Thursday, November 12, 2015

4th period, 11/16-11/27

Due by 3:30 pm on 11/27

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences).
Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Rosetta Alston
    4th period

    Article Title:
    Paris attacks: Suicide bomber identified; ISIS claims responsibility for 129 dead

    Article Date:Saturday November 14,2015
    Who: France vs ISIS
    When: November 13 2015
    What happened: There was a huge killing in france. 128 people were killed from the Isis terrorist group. There was a consisting of mass shootings, suicide bombings, and hostage-taking—occurred
    Why this event is relevant: It's relevant because people need to stop killing other humans when they did not do anything to u personally.
    Reaction: I don't really care
    Opinion :I don't really care because I feel like they making a big deal about 128 people dieing in France but then again in america the police killed 550 people in June 2015 out of 6 months.

  2. Source:

    Article Title:Weapons stolen from Army Reserve center in Massachusetts

    Article Date: Mon November 16, 2015

    Who: FBI


    When: Mon November 16

    What happened:Weapons were stolen from an Army Reserve center in Worcester, Massachusetts.They were found the weapons was missing after a break-in at the Lake St. Army Reserve Center.

    Why this event is relevant: This is a relevant event because this is a type of problem that might can put the world in trouble. Why because them type of weapons can do a lot of damage.

    Reaction I feel that this should not even be able to happen if you have a good and high protection security. Also, I feel that who every was the one was on duties watching all the entries should get fired because this shows they where no doing their jobs.

    Opinion I think they should make their security more tight so this problem would not happen. Also, I think they should do what every they need to do to get them weapons and put the people who did this in jail.

    Connection I choose this because this type of thing happen all the time and they need to fix this problem. Like I remember the time a group of people went to a military and stole a lot of high useable weapons that can harm the citizens.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Source:
    Article Title: 2 killed, 8 held after France raid, but ringleader's status still unknown
    Article Date: November 18, 2015
    Who: French authorities, ISIS ‘ringleader’ and CNN
    Where: Paris, France
    When: Wednesday, November 11, 2015
    What happened: French authorities found hideout that was claim to belong to the ringleader of ISIS, Abaaoud. They are still unsure of what he is up to or where he is, but they are trying to track him down. They believe that he is in the “ISIS' de facto capital of Raqqa in Syria”.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because the ISIS terror could possibly end. Taking out one of the leaders especially the ringleader means most of the ISIS troops will lose morale and possible go into hiding until they figure out a better plan. This is may seem like a revenge plan but it could help the world more than ever because we could have a WWIII but we might not. Due to France’s efforts to get rid of the ringleader.
    Reaction: I am awestruck and feeling more secure because now we, the people of Earth, can get rid of a big threat of this day and age. Now we have to fix our country.
    Opinion: I think France is doing good and should keep it up. Maybe some other countries help out as well. Maybe some surrounding countries or maybe some nearby countries should be observing Syria for any ISIS activities unless they have small bases in other countries then. We, the US, France and other countries, need to keep a sharp keen eye out for unusual activities.
    Connection: Once again my sisters will be traveling out the country for one year and another year. I am fairly worried about what will happen to them. Now I can stay calm since I know that the authorities of that country can keep them safe from harm including ISIS.

  5. Source: (website)
    Article Title: Foreign policy test Ben Carson
    Article Date:November 18, 2015
    Who:Ben Carson
    Where:Nation Wide
    When: This month

    What happened:Ben is facing his first big foreign test policy in his life. And it was about Paris terrorist attacks and his early grades haven't been so good. The comments from the retired pediatric neurosurgeon, who leads the republican presidential race in some polls, are raising concerns. In recent days, Carson has made bold assertion about having intelligence. That's all got to say.

    Why this event is relevant: Because everybody need to know about this.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)I really don't care about this at all.
    Opinion (I think..) I think this was a good one about the president thing that's all j got to say.
    Connection (why you chose this article)I chose this because I was interested in this and it was about Paris too.


  6. Source:

    Article Title:Chowchilla kidnapping: After being buried alive, victims relive nightmare

    Article Date:Updated 11:10 AM ET, Thu November 19, 2015

    Who:Holly Yan,CNN Lynda Carrejo Labendeira and her classmates,

    Where:Chowchilla, California

    when:July 15, 1976

    What happened: 25 children was kidnapped from their school bus and buried alive in a van 6 feet underground. It was the largest mass kidnapping in the U.S. history. The kidnappers parked their van on a narrow road that the bus had to go down. The bus driver asked if they need help. By that time the kidnappers jumped onto the bus and put them all in the back of the bus. They drove the bus for hours they soon arrived at The California Rock & Gravel Quarry it was owned by one of the kidnappers father. They took pieces of their clothes, names, address and phone numbers. Then placed them into a moving van that was buried underground. The children and the bus driver spent hours in a hot van buried underground in the California heat.

    Why this event is relevant: The reason why this is relevant is that 25 children was taken at ease and was taken for hours before ever being found. It shows how easy they can take anyone they want as long as the thought goes into their head. Things we us need to be more secured and need to be more aware and alert to everything in order to keep children even older people safe

    Reaction: I feel that we are sometimes not really trying to improve but think we are. But this just shows us that at anytime someone might just come up and takes us and this isn’t a thing that we can prepare for.

    Opinion: I think that this is a way to help us prepare for future events and protect our children better and faster than before.

  7. Source:
    Article Title: Police ban public demonstrations in Paris
    Article Date: November 17, 2015
    Who: Paris
    Where: Paris, France
    When: Tuesday
    What Happened: In Paris public demonstrations such as public meetings or protesting have been banned. This is happening because of the attack in Paris on last week Friday night. There’s also been speculation that the leader of the attack is still hiding somewhere in Paris and also the discovery of a terrorist’s hideout that police found during the hunt, because of all this there’s a debate on whether Paris should go into a state of emergency for three months.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because the attack on Paris has been a concern for many people because of the innocent lives that have been killed and also how this attack is almost similar to 9/11 which is also America’s concern because of how the military is using airstrikes in Syria and on ISIS.
    Reaction: I feel sympathy for those who got killed last week on Friday in Paris over something like this and also surprised on how fast the police are handling the situation because of the encounter they made with a terrorist that was hiding, which is a good thing.
    Opinion: I think this situation might go by really quickly because of the constant search on the remaining terrorists, the lockdown on Paris, and boosted security. So I think Paris really should go in a state of emergency because of the terrorist found in that apartment by police, even though many terrorists in the attack on Friday committed suicide.
    Connection: Again I chose this article because of the one hundred innocent people who were killed in Paris and I just thought how this issue is somewhat related to 9/11 which also puts America in the spot.

  8. Source:
    Article Title: Police ban public demonstrations in Paris
    Article Date: November 17, 2015
    Who: Paris
    Where: Paris, France
    When: Tuesday
    What Happened: In Paris public demonstrations such as public meetings or protesting have been banned. This is happening because of the attack in Paris on last week Friday night. There’s also been speculation that the leader of the attack is still hiding somewhere in Paris and also the discovery of a terrorist’s hideout that police found during the hunt, because of all this there’s a debate on whether Paris should go into a state of emergency for three months.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because the attack on Paris has been a concern for many people because of the innocent lives that have been killed and also how this attack is almost similar to 9/11 which is also America’s concern because of how the military is using airstrikes in Syria and on ISIS.
    Reaction: I feel sympathy for those who got killed last week on Friday in Paris over something like this and also surprised on how fast the police are handling the situation because of the encounter they made with a terrorist that was hiding, which is a good thing.
    Opinion: I think this situation might go by really quickly because of the constant search on the remaining terrorists, the lockdown on Paris, and boosted security. So I think Paris really should go in a state of emergency because of the terrorist found in that apartment by police, even though many terrorists in the attack on Friday committed suicide.
    Connection: Again I chose this article because of the one hundred innocent people who were killed in Paris and I just thought how this issue is somewhat related to 9/11 which also puts America in the spot.

  9. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: Jury Orders Washington to Pay Wrongfully Convicted Man $16.65 Million
    Article Date: Nov. 20, 2015
    Who: Government of Washington, D.C and Donald Gates
    Where: Washington, D.C
    When: 1981-2011

    What happened: This article discusses how a man by the name of Donald Gates was wrongfully accused for the murder and rape of a college student in 1981. Donald Gates was convicted in 2009 and then exonerated in 2011. It was later discovered that the two detectives on the case fabricated the evidence that convicted Gates. Gates died soon after being exonerated and now juries are telling the state of Washington to pay him up to $16.65 million.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because corruption in law enforcement has been a problem for a very long time.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I empathize with the family of Donald Gates. Not only was his life taken away for a crime he didn't commit but even after he was exonerated he didn't get a chance to truly live his life. Up until recently, he only got so much as a sorry.

    Opinion (I think..) I think they should pay his family the amount of money discussed if not more. The city of Washington should also trial to the two detectives responsible because they ruined a man's life.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because in English class we discussed issues regarding this topic and I found it interesting.

    1. Great choice of article. We will talk about similar cases in the next quarter and whether or not the state should pay the wrongly accused.

  10. Source:
    Article Title:Paris Attacks Pose Test For U.S. Presidential Candidate
    Article Date: November 15
    Who:Republicans and Democrats
    When: Sunday
    What happened: Their has been outrages from President Obama and other Politicians about the tragic event that happened in Paris. Only 8 percent of the public said Terrorism was the most important issue. Both republicans and Democrats think that their should be a renewed attention on Terrorism. Hilary Clinton said the hardest line on national security. She said that the Islamic state "must be defeated". Donald Trump said that this Tragedy cause for "Tougher" American Leadership. Ms. clinton is the only candidate who has a background in this, Peter D.Heart prominent Democratic poll taker points out. Mr. Hart thinks that Ms. Clinton is a good candidate because she will have the voters focussing on Terrorism as a really important issue.
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction: My reaction to this was a little scared to hear about what happened im Paris but also happy to know that our presidential candidates are willing to do something about this and feel strongly about it.
    Opinion: My opinion on this is that people should think that terrorism is a very important issue because its starting to happen more and more. but Hilary shouldn't be president.
    Connection: i chose this article because it was talking about Paris and i believe that Terrorism is a very important issue.


  11. Source:

    Article Title: Missing Russian jet pilot 'alive and well' in Syria

    Article Date: November 24, 2015

    Who: Pilot and co-pilot

    Where: Syria-but it was a Russian plane

    When: 2 hours ago

    What happened: Their was a Russian plane that was missing and they had found it. But Turkey had shot it down and they found that it had laid in Syria. Also the co-pilot had died. They did send a message 10 times telling them to change their direction. And knowing that information they didn’t change they just kept going. So they were warned not once but 10 times that kind of tells you that something was up and that they should have went a different way but didn’t listen so one died and one is alive. Next time they’ll know to listen well hopefully.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because they were warned 10 times but decided to just keep going. Which is an idiotic move.

    Reaction: I feel as though that this could have been avoided if they would have just listen. Yes, maybe if the picked a different way it would have took longer. But I rather it take longer than to get shoot at. That’s just asking to died.

    Opinion: I feel that if someone tells you 10 times not to go the dicretions your going in you better start thanking God because that means they're either trying to attack you, have a plain already made to attack you, or trying to say hello. So most likely they’re trying to kill you!

    Connection: I pick this article because it’s important for people to see that by the grace of God they’re to tel you that something happen if you go that way.

  12. Source:
    Article Title:PA Tightens Controls on Smog-Causing Pollution
    Article Date: November 18, 2015
    Who: Citizens and government
    Where: Philadelphia Pa
    When: November 2015
    What happened: The government is reducing the about if smog that is let into the air of Philadelphia. New laws were passed to get This act started because they realized how harmful NOx was to seniors, Children ect.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because this could lead to death of loved ones. Then it eventually could lead to death to everyone If the smog continues to pollute the sky.
    Reaction: My reactions to this is happy. I feel as though they should have been something about the whole situation.
    Opinion: I think they are doing a the right thing by reducing the amount if smog that gets released In the air we breathe everyday. In my opinion I think if they continue to let smog in the air everyone will die . For the simple fact that we need clean air to breathe but if the air is filled with chemicals it would lead to death for everyone!
    Connection: I choose this article because I ride pass where the smog pumps out all the time. When you get in the that area you can just smell and see how bad the sky is being polluted.

  13. website address)
    Article Title: White House fence jumper detained
    Article Date:November 26, 2015
    Who: A random man jumping over White House fence
    Where: Washington DC
    When: November 25, 2015
    What happened: "A man is in custody after jumping over a White House fence while the first family was inside celebrating Thanksgiving,"
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because this man could have been a terrorists and tried to kill the President and his family.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I didn't think anyone would be dumb enough to do something like that.
    Opinion (I think..) I think they should look all into this man information and see what his intentions were.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this because this caught My eye and I thought it would be interesting to read.

  14. Source:


    Article Date: Wednesday, November 25, 2015

    Who: President Obama

    Where: White House

    When: Wednesday Evening

    What happened: President Obama was disturbed to see a video of an officer shooting an African American male.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this isn't the first time it's happened. Cops shoot like its nothing.

    Reaction: My reaction towards this was very sad and upsetting. Why'd the cop have to shoot not 5 or 6 but 16 times at the victim? One is enough. Basically my thought towards this was this really has to stop.

    Opinion: I feel as though there's nothing in the world that could stop this from Happening.

    Connection: I chose this article because people need to realize this has gone really out of hand. A few shouldn't have to even be disturbed like President Obama because I'm sure he's seen worst. What's saddening is that not too long ago an African American male was shot around not too far from where I live multiple times.

    Lidia Abebe

  15. Source:
    Article Title:Teenager killed by Chicago police officer came from troubled past, broken family
    Article Date: November 26
    Who: A teen named Laquan McDonald
    Where: Chicago
    When: Oct. 20, 2014
    What happened: Laquan burglarized cars and was then caught by officer Jason Van Dyke. He then shot him 16 times, which eventually killed him.
    Why this event is relevant: There are a lot of cases with cops killing others. They're supposed to protect the community, no one should be afraid for their life because they think that theirs could be taken next.
    Reaction: I felt disappointed reading the article.
    Opinion: I think that cops shouldn't shoot people if they're caught doing something wrong. In some cases they probably should, but not 16 times. They should do it once and shoot at a place where it won't kill the person. It'll be enough to get them down if they're running.
    Connection: I chose this article because I've heard similar stories prior to this one before. The title also caught my attention.

  16. Obama: US taking every step to prevent attacks

    Jacob Pramuk writes on November 25th, 2015 on a Wednesday, about traveling for Thanksgiving being as safe as possible from terrorists attacks. Also stating that there were no direct threats but, stil making sure that every one traveling for the holiday feels safe in their travels. The tighter grip on security took place because of the attack on Paris that happened on November 13th., as a surprise that woke America up to be more secure on the radar. Obama plans on attacking the Islamic-State where ever they are hidden and get revenge. Every one in America to every one in the world is involved because the attacks can occur and come from anywhere in the state, mainly from the horrifying Islamic-States. Obama also states that whatever possible threats that may occur, the public will be noticed and for no one to be worried for the time being. The event is relevant because no one ever knows when they will be bombed and if it will ever be too late to evacuate. The stronger protection on the radar is very important so that people can be notified as soon as possible and something can be done in response so that there will not be another surprise attack that the government is not ten toes down on. I feel that the government should have been had a more secure grip on the radar because of 9/11 and that they should always look to improve and not wait til something happens for them to feel that they need to step up and become better. I think that the government is very bad and not thorough and needs to tighten up every angle of the system it has because, it is poor and weak. I could not relate to this topic far as the attacks because I have never gotten attacked but I feel that everyone has a connection because everyone is in danger in the circumstances and dying when it could have been prevented, is all weakness from the government.

  17. Source: (entire website address):
    Article Title: Trump defends retweet of fake crime numbers
    Article Date: November 23, 2015
    Who: Donald Trump
    Where: Washington DC
    When: Monday
    What happened: Yesterday on Monday, November 23rd, Donald Trump was defending his retweet of fake crime statistics. This event happened on Sunday when he decided to retweet a false tweet.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it's funny to see how foolish Donald Trump can be. It seems as if he does any and everything to get more votes.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): My feelings towards this is kind of confused. I say this because Donald Trump retweeted something that was false but then tried to cover it up my saying it was just a tweet and that he just retweeted it just because.
    Opinion (I think..): Donald Trump does any and everything to make more people be on his side and vote for him. In the beginning I kind of did like what Trump was saying. I just didn't like the way he was going about it, but now he's just making me drift away from him more and more.
    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because it's funny to hear about all the dumb things he does. I also chose this article because if he keeps on pulling this nonsense, he'll begin to lose the race.

  18. Source:
    Article Title:
    Article Date:
    What happened:
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..)
    Connection (why you chose this article)

  19. Dimear M. Gordon Jackson

    Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:
    Article Date: Wed December 2, 2015
    Who: UK Parliament
    Where: Paris
    When: Tuesday December 1 , 2015
    What happened:"After the November 13 terror attacks in Paris, France asked its allies to bump up their military offensive against ISIS. Now Britain and Germany will decide whether they will."
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant to me because this is very important these bombers are out of hand and needs to be stopped ASAP I don't want them coming to Philadelphia trying to kill us .
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) happy that they are showing some initiative to do something about this bombing.
    Opinion (I think..) I don't think they should bomb them because everyone there wasn't probably in on the bombing.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this because this is a very important subject and we have to get this under control before they bomb us again.


  20. Source:

    Article Title:Paris attacks
    Article Date: November 23,2015
    Who: Paris & Terrorists
    Where:Paris, France
    When:On the evening of 13 November, 2015
    What happened: Paris was repeatedly being bombed and attacked by Islamic terrorists along with being shot and dead by terrorists on the ground. Many have been reported dead and another large amount of victims in the hospital.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because The U.S has been under a terrorist attack before and we have been through this. This is relevant because the United States has been a victim to a terrorist attack so we should be aware of who has also been victim to their attacks.
    Reaction: I feel this cold hearted and unnecessary because innocents were killed over petty reasons. I think that terrorism is both an extreme and selfish that people want to kill people because of strong disliking of their culture,religion,lifestyle,etc.
    Opinion : I think that people like the terrorists don't feel satisfied until a large number of people are hurt,dead or wasted away. Even from that point certain people don't feel satisfied no matter what is being affected by it.
    Connection: I chose this article because this affects families and individuals everywhere and makes them feel unsafe knowing that anything is possible and nothing including their lives is guaranteed. Also to be aware that not everything isn't going to go as wanted and planned.

    --Desmond Collins Jr--


  21. Source:

    Article Title: Suicide bombers target Chad market

    Article Date: Saturday December 5, 2015

    Who: Three suicide bombers and Chad Market

    Where: Loulou Fou (on an island in Lake Chad near the border with Nigeria)

    When: Saturday December 5, 2015

    What happened: Bombing Chad Market in Nigeria

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because terrorist attacks are being too common. Terrorism has been happening very often and frequently all around the world.

    Reaction I think that this is yet another tragedy to hear because of someone’s violent and senseless behaviors.behaviors.

    Opinion: I think that terrorism is wrong and that Nigeria is just another victim of these attacks. I think that suicide bombing is a serious crime that should be countlessly attempted to be stopped.

    Connection I chose this article because innocent lives are being taken away from innocent people. Also that this connects to real life because people make very rash sacrifices in order to hurt others and most need to realize that it is no point in wasting your life over something worthless as a terrorist attack.

    --Desmond Collins Jr--

  22. Source:;-5-shot-in-4-separate-shootings/1082640/
    Article Title: Violent Night In Philadelphia
    Article Date: November 13, 2015
    Who: Male in 20's
    Where: Southwest Philadelphia
    When: November
    What happened: A young male was murdered on his block. He was shot in the head 5 times.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because this shows you how the world is so violent today. This shows that you have to be safe while traveling home and watch your back because nowadays people are carrying around hubs and you won't even realize it.
    Reaction: I'm shocked because unfortunately the victim of the incident happens to be a very good friend of mine. This was someone I looked up to, played basketball with and now he's gone because of gun violence.
    Opinion: I think that this is wrong and that guns should be taking off the streets. Hopefully a new president will ensure that policy.
    Connection: I chose this article to show that this can happen to anyone that lives in Philadelphia. This connects with me because now I have lost a good friend of mine due to gun violence, and now I will never see my friend again.

  23. Source: (
    Article Title:Ben Carson joins Donald Trump in threatening to leave GOP
    Article Date: Friday December 11th ( updated)
    Who: Ben Carson and Donald Trump
    Where: Washington
    When: during Tuesday's GOP presidential debate
    What happened: Ben Carson is deciding along with Donald trump to leave GOP they where having discussions over dinner about the topic. This is leading to a disruptive problem in the running now of the GOP. They came upon the discussions of the brokers convention. This is Something that would happen only if a candidates don't have enough delegates to win the whole nomination. And could be something that goes into plan soon with the debates
    Why this event is relevant: because this could be a problem in the presidential debates and also be hard for them to choose.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel as though this is weird because something must be wrong within the GOP
    Opinion (I think..) I think that this should be fixed before it becomes more of a problem
    Connection (why you chose this article)
    I chose this article because it stood out to me , also because I have never seen someone in a GOP decide to drop out along with another candidate. This shows that there is something happening in politics
