Sunday, November 1, 2015

2nd period, week of 11/2-11/6

Due by 3:30 pm on 11/6

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs

(10 sentences)

Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.



Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Poll: Hillary Clinton Hits 50 percent support

    This article was published on Friday, October the 30th of 2015. The people involved were Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. It took place in San Antonio, Texas. The day this took place was October 15th of 2015. This article talked about how Hillary Clinton has taken the lead in the polls on the Democratic side. Bernie Sanders is right behind her and he refused to give up. This is relevant because it allows us to know who is one step closer to becoming the next president and why. Also who needs to catch up and how they plan on doing so. When I read this article I was glad that Bernie Sanders refused to give up even though Hillary's winning. He's proving his dedication. Hopefully that'll help him in elections. I think that Hillary is very hardworking and dedicated. She would make a good first female president. I chose this article because I wanted to know why Hillary was so high in the polls.

  2. Source: The source of this article is

    Article Title: The title of this article is Poll: Clinton, Carson tied in head-to-head race.

    Article Date: The date of this article is Tuesday, November 3, 2015.

    Who: This article included Ben Carson and Hillary Clinton.

    Where: This event took place in Washington.

    When: This event occurred over the last few days.

    What happened: In this article, polls showed that Ben Carson and Hillary Clinton are tied for running in the presidential election. They are also ahead of candidates such as Rubio, Bush, and Trump.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because both of these people are running for president and one of them could be elected in 2016.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): When I first saw this headline on CNN, I was kind of scared because they both have qualities about them that aren't very good such as budget issues and abortion decisions.

    Opinion (I think..) I think that the fact that both of these candidates are ahead of many other candidates shows that they have a good chance of winning against all of the other candidates.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because I wanted to express my feelings on it.

  3. Source:
    Article title: Takata fined $70 million for detective airbags as recalls nearly double
    This article was published on November 3, 2015 and is a national topic. This article involves automotive parts supplier Takata and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. As of Tuesday, November 3, 2015 all of Takata facilities will be hit with $70-million fine after admitting to an airbag defect that causes the inflators in the airbags to be defective and the propellant in the inflators can burn too hot and causes the bags to explode. So far exploding airbags are believed to have caused at least seven deaths and nearly 100 injuries in the U.S. In February Takata resisted recall, therefore NHTSA hit the company with fines of $14,000 a day for not cooperating with a federal safety investigation. A member from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration stated that it will take years to replace the defective airbags. Auto manufacturers and NHTSA will be working to identify the exact makes and models of the additional vehicles with defective airbags and begin notifying owners.
    This event is relevant because a company that sells cars is involved in major safety hazards that can result in the death of an individual.
    This article makes me feel like I can not trust the "manufacturing world" because Takata knew their airbags had a defect but still did not want to admit to it. I think Takata should not be allowed to sell anymore cars because they clearly do not care enough about their customers lives so they should not have the opportunity to make a product that is a major part in their customers lives. I chose this article because this is a recent topic and is hazardous to the public.

  4. Source: (website):

    Article Title: The title of this article is, Obama, Congress push effort to ease hiring of former felons.

    Article Date: This article was posted November 5th, 2015.

    Who: The people in involved in this article is former felons, Congress and President Obama.

    Where: Obama toured El Reno Federal Correctional Institution in El Reno, Oklahoma.

    When: This has been occurring over the last couple of months.

    What happened: This is about people who come out if jail but have to deal with the hardship of trying to get a job.

    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I feel like they do make it really complicated for former felons to get a job. i feel like if they're not getting life and they still have life to live then they need a job. Without them having a job they will turn to negative ways of making a living so they return back to jail, when it could've been prevented.

    Opinion (I think..): I think jobs need to be put in place specifically for felons as long as the job isn't something that got them put in jail in the first place.

    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because it's interesting and makes sense. I see why Obama believes they need jobs because without it they will turn right back to the negative way of living.

  5. Source:
    Article Title: Donald Trump, Ben Carson getting Secret Service protection
    Article Date: Thursday November 5, 2015
    Who: Donald Trump, Ben Carson
    Where: Washington
    When: Thursday November 5, 2015
    What happened: Donald Trump and Ben Carson wanted to get secret services. They wanted this to have protection. Donald and Ben will be the first 2016 candidates to receive secret services. However, Hillary Clinton already has secret services because she is the first lady.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because they need protection. Also because if they didn't have it something could happen and they wouldn't have and protection.
    Reaction: I agree with what they are doing because I think having protection is important to have if you are trying to be president. I also think that if they didn't do this they wouldn't be setting the right example for the other candidates. I think that the others should do what they are doing. They should do it so that they can be protected and safe too.
    Opinion: I think that they both are doing the right thing by having protection with them at all times just in case they need it.
    Connection: A connection I can make with this is that I've seen people walk around with secret services to have someone to protection.

  6. Source:
    Title: Virginia teen behind pro-Isis Twitter account sentenced to 11 years
    Date: Friday, August 28th 2015
    Where: Virginia, U.S
    When: August 28th 2015
    What: 17 year old Ali Shukir Amin got arrested on Friday August 28th with an 11 year sentence. He made a Twitter page that supports the ISIS. He also helped his friend to travel to Syria to join the terrorist group.
    Relevant: It is relevant because this is dealing with the world most dangerous terrorist group. Also propaganda has lead the teen to support them.
    Reaction: I think this is crazy. To see young people follow after the wrong thing makes me feel sad because this world is already crazy and to manipulate a young person is wrong.
    Opinion: I think they did the right thing to arrest him because they don't know what he is capable of. He can end up doing a terrorist attack.
    Connection: I picked this article because it really stood out to me and I can connect to this because it's easy for people to manipulate us and make us do the wrong thing .

  7. Source:
    Article Title: The title of this article is “Can 140 characters affect the 2016 presidential election?”.

    Article Date: The date this article was published was on Thursday November 05,2015.

    Who: The people mainly involved in this article is Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

    Where: This event took place on CNBC News. This article will affect the nation.

    When: This event took place on November 5th, 2015.

    What happened : What happened in this event was it showed all of the candidates social media history and how they interact with people on social media.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because it’s that time where citizens choose who they want to be president and they need to know all the components that come with picking a president , so that they can do all of their research on that person.

    Reaction: My reaction to this article was “This cannot be real. This must be a joke!”

    Opinion: I think this wouldn't be fair. I say that because with social media anybody can make a fake page to sabotage the other opponents. Another reason why I don’t think this would be a good way to choose because some candidates may have joined social media later than other candidates.

    Connection: I chose to do this article because it grabbed my attention and it was interesting.

  8. Source:
    The title of this article is China lifts one child policy amid worries over graying population. This article was dated on October 29, at 2:53 pm. The citizens of China are mainly affected by this. This occurred in china Because now they now have the opportunity to have more than one child.
    What Happened: China has abandon its one child policy. Now China is allowing couples to have two children and ending the biggest population control experiment in history. This is relevant because its a recent event occurred and affects people in a good way. My reaction to this article is that I was shocked because I didn't know that China had a one child per couple policy. In my opinion I think that the one child policy was good to keep population under control, but I really think that people should be able to have as many children as they choose to. I chose this article because I wanted to learn more about Chinas law and policies they use keep there population under control.

  9. Source:

    Judge Says Justice Department Can' t Impose Medical Marijuana Limits on States

    November 5, 2015

    Who: Charles R. Breyer, Justice Department

    San Francisco

    When: Yesterday

    The Justice System is trying to limit the scale of medial marijuana in California and in 22 other states. However Judge Breyer called out the Judge Department from spending money to prevent a state from handling its medical laws. The Justice System depend mainly on their own local jurisdictions, to adapt their own rules; which isn't right. This event is relevant because it is the latest legal controversy between the federal law. When I heard about this my reaction was, that's what they get. Nobody told them to legalize marijuana, they already knew it will cost problem, even if the marijuana is for medical use. I think the judge was right for standing up to the Justice department because, they cant keep changing the rules and regulations on marijuana. I chose this article because, so many people smoke marijuana in Philadelphia, and its not even legal. However its legal in California and four other states and hey are still having problems. So regardless if its legal or not, it will always be something.

  10. Source:

    Article Title: Barack Obama says death penalty 'deeply troubling'

    Article Date: Fri October 23, 2015

    Who: President Barack Obama and New York Times editor Bill Keller.

    Where: Washington, DC

    When: Friday October 16, 2015

    What happened: President Barack Obama had an interview where they discussed the death penalty. Barack Obama felt as though the judging of whether or not a person should receive the death penalty was bias. He is still approving of the death penalty but just taking a deeper look into how someone is judged for such a thing.
    He also spoke out on how people being tortured during executions.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it talks about our current President and what he's trying to do to better our judicial system.

    Reaction: After reading this article i was pleased to know that my President is speaking on the injustices in the court system.

    Opinion: I agree with President Barack Obama. People should face the death penalty but only for heinous crimes. I don't think it should be taken completely away. I think it should a consequence that's in place to scare people.

    Connection: I can make a personal connection with because recently my older was cousin was murdered and his killer wasn't placed on death row. Not only did he kill my cousin he also injured several other people. He is a danger to the community and he shouldn't get a chance to serve a sentence of life. What he committed was a heinous crime and he should be punished for such.

  11. Source:

    Article Title: Donald Trump Takes Shots at Ben Carson After Accounts of His Youth Are Questioned.

    Article Date: This article was published today 11/6/15 at 10:32AM.

    Who: This article was written by Maggie Habermen.

    Where: This article took place during the debate, the congress debate.

    When: This article took place today at 10:32AM.

    What happened: Donald Trump had became the first republican candidate to take a hard swing at Ben Carson, the retired neurosurgeon who leading in national polls, over questions that have raise about his claims of a violent childhood.

    Why this event is relevant: this article it's relevant because Donald Trump is pulling Ben Carson cards and that can cause Carson not to stand a chance. Ben past can highly effect his chances of being president.

    Reaction: my reaction to this was nothing really cause I knew someone was gone bring it up eventually.

    Opinion: I say it didn't mess his chances up but it did though if you think about it.

    Connection: I pick this because it seem amusing and interesting.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Source:

    Article Title: Donald Trump vs. the Republican establishment
    Article Date: Updated 4:48 PM ET, Mon October 26, 2015
    Who: MJ Lee
    Where: ET
    When: Mon October 26, 2015
    What happened: Donald Trump was supposed to be a blip in the 2016 race.The summer fling has decidedly turned into the autumn of trumps and the Republican Party leaders. Trumps lingering in first place into the winter is no longer a laughable possibility. Trump had came in on lowa from Ben Carson. Trumps has came at the expense of establishment. People like Jeb bush and Marco Rubio. They are struggling to shine Because billionaire have larger life personality and the media's insatiable. Professional republicans keep holding there breath that the race will dramatically shift. but others can't hold it in. Bush had political dynasty widely expected to stay near the top of the race. They are saying that they are no good.
    My Opinion on this is trump Tryes to do everything himself and that's dose not work at all.


  14. Source:

    Article Title: Halloween Candy Madness

    Article: This happened on November 2,2015 two days after Halloween.

    Who: This happened to families around woodbury New jersey found sowing needles and pins in halloween candy. The needle was reported inside wrapped candy bars given to children.

    Where: This happened in woodbury heights and New jersey on halloween day but this was reported by the childrens family on November 2,2015. The police was not aware of the situation until it was reported by the children family.

    When: November 2,2015 a child’s mother found needle and sewing pins inside halloween candy.

    What: A child family found metal needle and pins in halloween candy, the mother took the children trick or treating in woodbury heights. Luckily none of the kids were hurt.

    Why: This is relevant because the children could have caught a severe injury from candy wrapped into the needle.

    Reaction: This could have happened to any of the siblings or me. I’m sure glad the mother found the needle in her children's candy.

    Opinion: However the person who did this should be stopped immediately. Before they do it again next halloween.

    Connection: I don’t have a connection i just think the article was interesting as a current event.

  15. Why this event is relevant: I think this is relevant because a lot of youth do marijuana. I also think this because a lot of fines and tickets abernie-sanders-files-bill-to-legalize-marijuana.htmlArticle Title-Bernie Sanders files bill to legalize marijuanaArticle Date- Thursday, November 5thWho- Bernie SandersWhere- ColoradoWhen- WednesdayWhat happened- Bernie Sanders is trying to pass a bill making marijuana legal. Certain states have already legalized marijuana-re because of possession.
    Reaction: I think that this will just cause more problems. If anything this will make people openly just do drugs anywhere and they will have no respect for people privacy.
    Connection: I chose this article because I feel that it is directed to the youth. I don't know a lot of older people that do marijuana.

  16. Source:
    Title: Boy lured into alley and shot to death.
    Date: T November 6th 2015.
    Who: This event involved a 9 year old boy named Tyshawn Lee, and a gang.
    Where: This event occurred in Chicago.
    When: This event occurred this week.
    Why: Gang rivalries between dad and other gang members.
    Reaction: I feel as though it should not invoke family members for stuff like that.
    Opinion: they are stupid bringing a child into this.
    Connection: in movies they attack family to intimidate people.

  17. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title:More than half the nation's governors say Syrian refugees not welcome

    Article Date: Mon November 16, 2015
    Who:ore than half the nation's governors -- 27 states -- say they oppose letting Syrian refugees into their states, although the final say on this contentious immigration issue will fall to the federal government.

    Where: U.S.A & Syria
    When:Mon November 16, 2015

    What happened:nation's governors say Syrian refugees not welcome.

    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because it is effecting are society today . The society today is not happy nd is 100 percent safe .

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I think this operation that the government is doing is okay for now. Till the have a stable solution to stop these bad situation to happen . so its the best thing to do is not let Syrian refugees not to be able to come to U.S.A .
    Opinion (I think..)
    Connection (why you chose this article) I can connect to this article .
