Monday, April 4, 2016

1st period, Monday 4/4 Topic: Presidential Candidates

In complete sentences and in your own words, answer the following questions on my blog:


1. Complete current event relating to a presidential candidate. Suggestion: Choose a news source (,, and type in the search bar the name of a candidate you'd like to read about: Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Marco Rubio(dropped out), Hillary Clinton, or Bernie Sanders.
New format:
You must write this in a paragraph with a minimum of 8 sentences. You should focus the bulk of your paragraph summarizing what the article is about in your own words. Use these questions to help guide you:
Who is the article about? Where did the event happen? When did the event happen? What is the article about? What is your opinion of this article?

Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.  
Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)
Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 9 Feb 2014. (9 Feb 2014)


  1. In this article, Donald Trump and Ted Cruz are preparing to battle each other before the Wisconsin primary comes up. This event where they are battle at is in Wisconsin. Donald had lost to Ted Cruz in Iowa and wanted his chance to rematch him. Wisconsin is voting for one of them on Tuesday. They both believe Wisconsin is important for them to win. Ted Cruz is currently leading Trump by 10% points. Donald Trump had returned to Wisconsin to have a rally a week before these primary's. He has planned 3 events throughout the state. I feel like Ted Cruz has to win this primary to have an advantage on Trump.

    Flegenheimer, Matt, and Ashley Parker. "Donald Trump and Ted Cruz Shift Into High Gear as Wisconsin Primary Looms." The New York Times. The New York Times, 03 Apr. 2016. Web. 04 Apr. 2016.

  2. Ciani Ming
    4 April 2016
    Bernie Sanders Wants To Stop Separation Of Immigrant Children.
    On Monday March 28th Sanders issued a speech about immigrants. He explained that America is looked at to be the land of liberty. People come here because they seek opportunity.For them to separate minors from their families is a disgrace. Sanders believes that it is wrong for this to happen. They expect a 3 year old to represent themselves at a hearing.Sanders said that they deserve fair treatment. Especially while being deported. They should not be treated like animals. He wants the process to go good and smooth. Instead of being harmed and missing family members.

    Sanders: Stop the Separation of Immigrant Children and Families,Bernie 2016 ,April 4, 2016. April 4th 2016.

  3. Hillary Clinton feel as though the Bernie Sanders campaign is telling false stories about her and what she wants to do as a president. She got fed up when a activist for green-peace asked her about her view on the organization. One time in December at Iowa city town hall and another in February. The activist asked whether or not she is going to reject fossil fuel money. Hillary responded that she does have money for fossil fuel and that she is sick of Sanders campaign lying on her. Furthermore, she expresses how she is even more upset about how protesters approached her, with more of and attitude then understanding.In my opinion, I think that Sanders need to stop these false accusations because in the end his only mindset is to want better for America. Even if he don't see Hillary fit for this country is she at least take in account that shes better then Trump !

    Dicker, Rachel. "Hillary Clinton Gets Heated Over a 350 Action Activist's QuestionR." U.S.News. N.p., n.d. 4 Apr. 2016.

  4. The person i chose to write about is Bernie Sanders and how he upset Hillary Clinton. This event happened in Michigan when he took the lead over her in the polls. This event happened on March 8th, 2016. This article is about how the underdog Bernie Sanders beat Hillary Clinton in a poll where some had him not winning at all. A lot doubted Bernie but people are starting to see his big picture and are starting to lean on his side. My opinion about this is that it's good to see people starting to follow Bernie Sanders and are realizing what he stands for. He is a president that wants to fight for the people and actually make a change which has not been very common from a lot of the people that are running for president. Bernie Sanders defined all odds and came up on top where some felt as though he stood no chance.

    FoxNews. “Sanders upsets Clinton in Michigan; Trump notches three more wins.” 9 Mar 2016. (4 Apr 2016)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This article about Donald Trump. This event happened in Florida at conference. This event happen in April 2016. Donald Trump said some nasty things to a reporter at a conference in Florida, when he know Marco Rubio out the race. Trump claims that he has to talk back nasty because that's the only way he can win. And if they can talk to him like that, he should be able to respond back that way too. Most people are sick of him and his nasty response, they are waiting for him to act more "presidential". Trump made it clear that he will not be changing how he approaches people. This is not the first time he fires back for responds nor not the last. I agree with the other people that says he need to tone it down a little. Because its rude to talk to people like that when they are only asking simple questions. It is not presidential like for him to respond in those ways.

    Kurtz, Howard. "Can Trump Tone It down without Losing What Got Him This Far? | Fox News." Fox News. FOX News Network, 04 Apr. 2016.. 04, Apr.2016

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. In this article, Donald Trump has suffered a rough week of consequential losses at party events. Trump was not showing up to republican events even in the states that he won such as Tennessee, Wisconsin and North Dakota. Trump is showing that words alone are not going to work and this is showing his voters and supporters that he is a disgrace. This event happened in different states that Donald Trump had won but by proceeding this action his poll numbers are going down. My opinion on this article is that first of all Donald trump should not have won any states in the first place and whoever is supporting this man is a disgrace to the U.S. There are many events that were planned for Trump and he didn't show up. How are you running for president and missing events without good excuses? This shows he think he can just do things his own way and still have supporters.

    Haberman, Maggie. "Trump's Troubles and Democratic Sparring Precede Wisconsin Vote." The New York Times. 04 April. 2016 04 Apr. 2016

  8. This article talks about political tension between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. Sanders is openly trying to challenge Clinton to debate major topics and global situations. The Sanders camp believes that Clinton does not want to debate against Sanders if she doesn't have to. The Sanders Camp told Clinton that Sanders would be available on April 10th to April 13th. After this Hillary Clinton's camp tried to schedule a debate when Sanders was occupied. The Article then goes on to talk about conflict between Republican candidates. The front runner for the Republicans, Donald Trump, goes on about foreign allies needing nuclear weapons and paying the US more for military protected. Ted Cruz talks about not raising minimum wage. The 2 Republicans along with Sanders and Clinton recently tried to gain support in Wisconsin this Sunday. I think that Bernie Sanders is what the Country needs right now. Once he is elected president, he can give people that voted for Trump the proper medical care they need for their mental illnesses.

    Fox News. "Sanders Campaign accuses Clinton of Ducking debates at Wisconsin battle looms." Fox 04 April 2016. 04 April 2016

  9. This article is about presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. Sanders is the runner up in the democratic election behind Hilliary Clinton. This an event that affects all of America. This article is about how people are starting to think that Bernie is copying the methods of Obama to win the presidential poll. This is supported through the fact some of the same groups that supported Obama in his campaign, support Sanders in his. Also the fact that Sanders has major support from the Youth of America. I think that this article may have some truth behind it, but that does not mean that he doesn't have a point. I think that Bernie Sanders is as qualified as all over the other candidates.

    Maraniss, David, and Robert Samuels. "Let’s Dispel with the Notion That Bernie Sanders Is 2016’s Barack Obama." Washington Post. The Washington Post, n.d. 04 Apr. 2016.

  10. Bernie Sanders greet a big , excited crowd in the Bronx last week. He has a lot of supports, more than people think.Bernie Sanders might not make it through the presidential campaign, but he won't disappear. He doesn't have a big chance of winning the race unless Hillary Clinton drop out. He won't disappear because he has a message that will resonate. Some of Sanders plan in office is higher taxes on wealthy and a completely government-run healthy care system. I think that Bernie Sanders will make a great president. I feel like he more for he people than Hillary Clinton. I agree will this article because I will still be one of his followers after the campaign is over. Hunt, Albert R. "Sanders’s Message Stands to Resonate Long After Election." The New York Times. The New York Times, 03 Apr. 2016. . ( 4 Apr. 2016)


  11. Gabriel,Trip.‘Fractivists’ Increase Pressure on Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders in New York." The New York Times.April 4,2016.

    This article is about a problem occurred between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders about oil and gas industry. Since mr.Sanders has improved with his friends so ms.Clinton felt she was getting attacked so every time she meets him she has something to say. She made a comment to greenpeace New York Times saying”I am sick of Sanders campaign lying about me.” Hillary Clinton is running a big campaign in New York and she is feels as though that in New York she can’t really count on the voters because she thinks since she ran to become a president before the voters will not vote for her. M.s Clinton defended her climate change but she believes as though young people are listening to what Sanders campaign are saying about her. Natural gas 33 percent of the nation’s electricity. Her position on offshore drilling has also evolved.”On Friday, Mr. Sanders demanded that Mrs. Clinton apologize for accusing his campaign of lying by saying she took large sums from fossil fuel donors.”

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.


  13. Chanel Banner

    Ms. Rachael

    Period 1

    April 4 2016

    This article is a Hillary Clinton . this event took place in Westchester County, New York. this event happened on Thursday march 31 2016. This article is about hillary clinton's campaign is planning an aggressive defense of their candidate to donald trump's attacks. Clinton's allies believe trump is identically zeroing on the character trait that is hillary strength. They feel like republican runners are trying to turn democrat runners strength into weakness. I believe that donald trump is a person who belittles others. To me donald trump is just a bully he picks on anyone so that he feels like he is above others. Donald is not really talking about the changes he is going to make the only thing he talks about is the people who is running against him and what changes. I believe he is not going to make any good changes he might not even make it full term because he can't really take the pressure.

    Gearan Anne, Philip Abby.Clinton prepares for trumps insult machine which has already turned her way. April 4 at 6:00.

  14. The article is about Donald trump's past interview with Chris Matthews. The article revolves mainly around Donald Trump's recently made statements within his interview with Chris Matthews. Within his interview with Chris Matthews, Donald Trump stated that women should face some type of punishment if they were to undergo abortion. Women and female fans of Donald Trump criticize his views on abortion and since then he has tried to take back his statements claiming he might have misspoken. The interview took placed at the town hall meeting where it was recorded. The article did not state when the interview happened, but it is known to be recent. I think to a certain extent Donald trump is right. If abortions were ruled illegal then anybody who participate in the illegal activity should face punishment. I also feel because Donald Trump is known for his crude statements that the media was able to take advantage of his statements. I believe from what I read it was blown out of proportion and it could be because it includes women rights.
    Fox news. "Trump claims abortion remarks taken out of context, but admits it could be I misspoken. foxnews.4/1/16. (4/4/160

  15. Presidential Campaign Current Event

    Bernie Sanders accuses Hillary Clinton of dodging a debate with Sanders. Sanders has challenged Clinton to a debate in New York. Clinton stated that she was confident to debate against Sanders but has given very few dates to debate on. One was on a Monday, the same day as an NCAA college basketball game where there won’t be as many viewers. This happened in April of this year. Sanders's campaign spokesman, Briggs, stated that the Clinton campaign announced to agree to debate on a day where Sanders had a Rally so he wouldn’t be able to do it. Eventually, Sanders accepted a debate date on April 10 on NBC news. Briggs said “Let’s stop the silly political games”. This was before Clinton decided on a date. In my opinion, I believe that Hillary was probably a little nervous to debate because she was seeing how confident he was to do it.

    "Sanders Campaign Accuses Clinton of Ducking Debates as Wisconsin Battle Looms.", 4 Apr. 2016. Web. 4 Apr. 2016. .

  16. This article was about Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton clashing on gas and oil money. Sanders is criticizing Clinton for taking campaign contributions from energy lobbyists; although, he wouldn't take back a surrogate's criticism of Clinton's email controversy. Over the past days the candidates have trades blows to each other over fossil fuel uses, saying that the main problem is that Clinton is taking money from lobbyists. He stated," There is a difference between getting money from a worker and somebody whose job it is to represent that industry. I believe we've got to take on the fossil fuel industry". Even though he is still making strong accusations towards Clinton, he did take back the rude comments that were said by actress Rosario Dawson, who criticized Clinton on the email controversy. Clinton is saying that Sanders is being desperate and that he also has taken money from those with gas and oil ties. In my opinion, I feel as though these candidates need to worry about trying to solve these problems instead of making so many accusations they should act on these issues and make things better.
    Bradner, Eric. "Sanders Attack on Clinton over Oil and Gas Money: 'Let the Voters Decide'" CNN. Cable News Network, 3 Apr. 2016..
    . 04 Apr. 2016.

  17. The article is about Donald trump's past interview with Chris Matthews. The article revolves mainly around Donald Trump's recently made statements within his interview with Chris Matthews. Within his interview with Chris Matthews, Donald Trump stated that women should face some type of punishment if they were to undergo abortion. Women and female fans of Donald Trump criticize his views on abortion and since then he has tried to take back his statements claiming he might have misspoken. The interview took placed at the town hall meeting where it was recorded. The article did not state when the interview happened, but it is known to be recent. I think to a certain extent Donald trump is right. If abortions were ruled illegal then anybody who participate in the illegal activity should face punishment. I also feel because Donald Trump is known for his crude statements that the media was able to take advantage of his statements. I believe from what I read it was blown out of proportion and it could be because it includes women rights.
    Fox news. "Trump claims abortion remarks taken out of context, but admits it could be I misspoken." foxnews.4/1/16. (4/4/160

  18. In this article, Donald Trump and Ted Cruz are both fighting for the spot to win the Wisconsin primary. This event takes place in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Donald Trump is fighting harder to win this primary (a rematch), after losing to Cruz in the Iowa. This Tuesday, Wisconsin will be voting for either Mr. Trump or Mr. Cruz. Wisconsin is important to both of these candidates. Ted Cruz leads between he and Trump by 10% points. Trump prepared a rally in Wisconsin before the primary. Trump planned 3 events to try and persuade Wisconsin's vote. I feel as thought if Ted Cruz wins, it may push Trump back even further and eventually lose the race.

    Flegenheimer, Matt, and Ashley Parker. "Donald Trump and Ted Cruz Shift Into High Gear as Wisconsin Primary Looms." The New York Times. The New York Times, 03 Apr. 2016. Web. 04 Apr. 2016. .

  19. This article took place April the 4th of 2016. This article is about Bernie Sanders wanting a debate with Hillary Clinton but she really her because he feel like she is not trustworthy enough to be running in the campaign. Hillary don't want to debate against Bernie because the debate would be in her home town. Bernie Sanders comes after Trump and Ted Cruz. Trump tell Bernie to back out of the campaign.Trump said that raising the minimum wage to 15$ don't even make sense because companies wouldn't be able to pay for the job and their products.Bernie is concerned about what the candidates are actually focused on so he want to debate more with Trump and Clinton.
    "Sanders Campaign Accuses Clinton of Ducking Debates as Wisconsin Battle Looms | Fox News." Fox News. FOX News Network, 04 Apr. 2016. Web. 04 Apr. 2016. .

  20. After a terrible week Trump sticks with style over substance in Wisconsin
    By:Edward Rollins
    Published April 04, 2016,

    This article was about how trump stayed with one style with this week interviews. This event happened in the town hall setting with Fox’s Greta Van Susteren. This was one of trump's worst weeks. Donald Trump had four different statements in one week. They were thinking if he would say something different or restate on abortion. Also Donald Trump is gonna repeal ObamaCare and put in a different source of his own. Donald Trump says one of his heroes is a heavyweight champion named Muhammad Ali. He perfected his own version of of “rope a dope”. He says keep talking and avoid specifics.
