Monday, February 29, 2016

5th period, Week of 2/29-3/4 CRIMINAL JUSTICE

Due March 4, 2016 by 3:30 pm:
Topic: Criminal Justice System- choose from articles on the next pages

In complete sentences and in your own words, answer the following questions on my blog: Who is the article about? Where did the event happen? When did the event happen? What is the article about? What is your opinion of this article?

New format:
You must write this in a paragraph with a minimum of 8 sentences. You should focus the bulk of your paragraph summarizing what the article is about in your own words.

Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.  
Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)

Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 9 Feb 2014. (9 Feb 2014)

Current event articles to choose from:

Criminal Justice Reforms

Incarceration Nations

How Much Should a University Have to Reveal About a Sexual-Assault Case?

NYS Court of Appeals say police lies went too far

Connecticut becomes latest state to consider changing rules on witness identification evidence

Daniella Henry: Vermont is ready for wrongful conviction reforms

Study Puts Exonerations at Record Level in U.S.

CCA Denies DNA Testing in Swearingen Case

Justice Department about to free 6,000 prisoners

Man cleared of murder after 19 years in prison

Public Defenders, Bolstered by a Work Analysis and Rulings, Push Back Against a Tide of Cases


  1. This article invoked people that are accused of a crime due to the use or drugs. This took place in The UnitedStates. Over 2 million people are put to jail for this cause. This event happened Feburay 12 2016. This was briefly about how to reinforce criminal justice. Many meaningful things are affecting the community. Laws are not being changed or followed. People are being thrown in jail. The U. S. Needs to fix the increase of jail citizens. I think the government should make new arrangements towards the drug use in America.
    Romero, Anthony. " Criminal Justice Reforms."( Febuary 12, 2016).
    http:// www. 2016/02/17/opinion/ criminal- justice- reforms.html

  2. This article is about a man Sabien C. Burgess. This event happened in the city of Baltimore, MD. Trial occurred around 1995, Burgess a black man who is easily a target was put in jail for 19 years with the court's decision of him murdering his girlfriend. The only evidence the court had to put this man in jail was chemicals or gun power residue on his hands. The court tested his hands to check for the residue from the gun, and the results came back positive. But years and years later after some confessions of who really murder his girlfriend and the witness coming out clean who it really killed her. Burgess charges were finally dropped, and he was an innocent man. I believe this article shows the ways the criminal system can mess up badly. Also I feel like if the court will put someone in jail they should have strong evidence and not just something that could have been from anything. I believe the court should have some logic behind some of their arrest, because logically they should have known that's not enough evidence to convict a person of a crime.

    Duncan, Ian. "Man Cleared of Murder after 19 Years in Prison." Tribunedigital-baltimoresun. The Baltimore Sun, 21 Feb. 2014. 01 Mar. 2016.

  3. This article is about a man by the name of Adrian Thomas who was accused of 2nd Degree Murder of his 4 month old son. However Adrian will have a redo on his trial Thursday. The reason for this was because during his interrogation, he was told his son would live if he confessed and his wife would be arrested if he did not. Sadly, his son was already dead. This brings up a controversial issue of whether or not police should lie and when is it right for them TO lie? Police argued that he was going to die if they did not find out and just needed to pry the information from Adrian on how the kid got injured. Mixed responses from attorneys were heard about this course of action and the retrial. I think the cops should have not lied about the information when interrogating Adrian. This to me feels like they actually did defile a constitutional right as a citizen by lying in an interrogation.

    Record staff "NYS Court of Appeals say police lies went too far (update) 21 February 2016 2 March 2016

  4. Mamadu Barry
    This article talks about the criminal justice reforms called "mens rea". These reforms are passed in the U.S. law systems. It was passed in the year of 2016. These forms are passed supposedly to bring down crime rates and help alleviate violence. But this article infers that they only works in favor of businesses and rich people to prosper even more. But I think this article has its own opinion. But I think at this we can try anything to try to bring down crime rates. We can see these rates rising tremendously, so we should try anything and everything to try to resolve these things.

    Romero, Anthony D. “Criminal Justice Reforms.” 2016. (02, March 2016)

  5. This article was about a man name Sabine C. Burgess. This event took place in Baltimore, Maryland. This is what happened Sabine was at the house where his girlfriend was murdered when the cops arrived. Due to him being the only one at the crime sene when the police arrived, they automatically took him in and belamed him for her death. He served nearly two decades in jail and a man came out and confessed about doing the murder and say it was someone else. His trail begun around 1955 and the went infront of a jury and was found guilty. But all along Sabine knew he was innocent. But couldn't prove it he was. I was very interested in this article it's teaches you that you can be wrongly accused of a crime you didn't do, and still pay the time that have to served. And even if you are later on found not guilty you still did the time and that cant get taking back once you did it.

    Duncan, Ian. "Man Cleared of Murder after 19 Years in Prison." Tribunedigital-baltimoresun. The Baltimore Sun, 21 Feb. 2014. 02 Mar. 2016.

  6. This article is about a man who was released from prison after 19 years in prison. This man's name was Sabein C. Burgess. This was located at Baltimore Maryland. His girl friend was found dead at his house. The police came to his house and found gun powder. The police found him in the house and arrested him. He denied any allegations and waited for the tests to come. An assumption was made because he was the only one in the house during the crime scene. He was found guilty. The reason i looked at this article was because i wanted to know what evidence was given to prove he was the murder. Its a shame what happened and it took 19 years to prove his innocence.

    Duncan, Ian. "Man Cleared of Murder after 19 Years in Prison." Tribunedigital-baltimoresun. The Baltimore Sun, Feb.2014

  7. Joshua Myers March 3,2016 at 3:11pm
    This article is about the criminal reforms. If accomplished it would prove that a defendant was aware of illegal actions. Trying to gather info about this would cause many Financial, and also environmental methods. Many people know little of this and would affect our current laws and stability. Therefore once this is past it would jailed or even incarcerate about 2.2 million. Many Republicans would insist on this law to be past not for the people but for the rich. If the United states suffers with this deadly legislation it would mean that were one step closer to human kind destruction. Romero, Anthony "Criminal Justice Reforms". NYTIMES.3,Mar 2016 http://www.NYTIMES.COM/2016/02/17/opinion/criminal-justice-reforms.html?-r-o

  8. A man by the name of Sabein C. Burgess spent two decades for a murder he did not commit. Due to the gathering of evidence over the years that proved his innocence. After Burgess conviction a man confessed to the crime and another witness said that it was not Burgess who committed the crime. on The night of october 5, 1994 police discover Burgess and the body of his girlfriend. Burgess was convicted off of the evidence that he had gunpowder residue on his hands. The detective that worked on the case believed that they would have never prosecuted Burgess if they didn't believe that he was guilty of the crime.

    Duncan, Ian. "Man Cleared of Murder after 19 Years in Prison."Tribunedigital-baltimoresun. Baltimore Sun, 21 Feb. 2014. (Web. 03 Mar. 2016.)

  9. This article is about a man who was once guilty for a murder and is now innocent after 19 years. The night of the murder had all the evidence that it happened at the hands of Sabein C. Burgess. The evidence that night is what caused that long stint he served in prison. Now, 19 years later he`s an innocent man. This event happened October 5, 1994 in Baltimore. When police arrived on the scene they discovered burgess with bloody hands and his wife dead within the same area. Evidence over the last decade has came up and proven Burgess innocence. If it wasnt for the help of the innocence project at George Washington, he may not have been a free man right now.

    Duncan, Ian. "Man Cleared of Murder after 19 Years in Prison."Tribunedigital-baltimoresun. Baltimore Sun, 21 Feb. 2014. ( 03 Mar. 2016)

  10. The article that I've Choosen was a man name Sabien C. Burgess was wrongly convicted for the Murder of his girlfriend Michelle Dyson. He spent 2 decades in jail due to this conviction. The time he spent in jail he can not get back. While in prison evidence was gathered throughout years, and other evidence was reviewed. FBI had something to say about the key evidence that was used in the court. Burgess gotten arrested because he had evidence on his hands determining that he shot a gun. The real question arose how can he get arrested on one piece of evidence and isn't possible that he could of been standing next to the person who fired a shot, and the residue transferred from one hand to the other? During his time in jail one of Burgess friends wrote this mother saying he has something to do with the murder, that Burgess is serving time he shouldn't. All this leading up to what really happened determined that he was innocent and he had not killed his girlfriend. Soon after his release Burgess finally held his grandchild for the first time. Due to an old case and new evidence it set a innocent man free.

    Ducan, Ian. "Man Cleared of Murder after 19 Years in Prison. "Tribunedigital-baltimoresun. Balitmore Sun, 21 Feb. 2014. ( 03 Mar. 2016)

  11. In the article by the New York Times, Many universities cover up accusations made by victims about being sexually assaulted by another student of the same university. Title IX is an educational right that doesn't allow any discrimination against any gender. In 2012, a football player at the University of Montana was arrested for accusations of sexual assault of a female student under the name of "Jane Doe". This was a concern because once colleges were warned and reviewed by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act or FERPA, which has universities release any criminal activities happening on campus or their college funding will be discontinued. The suspect, Jordan Johnson, filed a lawsuit against the records of the sexual assault being released to the public. The writer of the article went against the state of Montana to be able to have Johnson's records. Johnson, already in the heat, signed a contract in the beginning of his college football career that stated he was responsible for his own actions on his personal time. In court case, The Author, Krakauer v. the state of Montana, the author was able to obtain the athlete's records to clearly understand what FERPA and Title IX was stopping from Johnson not being guilty.

    Krakauer, Jon. "How Much Should a University Have to Reveal About a Sexual-Assault Case?" The New York Times. 19 Jan. 2016. . (03 Mar. 2016).

  12. During the year of 2009, in Albany, New York, A 31 year old man named Adrian Thomas was convicted of murdering his 4 month old son. Although, his defense team found that while Thomas was being interrogated his on was dead. This means that the police interrogation tactics were dishonest. When the police was questioning him, they lied and said, "if you don't confess, your son will die." Thomas was completely oblivious to the fact that his son was dead during the time of his interrogation. It was also explained within the article that Thomas' fifth amendment right was violated. I believe that the police and their dishonesty were completely unjust. For them to continue to lie to Thomas while he was in a state of distress and try to get him to confess to the murder of his own son is really harsh. I also believe that during an interrogation the police should be completely dishonest. This is not the only case where those who are interrogated harshly or unfair confess to committing a crime that they did not commit.

    Citation:Staff, Record. "NYS Court of Appeals Say Police Lies Went Too Far (Update)." NYS Court of Appeals Say Police Lies Went Too Far (Update). 21 Feb. 2014. Web. .(3 Mar 2016).

  13. This article is about campus sexual assault. The board of education sent a letter to almost all colleges in America explaining their duty to protect their students from sexual violence or the repercussion of losing funding. The only problem is that this duty is being ignored because of one law that they use so that incidents, such as sexual assault, does not get out. They do not want anything to tarnish their school’s reputation. They use the fact that releasing a student’s educational records are against the law. This law has been argued over for twiking because schools are putting their own meaning into it because if how broad the law is. There was even a rape case that was overturned on a college football player because of the law. This law went to the supreme court in the Montana v. Jordan Johnson. They needed to find a reliable balance in using this law.

    Krakauer, Jon. “How Much Should a University Have to Reveal About a Sexual-Assault Case?” The New York Times Magazine. Jan. 21, 2016

  14. This article is about a man named Adrian Thomas. This event took place in the state of New York around the city of Albany. It took place around February of 2014. The article is about Thomas's trial and how he was wrongfully treated by police while under custody. He was convicted in 2009 for the 2nd degree murder of his for month old son. He and his lawyer claims that the police lied to him several times about where his statements would get him and the statuses of his arrests. Even though their lies made him confess, when his other trial stays,they cannot use his confession as evidence. I believe that this article is informative and important so that I personally can learn my rights from this court case. Police are not allowed to lie to suspects. It is wrong and unconstitutional to do so. I also believe that he is wrong and did hurt his son, but nonetheless, the case all comes down to the evidence.

    1. NYS Court of Appeals Say Police Lies Went Too Far (Update)." NYS Court of Appeals Say Police Lies Went Too Far (Update). Web. 04 Mar. 2016.

  15. This Article was about criminal Reform. They need the Procter to be able to prove that the criminal meant to do the crime. They need to have more evidence to make sure that they knew that it was wrong. They had to make sure it wasn't on purpose and that they knew what the actual wrong was.I think that this is a good thing because it cold save a lot of people in jail and inform people of there rights and what the law is. All the 2.2 billion in jail could be freed . Republicans want it passed for the wrong reasons. They want it for the rich and not the actual people.If they make this desision then the country would be much better.

    Romero,Anthony."Criminal Justice Reforms". NYTIMES. 3,Mar2016. http://www.NYTIMES.COM/2016/02/17/opinion/criminal-justice-reforms.html?-r-o

  16. Adrian Thomas was convicted in 2009 on a second-degree murder charge of a four month old baby. Police interigated Thomas by telling him that his son could live if he told how he had gotten head trauma. If he did not confess his wife would be convicted of the crime. But what the police failed to mention was that his son had already passed away. Interigating him like this was a violation of Thomas's fifth amendment because he had a right to remain silent until his layer was present. His wife was never convicted of the crime and his son had died. He was attempting to save the child's life, but the prosecution took that as he killed the child. This case was jot fully examined and was not thought to go about in the proper way.

    Works Cited
    "NYS Court of Appeals Say Police Lies Went Too Far (Update)." NYS Court of Appeals Say Police Lies Went Too Far (Update). N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Mar. 2016.

  17. Sabein Burgess was freed from prison after 19 years.He served this sentence because he was convicted of murdering michelle dyson. Accumalated evidence over the years is what got him out. He was imprisoned since 1995. After he got out he was never the same. His fiance said he's not the same and prison took a toll. The only solid evidence was the gun residue on his hands. Burgess apparently fit the bill of a murderer because he was involved with the wrong people. The prosecution wanted to close the case and they did.

    Duncan, Ian. "Man Cleared of Murder after 19 Years in Prison." Tribunedigital-baltimoresun. The Baltimore Sun, 21 Feb. 2014. 01 Mar. 2016.

  18. This article mainly focuses on the issues about rape on campus. Many college students feel that getting raped is their fault. One person feels that enough is enough and decided to speak out on the issue. This person wrote a letter to the government regarding the issue. The government issued a complaint to colleges. This further helps students feel more safe when it comes to this kind of issue. Things are changing. It is not perfect on campus but it is getting better.


  19. Kendrick Lamar just recently released an album entitled “Untitled Unmastered” on March 3, 2016. This album is a new experimental album from the artist touches on topics on events that’s going on in America at the moment ; from “Black Lives Matters” to Religion, the justice system in America and other topics that involve the world. Many speculated that Kendrick Lamar would be doing a collab album with other influential artist J Cole, and it was expected to be released early February, but this never happened. The album is something new and experimental from Kendrick that seems to be influenced from his last album “ To Pimp A Butterfly” that spoke directly to black culture in America and how America treats the black youth with “systematic racism”. He’s gained alot of praise for his recent experiments as well as criticism but regardless, he has shown himself to be an important and influential character in our culture today.

  20. This article was about a man that served 2 decades in jail for being fasley accused. His name is Sabein C. Burgess. He thought he would never get out. As time passed the person who actually committed the crime confessed. Sabein never comitted the crime and he could never get all that missed time back. His family missed him and it is heartbreaking to deal with that. He also had police invade his home back in 1994.
    Last but not least his family was scorning hoping that they will clear his record. Lost time can't be retrieved.

    Duncan, Ian. "Man Cleared of Murder after 19 Years in Prison." Tribunedigital-baltimoresun. The Baltimore Sun, 21 Feb. 2014. Web. 04 Mar. 2016.

  21. This article is about a man named Sabien C. Burgess who spent 19 years in jail for a crime he did not commit. Although the gunpowder residue, was found on Burgess hand, he later got released. He got released on the count of someone else confessing and the suspect filing for an appeal. This event occurred in the year of 1994 around the time of 9:30. This event happened in the city of Baltimore. In my opinion, I think that this event is similar to the one of Rubin Carter, the boxer. Carter was sentenced to about a decade in prison for a crime that he did not commit. I also think that the law still has to do some corrections on wrongly accusing people and jailing them for no reason.

    Duncan, Ian. "Man Cleared of Murder after 19 Years in Prison." Tribunedigital-baltimoresun. N.p., 21 Feb. 2014. Web. 04 Mar. 2016. . (4 Mar 2016)

  22. The article is about a man wrongly charged of murder of named Sabein Burgess. He was charged for the murder of his wife Michelle Dyson, on Oct. 5, 1994. Burgess spent nearly 2 decades in prison before finally proven innocent in 2014. Burgess was found in the house that night cradling Dyson in his arm in the basement of their home. Police, based on racial bias arrested Burgess. Faced with a trial for murder, forensic investigation found gunpowder residue on his hand, matching the residue of the gunshot. For this evidence alone they charged him, which was much too insufficient to be used as stated by the forensic investigator that was on the case, Gerald Goldstein. His friend, Charles Dorsey, confessed to Burgess mother in a letter that he was the one who had shot Dyson. Burgess son, Rainey was also involved when he stated that he watched the death of his mother and it was not Burgess who shot her. Dorsey was influenced by Howard Rice, a notorious crime figure of the 1990, to rob Dyson’s house on belief that they had money. After being allowed in the house willingly by Dyson, they searched the house and found that no money was to be found. Rice went to the basement, where he told Dyson and Dorsey to remain while he searched, and shot Dyson once. Then told Dorsey to finish the job and bail.

    Duncan, Ian. "Man Cleared of Murder after 19 Years in Prison."Tribunedigital-baltimoresun. Baltimore Sun, 21 Feb. 2014. 04 Mar. 2016.
