Monday, February 29, 2016

4th period, Week of 2/29-3/4 CRIMINAL JUSTICE

Due March 4, 2016 by 3:30 pm:
Topic: Criminal Justice System- choose from articles on the next pages

In complete sentences and in your own words, answer the following questions on my blog: Who is the article about? Where did the event happen? When did the event happen? What is the article about? What is your opinion of this article?

New format:
You must write this in a paragraph with a minimum of 8 sentences. You should focus the bulk of your paragraph summarizing what the article is about in your own words.

Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.  
Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)

Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 9 Feb 2014. (9 Feb 2014)

Current event articles to choose from:

Criminal Justice Reforms

Incarceration Nations

How Much Should a University Have to Reveal About a Sexual-Assault Case?

NYS Court of Appeals say police lies went too far

Connecticut becomes latest state to consider changing rules on witness identification evidence

Daniella Henry: Vermont is ready for wrongful conviction reforms

Study Puts Exonerations at Record Level in U.S.

CCA Denies DNA Testing in Swearingen Case

Justice Department about to free 6,000 prisoners

Man cleared of murder after 19 years in prison

Public Defenders, Bolstered by a Work Analysis and Rulings, Push Back Against a Tide of Cases


  1. Staff, Record. "NYS Court of Appeals say police lies went too far (Update)." 02/21/2014. (March 2, 2016)

    This article is about a man, named "Adrian Thomas," Policemen, his wife, his dead son, and NYS. It happens in the NYS Courthouse. This case happened around 2009. The attorney present this case and that the police lied on January 14. That is all the information it gives about the date when that happened. During interrogation police officers threaten, no, promised that if Thomas would not give in to there demands that they would kill his -already dead- son. They would also arrest his wife. They told 67 times that "it was an accident," 14 times that "he would not be arrested," and 8 times that "he could go home." Thomas and his wife has six other children, and there is no evidence to show abuse. Therefore they concluded that Matthew, his dead son, did not die by brain trauma. But during his second interrogation, he confessed that he did drop the baby 5 to 6 inches into his crib about 10 to 15 days ago. The baby landed on his head fairly hard. He was then sentence for 25 years to life in Auburn prison. Later, the top court overturned this due to a similar case.

  2. Duncan, Ian. ''Man cleared of murder after 19 years in prison'' February 21 2014. March 3rd 2016
    This article is about a man that spent two decades in prison now is being finally cleared . The man name was Sabein C. Burgess . When Sabein was first released he spent most of his time in a carryout next to the house . When Sabein was at trial they said that the murder might have been because of domestic quarrel . The incident happened on October 5th 1994 , The police arrived to the house located on the 2700 block of Barclay St . They found that the basement of the house had an gun powder aroma and found Sabein in their with the body of Dyson. Sabein Burgess was removed and arrested from the scene . Sabein denied killing Dyson and he was not charged until his residue came back positive . Sabein stated that '' Police believed he fit the bill of a murderer — young, black and involved in drugs'' But in 1988 a prisoner named Charles Dorsey 40yrs a childhood friend of Burgess, wrote to Burgess mother in 1998 saying he was behind Dyson's murder. Now a man named Sabein Burgess did 19yrs in prison for a crime he did not commit .

  3. This article is about addressing rape policies on college campuses. This event basically takes place on every campus. Five years ago, the United States Department of Education became serious about rapes happening on college campuses. A 19 page letter was sent to almost every American college, and university, reminding the schools of their obligations to protect students from sexual violence. Most schools decided to follow the policy, while the schools that did not, lose federal funding. After reading this article I was honestly shocked. I was shocked because I cant believe schools didn't already follow the necessary procedures when it came to these type of things. it's upsetting that money has to be taken away in order for schools to be motivated to follow sexual assault procedures.

    Krakauer, Jon. "How Much Should a University Have to Reveal About a Sexual-Assault Case?" The New York Times. The New York Times, 19 Jan. 2016. Web. 03 Mar. 2016. (3 March 2016)

    -Maryam Abdulmatin

  4. This article is about how the justice department will be releasing around 6,000 inmates. This event took place nation wide in prisons all around the world. The prisoners were set to be released Oct.30 to Nov.2, but even some will be released Nov.1st of 2016. The justice system feel as though that this is an opportunity for criminal justice and drug sentencing. They feel as though that the sentencing for drug dealers has been messed up for some time now. The inmates who are being released will be put in half way houses and some who are foreign will be deported. My opinion on this article is that it's a good idea but then again it isn't. Because what if the prisoners who are being let out do the same things again? What if they think this will be a regular thing every time they go to jail. People sometimes have to take time out to really get themselves together. There is a possibility that this could just make things worse instead of making it better.
    Horwitz, Sari. "Justice Department about to Free 6,000 Prisoners." Justice Department about to Free 6,000 Prisoners., 7 Oct. 2015. Web. 01 Mar. 2016.

  5. Iyanna Williams
    "Daniella Henry: Vermont Is Ready for Wrongful Conviction Reforms | VTDigger." VTDigger. N.p., 06 Feb. 2014. Web. 03 Mar. 2016.

    This article is about reforming wrongful convictions. The criminal justice system has failed multiple citizens. Innocent people have been imprisoned for crimes they didn't commit. Some have ended up in jail for years before they are proven innocent. Bills are being passed that may improve the system. Personally, I think that this is a good idea. The system is flawed. It needs to be improved so that innocent people will be safe. Nothing can be perfect. But the problem is it happens too often that the system fails.

  6. This case consisted of how almost half of our 100,000 drug offenders were harshly sentenced. During the year of 2015 some of the drug laws have been altered. 6,000 Inmates nationwide were released between October 30th and November 2nd of 2015. Although they were not just set free this was still a positive act. More than half of the inmates were sent to halfway houses before being released with a parole officer.The rest of the inmates were foreigners who were deported. As of right now a plan is in progress to release 46,000 of the 100,000 drug offends.Their goal is to have them set free between last and this upcoming November 1st, 2016.I believe this act was very significant because cruel and unusual punishments were given out. This caused unnecessary spaced to be taken up for long periods of time. Their place really could have been saved for criminals who actually deserve to be put behind bars.

    "Justice Department about to Free 6,000 Prisoners." Sari Horwitz, 7 Mar. 2015. Web. 03 Mar. 2016.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This article is about Adrian Thomas. This event takes place in the home of Adrian.This event takes place in 2008.This article is about how the police lied to Adrian just to get him to confess about how is child hurt his head.The police when questioning Adrian said that if Thomas would not give them the information they wanted that could save his, already dead,son. They would arrest his wife. They told 67 times that "it was an accident," 14 times that "he would not be arrested," and 8 times that "he could go home, but the court sentenced him to 25 to life in prison.Later the court would overrule that. I don't like how the police would lie like that. To say they could save his son and his son is already dead just to get a confession is unbelievable.

  10. Staff, Record. "NYS Court of Appeals Say Police Lies Went Too Far (Update)." NYS Court of Appeals Say Police Lies Went Too Far (Update). Newsroom, 21 Feb. 2014. Web. 03 Mar. 2016. .

    This is about Adrian Thomas. This event takes place in 2008.This event takes place in the home of Adrian's.This article is about hos the police lied To Adrian to get a confession about how is son hit his head. The police said that if Adrian would tell them how his sun hit his they could save him, but the thing is that his son was already dead. They told him 67 times it was an accident, 14 times that he wouldn’t be arrested and eight times that he would be going home. He was sentenced to 25 to life and later the court would overturn that rule. I don't like how the police would lie to him like that. to tell someone that your child could be save but he's already dead is not okay.


  11. This article talks about the amount of people who were forced to be guilty. They show an example by using the trial of Nicole Harris who was convicted in 2005, murdering her 4 year old son. Nicole was being threatened and tortured for 27 hours so she gave up and admitted that she killed her son because he was constantly crying. It was later found out that the case was “Flawed” as it said in the text. Harris’s 6 year old son explained and told authorities what really happened. Nicole was later released. After reading this article it made me question many things. I wondered why not testify her 6 year old son first? or Why was she constantly being tortured and threaten to lie and say she committed a crime she didn’t do? Overall I was glad to learn she is doing well now and is currently applying to grad schools. When testifying they should dig deeper.

    -Lidia Abebe

    Williams, Timothy. "Study Puts Exonerations at Record Level in U.S." The New York Times. The New York Times, 03 Feb. 2014. Web. 03 Mar. 2016. .

  12. This article is basically about how Sabein C. Burgess had got let out of jail after 19 years. A man had said that he had killed Sabien girlfriend. The first thing that Sabien did when he got out of jail was try to get his granddaughter. Also he said that there were a lot of times where he thought he wouldn't get out at all. The victim son watched the killing of the girlfriend. Also the son have confessed that it wasn't Sabein. Another thing was that they had found Burgess holding his dead in his arms. His hands had blood and of they would use it for testing. The policed asked him to come out of the basement and he did. They took a swob of his hands and they came back positive to so he was put on trail and fund guilty.

  13. Sabein C. Burgess 1995 trail is about when he was convicted of the murder of Michelle Dyson, in Baltimore, but later, released because of evidence examined over the years. One night, Burgess, his friend Dyson, and a couple of their other friends went into Michelle's house to rob it and search the basement. No one was home but Michelle's son, Rainey. Rainey claimed that he had seen the men run in and out of the home and the only reason he did not die is because he pretended like he was sleep. When the police arrived, they seen Burgess covered in blood, in the basement where they could see gun residue from, and Michelle's body not too far from him. Burgess tried to tell the police later at the station that he did not commit the crime, but the police did not pay him any mind because they sterotyped him and thought that he had nothing to lose, then was later sentenced two decades in prison. In court, Burgess was easily convicted because he fit the description of a black male dealing drugs and the evidence was all over him at the crime scene. Now, not to long ago, Burgess is or will soon be out of prison and the charges will be dropped. Even though Burgess will be free, or is free, that does not make up for all the years that he missed with his life, his family and his child.I feel that I guess that it was only right to accuse him because all the evidence was on him, but all in all, it is never right to accuse and not be 100% sure being as though a person's life is at stake and prison can mess them up and their social, economic or financial life. I do not like how it took two whole decades for people to look at evidence and realize that the person who was sitting in jail for a crime they did not do, is just now being released. The system or government does not really care about any colored or minorities.
    Duncan, Ian. "Man Cleared of Murder after 19 Years in Prison." The Baltimore Sun. The Baltimore Sun, 21 Feb. 2014. Web. 3 Mar. 2016.

  14. This article involves the justice department and prisoners nationwide. It happened on October 7, 2015. It is about how 6,000 prisoners may be released, receive a lower sentence, or sent somewhere such as a halfway house. This is happening because the justice department believes that there are too many prisoners and space is starting to become limited. Some prisoners have been imprisoned and sentenced for an unreasonable time. Senators have presented a criminal justice reform bill. If signed by Obama and if the congress passes it, drug dealers sentences will be lowered. I think this is very beneficial for prisoners, especially one whose eighth amendment have been violated.

    Horwitz, Sari. "Justice Department about to Free 6,000 Prisoners.", 7 Oct. 2015. 03 Mar. 2016.
    Tatyana Powell

  15. Jones, Van. "Donald Trump's Dangerous KKK Game." March,03,2016.
    This article is about an interview between Van Jones and a reporter from CNN. The topic of the interview was about Donald Trump, and how he repeatedly has made rude comments about Muslims and Mexicans. This event had no specific location, it explained the comments he made and the further information around the conflict. This event occurred on March 3th, 2016. This interview continues to discuss the rude comments, and anonymous alliance Trump has with the Ku Klux Klan. I believe Donald Trump doesn't deserve to be president at all. His attitudes and actions towards different ethnic and religious groups that make up the United States is unacceptable. I think he deserves to be dropped out of the election, and banned from being able to ever run as president at all.

  16. The article, "Incarceration Nation" by Baz Dreisinger is about how she travels to different countries and talks/interviews them about what led them into being incarcerated. It takes place all over because she travels to different countries. This article was publised on February 19th, 2016. Baz Dreisinger is a journalist, documentary producer and English professor. When she goes to these countries and speaks with the prisoners, she does fun things with them such as, play games, including ice breakers and help them with creative writing. While talking to the prisoners, she notices how nice the they are, but then feels bad because they are incarcerated. She believes that they learn lessons while locked up and ca change as a person. My opinion is that Baz is doing a good thing for these prisoners because she is giving them positive things to do while incarcerated. I also think that she is right that people can change and become better people while locked up.
    Suk, Jeannie. "‘Incarceration Nations,’ by Baz Dreisinger." The New York Times. The New York Times, 20 Feb. 2016. 03 Mar. 2016.

  17. "NYS Court of Appeals Say Police Lies Went Too Far (Update)." NYS Court of Appeals Say Police Lies Went Too Far (Update). Ed. Troy Report. N.p., 21 Feb. 2014. 03 Mar. 2016.

    The article that i read was"Police lies went too far". It was mainly about a man named Adrian Thomas and how he had killed his son. But in court it later revealed that he didn't do it on purpose because he states that he dropped him 5-6 inches from his crib and he hit his head very hard. He also said that the police lied and told him that if he doesn't tell them what happened his wife would be arrested and his son would definitely die. The thing that they didn't tell Adrian was that his son was already pronounced dead while they were still trying to pry an answer from him. This is morally wrong because the "Red, White and Blue" are supposed to protect and serve not harass and punish. I think it's also very odd that red white and blue represent liberty, justice, and equality but yet those are the colors that flash behind you when someone has done something wrong or bad.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. "Criminal Justice Reforms." The New York Times. The New York Times, 16 Feb. 2016. Web. (04 Mar. 2016.).

    In this Article by the New York Times discusses a letter sent to them based on the reasoning of the need for reform in the criminal justice system. The topic of justice reform within the united states is one that has spanned many year and is a prevalent topic that is still discussed to this day. In the letter by a man by the name of Anthony D. Romero brings up the point that the the opinion in his eyes the need for change in criminal justice is heavily needed. This is because there are 2.2 million people incarcerated within the united states and that number is going up, so he believes that the prosecutors in cases should have to prove the the defendant had intent to commit the crime. He states that this it would be really hard in a lot of cases but it should apply to drug and property cases. In the article Anthony tells of the current system only protect a certain group of people and the republican party is trying to keep it that way without taking the time to think about what the current justice system are doing to people and certain communities. In my opinion I certian agree with Anthony’s statement that and that this system need major reform. I feel glad that some people are finally speaking up on this issue, and I have this is resolved soon.

  20. This article is about a man name Adrian Thomas that was charge for second degree murder in 2009. But police told Thomas his baby can live if they told him how his baby came to head trauma. If he didn't say anything they would arrest his wife as well. But the police had a secret the whole time. The secret was that his son already passed. Now the police lied about the whole situation..And that was very heart breaking to the family of Thomas. Now is that right for the police to do that? So people may argue that the officer should be fired for that . I feel that the policemen should lose their job because this isn't right at all.

    Written by staff. “Ny State Court of Appeals says police lies went too far.” Oneida Daily Dispatch. 2/21/14.

  21. Dimear Gordon Jackson
    4 March 2016

    The state court in New York changed the murder conviction and gave a new trial for a man after they heard his case. Adrian Thomas was convicted in 2009 of murder. They say he killed his 4-month-old son..During the questions, police told Thomas his son could be alive if he knew how he got his head hurt. If he didn’t tell they would arrests his wife. But his son had already died and they lied to him. They said his son could survive if they knew how his head got gashed. Jerome Frost said “It’s a threat, your honor, ‘your son is going to die if you don’t buy into what I say,’. The Court of Appeals got rid of the conviction. I think this is crazy. Cops really are bad. Why would they sit there and lie to this man and say if he doesn't confess his son well day and or his wife will get locked up as well? I feel the up must sympathy for Thomas.

    By Record staff,NYS Court of Appeals say police lies went too far (Oneida Daily Dispatch),, 02/21/2014,

  22. This is an article about a man named sabien c burgess who spent about 2 decades in prison for the murder of his girlfriend that he did not commit. His son who witnessed this shooting as a young boy. Also someone came forward and admitted he and a notorious hitman committed the crime. His current girl friend does say he gets depressed from time to time. I honestly think that this is crazy because innocent people get convicted of crimes that they did not commit and that's not fair because after a lot of evidence they find out that the person is actually not guilty and they then release the person. They then also found out that he had contaminated drugs or had in his possession crack cocaine.
    "Man Cleared of Murder after 19 Years in Prison." Tribunedigital-baltimoresun. N.p., 21 Feb. 2014."Man Cleared of Murder after 19 Years in Prison." (04 Mar. 2016.)

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. This article is about rape policies on college campuses. This event takes place on every campus. Five years ago, the United States Department of Education became serious about rapes that are happening on college campuses and not being spoken about. A lengthy letter was sent to almost every college in the United States.Most schools decided to follow the policy, but those that did not lost funding from the government. After reading this article I was upset and angry.I was upset because there are schools out there that are not following every protocol set in place to ensure the safety of the students that attend the school.

    Krakauer, Jon. "How Much Should a University Have to Reveal About a Sexual-Assault Case?" The New York Times. The New York Times, 19 Jan. 2016. Web. 03 Mar. 2016. (3 March 2016)

  25. Duncan, Ian. "Man cleared of murder after 19 years in prison." Baltimoresun. 21 Feb 2014. (1 Mar 2016)

    Sabein Burgess was convicted for for killing his girlfriend because of this he spent two decades in prison. At one point he believed he wasn't going to be able to get out of jail and that he was gonna be their forever until recently when someone else was confirmed to have done the killing. At first he wasn't charged of doing anything but when the results came back positive that the blood on his hands and the gun was similar he was then put into jail. The article is about a man who is wrongly accused of killing his girlfriend when he didn't and someone else did. How I feel about the subject is that he shouldn't have been arrested at all. They should've made sure he wasn't they did the crime at first before they arrested him. He spent a lot of time of his life in jail for no reason. They convicted another black man for a crime that they didn't do and he wasn't able to get off until people said he was innocent.

  26. This article is about a reform that changes the criminal justice a little bit, and it’s called “mens rea”. It's a plan that would make lawyers confess that the criminal knew what consequences in his or her action, making drug related crimes much more easier to process. The reform would only have a negative effect on prisoners and those who are going to soon be imprisoned. This plan is only going to occur in America. I think that this plan is not really necessary, but it also has some pros and cons.Since many are locked up because of drug-related crimes, it just makes the process of locking up people faster. The con is that the plan could affect other existing laws that were maybe created during the war on drugs.

    Romero, ANTHONY D. "Criminal Reforms." American Civil Liberties Union New York, n.d. Web. 04 Mar. 2016. .

  27. Amir Ryder
    Current Event
    March 4 2016

    In the article “Man cleared of murder after 19 years in prison” is about a man named Sabein Burgess, he was 43 and spent two decades in prison for supposedly killing his girlfriend Michelle Dyson .This event happened in baltimore but it does not specify tell when but I believe it was november 9, 1994. In the article Sabein Burgess said, “There were a lot of times I didn't think I was going to get out” After the long years of him in prison a man confessed of killing his girlfriend with a notorious hit man. Then after her son who actually saw the killing said that Burgess did not do it. The forensics was not reliable,the judge agreed that his office would not prosecute burgess again for the murder of Michelle Dyson. The prosecutors said that when his mother was murder he was asleep but that was not true he was pretending to be sleep however he heard the whole thing. The man who really killed Michelle name was Dorsey and Rice. He thought that he was going to find money or more and when he didn't he got angry and told his partner to finish the job. I really liked reading this article; however I became a little upset while reading. My opinion is if her son knew that he did not murder his mother why didn't he say something? why wait until Burgess spent years in prison to make a confession. Then I think about it, he was young at the time and he probably was scared to speak up. I wouldn't be scared because I do not like seeing people face problems like this and they are innocent also it's my mom that was murder not a random person i would want justice.

    "Man Cleared of Murder after 19 Years in Prison." Tribunedigital-baltimoresun. 2014. Web. 04 Mar. 2016.

  28. The problem in this article is that the U.S. is due to the status quo. This article has no date or location, but I would say it’s for the nation since mass incarceration is a nation-wide problem. The article suggest that the status quo is coming from republicans. Those republicans are not worried about the families of communities of those in the prison system. Politicians are more concerned with corporate polluters who have more to gain through mass incarceration.I think if the status quo did not exist not as many people would be in jail.I personally do not understand the Point of the status quo. I want to know what exactly the status quo is targeting because the overwhelming majority of those prison are African-Americans.

    Romero, Anthony D. “ Criminal Justice Reform.” NY Times. February 16,2016. 4,2016)

  29. Public Defenders, Bolstered by a Work Analysis and Rulings, Push Back Against a Tide of Cases is in St. Louis. This is about court cases and the sentence they have receive. Like in the passage it was saying a person was running up and down the stairs and out the courtroom waiting for his time to go to court. Also, it said that a man have got sentence 6 years that day. This shows me that people do thing that they regret when they get caught and you need to go to curt and you know that you are getting some time. But, I think that they is right because you should not be doing thing that might get you in some big trouble. I feel that if you want to do something bad think about the consequences before the action come. So, I am just trying to state do not do some thing if you know what might happen in the future or pass days.
    Public Defenders, Bolstered by a Work Analysis and Rulings, Push Back Against a Tide of Cases. Feb 18,2014
    -Troy Drayton

  30. Rymere Chamberlain



    4 March 2016


    This article is basically about how wisconsin banned the marriage of gays. Four families chooses to sue the state for the right to for same sex marriage. At the time of this article it was illegal for gays to get married in the US. The gay couples took this case to the supreme court which ruled in favor of the gay allowing gay marriage. This changed the law in wisconsin in a big way. Historical in the United States it was illegal for same sex marriage. I think this is important because it gives the gays equal rights in their marriages. This is also important because for the first time in our country same sex marriage has become legal.

    Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 4 March 2016.

  31. I read the article “Justice Department About To Free 6,000 Prisoners”. This article was made October 7, 2015 and has been published on This article explains how the Justice Department is going to lesser sentences and maybe free drug offenders who received harsh sentences. In this they wait for Barack Obama to grant clemency to these drug offenders. These drug offenders have public hearings and the Justice Department wants those with non-violent drug related sentences to be set free. This plan was created and brought forth November 1, 2014 and almost a year later has been recognized and brought in court. Now each inmate must petition a judge and the judge decides whether or not to grant the inmates or not. A Lot of these inmates spent time in halfway houses and we’re nonviolent and should not have harsh sentences.

    "Justice Department about to Free 6,000 Prisoners." N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Mar. 2016.

  32. This current event is about Incarceration Nations that's what the article about. The Event happen in is a massive criminal justice worlds top jailer have among longest sentences, and tolerate shocking racial disparities in imprisonment rates Brazil’s is solitary confinement; Uganda’s and Jamaica’s are arts education. Dreisinger meets with groups of prisoners and leads them in icebreakers, role-players restorative-justices

    Suk Jeannie. "Incarceration nations". The New York Times. February 19 2016.


  33. The article is about an African American male by the name of Adrian Thomas. Adrian was convicted of second-degree murder upon his 4-month year-old son Matthew. Many have claimed that the main reasons for his incarceration were due to the Police officers allegedly lying that he was responsible for it. A team has reported that the instead of using light under-law interrogation, they went over the law by threatening to lock up his wife. I think that this is for a fact, not the first time something like this has occurred. Police officers all around have been known to abuse their power so that they can always be above the law. I think that this needs to be stopped, but the chances of it stopping are extremely low. Adrian Thomas’s innocence is forever underrepped to the public due to the police officers’ slander. As bad as it might seem and be hard to say, Adrian will most-likely add on to the tally mark of African American males who have been both stripped of their freedom and institutionalized.


    Record staff "NYS Court of Appeals Say Police Lies Went Too Far (Update)." NYS Court of Appeals Say Police Lies Went Too Far (Update). N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Mar. 2016. (4 March 2016)

    ~Desmond Collins Jr
