Friday, January 1, 2016

1st period, Week of 1/4-1/15

Due by 3:30 pm on Friday 1/15
Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences).
Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)
Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title:Senate clears massive spending bill, tax

    Article Date: December 18,2015

    Who: President Obama, Senate, house of representatives

    Where: Washington D.C

    When: 2 weeks ago

    What happened: The Senate gave final authorization on Friday to a big tax and spending package. This will be in effect until lawmakers return in 2016. The 65-33 vote approved both the $1.1 trillion spending bill and a $622 billion for tax breaks. The House passed the tax package Thursday and the spending bill Friday morning. Lawmakers say the bill has some problems, but it is a good compromise.House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., stated “Congress can now move into 2016 with a fresh start,” The tax package permanently increases the enhanced child tax credit and income tax credit from 2009 economic stimulus. While also extending until 2019 are corporate tax breaks. That allow companies to depreciate the value of new equipment. This law also prevents tax increases, creates more job opportunities. GOP wanted to stop Obama's policies on immigration, wetlands rules, armor-piercing bullets. Unfortunately there demands were not made. Angering many Republicans, but the 40 year ban on crude- oil was lifted. The threat of a government shutdown is not going to happen, because of this bill.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant, because 2019 is a long time away. If everyone gets a tax break it also means less money for the public. To buy things for public good. For example tax money pays to fix roads.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My feeling toward this is why are big business’ getting tax breaks when they make the most money? It seems like laws are being made to help people who really don't need it.

    Opinion (I think..) I think it is great new jobs are being created, but it comes at a price. The spending budget of spending 1.1 trillion dollars is too big. The United States is already in debt. So it makes no sense to spend more money than we actually have. The budget that was approved makes you think. Does the government have money hidden away for there own needs?
    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this article, because it can have a huge impact on the whole country. Even though taxes can't be increased it may not be a good idea in the long-run. The Monterey value of money may go down by 2019. If this happens it will make no sense to pay the same amount of taxes. Also taking the ban of crude oil is not beneficial. When there is a 40 year ban on something, it must be dangerous.This oil can definitely cause tremendous effects on the earth. In the form of pollution in the air we all breath. You shouldn't make something dangerous legal, just because you want to appease people(Republicans). This statement can be used in your daily life. An example is not going along with your friends, just to fit in, and make them happy.

    1. Insightful post. To respond to your reaction, these businesses also contribute big bucks to political campaigns and then once in office, politicians return the favor. However, there is some merit to reducing taxes for businesses so that they have the money to hire more employees, thus creating more jobs and improving society that way.

  2. Source:

    Article Title:
    Americans supportive but skeptical on Obama's gun action
    Article Date: January 8, 2016

    Who: Barack Obama and Americans

    Where: United States

    When: Recently

    What happened:Americans support Barack Obama’s decision to give background checks to people who want to purchase a firearm, also improving enforcement of the existing laws. Most people do not agree with Obama because they say that doing these things won't reduce the amount of gun related deaths and crimes. In the article, it states that “A new CNN/ORC poll finds 67% say they favor the changes Obama announced, and 32% oppose them.”

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it is a major problem in the world and something has to change about gun related deaths
    Reaction: I agree with Obama's decision because a gun should not be sold to just anyone. You should know if they've been incarcerated for gun related crimes or any other crimes.
    Opinion I think that Obama did a good job making the choice he did. I don't see why people would oppose his decision. Although I do see why they would say that the rate of gun violence would not go down.

    Connection: I chose this article because I have been personally affected by gun violence.

  3. Source:
    Article Title:Bernie Sanders, Needing Early Lift, Builds Iowa Ground Operation

    Article Date:Jan 3,2016

    Who:Bernie Sanders


    When:Last Week

    What happened:Bernie Sanders is Building a Iowa ground operation. He is using this as apart of his campaign.

    Why this event is relevant: Because he is trying to better his chances in the race. Also because he is thought to be one the leading candidates to be president next year.

    Reaction : I think it’s good that he’s doing something good for the environment. I also think it’s a good way to get to win a state.

    Opinion :I think he is taking the right approach to trying to win the election. I think he is also bettering his chances.

    Connection: I choose this article because it seems like every election a candidate does something to try to win a state. Also choose this because this election can have an impact on my future

  4. Source:
    Article:”Guns in America”
    Article Date:January 7,2016
    Who:President Obama
    Where:CNN’s town hall
    When:January 2016
    What happened:Obama is going to meet with people who are with and against Gun violence.Obama wants to completely change the gun violence policy.Others don't believe that because they will not be able to defend themselves.Obama is distraught because of Gun violence.Congress didn't allow Obama to enforce stricter gun laws so he tried again after more massacres.Gun are being sold more frequently causing the crime rate to increase.
    Why this event is relevant:This is important because there is too much Gun violence going on.People don't want stricter gun laws because Obama will then be going against the 2nd amendment.This is important because this is a main focus in society because of young people losing their lives.Since there are not stricter gun laws many more massacres are occurring in our country.More guns being brought is leading to more nonsense.
    Reaction:I believe stuff Obama is saying but I also agree with people who are with Guns.Guns do need to be prohibited from people besides cops.Most guns are being used incorrectly by people and cops.
    Opinion:In my opinion Cops shouldn't have guns to carry around until they are fully trained to use them.People who do not have an gun licenses should not be able to carry guns around.Also I think Obama should be able to make stricter gun laws to protect his people.A lot of people don't allow their kids to even go outside because they don't know if that would be their child last day or not.
    Connection:I could connect this to an incident that happened recently where the guy shot up the cop while in his car just because he thought what he did that his religion would back him up.That was a senseless act because that cop didn't do anything to him and he just decided to shot because he had a gun and he probably didn't have a license to carry.

  5. Source:
    Article Title: Should U.S. Swap Iranian prisoners for Americans?
    Article Date: January 8th ,2016
    Who: President Barack Obama, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani
    Where: This event occurs in Iran and U.S.
    When: This event occurred on September 2015.
    What happened: Iranian President Hassan Rouhani wants to exchange 19 iranians prisoners for 4 Americans.Iran has american prisoners for disobeying their laws and americans do as well have iranians.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because Iran has a history for tactical hostage-taking. In 1979 Iranian Revolution and the capture of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran when Iranian groups in Lebanon held American citizens hostage. By the 1990s and 2000s when Americans traveled to Iran, they would be arrested and charged for them thinking they were spying.
    Reaction: I feel as though it's not right for either one of them to. Humans shouldn't be held like animals for simple things like that.
    Opinion: I think this is wrong for both of them to have prisoners held as hostages. They both should return them to their countries instead of trading so there will be less conflict
    Connection: I chose this article because it is important for everyone to know what types of deals U.S is making with other countries.

    1. I'm glad you chose this. We will talk about this when we get to our foreign policy unit.

  6. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Biden says Obama offered financial help amid son's illness
    Article Date:January 12, 2016
    Who:Biden , President Obama
    Where: Washington
    When: January 12
    What happened: Obama offered financial help because Biden and his wife was going to sell their house but Obama refused to let them do that so he gave them money.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because it shows how caring obama is and also just because it happened recently.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)Its nice that this is the type of person he is because he didnt have to.
    Opinion (I think..)i think its was the right thing to do.
    Connection (why you chose this article)I chose this article because i dont think its alot of people that would do this and would care enough.

  7. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title:In Final State of the Union, Obama Provokes One of His Biggest Barriers: GOP Governors

    Article Date: January 13, 2016

    Who: President Barack Obama.

    Where: This happened at the white house which is Washington D.C.

    When: This happened on January 12 2015.

    What happened: As President Barack Obama left the floor of U.S. house following his final state of the Union he made this speech “Let me look at this thing one last time,” and during his speech he was talking about his past instead of talking about his future.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because when you become a president you not supposed to talk about the past you supposed to talk about the future.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I am sad that this is the last year for president Barack Obama.

    Opinion: I think it is fair for the president to talk about the past.

    Connection: I chose this article because this is the last year for the finale state of the Union for president Barack Obama


  8. Source: (entire webSource: (entire website address)

    Article Title: Obama: We have to make college affordable

    Article Date: January 13, 2016

    Who: Obama

    Where: This was when president obama was in his final state.

    When: This happened Tuesday night.

    What happened: Obama believes everyone deserves a chance to go to college. He think going to college is way too much and should make it affordable so everyone will have a chance to attend. He want college to bring down the tuition. Nobody should not have to give up college because they can't afford it.

    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because after graduating high school there are a lot of people that don't attend college because they don't have the money.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel like that should be a fair reason. Alot people dont have money and I think everyone should get a chance for an education that will make their future bigger,

    Opinion (I think..) I think that the congress and president obama should try to really make this happen.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because I see a lot of people that can really be something but either drop out or don't go because they are struggling.

  9. Source:
    Article Title: Obama: 'We Have To Make College Affordable For Every American'
    Article Date: January 13 , 2015
    Who: Obama
    Where: -during his final State of the Union address
    When: Tuesday , January 12 , 2015
    What happened: During his speech Obama says “We have to make college affordable for every American," he said. "Because no hardworking student should be stuck in the red. We've already reduced student loan payments to 10 percent of a borrower's income. Now, we’ve actually got to cut the cost of college." Obama also believes that two-years of community college should be free.
    Why is this event relevant: This is relevant because kids work hard in high school but does not always make it to college because of the cost.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) -I happy about this article. I just hope that it happen or change get made.
    Opinion (I think..) I think this could be a positive thing . This would have a higher rate college graduation rate. This could lead kids in the right direction.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it’s important to make college more affordable. Society should want colleges to more affordable to make the world a better place.

  10. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: Supreme Court Strikes Down Part of Florida Death Penalty
    Article Date: Jan, 12, 2016
    Who: The Supreme Court and Timothy Hurst
    Where: Flordia
    When: January 12, 2016
    What happened: A citizen of florida named Timothy Hurst had been convicted of murdering a lady in a restaurant had had later been juried to serve the death penalty as punishment. Some of the jurors say that the court should of asked permission from the court and sixth amendment if the reasoning is correct and the fair treatment the person deserves before coming to an agreement. This is a common problem concerning the Florida Supreme Court. The decision to put the defendant or accused under the death penalty is decided by the jury's verdict not just by clues or evidence. The court should start worrying about this issue and not just coming to a conclusion so quickly. Though the court case dealing with Tim did not talk about the affair in court, therefore Timothy was sentenced to death even though it was the ‘just’ thing to do
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because the sixth amendment is very important in the united states and keeps us in order. Without proper rules we wouldn’t be calm and the good nation we are today. People should make sure it is right before they accuse someone.
    Reaction: My reaction to this is not surprised because juries want to make sure they do the right thing
    Opinion: I think the jury should not just jump to conclusions because you may be accusing someone because of false evidence. Then that person has to take blame.
    Connection: I choose this article because it is based on the amendements my class has learned and I wanted to expand my knowledge in politics and the government. I also found it very interesting and an intriguing topic about rather you should be treated to a death penalty or not based on evidence provided by the jury.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Source:
    Article Title:Obama hammers Trump-style politics in red state Nebraska
    Article Date:January 13, 2016
    Who:President Obama
    When: Jan 13,2016
    What happened:Obama states that they reject politics that targets people because of their race or their religion.By saying this he is supposedly taking a stab at Trump.Obama said that it is not okay to go around and say things out of sorts.Basically saying trump is incredibly wrong for what he is saying about others.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because our President is speaking out about an candidate.He is aware of the fact that Trump is being very disrespectful.He literally is saying that Trump shouldn't be president because of derogatory statements.
    Reaction:I’m kind of happy about it. Our president is aware of one of the worst candidates in the race for presidency.Like i would never expect him to mention Trump so its a shocker.
    Opinion: I think Trump needs to quit. He is very unqualified. They way his speeches are set up are very offensive and rude.
    Connection: I choose this article because it was shocking.Also because President Obama is amazing for this .

  13. Source:

    Article Title: Obama on Oregon shooting: 'Somehow this has become routine'

    Article Date: The article was updated on Thursday, 10/1/15.

    Who: This article included President Obama and Oregon College Students.

    Where: This event took place in Washington D.C and Oregon.

    When: The event occurred on September 30, 2015.

    What happened: A young black boy was shot by a white man in the state of Oregon.

    Why this event is relevant: I believe this is relevant, because this is an example of the #BlackLivesMatter movement.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I feel as though this is outrageous and there needs to be more justice and a stoppage to things like this. The court of law doesn't provide justice in this country anymore and that's not any The Bill of Rights.

    Opinion (I think..): I think it’s sad that people can continue life after they have ended the life of a black male/ female and then feel as though they can continue with life regularly. This shows that even after years of Civil Rights fighting America doesn't live up to its ideals.

    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article, because it’s scary being a black male in a dangerous city/world. At any moment, especially living in the city of Philadelphia my life could end through a racial event.

  14. Source:
    Article Title: Police: Pennsylvania Ex-Pastor Accused of Raping Teen Says He'll Return to U.S.
    Article Date: January 14, 2016
    Who: Jacob Malone and a teen
    Where: In the United States
    When: From 2009 until July of 2014
    What happened: Jacob Malone is being accused of raping and getting a teen pregnant. Malone is an ex-pastor, who met the alleged victim when he first started working at her church and she was only 12 years old. They continued to have a relationship throughout the years. The victim evetnually moved in with Malone and his family. When this move took place is when Malone began assaulting the victim. Now, Jacob is in Ecuador, but will be returning to the U.S next week to turn himself.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because a lot of cases like this are happening when younger people get close to people who may be older and then those older people do things like this.
    Reaction: Some people are shocked and see this situation as heartbreaking.
    Opinion: I think this situation is heartbreaking because this girl really trusted Malone and he took advantage of her.
    Connection: I chose this article because people should be aware of things like this and be careful of who they trust.

  15. Source:

    Article title: Video released of deadly Chicago police shooting
    Article date: Thursday, January 14, 2016
    Who: Teen, Cedrick Chatman and Chicago police
    Where: South Side Chicago
    When: January 7, 2013

    What happened: On January 7, 2013, 17 year old Cedrick Chatman was on the run from the police. Police officer Fry said that he turned and reach towards his hip and that he didn't have time to give any orders because he was scared for his partners life. But it turned out he only had a black iPhone case. He was shot and killed and the officers were not charged for the murder but somehow Cedrick's two friends Martel Odoms and Akeem Clarke, but at the time of shooting they were 10 blocks away.

    Why is this event relevant: This event is relevant because teens in Philly are being killed everyday and nobody has justice. We all have friends our age and wouldn't like losing them to gun shots.

    Reaction: It's crazy how young we are and were just by one. That's why I want all my friends to be cool around their neighbors.

    Opinion: I think the officer should have at least told him to put his hands up and they wouldn't shoot but they didn't. They could have asked him what was he doing or what was the object that he was reaching for.

    Connection: I lost my boy Dashon last year, he couldn't be here for Christmas or the new year. He was 17 too.

  16. Source:
    Article Title: Video released of deadly Chicago police shooting
    Article Date: January 14, 2016
    Who: CNN
    Where: Chicago
    When: Today at 9:12 p.m
    What happened: A video has been released from police custody about a police shooting that happened three years ago. The police kept on opposing the release of this video but its is now being show that the teenager, Cedrick Chatman, was running away from police trying to flee the stolen car. While running away, one of the officers stopped and started shooting at the young man until he was down. It was reported that he fired four shots. The officer that shot him stated that he had a weapon in his hands but turned out to be a black Iphone box.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because these types of police shooting are starting to grow and become more popular on the news.
    Reaction: This feels me with anger knowing that this is constantly happening were police officers are taking their jobs too far and are shooting and asking questions later.
    Opinion: I think that body cams should be prioritized to keep officers in line.
    Connection: I chose this because the president and mayors and governors should be aware of how bad conditions get around America because of things like this and try to handle this in a positive matter.

  17. Source:
    Article Title: US Government Developing Policies for Self-Driving Cars
    Article Date: Jan 14, 2016
    Who: US Government, US Department of Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx, General Motors, Ford, Google, Tesla
    Where: This took place today.
    When: It happened during the day
    What Happened: The US Government is planning on the development of self driving cars. US Department of Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx said that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration will spend the next six months developing ideas for a self driving prototype car and what tests should be done to see if it is safe. The agency will also develop a model policy for states to follow if they are to make it public. The policy could lead to consistent national regulations for those cars. California, Florida, and Nevada have their own regulations for now. Seven states and Washington D.C allow those cars to be tested on their roads. Foxx said the government believes self-driving vehicles could eventually cut traffic deaths, decrease highway congestion and improve the environment. He even encouraged automakers to ask for exemptions of its rules as long as they don’t impact safety. But safety advocates wondered if the agency is getting too comfortable within the auto industry. Foxx said President Obama’s budget would provide $4 billion over the next decade for programs to test connected vehicles. Eventually, accidents will be prevented. since vehicles could warn each other before they crash at an intersection.
    Why this Event is Relevant: This event is relevant because with the advancements in technology going over the roof, it makes things like this very possible and achievable by the government.
    Reaction: My reaction is it is just a matter of time now.
    Opinion: My opinion on this is this the best thing to have ever been thought of and the greatest thing that is yet to be accomplished.
    Connection: I chose this article because my mom is not able to move around the way she normally did and I do not like traffic and rush hour when going places, so I believe this could benefit the both of us and it would probably mean that the age for a driver's license could go down to an age like 13 years old or lower. Plus I would not like to go to gas stations with high prices for gasoline.

  18. Source:
    Article Title: Obama: America faces 'a new phase of terrorism'
    Article Date: 20 hours from today
    Who: President Barack Obama
    Where: Virginia
    When: Thursday, December 17th 2015
    What happened: President Obama speaks at the National Counterterrorism Center in Virginia. He talks about how the government doesn't have any info on a future attack because we are dealing with a different type of terrorism. However he goes on to say that America is still fighting.
    Why this event is relevant: This is important because it is good to see that outer government taking precautions for our well being. This is also informing because we as the people should know
    what are government is doing.
    Reaction: This made me a little nervous because in the article he talks about how it's hard to find these new terrorist because they blend in. Then he says they are self motivated, which means they are doing for their own personal reasons.
    Opinion: I'm personally proud that the government is putting in work to protect us. But I just wish we didn't have to go through this.
    Connection: I chose this article because Obama is not going to be our president anymore

  19. Source:
    Article Title: Clinton says early lead in polls were ‘artificial’

    Article Date:January 15, 2016

    Who:Hillary Clinton

    Where: U.S.

    When: Recently

    What happened: Clinton stated that the polls in
    which she was in the lead in were artificial. She speaks to Jimmy Fallon about the the numbers. She said the polls were artificial because usually the polls are close to each other when candidates are going against each other. They finished off with a mock interview. Fallon being the president and Clinton as herself.

    Why this event is relevant?:This is relevant because Hillary Clinton could have a point. Who knows? She could be right.

    Reaction: Clinton seems to have a humorous side to her.

    Opinion: I think that Clinton is trying to be as real as possible when it comes to certain things. Then again, it could all be an act to win, then she would change if she is elected.

    Connection: I know what it's like to vote and be voted on. You need to appeal to the audience as much as possible.

  20. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title:
    Why Billionaires' Big Donations Often Fail to Change Much

    Article Date: January 2016

    Who: Billionaires and school districts

    Where: All over the school districts

    When: Now

    What happened: The money that is being donated is not going to use. The money is going towards systemic problems.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because a lot of schools are struggling and don't have resources. Schools aren't giving students the right education that they need to succeed in life.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) How I feel about this is that the money should go to books or things to improve each grade. I feel as though you shouldn't accept the money if you aren't going to make the school better. Students aren't getting they education because their aren't any resources or nothing to make them better and give them a good future.

    Opinion (I think..) I think that when the billionaires give the money towards schools they should say what the money is for. Also I feel as if they shouldn't give the money to schools and that they should buy the materials for the school needs and go around passing out the materials and the needs of the school.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because I felt as though this is Important because I see so many schools closing because they don't have the right amount of money and students not getting the future they need. You just see so many students future disappearing because they don't have a school to be at or their school isn't giving them the materials they need and I just feel as though that's not right.

  21. Source:
    Who: Congress

    Where: Washington

    When: 4 hrs ago

    What happen: gov is rushing to finalize a 1.1 trillion plan. Massive budget on tax. The senate and congress is at a disagreement

    This is relevant because it effects the economy. Therefore it effects me because this will increase the cost of things.

    Opinion ? In my opinion I think that the gov should look out for us more. I wish that they would try to make things cheaper instead.

    Connection: I have a everyday connection with is. One, I love money. Two, I buy stuff everyday, so I know when the prices of things increases.

  22. Source:
    Article Date: December 8,2015
    Who: Donald Trump, Muslims, Senator Ted Cruz
    Where: Republican Debate
    When: December 7,2015
    What happened: Donald Trump wants to send all Muslims back to where they came from and stop Muslims from entering the United States. Then he tried to deflect the shots that were being thrown back at him.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because Donald Trump wants to be president and if he has this mindset becoming president, what will his mindset be if he becomes president. Trump thinks that he can say whatever he wants and get away with it.
    Reaction: I feel as though Trump should not become president or even continue to run in the race because he has a very slim chance of winning. When I heard of what he did I found it disrespectful and uncalled for, as well as racist.
    Opinion: I think that Trump is ignorant as well as arrogant. He has no respect for this nation or what it stands for. I feel as though he only ran in the race because he has money and wanted to see how far his money could get him.
    Connection: I chose this because I feel as though Trump is just trying to see how far in the race he can get with making as many people upset as possible. If he wins the United States will be destroyed. We have come too far for him to become president and set us back.


  23. Source:

    Article Title: Obama tightens rules on gun control

    Article Date: 8 hours ago

    Who: Barack Obama

    Where: Untied States of America

    When: 8 hours ago

    What happened: President Obama enforces gun laws on those who have guns and those who are trying to purchase them. He is requiring those that have guns to get background checks done.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because of the prior mass shootings.It shows that the government is noticing the the trends.

    Reaction: This was a good decision from President Obama. He was wise for making this policy regarding the guns and who own them.

    Opinion: I think that should have been established from the past presidents. Due to the prior mass gun shootings this decision came at the right.

    Connection: I chose this article because I feel that guns affect everybody whether you own them or not. This is also relevant to school shootings


  24. Source: (website)
    Article Title: Military aircraft collide in Hawaii; search on for survivors
    Article Date: This event happened on 1/15/15.
    Who: This event happened with USA marines. It also involves USA representatives.
    Where: This happened in the USA. Specifically in Hawaii.
    When: This happened on 1/15/15.
    What happened: A plane crashed in Hawaii. And they lost some people.
    Why this event is relevant:
    It is important because we lost some Americans. We need to find them before they die.
    Reaction I'm mad they crashes but happy we our searching.
    Opinion I think we need to do what ever we can to find them.
    Connection I picked it because it was very interesting to here about this.

  25. Source:
    Article Title: 7th Amendment protest goes off at the Reno Federal Court – Ty Robben proclaims summary judgment unconstitutional.
    Article Date: Friday, August 14, 2015 18:21

    On August 14, 2015 Ty Robben and Mike Weston along with friends led a casual protest hoping that others would join to voice their opinion about the latest violation of the 7th Amendment.
    The event took place because of the changing court issues in Reno, the public is outraged in how the courts are slowly but surly removing jury trials. The citizens of Reno believe that Summary Judgment is unconstitutional and violates the 7th amendment, because it does not allow citizens the right to have a jury trial, which goes against the 7th amendment. The Reno community feels that “Justice delayed is Justice denied” they also feel that this tactic is a new form of corruption and are willing to fight to have it removed and/or make sure it does not faze out jury trials.
    This was important for society because if all courts started to ignore the rights of the people that would be the beginning of all rules and rights being tossed to the wind, which would leave us all in a bad place to live.
    “In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.” – – The 7th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.
    I selected this article because of many court cases that are not fairly tried because of different biases, it seems only right that jury trials continue to stay in the court system, if I was to have to be put through any court process I would want to have the option to decide how my fate would be decided.
