Monday, February 29, 2016

2nd period, Week of 2/29-3/4 CRIMINAL JUSTICE

Due March 4, 2016 by 3:30 pm:
Topic: Criminal Justice System- choose from articles on the next pages

In complete sentences and in your own words, answer the following questions on my blog: Who is the article about? Where did the event happen? When did the event happen? What is the article about? What is your opinion of this article?

New format:
You must write this in a paragraph with a minimum of 8 sentences. You should focus the bulk of your paragraph summarizing what the article is about in your own words.

Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.  
Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)

Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 9 Feb 2014. (9 Feb 2014)

Current event articles to choose from:

Criminal Justice Reforms

Incarceration Nations

How Much Should a University Have to Reveal About a Sexual-Assault Case?

NYS Court of Appeals say police lies went too far

Connecticut becomes latest state to consider changing rules on witness identification evidence

Daniella Henry: Vermont is ready for wrongful conviction reforms

Study Puts Exonerations at Record Level in U.S.

CCA Denies DNA Testing in Swearingen Case

Justice Department about to free 6,000 prisoners

Man cleared of murder after 19 years in prison

Public Defenders, Bolstered by a Work Analysis and Rulings, Push Back Against a Tide of Cases


  1. This article is called "Man cleared of murder after 19 years in prison". This article was published on February 21, 2014 and was written by Ian Duncan. This event took place in Baltimore, on February 19, 2014. This article involves Sabein B. Burgess, who was accused of murder 19 years ago, but then was released years later. Burgess was convicted of killing his girlfriend, but after mutiple forms of evidence pointing to other suspects came to surface, Sabein was cleared and released from jail. Witnesses claimed Sabein was not the one that committed the crime, and another suspect admitted to the murder. Also, their was not stable forensic evidence. Sabein was convicted because he had gunshot residue on his hands, the same residue from the gun that was used to kill his girlfriend came back as a positive match. The police believed Sabein was a perfect suspect in the type of crime because he was African American, young, and involved in drugs. Year later, contamination problems at the Baltimore police lab were exposed, this caused questioning about the validity of gunshot residue evidence. Therefore, this stood as more support for Sabein to be cleared. My opinion of this article is unstable because there is a possibility that Sabein actually killed his girlfriend, but there is also a possibility that the evidence against him was not solid. Also, cops should not stereotype and just assume a person is capable of murder because of their skin color.

    Duncan, Ian. "Man cleared of murder after 19 years in prison. " The Baltimore Sun. 21 February 2014. (1 March 2016)

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  4. This article is titled "Justice Department about to free 6,000 prisoners." It was published on October 7, 2015 by Sari Horowitz. This event involved the Justice Department, the U.S. Sentencing Commission, and the Bureau of Prisons. This article is about how U.S. officials are trying to set free 6,000 prisoners. They are trying to do this because they want to free up some space in the prisons because it is becoming very overcrowded. This is because the crime rate is increasing due to many different reasons. The officials say that the prisoners that are set to be freed will go to halfway houses and be put on probation. The early releases will most likely go to non violent drug offenders. Most of them were arrested during the time of the War on Drugs era. I think this is a good idea because if most of the prisoners, were considered non violent, then this means they aren't a threat to their community. The prisoners could be put on probation while criminals who are a danger to their community, could be put in prison.

    Horwitz, Sari. "Justice Department about to free 6,000 prisoners." 7 Oct 2015. (2 Mar 2016)

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  6. This article is called "Man cleared of murder after 19 years in prison". This article was published on February 19, 2014. This article was written by Ian Duncan. This article was about how Sabein C. Burgess got arrested for a crime he didn't do. He got released from jail after 19 years. After 2 years the man who did the murder confessed. This took place in Baltimore. Burgess got arrested on October 5, 1994. He got released in 2014. My opinion about this whole thing is that it's messed up. The police should've did more searching for evidence.

    Duncan, Ian. "Man cleared of murder after 19 years in prison". 21 Feb 2014. (03 Mar 2016)

  7. The name of this article is titled mom NYS court of appeals say police lies went too far (update). This article was about a man named Adrian Thomas and his eight month old son. This even occurred in Brooklyn, New York. The case took place in 2008-2009. This case was about A man who was on trial for possibly killing his eight month-year-old son. The police told him that if he doesn't participate that his son would die. Knowing that the son was already gone. They lied to him only to get an answer out of him. I feel as thought that they lied to him about the moment he lost his eight-month old son. It wasn't right for them to do that. He has every right to have a moment and be with his son before answering any further questions. I also feel as though that if that was my son I would never forgive myself for not being there when he passed and I wouldn't want to forgive the officers who wouldn't let me see my son while he was dying.

    Record staff "Nys Court of Appeals Say police lies went too far (update). (21 Feb 2014). (3 Mar 2016).

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  9. This article is mainly focuses on a lady by the name of Nicole Harris, who was convicted of murdering her four year old son. This specific case took place in Chicago, but there are over thousands of cases of wrongly convicted citizens over the United States. This article is about the number of exonerations taken place during 2013, and years before. Also, this article is about how Nicole Harris was pressured into taking a plea deal by being intimidated by The Chicago police. I feel as though many people are wrongly accused because the lawyers and prosecutors don't want to do their job. Many people being incarcerated is the result of them accepting plea bargains for things they did not do, when really if they knew their rights they could appeal the case. I feel like many more people need to be educated with the law so that they don't end up in these harsh situations.

    Williams, Timothy. "Study Puts Exonerations at Record Level in U.S." The New York Times. The New York Times, 03 Feb. 2014. .Mar. 2016.

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  11. This article focuses on a man name Adrian Thomas. He was convicted of second degree murder in the death of his 4 yr old son Matthew. The thing about this case is that Adrian and his lawyers believed that he had an unjust case. The believed this by the amount of lies the copes had said to Adrian. There were a few lies that were told by the police during the investigation. One lie that was told was if you tell the truth about what you did to your son he will die. Witch sounds more like a threat or a promise. The they said if you don't tell me we will arrest your wife for the crime. Whitch sounds like he don't have a choice its either his wife or him and he chose to take fault to what happened. So once he realized his rights were violated he desided of an appeal and he will not stop until he feels just.

    Staff, Record. " NYS Court Of Appeals Say Police Lies want To Far." 2/21/14.

  12. This article is titled "NYS Court of Appeals say police lies went way too far (Update)", by Record staff This article took place in Brooklyn, New York. This case involved potential victim Adrian Thomas, Judge McGrath, Thomas defense team, and the police. In this case, Thomas was accused of second- degree murder for the killing of his 4 month old son. When police arrived at his home, they interrogated him unfairly. They told him his son could die if he does not tell them the whole truth. However the police already knew that his son was dead, but they purposely did not tell him. The police abused Thomas' rights, the right to remain silent, and the right not to incriminate oneself. Later in the case, he confessed to dropping the child 4 to 5 inches above his crib. In the end the judge ruled that he de sentenced 25 years to life in prison. Many people did not agree, so Thomas will return to court soon. I felt as though this article served an injustice to Thomas 4 month old son and to his family. The family deserved to know if their child was still alive or not, to say their final goodbyes to the baby. Also, the child did not deserve to die this young.

    Staff, Record. "NYS Court of Appeals say police lies went to far (Update). (21 Feb 2014).

  13. This Article is entitled CCA Denies Dna testing in Swearingen Case. It is by Jordan Smith. It was published on Feb. 5 2014. This article is about a man named Lary Swearingen and he is on death row. He was convicted for the1998 murder of Mellisa Trotter. Her body was found by hunters a couple weeks after the murder. He was found guilty no matter how much he denied it. The Verdict nor opinions ever changed.

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  16. Smith,Jordan. "CCA Denies DNA Testing in Swearingen Case". 5Feb2014. . 04 March 2016.


  17. How Much Should a University Have to Reveal About a Sexual-Assault Case?

    The author name is JON KRAKAUER. The date of the article is january,26,2016.
    This case is talking about how Five years ago, the United States Department of Education got serious about addressing campus rape. The college found out that was someone that go to their college that play football. This article was also talking about how they was trying to crack down on this sex assault thing. This article was also talking about how IX was violation have been undermined by another law and that they are looking hard into all of these cases. They are talking about how sexual assaults is all over different university and to be careful and watch your surroundings. They are tide of hearing about rapping on the campus they are really trying to crack down on the people that is doing this. But they didn't find the football guilty for some reason. But as you can see they are looking into a lot of cases that have to do with something with this.

    JON KRAKAUER. "How Much Should a University Have to Reveal About a Sexual-Assault Case?" Http:// JON KRAKAUER, n.d. Web.


    This Case is about 6,000 Prisoners getting Released from Prison. This Article is about overcrowding and providing relief to drug offenders ,who receive harsh sentencing over last three decades. The commissioners a response saying some prisoners will be sent to halfway houses,and homes confinement. And the officers will be deported. The sentencing commission estimated that additional 8,550 inmates would be eligible for release between Nov, 2015 and Nov 1,2016, Justice officials reviewed a large number of inmates who will be deported and to study. Federal crimes that reduced the potential punishment for the future drug offenders last year. If passed by congress signed by obama. My reaction to this is good thing because people who have been in prison for a long time now have a chance to be free. Barack Obama will give minimum inmates minimum chance of release.

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  20. Ms Racheal
    March 4, 2016

    This article is about Baz Dreisinger .
    Baz wants to help prisoners go to colleges after they are out of prison.
    She wants them to have a better life so they won't be back in prison .
    She wants to see if this program will influence people who aren't even in prison to go to college .
    She is trying to change the way people think about college it only helps.
    Her program will benefit people to have more than life then doing bad without going to prison or dead .
    She is doing a good job trying to change lives , and at least standing up doing good.
    The way she improvised about her project in the program is a special way to get to know others & to make them see a life they wished for can come true by hitting college & just trying their best.

    JEANNIE SUKFEB. 19, 2016, ‘Incarceration Nations,’ by Baz Dreisinger

  21. The title of this article is called NYS Courts of Appeals say police lies went too far (update). This article was written by Record staff with wire reports. On Friday, Feb. 21, 2014 - 9:16 a.m. Adrian Thomas arraigned in Rensselaer County court before Judge McGrath on murder charges. Adrian was inditeted for killing his 4 month year old son in January. The police interrogated Adrian and told him that his son could live if he told him how the injury occurred or they were going arrested his wife for murder. Ruling unanimously, the court appeals throughout Adrian murder case. And ordered a new trial without the confession.

    Record Staff with Wire Reports. "NYS Court of Appeals Say Police Lies Went Too Far (Update)." NYS Court of Appeals Say Police Lies Went Too Far (Update). Record Staff with Wire Reports, 21 Feb. 2014. 04 Mar. 2016.

  22. This article is about a man named, Sabein C. Burgess finally being released from jail for being falsely accused of murder. He was in jail for almost two decades. When Burgess finally was convicted, the real murderer came forth and said that he was the one that did the crime. My feelings towards this article is that how could they let this man sit in jail all this time for a crime that he did not commit. I feel like if the victim's child knew that Burgess wasn't really the killer why did he let this go on for so long. Also, towards the end of the article, prosecutors were saying that the victim's son's story did not add up because when statements were first made he was sleep when the crime happened. Come to find out the son was jailed on a gun charged. And those fighting in the son's case did not know that he was involved in another case. That is what happened in this news article.

    Duncan, Ian. "Man Cleared of Murder after 19 Years in Prison." Tribunedigital-baltimoresun. 21 Feb. 2014. (04 Mar 2016)

  23. In 2009, Adrian Thomas, was arrested for the injuring of his 4 month son. while being interrogated by the police, the explained to Thomas that if he confessed to injuring his son would live,which was a lie he was already dead. They even went so far as to say if he does not confess his wife would be arrested. Naturally Thomas did what he felt was right being as though he thought that the police were telling the truth,and he confessed.Why he confessed was showed in court and the jury threw the case out.The jury felt as though they violated his 5th amendment to have the right to remain silent and not incriminate himself, and even though questioning a suspect is not illegal but at extreme measures may be , and in this case it was.I feel as though it was cruel to lie to the man about his son’s death, regardless of suspicion.I feel like the jury did a great job at giving Thomas a chance to get another trial and recognized the polices’ wrong doings. I also feel like the intimidation and lies were a big violation of his 5th amendment, and the jury made a great decision

    “NYS Court of Appeals say police lies went too far (Update).” 21 Feb 2014. Mar 2016)

  24. This article is about an professor/journalist/documentary producer,Baz Dreisinger. She goes around the country to see incarcerated people. She go to the prisons and see and shows empathy. Baz helps them get back on the right track with different building sessions. She then realizes that the prisoners are not that bad. She sees the intelligence and intellectual in the prisoners. What comes out of this article is about the value of forgiveness. Everyone deserves a second chance. This event happen globally.

    FEBRUARY 19, 2016
    ‘Incarceration Nations,’ by Baz Dreisinger

  25. Adrian Thomas( a convicted, inmate who was manipulated into admitting of murdering his own child) has been granted a new trial for his second degree murder case that occurred in 2009. Adrian's Thomas retrial has been passed down to him by the New York state court. This unfortunate mistake was a result of another demonstration of police officers abusing their power. The unnamed involved police officers have stunned even the officials of New York's state court. Previously in 2008, Adrian Thomas was took captive by investigating police officers who were investigating the death of his 4 month son. It was then where police took advantage of their place of authority, and they began to overwhelm Adrian with threats of taking his wife, serving him with a life sentence, and endangering his son. They repeatedly told him his son was moments away from dying from the effects he took from some type of brain trauma. What actually turn this situation worst is that his son had already died at that point. The police officers withdrew this information from him to use as a scared tactic. As expected he notably confessed to spare both his wife life ad-s son. In with doing so he was sentenced to 25 years to life. The police lied to convict an innocent man and now he may have a chance of taking his freedom back in the retrial. Through all the investigations it was never found that in any way did he abuse his child nor his other six. In my opinion the officials who are supposed to uphold the justice system need to be evaluated by their peers , so america can finally live up to what it was supposed to be.

    Record staff. “NYS Court of Appeals say police lies went too far.” Crime News. (4 March 2016)

  26. This article is called "Man cleared of murder after 19 years in prison". This article was about a guy named Sabein B. Burgess, who was arrested for murdering his girlfriend. He was sentenced 19 years ago. He then was released due to evidence pointing to other people, witnesses said that Sabein was not the one that did the murder , and also another suspect admitted to the murder. Sabein was convicted only because he had gunshot residue on his hands which was the same from the gun that was used in the murder. A year later therevwas said that there were contamination problems at the Baltimore police lab. However they held that for evidence which suppoterd him more ain his case. My opinion of this article is that they should have investigated in tge case more. I do feel as though he could if killed his girl friend because of the evidence pointing to the gun residue matctching the same on the victim. But then it was problems at the lab so they should have done his case over in my opinion.

    Duncan, Ian. "Man cleared of murder after 19 years in prison. " The Baltimore Sun. 21 February 2014. (March 4,2016)

  27. This article is call Students, both 14, charged with on campus rape in Hot Springs. This article is about two 14 year old boys who plead not guilty for rape due to being accused, they were being healed in the detention facility for their next hearing. This happened at Lakeside high school, and it took place on Wednesday 24th of 2016. The accuser told the authorities that the boys were from Arkansas high school, she states that the boys forced her into the locker room, which then they both sexually assaulted her, while she was on her way to practice. They both stand charge for rape, but the Hot Springs Police Department says they are not sure if they will be charged as adults. My opinion to this incident is that nowadays, some people should be very careful of their surroundings due to the world being an unsafe place to live in. We should also look after people from harm's way. It’s very shocking that there is many evil people out there who want to harm people for their own pleasure, it's just very sick.
    Eliott C. McLaughlin and AnneClaire Stapleton, 3/1/16.

  28. This article titled "Criminal Justice Reforms", is about a reform that should be able to tell if the person who committed the crime knew that they were braking the law. To go into more detail to what the article is about, it talks of how this issue should be brought up and how it wouldn't appeal to many people. This reform will not be easy as it is hard to prove criminal intent. This does not do anything for people who are incarcerated.

  29. Student name: Isata barrie

    1. Web address of the article:

    2. Article Title:how much should a university have to reveal about a sexual assault case?

    3. Article date (usually at the top of the article below title or picture):January 21, 2016

    4. Author of the article (sometimes says Associated Press- ok to use this for author):By Jon Krakauer

    5. Who was involved? (Identify the people, groups, or organizations) the people that was involved was the department of education, Frank LoMonte who is the director of the stunt press law center, universities and a football player

    6. What happened? (Include sequence of events in at least 5 complete sentences) A while ago universities got serious about campus rape.They sent a letter to all universities in regard of it and hope that they all follow the rules. They had a policy for all universities

    7. What is the author’s purpose for writing this article? (P.I.E.- persuade, inform, or entertain);the author's purpose for this article is to keep the college student save and out of trouble, rape is a very serious matter and the college students can mess up their record because of a rape case. The authors purpose was to also inform the world about what's going on.

    8. Provide a quote from the article that best demonstrates the author’s purpose:”Five years ago, the United States Department of Education got serious about addressing campus rape.’’

    9. Reaction/Opinion (describe YOUR feelings or attitude toward article, event, or people involved, and what could be done about this event): My feeling towards this is shocking and sad because colleges are suppose to be a safe and enjoying place to be, but if players are raping students that is bad and not a good thing. If they find out or if they make a report on it you can go to jail and mess up your whole college career.

    Author: Jon Krakauer.How Much Should a University Have to Reveal About a Sexual-A[…]. .The New York Times.January 21, 2016. 17, 2017)
