Friday, January 1, 2016

2nd period, Week of 1/4-1/15

Due by 3:30 pm on Friday 1/15
Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences).
Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)
Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source:

    Article Title: Abortion Rights Group Protests Donald Trump Event

    Article Date: Friday 8/28/15

    Who: MJ Lee

    Where: Norwood Massachusetts

    When: N/A

    What happened: Donald a Trump was hosting an event in Massachusetts at a car dealership, when a group of protesters showed up to speak about their pro abortion opinions.

    Why this event is relevant: this is relevant because these young men and women spoke out to 1 of the most controversial men in the media right now, about what they believe in and how they disagree with him. This not only very brave but very respectable. Not a lot of people in today's society know how to speak out with being disrespectful or getting violent.

    Reaction: I was so astonished when I first read this article. To see a bunch of people come together and speak about a cause they believed and do it peacefully is amazing. I didn't know it was even possible anymore.

    Opinion: I feel like I agree with the protesters. I am definitely pro choice, I feel like everyone should have the choice in whether or not they want to have a baby.

    Connection: I chose this article because it really stood out too me. I really connected with these peaceful protesters and I feel like there should be more people like them.


  2. Source:

    Article Title: Virgina teen behind pro-ISIS Twitter account sentenced to 11 years

    Article Date: August 28th 2015

    Who: The people that was involved were Ali Shukir Amin, U.S Attorney Boente, John Carlin and James Comey.

    Where: This happened in Virgina , USA

    When: August 28th 2015

    What Happened: 17 year old Ali Shukir Amin got arrested on Friday August 28th 2015 with and 11 year sentence. He made a Twitter page that supports the ISIS. He also helped one of his friends to travel to Syria to join the terrorist group.

    Why is this relevant?: This is relevant because this is dealing with the world's most dangerous terrorist group. Also propaganda has lead this teen to support them.

    Reaction: I think this is crazy. To see young people follow after the wrong thing makes me feel sad because this world is already crazy and to manipulate a young person mind is wrong.

    Opinion: I think they did the right thing to arrest him because they don't know what he is capable of. He can end up doing a terrorist attack somewhere.

    Connection: I picked this article because it really stood out to me and I can relate to this because when we are young, it's easy for people to manipulate us and make us believe in the wrong stuff.

  3. Source:

    Article Title: Donald Trump vs. the Republican establishment
    Article Date: Updated 4:48 PM ET, Mon October 26, 2015
    Who: MJ Lee
    Where: ET
    When: Mon October 26, 2015
    What happened: Donald Trump was supposed to be a blip in the 2016 race.The summer fling has decidedly turned into the autumn of trumps and the Republican Party leaders. Trumps lingering in first place into the winter is no longer a laughable possibility. Trump had came in on lowa from Ben Carson. Trumps has came at the expense of establishment. People like Jeb bush and Marco Rubio. They are struggling to shine Because billionaire have larger life personality and the media's insatiable. Professional republicans keep holding there breath that the race will dramatically shift. but others can't hold it in. Bush had political dynasty widely expected to stay near the top of the race. They are saying that they are no good.
    My Opinion on this is trump Trs to do everything himself and that's dose not work at all.

  4. Source:
    Article Title: Will the GOP Mount a Third-Party Challenge to Trump?
    Article Date: December 20, 2015
    Who: Donald trump


    When: December 20, 2015

    The Republican Party would faced a threat to unity. Donalds victory was to represent a movement. they said that this was exactly the kind of victory that guarantees political civil war. this event is relevant because the party caused the civil rights in the North while welcoming segregationists and white supremacists from across the South.


  5. Source:
    Article Title:Donald Trump predicts 'you won't be able to get guns'
    Article Date:January 4, 2016
    Who:Donald Trump and Barack Obama
    When:Mon January 4, 2016
    What happened:Donald is concerned about the fact that people may not be getting guns as before.He sees this as a restrictions on America and what they can have.
    Why this event is relevant:This is important because you have two powerful people fighting over having harmful weapons and not wanting harmful weapons. These two people have somewhat control over what citizens can have.
    Opinion (I think..)
    Connection (why you chose this article

  6. Source:
    Article Title: Obama Measures Wouldn't Have Kept Guns From Mass Shooters
    This article was published on January 5, 2015 and is a national topic. This article involves President Barack Obama and the press. On Tuesday January 5, 2015 Obama announced that he will try to fulfill the loophole with gun violence by expanding mandatory background checks to gun shows, online sales and even flea markets. He announces that he will make sure examiners update all criminal history data. The press go against Obama's announcement by promoting the idea that the suspects in the past mass shootings would still be able to get their hands on a weapon even after Obama's gun control attempt. The press believe Obama's decision will be a failure and will not have an impact on gun control. This event is relevant because gun violence is a serious topic and attempts to control gun violence are much needed. I feel open to Obama's ideas because we need change and he seems like the only person who is willing or at least trying to make a change, to make this world a more pleasant place. I think the press is being negative by trying to shoot Obama's ideas down so quickly. It's worth a try and peoples lives are at stake. I chose this article because Obama's announcement is a popular topic in the news at this time.

  7. Source: The source of this article is

    Article Title: The title of this article is Emotional Obama calls for 'sense of urgency' to fight gun violence.

    Article Date: This article was published on January 5, 2016.

    Who: This article included President Barack Obama and Mark Barden, a parent who lost his son in the Sandy Hook shooting.

    Where: This event took place at the White House in Washington, D.C.

    When: This event has been happening over the past few days.

    What happened: In this article, President Barack Obama shed tears because of the tragedies that happened due to gun violence. He hopes to close and narrow the loopholes of gun shows because technically, it is legal to buy a gun at a gun show without having to do a background check. President Barack Obama hopes to fix this problem.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because there are more and more tragedies that are happening each day due to gun violence.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) This makes me feel happy and want to stand with Obama and fix this problem.

    Opinion (I think..) I think Barack Obama is doing the right thing because he is just trying to protect the country from violence and any type of harm. I think by him shedding tears, lets us know that he really is genuine and cares that much about the country and its citizens.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because this was an issue that brought the President to tears so I knew that it was something very important and serious.


  8. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title:Here is how Obama’s most controversial new action on guns really works. It’s fairly modest.

    Article Date:January 5 at 9:27 AM By Greg Sargent

    Who:Barack Obama

    Where:Washington D.C.

    When:January 5, 2016

    What happened:President Obama will roll out his new executive actions on guns, and the action that is most likely to generate a lot of controversy and criticism and is the one designed to expand federal background checks to gun sales that were previously not covered by them.

    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because it is a major problem in our world.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)My feelings about this are strong because gun violence happens a lot in my city. Many young lives are taken away because of gun violence.

    Opinion (I think..)I think Obama is approaching this the right way. He is taking matters in to his own hands.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because this is a major problem in our country. Many people lives are effected because of gun violence. Most lives are taken away because of gun violence.

  9. Source:

    Article Title: 10 U.S. sailors in Iranian custody

    Article Date: Tues January 12, 2016

    Who: U.S. sailors and the Iranian government

    Where: Iran

    When: January 12, 2016. Tuesday evening.

    What happened: Late Tuesday afternoon an U.S. Navy ship drifted into the region of Iran and was captured. The soldiers are being held, Iran wants to make sure they are not being spied on. The boat was not suppose to be in Iran's region. The sailors were suppose to go from Kuwait to Bahrain. The boats radio was working so them ending up near Iran could have been intentional.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this was just reported today. Also, the United Sates doesn't have the best relationship with the middle east especially Iran.

    Reaction: After reading this article i was shocked that the U.S. reacted so calmly. I just expected them to be more demanding. I mean after all the Iranian government is holding U.S. citizens.

    Opinion: In my opinion the us should have done more. i'm not saying start a war with Iran. They could been a little more assertive.

    Connection: I chose this article because, I expected there to be a lot more tension between the U.S. and Iran.


    Was-Mart sued over sale of bullets used in Pennsylvania murders.

    This article was published on January 8th of 2016. People involved in this incident include Robert Jourdain, the families of the victims, Todd West, Kor Ketrow, Francine Ramos, Trevor Gray and Randy Hargrove. This took place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It occurred on July 5th of 2015. This article talks about how a few months ago a man purchased bullets at a local Wal-Mart and him and his friend killed three strangers. Which is leading to Wal-Mart being sued by the victims families. This is relevant because a lot of people are dying because of gun violence and we must stop it. When I read this I was shocked to even find out that you can purchase bullets at a Wal-Mart. I believe that Wal-Mart shouldn't even sell bullets; let alone sell them to someone in their 20s. I can connect to this because I am close to the age of 20 and it's scary to know that just anyone can just purchase something so dangerous.

  11. Source:

    Article Title: Will Obama’s action on gun help prevent deaths?

    Article Date:1/5/16

    Who: Judy Woodruff

    Where: N/A

    When: tuesday january 8th, 2016

    What happened: President Obama addressed that he was going to add new things about trying to stop gun violence in America. In this Article, they’re discussing on how his plan is pretty much straightforward, and how he basically is having a law on many Americans who are buying a gun, and or already have a gun needing to have an id with them at all times. They later tell that Obama is basically talking about a subject matter that made the same rule in the mid 60’s, and how it should had been taken care of for a long time. And they explain just how some people sell guns illegally, with no id telling the people that they legally sell guns, this can be explained that a person who buys the illegal weapon could get in trouble by a person with no licences to sell the gun in the first place. They also talked about how mental health can also be one of the problems with gun violence, the plan basically talks about how Obama has things for checking people if they have a background of mental problems before having them a licence for an armed weapon. And for that, they also say that Obama’s plan is to help the mentally ill people from gun violence, as they say that mental health problem can be one of the causes of violence.

    Why this event is relevant: Gun Violence is a serious epidemic that's going on in America, and it's important for people to know that gun violence can be solved the easy way.

    Reaction (The United States has the biggest death rate in the entire world, and something has to be changed somehow. It is very good that Obama is very concerned about lowering the rate alittle bit. )

    Opinion (In my opinion, even though you change the rules of gun violence in this country, it will still go on and there will always be people killing each other.)

    Connection (For people who see this Current Event to know what our country is going through when it comes to violence in America, and how it's tearing apart this nation.)

  12. Source:

    Article Title: U.S. Proposes Spending $4 Billion on Self- Driving Cars
    Article Date: January 14, 2016
    Who: The U.S government, Mr. Foxx, the President, Mark Reuss, and General Motors.
    Where: This event took place in Detroit.
    When: This event took place on Thursday 7, 2016.
    Mr. Foxx and other important people held a car show, that introduced many people on the idea of self driven vehicles. Foxx commented that these vehicles would insure safety on roads and avoid car crashes. Also, the cars would decrease the percent of people dying in car crashes. He and others just want the government to invest in this project, and that's what they did. The President and executives are considering putting this in our budget for next year. Lastly, this cars are here to help companies, as they trade and deliver things. I thought that this was a cool idea. I was excited to hear that self driven cars would insure more safety, and usually people would think the other thing around. I think the government should invest and give this a try, but if it goes bad disregard them. I chose this article because too man people are dying in car accidents, and this article provided a way to help save lives due to dangerous car accidents.

    1. I would love this! Can I take a nap while the car drives?

  13. Source:
    Article Title: Video released of deadly Chicago police shooting
    Article Date: January 14, 2016
    Who: Cedrick Chatman, Linda Chatman, Kevin Fry, and Lou Toth were involved
    Where: This event took place in Chicago
    When: This event happened on January 7, 2013
    What happened:
    Cedrick Chatman was caught in a car reported stolen. When the two officers arrived at the scene, Chatman got out the car to finish his getaway on foot. He then began to get chased by 2 police officers, Kevin Fry & Lou Toth. As he was getting chased by one cop, the other stop and took a shooting position. He reported that Chatman seemed to have a gun and turned slight way to fire at his partner. So for this misinterpretation, he fired at 17 year old Cedrick Chatman. Chatman was shot 16 times
    The two cops then asked for bystanders to change their story to work to their advantage. Turns out chatman was only carrying a black iPhone box. The police withheld the video of the shooting for about 3 years and fired anyone who said or did anything against their favor.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because Police brutality & racial conflicts between cops and African Americans are becoming stronger and stronger.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel unsafe, not wanted and disappointed that this could still be an issue after the long hard years.
    Opinion (I think..) I think the cops don’t be wanting to make a positive I.D on weapons before they shoot, as soon as the see a little bit of dark skin, they immediately have it made up in the mind that they’re going to fire.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because this is an issue that’s big in today’s society.

  14. Source:

    Article Title:The title of this article is "Gun control views depend on what you are, where you live".

    Article Date:The date this article was published was Saturday January 9, 2016.

    Who: The people involved in this article are President Obama and Americans.

    Where:This event happened on national television and it will effect Americans.

    When:This event was about a week long.

    What happened:What happened is President Obama told America that the increase on gun control is based on where you live and he also showed a graph showing the decreasing over the years.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it affects Americans.

    Reaction: My feelings to this article was that this is an eye opener and helpful.

    Opinion (I think..): I think that this current event is helpful for people who own weapons and people that live in cities where the coverage is increasing.

    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because I thought it would be something interesting to read and learn about.

  15. Source: (entire website address):
    Article Title: The title of this article is, Former Air Force Colonel Provides Disabled Veterans With Sports Opportunity.
    Article Date: This article was posted January 14th, 2016.
    Who: Veterans are involved in this story.
    Where: This event happened in Virginia.
    When: This event occurred over the past few months.
    What happened: In this article, Disabled Veterans received sports opportunities. This allowed them to feel and be like everyone else.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because there are a lot of veterans that are disabled and it's important to help them feel like everyone else.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): This article makes me feel happy because this is giving veterans new opportunities and makes them feel like everyone else in the society.
    Opinion (I think..): I think that Michael Welch is a good citizen for doing this because he took the time out to help them.
    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because I like to see when people are good citizens and take the time out of their day to help other people who are less fortunate.


  16. source:

    Article Title: Drug trial participant brain dead, 5 others hospitalized in France

    Article Date: Friday January 15, 2016

    Who: doctors who was tested on people with different drugs

    Where: this happened in france

    When:Fri January 15, 2016

    What happened: These people is that was in france they was testing drugs on people and they made five people when brain dead.

    Why this event is relevant:

    the reason why this relevant because this can show you how drug are first hit the market. and they first get used. This also show you how the drugs that we take when we have pain how they are able to be sold. they also test the drugs on people but they make them sued all these papers so if they die then they will not get sood.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)

    feel like this is not right because this show how they don't care this is just my opinion i think that the should try to do something else to test them drugs they should use some type of technology.

    Opinion (I think..)

    I think that they should use some type of technology.

    Connection (why you chose this article)

    the reason why i picked this article because as i was reading this reading it locked me in and it was teaching me how the drugs we used get on the market. and how they was being tested also this was teaching me that if someone was to die then it wouldn't be there fault by sined a paper saying that they are not able to sue.

  17. Source: (

    Article Title:U.S. President Barack Obama's final State of the Union address headlines today's show, followed by the Republican response from South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley. We're featuring a Character Study involving a football player who exemplifies perseverance, and we're exploring the growing problem of "space junk" -- and what scientists plan to do to minimize the risk of it.

    Article Date:January 13, 2016

    Who: Brack Obama & Also the white house crew

    Where:South Carolina

    When:January 13, 2016

    U.S. President Barack Obama's final State of the Union

    What happened: The president wanted to state the situation of Republican response from South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley. We're featuring a Character Study involving a football player who exemplifies perseverance, and we're exploring the growing problem of "space junk" -- and what scientists plan to do to minimize the risk of it.

    Why this event is relevant: Alot

    Reaction My feeling towards this situation is okay because it doesn't reaction on my city too much .

    Opinion (I think the speech the president was a good speak to make it ha-pend in his speech in the state of union.

    Connection I could relate to this article in many ways .


  18. source:
    Article Title:Drug trial participant brain dead, 5 others hospitalized in France
    Article Date:Fri January 15, 2016
    Who: doctors who was tested on people with different drugs. And the people that was getting tested on.
    Where: this happened in france
    When:Fri January 15, 2016
    What happened: These people is that was in france they was testing drugs on people and they made five people when brain dead.
    Why this event is relevant:
    the reason why this relevant because this can show you how drug are first hit the market. and they first get used. This also show you how the drugs that we take when we have pain how they are able to be sold. they also test the drugs on people but they make them sued all these papers so if they die then they will not get sood.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    feel like this is not right because this show how they don't care this is just my opinion i think that the should try to do something else to test them drugs they should use some type of technology.
    Opinion (I think..)
    I think that they should use some type of technology. because they killing people and they are not going to jail. The reason why i say this because people are just losing there life for nothing even thow they are getting paid for doing that.
    Connection (why you chose this article)
    the reason why i picked this article because as i was reading this reading it locked me in and it was teaching me how the drugs we used get on the market. and how they was being tested also this was teaching me that if someone was to die then it wouldn't be there fault by sined a paper saying that they are not able to sue.

  19. Source:
    Article Title:Exhilarated' British Astronaut on First Spacewalk
    Article Date: JAN 15, 2016
    Who:Tim Peake,Tim Kopra, Scott Kelly
    What happened:Tim Peake was the first Briton to walk in space on a mission to
    Why this event is relevant:This even is relevant because Tim was the first Briton to go to space
    Reaction:I don't really care
    Opinion: being the first of anything to do something is quite an accomplishment
    Connection: I chose this article because it was the first 1 I saw
    -Nasir Owens

  20. Source:

    Article Title: Ohio woman convicted in murder of Chicago teacher

    Article Date:This event happened in January 2014

    Who: An ohio woman name Alisha Walker has been found for murder of her second 2nd degree murder, And the killing of her brother Al filan.

    Where: This happened in chicago in a suburban chicago home in the orland park home.

    When: This event happened in January 2014,she was convicted on January 14,2016

    What Happened: A women name Alisha walker was found guilty of her brothers deaths Rice. She acted as self defense filan became angry and grabbed a knife. Walker and another prostitute refused to have unprotected sex with him.

    Why is this relevant: This is relevant because this event happened on 2014 but she was convicted earlier yesterday. Walker is schedule for february 11 and also she faced up to 20 years in prison.

    Reaction: I feel as though Alisha walker should not be punished for a crime she didn't mean to do. She is sentenced up to 20 years, i don't think she deserves this.

    Opinion: This is not ride fair for Alisha,she doesn't deserve to sentenced 20 years for nothing

    Connection: I thought this was interesting to read about and also talk about.

  21. Source:

    Article Title: At Republican Debate, Taunts and Quips as Rivals Battle

    Article Date: This article was published on January 14, 2016

    Who: This article was written by By JONATHAN MARTIN and PATRICK HEALY

    Where: This article took place in North Charleston South Carolina.

    When: This article does not give that information out.

    What happened: Donald Trump and Ted Cruz were going head to head. Because of Ted being a Canadian born trying to run for president came to Donald Trump mind.

    Why this event is relevant: This relevant because why would Donald Trump Menton his birth state? It doesn't matter where you are from, long as you fit the requirements and can get the job done.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I don't really have an reaction this article because this is typical Donald Trump.

    Opinion (I think..) I do not have an opinion on this situation.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this because this is a huge debate for our next president.
