Sunday, October 4, 2015

1st period, October 5 to October 9

Due by 3:30 pm on10/9

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs
(10 sentences)
Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Dashauna Lovett
    Article:Biden renews call for gun control and equal rights for gay and lesbians
    Article date:October 3,2015
    Who: Joe Biden
    When: Over the weekend
    Where: Oregan
    What happened:Joe Biden talks about not being able to have guns.He also talks about gays and lesbians not being treated equally.Joe Biden wants to get rid of guns because lives are being lost to gun violence.He talks about equality for lesbians and gays because they are not getting treated the same as people who like opposite sexes.
    Why:This is important because same-sex and same-sex marriage is becoming a big issue because same-sex marriage just became legal.Gun violence is also important because the crime rate is continuing to get higher.
    Reaction:My reaction to this is this gun violence should've been controlled by the government as they see their citizens are not safe.
    Opinion:My opinion on this is gun violence and same-sex marriage should've been talked about.But it seem like the government is talking about it but not doing anything about these big topics.
    Connection:My connection to this is I have a friend that was killed just last night due to gun violence.Also I have aunts and cousins who like the same sex as theirselves so they do need equality.


  2. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title:Our thoughts and prayer and not enough

    Article Date:October 2 , 2015


    Where: happen in oregon, president obama was speaking from washington

    When:last week

    What happened: Obama wants to prevent gun violence. He doesn't like what happen during the massive shooting at oregon college. He believe it can be stopped. All we have to do is change our laws and to do that everyone needs to help. He believe a great solution would be assault weapons ban, and improve mental health programs. He believe it can't be that easy to hold a gun and kill someone it have to be a reason.

    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because guns is very dangerous and is harming the wrong people. It need to be a stop to it.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I totally agree with president obama guns need to be ban. Everyone shouldn't have a gun.

    Opinion (I think..) I think it should really be a law so that it can be more safe. If we keep having guns more people are dying

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because its important and it's something the world need to work on.

  3. Source:

    Article Title: Why Women’s Presence in Politics Has Stagnated

    Article Date: September 14, 2015

    Who: Woman who work in politics.

    Where: The United States

    When: Over a hundred years.

    What happened: Women who are in politics tend to not go as far as men and can’t keep up with their numbers. Reasons why women are less likely to be elected is because most women are democrats. Republicans have made a tremendous gain in the legislative system. Democrats are looking for more people to boost their numbers, but their just isn’t enough woman. For women to try and get further they take training camps so they can progress. Politicians don’t see the capability that woman have. They say they would make great recruits and salesmen. The political environment are less interested in women.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because people women need to be looked at just as much as men. These series of events are very important and should looked at by every politician.

    Reaction: I feel woman's potential is being downgraded and that this is sexism. I feel kind of disappointed that they’re aren't more women in politics.

    Opinion: I think people should give women a chance to display their knowledge in politics and that more women should run for president even though the stakes are low.

    Connection: I choose this article because I feel like this topic is very important and that more people should notice this.

  4. Source: (
    Article Title: Oregon College shooting shakes Washington.
    Article Date: 10/1/15
    Who: President Obama
    Where: Washington
    When: 10/1/15
    What happened: President Obama is speaking out on the college shooting and gun control.
    The shooting occurred at Oregon College. 10 people were killed and 7 were injured. The shooter was shot dead after opening fire with cops.
    Why this event is relevant: This is event is relevant because innocent students were killed on their college campus. Also we are one of the most civil countries with we have mass murders like this.
    Reaction: I can’t say I’m shocked at this because something like this happens every year. I just wish there was a way that these mass shootings would end.
    Opinion: In my opinion you should be the safest at school.
    You should never have to worry about going to school and getting hurt.
    Like school should be the securest place other than your home.
    You are going there to better yourself not get hurt.
    Connection: I choose this article because gun violence needs to be stopped.

  5. By: Ahmya Hope
    Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: CIA pulls staff from China after US government hack
    Article Date:October 1,2015: International
    Who: CIA/U.S government, Federal Employees, James Clapper, Hackers
    Where: China, Beijing ,Washington D.C.
    When: 7 days ago.
    What happened: In April over 20 million Federal employees information was hacked into. To attack the US Office of Personnel Management (OPM). Security companies have stated the attack was caused by Chinese hackers. As a result of the attack all federal employees whose data was stolen have been removed. Records about background checks on state employees were copied, but information about the CIA staff was not. The CIA says the Chinese could be comparing background checks from a list of intelligence workers to find out the identity of current agents or government workers . The US director of national intelligence, James Clapper said during a hearing at the Senate Armed Services Committee. “the breach had "potentially very serious implications for the intelligence community by identifying its agents in other countries”. He also stated the United States have taken part in the same cyber attacks, that China is currently doing now.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant, because if Other countries like China has the same technology and software as the United states, we all are on the same level. The U.S is known for always being one step ahead of the competition. When China hacked into government servers it only proves the United Stated underestimated other countries. If China could hack into the systems now, they probably could get into the government systems before.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My feeling toward the China Hack is I feel unsafe. We always talk about the U.S like there the top in technology, and have hard to crack codes for computer systems. This situation makes you think are other countries capable to hack, or even make a surprise attack on the United States?
    Opinion (I think..) I think the United States should not be so conceited about their government security. China probably has been planning the hacking attack for several months, or even years. The U.S should have caught on sooner. Since the U.S even hacked countries before,they would know all the details about it. The government should be more cautious in the future.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this article, because it shows that the government is not as safe as what people may think. If hackers can hack into government systems. That means they can also take over airplanes, know missile coordinates, where U.S soldiers are stationed, or even control airplanes. If computer hackers can do all this it won’t be hard to reach the citizens, of the country. You should think about the question. Is your government really protecting you?

  6. Source:
    Article Title: Walter Scott family reaches $6.5M settlement with city
    Article Date: October 9, 2015
    Who: Walter Scott, The Scott Family, police officer and S.C. city council
    Where: North Charleston, S.C.
    When: Yesterday night, October 8, 2015
    What happened: Walter Scott was shot and killed by Michael Slager who is a white police officer. A bystander recorded the shooting. Soon after the shooting occurred, the video surfaced the internet causing it to get attention all over the nation about police brutality. In the end, the city of North Charleston and the family of Walter came to a settlement to pay the family 6.5 million dollars.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because police brutaily is happening everywhere. Police just take their authority to another level and feel as though they can kill any and everybody because they have that right.
    Reaction: The reaction of the family, other citizens throughout the nation and myself, I thinkn was sad. The family was hurt more than anything.
    Opinion: I think police officers do need cameras on their clothing. They can't just keep going around and shooting and killing people. Also, all police officers that have committed police brutality against citizens should suffer and pay the consequences for what they have done. I think all families that have gone through this should get what they deserve from the city/government too.
    Connection: I chose this article because it amazes me how police officers don't see that what they are doing is wrong and unjust! Also, because stuff like this is going on throughout the world and the government needs to hear and listen to what its citiznes have to say.

  7. Source:

    Article Title: Jeb Bush’s Remarks About Blacks Echo a Firestorm He Faced as Governor

    Article Date: Oct 2,2015

    Who:Jeb Bush

    Where:Florida , U.S


    What happened: When Jeb Bush was governor back in 1999 he made comments about blacks. After his comments black people were offended by him.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because he is now running for president and he now needs blacks to vote for him. Also because people already think his brother doesn’t like black people.

    Reaction: I am upset because I am apart of the black community. Another reason is because when he looked at the picture of the black kids he said “ I am not with you.”

    Opinion: I think he won’t win the election because of his past. Also because of his brothers’ reputation.

    Connection : I choose this article because it's gone to be important to the presidential election. I also chose this because I article because I am apart of the black community

  8. Source:
    Article Title: Thabo Sefolosha found not guilty
    Article Date: This article was published October 9th 12:42 pm.
    Who: The people who were involved in this is Thabo Sefolosha, the police, Pero Antic, and Chris Copeland.
    Where: This event occurred in a New York night club.
    When: This happened last April.
    What happened:An altercation broke out at the night club. Chris Copeland was stabbed twice in the incident. Thabo and Pero was arrested near the scene of the accident for disorderly conduct and obstructing government administration. While arresting Thabo, the police fractured his fibula and damaged ligaments.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it shows the unnecessary force the police is using. He did not resist arrest and did not show any threat to the police life. That shows that the police did not have to be that excessive.
    Reaction: I was outraged because police brutality is a growing issue in our society and situations like this keep showing up.
    Opinion: I think the police should be disciplined to warn officers of the effect of police brutality/excessive force.
    Connection: I chose this article because I think the violence form the people who are supposed protecting us has gone long enough without being addressed.

  9. Source:
    Article Title: U.S aircraft diverted to avoid Russian fighter in Syria
    Article Date: Oct 8, 2015
    Who: Washington
    Where: Syria
    When: Yesterday
    What happened: Overtime things have changed in Syria and now Russia is waging air, land, and sea strikes in Syria. At this point we are trying to keep a safe distance from Russia so things won't get worse. And, as sources are saying now is that the U.S will not cooperate with Russia in Syria. So now U.S pilots are ordered to change flight paths if there is a Russian plane within 20 nautical miles to ensure safety.
    Why this event is relevant: It is relevant because Russia is taking a bigger lead on us and might not come out with a good outcome.
    Reaction: At this point I feel as though Russia has just betrayed us and it upsets me that they could do this to us when they know our intentions.
    Opinion: I think that President Obama really needs to do something about this right now because this needs to end.
    Connection: I chose this article because Russia might play a trick on us then the next thing we know they surprise attack us.

  10. Source:
    Article Title: Northern Arizona University shooting followed confrontation
    Article Date: October 9 , 2015
    Who: Students from Northern Arizona University
    Where: This event occur in Arizona.
    When: This event occur October 2015.
    What happened: A confrontation between students, a freshman pulled a gun out and shot four males but only killing one by being shot multiple times. The ones that were involved were part of an organization of the Delta Chi fraternity but the suspect is not part of that organization.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because, the students are shaken up by this tragic event and shouldn't have to be scared to go to school. When this event was going on there was a message sent out for warning of danger but the massage sent late. They were a little worried for those who was involved but they didn't know who exactly.
    Reaction: I feel it's scary that students are carrying around guns to camps , it make me worry about my love ones that are attending college. I feel deeply sorry for the love ones of the victims , and for the victims also. Because now the ones that survived have to go back to that school terrified from everyone.
    Opinion: I think the suspect should be put into jail for gun charges, man slaughter, and attempted murder. He should never come out of jail for that , when it was all over a little argument.
    Connection: I chose this article because I think everybody should know that young adults are being killed over little things that they can resolve.

  11. Source:
    Article title: Environmental Group sues U.S. Government over pipeline regulation
    Article date: Thursday October 8, 2015
    Who: The national wildlife federation, Federal Government
    Where: Nationwide
    When: 10/8/15
    What happened: The national wildlife federation has filed a lawsuit against the federal government due to the government failing to properly oversee oil pipelines in lakes and rivers. The wildlife federation proclaims that the government is violating thw Clean water act and the Oil Pollution Act. The federation goes on to say that the department of Transportation has no regulations in effect for reviewing or approving a plan to respond to an oil spill from a pipeline that runs over, through or under water. The federal government has 60 days to respond to the lawsuit but have yet to comply and proclaim they are viewing the lawsuit.
    Why is this relevant: This is relevant because is the government is late to respond or even prevent an oil spill in the great lakes then it can harshly effect the nations water supply and marine environments.
    Reaction: I feel as though the National Wildlife federation was right to issue a lawsuit on the Federal government because they are violating the Clean Water Act.
    Opinion: I think the government needs to abide by the law of preventing and cleaning an oil spill because it's also their responsibility to preserve the environment as well as the National Wildlife federation.
    Connection: I chose this article because the government hasn't been doing a good job at oil spill prevention and protection or oil spill relief so it seemed interesting.


  12. Source:
    Article Title: The name of this article is called Prison Inmates Put a Name to a Feared Guard Known as Captain America.
    Article Date: The article was published on October second two thousand fifteen.
    Who: The article includes prison guards, inmates, Clinton Correctional Facility, and chad Stickney(captain America)
    Where: The events took place in upstate New york at Clinton Correctional Facility.
    When: These events took place in june 2015.
    What happened:Prison inmates finally identified the prison guard captain america. It has been reported that inmates would be tortured for information on prison breaks by the prison guards. The types of torture include water boarding, punching, and other physical violence. Some inmates have reportedly ask for a transfer to another prison.
    Why this event is relevant: The event is relevant because it shows the abuse of power coming from the correctional facilities. Another example of those who are supposed stand to protect; who stand for their own self interest.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes):
    Opinion (I think..): I think there should be background checks on all the prison guards and the release of some of it's staff.
    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because it showed the abuse of power.

  13. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title:McCarthy says Ryan 'looking at' run for speaker as pressure mounts

    Article Date:October 9, 2015

    Who: Kevin McCarthy, and paul ryan

    Where: Washingtonian DC

    What happened: Leader Kevin McCarthy's astonishing decision to abandon his campaign for the post.Paul Ryan is considering the job
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because someone is trying to take part of something that can possible effect my life in some way
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) i don't have much of a reaction towards this because in my option what they do is not in my interest
    Opinion (I think..) I think that its great that he wants to run. But Kevin shouldn't back down
    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this articles because i don't know much about the house of representative so this was a good way tp gather some information.
