Saturday, November 28, 2015

5th period, Weeks of 11/30-12/11

Due by 3:30 pm on 12/11
Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences).
Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.
Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)
Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source:

    Article Title: Obama family serves Thanksgiving dinner to homeless and vets

    Article Date: Fri November 27, 2015

    Who: President Obama, first family, the homeless, and veterans,

    Where: Friendship Place Homeless Center in Washington.

    When: Wednesday November 25, 2015

    What happened: President Obama and the first family served Thanksgiving dinner to the homeless and at risk veterans. Obama was in charge of the turkey and gravy. The first lady served vegetables, while the daughters Sasha and Malia gave out other holiday foods. Obama states that "It's not only of the spirit of giving during this holiday season, but our national obligation to make sure all those who serve and sacrifice for our country have a place to call home," Obama says from the Rose Garden. The Friendship Homeless Center received a $3.1 million dollar grant from the Department of Veterans capacity building.

    Why this event is relevant: I believe this is relevant because homeless people also some at risk veterans do not have a family or somewhere to go this past Thanksgiving and this shows how the President actually cares about the citizens and

    Reaction: I feel good about this, I feel like I can trust my president on some things. This makes me believe that not all presidents only care for major topics in the world.

    Opinion: I think this shows character in President Obama as well as his family. Not every president would do such a nice act for the poor or homeless. This demonstrates compassion and empathy.

    Connection: I can connect this to some organizations like the Salvation Army who served turkey's to less fortunate people this Thanksgiving. It showed how some others not only care for themselves but also other people. I feel that's what Obama did, he cared for others and not only himself, by giving away free food,

  2. Source: (
    Article Title: Meet the 15-year-old kid who's suing Obama over climate change
    Article Date: Monday November 30, 2015
    Who: Xiuhtezcatl Tonatiuh, Barack Obama,James Hansen
    Where: United States
    When: Monday 30, 2015
    What happened: A 15 year old is suing Obama because he says he's not doing his job. They says he's lacking in his job and there holding him accountable. Tonatiuh voice was heard. Obama spoke out about it to try and straighten everything up. Tonatiuh said that he wanna see things happen. He also said talk is cheap.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because it contains United States and Obama as our president. Obama job is to not only make the right decisions for our country but make sure the citizens are comfortable. But Tonatiuh thought otherwise he was a 15 year old kid that thought Obama wasn't living up to what he said he was. He think that some more changes need to be made not just talking about it but to actually do it.
    Reaction Well my reaction when i first read this I laughed. Why because I'm like a 15 year old no ones going to pay him any attention. I was wrong. His voice was heard. Loud enough that Obama had something to say back to the little boy.
    Opinion: My opinion i thought that a little boy wouldn't get far saying what he said but he took action which lead him to where he is. He accomplished what he wanted to accomplished and that's all that matter.
    Connection: Well a connection is I can compare the 15 year old to a teacher and I can compare Obama to a quiet student in the back of the class room. If the teacher don't talks in class then the students wouldn't know what to do. And since the teacher said something the student feel as thought he needed to say something, so the teacher can know where he coming from.

    1. This is cool! When you're 15, you tend to think no one will listen to you- but not this time!

  3. Include:
    Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: Clinton Ramps up efforts to understand Sanders with middle class
    Article Date:November 21, 2015
    Who:Abby Phillip and Jhon Wagner
    Where: South Carolina
    When:last week during democratic presidential primary debate
    What happened:Hillary Clinton disagrees with the raising of taxes during the debate. Clinton thinks that raising taxes would benefit health care. Sanders was disappointed because Clinton would not advocate middle. Class. Sanders believe everyone on the United States should have medical healthcare.
    Why this event is relevant:This article was relevant because it explains the struggles with taxes. In the United States taxes is mostly the problem for American citizens.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My feelings towards this article was full of acceptance because many families need money to pay bills and feed their children. Also this can help the kids in college to pay for their college fund.
    Opinion (I think. That taxes should be raised for various reasons.
    Connection this reminds me of the presidential debate in 2012.


  4. Source:

    Article Title:Ash Carter sending 'specialized expeditionary targeting force' to Iraq

    Article Date:Tue December 1, 2015

    Who:Secretary of Defense Ash Carter

    Where: U.S. to Iraq

    When: Tue December 1, 2015

    What happened: Secretary of defense Ash carter revealed the information that U.S. military will send a expeditionary targeting force to Iraq in order to conduct more raids there. This means that they will have more special operating forces on the ground in Iraq to fight ISIS.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because making this decision can always go the wrong way when it comes to the safety of each individual. It is also relevant because operators will be able to free hostages, gain more knowledge, and put pressure on ISIL.

    Reaction: My reaction to this article was both agreed with and disagreed with. I would agree because this could change things for the better. I would disagree with this because it may be a dangerous job or some bad things may happen.

    Opinion (I think..) I think the U.S. should take some more time out to review the situation.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it affects what goes on around everyone. Also, because it helps you to gain knowledge on the next decision the U.S. decides to make.

    1. I really appreciate reading your opinion on this. I hope we can discuss some options in class that may help you make an informed opinion.

  5. Source:

    Article Title:Obama warns Putin on intervening in Syria's civil war

    Article Date: Dec 1, 2015

    Who: President Obama, Russia

    Where: In Paris

    When: A week ago

    What happened: President Barack Obama decide to speak in Paris at the climate change conference. In the conference the main topic was how the world leaders are going to fighting against ISIS and about the recent terrorist attacks from ISIS. President Obama is trying to warned Russian counterpart not to intervening with Syria Civil War. There leader Vladimir Putin knows the dangers his county could face but he is still choosing to enter the war, and Mr. Obama doesn't disagree with Mr. Putin choice. President Obama says, he tries to warn the countries by telling them to move to curb global warning, saying the consequences could be drastic.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this is up to the leaders to make good decision what they feel like is best for their country. And Mr. Putin as a leader is making a bad decision and knows what he is getting his country into.

    Reaction; I feel like frustrated we have leaders that make good decisions like President Obama and leaders like Mr. Putin who knows the outcome can be bad but don't care.

    Opinion: I think Mr. Putin should listen to President Obama and don't intervening into the Syria Civil war because Mr. Obama has some good reasons why.

    Connection: I chose this article because it is very interesting and I would love to know what happens next.

  6. Source:
    Article Title: "Why the U.S. Has the Most Mass Shootings"
    Article Date:August 28th, 2015
    Who: U.S., Americans
    Where: United States
    What:The author Jen Christensen reviews the mass shootings that took place in the United States. She explains place in the U.S. is currently leading others countries in the amount of mass shootings that have taken place. Later on in the article it states that the U.S. contains 5% of the world's population while having 31% of public mass shootings. Christensen also explains that mass shootings are somewhat contagious. What this means is that when one sees a mass shooting they are then influenced to imitate those actions. This article is relevant because these events that are mentioned within this article are horrific and many innocent lives have been taken away. To know that the U.S. is leading in mass shootings is scary. I believe that these facts stated in tis article are beyond sad but also very true and we as Americans should face the facts. This is a problem within our communities. I chose this article not only because the title caught my attention, but also because as I was sitting at the table on my laptop, the first article was about another mass shooting that had taken place in California. I was bothered by once again seeing a gun massacre taking place in the U.S.

  7. Source:

    Article Title:UK jets target ISIS oilfield -- and group's income, defense ministry says

    Article Date: December 3, 2015

    Who: Britain, America, Germany, ISIS, defense ministry

    Where: Syria

    When: Very recently

    What happened: Britain has commenced numerous airstrikes on Syria, known as the ISIS or Daesh in order to cripple their financial system. Britain believes that by attacking ISIS oilfield, they can limit the financial support terrorists receive. This would greatly affect ISIS control over military power and lead them to halt with attacks around the world.

    Why this event is relevant: Events like this is relevant because of the growing danger of ISIS around the world. With nations being paranoid of terrorism from ISIS, the world acts upon instincts to defend themselves and to unite to defeat this growing threat. With the recent attack on Paris, nations worldwide is without a doubt very concerned of the problem ISIS poses.

    Reaction: Obama is glad that Britain has joined the arms race, and is hoping Germany would do the same. But Germany says it will only join in supportive role, not direct combat. WW2 was heavy on Germany and prevents it from interfering with foreign wars.

    Opinion: It comes as no surprise to me that ISIS is making new enemies everyday now. With their semi-consistent acts of terrorism around numerous countries. Britain joining the arms race against ISIS isn't unexpected, as the country belongs to Europe. The recent attacks on Paris puts Britain in a bind as it is forced to act in the name of the mother country.

    Connection: I chose this article because it's really a growing concern with ISIS that the world is facing. Countermeasures should be taken strategically to put ISIS down.

    1. I wish I knew more about what specifically they were targeting and how effective the current measures have been. So far, I haven't seen much evidence to support the efficacy of our strategies.

  8. Source:
    Article Title:Obama: U.S. safe against ISIS attack
    Article Date: December 3,2015
    Who: Barack Obama, ISIS
    Where: United States(interview held in Washington)
    What: After the recent ISIS attack in Parris many people have been in fear of the attacks taking place on American soil. Also, after threats were made it put many Americans on edge. But, President Obama took to the press and said that we should not be afraid nor worried about ISIS attacking the United States. He believes that our law enforcement is fully equip and prepared for anything that may take place. Obama said that since al Qaeda our defenses have been trained and made stronger. This is important because it affects us as a people. The last major attack on American soil was 9/11.Since then we have done so much to keep from those event from occurring again. That day left people homeless and families in heartbreak. Hopefully Obama is right. My reaction to this is you can never be to safe and never to sure. I think just in case we should bulk up defenses in large public places during the holiday season just to keep everyone safe. Talk is cheap and Obama can't speak on a group that is that radical. He doesn't know what they are planning. I think he is giving Americans false security.

  9. Source:

    Article Title:Carly Fiorina Accuses Obama and Hillary Clinton of Politicizing Massacre
    Article Date:Dec 3, 2015,

    Who:This event includes Obama . Hillary Clinton and Carly Fiorina.

    Where:This event happened in Washington.
    When:This event happened today around 9:00 in the morning.

    What happened:Obama and Hilary Clinton are commenting on the San Bernardino Shooting saying that it has to do with gun control and they they need to enforce it more. While Carly thinks that it has nothing to do with gun control its a terrorist attack and needs to be handled as such.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because there are many lives that were lost and still may be in danger.

    Reaction : i think that the San Bernardino Shooting was a very tragic event and needs to be dealt with.

    Opinion : I think that just because it was a mass shooting that it was a terrorist. I think its what it said it was a mass shooting. Obama and Clinton are right and this has a big thing to do with gun control but they need to take further action on it instead of each time a problem similar arises make the same statements. Also ever ting is not terrorism and its really annoying that she thinks that.

    Connection: I choose this article because it interests me and shines some light on todays issues.

  10. Source:
    Article Title:Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders seek gun control reform after shootings
    Article Date: December 3, 2015
    Who: Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton
    Where: United States of America
    What happened: There was a mass shooting that occurred in San Bernardino. Gun control has been a big topic brought up in and out of the presidential campaign. Hillary has been attacking the issue the best out of all the candidates. Sanders and Clinton both believe that the size and how guns are bought should be more strict. Clinton also believes that a lot of these mass shootings can be prevented if the rules are on getting these kind of weapons were more stern.
    Why this event is relevant: This is important because mass shootings have become an huge issue in the United States lately. Many of the recent mass shootings have been committed by people with mental disorders. Gun control is something that should come into huge effect especially due to how easy it is to get a gun in America.
    Reaction: I was not surprised to hear the candidates say this. Everyone knows that the gun violence in America is spiraling way out of control.
    Opinion: I think that maybe there should be heavy background checks on people buying guns. Especially if someone has a mental disorder. They should have the right to carry but there should be a restriction on what kind of weapons they can get there hands on.
    Connection: I chose this article because gun violence is really a big topic in the country. Too many innocent people are losing their lives to this issue.

  11. Source:
    Article Title:Republicans brace for long battle against Donald Trump
    Article Date: Friday December 4,2015
    When: Did not take place yet.
    What happened: Republicans are waiting for the next debate to see how Donald Trump will act at this campaign.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because people have to get ready to vote soon and they need someone they can rely in as a president. They also need someone who has their best interest at heart.
    Reaction: I think that people are really starting to doubt Trump true intentions and so am I. Because I find it very hard to believe that he is actually for the people at this point.
    Opinion: I think that Trump will have no idea what he needs to do when he gets to office. I also think that Trump only ran to see if he could actually win because he has money. He really doesn't want to be president. He never has straight answers for the problems at hand. And he never gives details as to how he would help this nation and those around us.
    Connection: I chose this article because I feel as though Trump is just milking along in this presidential election. He has absolutely no idea what he is doing. If he gets elected into office our nation will be destroyed.

  12. Source:
    Article Title: Gunmaker Smith and Wesson up almost 100% in 2015
    Article Date: December 3, 2015
    Who: Smith and Wesson
    Where: All over the U.S
    When: This week of December 1st
    What happened: With all the recent shooting events, recent studies show that Smith and Wessen stocks are up by nearly 100% increase.
    Why this event is relevant:The data says a lot about us when it comes to possibly gun control. With all these events that have been happening recently, it can't be helped that maybe some people speculate this is one of the many causes. They also speculate that it's also the mention about the government putting some restrictions to buying guns and gun control which must have influenced everyone to buy a lot of guns.
    Reaction: To me, this came as no surprise. It's in people's nature to want to get something they can't have even if it's useless. So the moment the officials announced that they'll be putting a restriction on guns soon, it caused a whole bunch of people to suddenly "want" guns. I also find it slightly true that this is one of the causes of the recent shooting events, but it's only a fraction of what is the main cause. Also the video mentions about the government has yet put the regulations on guns which worries me.
    Opinion: I think that this isn't really a main cause of what' has been happened recently, but it definitely has some type of contribution to it big or small. I also think the government should pass the restrictions on guns and gun control as soon as possible.
    Connection: I chose this article because this stood out to me after all these recent events transpired.

  13. Bush donor takes out ad on Trump, calls him 'BULLYionaire' -
    Article Date:12-5-15
    Who: Bush Donor Donald Trump
    Where: Florida and Las Vegas
    When: Took place on 12-4-15
    What happened: Jeb Bush camp is firing at Donald Trump for being a billionaire bully. Jeb Bush wants all the voters and non-voters to not vote for someone who is ignorant in the government. All Trump wants to do is bomb countries without any real knowledge on why to do so. Jeb compares him to Hitler a man that people went to when they lose hope in everything, and Jeb is trying to prevent that from happening.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because we do not need a man to be the President who will drive this country into a hole or yet alone a bigger one. The people need to wake up and realize what this man is all about.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel like Bush has a great point on letting the voting community know what the voters are getting themselves into.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that we need a strong and firm believer of people interest and making this country go to the next level to become the next president of the U.S.
    Connection (why you chose this article)  I chose this because Trump can cause trouble if he becomes the president.


  14. Source:

    Article Title:Liberty University president urges students to be armed

    Article Date:Sat December 5, 2015

    Who:Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr.

    Where:Liberty University College Campus

    When:Sat December 5, 2015

    What happened:The President of the University is urging students to get a permit/license to carry guns. He thinks that this is a good idea and that it will benefit students.
    Why this event is relevant:This is relevant because there is always a chance that students may go overboard and get carried away with this privilege. It is also relevant because this is a important decision that this university is making.
    Reaction:I feel like some students may use this privilege in a good manner. then i think some students may take advantage of this privilege.
    Opinion:I think this decision is both good and bad, positive and negative. I think its good and positive because it gives students a way to protect and defend themselves. On the contrary i think its bad and negative because if students within the campus have a conflict with each other they will look to their guns as the solution to the problem.
    Connection: I chose this article because its an important thing to bring attention to.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Source:
    Article: Reporters scramble into San Bernardino shooter home
    Date: Dec 4, 2015
    Who: News Reporters, Doyle Miller (Landlord)
    Where:San Bernardino, California
    When: The first week of December

    What happened: After the massive shooting in a social services office in San Bernardino, Cali., reporters were allowed to step into the home of the 2 suspects, Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik. Reporters were able to go into the 2-story apartment living space after the police. The reporters began to rushing through the building, displaying social security numbers and driver's license on live television.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because ever since the beginning of the disturbing shooting, people have been on the edge to know why these people shot up a social services office. I believe that the police department gave permission to the reporters to go in the home is because they thought this was a closer way of finding a motive on killing 14 people. This was a way to understand the suspects on specific terms than just knowing them as terrorism.

    Reaction: My reaction towards the shooting in general is that it came out of nowhere. People would say, “it's just another day in America”. The government has done nothing to prevent these mass shootings, even though they keep reappearing.

    Opinion: My opinion on the whole thing is that it doesn't phase me. Me, as a female Muslim, I don't get phased by the way people view the Islamic religion as people creating cruel and unusual punishments. It's now becoming an everyday situation.

    Connection: A connection I make with the article is how these reporters were more than ready to explore the suspect's’ home, then be ready to tell the same story about the suspects the first heard in the beginning of this subject.

    1. I would love to discuss with you what the implications of marginalizing a class of people are. This is going to begin new incendiary rhetoric against Muslims and it could be the very ammo that ISIS needs to increase more radicalism. It's a scary situation for sure.

  17. Source:
    Article Title: NEW STD😦⚠🔥
    Article Date: 12/08/15
    Who: Kristaian Thombason
    Where: Everywhere
    When: 1980's - 2015

    What happened: This STD was found in male and female urination. It was found in the 1980s but was not paid attention to because it was so uncommon.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because allot of teenagers are sexually active. Also they are having sex unprotected so it's more likely to get the disease then anything.
    Reaction : I'm very surprised at this but not because it's a new disease. I'm surprised because they didn't ever say anything about it before.
    Opinion : My opinion is that everyone should always stay protected no matter what. Especially during sex no matter who you meet anyone can have something.
    Connection : My connecting with this is my friends. I had multiple friends with the chlamydia disease . They will be informed about this highly from me.

    Trump: 'I'm doing good for the Muslims'
    December 9, 2015

    Donald Trump, during an interview, told the reporter that he’s doing muslims good. This was said on “CNN Tonight” on December 9th. He believes that America should temporarily stop muslim immigration. He believes that this in the musilms best interest. He says that many of friends that are apart of Islamic community support him. Trump then goes on to explain how the halt would work, saying that it wouldn’t last too long and that it would have exceptions for athletes and diplomats. This is relevant because this is terrible on both ends of this plan. It would deny people the right to find a safe country to live in and opportunity. It would also isolate muslims still in America, making it even more of a stigma that they’re unwanted. I feel like Donald Trump can not be real, like honestly i do not understand how so many ignorant things can shoot out of the mouth of a grown man. I think this idea is horrible and Trump does not know how to not offend everyone. I connect this with the time he said muslims should wear some sort of identification to classify them, and how Hitler like that was to ever say.
    -Kadrisse Mcintosh

  19. Mamadu Barry

    I found my article on The name of the article is Trump: 'I'm doing good for the Muslims'. It was published on Dec. 9, 2015. It includes Donald Trump. It took place in the United States of America. This article talks about the comments that Donald Trump had said before about muslims. Now he's saying that his muslim fellow mates are agreeing with him and that he's doing it because it is what is best for the muslim community. This is important because it gives us another feed back on one of our leaders today and how he feels about some of the people of the United States. I honestly feel offended of his words. And he is making judgement on everyone else just because of few people's bad decisions. I think if he is truly trying win this candidacy, he should try to win everyone's side, not just some people. Anyways, I choose this article because it relates to me because I am muslim. Also, because it was the first article I could find.

  20. Source:
    Article Title:Republicans discussed possibility of brokered convention
    Article Date:10/10/15
    Where:No specific location
    What:Republicans at a party came up with an idea for a brokered convention.This means no canidate has secured any delegates.During a dinner that takes place once a month the party decident this would be prudent.This decision wasnt accepted by many during the dinner.
    Why:I think the reason for this is so that Donald Trump wont win the republic party.They denying this being a reason by it makes sense considering all the purdent statements he continues to make.
    Reaction:I was suprised this idea came out because this hasnt happen in quite some time.If it means Donald Trump wont win the election I am all for it.
    Opinion:In my opinion this could back fire because they is reason its been over a decade that this happened.Like i said earlier though it would be a bad thing if it means Donald Trump is eliminated from the election.
    Connection:The only connection i have with this is that i want Donald Trump to be out of the polls.

  21. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: The title of this article is'Trump Rejects Criticism of his proposal to ban muslims'.
    Article Date:The date of this article is December 8, 2015.
    Who:The person involved in this article was Donald Trump.
    Where:These events happened in Mount Pleasant, S.C.
    When:This happened on December 8, 2015.
    What happened:Donald Trump made a proposal to ban muslims from entering the country completely. He stated that he didn't care about them.
    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because it's caused an uproar all over. Many think this is outrageous.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..) I think his plans are unconstitutional and ignorant. He has no place to make decisions like these.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it directly relates to me. As a muslim i am extremely offended and disgusted by this. Some one like Trump should not be in office because he will be in violation of our constitutional rights.

  22. Source:
    Article Title:To Democrats, Donald Trump Is No Longer a Laughing Matter.
    Article Date: 12/10/2015
    Who: Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton
    Where: Presidential Elections
    When: 12/10/2015
    What happened:Until Monday, when Donald J. Trump proposed a ban on Muslims entering the United States, Hillary Clinton could hardly keep herself from laughing at the mention of his name. The remarks bore little resemblance to Mrs. Clinton’s previous dismissals of Mr. Trump. But since Mr. Trump’s response to the Dec. 2 terrorist attack in San Bernardino, Calif., Mrs. Clinton and her campaign. Mrs. Clinton alternated between tugging at the heartstrings with messages of inclusiveness and capitalizing on Mr. Trump’s comments in ways that some Democrats considered unseemly.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because because this is an important matter that Donald Trump is still in the race. Things are more serious now and should have dropped out of the race by now.
    Reaction: i feel like the presidential Election is something that Donald Trump has anything to do with because it's a more serious manner now and he should step out of the way and let the qualified people have their elections.
    Opinion: I think person like Donald Trump should have never been able to run for presidency because a clown like him should not be a candidate let alone be a president.
    Connection: I choose this article because i feel like this is an important manner that should be dealt with because he could never be a fit ruler of this fine country.

  23. Source:
    Article Title: Hacker who allegedly passed U.S borders.
    Article Date October 15, 2015
    Who: Ardit Ferizi
    Where: Malaysia
    When: October 15, 2015
    What happened: Authorities have arrested a Malaysia-based hacker. They think we should know why did Ferizi hacked the system.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because a pro hacker could potential effect our lives. Are things we depend on most like the Internet. We should be aware of people and things like this.
    Reaction: My reaction is surprised at the fact that someone goes out of their way in extremes to do something so brutal. It's terrible.
    Opinion: I think people should be more aware of these situations and step up. I think that he deserved what he got. I think that their are more people like him and they need to be caught to.
    Connection: No connection but I'm glad he got arrested.

  24. Source:

    Article Title: GOP primary voters split over Trump's Muslim ban, poll finds

    Article Date: 12/9/15

    Who: Donald Trump

    Where: Campaign Tour

    When: 12/8/15

    What happened: Doanlad Trump was on one of his campaign tours, when he purposed a law that restricts muslims from coming into the country.

    Why this event is relevant: It is relevant because Donald Trump is one of the Republican frontrunners in this 2016 campaign. That being said, millions of Americans still root for him despite his policies. Him making this decision could change America forever.

    Reaction: This makes me feel sad because doing this would be no different from segregation and what America faced just 50 years ago.

    Opinion: Not only is this policy absurd, I don't think it would ever get past congress. I also believe that this proposal would drive voters away from voting for Trump.

    Connection: I chose this article because this is a huge problem in America and this type of thinking is exactly why Trump should not be elected. He claims he wants to bring America forward when it eould set it back. His racist thoughts and comments are reasons why he is not suitable to be president. Hearing this on the news makes me sad.

  25. Source:
    Article Title: Victims describe assaults by convicted ex-Oklahoma City cop Daniel Holtzclaw
    Article Date: Friday December 11,2015
    Who: police officer Daniel Holtzclaw
    Where: These events happened inOklahoma City
    When: Thursday December 10,2015
    What happened: an Oklahoma police officer was taking advantage of his position of power and forcing girls to give him oral sex.
    Why this event is relevant:this event is relevant because of all of the recent attention brought apron police for wrong doings.
    Reaction my reaction was some what relieved that those girls got justice. Also I was surprised when he was sentenced to 250+ years for all the acts of rape and stalking.
    Opinion I don't think he should have been given all of those years and instead the death penalty.
    Connection i chose this event because even though it was sad it brung justice to some citizens. Also because it isn't common for cops to be held accountable for their actions

  26. Source:
    Title:Ben Carson campaign at war with itself
    When:December 11,2015
    Who: Ben Carson
    Where: United States
    What Happen:Rebulican candidate Ben Carson campaign party is fighting within itself. The way that Carson set up his campaign party has proven to be more of a liability then he thought it would be. I picked this topic because if your campaigning is sloppy how do think you will be in office. I am personally not a fan of the Republican Party. So honestly I'm not going to like any of them. But, I'm worried about this. To me we have unqualified people running for the spot of president. And Ben Carson is a fine example. How are you going to run a country and can't run a smile campaign party. To me this shows lack of leadership and responsibility. I for one would not dare vote for this man. Now ask yourself, do you want this man running your country?

  27. Source:
    Article Title: Donald Trump Releases Medical Report Calling His Health 'Extraordinary'
    Article Date:12/17/15
    Who: Donald Trump
    When: the letter was created on Dec 4 but wasn't released until Monday.
    What happened: Trump convinced his doctor to write a letter saying that if elected, he would be the health individual ever elected into presidency.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because he decided to release the letter after his penchant for fatty-foods were criticized.
    Reaction I am not surprised that he had promised to his Twitter fan base that he would give a "full medical report" for his health to serve as president because he already had a letter stating that he was in perfect health.
    Opinion I think he paid his doctor to construe a bull-crap letter saying he is in top shape. Trump is obviously unhealthy everywhere but his pockets.
    Connection I chose this article because fraudulent people annoy me. Also it shows how people can get away with anything with the right amount of money. Even if they obviously contradict what they try to portray.

  28. Source:
    Article Title: Donald Trump Releases Medical Report Calling His Health 'Extraordinary'
    Article Date:12/17/15
    Who: Donald Trump
    Where: to the public
    When: the letter was created on Dec 4 but wasn't released until Monday.
    What happened: Trump convinced his doctor to write a letter saying that if elected, he would be the health individual ever elected into presidency.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because he decided to release the letter after his penchant for fatty-foods were criticized.
    Reaction I am not surprised that he had promised to his Twitter fan base that he would give a "full medical report" for his health to serve as president because he already had a letter stating that he was in perfect health.
    Opinion I think he paid his doctor to construe a bull-crap letter saying he is in top shape. Trump is obviously unhealthy everywhere but his pockets.
    Connection I chose this article because fraudulent people annoy me. Also it shows how people can get away with anything with the right amount of money. Even if they obviously contradict what they try to portray.
