Monday, April 4, 2016

4th period, Monday 4/4 Topic: Presidential Candidates

In complete sentences and in your own words, answer the following questions on my blog:


1. Complete current event relating to a presidential candidate. Suggestion: Choose a news source (,, and type in the search bar the name of a candidate you'd like to read about: Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Marco Rubio(dropped out), Hillary Clinton, or Bernie Sanders.
New format:
You must write this in a paragraph with a minimum of 8 sentences. You should focus the bulk of your paragraph summarizing what the article is about in your own words. Use these questions to help guide you:
Who is the article about? Where did the event happen? When did the event happen? What is the article about? What is your opinion of this article?

Provide a proper MLA citation of the article.  
Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)
Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 9 Feb 2014. (9 Feb 2014)


  1. Throughout the entire election, Donald Trump has had issues with Megyn Kelly. He has attacked her numerous times since the first Republican debate. After everything, Megyn seems to not be taking it so hard. She says that Donald Trump is definitely welcomed back to her show. Megyn actually says that she enjoys the attention she is receiving from the tabloids. Donald Trump is the reason for that. Despite the death threats she has received from the Trump's supporters, she is not upset. She says Trump cannot control what she says therefore he shouldn't have to apologize for what he feels.

    Rosenhaum, Sophia. "Megyan Kelly would 'absolutely' have Trump back on her show." New York Post. April 3, 2016. 4,2016)


  2. Hains, Tim. “Attempted Attack On Donald Trump Was Worse Than It Looked.” March 12, 2016.! (April 4, 2016)

    This article is about outspoken Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump. A man at one of his rallies tried to attack Trump by jumping over a barrier holding the crowd back and lunging at him. This rally took place in Dayton, Ohio. This rally and attempted attack took place on March 12th, 2016. The article goes more in depth into the attack showing us a more close up view of the attempted assault. I think that Trump knew it was coming. I would feel indifferent if the attack was completed. I don’t agree with Trump’s goals to be president or his pursuit of achieving any kind of power over me in any way. I want him to lose the race for presidency.

  3. Burris, Sarah K. "Bernie Sanders Supporters Hold Massive #OccupyCNN Protest over Lack of Coverage." Raw Story. 04 Apr. 2016. Https://, (3 Apr. 2016. Web.

    In this article protesters in hollywood voice their opinion towards the CNN Corporation. This problems stems from the corporations constant coverage over the president candidate Donald Trump and not of the over candidates. With these factors in place the people in the county and all aright decided to come together and express how they feel. One other candidate in particular that the people felt need more coverage was bernie sanders.The people felt there is a great disparity between candidates within the corporation's coverage of the two. The many have stated that the Network in not focusing on the real topic to the campaigns and the real issues, but doing the exact opposite. The people feel the the network is only appealing to trump because of his outrageous antics. The event had reached a tipping point on saturday, april 2nd.

  4. Carroll, Lauren. "Bernie Sanders Says Wall Street Tax Would Pay for His Free Tuition Plan." @politifact. N.p., 4 Apr. 2016. Web. 04 Apr. 2016.

    This article is about Bernie Sanders telling a CNN interviewer about his plan to get Wall Street to pay for the middle class to have free college tuition. He was interviewed on March 30, 2016 at a CNN studio. Erin Burnett asked him how he felt about people criticizing his idea to magically get wall street to pay for everyone's tuition. His answer was that when Wall street destroyed the economy, the middle class were the ones left to clean up their mess. He states that it is their time to repay us for their debts. I personally think that he makes quite a lot of sense. Although we cannot strictly go off of debts that need to be repaid. I dont think they will see eye to eye on this situation. His idea is very creative, but not at all realistic.

  5. Iyanna Williams

    There candidates voice their opinions about abortion. But it appears that many of them don't truly understand how abortion laws fit with the actions. Donald Trump says he agrees that abortion is murder but doesn't openly say if women should be punished. How can it be considered murder without punishment? Hilary Clinton understands this and says that there needs to be a distinction on whether a fetus is a constitutionally recognized person. I think this is important. Abortion is a serious topic. And there aren't a lot of clear cut facts in the media on it. Personally i believe it should be decided by each person.

    Christopher, Tommy. "Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders Make an Abortion Sandwich." Mediaite Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders Make an Abortion Sandwich Comments. N.p., 4 Apr. 2016. Web. 04 Apr. 2016.

  6. This article is about Bernie sanders who has raised a lot of money in the month of March for his campaign. This happened all around the united states. He has raised 44 million dollars and there were a lot of numbers being raised in the voting contest in the states of Ohio, Hawaii, Washington and Alaska. Hillary is the leading candidate in the run for president for the democratic party, but it seems as though Bernie is raising more money than she is. In this article Bernie says “Working people standing together are going to propel this campaign to the Democratic nomination and then the White House,”. He is saying that people are going to continue to support him and the democratic party all the way to the white house. Bernie rely on grassroot supporters so they can make small contributions. He has repeatedly out raised Ms.Clinton and is continuing to do so. It has been said that 2 million supporters has made about 6 million contributions maybe even more. I feel as though that Bernie is doing a great job and I don’t understand why he isn’t leading the competition and Hilary is. He should continue to keep up the good work.

    Confessore, Nicholas. "Bernie Sanders Hauls In $44 Million in March Fund-Raising." The New York Times. The New York Times, 01 Apr. 2016. Web. 04 Apr. 2016.

  7. This article is about Democrats, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. This event happened last Saturday in Wisconsin. This article is about Hillary wanting people to know that she has been a democrat almost her whole life, while Bernie has not. Hillary grew up in a republican home and was briefly one in college in 1965. She says Sanders on the other hand has never been a member of the democratic party. Sanders says he has sided with the democratic party since coming to Washington as a congressman in 1991. He was once a member of Liberty union party in 1971. He also ran as an independent at one point. Hillary also points out that there’s a point in time when Sanders states he would never become a democrat. I personally feel like it doesn’t really matter what he was in the past, it’s all about the present and future.

    Merica, Dan. "In Wisconsin, Clinton Says Sanders Is a Democrat-come-lately." CNN. Cable News Network, 3 Apr. 2016. Web. 04 Apr. 2016.

    -Maryam Abdulmatin


  8. Desmond Collins Jr.

    Ms. Rachael


    Current Event

    This current event is called “Donald Trump Rally Attack.” The article is based on former candidate Donald Trump about to face a random civilian trying to attack him. The reasons why are not listed from the culprit. Trump was surrounded and protected by multiple secret service agents so he was not assaulted. This event took place in Ohio state on March 12, 2016. I think that there was no exact guarantee of what the male would have done if he got to Trump but there could have been a reason that can be explained more. The name of the culprit was Thomas Dimassimo. There is no yet exact evidence that Trump knew who he was or if they had some type of history in the past with each other. I think that Trump did nothing wrong in that case, but he could also take whatever that was as a sign to rather stop doing what he is doing or to keep moving forward as a sign of staying strong.

    Work cited
    "Redirect Notice." Redirect Notice. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2016.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. This article is about how Donald Trump does not plan on relying on his experts as common as everyone else does. He claims that the experts are wrong, even though he says that he do have some experts apart of his campaign. Donald Trump thinks that the experts are very horrible at their job. Politicians and other candidates believe that Trump's foreign policy is garbage. Everyone thinks that Trump needs to gain some more knowledge on foreign policy. I think that Trump honestly needs to drop out of the race. I say this because i feel like he his running for president for all of the wrong reasons. As well as his intentions being for bad reasons also.

    Gass, Nick."Trump:The experts are terrible."Politico.4/4/16. (4/4/16)

  11. Younger democratic woman voters are voting for Bernie Sanders to be the next president. Older woman voters that are democratic are voting for Hillary Clinton. It is said that you should vote for the next president who is the same sex as you are. The problem is that Hillary over estimated the fact that people do not live up to that stereotype. People vote for the person they can relate to and who they know has the best interest of the United States of America in there concern. It is not that Woman and men do not believe in sexism it is just the fact that just because you are a women I'm not going to vote for you. You say that you want to bring slavery back for example but since your a women I should vote for you. Bernie Sanders on the other hand is saying that he not going to try and bring slavery back but he is going to try and make colleges free to attend. Who you want as your next President. Honestly it depends on you. Do you want that slavery that killed so many to come back or no? women voters do not vote based off gender but based off of the issues that they are going to focus on.

    Filipovic,Jill. "Why Sexism at the Office Makes Women Love Hillary Clinton." New York Times. 20 Feb 2016. Web.(4 Apr 2016)

  12. This article is titled “Wisconsin on tap: Clinton and Sander brawl and Trump flip-flops on abortion- again”. There are four presidential candidates involved and they are Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, and Donald Trump. The article begins by telling the reader how Wisconsin is an important state for the all the candidates to win. People are not impressed with Donald Trump has neglected to take positions on important topics. Then there is another problem between democrats Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton where she accused Sanders of lying about where she gets her campaign money from. Although Sanders refuses to apologize. This is relevant because Americans should be keeping up on the campaign. I personally do not believe a word out of Trump or Clinton’s mouth, they do way too much going back and forth on positions, Trump is all out disrespectful, and neither on of them is trustworthy in my opinion. It’s Offical Bernie Sanders has my vote. I choose this article because it seemed interesting.

    Bradner, Eric. “Wisconsin on tap: Clinton and Sanders brawl and Trump flip-flops on abortion - again.” CNN. Monday April 4, 2016. (Monday April 4, 2016)

  13. "Would the World Hire Donald Trump?" CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2016.

    This document is about Donald Trump and if we would want him as president. There are many people that wouldn’t want him as president. But there are others that think that some of the stuff and ideals are good. Him talking about getting rid of the Muslims of America because of terrorist attacks. People do not like him talking about Muslims as if all of them are the problem when they aren’t and that they have earn their rightful places as a citizen. Others think that him being so hard on terrorist is a good thing and finally end it. Some think that because he is a businessman he can help America gain money. As you see it is a half and half on go for Trump or give Trump the hump. There are other people around the world that knows anything that is going on, others think that America will have more problems than before with Trump as president. People say that their view on America will change while others would feel bad but still will think highly of America. A Japanese woman thinks that if Trump wins he will places or push some radical things their way that they won't be able to deal with or handle. So the big question is America willing to take the risk and find out if these people are right or wrong.

  14. This article is about Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. This article takes place in the United States. The article was written and published yesterday, on April 3, 2016. Since Donald Trump lost to Ted Cruz with the state of Iowa, he wanted a rematch when trying to win Wisconsin. Trump felt some type of way when losing to Cruz, so he wanted to get back at him. In order to win, Trump does things to try to win voters such as staying in their city, chatting with them and eating with them. I think that Trump is a fake and just does these type of things to win votes. He really does not care what people think, he just wants to win. I also think that Trump was mad for losing to Cruz so he had to do something “bigger and better” to get back at him.

    Flegenheimer, Matt, and Ashley Parker. "Donald Trump and Ted Cruz Shift Into High Gear as Wisconsin Primary Looms." The New York Times. The New York Times, 03 Apr. 2016. 04 Apr. 2016.

  15. This article is about how Bernie Sanders wants wall street tax money to play for his free tuition plan. He says that wall street mess up the economy and its time for them to pay their dues. This even happen in new york when a reporter ask Bernie a question. This even took place in March 31 2016.I think is should be a good idea because then maybe more people will attend college with out stressing to get money to pay dues. I also would like this because it will make more people goals to come true.

    C, L. "Bernie Sanders Says Wall Street Tax Would Pay for His Free Tuition Plan." Http:// N.p., 30 Mar. 2016. Web. 4 Apr. 2016.

  16. This article mainly talks about Donald Trump and his perception on "The Experts". Citizens are not believing and relying on the concepts of the experts. People are questioning this because the information that they are receiving sounds good but they can not actually back it up. They do not know who these "experts" are so they could be making the economy better or worse depending on who is over viewing it. I agree with these people because of the fact that you can not believe everything you hear.If you think about it you do not know a person how can you trust them? If he can not back up little questions about whats going on and where he is getting his information from then he should not be president. He wont just be in charge of a group of people he is going to be in control of a entire country so their will be tons of questions. He needs to be prepared to answer them.

    Gass, Nick. "Trump: 'The Experts Are Terrible'" POLITICO. N.p., 04 Apr. 2016. 04 Apr. 2016.

  17. Lidia Abebe

    This article is about Hillary Clinton uttering that the FBI has yet to ask or interview about her email server. This event happened at the NBC's "Meet the Press". This happened on Sunday April 4th, 2016. In the article it states that the FBI still hasn't checked for evidence in her email servers for sending out "Top Secret" information,and when she does she'll gladly agree on being questioned. To be more specific on the topic, in early 2015 it was believed hillary was doing something she wasn't suppose to on her blackberry phone. Others were very suspicious including other candidates and thought "Unfairness" was happening. In my opinion I believe not only Hillary should get checked out but also others that are running for president. Hillary isn't the only one with a private account.

    Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times, n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2016. .


  18. Troy Drayton


    Ms. Rachael


    Current Event

    This passage is basically about Donald Trump winning the poll by saying negative things and the people believe. That this behavior that Trump brings to the campaign is wonder to control the world. Also, some things he say it is a prime example of breaking the law. I feel that he really thinking about the people he want to do better and not thinking about the whole United States. So, this shows to me that he is not ready for being the president by bringing the negative attitude and non equal man inside the office. To turn the U.S to another place we never thought was coming. My opinion is for the people in the United States to come together and really think do we really need this kind of man inside the office to mess up the United States and what we have become “Brotherly Love”. So, now I ask the society do you all really want a man in office were the things he said really happen and hurt other people's lives.

    Work Cite: Donald Trump tells it like it isn’t
    April 4, 2016 Daily News

  19. Gass, Nick. "Trump: I'll Win Wisconsin like I won South Carolina." April 2016)
    This article involves one of the most well known presidential candidates of the year, Donald Trump. This event took place in Wisconsin. This event occurred last Tuesday, during a primary campaign. This article mentions the statements said at the Donald Trump campaign meet, in Wisconsin. At this event Donald Trump mentions how people (the Governor of Wisconsin ) created ads against Trump, that were negative. He says he doesn't know these people and these people don't know him. In conclusion, he is disgusted by the negative ads that have been played widespread on everyone's TV. My opinion overall is that Donald Trump deserves to have ads against him expressing how people shouldn't vote for him. I feel like he has cruel intentions for becoming president, and I think the world deserves to hear about what he has said before and his negative actions he has done.

  20. This article is about Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. This happened on Sunday. Bernie accused Hillary of taking money from energy lobbyists and Bernie criticized her for it. Hillary claims it is not true and that Bernie has committed these actions. She thinks Bernie is desperate for attention and believes that is the reason for his accusations. If either of these people are taking money that is not theirs then they are not loyal at all. They are both running for president and a true, loyal president would not do anything like this. America needs someone that is loyal in charge. America does not need a thief.

    Bradner, Eric. "Sanders Attack on Clinton over Oil and Gas Money: 'Let the Voters Decide'" CNN. Cable News Network, 4 Apr. 2016. 04 Apr. 2016.

  21. Kasich should exclude himself from the presidential race. Why would Trump recommend Mr Kasich out of the race. Can Mr trump handle competition well as the old folks might say the kitchen in the heat? Well Trump said if he can't get enough of delegates to win the race then he need to take a trip back home. Trump said John is hurting him a lot because his voting percentage isn't going up. So if John drop out now Trump percentage will go up dramatically in the nomination. But Kasich was so determined while he was getting interview that he deserve getting his voters. Also John states that he love taking Trump voters and he need to drop out. As long as I’m in the number Trump won't stand a chance against me. I think John have so much potential to beat a cold hearted guy like Trump. I just want to motivate john to keep pushing don't stop . The sky's is the limit it's going to get hard because Trump is very smart . But keep taking his voters the Democratic need that from you John . Make the right decision and conquer over Trump so you can make America a better place.

    Murray, Sara. "Trump: Kasich Shouldn't Be Allowed to Run." Trump: Kasich Shouldn't Be Allowed to Run. N.p., 4 Apr. 2016. Web. 4 Apr. 2016.

  22. This article is about Donald Trump who is trying to say that John kasich should be dropped out of the race. Trump talks about he doesn't need to run because he is still running after loses. Also Trump doesn't want kasich to take “his voters” as he says because he is and he won't take cruz’s voters. He’s basically saying that kasich is losing and is still running after every lost. But kasich argues against that. Saying that he will take trumps voters because he knows what his voters want. Voters feel like they won’t be able to be rich and the majority of donald's voters are upper class rich folk. Kasich wants to let those people who are not in the upper class feel less stressed about paying a high price for anything.
    Cnn news "Trump: Kasich Shouldn't Be Allowed to Run." CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. 04 Apr. 2016.

  23. This article is about Donald Trump winning the GOP which would make him the most hated candidate in recent elections. In the GOP race Donald Trump has 67 percent unfavorability votes. Donald Trump would be the most disliked candidate in 32 years since polls existed on most least favored candidate. Nearly half of the Republican and independent voters view him as unfavorably. Trump is viewed as unfavorable by 75 percent of women across America. Some think this is influenced from Trump's diss to Ted Cruz's wife and him stating he would punish women who get an abortion.He polled the worst among Hispanics receiving an 85 percent in votes.Ever since data started being collected on unfavorable candidates no other candidate has ever been close to Donald Trump.

    Bult, Laura. "Donald Trump Would Be Most Unfavorable Nominee in Modern Era." NY Daily News.,31 Mar. 2016. (04 Apr. 2016)

  24. Kenya Cratic-Smith

    In this article about How Ted Cruz could actually beat Donald Trump we can see that in the first paragraph they're not sure if Donald Trump can lead the state even with all his loyal voters. So in Cleveland people being selected to vote and they were pick from a state party. Though some of them are have to be Trump voters. They are allowed to change their vote if and only if they need to do a second ballot. Trump needs to get 1,237 delegated votes or it’s all or nothing. Ted and John are trying to deny Trump of that number so they are staying in the race. Ted Cruz has loyal people on his side so that’s kind of why he really kind of wanted to stay. He also wants to be Trump. Even though some don’t really like Cruz it is easy to say that he is wise throughout this compagine.

    Legum, Gray. "How Ted Cruz Could Actually Still Beat Donald Trump." Saloncom RSS. N.p., 4 Apr. 2016. . 04 Apr. 2016.


  25. This article is about former presidential candidate Marco Rubio, and why he decided to opt out of the presidential race. Marco Rubio gave a speech in Miami, on March 15, 2016 stating that, “it is not God’s plan for him (Rubio) to be president”. As a former republican candidate he had to put his knowledge against the billionaire Donald Trump who has seemed to victorious thus far. Rubio comes from a hard working family that has paved the way for him by instilling hard work, responsibility and care for others into him. Rubio wanted to build “a new American century” wanting to gain the attention of the youth and advocate for them in the future. Rubio faced challenges against Trump, Bush and many more during this race. His last hope was gaining the trust and love from his hometown, Florida. Florida gave their trust to Donald Trump and Rubio decided to drop out of the race.

    "Marco Rubio Drops out of Presidential Campaign after Florida Loss." CNN. Cable News Network. Web. 04 Apr. 2016.

  26. This Article about Ted Cruz and Donald Trump. This happened in the USA. This happened Last Thrusday. The Article is about Ted Cruz inviting Donald Trump to a one on one in a debate. But Donald Trump cancel and skipped the Debate. The reason why he didn't come because he don't believe he would be treated fairly by Megyn Kelly and the other Fox news moderators. Ted cruz think Donald scared to defend his recored and then trump responded saying even though I beat him the first six times and last week too. we can do it in Canada. My opinion is that trump scared to do it in the usa Because he would lose that's what I think.

    Kopan, Tal. "Ted Cruz one on one With Donald Trump". cnn. April 4, 2016. 4,2016)

  27. This article is about how Donald trump campaign is going to survive against all the negative action coming at him to end his campaign. This event is happening all over America because it's very effective. This event is currently happening and still happening to this day. The article is about a man named Donald Trump who is running for president and is disliked by the most of the fan base , and they don't agree with him. My opinion of this article is I think that he is great but not ready for president.

    Bradner, Eric. "Donald Trump's 3 Positions on Abortion in 3 Hours." CNN. Cable News Network, 2015. Web. 04 Apr. 2016


  28. This article is about Trump and Sanders: How party elites fueled them. This article talks about both parties,how Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders have Come from behind the insurgent campaigns -- Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. Not only raising concerns about the candidates but they are making fun of these voters who are supporting these campaigns. Among Democrats, the party leadership said that Bernie Sanders voters are unrealistic in what they want and that the voters don't understand how politics works. A reporter had interviewed former Congressman Barney Frank and asked him is it true that you believe that Bernie Sanders voters "have a slightly unrealistic sense about the political process," Frank responded "I didn't say slightly." I feel offended by this because I support Bernie Sanders. Barney Frank is disrespecting all of us saying we don't understand anything and that we have unrealistic sense about the political process, we know what we want and how we want it . I Think they are just hating on Bernie Sanders and his voters because he his winning.

    Zelizer, Julian. "Trump and Sanders: How Party Elites Fueled Them." CNN. Cable News Network, 4 Apr. 2016. Web. 04 Apr. 2016.

  29. This article that I have chosen is about Hillary clinton and Bernie Sanders debating on which day to have a debate. First Hillary chose a date for the debate on April 14th in Brooklyn, where she spoke out on a sunday in a church and also it contains both of their campaign headquarters. But Bernie Sanders claimed that he could not attend it because he had something else planned for that day in New York. One of Hillary's spokesman said that this wasn't the first time that Bernie Sanders has declined one of Hillary's proposed dates. For example, one of dates that Bernie Sanders declined was because of the N.C.A.A. men’s basketball finals was held on that day. My opinion on this is the same as the author’s opinion in this article, that this Democratic race is getting competitive. Lots of people are talking about the democratic and republican race to see who represents each campaign, even my friends in my saturday classes who I never thought would be interested in stuff talk about it. But many also want to see a debate between Bernie and Hillary before primaries.

    Chozick, Amy. "Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders Continue Back-and-Forth Over Debate Date." The New York Times. The New York Times, 03 Apr. 2016. Web. 04 Apr. 2016.

  30. In the article I chose it talked about how fractivist are coming to bernie sanders and hillary clinton's speeches and interrupting them.Fracking is when workers drill into the ground to release chemical gas from rocks.These people come to the campaign speeches and interrupt them trying to bring attention to global warming.Every since this problem has come up clinton has begin trying to stop all drilling for natural gas on and off shore.Bernie is on the side of the the fractivist he wants to stop global warming.Obama is also trying to stop global warming with his clean power plan that will cut the use of greenhouse effects by 2030.I support Obama's clean power plan I say this because all the pollution is starting to really take affect on the world.I also support this plan because this can protect the planet for future generations.

    Gabriel, Trip, and Coral Davenport. "‘Fractivists’ Increase Pressure on Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders in New York." The New York Times. The New York Times, 04 Apr. 2016. Web. 04 Apr. 2016. .

  31. In April of 2011, Obama made a speech at the Washington Hitlon dinner, pertaining Donald Trump, who was also there, stating that he did not like how Trump spread false information and what he stands for. That day many were trying to get a glimpse of Trumph's reaction. He was livid. After wards, Trump left feeling what seemed like, steaming. Trump has a need of respect, but barely any was given at a Republic Party some time around March 12th, 2026, when Trump was there bragging about his money and other luxuries. Trump basically forced the "company" he keeps by cutting people's checks, bashing them on the media, and forcing friendships by will. Many of the Republican's felt they could keep on the act long enough to get him to shut up and go away, but Trump continues to persue with candidacy like nothig negative actually happens. The article helped me understand the relationship between president Obama and how people of Trump's own part feel about him. I think that Trump sets his own self up for failure and no one really likes him, which means he should either give up or make a better path for himself.Alexander Burns, Maggie Haberman. "The New York Times." Donald Trump's Presidential Run Began in an Effort to Gain Stature. The New York Times, 12 Mar. 2016. Web. 07 Apr. 2016.

  32. Student name: Isata barrie

    1. Web address of the article:

    2. Article Title:how much should a university have to reveal about a sexual assault case?

    3. Article date (usually at the top of the article below title or picture):January 21, 2016

    4. Author of the article (sometimes says Associated Press- ok to use this for author):By Jon Krakauer

    5. Who was involved? (Identify the people, groups, or organizations) the people that was involved was the department of education, Frank LoMonte who is the director of the stunt press law center, universities and a football player

    6. What happened? (Include sequence of events in at least 5 complete sentences) A while ago universities got serious about campus rape.They sent a letter to all universities in regard of it and hope that they all follow the rules. They had a policy for all universities

    7. What is the author’s purpose for writing this article? (P.I.E.- persuade, inform, or entertain);the author's purpose for this article is to keep the college student save and out of trouble, rape is a very serious matter and the college students can mess up their record because of a rape case. The authors purpose was to also inform the world about what's going on.

    8. Provide a quote from the article that best demonstrates the author’s purpose:”Five years ago, the United States Department of Education got serious about addressing campus rape.’’

    9. Reaction/Opinion (describe YOUR feelings or attitude toward article, event, or people involved, and what could be done about this event): My feeling towards this is shocking and sad because colleges are suppose to be a safe and enjoying place to be, but if players are raping students that is bad and not a good thing. If they find out or if they make a report on it you can go to jail and mess up your whole college career.

    Author: Jon Krakauer.How Much Should a University Have to Reveal About a Sexual-A[…]. .The New York Times.January 21, 2016. 17, 2017)
