Monday, April 4, 2016

2nd period, Monday 4/4 Topic: Presidential Candidates

In complete sentences and in your own words, answer the following questions on my blog:


1. Complete current event relating to a presidential candidate. Suggestion: Choose a news source (,, and type in the search bar the name of a candidate you'd like to read about: Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Marco Rubio(dropped out), Hillary Clinton, or Bernie Sanders.
New format:
You must write this in a paragraph with a minimum of 8 sentences. You should focus the bulk of your paragraph summarizing what the article is about in your own words. Use these questions to help guide you:
Who is the article about? Where did the event happen? When did the event happen? What is the article about? What is your opinion of this article?

Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.  
Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)
Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 9 Feb 2014. (9 Feb 2014)


  1. This article is about Bernie Sanders. He is a democratic presidential candidate.
    This event of this article took place in Nevada. This event happened in February. This article is about how distraught Bernie Sanders was after he lost the Nevada Caucuses. He felt as though this was a major step back. His original plan was to win all three early voting states, and he failed. He was only able to sweep New Hampshire. I feel as though I understand his pain. I don’t know much about politics, but I know that must be devastating. I especially feel for him because he is the candidate I am rooting for.

    Healy, Patrick, and Yamiche Alcindor. "Early Missteps Seen as a Drag on Bernie Sanders’s Campaign." The New York Times. The New York Times, 03 Apr. 2016. .04 Apr. 2016.

  2. The title of this article is "Donald Trump: John Kasich shouldn't be allowed to run." This event occurred over the past few days. It involves Donald Trump and John Kasich. Presidential Republican candidate, Donald Trump believes that John Kasich should pull out of the race. He believes this because he doesn't think that John has enough power to mathematically secure enough delegates to win the nomination before the convention. It has became clear that the only state that Kasich has won over was Ohio, which is his hometown. This is something that works against him because he has only won over one state and it's not even a state that he isn't from. Trump made this statement during his meeting with the Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus. He thinks that he keeps going from place to place and just losing so therefore, there is no need for him to keep running in the race.

    Murray, Sara. Donald Trump: John Kasich shouldn't be allowed to run." CNN. 04 Apr 2016. 04 Apr 2016

  3. This article is about Donald Trump. This event happened on FOX News.The news wants to know if Trump calms down, will he be able to keep people with him. This event was published April 4, 2016 by Howard Kurtz.Trump knocked Rubio out of the race. Trump announced that there is no way that he is changing his style. He is going to keep fight no matter what and he is not giving up. Trump worries that if Ted Cruz win in Wisconsin than he'll be down by 10 points. Trump will then be a tailspin. He has to try very hard to get women to vote for him. My opinion on this article is that Trump does not think before he speaks. He says whatever is on is mind at the time. I also feel like Trump would not be a serious president based on the things I have heard him say. I don't feel like Trump will claim down and act like he wants to become president. Trump is a man that no one can change.

    Kurtz, Howard. "Can Trump Tone It down without Losing What Got Him This Far? | Fox News." Fox News. FOX News Network, 04 Apr. 2016. Apr 2016)

  4. On this past Sunday, the highly opinionated Donald Trump refuses to become a third party candidate. He masks this very clear to the cast of Fox News.Trump states that he just wants to be treated fairly, and that means letting him run as a republican. He made it very clear that he would not be going with this GOP. Trump's opponents Kasich and Cruz fully support it. Though doesn't care much for Cruz, hes made it clear that he doesn't care about either of their support. He says he doesn't need or want the endorsement. But i believe that he should take it and stop being stubborn. He's not always going to have the people to rely on, so he needs to rely on himself.

  5. Tajah Green
    04 April 2016
    Sanders: Stop the Separation of Immigrant Children and Families

    On April 4th 2016, Bernie Sanders issued a problem that the separation of children and families who are immigrants is a big problem. He talks about how American is land of life and liberty. Sanders went and called on the Obama administration to reassess the immigration enforcement. Immigrants come here to seek a new life and opportunity. Sanders thinks that letting a three year old represent themselves at a hearing is a disgrace and injustice. Sanders thinks that immigrants should deserve a fair treatment, especially while being deported. In my opinion,I think that immigrants should have an opportunity to have a new life. Sanders just want the immigration process to go smooth and stop the separation of families.

    Sanders:Stop the Separation of Immigrant Children and Families.04 Apr 2016. April 2016)

  6. O'brien,Connor. "Trump: I want to be treated fairly". April 04,2016. (04/04/16)

  7. This article is about Donald Trump. Donald Trumps is against abortions and he believes that women who get abortions should be punished. Trump is still indecisive about what the punishment should be. Trump thinks that maybe it could be 10 years in prison or something milder. Trump still does not know if he wants to target the woman directly or to target the abortion clinic. I feel as though abortion is up to the actual woman to make her decision, and no one should make her feel as though her decision is not valued by making laws that infringe upon her decision making. I also feel as though Trump does not fully think about what he wants regards things he wants to change so he comes off as ignorant. He does not see both perspectives on a situation.
    Kristof, Nicholas. "Trump and Abortion." The New York Times. The New York Times, 30 Mar. 2016. Web. 04 Apr. 2016.

  8. This article is about presidential candidate Donald Trump. This event took place on the television show MSNBC. This event occurred over the past month. This article is about Donald Trump's harsh comment on the topic abortion. Trump made it clear that abortions should be banned, and the women who get abortions should be punished. He declined to state what the punishment should be, when asked the question if a women should have to be in prison for ten years after having an abortion. After viewers and listeners backlashed at Trump's remark, he tried to switch up and say women should not be punished but those who provide abortions, like doctors, should be punished. Trumps comment exposed the possibility of following in the foot steps of countries such as El Salvador, where women get dragged to prison after having an abortion. My opinion of this article is, Donald Trump proves every time he talks that he should not be president. Trump should not take away a woman's choice of having an abortion because not every female is capable of providing for their child the way they should. I rather a women not let her innocent child be born into an unstable lifestyle, therefore Trump's comments on abortion are selfish.
    Thayer, Eric. "Trump and Abortion." NYTIMES. 30 Mar 2016. (4 Apr 2016)

  9. Cillizza, Chris. "The Fix Donald Trump just explained his vision for the country. Whoa boy". The Washington Post
    April 4 at 8:40 AM :

  10. Donald Trump Calls for John Kasich to Drop Out
    This article was about the 2016 elections that involved Donald Trump, John Kasich, and Chris Schrimpf. It was about how Donald Trump wanted John Kasich to drop out of the 2016 election. He felt this way because he believed that John was taking away all of his voters. Donald Trump says that John will not have enough delegates by the time that voting comes around. But a man named Chris feels as though that Donald Trump will also not have enough delegates and that he will be dropping out as well very soon and that we all can not wait till that day comes. This took place in all of America as a national story. It occurred in the year of the 2016 election. I feel as though that Donald Trump should just worry about his own campaign and not John's.

    Parker, Ashley. "Donald Trump Calls for John Kasich to Drop Out". (3 Apr 2016). (4 Apr 2016).

  11. On April 01, 2016. Bernie Sanders held a rally in St. Mary’s Park in the Bronx. Sanders hauled in $44 Million in March Fund-Raising. For the past months Bernie has raised the most money in majority of the campaigns. For three consecutive months Sanders has raised more money than the former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Bernie goal is to fight for the working people and those who do not have a job to be on his side. At his campaign at least $2 million supporters had made more than $6 million contributions. Bernie Sanders had successful campaigns lately by out raising Hillary Clinton by millions. Sander will have to compete against in New York. Where the most expensive media market in the country is located.

    Confessore, Nicholas. "Bernie Sanders Hauls In $44 Million in March Fund-Raising." The New York Times. The New York Times, 01 Apr. 2016. 04 Apr. 2016.

  12. On April 1, 2016 Secretary Hillary Clinton and senator Bernie Sanders both campaigned at New York. During a speech at State University of New York, Clinton faced an unpleasant crowd of protesters that yelled at her and said “if she wins we lose”. On the brighter side over 16,000 people gathered in St. Mary's park in south Bronx to see Bernie Sanders. There he used his Brooklyn roots as a way to gain more supporters. He said that he wants better public education for the state of New York like the education he had. My opinion of this article is that at that end Sanders has a better chance of winning the state of New York and Hillary will continue to struggle with this state. Additionally, I think that Hillary is having a hard time in this state because Sanders is more relatable to the people in New York.
    "Sanders and Clinton Campaign in New York Ahead of Primary." Democracy Now! N.p., n.d. 04 Apr. 2016.

  13. This article was about how some of things Donald Trump did to avoid his to not caring about some things in life that are important. Donald Trump and Ted Cruz went against each other Iowa and Ted Cruz won Donald Trump lose 10% points and letting everyone that he didn't care he wanted to to get back to his home and lay in his own bed Donald trump talked to the pest about how he felt also ted Cruz put his best foot forward and gave it his all. The main reason this happen was because Donald trump said something about ted cruz not being able to win and finally he didn't so he respected the Iowa area.FLEGENHEIMER, Matt and Parker, ASHLEY Tittle: Donald Trump and Ted Cruz Shifted Into High Gear as Wisconsin Primary Looms. The New York Times. 4-3-16. The date access was April 4,2016

  14. Who is the article about? This article was about Donald J. Trump and his claim for president. Where did the event happen? Florida and Ohio. When did the event happen?April 2. What is the article about? This article shows how Trump taking a stand in his fight for presidency. This also shows how some people are not impressed with some of his comments or some of his actions. What is your opinion of this article? I agree that I do not like his words or intentions for America. I feel as though he should let someone else run for president that actually has some experience in some type of government.
    Jonathan Martin and Nate Cohn “Electoral Map Is a Reality Check to Donald Trump’s Bid.” The New York Times. April 2, 2016. (April 4, 2016)

  15. Asja’Rae Brewington-Sharpe
    Ms. Rachael
    04 April 2016

    This is was about Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton going head to head against one another about their political views.The Sanders camp believes that Clinton does not want to debate against Sanders if she doesn't have to. Sanders then tried to come at Kasich about him dropping out and not being able to do other things. He said that he should not have a chance to be a nominee.I think that that voting for Bernie Sanders would be a great opportunity. I believe that he will out run Trump and make people realize that he is not fit to be presidential. Hilary on the other hand would also be a good president in my opinion. Beings though she gave her regrets due to using a private email server for communications. Other than that incident I agree with her but in some ways that trust will be hard to regain.

    Fox News. "Sanders Campaign accuses Clinton of Ducking debates at Wisconsin battle looms." Fox 04 April 2016. ttp:// 04 April 2016

  16. The article "Donald Trump, Abortion Foe, Eyes ‘Punishment’ for Women, Then Recants" Donald Trump while speaking on Wednesday March 30,2016 said that women who abort babies should have some sort of punishment, after seeing his peers separate themselves from his radical views he took the comment back which is not in his nature .In this article they give their opinion on Trumps views on abortion,severally disagreeing of course and also shared the views of others who are in trumps similar position such as Ted Cruz.The statement came from Mr. Trump as he appeared with Chris Matthews of MSNBC.Even supporters that once stood by his views began to change there thoughts on their leader. This definitely reflects how he would be as a leader acting on impulse and not clearly answering important questions such as how he feels about important issues that affects everyone. His continuous attempts to want to be taking seriously is amusing. He constantly makes statements as if he is having casual conversation with a friend not like his is running for president and sat down and thought thoroughly about how he feels about serious issues.
    Haberman,Maggie and Matt,Flegenheimer."Donald Trump, Abortion Foe, Eyes ‘Punishment’ for Women, Then Recants".The nytimes.30 Mar 2016. 4 Mar 2016)

  17. This article is about Donald Trump. This event happened on TV and the internet. It happened over the course of Donald Trump’s campaign. This article about Donald Trump and advertisements. He seems to spend less on advertising than anyone else yet he gets more press than anyone else. He also seems to be immune to negative TV ads. Whenever he gets bad ads shown it doesn’t seem to take anyone from his side. It just seems to make people who dislike him, dislike him more. In my opinion this article seems to be true. He doesn’t seem to lose any supporters even with the ads going on about him.

    Light, Larry. “Is Donald Trump the death knell for political TV ads?” CBS News. April 4, 2016.

  18. In this articular Mr. Philip talked about how Bernie Sanders is repeating thing the Obama said 8 years ago. he said the all Bernie fans are the same that Obama had 8 years ago. the only different id that Bernie sanders votes is way less then Obama ever was. This being said Bernie Sander is not doing good in the polls right now. Philip stated,However, that's only one of the things we might mean when we say "the Barack Obama of 2016." We might also mean that Sanders is like Barack Obama in that he too will ultimately prevail against Hillary Clinton. this being said people are comparing him to Obama because he believes in the same views ass Obama. I feel as though this is wrong because just because he believes in similar thing and he might just take some thing Obama said and didn't complete to put it out there that Obama didn't do thing but i for sure will.

    Bump, Philip. Let’s dispel with the notion that Bernie Sanders is 2016’s Barack March 31.

  19. Alcindor, Yamiche nand Patricck Healy. "Early Missteps Seen as a Drag on Bernie Sander's Campaign." Nytimes. 3 Apr 2016. ( 4 Apr 2016)

    This article is about Bernie Sanders lost in Iowa, to Mrs. Clinton. This event took place last month in Chicago, over a conference call with Bernie's team. This conference call was February,the 21st. Bernie was so frustrated with his lost of Iowa, to Clinton. His team suggested that maybe if he would have campaigned more Iowa in 2015, then maybe he would not have lost votes to Clinton in the Presidential Campaign. They also insisted to Sanders that he should expose Clinton weaknesses in debates, by criticizing her about $675,000 in speaking fees. Also, how Clinton use of a private email as secretary of state. Sanders said he will not do that and that they need to plan a new plan to beat Clinton. In my opinion I applause Sanders for not exposing Clinton for her mishaps with the email thing. Bernie knowing she's been humiliated enough about that, he just thought that he should just think of a new strategy to win.

  20. The current event is about Bernie Sanders campaign who was accused hillary clinton of ‘’playing silly games. Bernie sanders and hillary clinton are supposed to be going head to head in New york city. The date this happened is on april 02, 2016 wisconsin where both final appeals to wisconsin ahead critical primary. Hillary clinton is avoiding a debate with bernie sanders ,they both head to new york city on April 19. Bernie sanders has challenged clinton to a debate i n New york. The first day is Monday April 04, and is also the night of the NCAA men's tournament basketball game. Hillary clinton quotes’’I am confident’’ about winning the debate. The candidates is availble on april 10,11,12 and also the april 13. This is relevant because both candidates are going to show new york city which president is more reliable and a person who can make a voice for america.


  22. This article is bout Bernie Sanders and how he is compared to Barack Obama. He could probably pull off something Obama did in 2008, and that come from behind and beat Hilary Clinton. He gets many young supporters from the ages 30 and under. He also gets a lot of support from the black community. Bernie is not winning most of the votes because Hilary is winning bigger states. My opinion of this article is that beanie is a great candidate. He being compare to one of the great president of our country. He is for the people and cares more about the people than himself.

    Bump, philip. “Let’s dispel with the notion that Bernie Sanders is 2016’s Barack Obama.” The Washington Post. March 31. April 2016)

  23. Esaias Gimenez
    This article is about how the fans of Bernie Sanders think he is the, "the Barack Obama of 2016." They are saying that because he has took the front running from his opponent Hillary Clinton. They are also saying he is going to be the, “Hillary Clinton of 2016”, in the fact that he too will ultimately be prevail against.Who is the last election lost because Obama took the front running. It affect America because it is about the presidential candidacy. This event took place on March-31-2016. This is about the 2016 presidential candidacy. In my opinion I think he is like Barack, in the fact that he is say the things that america want to here. Maraniss, David, and Robert Samuels. "Let’s Dispel with the Notion That Bernie Sanders Is 2016’s Barack Obama." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 31 Mar. 2016. Web. 04 Apr. 2016.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Stephanie Fripps
    Ms. Rachael
    April 4, 2016
    On March 31, 2016 all across America people believe that Bernie Sanders is the 2016's Barack Obama. The energy Sanders surrounds himself with and core groups supporting him are many of the same ones that Obama used to pull through with his surprise win eight years ago. But, Bernie has actually come further from behind than Obama. The people might mean that Sanders is like Obama in the sense that he will get that win against Hillary Clinton. Bernie, like Obama, has had big events with big crowds and acted smartly about how he tend to raise money and how he intend to spread the word. He has consistently gains massive support from younger voters and has done better with more Democratic voters. Bernie support from black people is bad. He also has done better than Clinton in caucuses.
    Maraniss, David, and Robert Samuels. "Let’s Dispel with the Notion That Bernie Sanders Is 2016’s Barack Obama." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 31 Mar. 2016. Web. 04 Apr. 2016

  26. Friday march 11,2016
    This talk about ben carson was trying to support donald trump. And the reason why he was trying to support him because they was saying that someone had burned the hatchet. By carson saying this it's helping trump gain more power and helping him when. Trump is just a businessman he is not even in with the law. Carson camepain is a week away from how he helped trump. I think that he shouldn't of help him because he is now in a whole that he can't get out of. Carson is now thinking about what he did he did and now he wishing that he would have done that.

  27. This article is about the struggles of Donald Trump having what he had said backfire into the press and many people offended. And throughout the campaign, his numbers continues to get worst every time. This event occurred on Tuesday when his manager; Corey Candlewick was charged with battery with a female news reporter. During his journey of apologies to many citizens, most of his supporters results were not doing so hot than usual. If anything goes wrong, Trump has no back up and responsibility but himself, and has the only power to do right.

  28. source:

    Authors: Stephen Collinson CNN

  29. Mar 16, 2016
    This article is about Marco Rubio and where he stood after he dropped out. Marco Rubio is a republican who voted for the 2016 presidential seat. He dropped out soon after Donald Trump completely crushed him in votes in his home town. Many people believed in Rubio’s ideals and thought of him as a great republican. But unfortunately he didn’t live up to the high expectations everyone had for him. Later after Rubio dropped out he released a concession speech that told about his intentions. Donald Trump made matters worse by pretty much kicking Rubio when he was down. Overall I do think it’s a shame that Rubio dropped out the race he had so much potential to be a great republican leader.

