Friday, January 1, 2016

4th period, Week of 1/4-1/15

Due by 3:30 pm on Friday 1/15
Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences).
Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.
Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)
Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Rosetta Alston


    US Militia Occupy Oregon Wildlife Park
    Date: JAN 3, 2016 10:40 AM
    Who: US Military vs Oregon Wildlife park
    Where: N/A
    When: Saturday
    What happened: Military were mad at two ranchers because they set a fire and it traveled to Military territory. Also because they started the fire because it was believed that they were trying to cover up hunting violations. The two ranchers are in jail now. Following another 4 years for the 2 years they completed because of a rally they we're involved in killing a father and a son.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because it interferes with the second amendment.”The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel that the two ranchers had it coming for them because why would they be doing illegal things in the first place when they just got out of jail.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that the sentence was a little to harsh but I know they will learn there lesson.

  2. Date: 1/5/16



    Article Title: “Obama, wiping tears, makes new push to tighten gun rules”

    Article Date: WASHINGTON, Jan 5 (Reuters)

    Who: President Barack Obama

    Where: Washington D.C,White House

    When: Tuesday

    What happened: Obama is reminiscing on kids who have died due to a mass elementary school shooting connecticut that resulted with twenty children and six adults dead t gun violence. After wiping away tears in front of many to show his sympathy and compassion, he declares that he wants to tighten up gun possession and toughen up the national gun laws.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because those kids are forgotten by many and there are soon to be more that will take advantage of this loose gun control law. Also because this has to do with the state/country that we live in.

    Reaction: In my opinion, I think that Barack isn’t wrong for what he is doing because he is only trying to secure the safety for children/students and faculty members in schools everywhere. I think that Barack is being very brave to step up and go against the national state representatives to secure safety for the citizens of his country.

    Opinion: In my opinion, I think that Barack isn’t wrong for what he is doing because he is only trying to secure safety for the citizens within the U.S. Also he is trying to stop the next possible genocide from occurring.

    Connection: I chose this article because this is one of the first cases that I have heard of the president trying to toughen up the gun/firearm laws. I also chose this article because this has to do with children’s safety and they must be valued highly because they are the future.

    ----Desmond Collins, Jr

  3. Source:

    Article Title:President Obama unveils plan to cut gun violence

    Article Date: January 5th 2016

    Who: Barack Obama

    Where: Across the United states

    When: Tuesday January 5th 2016

    What happened: President Obama is upset with the lack of gun control. He will use his presidential powers to better enforce gun control. Obama said that the gun lobby took the congress hostage. He referred to the 20 first graders that was killed in sandy hook back in 2012. Obama plan is to sweep more gun dealers.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because without background checks anybody can get a illegal firearm to use. Also a lot deaths are occurring because of gun violence.

    Reaction: My feelings towards this is that I agree with Obama because it is not safe when any and everybody can get a firearm and harm the society or just the U.S. period .

    Opinion: I think that to buy a illegal firearm you should have a background check. Because the people that has a bad background shouldn't be able to purchase a gun .

    Connection: I choose this article because I want justice for my country and to be safe

  4. Source:

    Article Title:Emotional Obama calls for 'sense of urgency' to fight gun violence

    Article Date: Tue January 5, 2016

    Who:President Barack Obama and Mark Barden,

    Where: Across the United States

    When:Tue January 5, 2016

    What happened: In this article President Obama stating that we should get me more strict on our gun policy. because their are a lot of gun violence going on around the world and you do not want the gun rate to rise higher you want it lower.

    Why this event is relevant: this is relevant because this is going on in our society and we as people need to stop kill each other. also, this relevant because this shows our leaders of our state that we need to something fast and quick to stop this gun violence.

    Reaction I feel like this is unbelievable that we is out her kill each other even thought back in the day people like Martin Luther King fight for us to be equal and have rights. But, know we have right we just killing each other over thing that is not necessary for.

    Opinion my opinions is that if you want a weapons you should only have one if you a have a uniform that needs to use it for really serious moments

    Connection this is a connection in the real world that people is getting weapons from any where and use it for no good use and taking a human being off the earth. also, this a connection of the world again when people kill they own kind because they think it would gain them respect but if you sit and think about it that is wrong.


  5. http://wSource: ww.

    Article Title:Donald Trump: Obama tears 'sincere'

    Who: Barack Obama Where: In the white house

    When: January 7 2016

    What Happened:

    What Happened was Obama was giving a speech on how the kids got killed. And Obama now want to have a gun control control. But Donald Trump disagrees with Obama saying see people he doesn't want you to have guns for your own protection. And Donald try to switch the situation on Obama.

    Why is it relevant: It's relevant because people are dying for no reason and don't even have a licence. for their possession. So now Obama is say we have to have gun checks because people are dropping like flies. Majority of are american citizens don't even have licence so everybody is carrying a gun.

    Reaction I think president Obama did the right thing for his citizens. You as a president have important responsibilities to take care of your country. So I think That's a good quality that Obama have. And that's caring so no more of american citizens can get hurt and be safe.

    Opinion- I think Donald Trump need to mind his business because he want to be the president so bad. I mean some things that Trump say is really rude and a embarrassment to the United States. If Obama want to cry about a crisis that's going around a the United States let him cry. If Trump must know real men cry Donald trump.
    Connection: This remind me of a movie I seen about people electing their president then they wasn't cooperating with him They was treating him wrong and everything. I mean they were making shirts about him and eventually his time was over. But this remind me of Donald Trump and Obama so much Trump want to always bring Obama down like Trump? Your not becoming president dude sit and relax .


  6. Source:
    Article Title:Young Americans have free-speech rights, too

    Article Title: Young Americans have free-speech rights, too
    Article Date: Tuesday, June 24, 2014
    Who: Young Adults and government officials
    Where: Washington D.C
    When: 2014
    What happened:This article is basically talking about how Young Americans should get the same amount of freedom of speech as adults. Also, how us young Americans should celebrate on the 4th for freedom of speech due to the 1st amendment.
    Why this event is relevant:This is relevant because this could be a good opportunity to open the minds of the young Americans on freedom of speech.
    Reaction : I was shocked to and happy to see that that they are even considering the fact that we are about to be be adults out in the real world. I feel like it's about time we started getting treated like the soon to be adults that we are. I agree with this idea a lot!
    Opinion : I think a little more power should be giving to us young Americans. I feel this way because that will give us a better understanding on our future and how we can prepare for it.
    Connection : I connected to this article because I am a young teen. I also feel as though we should have more rights than we do as young adults.

  7. Source:

    Title: Turkey Police HQ 'hit by bomb blast'

    Date: 1/13/16

    Who: Turkey officials, police headquarters, innocent bystanders

    Where: Turkey

    When: 1/13/16

    What Happened: In South-eastern Turkey, a car bomb went off and hit a police headquarter. Five people were killed and at least 36 were injured. A woman and a baby were two of the people that died. The bombing is being blamed on Kurdistan Workers Party militants.

    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because many people probably don't know what's going on in Turkey.

    Reaction: I feel concerned for Turkey and the people living there. I'm concerned because this can happen anywhere and anybody can be affected by it.

    Opinion: I think this is a serious problem! It's a serious problem because innocent people are being killed and injured for no reason.

    Connection: I am interested in this article because it amazes me that so many people are bombing places and not thinking about the innocent people's lives they are affecting.

    -Maryam Abdulmatin


  8. Source:

    Article Title: 'It's clear to me who fired the shots,' judge says, as video release nears

    Article Date: Updated at 2:24

    Who: Cedrick Chatman, two officers, and the judge.

    Where: Chicago

    When: January 14, 2016

    What happened: So Cedrick was running away from two police officers and they shoot at the unarmed teenager. The city didn’t want them to release the video. This had happened three years ago and they are just now releasing the video. Another thing was that the U.S. District Court Judge says that he was very unpleased with what had happen and that also it should have went down in a different way. And or handle in a different matter. Others say it wasn’t clear who shot Cedrick but the Court Judge says other wise. He says that you can see clear who shot him. It was Lou Toth in plain sight as Cedrick was running you could see Lous right behind him.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because all of this would have been solved if the video was out and about.

    Reaction: I feel as though that they shouldn’t have kept the video hidden for three years because that isn’t someone lost their life because of this.

    Opinion: I feel that if the video was out the family would have found peace a long time ago. I also feel as though that Lou Toth should be feeling a lot of pain right now. I think he should be sitting in jail rotten.

    Connection: I pick this article because it’s important for people to know that sometimes other people like hiding evidence so that way they don’t get in trouble.

  9. Article Title: Teacher faces involuntary manslaughter charges after deadly Alps avalanche
    Article Date: January 14, 2016
    Who: Teacher(s), Students, Skiers, and CNN
    Where: Franch
    When: Wednesday, January 13, 2016
    What happened: A teacher took two students over a restricted area. An avalanche happened, and killed the two students and a Ukrainian skier. The teacher survived with not so fatal wounds. One of the students died at the slope. The other student died going into the hospital. Teacher was later charged for manslaughter.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because people need to see what happens if you do not follow restrictions or warnings.
    Reaction: I feel that the teacher should have known better and not have let them take that risk.
    Opinion: I think that the teachers or any higher authority should take more care of the younger generation.
    Connection: This article caught my attention by three words, which are teacher, manslaughter, student.

  10. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title: A Nevada Man Says His 3rd Amendment Rights Were Violated. Wait, What?

    Article Date: July 11, 2013

    Who:A nevada man that remained nameless

    Where: Nevada

    When: July 2013

    What happened: A nevada man claims his Third Amendment rights were being violated after police men forcefully came into his home without his consent. Since the officers were there for more than a hour, he felt that they were not following the rules and demanded this go to court. The man claimed that the police officer was trying to keep a better eye on his neighbor. Police were in pursuit for his neighbor. The officers came into the home for more than three hours. This was unacceptable to the members of the household.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it’s not everyday that a news story is being published about a citizen’s Third Amendment right being violated. The author wrote this article to inform readers that things regarding this issue is happening.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel bad for this family and their personally space should not be invaded.

    Opinion (I think..) I think the officers should be charged.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because this is just another example of police officers taking advantage of their power.

  11. Source:
    Article Title: Bernie Sanders Attacks Hillary Clinton Over Regulating Wall Street
    Article Date:January 5,2016
    Who:Hilary Clinton, Bernie Sanders
    Where:Town Hall in Manhattan
    What happened:Bernie Sanders has allegedly come at hillary clinton’s commercial banks. She wasn’t really doing much in her plan to regulate wall street. Sanders said that Clinton was not right to shut down to reinstitute the Glass-steagall Act, and that plan would split the commercial banking Clinton has made a lot of money by speaking to banks. Sanders normally focus on financial issues and things like that. Sanders list of financial institutions that are really large and break them down. He also said that if he becomes president he will do better things then Clinton. Mrs.Clinton was said to be to soft on the bankers.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it talks about bernie sanders and hillary clinton two candidates that are running for president. It talks about banking and things like that which is very important.
    Reaction: My attitude towards this is good because i like bernie sanders and I do believe he will be better president than Hillary Clinton.
    Opinion: I think bernie will be a more tough leader and focus on real serious issues unlike hillary clinton who doesn’t really focus on the important things
    Connection: i chose this article because it talks about banking and the presidential candidates

  12. Lidia Abebe


    Article Date: January 14. 2016

    Who: Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders

    Where: Washington, DC

    When: 1/14/16

    What happened: Hillary thought Bernie Sanders campaign ad that aired in New Hampshire and Iowa was about her in a negative way. Bernie says there are 2 visions of the the democratic party and him and hillary are one of the other.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because It has to deal with our candidates and government today.

    Reaction: My reaction wasn’t surprising at all. Knowing that candidates throw shade at each other all time and saying “Oh it wasn’t about you” is very common when running for president.

    Opinion: My opinion towards this dumb. Honestly not only Hillary but everybody running for president should understand shade will be thrown not matter what to make you look bad. I don’t think there should be arguments about it.

    Connection: When I was in 4th grade I tried running for president. I was told why I should be voted and not the opponent and I would say bad things about them.


    Siani Cliett
    January 4, 2016

    Congress Avoids Government Shutdown

    The House of Representatives in the White House sometime around or before December activated the situation that the president has to handle that involves everyone in politics and the nation as a unit. The bill of funding the government before it runs out of money, sits on the President’s desk of rather to pass it or to not pass it, which will avoid a government shutdown. House Democrats helped pass the bill of funding Planned Parenthood which had a lead of 277 to 151, when many wanted to defund Planned Parenthood because of an issue of damaging. With the signing of the President to the bill, that would help to prevent any damage to the government and the people. Another bill that the White House wants to pass is for the government to help the citizens cut down on spending money or irrelevant things, and to start putting money into things that will help citizens like schools, research, military, etc. This event is relevant because it speaks about what the president is still trying to achieve even though his term is almost over. I feel that the bill is on the right path to a better nation because the money being wasted in other places should be spent on better, useful things like school and the nation’s protection. I think that if the next president is a democrat then he will follow up on the bill and continue to proceed with the plan of the the bill. I chose this event because I appreciate all that president Obama has done for the nation and people should not knock the steps he tries to take to build a better nation.

  14. Source: (entire website address):
    Article Title: Pennsylvania girl, 12, killed after father aims gun at constable
    Article Date: January 13, 2016
    Who: Constable, 57 year-old man and 12 year-old daughter
    Where: Pennsylvania
    When: Wednesday
    What happened: On Wednesday, January 13, 2016, a 12 year-old girl by the name of Ciara Meyer was accidentally shot and killed when she stood directly behind her father, Donald Meyer. When he raised the .223 caliber rifle to shoot at the constable (officer in the small town) who was coming to their apartment for an eviction notice.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because we are going over the bill of rights in class and this seems like the reason they made the 2nd & 3rd amendments.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): My feelings towards this is sad because it must be heart breaking for this father to know that kills his own child. To hear that a 12 year-old girl was accidentally killed by her father seems so unreal but he was only trying to protect them due to the fact they were getting an eviction notice and someone was coming to search the house.
    Opinion (I think..): I think they didn't have to involve guns in this situation because it led to someone being dead.
    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because it relates to the topics discussed in class. This article really ties in with the 2nd and 3rd amendment. I say it ties with the 2nd amendment because it states you have the right to bear arms or have weapons. The 3rd amendment basically states it is illegal to go into someone's house illegally even though he was a constable coming to save an eviction notice.

  15. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: Birtherism: Cruz wins the battle, Trump wins the war

    Article Date: Fri January 15, 2016
    Who:Cruz and Trump
    Where: North Charleston, South Carolina,
    When: thru January 14, 2016
    What happened:"Cruz was ready to attack Trump over the real estate mogul's assertion that Cruz's Canadian birth (to a U.S. citizen mother) makes him vulnerable to accusations he is ineligible for the presidency, pointing out that Trump said in September that Cruz is, indeed, on solid legal footing."
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because these to men are the top Democrats running.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) its funny because them too were cool with each other now theirs no more playing around.
    Opinion (I think..) I think both of these men shouldn't be president because i am team Republican.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this because I like following trump bull the bid.

  16. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Chicago police shooting cedric chatman video
    Article Date:January 15, 2016
    Who:cedric chatman, police officers
    When:3 years ago today
    What happened:A 17 year old boy named cedric chatman was unarmed and walking down the street when he was confronted by two officers, after a few words the officer equipped his weapon and began firing at the unarmed boy. Once this situation was explained in court the judge deemed his story as unjustified and unconstitutional.
    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because black men are being shot and killed all the time it seems like. Especially if its from an officer of the law who is supposed to protect and serve not harass and dictate.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)I feel that this is a horrible situation and I think the policeman should be fired and put in jail.
    Opinion (I think..)I think that this type of thing happens all the time and it needs to be put to an end.
    Connection (why you chose this article)I chose this because it was relevant and I thought that it needed to be brought to attention.

  17. Source:
    Article Title:Teacher faces involuntary manslaughter charges after deadly Alps avalanche
    Article Date:Thursday January 14, 2016
    Who: a school teacher that works in the St.-Exupery school in Lyon
    Where:Les Deux Alpes ski resort
    What happened: A school teacher took a group of students to go skiing in the Les Deux Alpes ski resort. There was another group of students, but they stayed in the hotel room with a different teacher. The ski slope was closed and the teacher was not a professional skier.2 students died along with a man who was not with the school group. The teacher is now being charged with involuntary manslaughter.
    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because the teacher took kids skiing without a professional being present. 2 kids lost their lives due to her actions.
    Reaction: I was surprised reading the article. I also wondered if any of the parents knew their child was going skiing.
    Opinion: I think the teacher was wrong for doing that. She should've just stayed in the hotel with the other teacher and kids.
    Connection: I chose this article because the title caught my eye.

  18. Source: (
    Article Title:Kerry rejects Keystone XL pipeline, spelling certain death for project
    Article Date: Friday November 6 2015
    Who:Secretary of State John Kerry has recommended that the U.S. reject the Keystone XL pipeline
    When: presidential campaign in 2012
    What happened: John Kerry wants the u.s. To reject the xl pipeline project. This project has been going on for several years its and effort to fight climate change. The project got approved by a couple of people in government but it has been a problem for some people. In 2008 the permit for the pipeline was submitted so it could be built. The span of the pipe would be 1200 miles across six u.s. States the pipeline would advance energy independence in North America and it will create jobs
    Why this event is relevant:this is relevant because it could be a major milestone in the government and a lot of people who look for jobs can have a chance at one
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel as though this would be beneficial and help a lot of people out with jobs . It just feels like this project was long to process
    Opinion (I think..) I think this could be a good project depending on how the outcome is and what actually happens when the xl pipeline is created
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it makes me think of how long people take to make a change or try to make an Improvement. For instance police brutality, how long will this actually be acceptable to black people when racial injustice occurs between black and white people who do things and are arrested . Black people get punished more then white people when they are being arrested.

  19. Source:

    Article Title:Why Bill Cosby's Criminal Case may now be dismissed

    Article Date:1/13/2016

    Who:Bill Cosby, Prosecutors, Court of Law

    Where:Philadelphia, PA

    When:1965, 2004, 2015, 2016

    What happened: Bill Cosby has been accused multiple times by multiple people that he has raped them. Many of the people say that he drugged them and then proceeded to sexually assault them. However due to an agreement made by Cosby and a prosecutor, there is little to no chance that a criminal charged will be assessed to him for these allegations.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it involves a man who was innocent but was held in jail for something he didn't do. Also, racism had the chance to prevail in this case because Cosby is black and some of the alleged victims are white.

    Reaction: I feel bad for Bill Cosby because these cases keep coming back to haunt him and keep getting a verdict of innocent. I feel as though the people who are wrong in accusing him should just leave him alone. I would feel bad if I was in his place.

    Opinion: I think this is unfair treatment and it is racist to keep bothering an old man who is a good person like this. He has done nothing wrong in each of these cases and they continue to bother him.

    Connection I chose his article because in a way it is breaking double-jeopardy because they are bringing up past accusations that he already went through a trial for. They are making up lies in order to get him for the past incidents that he was found innocent for.

  20. Source:
    Article Title: Navy Exploring More Uses for Futuristic Rail Gun Technology
    Article Date: This article was published on January 14th 2016.
    Who: This involved the United States Navy.
    Where: This happened at the Surface Navy Association symposium outside of Washington, D.C.
    When: This article happened on January 14th 2016.
    What happened: In this article admiral Peter Fantatel tells of advancements in Naval technology. These advancement are targeted to improve the weaponry on U.S Navy vessels at sea. This technology is designed to improve upon a new type of round for a rail gun. These rounds are designed to increase the fire rate to up to 5,000 miles per hour. The Navy hopes to attach these weapon onto Zumwalt-class vessels in the near future.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My reaction is a little sceptical I feel this way because I am questioning the need for such a weapon.
    Opinion (I think..) I think they should postpone these type of weaponry until later when it is needed.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this because it is interesting to hear of new military technology not because its destructive capabilities but the engineering results that goes into it.

    1. Really cool article choice. One thought for you, if we don't stay ahead with the technology, we may not have it later when we do need it.

  21. Source:
    Article Title: Navy Exploring More Uses for Futuristic Rail Gun Technology
    Article Date: This article was published on January 14th 2016.
    Who: This involved the United States Navy.
    Where: This happened at the Surface Navy Association symposium outside of Washington, D.C.
    When: This article happened on January 14th 2016.
    What happened: In this article admiral Peter Fantatel tells of advancements in Naval technology. These advancement are targeted to improve the weaponry on U.S Navy vessels at sea. This technology is designed to improve upon a new type of round for a rail gun. These rounds are designed to increase the fire rate to up to 5,000 miles per hour. The Navy hopes to attach these weapon onto Zumwalt-class vessels in the near future.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My reaction is a little sceptical I feel this way because I am questioning the need for such a weapon.
    Opinion (I think..) I think they should postpone these type of weaponry until later when it is needed.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this because it is interesting to hear of new military technology not because its destructive capabilities but the engineering results that goes into it.

  22. Source:
    Article Title: Sean Penn on El Chapo scoop: 'My article failed'
    Article Date: January 15, 2016:
    Who: Cnn, Sean Paul,
    Where: N/A
    when: January 15, 2016:
    What happened: Sean Paul was hoping to get more info about El Chapo’s life outside of jail and how everything was going. He also asked what he thought about the amounts of drugs he has sold over the border. El Chapo said ‘No that is false, because the day I don't exist, it's not going to decrease in any way at all." Him saying that makes you wonder that he is telling the truth just because he was the number one drug smuggler out there someone will come and take his place.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because is shows that there is more to the story more answers to be answered and he has them. He tell the cold hard truth that most people don’t want to believe. But must face the cold truth about it all.
    Reaction: Paul believes that there is more to the whole thing other than drugs and money there always have been he is just trying to find it using other ways.
    Opinion: My opinion on this is that he will get back out of jail again and the drug game will keep on going even after he is dead and gone because there are always someone watching. Which means they will try to go past the bonders El Chapo has set possibly make it worse.

  23. Source: (website)
    Article Date:January 15, 2016
    Who: President Obama, GOP participants
    Where:In the United States of America
    When:Week of January 11th, 2016
    What happened:Obama spoke on the topics of gun control in America and voiced his opinion's on them earlier in the week, also highlighting other areas such as ; problems in our economy, problems dealing with ISIS etc. The republicans have personally slammed him on these issues, placing the blame almost entirely on him, but regardless of this, because of the President's orator skills, the attention brought upon him was not entirely bad.
    Why this event is relevant:This is relevant to me because Obama is currently the President of the United States, and as leader of the free world, and because I am a legal resident of the United States and is now eligible to vote, it's imperative that I understand what's going on within the political world because these decisions are going to impact my life as an American Citizen.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)The Grand Old Party doesn't appreciate Obama's efforts in building America, despite him leaving his term this year, they still try and slander his name, which I believe is ridiculous because Obama works hard and has achieved feats during his presidency that impacted not only America, but the world in a positive light.
    Opinion (I think..)I think that Obama should continue to do what he's continued to do and be a cool, calm and collective president, and use what the GOP representatives are saying to his advantage. I think Obama is a great president and he should have a level-head and continue to do great things in his last year as POTUS
    Connection (why you chose this article)I am eligible to vote this year and it is my job as an American Citizen to do so. I have a chance to contribute to heavily impactful decisions in the country, so why wouldn't I pay attention to what's going on in these debates? It's important that ALL American citizens , whether eligible or not at least know what's going on in the country they call home


  24. Article Date:
    January 10, 2016Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title:
    Muslim Women are kicked out of a Donald Trump event

    Who: Donald Trump kicks out a Muslim woman and her husband in the middle of one of his conferences.

    Where:This event occurred in Rock Hill.

    When: This occurred on January 10th.

    What happened: Donald Trump kicks out Mulsims from out of his conference. She is escorted out and is cursed at by the audience.

    Why this event is relevant:
    This event is relevant because he is a Politian in the political race.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Its unfortunate and horrific.

    Opinion (I think..)
    I think that Donald Trump should feel ashamed of hisself. He has no respect for people.

    Connection (why you chose this article)
    I chose this article because Donald Trump is in the race for running as President. He is a very important political figure in the polls because his ranks are so high.

  25. Source:
    Article Title:
    First Read's Morning Clips: 'Drop Dead, Ted'
    Article Date: Jan 15, 2016
    Who: Ted Cruz, Bush, Trump
    Where: GOP Debate
    When: Jan 14, 2016
    What happened: Ted Cruz was involved in the republican debate and in the debate Ted Cruz shared his opinion about New York.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because we are getting ready to have a new president and these candidates have to fight and prove to America why they should be president and Ted Cruz is not doing so good.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I Feel as though he needs to get it together and quick because these other candidates are going to eat him alive.
    Opinion (I think..) I don't really have a thought about it because personally I like Democrats.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because although I cannot vote I like to keep up with the debates.
