the United States.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My reaction towards this articles was intersting because Obama has to make a lot of plans to keep the United States safe.
    Opinion (I think..)I think that wars should end. I also think the U. S. should be cafeful sending troops to other countries.
    Connection (why you chose this article) This reminds me of World War 2.

  4. Source: http: //
    Article Title: Hate Attacks on Muslims in U.S. Spike After Recent Acts of Terrorism
    Article Date: 12/13/2015
    Who: Citizen, Muslims
    Where: United States
    When: After recent terrorist attacks
    What happened: Hate crimes targeting Muslims, their mosques and businesses, have tripled this year and the bulk of the attacks have occurred in recent weeks. There have been 38 anti-Muslim attacks in the U.S. since the deadly Nov. 13 terrorist attacks in Paris, Levin found. There have been reports of anti-Islamic attacks across the country wherever Muslims live. Girls wearing hijabs have been harassed. Mosques have been defaced and targeted by arsonists. One Muslim woman was menaced by a man with a knife. There were 481 anti-Islam hate crimes reported in 2001, most of them after the Sept. 11 attacks, for an average monthly rate of 40.1, according to FBI statistics
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because U.S citizen are retaliating on the wrong people. The people that are doing this probably feel like they are doing something right by terrorizing innocent people but by doing this they are as wrong as the the real terrorist that actually kill people. People fail to realize that the islamic religion is peaceful it's just some people that are doing horrible things that claim islam as their religion. When the shooting in the movie theater happen no white people were terrorized because the shooter was white and when the shooting in the elementary school no white people were attacked either.
    Reaction: I feel like the white people in this country are always blameful because they attack other ethnicities on their faults when they are the ones with the most faults.
    Opinion: I think the people that are doing these terroristic should be tried for terrorism. Just because they think that they are doing something good by doing horrible things to innocent people that makes them just as bad as the real terrorist that actually kill people.
    Connection: I choose this article because i believe that this is important because people retaliation to terrorism by doing terroristic thing makes them just as bad as the real terrorist.

  5. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: The title of this article is called Ted Cruz closes door on legal status for undocumented immigrants
    Article Date: The date of this article is December 16, 2015
    Who: The people mentioned in this article were Ted Cruz, and Rick Tyler
    Where: This article took place in the united states
    When: This article is recent and took place in the year of 2015
    What happened: What happened in this article was that presidential candidate Ted Cruz was asked on how he would deal with undocumented immigrants and he responded a common answer. Ted Cruz was not a fan on legalizing immigrants who are not supposed to be here. He also said he would start with undocumented criminals.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it shows how there are people in the world who do not support immigrants.
    Reaction I don't really have an exact feeling towards this issue because it was expected that presidential candidates are tired of letting immigrants into the U.S.
    Opinion I think this is how everyone is starting to feel because a lot of people enter the US and commit harmful acts to label them as terrorist.
    Connection I choose this article because I felt that this was an important issue to be discussed and something needs to be done.

  6. Marine arrested in Sara Mutschlechner's New Year's slaying -|gigyaMobileDialog

    Article Date: 12-5-2016
    Who: Eric Jamal Johnson
    Where: In Denton, Texas
    When: On Tuesday around 6:30 a.m.
    What happened: Eric Johnson had something to do with the murder of a college student and he was arrested in Yuma where his base is located. He was in a car with at least 5-6 other males saying sexual remarks to the student. Minutes later several shots were fired at the student around the time they were in that area. A bullet punctured the student's head leaving her dead inside the car that went out of control due to the shot to her skull.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because guns are beginning to become more frequently used in this country. An innocent college student life has been taken really for no reason. Now her friends and family are hurting from this tragedy.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel like this is just sick in so many ways. People do not know what to do and this is making the world more violent than it already is.
    Opinion (I think..) I think Eric need to do serious time behind bars.
    Connection (why you chose this article) It relates to what is going on all over the world.


    “'Affluenza' teen caught, but will he get off easy?”

    December 29, 2015

    Ethan Couch and his mother was found on the run. They were found and apprehended in Mexico. Ethan was on a 10 year probation for his crime committed in 2013. Three years ago he killed four people during a drunk driving incident. He was let off easy because his lawyers claimed he had “affluenza”, this meaning he basically didn’t know better because of his privileges growing up. Going to Mexico violated his probation and everyone is wondering if he will get another slap on the wrist or get charged seriously. This is relevant because three years ago our court system decided that this irresponsible life taking teen should not have to face the consequences of his actions. And now he is disobeying the terms of the little punishment he has. I feel so disgusted that not only did the victims of his reckless behaviour get no justice but it seems he has no respect of the law. But everyone is quick to blame his privileges growing up. I just straight up think it is because he is white and rich. And because of this i don’t think he is gonna face any jail time for the violation of his probation at all. I connect this white privilege. This shows that it can actually help someone get away with murder…. must be nice.
    -Kadrisse Mcintosh

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Source:
    Article Title: Silently protesting Muslim woman ejected from Trump Rally
    Article Date: January 9, 2016
    Who: Rose Hamid
    Where: Rock Hill, South Carolina
    When: This week in January
    What happened: A Muslim woman was kicked out of a Trump rally when standing up and silently protesting against his Trump's speech.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it shows how ignorant and appalling Trump supporters are. Many things he has said recently have been very controversial and this event is one of the results.
    Reaction: To me I find this very appalling that even Trump supporters approve of this.One thing that was said in the article was that one supporter shouted, "You have a bomb!". This especially shocked me. To think they go that far to show their disapproval, not to mention they were booing her as she left made it worse. I am simply mind blown from hearing this.
    Opinion: I definitely disapprove of the event that has happened in this article. It is crazy to even think people actually approve of this in today's day and age. This definitely shows that even today we can still be ignorant of other people's religion, race, etc. It's sad but maybe one day that can all be fixed.
    Connection: I chose this article because this relates to some of the things that Trump has said recently that are very controversial.

  10. Source:
    Article Title:"Trump doesn't challenge anti-Muslim questioner at event"
    Article Date: September 18, 2015
    Who: Donald Trump, Barack Obama, Gov. Scott Walker
    Where: Washington,D.C
    When: Friday , September 18 2015
    What happened: There was a man who stated something about Muslims he claimed that Muslims are the reason why America is the way it is. He was basically bashing Muslims , which raised a lot of tension within many Muslims who felt some type of way. Trump was included in this because he didn't challenge this unknown man for his words. Many people was shocked by this. Also , this passage talks about how back in 2011 Trump challenged president Barack Obama to show his birth certificate and to talk about his religion. Trump was also being bashed because they stated that Trump has said hateful comments about Muslims.
    Why this event is relevant:This is relevant because Trump is running for president and his actions and comments is affecting some Muslims out there which will bring his polls down and bring a lot of hate towards him (even though many people hate him already).
    Reaction: I feel like Donald Trump is a very ignorant individual & so is the person who made the comments about Muslims. Muslims should be treated just like us , they are no different than us Americans we are equal and this is just disgraceful.
    Opinion: I think that Donald trump should not be elected for president , I feel as though he is not fit for presidency.
    Connection: I chose this article because it made me highly upset and I thought that I should expose to people to see their opinions.

  11. Mamadu Barry

    I found this source at The name of this article is "Biden praises Sanders on income inequality, calls Clinton 'relatively new' to the fight". It was written on Jan. 12, 2016. This source involves Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton,Donald Trump, Obama and Bernie Sanders. This event took place in the United States. It happened in January 2016. This article talks about Joe Biden applauding Bernie on his campaign and some of the comments he made. He then went to say that Hillary Clinton is new to the idea 'income inequality'. Afterwards, he start talking about Donald Trump, and how he should do if he wins the candidacy. Finally, he talks about a conversation he had with Barack Obama which had to do with selling a house. This is relevant because they are describing the race and the candidates and keeping us informed about what is going on from our leaders. I feel like Joe should have never made some remarks, like the one about Hillary and calling her a newbie. I say this because I think it can lead to something else even though it's something minor. I chose this article because the title caught my eyes.

  12. Source:
    Article Title: How Hillary Clinton wants to make rich pay their "Fair Share"
    Article Date: January 12, 2016
    Who: Hillary Clinton, United States Government
    Where: United States
    What: As the presidential debate continues to rise in popularity and tension, each potential candidate continues to prove how much they deserve to be the next president United States. Hillary Clinton, a democrat running for president, stated that she wants everyone to pay taxes but for it to be fair between classes. In this case, she wants those who are wealthier to pay a share of their taxes that go along with their income. Although, it is proven that those who are more than just financially stable already pay higher taxes than middle class individuals. She stated that she wants to support the Buffet Rule which implies that those who make more than 1 million dollars should pay atlas 30% more in tax dollars. This event is relevant because taxes affect more of the Middle class citizens rather than the Upper Class citizens. I believe that if changes are made with the influence of Hillary Clinton there would not be a sense of unfairness between both classes. I chose this article because my family and also others around me such as my friends and family are Middle Class citizens. If there is a future change it will affect my family and others around me. I also believe that if changes like these are made, they may affect those who are wealthier financially. Then again they may not.

  13. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: The title of this article is 'Bernie Sanders May Break Health Care Pledge'.
    Article Date: The date of this article is January 13 2016.
    Who: This Involves Bernie Sanders.
    Where:This happened in Keene, New Hampshire.
    When: This happened on January 13 2016.
    What happened: Bernie Sanders wants to make colleges tuition free but has no plan for the Healthcare pleadge and can potentially break it.
    Why this event is relevant:This is relevant because mny americans are depending on healthcare.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) Healthcare should be upheld and a first priority.
    Opinion (I think..)I think that in addition to him thinking about making college free, he should find out what's going on with healthcare.
    Connection (why you chose this article)I chose this article because i've been hearing alot of healthcare issues come bout and i wouldn't want Sanders to break the pledge and put people in a bad situation.

  14. Source:
    Article Title:Deadly blasts, shootout in Indonesia capital; ISIS claims credit
    Article Date: Thu January 14, 2016
    Who: Innocent civilians
    What: Allegedly Isis attacked in the middle of the day at some commerical hub. 2 were killed and many were injured.A policer officer said it was the doing of Isis.The worst part is that it happened in the capital of Indonesia.
    Why:I chose this article because it struck me.Why would there be an attack out in the morning where u can easily be spotted.
    Reaction:I was surprised no one spotted them.
    Opinion:I think something needs to be done.Isis continues to attack innocent people and nothing is being done about it.
    Connection: I dont really have a connection to this but i can say Isis attacks have been reported far too much.

  15. Source:

    Article Title:U.S. Sues Volkswagen Over Diesels Designed to Cheat Emissions Tests

    Article Date:Jan 4th, 2016

    Who: Volkswagen and the United States,Environmental Protection Agency in U.S. District Court in Detroit,John C. Cruden, ustice Department's Environment and Natural Resources Division,Assistant Administrator Cynthia Giles for EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance.

    Where:Sued by the Justice Department of Washington.

    When: January 4th, 2016.

    What happened:The Justice Department of Washington sued German automobile company Volkswagen for cheating the car emission inspection process. They have recalled over half a million cars due to illegal software in the car that can bypass the inspection test. Since Volkswagen's car is still in the testing stage, it's greenhouse gas emission is through the roof. Causing harm and danger to cities and the area buyers drive in. Volkswagen are being sued and can face fines up to 90 billion dollars or 37,500 thousands per car they recall.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because greenhouse gas emission has been destroying the ozone layer for decades now, and with this many Volkswagen vehicles experiencing high outputs of this gas, it'll damage the environment further. It also danger the driver since the engine is still in a testing stage, malfunctions could occur at any moment and cause accidents. Though fully functional cars could malfunction as well, the risk are higher with unfinished cars.

    Reaction: Volkswagen promise to cooperate to point car inspections in a more safe path for drivers in the future. Volkswagen said that they have implemented this cheating software since 2009 and will work diligently to try and patch up their mistakes from now on.

    Opinion: I always view Volkswagen to be a good brand, but I can't judge them either. They are a highly demanded car brand, and that sort of puts them in a bind to produce more and more. With high demands and little production times, not everything can be inspected and accounted for. Hence why they rushed the engine and cheated the test so they can still sell for usual.

    Connection: Pollution is a problem in society, a large one at that. Many actions are being put in progress to somehow manage and reduce bad emissions. With this problem with Volkswagen, they have done more harm than good with the conversations of air pollution.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Source:
    Article Title: UNT Student Dies After Being Shot
    Article Date: Jan 1, 2016
    Who: Denton police, The girl Sara Mutschlechner who is now died, Her parents
    When:New years Eve
    What happened: Just after leaving a New Years Eve party around 2:00 a shooting took place North Elm street in Denton, leaving to woman injured and and the suspects are still not found. Witnesses say four people were in a car when a dark colored SUV car approached them and had a small conversation. After that a person from the SUV begun to shot multiple times and the victims car ran into an electrical pole. One woman attended University of North Texas and is receiving medical attention. The other woman have has minor injuries and has been released. And as for Sara she didn't make it.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because that should not have never happen. People these days just try to take people lives.
    Reaction I am upset that girl parents are probably so hurt and it probably was over nothing. Men are so stupid and i hope they get found.
    Opinion I don't think they should have been shooting especially at females. They took an innocent girl life away.
    Connection i believe this article was very interesting and i hope they catch the men.

  18. Source:
    Article Title:President Has One Word for a Possible Michelle Obama Presidential Run
    Article Date:Jan 14, 2016
    Who:This Article involves Obama and Michelle.
    Where:This article happened at a press conferences in Washington.
    When:This event happened earlier today.
    What happened:While at a press conference Obama was asked if his wife would run for president.
    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because many people wanted her to run to keep the family in office.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): Michelle i feel is like a natural leader. I really wanted her to run because i feel like she would do a really good nob in office just like her husband did.
    Opinion (I think..):I think she should run. I don't think that he should have anything to do with her running because shes her own person.Maybe if she saw what her husbands term and don't want to experiance it maybe but i think that's more of a question for her.
    Connection (why you chose this article):I choose this article because i love them as a couple. Also i wanted her to run and i thought that she was.

  19. Source:
    Article Title:Video released of deadly Chicago police shooting
    Article Date: January 14,2016
    Who:Cedrick Chatman, Officer Kevin Fry, Officer Lou Toth
    Where: South Side Chicago
    When: January 7, 2013
    What: On January 7, 2013 Cedrick Chatman was gun down by a Chicago policeman by the name of Kevin Fry. The story was that Cedrick was in a reported stolen car and when the pair stopped him, he ran. Officer Toth took chase as Cedrick ran towards a intersection. Cedrick was shot by Fry because Fry believed that Cedrick was pulling a gun on his partner. It turned out that Cedrick was unarmed and the "gun" was actually a black IPhone case. The reason we are just now hearing about what happen is because the video was just recently put out. I picked this event because there has been tons of cop shootings involving unarmed people before the wave that came up in 2015. I just feel like it is not enough happening to hold these officers accountable for what they are doing. It's not fair that officers keep getting away with this. And over a 3 year span there has been a lot talk and no action. There needs to be change in 2016.


  20. Source:

    Article Title: ISIS steps up attacks far from its 'caliphate'

    Article Date: January 14, 2016

    Who: ISIS supporters and affiliates were involved in this act.

    Where: Istanbul, Jakarta, Philadelphia, and multiple locations in Libya.

    When: These events have recently occurred.

    What happened: In the last couple weeks all locations located above have been victims of actions of ISIS supporters or affiliates. During these actions dozens of people were either killed or wounded.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant for many reasons. One reason why this is relevant is because many people are dying or suffering like damaging injuries.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I feel like something needs to be done. Something needs to be done and it needs to happen fast before many more people become victims to ISIS supporters or affiliates.
    Opinion (I think..) : I think more people should stand up and take a stand and prevent what they are doing. I think the things that ISIS do are bad for everyone and there is no positive in any actions that they take.
    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because I feel like its important to talk about. I also chose this article because if we get more people talking about this, it expands the chance of getting something done about it.


  21. Source:
    Article Title:
    Ted Cruz not the only one with a birther challenge
    Article Date: January 15, 2016
    Who: Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Donald Trump
    Where: Washington D.C
    When: 2:51 PM ET, Fri January 15, 2016
    What happened: Their is word going around that Ted Cruz does not have the right to run for president. Some say that he isn't really legally a legal citizen. But evidence states that he was given American citizenship when he was born even though his mom wasn't Born in America but he was.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it's dealing with the Presidential debate. He was also a top candidate but now he might not even be able to run.
    Reaction: I'm not really a political person so I don't have a strong reaction. But I feel as though since its this far out he should be able to stay in the run.
    Opinion: Donald Trump was the one who stayed this information. I just think Donald Trump sees him as a threat and wants him out.
    Connection: I can connect this to the media because in the media every candidate is always trying to down someone. In this case it is Trump trying to down Cruz.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Source: (website)
    Article Date:January 15, 2016
    Who: President Obama, GOP participants
    Where:In the United States of America
    When:Week of January 11th, 2016
    What happened:Obama spoke on the topics of gun control in America and voiced his opinion's on them earlier in the week, also highlighting other areas such as ; problems in our economy, problems dealing with ISIS etc. The republicans have personally slammed him on these issues, placing the blame almost entirely on him, but regardless of this, because of the President's orator skills, the attention brought upon him was not entirely bad.
    Why this event is relevant:This is relevant to me because Obama is currently the President of the United States, and as leader of the free world, and because I am a legal resident of the United States and is now eligible to vote, it's imperative that I understand what's going on within the political world because these decisions are going to impact my life as an American Citizen.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)The Grand Old Party doesn't appreciate Obama's efforts in building America, despite him leaving his term this year, they still try and slander his name, which I believe is ridiculous because Obama works hard and has achieved feats during his presidency that impacted not only America, but the world in a positive light.
    Opinion (I think..)I think that Obama should continue to do what he's continued to do and be a cool, calm and collective president, and use what the GOP representatives are saying to his advantage. I think Obama is a great president and he should have a level-head and continue to do great things in his last year as POTUS
    Connection (why you chose this article)I am eligible to vote this year and it is my job as an American Citizen to do so. I have a chance to contribute to heavily impactful decisions in the country, so why wouldn't I pay attention to what's going on in these debates? It's important that ALL American citizens , whether eligible or not at least know what's going on in the country they call home


  25. Source:
    Article Title: How the violent mentally ill can buy guns
    Article Date: February 5th 2013
    Who: Janet and Gerald Hume
    Where: Oklahoma City
    When: January 30th

    What happened: Janet and Gerald are violent and mentality illed people and they have schizophrenia. Gerald has a gun license and he has multiple guns and the neighbors saw him bring them inside of his house.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because they can and will endanger other individuals because of there old habits. Also because the state of Oklahoma has all the right to give them guns because of there 10th amendment right.
    Reaction : the reaction to this toward the public is outraged because they feel as though the mentally illed shouldn't have guns. My personal reaction to this is that people should be allowed to have guns only if there record is clean.
    Opinion : I believe that individuals should be able to purchase and/or sell firearms only if their criminal record is clean. And that the mentally ill shouldnt be judged based on there history in the past but only by their current actions.
    Connection : My own connection with this is my cousin. I have a cousin that is mentally challenged and is struggling to survive in america's society.
